Unpacked Melc Science 9

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13 Describe the different types of 1. Define a volcano.
volcanoes and volcanic eruption. 2. Identify the characteristics of a volcano.
3. Identify the classification of volcanoes.
4. Classify volcanoes as active or inactive.
14 Explain what happens when 1. Identify the different materials that come out
volcanoes erupt. from the volcano.
2. Identify the factors affecting the viscosity of
3. Infer what happen when volcanoes erupt.
4. State the relationship of volcanic types to
volcanic eruptions.
15 1. Define geothermal energy.
2. Differentiate geothermal powerplant from
Illustrate how energy from geothermal heat pump.
volcanoes may be tapped for 3. Identify some places in the Philippines that use
human use. geothermal power to generate electricity.
16 1. Define climate.
2. Differentiate between climate and weather.
3. Enumerate the factors affecting the climate of
an area.
4. Describe how latitude and altitude affects
5. Differentiate windward and leeward sides of a
Explain how different factors affect high land.
the climate of an area. 6. Explain how ocean currents affect climate.
17 1. Identify certain climatic phenomena that occur
on a global level.
2. Explain the causes and impacts of these3
Describe certain climatic climatic phenomena that occur on global level.
phenomena that occur on a global 3. Cite ways on how to reduce the effects of these
level. climatic phenomena that occur on global level. 
18 Show which constellations may be 1. Define what is a star.
observed at different 2. Identify the types of stars.
times of the year using models. 3. Describe the characteristics of stars
1. Define constellation.
2. Describe the different patterns of
3. Give the beliefs and practices of
Matigsalug Manobo of Bukidnon in relation
to their agriculture.

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