Holistic Analysis 1 Fundamentals
Holistic Analysis 1 Fundamentals
Holistic Analysis 1 Fundamentals
Cover/Mau Cattaneo
Transcribed/Patricia Balentine
Proofed/Eileen Smith
Layout/Becky Markley
The Illustration Library contains all of the full-sized original course illustrations.
The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Corporation.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO HOLISTIC ANALYSIS FUNDAMENTALS ........................................... xi
Lecture Two.............................................................................................. 21
Variable and Profile ............................................................................................... 21
Variable is an Evolutionary Process ...................................................................... 21
Chart of Variables with 1/3s and 1/4s ................................................................... 23
Transitional Profiles ............................................................................................ 25
The Passive Strategic Has a Huge Hole ................................................................. 26
All Transitional Profiles Have the 6th Color Personality ............................................. 27
Two Approaches to Variable ................................................................................ 27
The Anchor ....................................................................................................... 28
Four Distinct Flavors Relating to the Cognitive Experience ....................................... 28
Connecting to the Larger Theme of Your Quarter ................................................... 29
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Relationship between the Presence and the Mundane ..................................... 149
Neptune: Misinformation and Blind Spots ............................................................ 149
The Blind Spot Becomes the Limitation When Correct ........................................... 150
The Establishment of Mental System .................................................................. 151
No Direct Color Resonance ................................................................................ 152
Misinformation Becomes Disinformation with the Not-Self ..................................... 153
Neptune Plays a Distorting Role in the Personality ................................................ 154
Neptune: What Needs to be Learned .................................................................. 154
6th Color View: Personal .................................................................................... 155
Venus: How We Relate to the Other ................................................................... 156
The Perspective Lays the Foundation for Conceptualizing ...................................... 157
There is No Good or Bad ................................................................................... 158
Outer Authority ................................................................................................ 159
He Cannot Bring Mundane Rulership to This Plane ................................................ 159
His Potential Power is about What Could or Might Be ............................................ 161
Life is about Correctness of One‘s Vehicle ........................................................... 162
The Diamond: The Way in Which We See or Not See the Mundane ......................... 162
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Table of Contents
Holistic Analysis is the integration of PHS Primary Health System, Rave Psychology,
Variable, Lunar & Planetary Resonance and Base Orientation knowledge with
traditional chart interpretation. This program was made possible in part by Ra‘s
creation of Maia Mechanics Advanced Imaging, programmed by Asi Farran. MMAI is
the professional tool of Academy graduates. MMAI incorporates and illustrates the
full spectrum of a unique mapping.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition
Hello and welcome to all of you. I guess I‘ve waited 23 years to be able to do this,
and I‘m only going to do it once, this one-year program. I‘m very pleased to see
that it really is an exemplary collection of students. I would imagine a couple
hundred years of Human Design experience, at least, in this group. I‘m glad you‘re
going to be here for the journey.
When I started, I started with the surface because there was nothing else to do. I
started with the surface because I had to learn. The surface, as you all well know, is
really an extraordinary thing. It is deeply, deeply, deeply complex; but, it is still the
surface. When I began to train people, when I began to train what would become
Human Design Analysts, I didn‘t do a great job in the beginning. I dealt with the
The surface is where you change somebody‘s life. The surface is where you find that
crack that leads to the crashing down of the veil. It is the beauty of what it is to be
a Human Design analyst. That is, a Human Design analyst on an aura-to-aura basis
is a key to opening up all the possibilities along their fractal line. It is a beautiful
work. But it is a work that is a work on the surface.
From the moment I introduced the knowledge, from the moment I began teaching
the basic BodyGraph, it was always clear to me that there is a binary to that. That
is, there‘s another side to the story, the profound side, the truly incredibly deep side
that is a byproduct of what this knowledge is all about. It is a science. And there is
an extraordinary level of information that‘s available.
All of the information that was there wasn‘t information that could be utilized or
concretized in terms of the way in which the surface works. The surface has its own
rules. It is about delivering the recognition of the relationship between openness
and the possibility of Strategy and Authority. I can remember the first time I
introduced the substructure of the line. It was in Ilse Sendler‘s mill in Austria. It
was the first time; I don‘t know when that was. I think it was ‘94 or ‘95, one or the
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And yet, it was the beginning of my journey of needing to flesh out completely the
potential that was there in the mechanics, the obvious potential that was there in the
mechanics. I can remember when I taught the substructure the second time, which
was in America in Sedona, Arizona. I think it was someplace called the Lizard
Lounge, of all names. [Chiara typed in Lizard “Head”]. Again, I tried to find keys to
sort of make it seem relevant to everyone. But I realized that there was no way that
that was going to work; just no way.
It set me on the track that would lead to Primary Health System and Rave
Psychology, the programs I introduced four years ago. I‘ve always been limited by
my students. One of the fascinating things about introducing knowledge is that you
have to wait for your students to mature. It takes time. It‘s taken a long time.
Many of you were there with me from the beginning. It takes a really long time.
When I began those two programs is when I began thinking about the need for a
new graph. That is, a need for a graph that was going to be able to express with
visual succinctness all of the possibilities that are there that could be synthesized not
as an analysis tool, as much as the tool of revelation. At heart I‘m a mystic. I find
the ability to be able to take an AI graph in visually now and to feel the layers of
data that are available, it defies grasping.
I guess with my collection of 1st lines in my design I‘m still easily in awe of things. It
is still a wonder for me the magic of the logic of all of this, to work with somebody,
to delve into their design and to feel the deep, deep resonance in relief in a being.
It‘s been a remarkable thing to experience over all these years. I still have that
experience every once in awhile when I open up a Rave I‘Ching, I look at a line for
something; I forget often they came out of me. I‘m just so overwhelmed by what‘s
actually there, and how amazing it is that it‘s actually there.
When I began Design, everything for me was crystallized; that is, my ability to be
able to teach and transfer the surface was crystallized with the introduction of Type.
It took me years to be able to understand what I had been told that there were four
auric forms. And to be able to see how those that were interested in what I could
offer them were always looking for the same answer to the same question: What can
I do?
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
When I say you don‘t get at it at all, everything about the nature of the homogenized
world and homogenized humanity is that they operate out of a conditioned mental
system. If you‘re operating out of a conditioned mental system it really doesn‘t
matter whether there is a Variable or a Type in relationship to the way in which
you‘re going to operate in your life.
After all, everything about this knowledge is about something that is really sacred.
That is, the magic of uniqueness. There is no grander theme that has ever been
presented to human beings than the theme of their own perfection; not adulation,
not subservience, not any of these things, but the perfection of their own potential,
the perfection of their own nature.
It‘s the thing that‘s so magical about Design and this knowledge is that this is what it
does. It provides these incredible keys for awakening that uniqueness within us. We
all know that the story is rooted in Type, Strategy, Authority. But it‘s not enough.
It‘s not enough in the sense that we are not simply here to serve the form. We are
not; I am not. I‘ve spent 23 years of my life teaching form principle with the
assumption that that is the be-all and the end-all in my process. It is not. It is the
raison d‘être. It is the reason why.
That reason is that only through the correctness of the form do you have a chance
for the real reward. It has to do with our Personality. It has to do with your
Personality Crystal, this unique instrument of filtering that is in essence eternal. It is
about the connection that we can have in these forms with the potential of what I
refer to as passenger consciousness. This is what it‘s about.
Type is about the mundane life. And when I say the mundane life, do not
misunderstand me. The mundane life is not a negative. I live deeply in the
mundane experience, the everyday experience, the normal average experience that
human beings have relative to their place and their culture. This is the domain of
Type. This is where the form principle works. The form principle works on the
ground through the Pentas and the Was. This is where you live. This is where your
life is.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It is only when you embrace your Type and its Strategy and Authority that you can
have what is normal for a nine-centered being. That is, your true mundane
experience. Think about that life, because you don‘t get to Variable until you accept
it fully for what it is—entertainment, not distraction, not disturbance, not delusion,
but entertainment.
Type is here to lead the being to accept their life. And a life that is not static, after
all, a life that is going to mutate, a life that is going to be transformed through its
ability to navigate. But it is still a limitation. We are all limited. It is the acceptance
of that limitation, it is the acceptance of the form that you have and the life it can
give you. It is only then that you can rise above it, or beyond it. It is only then it is
the entertainment, it is the drama. And when I say ―entertainment‖ please
understand it can be sad, it can be happy, it can horrendous, it can be phenomenal,
but it‘s all entertainment. It is life.
This is just playing on the plane. But we are here for more than that. All that does
is give us the security and the grounding to be able to function. The security and
grounding that eliminates the dilemma of fear-driven strategic orientations. Ah, the
stuff people do with the dilemmas of their life movie. That it‘s not entertainment, it‘s
interactive for them, always trying to push the river, always trying to adjust the
Holistic analysis is not for the mundane plane. Holistic analysis is for specific Design
professionals; practitioners, psychologists, to be able to work at a deep, deep level
and yet, at the same time be able to keep it simple. Those of you that have been
through these complex programs and all of the materials, you know yourself there
are layers and layers and layers and layers; there‘s all this stuff that is there. And
yet, elements are available, one by one, but how do you see them?
Type stood alone for so long. For me, Type standing alone is like the fetus without
the Personality Crystal, the form principle. The ability to find that unique Buddha
stage, that perfection of form, that perfection of form that becomes so profound
when one embraces one‘s dietary regimen, when one embraces one‘s environmental
potential, how incredible these forms really are. And how far away who we think we
are is from that. How little we have to do with it.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
It is only when the evolutionary process and the form mechanism are bound
together that the holistic being is revealed. It is what our journey is going to be all
about, this journey of beginning with Variable and Type. And beginning to see the
way in which the program controls all of this.
All right, let‘s think about this for a moment. Let‘s think about the nature of Type for
a moment. If you look at the Type construct, you see very clearly that Type is
dominated by reactivity—the Generator response, the Projector waits for the
invitation, the Reflector waits for the cycle of the Moon. It is rooted in reactivity.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Think about this Generator. Think about the difference of what it‘s going to be like
to look at somebody who is a Generator on the Left side as opposed to a Generator
on the Right side. Now, if you‘re not-self, it doesn‘t make any difference. But it will
make a difference, if you‘re correct, and it is going to impact the way in which you
operate. It is going to be a lot easier for a Right-oriented Generator to embrace
their generative nature; a lot easier. It doesn‘t mean it is going to be not possible or
impossible, all of those things, if it is from the other side.
Now look, and my thanks to Adrian, as always, for his statistical materials. What
you‘re looking at here are Manifesting Generators and here Generators, so I‘ve put
the two together. What you‘re looking at [see next page] is the birth of Manifesting
Generators, that is, from 1781 until 2027, which is over here, and the same thing on
the other side, 1781 to 2027. What you‘re looking at along the bottom is you can
see all of the Variables that are listed, you see the percentage running up the side
here and you can see something rather extraordinary, if you haven‘t seen it already;
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
An Evolutionary Line
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
This crossing of the barrier is an amazing thing. Sitting in the auras of all of these
various groups, the moment that you get to this barrier you really get to a very
significant place. There is
a true difference between
the Left-dominated side
and the Right-dominated
side. And this is the way
things are going.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
secondary to the evolutionary movement and that movement moving to the all
Right. Being so Left it isn‘t all right with me, but nonetheless, it is the way that it
goes, isn‘t it?
So what you get to see is the way in which the program is establishing the power of
this movement. After all, when you‘re looking at it, what you get to see is that those
areas that are not geometrically according to the magic square, these eight Variables
that are not in that line, they are all subject to much, much lower birth rates; all of
them. I love symmetry. When I first looked at these, this was the thing that was so
deeply impressive to me. Oh yeah, there are nuances and variance, and I‘m not
giving you the exact numbers. I have data for that. It‘s just the visual, just to grasp
what that means.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Cognitive Pointers
One of the most extraordinary things for me in my own experience in Ibiza was how
different each Variable was, how different they were from each other, clearly
different, frequency different, the whole thing. And to grasp that it‘s only through
this that we begin to see yes, this is your Type, this is the way in which you
navigate; but, who is this navigator? Because Variable takes us to something that‘s
very, very simple; it takes us to Tone. It‘s all about Tone. This is what it is. It‘s
about cognition. When you look at those arrows, you‘re looking at cognitive
Everything about being able to see how somebody‘s individual strategy can be honed
to a specific cognitive potential is what we are about. What we‘re going to be able to
do in this process is that we‘re going to be able to break it down. We are, as we
progress, going to look at a lot of examples so that you can really see how easy it is
once you get the basic properties, how you‘re going to see everything about that
being differently, certainly differently from the way that you can see them from the
That isn‘t to say that‘s not all there. It is in the continuity. But everything about
Variable is that Variable will align you specifically to the cognitive experience that
exactly matches your particular Type, Profile, all of that stuff that has to do with your
design, your definitions, all of those things. Because without the cognition, without
the awareness, what‘s the point? This is the whole thing.
It‘s what I look at in the world of Type. I say yes, yes, good, it makes people‘s lives
easier. That‘s what the mundane plane is about. If your life gets easy, you have a
chance to ponder. The easier your life, the less stress you have mentally about the
nature of your life, the more there is this possibility that you‘re going to be able to
look beyond.
But that‘s not what this work is about. This work is for those that want to be there,
that are already working at it. And simply need the refinement that this kind of
holistic direction can bring, because it brings extraordinary insights because it brings
insights that have to do with the way in which you cognitively experience your
existence. It is everything, after all. You are what you think. You make up the
world; you make up your life. You live it all out in your mind. Without that, there is
nothing. There is no maia. There is no movie.
The refinement of this instrument is everything. The mind both blinds and reveals.
The Personality is something that is deeply incompetent. And here we are with all of
this promise, incredible promise, this fantastic promise of cognition and awareness.
And you can see, you look at the world around you, you can see right away this is
something nobody has easy access to out there. The homogenized world is a
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
Now, I‘m a Left side Manifestor, and I‘m deeply strategic and it feels wonderful to be
over here. And again, you have to see how difficult it is going to be to be not-self
and to be a
Manifestor and to be
dominated by Right-
ness. When I first
started I used to
make a joke about
Manifestors when–
ever I introduced the
topic and say that
very few Manifestors
show up for
readings, and so
forth and so on.
Manifestors aren‘t
interested in who
they are. It‘s not
their thing.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But I imagine that a Right Manifestor is probably the most open of Manifestors to the
possibility that somebody can be of assistance to them. Again, it‘s something to
grasp about the Left-ness and the Right-ness in relationship to Type where it seems
to give advantages and disadvantages. The tendency is to assume that one is good
and one isn‘t—my comment about enjoying my Left-ness. It‘s good for me because
I‘m correct. It isn‘t necessarily good for somebody who isn‘t. And Left-ness, after
all, is something that‘s beginning to really be challenged.
A fascinating thing I saw, I think last week in the International Herald Tribune, was
some article about how important Right-ness is becoming—one of these right-brain
articles. It‘s a big thing now. There are all kinds of people talking about how this is
the way and this is changing everything. There is a challenge that is emerging, a
natural challenge that is emerging. Human Design in its own way brings a deep
challenge to historically dominant Left-ness in our relationship to the past seven-
centered being.
There is very much an equation that has to be taken into consideration and one that
we‘re going to see when we break it down to the individual, because the thing that‘s
so interesting about all this is that it‘s not about Variable as a theoretical construct,
it‘s about the way in which you use Variable within somebody‘s unique design; in
other words, their specific Variable.
If you take a look at a Manifestor and you look at their Variable and you see that
they are going to be on the Left side, that Manifestor, if you can get to them because
it‘s going to be more difficult, will be very, very susceptible to strategic theory. On
the other side, the receptive Manifestor needs to be dealt with in a totally different
way, even though they are going to be much more open to the possibility that
somebody can help them, there is going to be a distinct difference in the way in
which they operate according to whatever the Variable happens to be, because the
Variable changes basics in the way in which we operate. It just changes that.
One of the things we have to deal with is that ultimately what we‘re looking at is
story line. That is, we‘re looking at the nodal configuration. Because what we‘re
going to see is that by being able to grasp the story line we‘re going to be able to put
into context the way in which that Type needs to operate in an environment that is
going to lead it to the correct perspective. And yet, each Type, given wherever it is
in terms of Variable, is also going to have the ―this and that‖ of potentials dependent
on the Variable itself and the way the Variable operates.
Again, even though we‘re looking at Manifestor and no longer looking at the
Generator context, you can see again, it‘s the same story [see the image on the next
page.] Think about this symmetry. These are millions of charts that are calculated
here. Think about it. It‘s really incredible to look at just to understand what‘s been
going on. Remember, these are graphings from 1781 to 2027. It really shows you
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
what‘s been going on. It really shows you this enormous movement to the Right,
this whole trajectory and its movement.
Transitional Profiles
And at the same time, it limits the power of what is not directly involved. But there‘s
something else. When I first saw this I immediately thought about what Profile looks
like. If you go to the global survey and you take a look at Profile you‘ll see that all of
the main Profiles are approximately at the same level and they‘re all very high up
and you see the transitional Profiles and they‘re all basically the same level and
they‘re low down. In other words, you see this very distinct breakdown between the
The thing about transitional Profiles, and that‘s going to be fascinating when we get
to Variable and Profile because then you really begin to see there are certain
Variables that don‘t have certain Profiles. There are certainly things that aren‘t
there, you really being to see distinctions. The thing to grasp here is the same thing
to understand about the transitional Profile. It is the great bridging key. It‘s
revealed through its 6th Color Personality. All transitional Profiles with the same kind
of message intended to have the same motivation to be able to move to the next
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
horizon, to be able to act as a bridge, to be the continuity that holds the whole chain
of Profile together.
For me it‘s clear that these zones that are not directly involved that you see here
[circled upper right and lower left quadrants], that they are instruments for
integrating the consciousness field. You can see that most clearly in this area here
[center 2 Variables in green and blue PRL/DLR and PLR/DRL]. This is a very, very
complex area and the same here, where these zones meet. This one [PLR/DLR and
PRL/DRL] is easier than this one [PRL/DLR and PLR/DRL].
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
But again, it is something really to grasp about not jumping to conclusions about
what‘s important, what‘s better, all of these various things, because clearly you‘ll see
as we move along everyone of these aspects have a role to play in the overall
consciousness field. It‘s almost like these [upper left quadrant and lower right
quadrant] are active participants in the evolutionary process and these [white circled
areas] are the, how shall I
put this, the editors, the
critics, the adjusters, the
commenters, the ones that
are free of this drive that is
here, yet at the same time,
being able to see that
because they‘re not
specifically a part of it.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Projector aura is a deeply penetrating aura. And the Projector came into the
world to guide us and to be our guides in a world that will be Right. So, it‘s obvious
to begin with that Projectors that are going to be in the evolutionary track and
Projectors that are going to be on the Right are projectors that are going to be, when
they are correct, a fluidity to their ability to absorb.
But you also see that this zone here is going to be more difficult for a Projector, the
Left-ness of it, on the Left side with the Left elements. And what you‘re going to see
is that the Left elements can be very, very confusing to the Projector that is here to
wait for the invitation, to be the guide through reaction, all of it requiring the higher
levels of what Right-ness can offer, so there is going to be advantages for Projectors
here and there are going to be challenge for Projectors here.
When I say challenge, challenge can be enormously rewarding. Again, don‘t put
some kind of judgmental factor on this. The one thing I‘ve learned through all of
these years is that there is no such thing as good or bad designs, or any nuance. It
just isn‘t the case. It is just simply the matter of eliminating the ignorance to
discover in wisdom what really is there in order to understand its potential, because
all human beings given all of these potential configurations, all have something
unique to contribute out of that.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
Again, what we‘re going to be able to see is that in the not-self Projector who comes
out of this particular zone, it‘s going to be much more difficult for them to be caught
on somebody‘s fractal where
they can be helped. That‘s
where the difference is. None
of these differences ever matter
if you‘re correct—if you‘re
operating according to Strategy
and Authority because that is
the great neutralizer of the
potential of any aspect being
inherently negative.
Now, we‘re going to look at designs in a very different way. My interest to begin
with is to be able to take this combination of Variable and Type and to bring those
elements and the holistic values first and foremost to story line, because this is the
life. This is what we are all about. The moment you get into aspects like that, story
line aspects, you begin to see certain things.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
When I say ―they,‖ I‘m not talking about specifics, I‘m just saying meeting with
these other forces that are going to be on those story lines. So, be very careful
about this: okay, I‘ve got this or I‘ve got that and it means this or that; wait and
see. We‘ll get to all of it.
Then we come to Reflector and again, isn‘t it wonderful no matter where you look,
this is the evolutionary story. The evolutionary story says this is the way we‘re
going to go, this is what we‘re producing, so there are so many more of them in the
world. And it also
means that the
deepest Right-ness,
there are so many
more of them in the
world. This is where
we‘re all going
towards. This is all
this pressure moving
us deeper and deeper
and deeper and
deeper towards
The Reflector is
unusual. And one of
the things that you‘re
going to see in
Holistic Analysis is
that I will offer an
entirely revolutionary way to look at the nature of the Reflector. When I say an
entirely revolutionary way, because we are bringing in cognition, we are bringing in
the awareness process; the Reflector has a unique ally. And it is a unique ally that is
instrumental in holistic analysis. That ally is the Moon. The Moon is in the magic
square of the AI chart. That is, the magic square, the Lunar and Planetary Square.
It is the Lunar and Planetary Square that is, what you will discover throughout this
program, the most fantastic thing that holistic analysis brings, because truly it brings
the being, it brings their story, it brings their life, it brings all kinds of things. It is
what we experience. It is how we experience it. The very experience of existence is
what we resonate to in the Lunar and Planetary Square. And the controlling agent of
the experiential life is the Moon. And as we well know, Reflectors have a very unique
and a very special relationship to the Moon.
Analysis of a Reflector begins with the relationship of their Moons to what is their
story line. As you will see when we get there, it allows you to understand something
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Lecture One
Holistic Juxtaposition: Variable & Type I
in the same scale that we can see in any other Type, to understand the deep
awareness process of the Reflector, to be able to see what is really going on as the
Reflector goes through its 28 or 29 day process.
But here in the context that we are looking it is obvious. The Reflector is waiting for
something. But the Reflector is not caught as much in this construct of the Right-
ness and the Left-ness, not
in the same way that
Projector and Generator are.
Oh yes, they‘re waiting for
something, but what they‘re
waiting for is the
accumulation of experience
expressed through the
planetary square to the
Moon. That‘s what they‘re
waiting for.
So there is obviously a real difference in the way in which you are going to look at
the Reflector in relationship to its Variable. Now, the Variable is valuable. That is,
the Variable is going to allow you to be able to understand the way in which they
need to operate in the world in terms of what is healthy for them, what is viable for
them, and the way in which they‘re going to process that. Variable can do that.
Variable can point to the dilemmas of the Left or Right mind, and so forth and so on,
and all these things.
But it will not carry the same weight—you will see this as we progress—that is, the
Variable itself, as it does with the Projector or Generator or even the Manifestor. It
is quite different. The Manifestor specifically is hung up on the Left. But when we‘re
dealing with the Reflector, the Reflector isn‘t hung up on any of this.
I gave a lecture a couple of years ago at the Ibiza Event in dealing with signature
and dealing with the Reflector signature, always trying to see that thing that sticks
out, that thing that doesn‘t fit, that thing that‘s not in the right place, that thing that
could be different, that thing that is different when everything else isn‘t, all of these
various gifts that are inherent in the Reflector.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
They are the great samplers of Variable. That is, they take it all in because for them
it is not the point. It is the flow of things and they are watchers of the flow. What
determines them is their experiential path, and we‘ll see how that relates to them
when we look holistically at the impact of the Moon on Reflectors.
We are so deeply fortunate to have the knowledge base that we have. My goal has
always been the same from the moment that the knowledge was given to me. My
goal has been to show people mechanically how to bring themselves to awareness.
It‘s the great promise of Human Design. Me with my defined Ego, I stand by my
For me, this is the great promise, the great beauty, so that we can truly be able to
touch what is something that is so far beyond the flesh and the dust of this plane,
the magic of our consciousness, the magic of these crystals, our ability to experience
as close as possible the pure filtering of our crystals of consciousness. It‘s what this
knowledge is for, to be able to guide beings. And to be able to guide them deeper
and deeper and deeper so that they can ultimately have this joy of what it is to see,
truly to see.
What I‘m going to show you is that with the knowledge base that you have, with the
techniques that I will introduce for you, you‘ll see that you‘re going to be able to
pinpoint these places, that you‘re going to be able to work with these beings,
because after all, this is not about catalysation. Holistic analysis is the analysis of
transformation. It‘s about transformation. It‘s about seeing how transformation can
take place. It‘s about guiding human beings to that transformation.
And as a by-product of that, it‘s about having the capacity, each and every one of
you, to see the other in a way that has never, ever, truly ever been possible, to see
the complete being. So, it‘s going to be quite a journey. I‘m glad to see that you‘re
all here with me. We shall continue.
All of you take care. Until next time, bye for now.
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Lecture Two
Variable and Profile
Hello to all of you. I‘ve had a lot of interesting moments in my career. It‘s 23 years
now I‘ve had this incredible ride where every once in awhile I can reveal something
that is really just incredible to be able to see. It‘s just about the seeing. At least it
is just about the seeing for me.
I guess it started when I was a child. My father was a bibliophile and I got bored
with fiction very early and became very attached to history. It stayed with me all my
life, this fascination with the flow and evolution of civilizations. And when I had my
experience, one of the things that touched me so deeply intellectually was that the
one thing in my life that I was always so deeply curious about I could actually see
and I could see in a way that aligned me with something that is so remarkable. That
is, the evolutionary mutative potential of the plane that we live on. And that this
mutation in and of itself is like everything else is a kind of choiceless wonder.
I'm fascinated by the place that I've come to. It's this place of Variable and Profile.
There are many ways to see what I will reveal to you. But the primary way for me is
that in my work over the last five or six years there's always been something that
has been an underlying theme for me. How does the evolutionary mechanism really
work? I‘ve looked at it from all kinds of perspectives, and the most profound
perspective is coming from my work with the 16 Faces of the Godhead and the
cosmological work, particularly the work that I did with stars, to try to find a way to
grasp the mechanism that‘s at work.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But, looking at this from an evolutionary perspective, we're not really looking at this
Right/Right/Right being about us. We're looking at this quadruple Right being about
the Rave. And the Rave is not us. Everything about this evolutionary momentum
that was initiated in 1781 with the advent of the nine-centered being, everything
about this is burning through us to get to something else. And the something else
isn‘t us.
When I was doing my work in Rave Cosmology, nothing struck me as more difficult
to teach than the semester I spent talking about the Rave and the conscious Penta.
And what this mutation of the Solar Plexus is really intended to lead towards. It's
not something that I'm ever going to be. It's not something that my children are. It
is not about the Homo sapiens in Transitus. And we are going to be here to the end.
It‘s not like we are going to disappear.
My concern, my deep concern has been from the moment of this recognition is for
the well-being of us because we are not going to have the program supporting us.
In the same way that none of us alive today who are here in this class are equipped
to deal with the next cycle. That is, we are not designed to integrate into the next
cycle. Oh yeah, we‘ll live into it; many of us will. But we‘re not born to it.
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
And that cycle is a cycle that begins at the close of the Pluto interregnum. Oh, what
Pluto is doing, moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath, day-by-day. Every once in a
while look at the transit and just look at Pluto and Neptune and Uranus and look at
what they are doing. And particularly Pluto; this is Pluto‘s interregnum. Pluto is in
the 10th gate. The 10th gate for us is about the archetype of survival. And yet, Pluto
is changing the way the behavioral mechanism is going to work. That is not to our
What I began to show you last week in looking at the relationship between Variable
and that relationship to Type is that you immediately get to see that there is an
evolutionary pattern that is
opposed to the dominance of
these two zones in the
Variable grouping. It‘s only
interested in this and this
[circled]. And it isn't to say
that there aren't elements
we've already seen and
you've seen it statistically in
the numbers, that there is a
vast number of these beings
who occupy these zones.
But they're not the point.
And what I mean by that is
that they're not the point in
terms of what evolution is
looking for, what evolution is
pointed at, what the
mechanism is moving us towards. That mechanism is constantly just focused on this
process. And it‘s built into everything.
Now, this next illustration—when those of you who are second-year or beyond, PHS
or Rave Psychology students, during your chain semesters one of the things you got
as a download was Andrea's work in laying out the chains of the 1080 possibilities
that take place in a gate. A wonderful piece of work, and gives you the ability to be
able to see the chain movement. In the ability to see the chain movement doesn't
mean you really see. It‘s so interesting the way in which information works. I'm
very fortunate in having talented colleagues.
I‘m going to show you, to begin with, this illustration [see the next page]. I consider
this to be one of the most extraordinary things that I have seen yet in Design, and
seeing graphically in a way that I so appreciate because I do love the graphic
presentation. There‘s something really amazing here. What you're looking at is that
you're looking at the relationship of Variable with 1/3s and 1/4s. Now, obviously
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
we‘re talking about the fundamental, the foundation Profile over here in the 1/3 and
the transitional Profile over here in the 1/4.
By the way, the statistics in terms of all the other Profiles in terms of the relationship
between the foundation and the relationship with the changing Profile, the
transitional Profile, that the statistics are fundamentally the same. I'm just going to
show you here one illustration because one illustration really tells the story.
Alright, now what you're looking at is over a period of time, 1781 to 2027, the entire
Pluto interregnum. You're looking at incarnations, and incarnations per Variable, and
all the incarnations of 1/3s, all the 1/3s who incarnated between 1781 and 2027, all
of those 1/3s broken down into the 16 Variables. And of course, my thanks to
Adrian for his continuing work in laying out these statistics.
What we get to see in Variable is what we got to see—that is, with the foundation
Profile with the 1/3 and this is going to apply to the 2/4 and the 3/5, to the 4/6 and
the 5/1 and the 6/2—in all of these variations what we‘re going to see in them is
what we saw in Type. In other words, the tendency of the program to point towards
those zones that we were just looking at, so if you‘re looking at these lower zones
here, and again, if you go back in your memory to the Type illustrations you'll notice
that where in the Type illustrations these were really fixed and very equal to each
other, this area here [see next page], here you can see that there are certain
variations that are taking place. There are certain differences.
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
Transitional Profiles
As I mentioned to you going back to the second-year program, I guess three years
ago now, and I will include it, by the way, as a download today after this class for
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Again, on the other side over here, you're seeing the Personality construct. What
you get to see in that is that the passive strategic, you get to see that very clearly, is
this huge hole. Think; if you
have a transitional Profile, any
of you here in this class that
has a transitional Profile, this
has nothing to do with you,
nothing whatsoever. And it
says something about the
nature of the transitional Profile
is that to begin with it is the
instrument of evolution.
When you look statistically at the Profiles, when you see the dominance, the 12 to
14% that are the foundation Profiles and the 2, the 3 to 4% that is down there for
the transitional Profiles, it is so obvious from the population point of view that you‘re
really dealing with minorities when you're dealing with these transitional qualities.
And yet, when you're looking at them the thing that makes all of this work, and
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
again it's probably the greatest mystery there is in Human Design, is the 88°. It‘s
the thing that makes all of this work.
If it weren‘t for the 88° of separation between the calculations, none of this would
exist. There would be no life. And it is through this shifting through the 88°
between the Personality and the Design that we get this extraordinary thing. We get
these transitional Profiles, that 1/4 that sits there between the 1/3 and the 2/4.
Now, there‘s also something else that we discussed in the college programs in the
second and third year is the fact that the moment that you're dealing with a
transitional Profile you already know that they have a 6th Color Personality. All
transitional Profiles have the same 6th Color Personality.
I‘ve often talked about the fact that through transference the reality is that the way
in which the Profile chain is held together is that it's driven by desire rather than
innocence. And being driven by desire rather than innocence, there is this vast
headlong folly that has overwhelmed humanity. What I got to see here more than
anything else is the significance of those beings that are carrying the transitional
Profile. And it also says something about what is this.
Let me go back for a minute. Now think about this zone. Remember that there are
two approaches to Variable, like everything. One approach is deeply, deeply, deeply
personal and it's in essence the only true value for us at the mundane level. In other
words, for example, those
of you that were able to
participate in Ibiza in your
Variable workshop, to
understand the value of
what it is to be able to
deconstruct these four
elements and to be able to
see how you can relax into
what is your cognitive
design, because what you
see in your Variable is your
cognitive design.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
level. But at the evolutionary level it makes a very profound statement, and it says
something about the beings that are here within this zone. It‘s something that I
understood about the nature of the world. It‘s Solomon‘s world. It‘s what I've
learned from the collective as an individual. Everything has to be here. Everything
has to be present.
The Anchor
If you travel in the world you will see that there are Stone Age people. There are all
of these various levels that have always existed through our entire histories. It gives
us a continuity, a deep continuity, an almost mystical continuity to the past. Without
it there is no anchor. What we‘re looking at here in this lower quadrant is an anchor.
Not so much an anchor that in hip terms you would call retro, but an anchor that has
access cognitively to themes that have been present for a very long time, because
there is a headlong rush that is bypassing all of that.
It also says something very interesting about this side. Where this over here is so
intrinsically connected with what's being passed by, being able to hold onto the path,
here mythology will live. Here
new mythologies will be born
that may or may not have any
value, but here is the train,
irrevocably moving to this,
irrevocably. It‘s so different
from what you see on the other
But it's something to see that just as we are able to look at the wheel and break the
wheel up into its four parts [see next page] and to see that each of those four parts
has a larger value, a value that comes in handy, that what we see here is that in
these units we have the same thing. We have four very distinct flavors and four
very distinct flavors as they relate to the cognitive experience. It also says
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
something else. Inherent in everyone's storyline is what's going to turn you on and
what's going to pull you, what
you're going to see, what's going to
be there for you to experience on
this plane. And depending on what
zone you come from, there is
something very special for you in
that process.
Now, the program is in this movie. And these larger themes, you don't really
connect to the larger theme of your quarter until you're really beginning to see the
world differently, because you're beginning to fall into what is correct for you. If you
come from Duality and Duality is not the grist of your movie, something's happening
that isn‘t good for you. And those larger themes allow us in terms of holistic analysis
to be able to create larger and larger frameworks in order to be able to hone that all
down into a very precise and detailed Profile.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
One of the things that I find so fascinating is this unit here [image above, PLR/DRR
with black border]; just here. It's so Right. And it gives you an enormous clue,
because the Right-ness that is inherent in this [lower left quadrant] is connected to a
Right-ness of the past; Neanderthal Right-ness. It's connected to a totally different
kind of receptivity. It‘s still the nine-centered being. But the way in which it relates,
the way in which all of this operates, think about it. If the program is so deeply
oriented in the Right, how is it that these Right/Rights here [PLR/DRR and PLL/DRR],
they're not in the movie. They're not part of the transition. They‘re not welcome.
They‘re holding onto something.
I found out something wonderful by going through all of this, this zone here. Think
about what we are. We‘re morphous. You must know that by now. We have a
waking aura, we have a sleeping aura, we have a partnership aura, we have a Penta
aura, and we have a Wa aura. We‘re morphous. And we like to refer to ourselves—I
do, I teach you that—that we are nine-centered beings. But if I was really being
precise I would say we are nine-centered awake beings. In the waking state we are
nine-centered beings. But when we lie down to go to sleep, when we enter into the
dream realm, we are no longer nine-centered at all. We are five-centered, like our
Neanderthals of the past.
Those of you that have been fortunate enough to have a Dream Rave education, you
know that in Dream Rave there is something called persona. And persona is an
element of your Personality that lives as a dominant force in your dream life. This
persona has a deep connection to what is your historical biological past, deep
connection. And one of the most fascinating things for me about this particular zone
is that it's so obvious to me that these are the ones in which the dream state and the
potential of information from the dream state is going to be more profound than in
any others.
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
assumption would be that they are much higher than they would be in others.
One of the most beautiful things about mechanics is that the moment it shows you
one thing, it's got to show you something else. The moment that you see this
incredible image—for me it's an incredible image [full sized image on page 212]. I
look at this thing. I sat there dumbfounded because you just look at it and you look
at it. I knew it was there, by the way. I had already seen the statistics. The
database that Andrea had laid out, obviously there were anomalies immediately that
were visible.
But to see it like this is like whoa, this is the program deeply at work and all of the
burden of this, and I never saw it this way, all of the burden is on the transitional.
My assumption about the transitional has always been that it is so distorted by its
desire motivation that I could never really see what it was doing. Here you can see
what it's doing. This is the instrument that through each connection of each
foundation Profile between that 1/3 and that 2/4 is an instrument that‘s here
constantly to point them away from the past and deeply towards the future.
They are the guardians of our evolutionary process. They are the ones who are
carrying it. And of course, it‘s not about thinking about that in individual terms.
Yes, obviously we can extrapolate all kinds of very interesting things from this, but
first to see it in its larger context, to see how amazing this is, and then to see the
other side. When we look at Type, Type says everything is to the advantage of
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
So, the cognitive potential of any being in terms of the goal of Human Design, which
is the liberation from the constraints of form in order to express your outer authority,
we know where this outer authority is
going to lead. And it will not be connected
with this at all. There‘s a streaming down
that's taking place, a refinement that‘s
taking place.
What we're going to see is that we have two strains here. Now, I want you to think
about that for a moment. We have two strains. One is human, one is Rave. One of
the things to grasp is that Rave children who are going to come into the world are
going to be produced by parents who are
here [upper left & lower right quadrants].
It is the only way that it's going to work.
It is the only way that these Rave children
are going to emerge.
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
But, this whole process that we are going to go through over this year together, this
is a very, very deep thing. It is Solomon‘s key. It is the way to be able to see
clearly the being. And it means that all of these levels are something that need to
be articulated because in the fulfillment of your process is access to this. It‘s access
to whatever your unique authority is in one of what in fact is basically four ways of
life. We're looking at four ways of life, and for ways of life that only emerge when
you get to this level, because it‘s so deeply connected with all of the elements that
are part of transformation—dietary regimen, environment, perspective.
It is one of the things always to keep in mind about looking at Variable that it is this
huge thing out there. It‘s the giant picture, if you will. And like those larger
pictures, your incarnation cross as an
example, your Profile, whatever, they‘re
generics aren't they. It is the dif–
ferentiation; it is the refinement that‘s the
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
In the original I‘Ching, in the sort of psycho spiritual game that they would play with
the I‘Ching, throwing the coins or whatever, that whole process led to an expression
followed by a mutative change, always change coming. The I‘Ching expresses that
so profoundly in the 36th gate: The only thing that endures is change.
What strikes me the most is how we are actually being left out. I always wondered
how that worked. How does it work? What happened to Neanderthal? It's not like
they were killed off. They weren‘t killed off. They weren‘t. Nobody was there to kill
them off. They were squeezed out [circled] of existence. They weren‘t given any
more juice. They weren‘t given anything. They weren‘t given anything to sustain
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
I think it‘s fascinating that human beings think that they are the cause for
extinctions of so many creatures on the planet. With some kind of convoluted logic
you can get there I'm sure. But there‘s a time for everything. There is a time for
us. And the time is coming to an end. And if the movie would last long enough,
other than what Rave Cosmology predicts, which is another 1300 years
approximately, we would eventually be squeezed out, too.
So, this is what we‘re looking at here. This is getting squeezed down. We‘re being
entirely taken away from all of that. You see, we're not seven-centered beings. I
guess this is the thing that I find so ironic, in a sense. We don't even get to play the
seven-centered game, to rule the plane without any opposition, not to worry about
this and that and all that stuff, and blah, blah, blah. It‘s not who we are. We‘re an
instrument of the program to create something else. It‘s not about us. It's not. The
deeper I go in this, the more I see, and the more obvious it is to me. It is not about
us. It‘s about it; not us.
Human Design is the only thing left, in a sense, for us. It‘s like the suit that the
astronaut or the cosmonaut puts on before they go out into space. We're not the
point. There are no gods that are going to save us. There's no great instrument out
there that is going to hold our collective hand. It‘s why Human Design is here. It
opens up the doorway to the unique experience, deeply, deeply, deeply unique
experience. At the chain of all of this, at the end of all this, mind is not going to be
what we think it's going to be. I got a real shock when I looked at initiation being
the great rising theme as we move towards 2027. You can‘t think of that in terms of
us and our mental trip. It isn't about us anymore.
It's pointed towards a form of cognition that we will not have access to. The gods
are turning their faces away from us, all 16 of them, as Pluto journeys around that
wheel, as it touches every amino acid, as it strokes every codon. We are the
helpless, incompetent medium of creation. We are the creative resource. We are
the mixing pot. We‘re the magical bowl. We‘re the Holy Grail; that‘s us, with the
great chalice of mutative possibility. We are, in terms of the program, even denied—
Christian mythology gives you the suffering for others. The program doesn't even
give a damn about that. It's just driving by like a fast train on a track.
And you get lost if you try to hold onto that. You see how fast the homogenized
world is working. You see how fast it is, how it is speeded up, how it‘s so difficult to
break out of that momentum that's been established in that movement from far Left
to the far Right. Whoa. It cannot be your authority. It cannot. The only salvation
is that you find authority within yourself. You think that there's going to be all of
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
those transitional Profiles that are going to be able to pull this all together so that
there is this real opportunity for those that are us to fulfill ourselves? Don't hold
your breath for the consciousness field to change.
Only 4% of 4% of the totality has any potential for transformation. And that is split
up through the vast diversity of all the things that are there as a byproduct of this
maia and the open Head Center that is ready to look at just about anything. I look
at this and I see the helplessness of the totality. You have to be an idiot to dream of
being a Messiah in this age. It‘s just so obvious you can't, there's no way.
The reality for me is something that I thought about often over all these years. It‘s
about the neutrino; it‘s about the neutrino not coming in. We know a lot about that
now. But it‘s about the neutrino going out. Neutrinos travel at nearly the speed of
light; not quite, but they're very fast. I've been alive 61 years. For 61 years the
neutrinos, the trillions of them that have moved through me, the endless number
that have moved through my crystals of consciousness have been traveling out in
space at over 100,000 km an hour for 61 years.
This is our body. I know there are lots of people that are fascinated with the concept
of aliens and life on other planets and all of that stuff. It‘s one body. It's our body.
We inform it with every breath. Truly we do. We inform it with every breath. All
you can look for in the perfection of your own process is that contribution to
consciousness itself, just the consciousness itself, this vast neutrino ocean, this vast
neutrino ocean of living consciousness.
One last thing today, if you're a transitional Profile, this is something to take in very,
very deeply, to begin to understand something about the nature of your role. You're
here to make it easier for others to live in the future. You‘re here for that. You are
the thing that binds us all to the future. And that works in a mundane sense at a
very limited level in your interrelationships with others as well. It is a very kind of
special instrument.
And obviously, particularly for those of you that come out of Rave Psychology,
transference is the big question here for the transitional Profile. Transference is a
huge thing. There is a vast difference between the desire and innocence motivation.
Innocence is literally an anti-motivation. What binds us together cannot be
subjectivity. What binds us together has to be the purity of correctness and outer
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
is, Type and Profile and now the addition of Variable. Through these elements we
can begin with a larger frame, a frame that will include the quarter, a frame that will
break down to the Face that allows us to have a stage.
Oh yeah, there are a lot of things to learn. There are a lot of things that we will see
in this journey. But, the most important thing to grasp is that evolution is not about
us. It's over. It died in 1781. We are the ghosts of the seven-centered being, and
the midwives of the Rave. It‘s as illusionary as illusion can be. It‘s an incredible
place to be. And as long as you‘re equipped, as long as you know how to operate,
it‘s the best of all possible times. It‘s the moment that you can see evolution at
work so profoundly.
And to find your place in the cognitive process, because this is what we're all about.
No matter what I'm going to take you through in Holistic Analysis, I'm always going
to take you to awareness, to cognition, because this is what it's about. Now as a
transitional Profile you have something to add to that awareness. Now, depending
on where your Profile is, in what zone it is, to begin to grasp a larger context of what
you're here for. Beings long to have purpose, every creature, everything at every
level. For us, the purpose is all cognitive. There is no form purpose. The form
serves the potential of Personality. The correctness of form liberates Personality
Let me stop for a second. I see questions or statements rattling up, so I just want to
catch it.
Ra: That would be very interesting. Again, that is something that if somebody
wants to organize that, obviously it would be fascinating to see that. It's always
interesting to see how our groups break down, what the cognitive chains would be in
all of that; so, yes.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Ra: The thing about that is that it's so difficult to find—you see that in Human
Design, you see that with transitional Profiles that are beginning to operate correctly
in their design; but, in the world as a whole—and again we have to be careful. My
approach today is really just evolutionary. In the evolutionary context you really get
to see the limitation of what it means to have not-self transitional Profile beings.
Ra: Yes and no. I will make a file available so that you can actually see the others.
Statistically there is practically no difference in terms of the relationship between the
two elements. But yes, I can make that available.
Written Question: That comment about the dreamers in the lower left, whizzed by,
are they contributing some consciousness from their dreams?
Ra: Well, in terms of the dreamers, this is something that really caught my attention
only today. It just suddenly dawned on me that it's so obvious. And beyond that, I
haven't given it much thought. What I understand about the nature of persona is
that the persona that we have, which is an element of our Personality, is a
connection to the continuity of experience that our Personality crystal has
experienced life after life. So it's clear me that the persona itself is a representative
of a continuity of Personality in form.
It would strike me, given this configuration, that those beings that are going to be in
that zone, they‘re going to have a very, very powerful persona and a very powerful
connection to the five-centered process, which invariably means the nature of their
dream life. In so many ways, their dream of the past is assuring somehow, but I
don‘t want to get much further into that.
Written Question: Did you say births will take place more just one quarter, so
pregnancy starts seasonally?
Ra: No, I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about those Variables and
those Variables specifically. That it‘s through those Variables, either the upper four,
the lower four in that evolutionary quadrant, those are the ones that bonding within
those Variables can lead to what would be a Rave.
It‘s funny, because I was talking about seasonality yesterday in my teaching because
I was talking about the incarnation Cross of Duality, which is a 20/34 and a 40/37.
It‘s the only incarnation cross that‘s made up of two oppositions that form
definitions. I made the comment that was one of the timing mechanisms of our five-
centered sexual process. When we were five-centered beings we bonded seasonally.
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Lecture Two
Variable & Profile
All of that was changed by the development of the seven-centered mind, which
didn't pay any attention to such things and overwhelmed them. But nonetheless, no,
just to clarify that.
Written Question: Is it always the SAME 4 variables that are absent in the
transitional Profiles?
Ra: Yes, it's always the same. It‘s always the same four Variables. It‘s what‘s so
amazing. Again, I guess the thing that fascinates me the most and you can see that
in the Excel file I‘ll send you. It doesn't matter what Profile you're looking at. It is
just simply missing. It‘s the way the mechanics go between the 88° shift of the
Personality chain to the Design chain.
But again, because it‘s a real nice illustration to close on, this thing just, wow, I look
at it and I look at it and I look at it and I think what an amazing thing, because it is.
It's really an amazing thing. No transitional Profile is going to come from this
Variable zone. I guess that's a story for the ages.
Anyway, I'm glad I could share that with you. It was fun and I do enjoy it. I look
forward to seeing you next week and I'll send you some goodies in the download
package. So, to all of you, until next time, you take care. Bye for now.
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile, Variable
The Joke behind Mr. Leary’s, ‘Tune in, Tune out, and Drop out’
All Right, hello and welcome to all of you. It‘s my pleasure to be here, actually. I
look forward to these classes. Today we‘re going to begin what is the first step in a
long journey, the journey of seeing how all of
the information that's available in Advanced
Imaging, how all that information can be
Here we‘re going to have a journey with a ‗60s icon. For those of you who didn't
take part in those programs, this is the design of Dr. Timothy Leary [see next page].
Tim Leary was trained as a psychologist. I think he taught first at Berkeley and later
at Harvard where he met Richard Alpert who became known as Baba Ram Dass. The
two of them headed up what was then known as the Harvard Psilocybin Project.
Basically, the focus of that was the concept that psychotropics could be of great
value both in terms of dealing with people with deep psychological problems and also
side effects of things like military applications for breaking down prisoners of war.
As a matter of fact, they did tests on prisoners, Leary and Alpert, as part of that
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Obviously, he‘s extremely well-known for something else. That is, for his infatuation
with an ability to popularize lysergic acid diethylamide 25, LSD. He‘s a fascinating
character. And as you can see from the design that here we're looking at somebody
who is a triple-split
definition. So, we
have the Head, Ajna
and then we have the
Throat to the G, then
we have the Sacral
Center bridging on
either side of the
Spleen and the Root,
with the open Ego and
the open emotional
PLL/DRL Variable
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
But my theme right now is about the illustration here. I think that it is one of the
most revolutionary and simple illustrations I‘ve ever worked with. In our
understanding of the way in which Variable operates, we see that we have an
evolutionary movement. And yet, that evolutionary movement, though we have the
natural movement from the all Left above to the all Right below, that in fact, when
you're looking at this, there is a crux here, a crossroad here. This evolutionary
movement is coming here
and it's bridging in two
ways. It's either going
straight ahead, and that's
towards the all-Right future.
And so this is pointed
directly at Rave, or it takes
this turn over here and it's
about human, us, nine-
centered Homo sapiens in
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
actually moving towards the future. And you can sort of see the future just simply
being in this direction.
In other words, they have something to offer to the consciousness field, because
again, when you're looking at Variable, one of the things to keep in mind is that
we're looking at cognition, we're looking at the potential of awareness. I think Leary
is deeply appropriate in this because of the impact he had on the consciousness field.
And he did indeed have impact on the consciousness field.
But let's think about this for a moment. If we're looking at the divide of this into its
four elements, what we get to see fundamentally is that the main thrust of evolution
is here. So, all of this is the main thrust of evolution. It's moving irrevocably
towards the reproduction, the creation of the true Rave, the true nine-centered
transitional Rave, because again, it‘s all transitional.
So here is where the flow is. Yet at the same time, humans are going to survive.
It‘s not like we‘re going to suddenly disappear overnight. We‘re not, anymore than
Neanderthals disappeared overnight. The fact is that the biological power is all
moving, the genetic power, the program, everything is pointed in this direction
everything, everything, everything is pointed in this direction.
The Quadrants
So there are a couple of things that we need to take from this, and as we're going to
go through ultimately different kinds of charts, we‘re going to be able to see that
first of all the quadrant that you come from is very important; the families. This is
something that‘s very important because it gives a larger overview to where you fit
into the general flow. And it
makes a difference when it comes
to outer authority.
But obviously, there are different roles in all of this. What we know is that this zone
over here [half-circle arcs] is a zone that‘s very unusual to begin with. It‘s what we
looked at last week, which I think is one of the most extraordinary things that you
can see. All the transitional Profiles are only found here. All of them; the 1/4s, the
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
2/5s, the 3/6s, the 4/1s, the 5/2s, the 6/3s, they‘re only found here, all of them. No
exceptions. It's an amazing thing.
What we‘re left with is a zone that is not in the movie. It isn't in the movie. It's not.
It‘s not part of where everything is going. It's not part of the future. It is something
else. I put that little comment on the opening today in the class, Leary‘s famous or
infamous, depending on what side of the fence you're on, his mantra: Tune in, turn
on, drop out.
Now, think about this quadrant. Isn't that just about the most perfect statement you
can get out of that and specifically really deeply perfect statement for this, this
Variable. Here you have a Variable that's outside of the flow. You have a Variable
that is deeply, deeply strategic; deeply, deeply strategic. It's all there from the
Personality and in Leary‘s particular case, three elements.
That dropping out of the flow which arises out of this quadrant isn't just simply a
matter of seeing a joke. It's about understanding that this being out of the flow is
affecting a lot of things. It is affecting fundamentalism, as an example. Drop out of
the flow towards the future, drop out of the flow of the human future because the
human future is moving towards a deeper and deeper secularism. It has to, because
survival is going to be on its mind. It‘s out of the flow. It‘s something else.
Again, it doesn't matter where you are. It's not like there's any good or bad or
better or worse, please don't get into that kind of negative comparison game
because it isn‘t about that. Being out of the flow obviously serves a purpose. Part of
that purpose is the continuity with the past. It‘s why such things as fundamentalism,
such things as our reliance for example on whatever was derived from the seven-
centered—after all, we're dealing with something that is very, very strategic in its
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
So, when you're out of the flow and you can't compete with that flow, then it‘s
natural to drop out. Osama bin Laden is a dropout, a retro going back to the 13 th
century, as an example. There are all kinds of pulling out. Now, aside from the
physicality of that, understand that everything that is here has an impact on the
consciousness field. Leary‘s bromide was more than just a call to those that are
here, though certainly those that are here would resonate deeply to such a call. But
we‘re dealing with fractal lives; we are dealing with all of this being about cognition
and the consciousness field. It gets out there.
Let‘s take a look at this for a moment and let‘s take a look at this from strictly the
Variable point of view. Now, we have two ways in which we can approach this. I
met him, not when he was in what was his prime. I met him in the very beginning
of the ‗90s. This was obviously somebody that lived his life and died as not-self.
So there's two ways of approaching this. That is, to approach it from the point of
view of the not-self, which of course is something that is of value, and yet, it is not
our dominant theme in our work. That is, Holistic Analysis is a certification program
for graduates of Primary Health System and Rave Psychology or one or the other or
both. It‘s a tool for the deepest possible investigations into the nature of
somebody‘s mechanics. So, it isn‘t intended for the not-self. Yet, it is so important
to understand the impact of the not-self in such a being‘s life and how the various
elements that we can look at, that we can see how those elements become distorted
out of the functioning of this not-self.
Triple-Split Definition
Now, one of the things to keep in mind about looking at a triple-split definition, the
interesting thing about definitions—it‘s curious because I started filming a series on
definitions this morning—is that the 1 and the 3 have a relationship to each other,
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
and the 2 and the 4 have a relationship to each other. That is, single definition and
triple-split definition are dominated in their conditioning by open centers.
So, one of things to grasp about somebody like this is to understand the power in
this person's life, the way in which this person's life was shaped by their open Ego,
the need to prove their worthiness in this life and by their open emotional system,
the need to avoid confrontation—this was somebody who ran from the law a lot—
avoid confrontation and truth. The open emotional system can be one of the great
calls to dropping out, to disappearing, to not wanting to deal with things and to have
to suffer greatly because of the consequences.
The openness in this design, because again we‘re going to go through a journey of
knowing this being very well, you have to begin with their openness and their
conditioning, because it is the thing that is formative for them in their lives. It is the
background of the way in which their mind throughout their lives made decisions,
always making decisions to prove themselves in one way or another, to prove their
worthiness, to glorify, to go through the whole thing, whatever it takes.
So, it‘s always something, no matter what you're dealing with, even when you're
dealing with somebody that is operating according to their Strategy and Authority
and they're experimenting with their PHS, and so forth and so on, never forget to
keep an eye on their openness, whatever the configuration is, because you'll catch it.
You'll see how easy it is for them to sink into it. And those moments are precious
moments for you as somebody that's there to work with them, because you can
catch it. The knowledge base that we have at our disposal here allows us to know a
being at the deepest, deepest levels. You have to use that awareness of them to
help them.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
it doesn't want a heavy energy load, it really doesn't. It doesn't want to be caught
up in high activity. This was somebody who dropped out on—I am no stranger to
LSD—this is somebody that really did go through trying to impose the passive brain
mechanic in the life.
Left External
And yet, the reality is that when you look here at this Right brain you have to see it
in context with the Left External. The Left External says you have to be active in
your environment. You have to be active in your environment and that the only
environment that is healthy for you, and I don't think that he would have found this
very funny, is a cave, which could be a cell, which he had to deal with. As a matter
of fact, I think he
broke out of jail at one
point. I had a
publisher at one time
at the very beginning
of my career who hid
him out. As a matter
of fact, I know a
couple of people who
hid him out, but later
in Switzerland. So,
it‘s interesting that he
has caves.
And the only way this person is going to be successful in taking in that information is
not with their mind demanding their brain to be busy, busy, busy, but for them
physically, for them to be occupied at the physical plane. This is something that is
going to be very, very important for them, and particularly important for them
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
Left/Left Personality
The more tuned you are, it is obvious then that the more clear you are in the way in
which you're navigating on this plane, the navigation becomes everything.
Remember, this being never operated as themselves. Everything about their life,
everything you want to look at in their life, and we‘ll get there because I will show
you precisely, everything you want to see about this person, what really was their
story is here in this circle.
It is the thing that is so odd about beings. And it isn‘t that all these other things
aren‘t there; of course, they‘re there. But they‘re being controlled by something.
They're being controlled by this cabal and the way this cabal works on this mind.
The strategic focus here is always being determined by what will make me worthy,
what do I have to avoid? And oh boy, with that 5 underneath, could they get
paranoid and not know why, looking over your shoulder, but you don't know what
you're looking for.
I have a dilemma. There are very few human beings as a percentage that are ever
going to have an opportunity to transform themselves in the way that's possible
that‘s revealed in the mechanics. The vast majority of humanity is not-self. I know
that the not-self, because of the not-self purpose in the way in which the
homogenized world operates, we glorify certain things. We exalt certain things—
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
behavior, successes, what is relative on that plane, somebody with their fame or
their wealth or their ―this‖ or their ―that.‖ But all of that has to be seen within the
context of the homogenized world. It has to be seen that that is not what they were
here to be about. It isn't.
And it doesn't matter whether they were this or that. It makes no difference. My
son asked me one day, ―Well, what about Bill Gates,‖ that kind of question. I have
no idea. But it wouldn‘t have lived out the way it lived out as not-self. And if
somebody is going to say, well, he‘s rich and he‘s this and he‘s that, I don‘t want to
be inside of that skin. It‘s like Macbeth‘s wife with the blood on her hands. No
matter how much she washes, she can't clean it.
The pain of the not-self, the pain of a life not realized is a powerful pain. And
considering that most human beings are simply trashed at death and that there is no
regard for Bardo, that the vast majority of human beings on this plane are here just
for one shot, that‘s all they‘re getting; nothing more, nothing less. And it‘s so easy
to just simply be gone with that.
Leary may have fired his ashes out into space, which was rather cute, but the reality
of that, he was cremated after death. There was no Bardo, does not return to the
crystal bundle, becomes part of a rogue bundle that never goes through incarnative
processes, that will never be part of the transformation that takes place at the end of
this round. This is a spirit that in essence is lost forever. No one who is empowered
with this knowledge needs to have that obituary. ―It all looked good,‖ you know
what I mean.
I remember when I met him. It was in 1991. It was in Linz, Austria. I was in a
room with him and Terence McKenna, a fascinating man. We were all chatting. It
was very funny in the hindsight now. One of the things that Leary was doing in Linz
that day was that he was promoting virtual reality, the kind of virtual reality where
you put on gloves and goggles. He upset a lot of people by saying that it was better
than LSD. He was trying to sell the future. And when you understand where he
came from, from a Variable, that's very funny. Of course, it brought him a lot of
humiliation rather than anything else.
Human beings—I look out in the world around me I know that they are not-self. It
doesn't make any difference whether they happen to be a relative hero, the Obama
of the moment. That they're all assumed to have some kind of transcendent wisdom
that they're going to guide us out of the evils of the world. Give me a break. This is
the world we live in. It‘s run by the program. Anytime you want to know that, just
look at your daily transit and go out into the world and listen to people. This is the
program we‘re in; a deep, deep, deep, deep program.
So never forget when you‘re looking at anybody‘s design, I don't care how
sophisticated your analysis could be, don‘t forget the obvious. The obvious has ruled
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
us for a very long time. That openness in this triple-split has ruled this being for a
very long time. It ruled them all of their life.
We can always see magic in the design. It‘s one of the things that I love. It‘s
something that I understood from the day that I started my career as an analyst. I
realized right away that I could see two things, I could see the beauty and I could
see the not so beautiful. The not-self is what walks into the room. It came there on
a not-self journey. No way of knowing what it was going to meet.
When you look at the way in which Variable is structured, you can see here that this
entire column, they are all in possession of a Left/Left Personality, both the Internal
and the External. Now that combination is deeply, deeply focused. The way you can
tell that these people are not well is
that they're not focused and do not
have something to focus on.
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logic (31-7). Here they have a little abstract (64-47). Here they have a little tribal
(50-27). Here they have a little individual (3-60). There‘s no easy focus here. And
it‘s a triple-split and the mind has all this stuff going on.
As much as I participated in the ‗60s, and as much as I participated in all of the drug
phenomena that arose out of the ‗60s, all of those things, what I got to see mostly
from that was tragedy. I was fortunate. I was designed to be able to deal with
these things. But that was just my serendipity. I watched people destroy
themselves. I watched people humbled by addictions, people who lost their lives. I
don't mean to suggest by that that inherently any of these substances were bad.
None of them were bad. But the way in which that was fostered onto the
consciousness field was incredibly irresponsible rather than being responsible.
There were no shaman, there were no guides. There wasn‘t anybody to help you.
These were urban middle-class children that were ingesting psychotropics. It was
not his fault. The beautiful thing about ignorance is what to do; what to do. The
only way that anything changes is that there‘s got to be somebody there that
teaches you. It‘s the beauty inherent in your role that you're that somebody that's
available to teach, to be able to let somebody see.
So, here you have this incredible keep your focus, keep your focus; be really
strategic. But then you look at the design and you see right away that this is not
somebody as not-self who would be able to keep a focus. It‘s just not possible. It
all goes back to the very simple surface. It begins with the truth in this knowledge.
It lies in Strategy and Authority. It‘s the most profound thing in Human Design. I
know that we can look at all of these incredible things. We've added wonders to the
science of this knowledge. But mechanically speaking, for the average being who is
ready, it is the Strategy and Authority that changes everything.
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
It's only then that we can begin to work with someone. It's only then that the values
that we look at become tools for us to provide techniques for the client, rather than
areas in which we're looking and seeing the problems. One of the things that you
will see through the diagnostics is that basically what we‘re looking at is the way in
which the not-self dysfunction has created problems, and ultimately to be able to
look at them and to be able to pinpoint them.
Now, I want to show you something. Here we have a combination of our frame.
That is, we have a triple-split Generator a DRL/PLL Variable, and 3/5 Profile. First of
all, it‘s a very interesting thing. If you go back to our comparison between Type and
Variable, the thing we see is that there is an even balance there on the down side,
on the lower population side.
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So again, here with this Profile of the 3/5, let‘s think about these three elements
together. First of all, let's look at the nature of the 3/5. Profile is one of the most
profound things that we have. And it is profound because it defines the nature of the
costume for the drama, if you will. When I look at Profile, Profile tells me basic
things. The first thing it tells me is how to communicate. It‘s something I've been
talking about, it seems recently, quite a bit. But it‘s something that is so important
for us to understand. We communicate out of our Profile, and we are communicated
to our Profile when it's correct.
The 5/1, the absurd projection is looked upon with scorn, ―the idiot.‖ I mean, the
thing is that no matter what Profile that you come from, your Profile is really your
way of expressing yourself. It's a style, if you will. It is the way for you to express
yourself through what ultimately is your cross. So, let's look at that expression. You
have a 3rd line Personality. We know 3rd line trial and error, discovery, material
plane, all of these bonds made and broken, and it goes on and on, all of these
But the thing about the 3rd line—I have a really old friend of mine who is a musical
genius. Some of you actually have met him. Those of you that were at the Event a
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
couple years ago when I was playing with the band—Jean Pierre Pasquier—Jean
Pierre and I go back about 25 years now. He‘s a Projector. About five or six years
ago he got really turned on by Design. I showed him his design in 1989. He was
one of the first people to have his design, but it never got further than that. And we
lost touch for many years.
As a matter of fact, the musical combinations for the hexagrams are really quite
fantastic. As he‘s going through that process, from his musical perspective, one of
the things that he noticed right away, he said to me, ―Is there something funny
about 3rd lines?‖ It was one of these ways in which you see the incredible validity of
this knowledge in different ways. After all, music is mathematics. He‘s using
mathematical formulas.
What he discovered in the mathematical formula from the musical perspective is that
3rd lines are weak, weak in the sense that if you look at it from the construct of
hexagram structure, the 3rd line is so deeply mutative. It has to be. The 3 rd line is
the end of something, but it also opens up the beginning of what will be the 4 th line.
It‘s there between the 3 and the 4 that you have all of this mutation that's at work in
a way in which the whole process operates.
So, the 3rd line is deeply important to us. It carries with it mutation. It carries with
it discovery. It‘s interesting that the 3/5 is a classic discovery being. There is the
potential in the 5 at the unconscious level to be able to universalize, and so the
possibility of discovery turning into universalization. Now of course, that's an
idealization. The dilemma always comes back to the same thing. It comes back to
how you enter into things. If you‘re a 3rd line being, you don't enter into things
correctly, you‘re not going to discover what is going to be what is correct for you to
discover if you discover, and you're not going to be able to universalize what is of
You may be able to seduce others, but there's a big payback for seducing others with
things that are not real, a big payback. There‘s nothing worse for the 3/5 than the
punishment that they receive in this life for failing. Nobody pays a deeper price;
nobody. You have a kid that‘s a 3/5, oh boy, get them to understand what it means
to be a 3 so they never think of themselves as a failure, because 3/5s don't have to
deal with what a 1/3 or a 3/6, or any other kinds of 3 combinations have to deal
with; they don‘t.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The whole thing about the 3/5 is that the 5 when it fails projection is punished from
the outside. All the other 3s punish themselves on the inside. They all go, ―Oh, woe
is me, it's my fault. Why can't I be better?‖ and all of that kind of stuff. But if you‘re
a 3/5, it‘s everybody else on the outside that makes you feel terrible, that distorts
your process, because the moment that you don't do what is part of their projection
system, oh boy, are you ever in trouble. You go from being a respected professor to
being abandoned and an outlaw and a drug dealer and it goes on and on and on. It‘s
a very funny story.
So, we're dealing with Profile. Now, we‘re dealing with somebody that is lower
trigram. This is a 3rd line Personality. This is a 3rd line Personality that gets things
that bump into it—LSD—things bump into this being. This is what happens when
you‘re a 3rd line being. So here is somebody in which things are going to bump into
them, and those things that bump into them are going to try to pull them into focus.
Now, the worse place for this person is in a crowded environment with a lot of
people. This is not something that‘s healthy for this person. We already know
environmentally that this is somebody that is best in enclosed spaces. This is where
they are going to the healthiest. This is about letting people come into a space that
you control. It‘s interesting, there are very few—the cave is a funny thing.
Environmentally the ideal cave is a room with one door. Think about your child that
has a cave environment. The child that has a cave environment, and one-sixth of all
children are going to have a cave environment, if you have a cave environment and
you're in a room with two doors, that is, the door that goes in and out of the room
and a closet, you're always as a child going to be afraid that there's something in
that closet. All of this stuff about ghost stories, and this and that, and there‘s
somebody hiding behind the closet and there are monsters in the room. Monster,
Inc. I think of because I must have seen that 8,000 times with my kids.
This is all about cave children that are in a room that has two doors. So it is one of
the great ironies of Timothy Leary‘s not-self that rather than Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Lenin, sitting in his cell and doing something productive, as soon as Leary got into
his cell, he did everything in his power to escape, which is just one of those great
ironies. It was one of the few places—a jail cell is actually one of the few places that
you have a space with only one door. But you‘ll pardon my sense of humor. I find
that very funny.
Human beings—all right, so you've got somebody who has this powerful need to
focus in their life, a powerful need to focus. They‘re a 3/5. And we know that
they‘re a Generator. Now, you put those three things together and this is the frame.
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
Now the frame is going to work one way or the other. We‘re either going to get the
not-self version of that. And I think by this point we‘re all kind of familiar with that
not-self version because what happens is the moment that the person is not correct,
the cognitive potential gets distorted. It doesn't mean they don't focus, they will
focus. What are they going to do? They‘re Left.
So, here is somebody that, as I said to you, he lived his life here. It‘s the thing to
grasp about not-self. Don't get caught up in the glamour, and I use that word in the
old-fashioned sense. Don‘t get caught up in the veils that surround the relative
success of beings in the not-self world. Because invariably what you're seeing is how
the homogenized world use them. The program is using humanity; may they be well
used. It‘s what the program does. And it uses humanity through whatever vehicle is
So, two sides of the coin, but you need the frame. What we‘re going to do now—I
started a technique, it emerged as I began doing readings in the early years. No
matter what I introduced, I would always come back to the same point. In other
words, it was a technique that I really had grasped by the time I introduced Type, so
that no matter what I did I would come back to, ―You‘re a Generator, so this is only
going to work if you‘re responding. It's only going to work if you're responding
spontaneously. It‘s only going to work if you trust your existential life,‖ relative to
this particular design.
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Lecture Three
The Triangular Frame: Type, Profile & Variable
can discover something out of the ashes of something else. And it's only when this
being is responding and that they are bumping into what they can universalize, that
they have finally found their focus.
As we deconstruct the control panel, we‘ll see that once they find that focus, that
focus is really honed in. Isn‘t it cute the way risk-taking, oh, what this guy, what he
framed, the way he saw things, so many things for us to begin to learn about this
being at a very deep level. It‘s what you have to do with anyone that you're going
to work with. You need to build a frame, because the frame is the only
measurement. And most human beings are lucky if they get this part right.
To live your Profile is living your cross. Your cross is something that takes you over;
nobody gets there in seven years. It takes time. All of these processes take time.
This whole process for the nine-centered being is a lifetime process. But, it begins
here (sacral response). And its influence can be seen in the way in which the Profile
works. And of course, all of that then becomes something that begins to resonate
and begins to resonate at the cognitive level, at the awareness level, so that
ultimately we get to that true outer authority.
It‘s fascinating when you think about how many extraordinary human beings have
been nothing but constructs of the program and not who they are, or not who they
could be. And yet, history is written by them. And generations and generations are
influenced by all of that, trained by it. There‘s no saving the homogenized world.
There isn‘t. They‘re not to be saved.
This is the thing to see over and over and over again. We're here to serve those that
in a sense have a chance to break out of the deep hold of homogenization. Most of
them are damaged goods. And what I mean by that is that you don't have that
serendipity without trauma, without something that makes you different, places you
outside anyway. It's an outsider's game. This is what we are. We are outsiders.
We're not part of the homogenized world.
You have a lot of knowledge now. But it‘s so easy to forget what's around you, to be
fooled by it. One of the things to practise is with various people in your life that you
know. Look at their openness; look at those things that are the influences on them.
And then watch them only from that perspective. Are they living their not-self
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
purpose? It's not a pleasant thing to see, because you may see it in those that
frankly you don't want to see it.
But it doesn‘t matter who the hell it is. It doesn't matter whether it's some deified
politician or rock star. Just look. And you will see that all of that is just a program.
It‘s like the Wizard of Oz. It‘s just like the wizard, all hidden behind these masks,
the program manipulating. Don‘t be fooled. To be oneself is to be outside of
expectation. It‘s what I think is so beautiful about what it is to be us, the nine-
centered being. There is no way to measure what's possible for us when we are
correct and aware. There is no measurement. There is none. Anything is possible.
All right, well, I hope you enjoyed that. Until next time, to all of you, take care; bye
for now.
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Lecture Four
The Triangular Overview 1
Hello and welcome to all of you. The whole thing about the nature of what I‘m
beginning to introduce you to is a way in which you can synthesize all of the aspects
that are there that are available to us through AI. This triangular overview, for me it
is a kind of incarnative generic and it really breaks down into several parts. The first
part is this incarnative generic, what is the basic formula that one‘s uniqueness is
built upon. And there are all these many different formulas that you can build that
uniqueness on.
Most of what we think about in terms of our true uniqueness is what is established in
the Lunar and Planetary Square. This is where both in the internal sense that the
basic dynamic of how we experience life in both the external sense and the way in
which we resonate to the outside world really determines the way in which our
uniqueness manifests.
Everything that we tend to focus on, at least for most of you in terms of your
education, the education has been related to control panel fundamentals. That is,
the substructure and all these things that go with it.
So, what I want to begin with today is the way in which you take these three
elements, that is, Variable, Profile
and Type, and the way you weave
them together in order to create a
platform for a holistic analysis. It‘s
the kind of thing that—Genoa, you do
this very nicely—the way in which
one can keynote definition in order to
look at a mechanical variant, because
definitions will point to different kinds
of ways in which expression is going
to take place.
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which the unique life force is mechanically laid out, but we‘re looking for the formula
upon which that life force is intended to operate. So, it‘s this background formula,
this triangular overview that is going to give us this insight.
It begins was something very fundamental. It begins here. It begins in Variable and
it begins with the Independent Variable. One of the great, well great isn‘t the word,
elegant is the word. It is one
of those deeply elegant
aspects of mechanics. Here is
the storyline. Think about the
nature of being.
We begin with the storyline because this is life. It is life in the sense that because
the Nodes represent this movement that we‘re going to have from birth until death,
that regardless of your state whether you‘re awake or you‘re deeply homogenized,
the fact is that the Nodal trajectory is something that's alive. Now, that doesn't
mean that you are aligned to what is the correct frequency in that movement and all
of those things that go with it. But, the general movement is there.
And because the general movement is there and because that general movement is
most noticeable from the Design side, because as you'll see when we get to the
Personality side it distorts, that the storyline is the place that we begin this triangular
overview in order to be able to get the foundation of what is the process. What is
this life really all about?
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
So, everything about the story from the most rudimentary level is that this is
somebody who is going to need to have the kinds of shelters that are going to give it
that opportunity, the kinds of environments that are going to stimulate its activity,
and at the same time only in that stimulated activity is it going to be able to find
focus. Now, it‘s very important to understand about this being‘s story. Their story is
they‘re on the move until they find their thing. Everything about them is they're on
the move until they find their thing.
So, let's take a look at it for a moment. When we are working with the Dependent
Variable we‘re also working with the magic of the Nodes themselves. That is, the
Nodes in their relationship to the Magnetic monopole and the Nodes in their
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relationship to the Moon that what we have with the Nodes is the phenomena of the
Link Nodes.
When you're looking at the phenomenon of the Link Node, the first thing to grasp
about this being, we know very clearly because you can see it in the aspects that are
there at the Color and Tone level that
this is a cave person. We know that
they‘re a cave person. We also know
that this activity of theirs is an activity
that is only going to be healthy when
they're in those secure areas. They
need secure environments in order to be
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
We understand this at another level in the continuity because they‘re a 3/5. And we
know that in that self-absorbed right angle 3rd line process that there is all this
digging in and digging in and digging in. So, the activity level is something that's
very important for this person, but without the conditions; no conditions. And the
moment that this person is going to be incorrect, they‘re going to have a life in which
they're always trying to establish what the conditions are going to be.
So, it becomes a very important instrument in understanding the way in which their
life is going to move. Now the 24 th gate—let me take that a step further for a
moment. Think about the 6th line. The 6th line of the 44 is all about aloofness. It‘s
the awareness of patterns that insures one's instinctive well-being. It‘s also the
awareness of patterns which can bolster the ego at the expense of the well-being of
others. Now again, it's all about aloofness. It is obviously 6 th line and it is a 6th line
in the sense that it is on the physical side.
So, one of the things about this being is that you get to see them right away. Here
is somebody that needs to be active and aloof in their cave. And only when they're
active and aloof in their cave do they have the focus that's going to bring the right
elements into that life, because this is where their storyline emerges. It emerges out
of that active aloofness in a controlled safe environment. Now, think about what
happens to this person when they're not in that environment, when they're not in a
cave. It immediately takes away the potential that is there to fulfill this person's
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And when we're dealing with this 24th gate, the fascinating thing about the 24th gate
is its super heading, the natural and spontaneous process of transformation and
renewal. So, transformation and renewal; spontaneous transformation and renewal
is what is possible in the way in which this life affects the brain.
Now, think LSD. Think about the way in which in this life influences the brain, and
influences the brain for transformation and renewal. One of the things that you need
to grasp about the Nodes and the storyline is that they influence the Dependent
Variable. It is dependent after all. And so, when you're looking at the Prime Nodes,
that is, when you're looking at the Nodes that have this fundamental connection to
what is above, you're looking at a very, very significant relationship that‘s going to
tell you a great deal about how this life can be transformed.
Again, you begin to see the way in which the story is being established for this being
and the nuances that then can arise out of this basic structure. Very few human
beings ever get to live out what is
correct. It‘s not something that's out
there. As a matter of fact, the longer
that I do this, the more I realize how
limited the possibility is of humanity.
It‘s fractals now that are everything. It
is fractals and serendipity that are
going to save people. Most human
beings are deeply homogenized and
they‘re going in another direction.
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
gets laid out and then of course according to the level of homogenization, and again,
for most human beings they‘re homogenized, you begin to get all the distortions that
go with it. The distortions, by the way, are deepest at the Dependent Variable level.
In other words, this is where the crystals, if I can put it that way, where the crystals
reside and the distortion there is even more powerful.
Personality Transference
So, the moment that you're not following your PHS or your dietary regimen, you're
being cut off from what are the essential sensory values that are underneath. Again,
assuming that this is not-self and they're not following Strategy and Authority.
When you're dealing with a Personality, any dysfunction in the Personality totally
distorts the mind. It just does. So, transference in the Personality is something that
is simply going to distort the being; period.
Through that Dependent Variable that gets all the surface gloss because that‘s where
you see the cross. This is where you get the crystal programming and all of that
stuff, that most of what humanity is, is the dysfunction of the Dependent Variable
that leads to the inability to experience life in the way in which one is intended, so
you don't get to live out the particular uniqueness.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
So, the first thing we understand about this person is that they are always going to
need to have the kind of privacy and the kind of protective shield that not everybody
gets to have in life. In other words, this is somebody that's going to lose their cool
the moment that they don't have the controlled environment to work with. This is
somebody who is not going to integrate well with others when they're outside of that
secure environment.
And when they do that remember, this aspect here, the Prime Node on the Design
side is always going to affect brain function. It will. So the things that are missed,
The Gift Horse, because the cognitive potential isn't there because the being is not-
self, leads to changes in the brain chemistry that may or may not be healthy. In
most cases they‘re not. So this person needs their secure environment.
Not only do they need that secure environment, but again, the aloofness is very
important for them. It‘s going to be very important for them to have a sense of
importance. There are so many continuities to see in this. But this is a need for that
importance, a need to be able to not necessarily pay attention to somebody.
If you walked into a space where this being was and they‘re in a room, particularly a
room with one door and you walk in there and they‘re doing something, they will
ignore you entirely. If you're the right person for them, you‘re going to find that
attractive. And whether you find that attractive in the sexual sense or in the
camaraderie sense or whatever the case may be, this is when they are really going
to be exactly the way they should be in terms of their connection to the other and
the influence that has.
It's one of the magical things to think about the Prime Node. The Prime Node is
always influencing the brain system. And your Nodes are all about your relationship
to the other. It's something to grasp about the influence of other human beings on
your brain system.
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
All right, let‘s take it to the other side. Remember that one is conditioned on the
other. In other words, if this is not correct, the Personality is not going to function
properly, because everything about the Personality in terms of the Independent
Variable is that it gains its perspective and it gains its perspectives through this. In
other words, through this secure, aloof, active spontaneous transforming setup. This
is what the body is ready for. This is where the body is going to be most
comfortable. This is what the body is going to establish as a frame.
And what that leads to is it leads to view. It leads to the perspective. And the
perspective becomes the foundation of the way in which this being is going to
interpret the world. From the Personality point of view, given that we all live in the
Personality domain, there is nothing that has more influence over us than this. And
for most human beings it is the distraction that is influencing them.
Now, when you‘re looking here, the first thing is so obvious. We‘re dealing with a
personal view. And yet what we know so well about the personal view is the
distraction, the distraction is to really looking for the desire end of things, totally
getting committed into doing things when in fact that's not what they're all about.
It's not what they're
intended to see.
They‘re here to be
above the fray.
Everything having to
do with the 6 is that
the 6 is the anti, it‘s
the anti whatever.
That's what the 6 is
all about. So, this
isn't about having a
view at all. The per–
fection of this is not a
view. The perfection
of this is a seeing.
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The 27/50
When we get to the Link Node we're getting to one of the definitions in the Design.
That is, we're dealing with the 27/50. And you can see very clearly that there is a
very strong relationship here between the Personality Sun and the Node in that they
form this definition, the channel of custodianship. Everything about being able to
create what is correct in terms of being able to nurture the tribe. And to be able to
establish the laws, the rules all those things that come with working with the tribe.
The other thing is the 50th gate is the source of what we call intelligence. Always in
the presence of the 50th gate is the potential for surprising intelligence. It doesn't
mean that they have a greater IQ or this or that, but there is a deep gift in the 50
because it is the source of instinct, intuition and judgmentation. That is the three
streams that we equate with intelligence. So the 50 th gate is a special gate. Here in
the 27th gate is one of the genetic role gates. And in looking at this genetic role
gate, it‘s about the enhancement of the quality and the substance of all activities
through caring. It‘s about caring.
So, this is the Personality and its linkage. And in this is the 5 th line. It's about The
Executor. It‘s about the ability to distribute effectively the resources of others. It‘s
about being able to care for others. Or it's about a weakness and a loss of power
through caring. Now, that caring, that whole process of offering that nourishment,
this is a 5th line. This is a projection line. This is somebody that is always going to
be projected on them that they care. And if that caring doesn't seem to pan out,
then they‘re going to have to deal with their reputation. And they're going to have
to deal, like all 5s do, with the way in which they are impacted by that.
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
So, it's a very interesting dynamic that is there in this being. The body, Link Node,
is putting out the message to others that this is somebody who cares. Never mind
that they seem to be so aloof and they seem to be absorbed in their transformation,
in fact, they really do care. Yet at the same time, the way they conceptualize
themself has nothing to do with the way in which the other is experiencing them.
It‘s the 28.5 that's determining
their perspective, not the 27.5.
The 27.5 is the way in which
their Personality influences the
way in which their vehicle
seems to feel to others,
because it‘s the linkage.
Anyone who has the 28.5, if they have an opportunity, any kind of possibility, to get
better at something, eat a better food, have a better teacher, have a better lover,
they‘ll go for it because everything about them is to fulfill that purpose. After all, the
28th gate is about fulfillment of purpose. Everything about this being is that their
intellectuality, their conceptualizing is full of distrust.
So, what do we get out of this being? We get the beginning of its story, a story that
says that whether they like it or not those environmental spaces are what they're
going to have to deal with. This is the only place where real transformation takes
place for them. And whether that is a hotel room, your house, a jail cell, it doesn't
really make a difference. And as long as you're not operating correctly so that
you're not making the right decisions in your life, you're not going to be able to take
advantage of what's there in the storyline.
It‘s why human beings don't get to follow the path of awakening. They don't. They
can't get past the surface. So they end up with these deeply, deeply distorted
storylines. Remember on this side, this is all about focusing on these things. And
particularly focusing on what you don't trust. After all, this is a 50. This is a law
maker; trial and error, a trial and error judge, trying to figure it out.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But it‘s Left and it requires deep focus, deep focus. This is somebody that needs to
focus. They need to be active in their aloofness, and they need to focus. And in
their focusing they‘re going to set the foundation for what‘s possible for them.
What's possible for them is to live out what they are as a 3/5 Cross of the Laws.
Think about this 3. You‘ve got a 3rd line Personality. The 3rd line Personality is the
only Personality that is
actually grounded naturally.
Otherwise, it could not
survive. It is the 3rd line
Personality that is the purest
essence of what it is to be
human. It carries with it this
dream, because it sits just
beneath the cusp, the 3 to
the 4, the shift from this side
to that side. It has its fingers
deep, deep, deep in the
world. It's very connected to
the material plane. It‘s what
the 3 is about. And yet, the
whole thing about the nature
of the psychology of con–
ditioning, homogenized conditioning, is that we are conditioned to succeed. And we
are punished for failure. And the punishment for failure can be devastating to any
developing psychology.
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
The great dilemma for any 3/5 is their reputation. From the time they come into the
world, everything about having a 5 unconscious opens one up to all kinds of
projection that one is simply not aware of. So, the projection that this is a brain
that's been transformed is always going to be the projection on this being, that they
can bring the law, that they can bring the new law. The projection is always there.
But of course, the moment that all that goes wrong or the other side of that comes
out, then your reputation begins to take an incredible beating.
The other thing about the 3/5 is that it‘s not so much that they themselves even fail,
it‘s that they fail to live up to what is an impossible expectation that they have to
deal with; impossible. I think some of the most startling casualties in the
homogenized world are 3/5s, because to be a 3 is naturally to make mistakes.
You‘re naturally going to make mistakes. But if making a mistake is a sign that you
have failed, you‘re really messed up, because the moment that that is something
that gets ingrained in you, there is no way that you're going to be able to develop
the healthy 3rd line psychology that is necessary.
The 3rd line is so perfect. And it's perfect when it confronts any situation with
resilience. It‘s what it does best. You meet an obstacle, you don't give up. You
don't blame yourself. You see if there's something you can do. You see if there is a
way around it.
Now, the 3rd line Personality is the most obvious dysfunctional Personality. It's
something that I have seen all of these years, because a Personality that has been
nurtured on failure carries with it an edge. The common feeling about the 3rd line
Personality is the martyrdom, the woe-is-me, the inherent pessimism. Those things
obviously are there, but what I notice is that there is an edge there. This is
something that they are very uncomfortable after awhile with any assumptions
whatsoever, which means that slowly but surely they have nothing to hold onto.
All beings need something to hold onto. What that is, is themselves. This is the only
thing that you're ever going to truly be intimate with in your life, is you. And it's the
only thing that you're ever going to be able to trust.
Think about the profile. Think about the storyline. Here is somebody that is
constantly going to be under pressure to succeed. The beauty of putting continuity
together, oh, there is a burning place in this being to succeed. It‘s simply there. It‘s
what happens with the 3. You take somebody with a 3 rd line Personality and an
undefined Ego and they‘re either going to be crushed by the time they‘re seven
years old, or they‘re going to turn into real fighters.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
There is something that I used to tell the people that I trained in the early years
when I trained analysts, if you are going to look at anybody's design you have to see
it as a child. For example, let‘s say that this child was raised in a medium-size
family and had to share a room with a sibling for most of its life, most of its
childhood. Can you imagine how far away this being is through all of those
formative years from what really works for them? We are conditioned in so many
ways, the food that we‘re given and so forth and so on; all these different ways.
The most interesting thing when you think about the true nine-centered being is how
long it takes to get to the place where you can establish your Independent Variable,
when you can establish your storyline. It‘s when you are dietarily correct. That is,
when your digestive system operates correctly. It's only then that the information
that's available in your life process can actually be processed by the brain system.
A 3/5 Child
So take this 3/5. This is a 3/5 child. Forget about who this is and all that stuff. Just
think about this 3/5 child. This is a child that the moment they start doing
something and it doesn't work, because they‘re a 3/5 their parents have already
projected that this child is going to be wonderful. The projection is there. This is
going to be the terrific child. We‘ve got Moses here. The little lawgiver has come
into our lives. Whoa, that goes away quickly, usually after four or five days for the
mother; very, very quickly. Oh, this wasn't the way I thought it was going to be.
And that 3/5 being takes that frequency deep, deep, deep into their system. It is
what they are going to get for the rest of their life. What they're going to get is
those forces that move towards them with expectation. And the whole dilemma of
the 3/5 is they don't get that. They are lower trigram, they need their quiet, closed-
off space, their aloofness, their activity that they can be absorbed in, in their self-
absorption in order to be able to focus on those things that they see clearly that
cannot be trusted, all of those things that are there in order to get there as a 3/5.
That child, the moment that it does anything, the expectation is that they should do
it faster, better, easier; walking, talking.
By the time the child's neural shutdown takes place, they already figured out that
they‘re a disappointment to their parents. They don‘t know why they‘re a
disappointment. And of course, depending on whatever their configuration happens
to be, the circumstances of their environment, slowly but surely the not-self begins
to play out its not-self purpose: I am here to prove that I am worthy.
A Triple-Split Generator
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
smell power, the moment that they lose their perspective, the moment that they're
not motivated correctly (whooh sound)—and all they want is to be worthy. How can
I be worthy?
And you can see in the framework of anybody's life, this was basically a studious
young man, somebody who had a very serious academic career, all of those kinds of
things, obviously a transformation that would come later in that process, somebody
who very much had this aloof focused activity studying all of those kinds of things,
laid the foundation for what was going to happen in this process.
Pure Generator, existential Generator and a triple-split; everything about the nature
of a triple-split is that it really is more suitable to an emotional being than it is to an
unemotional being. If you're going to be an emotional being, having a triple-split is
an advantage because as an emotional being you need to wait out your wave. You
need to have time in order to find what is correct for you as a decision.
Triple-splits can never really make decisions in the now. It is extremely dangerous
for them unless they are in a public aura and they have many, many different ways
in which their aspects are connected. One of the fundamentals of being the triple-
split is understanding that all of those bridges are not the answer. They‘ve never
been the answer. As a matter of fact, a triple-split is conditioned by their open
centers. They have more in common with a single definition than they do with the
So, here you have a triple-split definition. By their very nature they will not feel
whole. And yet, they're going to act spontaneously, that Generator force. And not
only are they going to act spontaneously, but we well know that as not-self they‘re
going to initiate. And then you can forget about their story.
Oh, I can show you how the not-self led to the famous Timothy Leary. This is what
we‘ll see. All of the aspects ultimately get to be played out in one way or another.
That is, the story is there and the profile is there and the cross is there. The
mechanisms are all in place. But of course, as long as one is operating out of the
not-self, it is all distorted and the only one who suffers is the being themself. If
there is nothing to call out to, there is nothing to hold onto. The saddest thing about
a human being is to see how they need to hold onto something and they think it's
outside of themself. They don‘t get it. It‘s always within.
Everything about the way in which this being is going to conceptualize, everything
about this being conceptualizing is about the nature of what is their transference
going to be all about, because it's the transference, the Personality transference that
is just going to distort them. Their transference is to fear. Their natural motivation
is need; to see what's needed, which goes along nicely with their unconscious
practicality. But instead, they are aligned to fear.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It is a fascinating thing to see what happens when your whole inner mechanism, the
guiding mechanism to what you are—your Variable, your profile, your Type—the
moment that any aspect is incorrect, the frequency is off. It‘s the frequency. This
triple-split Generator, everything about this triple-split Generator is that if they can
enter into things correctly, that they are here to master and universalize. But
they‘re here to master and universalize what is correct for them to master and
No matter what one sees in this being as a person historically in terms of who they
were, that is not what they were intended to be about. It was not. However, a
storyline is a storyline, and it can distort in many, many different ways. The
transformation that impacted this brain could've been many other things, many
different kinds of things. But again, 24th gate caught up with all of the thinking
process, the changing of the way the psychology works, all of these things, the brain
transformation became the main theme for this being.
You have three things, and you‘ll see when we deconstruct this because we will do
this without it being somebody that we know about. These three things tell you
everything. They tell you everything because what they do is they set the basic
parameter of whether this being is going to exist as a true self or whether they are
to whatever degree homogenized.
It will begin with the dietary regimen. You can see the nervous, the active, the
nervous. This is the kind of person that eating is something that they can do on the
move and all this kind of stuff. But if they're not eating properly, if their digestive
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
Timothy Leary’s Open Ego and Emotional System Destroyed His Life
It is always difficult for me to look at somebody's design, and to think about that
design in terms of what is possible, because I find that that is something that can be
rather dismaying when you get to experience what is their not-self. And clearly the
not-self of this being is very powerful in the sense that the open Ego and the open
emotional system both deter–
mined and destroyed his life.
Here is somebody with very
powerful histidine activations
with the Uranus in the 55. I‘ve
been associating prostate cancer
with histidine, particularly
through the 49th gate as long as
I've been teaching. This is
somebody who died of prostate
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
We are all so part of a homogenized world that we forget that each human being has
something very special to offer. It is the whole point. And no matter what he did,
he did this as a ho–
mogenized instrument.
If you're a homogenized
being then you serve
the program. And cer–
tainly he did, in that
sense, serve the
program. But that's for
later discussion.
But, you‘ve got to get there. You just do. This is a brain that is ready to transcend
its limitation. It has incredible power of being able to stimulate the other. It has all
of these things that are there. As not-self that‘s not interesting. It‘s so easy to see
the dysfunction in this being and to see what they were like.
I go back because I did have the opportunity to spend some time with him. I didn't
know his design at the time, so I didn't take him in, in that way. But it was just so
incredibly obvious to me that here was somebody that was overwhelmed by an
undefined Ego. When I met him and I think I told you the story, he wasn't doing the
typical Timothy Leary talking about the wonders of LSD and all those things,
psychotropic wonderland. He was promoting virtual reality, the kind of virtual reality
where you put on helmets and gloves.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Four
Triangular Overview 1
I guess he had, whatever his reasons, he had a lucrative financial arrangement with
some company in the States and this was what he was doing. He was on a tour
promoting this stuff at all of these esoteric fairs where people had come to see Tim
Leary and hope that Tim Leary was going to talk about what Tim Leary normally
talked about. I got part of that rap from him, which was just kind of bizarre because
he wasn‘t on stage or anything. I know this so well because I guess I brought it out
of him, I have a defined Ego with the 26 and he has the 44 so there was this
I walked out of that experience not having enjoyed the fact that it took away all my
pleasures about the mythology of the man, which was much more interesting than
actually taking in the frequency. And I think that this is so true about the vast
majority of beings, the not-self homogenized world exalts for whatever their
presumed or supposed contributions are of it, the shallowness that lies underneath
all of that, the emptiness and the real pain that is there. This is the tragedy of the
not-self life. It doesn‘t matter what your success is, there is still all this stuff that
cannot be resolved by homogenized success. Homogenized success does not do
anything for your spirit. It doesn‘t.
All right, that‘s the beginning of our process. Next I‘ll set up the screencast so I
have a second monitor so I can make it easy to align it. Anyway, to all of you, I
hope you enjoyed that and nice you were all here. And my apologies to the early
birds that were here when the timing was incorrect. But anyway, to all of you, take
care; until next time, bye for now.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Five
The Triangular Overview 2
All right, so welcome to all of you. This is one of those digressions that I think is
really quite extraordinary. I was looking at it again today. Not only that, but you
can see that there is one, two, three, four, I think there‘s five somewhere, I think
there is another one yes, all of those 30s on top of it, this incredible amount of
activation here, and so fixed.
Again, I‘ve seen an enormous amount of charts in my career and I‘ve never seen
anything like that. So really, it will be here in the download for you so you can take
a look at that and muse on it yourself. But I would think given the nature of the not-
self the chance that this child, or quite a few children born in the slot, hundreds
perhaps, maybe a thousand, I doubt that any of them will really have the benefit of
aware parenting, all of the things that we discuss.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
With such an incredibly fixed body, this is so rigid; it‘s so incredibly rigid, that it
leads to all kinds of fascinating speculation. As I was mentioning yesterday in the
class, it would be really interesting if we could actually find some of these children.
They were just born. So that we could have an idea of what this really means,
because again, not ever having
the experience of seeing such a
thing. I have never seen
anything like that where you
have all nine activations, all nine
of them are fixed.
Ra: Yes, that‘s interesting, Martin, but I think it can only be unbreakable if it‘s
somehow correct. It‘s clear to me that this is a body that is so very specific, the
demands on this body to be so very specific, to be so limited, and to be so rigid,
because what I see is the
deep rigidity that is
inherent here.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
Adrian, do you have any idea, let‘s say in a given—I think Ila did an analysis that she
sent to me—I don‘t have it at hand right now—about how long this actual square
lasted, but I assume it‘s possible population wise to have some kind of an idea how
many people were actually born relatively with this configuration. It would be
fascinating to see. But for me, I think the most important thing is that I‘d love to
have access to what these beings are going to be like, because I think it‘s something
that‘s—yeah, it‘s really out there, it‘s really different.
I don‘t even know what the odds are, Adrian. We‘ve never looked at that, have we?
I have no idea statistically what the odds are to have—let alone it‘s the entire Lunar
and Planetary Square, but what are the odds of having 11 fixations, 11 fixings on the
Design side. It is astonishing. So, it‘s interesting stuff.
Ra: That, too, is rather amazing, isn‘t it, how few human beings would have that
many activations in the 30, and with Neptune sitting there, after all. As I said, I
don‘t want to get into a real digression here, but I thought that this is something
really to share with you.
The other thing I want to make a note of is that this program, each semester, is 10
classes. There is always one week off in the middle, which is next week, just in case
you‘re wondering about that because we had some questions, because I‘m doing a
Variable program next week and it‘s obviously in a similar time frame. But Holistic
Analysis is designed to be five weeks in a row and then a break and then five weeks
in a row; just so that you know that.
Let‘s get into our work here. Today I‘m going to work with screencasts so that we
can go live and I have my tech set up so it should be alright. I don‘t have to move it
anywhere, I can see where it is, which is really nice.
Okay, I want to get into what I couldn‘t do last time which is really get into some
details relative to the way in which we need to lay out this overview structure. When
we come back after the break I am then going to go into the experiential program.
In other words, we‘re really going to look at the way a life is constructed because the
lives are constructed in the squares.
It‘s the most interesting thing. It‘s why I wanted to show you that chart. What we
get to see in the Variable are the control mechanisms. We get to see the way in
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
which everything gets organized in terms of the developmental process, the life
process, the movement of the storyline, all of these things.
What we‘re not seeing is the experiential relationship. We‘re not seeing the way in
which the being is going to take in the experience of life. We don‘t see not only the
way they take in the experience of life, but the way in which they experience the
other and the way in which the experience of the other alters them.
Everything about who we are—it‘s why I‘m doing this program—the assumption is
that if you know the Variable—and you know the profile, you have that all down
there and you‘ve got the Type—then basically you really have the person. But you
don‘t. You have the organizing principle. You have the general thematic.
It‘s like the playwright that writes out the basic overall description of the way in
which a character is going to be. But that‘s very different than what happens when
you actually see the character in the experience of life, because it‘s only within the
experience of life that whoever you are is going to emerge.
The nature of who we are is not in the Variable, it‘s not in the profile. These are
simply ways in which we experience life gets organized. So, when we‘re looking at
the planetary squares, this is
where we‘re really going to find
the person because this is where
we get to see the differentiation.
Written comment by Adrian: I’ll have the statistics ready by the end of this week.
Most of it is already calculated.
Ra: But anyway, the fact is that the most interesting thing about exaltations and
detriments is not that they align you to only one aspect, but that they limit deeply
what is the way in which you can express your life and particularly express your life
through experience. How we experience life, the way in which we‘re designed to
experience life, this is the thing that makes it so fascinating because when we‘re
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
dealing with both Design and Personality resonance, when we‘re dealing with the
squares and the way they resonate we get to see there are all these different levels
that are at work and that ultimately the way we‘re going to be at any given moment
is not about the control panel, it‘s about where we are in terms of the way in which
we experience phenomena and who is in our life or not at that particular moment.
But as I said, we‘ll get into the experiential part when we come back. What we need
to have before we can ever get into that, which is why those people that have been
trained in PHS and Rave Psychology, your training points you towards the control
systems. In other words, the internal and the external, both Design and Personality,
this is where all the focus is because this is the organizing principle.
But it‘s very generic. It‘s not like this is a big differentiation thing. It isn‘t.
Ultimately, where you get to see the differentiation is the way in which both
internally and externally we are experientially resonant. The first thing we‘re going
to look at when we come back is we‘re going to look at the way we resonate on the
inside. In other words, the way in which all of these activations that we have, the
hierarchy of the way in which they influence us and the way they affect us and
others in terms of our relationship.
So, this triangular overview is to make sure that you understand the control
mechanism and how the control mechanism is going to focus the whole of the
experiential process. The experiential process is the deep unique differentiated
phenomenon that is going to move through what is a stable control mechanism.
So, let's begin with some things here. For me, the aspect of Variable that touches
me the deepest is storyline. I remember for a number of years, they‘re available I
think in the Jam for free in the audio section, or something. I did all of the Nodal
oppositions, the 32 Nodal oppositions. It took me a long time. It was a long journey
for me to go from where I started, which was the Nodes were very important to the
beginning of my work, to going through all the detail work that I had to go to in
between to finally be able to come back through PHS and Rave Psychology to the
importance of what is the Independent Variable.
We all have a storyline. It‘s the thing that makes all of this, that is, this upper part
so basically generic. Yeah, there are a lot of storylines, tens and tens of thousands
of them, by the way. There are a lot of storylines. But nonetheless, the premise is
the same. In other words, it is a storyline that is rooted always in the same thing.
Your environment leads to your perspective. And if you're not living that life
correctly, then you will not get that perspective. And out of that you don't get your
awareness, and so forth and so on.
So, the one thing that the storyline establishes at the very beginning, and again, I'm
only looking at it from the Variable point of view, we‘ll look at the aspects in a
moment, from the Variable point of view, it really says something about what your
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
life has to be about. This is somebody whose life is going to be built on enclosed
spaces. No matter what you do, the story is always going to include the caves that
are going to be there, because only in those environments, only in that environment
or any deconstructed value of that environment is the potential for this being to live
out their life and to live out the life that is there for them.
You can see right away how far away most human beings are. Most human beings
are very, very far away from the correct environment, the correct perspective. The
way in which the crowded planet we live on now, the way in which life is organized,
the lack of awareness about these things is enormous. So, when I began my work
with sort of opening up what the Independent Variable was about, the most
important thing here is to see that we all have a way to go. That‘s the key in
understanding this, there is a way, and this story will unfold.
And the way in which this story is going to unfold is that the environment—a
storyline is nothing but—you get to see that in the magic of the quarters. You start
off with Initiation and all of that's really nice, all of this mind stuff is really nice, but it
needs a place. That‘s why we have Civilization after Initiation. You‘ve got to have—
what did I call it: from womb to room.
A human being without an environment is not a human being; have you ever
noticed? When you think about us in relationship to all other forms of life on this
planet, yes, there are certain creatures that will make a nest and yes, there is the
peculiarity of certain insects like ants that have these very complex constructed
environments. But when you take a look at human beings, this is one of the most
important things about us is that we need to create our environment, and we do it all
the time.
We have changed the whole face of this planet. And we have changed it entirely; we
have changed the environment that we all lived in, to a point where we talk about
areas that are preserved, nature reserves, where human beings cannot impose their
environment. But this is what we do.
As a matter of fact, if we don't create the environment, we don't get the perspective.
Think about the urban life. If you're dealing with the 1, the 2 or the 3 on the
environmental side, we know that we‘re dealing with hardscape and we know that
we‘re dealing with those that are truly designed for the urban crowded life.
Everything about the urban life is that in the establishment of those varying
environments, ultimately every single environmental possibility gets looked after.
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
It's why in your studies of environment that you have to learn to deconstruct. But
think about the manipulation of environment. If you can't build high-rise buildings,
then you can't make it possible, for example, for mountain people to be comfortable
in the urban area, and so forth and so on. We‘re constantly creating our life story
out of the environment that we work out of. There are all these things about you are
what you eat, and blah, blah, blah. But when I look at environment after all these
years of study this is just a shell for you. It‘s like your shell. It‘s like the snail. It's
not something else. And it has a deep, deep influence on you.
Where you live, in what environment you live, is who you are. And it's where your
story is going to unfold. And if you're not in your environment, your story is never
going to unfold as it should. No matter what we do, the purity that is there for us
experientially, how we will interpret the experiencing of the world through the Lunar
and Planetary Squares, the only way that we can do that correctly is if the control
mechanisms, if the organizing mechanisms are correct.
It‘s why in my work with Variable I have stressed so much the transformative quality
of these things, because this is setting up the right control facility in order to be able
to experience life fully, absolutely fully. You cannot do that if you don't have the
right dietary regimen, if you're not following your Strategy and Authority, if you're
not in the right environment, because this side over here, the Design side, is the
only thing that will create the possibility of this side.
No matter what you do, when you look at the storyline you see something that's
very clear. It says, you‘re either in the right place and your life is going to unfold
and you will develop towards wisdom, or you‘re not in the right place and you can
forget about it, and everything else will distort. The way you experience your life will
be distorted, because you don't see. And seeing is directly connected to where you
Think about this man's life, and not about Tim Leary or any of that stuff, just the
being. You think about this being‘s life and let‘s say we‘re looking at this as a kind of
a movie script. And the script is very concerned about this person needs to have
their space, because it‘s only in that very controlled space that they're really going to
be able to develop their potential.
This is a cave person. It‘s a 1-1; this is a cave person. This is the only way that this
story is really going to unfold. And that these caves must be a part of that unfolding
story. That this is not about somebody whose story is going to be played out in
another kind of environment in which that's going to bring that being success. It‘s
not the case.
And not in reference to who this is, but understand that this person didn't want to
have anything to do with caves. And so the way we know them in terms of the way
their life unfolded, this is all going to be the byproduct of dysfunction. You want to
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
know the story of this life; you don't have to get sophisticated here. This is a triple-
split definition; the story of the life is in these two open centers.
Everything you want to know about this person, everything because remember,
holistic analysis is for those who are trying their best to be correct. It‘s not for the
ignorant or the dead. This is just a convenient example. You want to know about
Tim Leary, here is Tim Leary, everything you want to know about him. And I'm not
exaggerating, because everything else is going to be subservient to that.
This is a being that operated out of mental decision making. This was a
homogenized human being, deeply homogenized. And everything about them,
everything about the decisions that they made in their life were made here. This is
something else. What we‘re looking at is the potential of somebody that's actually
Let‘s take another step in this storyline. What we know here is that we're dealing
with the Prime Node. And the Prime Node has a very specific relationship to the
brain system. It is the Prime Node that aligns the brain system to the life. And what
we know about this is that this line, The
Gift Horse, the possibility of being deaf
when opportunity knocks, this possibility
of being deaf, let's just take it at that
level and that level only. Think about
that. Think about what that's really
saying. This is somebody who can truly,
truly be deaf, not hear. Not hear what
they need to hear at all.
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
Now, I want to take you back a step. I want you to think about something. I want
you to think about the development of a nine-centered being, a true nine-centered
being. That is, a baby comes into the world, it's got aware parents. The parents are
going to raise it according to its dietary regimen and according to what its nature is.
That is, according to its Strategy and Authority.
That child for 30 years does not have to be in the right place. When I say storyline,
for those of you that are not totally familiar with this expression, I'm not talking
about the whole life at all. I'm not talking about the formative years. I‘m not talking
about, if for example you‘re a 6th line being, I‘m not talking about the first third of
your life. I'm not talking about the Saturnian cycle at all.
The storyline is something that you establish when you're correct. Everybody makes
their own story, if I can put it that way. And what I mean by that is that you put
your story in place. It doesn't matter whether, like me for example, that you‘ve had
the serendipity of being in the right environment all your life. It did not benefit me
in my first 30 years, because it wasn't important. It wasn't. Regardless of the fact
that I'm shores and regardless of the fact that I was born on an island and so forth
and so on, it doesn‘t make any difference.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It's only when you get to that place after the first Saturn cycle where you can then
legitimately establish your life. For the correct nine-centered being that is emerging,
that by the time they're 29, 30 years of age, that‘s the time for them to establish
their environment. It is an adult thing. It‘s not about your childhood.
So it's not a whole life in that sense. What it really is, is how you establish your
story. What are the control mechanisms in establishing your story? You establish
your story first and foremost environmentally. Now, in order to get there you cannot
ignore the dietary regimen. You can't.
Here is somebody that is 4th color, they‘re Right, they're nervous, and they‘ve got
touch, so there is a deep, deep sensitivity for connecting to the food that they eat.
And at some deeper level there is a real gift given that this is a 6th tone, and given
where we‘re moving in terms of mutation that there's a great deal of potential
sensitivity in the power of this touch.
But, if this being isn‘t eating correctly, the nervous regimen, for example, taking
control of organizing their own food, touching it, preparing it, particularly using their
fingers to eat. I think this is one of the most important things for 6 th tone people to
grasp. It's not enough that you squeeze the melon in the supermarket, eating with
your fingers whenever possible. In most cases, those human beings that are truly
going to follow their dietary regimen don't get involved in social eating anyway. It is
rare that any of this is suitable to restaurants or whatever the case may be.
And certainly in the case of this being—just think about the way you‘re raised. Think
about what it‘s like. I want you to understand something that using Timothy Leary is
my way of making a really, really dark joke. It's a dark joke, because Timothy Leary
has nothing to do with the potential of this design; nothing. It‘s always the amazing
thing to me.
Think about what happens if you don't eat correctly—aside from the fact that this
person never followed their Strategy and Authority, after all. This was somebody
who was always trying to manifest. This was never, never a Generator responding.
The moment that you're not following your Strategy and Authority there is no way
that you can align to the cognitive potential underneath. The overall holistic
frequency of the vehicle is not correct. If the frequency is not correct, none of this
works. It just doesn't.
What you get is not-self purpose. It‘s one of the most frightening things. Here‘s
Design Saturn, 40th gate, 5th line, 1st color, Rigidity. The recognition that to achieve
liberation all negative forces must be rejected. The revolutionary that demands
absolute victory. The power of the ego to maintain—all of this stuff.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
If you read this carefully you will see this is this being‘s not-self purpose, along with
this (open solarplexus). That's what they think is important. That's what drives
their life because that's what controls their mind. If they're not touching their food,
if they're not going with that specific regimen, if they're not honoring their Strategy
and Authority, anything that we can do here, anything that we can explain here is
basically moot.
This environment that is here is for this stomach, this digestive system, this brain.
And this brain is only going to function correctly in this environment. These are the
control mechanisms. If the brain is functioning correctly because the environment is
correct—that‘s why I keep on telling you, your environment is what's going to
nurture the health of your brain, but more than that, give you the brain power you
need to hone in on whatever your perspective happens to be.
What is this perspective all about? All that risk-taking; risk taking is all about
purpose. This is the ultimate purpose seeker. They‘ll give up anything to get to
their purpose. But, how can they get to a purpose if they don't see it. This is
somebody that has a 6th color view. They‘ve got a personal view. Now we well know
what distraction is going to be in this. It‘s going to lead them into a power view.
This was somebody who was
on a power trip their whole
life. This is a real power
tripper. It‘s a joke. They
were here to be personal.
They end up with a power
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
When you start looking deeply into the construct you see that there is no room for
error. There is no place for slacking off, sliding off, whatever the case may be.
There are two kinds of Human Design. There is a vast popular Human Design that
exists today, which is about Strategy and Authority in helping people be more
comfortable in their life. And then there's the possibility of being aware, the
possibility of being passenger consciousness alive. It‘s the only reward that‘s there
for us. There isn‘t any other reward.
The possibility for us is to have exalted consciousness, to truly, truly be aware. But,
in order to be aware, we need to experience life the way we were intended to
experience it as a differentiated being. And we can only experience as a
differentiated being if the construct is right. And you already know what this takes.
It's hard work.
This morning I was starting a new Maia Mechanics film series on authority. It‘s just
one of those things that you really get to see about us. It's so easy if you can
surrender to what is correct. It's so easy, because the moment that you can just
surrender to what is correct you can go through the process, stage by stage, step by
step. But, it means that you really have to be there. You can't be a little bit there
and you can't be—it‘s one of the things I've been talking about lately, which is the
need to be radical in your approach, because only when you get the physical side set
up is there any chance.
Now, dietary regimen was something you were supposed to be doing based on the
nine-centered being for the first 30 years of your life. It was the dietary regimen
and your Strategy and Authority or learning about your Strategy and Authority and
who you are and so forth and so on that sets you up for this. We don't have such a
privilege. We are nine-centered beings who, all of us, including myself, born deeply,
deeply conditioned. And everything that we've been doing is struggling against the
remnants of that conditioning and the deep influence of the conditioning all around
us, in the world around us, in our loved ones and friends, and so forth and so on.
To wake up is a lonely business. Nobody does it for you, nobody can. And it's
incredibly rigid. Whoever this being turned out to be, whatever that story is, has
nothing to do with what this person's storyline was all about, because they didn‘t live
their storyline. In order for us to be able to help people—after all, holistic analysis is
to be there in the service of those who have entered into this process of trying to
move beyond Strategy and Authority to awareness.
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Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
Once somebody has settled in and is comfortable with their dietary regimen, this is
the first and most important step. And obviously, this is after Strategy and
Authority. But it‘s the first step. And it‘s the first step, because in fact, without the
cleansing of the brain system you don't have the tools necessary. I knew the man.
He was relatively bright. But by comparison of what's possible, he was so deeply
Once you set your dietary regimen to work, you begin to align your brain system to
the potential of your story. Remember, this is the Dependent Variable. Everything
about your brain, the fact that you feed it correctly, it‘s waiting then for you to put it
in the right place. That's why no real maturity begins until you‘re 30, until the first
Saturn cycle is over. Then maturity can actually begin, because that's when you‘re
there to set yourself in the right place to start your life.
It‘s my analogy of the 6th line being to the kangaroo. You‘ve got this tiny little thing
that comes out of the kangaroo womb, a tiny, tiny little thing that struggles terribly
to crawl up to the pouch. This is the first 30 years. It's nothing but struggle. And it
has nothing to do with your life. Think about how chaotic we have made things.
Look at our modern Western society and the way in which we train people to design
their life, to define their life before they‘re 30, the going to University, the trainings,
the ―this,‖ the ―that,‖ the blah, blah, blah, all of that before they‘re 30. That‘s great
if you're a seven-centered being, because that's the way the seven-centered being
did it. They were in a hurry. They had a Saturnian body. They didn‘t have the
privileges that we have, the time we have.
I‘ve had this for years and years and years looking at famous charts. And I used
them because I assumed that it was going to be beneficial for students that they
have something to relate to. Oh, I know what this person's like, or whatever the
case may be. But it‘s always been a joke for me, because who they were, who all
these famous people are, I can do their entire analysis by simply looking at the
In the same way that I can do the entire analysis of this person with this as the
bedrock, the open Ego and the open emotional system, and then all these bridges
between the splits that just add their little bits and pieces, the idea that this person
wants to explain, the contribution that they want to make, the secrets that they want
to share, the salesmanship that they want to get across. All the bullshit of this
person is in their conditioning; all of it.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
―Oh, I feel so good provoking. Let me fight with all of them.‖ It goes on and on and
on. If you look at every single one of the conditioning elements in this design,
priority to the open centers because it‘s a triple-split and then the gaps between the
splits, this is where this person can be found. The person we know, the person
historically that we knew; I call that a tragedy.
I was deeply, deeply, deeply—well, disappointed is not the right word. It was just
odd for me. It was bizarre when I met him. I was already deep into the beginnings
of understanding what all this was about. And I had his design. It was hard for me.
Well, I don‘t want to get into all that. But nonetheless, it was a very, very bizarre
thing to see that this had nothing to do with who this person was. This was just a
conditioned being, just another homogenized element in the program, nothing more,
nothing less, fulfilling the program‘s work; nothing more, nothing less. I hope Tim
out there in space, because he put his ashes in space and I think that‘s really cute, is
spinning somewhere.
To grasp the deep joke, he served the establishment. He served the ultimate
establishment. This was a foot soldier for the program. That‘s why in most of the
charts I use now I simply use the Just Now from the program so as to get away from
all the claptrap. To be able to talk about what is possible; so much more than what
human beings live out.
So, you have to see so clearly how delicate is the work that we do, how few can truly
be saved, how hard it is, and how easy it is for people to be fooled by the standards
that seem to be around them, the standards of success of intellectuality, of all of
these things. I am very aware of the fact that the vast, vast majority of expressions
of consciousness on this plane have all been not-self. I‘m not going to bow down to
any of that.
It's so easy for us to get carried away and think that that's the way it was supposed
to be or you can find him in here somehow. I went through that tragedy as an
analyst. It took me years to actually be able to deal with it. I‘d sit down with
somebody, I‘d look at their chart, I‘d see the possibility and then of course I‘d see
their not-self purpose. And I knew damn well that the chances of them getting
beyond that are slim.
The surface of Human Design can reach a lot of people. It‘s just a technique, after
all, and there will be people that will dabble with that, more or less, to some success.
It makes life easier. But that's truly not what it's about. The gift of Human Design is
a mechanical insight to the deepest level of the way in which we can function. And it
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
is clear that we can function at a level of perfection that we never believe is possible.
And that it‘s simply a matter of dealing with phenomena and having the tools and
the techniques to actually begin to align ourselves to what is correct for us, not
about what the presumption is.
You look at anybody in Human Design, anyone, I don't care what level they‘re at.
You go to their openness, wherever that openness is, and you will find that there is
still not-self purpose that lingers, because it‘s so powerful. And this is amongst
those who really care, because it's a deep, deep, deep effort. And it begins with the
simple. You‘ve got to eat right. You can‘t get more simple than that. You have to
take food into your system in a way that is correct for you.
I think the most phenomenal thing that we have in Human Design is dietary
regimen. PHS is really an incredible thing, because it‘s really healing the most
important part of us. If we want to be aware, you‘ve got to heal the brain. You
have to heal the brain system. It is the brain system that runs all of this. You have
to heal it.
In the language of the nine-centered being, healing is about alignment. It‘s just
about aligning to what is correct. Each step in and of itself is not a big deal.
Altogether it's an enormous journey. You start off experimenting with your Strategy
and Authority, step by step you go deeper and deeper into establishing your program
so that the life experience is something that is going to actually define you. If this is
not correct, then your life experience does not define you. It doesn't bring out your
differentiation. It doesn't at all. It doesn't even work to your benefit.
One of the things that I notice in my life, particularly when I go into any kind of
populated environment because of my three open motors and my sensitivity to all of
that, is that there is so much pain and disappointment and lives that have been put
on there's-no-real-place-to-go business. People who are just on the treadmill,
people who are just grinding it through, people who don‘t think that there is truly
anything worthy for them, that they're just getting by in this life struggling. There is
so much pain out there. There is so much disconnect.
Not-Self Heroes
We end up making heroes out of these beings, instead of seeing them for what they
are—instruments of the program. I'm not here to be an instrument of the program.
It‘s not what I‘m here for; it‘s not what I teach. And it is clear to me that if you truly
are going to live the possibility of your life, if you're going to be in contact with your
experiential uniqueness you‘ve got to get the platform right. It's everything.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And it‘s this body, this amazing body of ours. I‘m in awe. I have a lot of 1 st lines, so
I guess it‘s pretty easy for me, but I'm so impressed with this form package. It is so
exquisite. It is so elegant in the way all of this can be turned into some kind of
super wonder. How easy it is for bodies to be damaged. How easy it is for them to
be lost.
And yet at the same time, how easy it is to save them, to transform them, to be able
to take advantage of this incredible form that we have because it's only through this
form that we can find passenger consciousness. There is no other way, unless you
want to wait until you‘re dead, which is not very entertaining.
To experience passenger consciousness in life, you've got to honor this vehicle first.
And you've got to stand up to the pressure of all that not-self purpose. All that not-
self purpose that is supported by everyone else, because we live in this homogenized
world where everybody is chasing after what they are not. And when they get it,
they think they‘ve actually won something. ―I got the prize. I got to be what I‘m
not.‖ Wow, good for you.
It‘s so funny trying to watch him be a salesman for awareness. It was really cute.
The not-self rips us apart, distorts everything, and takes away the grandeur and the
beauty of what a single human being is. I don't care whose chart is up there. I
don't care whether it's spiritual people that everybody thinks are close to God and
this and that. I know what they are. They‘re homogenized and they‘re not-self and
I don't care how anyone things about their relative intelligence, awareness, blah,
blah, blah, all this doesn‘t make a difference.
Light Business
We are so easily fooled by not-self purpose and the fulfillment of not-self purpose.
Our job, your job ultimately is to lift human beings out of that bog, out of that mire.
It really is light business. It is so enlightening to awaken your form. For me,
somebody who came onto this plane with a great deal of mental equipment, I have
to tell you, nothing has made a difference in my life like form has. The honoring of
the form principle is the most exquisite thing that I can even imagine, because its
gifts are extraordinary to us, because we get our life. You finally get to see what it's
Not only that, but you get to have the experience of this extraordinary outer
authority; and outer authority that all of us need to hear. Not the nonsense
authority rooted in the openness, all distorted; the lies over and over and over and
over again. Most human beings can't open their mouth without lying. They can‘t.
So, in what we do, I am going to move away from these celebrities, and blah, blah,
blah and just enter into the realm of what can really be done, what you can really do
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Five
Triangular Overview 2
to help a human being. How do you get them out of that? How do you align them to
their beauty, to their possibility, to their perfection?
There are simple steps; we know them by now. The Strategy and Authority, the
dietary regimen, so forth and so on, you go through the phases. But for a human
being to really move towards awareness they need allies. They need those that
understand, that can help them, that can guide them, and that can provide them
with the necessary insights along the way, because all of this is deeply complex. It's
not simple. To break down all that homogenization, conditioning, all of those things;
to enter into the pure state of what it is to be you is quite a thing. And it takes all
kinds of time.
It Takes Time
I was mentioning earlier, I was talking about authority this morning in a film and I
was talking about emotional time. You know how emotional beings need to change
the way in which time is honored. We all live, for example, in an emotional
environment. 51% of humanity is emotional. The rest are dealing with the
emotional wave and its consequences. And yet, everything about the emotional
authority that dominates the planet says, ―Hey, there's no truth in the now.
Everything takes time.‖ It all takes time.
One of the most important things about entering into this process is that it's not
about how long it takes. It‘s how deep you go; further and further and further. It
takes seven years just to get rid of the surface garbage. It‘s quite a thing. And yet,
the magic is it's all laid out. It‘s all there, piece by piece, bit by bit. Every single
aspect of it is available and that means that we can be of service to the other in that,
to be able to align them continually to what is correct until it is a natural phenomena
for them.
Remember that we go against the wave of history. It‘s over for human fertility. The
excitement about the human experience is really coming to an end. There‘s a Rave
in the future. Consciousness is going to take another look. It's going to take
another shape. It‘s going to move another way. We can help each other now,
because the program is not going to support us.
We can be the ones that can make that effort, that those that are on our fractal, that
there is this possibility. Even if it's fleeting, that perhaps they, those, can enter into
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
this whole process so that ultimately at least there are some of us who get to
experience the grandeur of what it is to be human.
I love being human. I do. I love it deeply. I don‘t want to be anything else. I don‘t
want to be a Rave. I don‘t want to be any of those things. I love what it is to be
this form in this way at this time. It is so magical to have all this knowledge and to
be able to live correctly in this world of madness and chaos.
Don't fall for all the false prophets. I warn you. Don‘t fall for the way in which the
program exalts human beings. I don't care whether they‘re Presidents or gurus.
See the truth. They are all living not-self purpose. And they're all going to hell in a
hand basket. Forget about all that. Save yourself, and save those that can be
saved, and save them with the truth. And the truth is hard work. Step by step, day
by day, first the brain, then the place, then the vision, then the awareness. And
ultimately, the grandeur of what it is to be you and you for me and me for you.
Okay, well, I didn't know I was going to go to that place. But anyway, that's where I
went. Anyway, to all of you, it was a delight. I‘m glad I could share that with you.
When you download the package, do take a look at that other chart. It's really quite
amazing. And any of you who have any speculations about that, do let me know.
And if anybody finds a living example of this, that's the thing that I'm most
interested in. If there's any way of finding, or you hear about somebody that you
knew that had a child on the 6th of June, this year, because I think first of all we
could be very helpful to whoever the parents are. I think this is a very, very, very
extreme case.
But anyway, yeah, keep that in mind and maybe we can get some interesting stuff
out of all of that. Anyway, I enjoyed sharing that with you. Remember next week is
a week off. We come back in two weeks. When we come back we're going to get
into the experiential aspect from first the Design side and then the Personality side,
both internal and then we'll get to the external. Until then, to all of you, you take
care; bye for now.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
Hello and welcome and to all of you. It‘s time really to step into the incredible, at
least that‘s what it seems to me. When I first started my process and I started to do
readings for people and began to realize how extraordinarily accurate Human Design
was and how incredible the surface was, it‘s really something.
All of these years of work and the digging deeper and deeper and deeper, the
explorations that have gone along with all of this has brought me to a place where
sometimes it‘s really overwhelming, that is, how incredible this knowledge really is.
And I think that as we begin this second half of this semester I think that you'll see
as we enter into this extraordinary movie that the level of nuance and insight that is
here is really quite remarkable.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But it's really time to get down to the meat, and I say that without any double
entendre, that here we are. What you're looking at here, and I assume that all of
you, even those that did not take the programs originally because these were
recommended materials that you're aware of what this configuration is. What we are
looking at here is that we are looking at the construct of the Lunar and Planetary
The Lunar and Planetary Square is perhaps the most incredible thing of all. Even
though so much of the higher education has been oriented towards the Variable
construct, that is, the Independent and Dependent Variable, the Sun/Earths, the
Nodes, that they in fact simply represent coordinating or organizing forces. That is,
what I like to refer to as the control panel.
But the control panel is just that. That is, it is the differentiated control panel. But
the real life, whatever the life is going to be, whatever that life is going to be in
terms of the way in which the body functions, the way this life is going to be in terms
of the way in which the Personality functions, that all of that is in the Lunar and
Planetary Square; all of it.
And it is here in the Lunar and Planetary Square that the true nuance of
differentiation can be experienced. That is, that not only can we see the surface
mechanic of the way in which the control panel organizes us in terms of the way in
which Variable moves us towards a specific way in which we are cognitive, but here
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
we can see the instrument in all that. And here beginning with the body we‘re
actually beginning with something that is really quite incredible. And what I mean
by that is that it is the Lunar and Planetary Square that in so many ways determines
the kind of body that you have and the way in which your form principle is going to
react to the world around it.
Now, this operates in two different ways. What we're going to look at today, what
we begin with today, is understanding the way in which this works internally, and the
way in which this works internally at a number of different levels. The first thing that
we are going to begin with, because I'm going to move us into this next illustration,
is that we‘re going to begin with presence. And as you can see, presence, my
nickname for presence
is the diamond. It is
this diamond con–
figuration that is there
within the Lunar and
Planetary Square.
And of course, in understanding this, at least within the context that we are given
here, what we're looking at are four different elements and four different elements
that are keyed by these four different planets on the Design side. Planets are
remarkable. And it is in so many ways I've had to wait so many years before I could
finally actually talk about planets. It‘s waited until the time in which there is this
kind of construct in which the values of the planets relative to the nine-centered
being can actually be presented and presented in a way that is clear and useful.
Most human beings who have any interest in the work of the planets and particularly
from the traditional astrological perspective, the way in which the planets have been
interpreted and passed along to us have all been deeply rooted in the seven-
centered phenomena. And in the seven-centered vehicle, that is, in the Saturnian
vehicle, the way the planets operated are very different from the way in which they
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
operate within the nine-centered context. And it's only here when you look at it
within this nine-centered context that you can finally have an appreciation of the
power and the influence of these forces relative to what it is to be us.
So let's look at a couple of things here before we go any further. We‘re going to be
looking at these four different areas. Remember, this is about the way in which our
physical presence is determined within us. It has nothing to do with the other. We‘ll
look at that next week. It has nothing to do with the other. It has to do with the
way in which the Lunar and Planetary Square on the Design side, the way it operates
in conjunction with the two different Variable functions. That is, the Independent
Variable and the Dependent Variable. And as you'll see, in terms of the Independent
Variable it‘s really about the nature of the Prime Node, because the Prime Node acts
as the main conduit.
So, what we're looking in essence is the way in which our form is here to be
differentiated. Now, please understand something. As I go through this
theoretically, I'm doing this as an ideal. That's very important to grasp. This is not
based on any kind of not-self; it is not based on homogenization. It is based on the
fact of dealing with somebody at least from the form principle side who is not only
operating correctly according to their Strategy and Authority, but is following their
PHS dietary regimen and is deeply connected environmentally to their life.
Obviously, not the person that we‘re using in this chart. So again, please do not
reference this life. This is just an advantage simply to take advantage of this
particular configuration, which I've been doing through all of these build-up courses
leading to this. It has nothing to do with the person themself, because the person
themself was never correct. But I want you to begin by seeing what this means in
its correctness so that you can begin to understand what it means in its distortion.
And the distortion will allow us, when we get to the point of working with diagnostics,
will allow us to see right away where problems are going to emerge.
So let's look at these four elements to begin with [illustration on the next page.]
We‘re dealing with four things. The first thing that we have to look at is hydration.
Hydration is something that is enormously important. In other words, the quality of
the body itself, the retention of liquid in the body and its relationship by the way to
oxygen absorption. But it is very important to understand that our physical
presence, the way in which our body is going to appear, the way in which it is going
to look to the other, is deeply dependent on a differentiated level of hydration.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
Venusian Complexion
Opposite that, on the other side, because in this you can see that we're dealing with
the liquid theme, on the other side is the Venusian complexion. Now, this is
something that is really extraordinary. There have been so many studies about the
kind of signals that you take in when you look at somebody. We are very, very
attuned to visual keys. When we
look at a human being there are
certain things that we see that we
register at an unconscious level.
And in that registration it tells us
so many things about that other
person, and either brings us
closer to that being, or pushes us
Everything about our presence is so deeply, deeply connected to the liquid. After all,
we are mostly liquid. If you break us down in terms of just the elements that make
up a human being, the vast majority of what we are is simply liquid. And it is the
way in which this liquid operates, and particularly the way in which complexion
operates, is that this is going to determine the kinds of relationships we are going to
have. Think about that. It‘s going to determine that.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Now, we know traditionally the Venusian values, the way in which the basic mores,
the basic fundamental relationships, the basic keynotes that we would give to Venus,
but here within the mechanism of the vehicle how important it is to understand that
if we are correct, it is displayed in our complexion. It‘s displayed. Human beings
have all kinds of ways in which they distort that. And of course, the moment that
one is not correct is the moment that the deepest impact is at this level.
The Aura
So, we have two levels of this in terms of the way in which the auric field is going to
operate. We have the aura itself. And of course, this is perhaps the most profound
understanding that one can have about the nature Jupiter. I have given the name
Jovian, Jovian Archive.
This is Jupiter‘s ar–
chive, this is Jupiter's
wisdom. And the auric
domain is a domain
that is ruled by Jupiter.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
Again, remember that we are dealing with the way in which our form is present, the
way in which our form is present to the other, the way in which we are seen, the way
we are taken in, and whether we are taken in, in a healthy way or not.
It is also about our very quality of energy. If our liquid function is not correct, our
energy function is not going to be correct. It isn‘t. And it is this quality of energy,
the basic value inherent in the aura itself that has so much to do with the way in
which we are dealt with by the world around us. And it doesn't matter whether
you're a Manifestor like me with a closed aura, or you're a Generator with this huge
enveloping aura, or whatever it may be, whether you're a Reflector sampling or
whether you're a Projector focused or not, the quality of the aura is something that
is enormously important in terms of our relationship to the other.
It‘s something that I think those of you that have been in this process long enough,
and most of you have, have come to recognize how quickly you can feel, you can
intuit, whatever way you get there based on your design, how quickly you recognize
dysfunction in the aura of the other. It is the aura after all that does the talking.
So, when we‘re talking about the way in which our form is present that our auric
presence is one of those things that is so deeply, deeply important, not just in terms
of our inner well-being. Our inner well-being is going to be presented by the quality
of the aura that we put out. And that aura that we put out is our calling card to the
world around us and to the beings around us.
Long before they are going to be able to focus and look at or take in deeply our
complexion, or feel the aliveness of our flesh and form, they‘re going to take in that
aura. Here you have close-up (hydration – complexion) and here you have distance
(voice – aura), the outer sheath. And that outer sheath moves from the auric
directly in terms of the aura to the concretized in terms of the voice.
The Voice
Oh, how incredible voices are. If you look at tonal architecture [see the next page,]
everybody looks at tonal architecture and they get caught up in the tonal binaries,
the splenic binary, the Ajna binary, the Solar Plexus binary, the six sensory qualities
that we talk about there. But so often it's forgotten that there is this overall
acoustic. And this overall acoustic is something that is so profound. Most of the
time it‘s not just the obvious of what's in a being‘s voice. Everything is in the voice.
Everything that can be carried in the aura can be heard in the voice; everything.
Now, it doesn't mean that you consciously hear that, after all. It doesn't mean the
other consciously hears that. But this incredible relationship between the aura and
the voice is really something that is deeply, deeply fascinating, because the aura is
something that is almost invisible. Unless you really are deep within this kind of
work where you begin to really recognize the power of the aura, this is the acoustic
aura. This is what concretizes what so often the other can't really sense.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
When I say the other, most others are going to be not-self. And all of this is the way
in which your physical form is going out to the world around you. And whether that
going out to the
world around you
carries the es–
sential magic of
your differentiation
or it carries
The Control Mechanism & the Lunar & Planetary Square Relationship
All right, let's take the next step here. Let's take a look at how this works. Now,
again, we've got a control mechanism up here. It's all it is. It‘s really important to
grasp that. It is a control
mechanism. And yet, there
is a deeply profound rela–
tionship between these
control mechanisms, have to
be, and what is in fact the
Lunar and Planetary Square,
because this is what really
determines what the body is
going to be. This is more
like the directory of it.
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Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
that 4th Color, which is about calm or nervous in terms of dietary regimen, means in
terms of the PHS, this being operating correctly is going to need to have a dietary
regimen in which they need to be stimulated in their environment while they are
eating. That stimulation is something that is going to be very, very important for
We also know tonally that they are deeply sensitive. After all, they have a 6th Tone
and the moment that you see anybody with a 6 th Tone, you know that there is a
deep, deep sensitivity in these beings. But I want to keep it just simple to begin
with. Let‘s just look here at what it means.
Primary Resonance
All right, this is your PHS. And your PHS is rooted in the 4 th Color. So, let's take a
look. If you're following your PHS, you immediately have a resonance to the quality
of your voice, you immediately have a resonance to the quality of your complexion;
immediately. This is a primary resonance. And what I mean by a primary resonance
is that it is Color to Color.
You can also see that there is a secondary resonance. We have a secondary
resonance in that we can go from this 4th Color and we can go to the 4th line in the
hydration and we can go to go the 4th line in the aura. In genetic continuity these
relationships are deeply, deeply significant.
So let's begin with the simple again. Let's look at the primaries. The first thing to
recognize about this being is that the moment that this being is following their PHS
that the primary forces that are going to benefit from this, directly benefit from this,
is going to be their voice. Let‘s just begin the voice.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Let's take this to another level. We know that this is the 31 st gate. We see here that
we have a definition between the 31 and the 7; this is the channel of the Alpha, a
design of leadership for
good or bad. And that
the 31st voice is the
voice of leadership.
Now, the quality of that
voice, if this being is
following their dietary
regimen, the quality of
this voice is enhanced,
which means that when
they are acting out of a
leadership role, and
again out of correct–
ness, they are a
Generator, they are a
triple-split Generator.
Now, think about that. If you have somebody who has a 31 voice, that 31 voice is
healthy. It is heard by the other. This is something that is so profound. It sounds
simple, but it's really something to grasp. If you're not following your dietary
regimen, then the first thing that's going to happen is that you're going to have a
dysfunctional voice. And you‘re going to have a dysfunctional voice that‘s not
If you're not following your PHS, it is going to have an immediate effect on your
complexion. In other words, you're not going to look healthy either. And you can
see clearly here that you have this very, very powerful exact conjunction, at least
exact conjunction to the Color level here in the 31.5, 4 th Color between the Mercury
and the Venus.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
So what it means for this being is that if they are going to be able to fulfill their
differentiated potential, to truly be a leader, that the only way that they're going to
be a leader, a leader that is going to be recognized by the other as one that is
healthy, that it can be heard in their voice, that it can be seen in the way in which
they shine.
I don't mean to get too off the track, but this is about
halo. This old thing about halos, the saints and their
halos, the avatars and their halos, and all of these
things, the halo is real. It‘s not visible in the sense that
you see it in the obvious sense of some kind of shining
light around the being, but this is what complexion is all
about. It is that halo that‘s there.
And all of
this is di–
rectly derived from the PHS; directly.
So if there is no PHS, if this being is not
following their dietary regimen, then
their voice and their complexion are
going to be unhealthy, which means
that that is going to negatively impact
the potential inherent in them to lead
and to be able to lead others in
response. And the moment that they're
not living out what it is to be a
Generator, that they're not following
their PHS, then there is slowly going to
be dysfunction in both of these areas.
Now, think about this person as a child not operating correctly, the first thing we‘re
going to recognize is that there's going to be something wrong both in the voice and
in their skin. The skin is going to be the most obvious. The voice will be subtler, but
it can lead to certain things. It can lead to speech impediments. It can lead to
problems in articulating clearly, but most of all it can lead to all kinds of problems
with the skin itself. And these become things that are just standing out there and
that they‘re screaming loud and clear, ―We‘re not well.‖ And it's all directly
connected to the PHS.
Transformation is one of those subjects I talk a great deal about. And obviously in
relationship to Variable, and Variable is rooted in the form principle. Everything
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
about Variable begins with the form principle. My call to those that are deeply
involved in Human Design to be radical about their approach to their form is
something that in this you can see how important it is.
Because those basic elements that are there in your design, that those elements that
are connected in this way, that if you are operating correctly in terms of your PHS it
is going to make an enormous difference in the way in which you connect to the
world around you, not simply that you're healthier. That‘s the whole thing about the
control panel. The control panel says, ―If you do this you‘re going to be healthier.‖
But that's not the primary point.
We‘re not here to be alone. We are here to be with the other. We are here to
experience the other, and be experienced by the other. And the quality of our well-
being is something that is so important to the nature of our relationships. The
healthier you are in terms of your PHS, the clearer you're going to be in terms of the
way in which your presence is felt by the other. Everything is about fractals. When
your presence is exalted, it transforms all of the relationships that you have in your
life and deeply influences the other.
Now, obviously here we have a primary. That is, we're dealing with the 4 th Color so
we have these two areas that are obvious. It‘s 4 th Color resonance. But we also
have line to Color resonance, which is secondary. In other words, it is not as
intense. For example, if you're not following your PHS, the problems are going to
emerge here before they will emerge here, because this is the primary.
So, this becomes the secondary. But even though that it is secondary, even though
that it is a relationship from the Color to the line, it still means that if you're
following your PHS that it‘s going to have a direct relationship to the quality of your
hydration and also to the nature of your aura, but they‘re secondary in importance to
your voice and complexion in its relationship to the world outside.
In other words, this is going to dominate in the way in which you're going to be
taken in by the other. Let me give you an example. Let's say that we‘re dealing
with this enveloping aura here of this particular Generator. But the aura isn't as
powerful as the voice. In other words, there is much more detail. There is much
more information that is in the voice than is here in the actual aura itself.
What that means in relationship to the other is that this is where the relationship is
going to be met first and foremost by the other. This is the way in which this being
is going to most successfully present itself. That its actual aura is going to be
secondary. There are many levels of this. And there are many levels of the way in
which these aspects operate with each other.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
The Environment
But let's take the next step and let‘s go down here to the environment. Again, you
can't do any of this without the environment. This is not about the homogenized
world. This is about what it means to be correct and how transforming correctness
can be. Again, we‘re dealing
with the 1st Color. We‘re
dealing with a caveman/
cavewoman. And in dealing
with that 1st Color we can see
right away that we have a
harmony, no resonance, that
we have a secondary harmony,
but no resonance, and that at
the Color level we're going to
have dissonance in the
hydration and in the aura
You all know that this is Tim Leary. And we know that he led. But, we have never
done a death count. There are those of us who deeply appreciated the LSD
experience and survived it. But I know so many who were damaged, so many who
are still being damaged by all of that, so many that never, never should have
followed that road, so many in which it created great unhealthiness in their life,
psychologically, physically and in many, many, many other ways.
So again we're talking about the perfection of the potential of this leadership. Here
is somebody that is truly here to lead, but only when this voice, this complexion is
correct. The primary is if they're not following their PHS that will not be the case.
And secondary to that is the environment. That is, that you can see, for example,
because we're dealing with the 1st Color and we have no direct resonance here, this
is not something that is the most necessary thing to be correct in. It‘s secondary.
It's secondary because it is a harmony, where here you have the resonance. And
yet, they're all related. In other words, to be correct in all of this is to enhance what
is here because we do have through the resonances and the harmony, we have a
direct connection between the PHS and the environment directly to the presence.
And the health of that presence, the well-being of that presence, and what that
means in terms of the relationship to the other is so profound. Because you can
have somebody not only who is correct within themselves, healthy within
themselves, but are able to realize the inherent power that is there.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It is less important for them to find the correct remembrance. It is less important
for them, the understanding that can be derived out of that 4. What is so deeply
significant for them is the potential in their physical capacity to lead. It isn't
specifically about what they need; remember that. It isn't. It is about recognizing
that in following what is correct for them in terms of their dietary regimen and their
environment, that these aspects because of the resonance, these aspects are going
to have an extraordinary influence on the other.
Whenever we're looking at a being, what we‘re looking at is their potential to fulfill
their role on their cross in this life. And to be able to fulfill this role on this cross, in
this case, the Laws, to be able to bring those laws that are truly correct, those laws
that are just, those laws that are going to bring a
benefit to the other, because everything about
transformation is about understanding that in the
end what transformation is about is about allowing
true outer authority to be expressed.
It says something very simple. If you see a configuration like this and the being is
not correct, this is where you‘re going to see all the damage. You‘re going to hear it
in their voice; you're going to see it in their skin tone. You‘re going to see it clearly.
And when you think about the way in which children are raised in which their dietary
regimen is something that is entirely ignored, then you can begin to see how their
very presence gets distorted in such a way that they cannot present themselves
correctly on this plane.
Think about every creature that is alive, every creature that's alive is here in one
way or another to establish its presence. All creatures do that. Not only do
creatures do that, so many creatures, just about all of them in one way or another,
will stress that they‘re here. They will call out. The bird‘s song, the howling of the
wolf, whatever the case may be. There is this ―I am here. I am here.‖ Well, what is
that, who is that ―I am‖?
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
It isn't about this. It isn‘t. And it isn‘t about the ―I am‖ that you think about in
terms of your own inner mental process, which is on the Personality side, and it‘s
over here. It‘s the ―I am‖ you establish to the other. It is your presence that you're
establishing in this world because with this presence you get to present your outer
authority. And the profundity of this outer authority is going to arise out of the
power of this voice.
Now, we don't know what this voice is actually going to say. We don't know yet
what this outer authority is all about, because we're not looking at the Personality.
We're looking at the form. And we‘re looking at the way in which the form presents
itself to the world around it. You cannot live out the magic of your profile, the magic
of what it is to be a differentiated being unless your vehicle is correct. And when
your vehicle is correct, what you get to see are these incredible nuances that allow
you to recognize ultimately the way in which your form is guiding the whole process
of how you present ultimately your outer authority, your being to the world around
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Ra: Now there's a question about the nature of Tone. Again, this takes things to
another level. For example, if this being is operating according to their PHS, we also
know that there is going to be a tonal impact; in other words, the way in which this
cognition is going to work, the way in which this quality, this deep Solar Plexus
quality of being able to tap into
frequency, that this frequency is
going to be enhanced and it‘s
particularly going to be enhanced
in the aura.
You know what that's like when—I‘m very sensitive to auras because I have three
open motors. But, it‘s one of the things you can sense in somebody's aura, is that
you can sense their intelligence. You can feel it in an aura. You can feel it. So, the
whole thing to recognize about cognition, and again, this is a step-by-step process,
there‘s a great deal of material to cover.
The thing to recognize about cognition is that the cognition can be felt. Whether the
cognition is correct or not is directly here. We've already looked at that in looking at
the way in which chains operate in beginning to understand the way in which
cognition, true cognition flows to the surface through the Color as the being is
But again, remember what this is about. This is about your presence and what is
being taken in by the other when you're correct. And so that means that your very
intelligence is alive in the quality of your flesh, is alive in the nature of that aura.
Now, it's not a heavy thing. In other words, because for example that we‘re dealing
with a 6th Tone moving to a 6th Color, that this is something that you‘re going to
have to be quite sensitive to feel that, and yet it‘s there.
And that very quality of that is going to be there. For this being, it could be
something quite spectacular. That is, given what the 6 th Tone value is, that if that is
there in the aura, they have an enormous sensitivity in their aura and the way in
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
which their aura goes out to the other and the kinds of information that they can
take back in from the other.
The other thing is that the way in which we are assessed by other human beings
operates in each of these zones. The complexion is something that is on the surface,
in a sense. But the hydration is about the very essence of the body itself. It isn't
about what the surface looks like. It is about the very quality of the meat, if you
will, the fleshiness, if you will. And that itself means that the moment that you touch
this person is the moment that you get into contact with their cognition that lies
underneath, because the cognition is going to be there in the harmony that is going
to be there.
And out of that, again, we can continue to move along that line and we can see that
it's only when this person is properly hydrated, when it is correct for them, again
their PHS and their environment, because both of those are things that are
absolutely necessary in that relationship to the 4s, that out of that comes a profound
revelation, a revelation that is deeply influenced by the underlying cognition, and a
revelation of remembrance that is going to be able to affect the other when it gets
expressed through that voice, when it gets felt through that aura, when it gets seen
through the quality and the healthiness of that skin.
It all begins to come alive in the way in which the form operates. To be healthy
means that it's not about you feeling good. It is way beyond that. It's about
understanding how good you feel to the other. Now, obviously there are going to be
different kinds of cases of whether there are primary relationships or not. There is
always a relationship, because we operate through three things. We operate
through harmonies and resonances and dissonances. So, in fact there is always
some kind of relationship.
And the fact that there is resonance and no harmonies, or harmonies and no
resonances, or there's only dissonance, this is not about good or bad. It always goes
back to the same thing: if the control panel is correct. In other words, if the
fundamental way in which the life force has to be organized is correct, it doesn't
matter what the values are, they can be interpreted. And that they can be
interpreted in a way in which you can see that this is not about good or bad. Anyone
who is following their PHS and is connected deeply to their environment, that
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
whatever is there in terms of the way in which their form principle presents itself,
this is going to be correct for them.
And you'll see as we move along, because as we move deeper and deeper into this, I
will give you all kinds of different examples that you can look at and you can ponder.
But it‘s something as well to understand. Don't just wait for me. And I mean that.
Don‘t just wait for me. You really have to do your own work and you have to do
your own research. You have to begin to look at these things yourself. You have to
begin to trust in your own intelligence in the background that you have.
You‘re a deeply well-educated group. And the fact that this is a one-year program
means that we have 30 classes together. That's really the beginning of something.
And what I'm trying to do in all of this is to give you the guidelines so that you can
begin to explore these things. And the best place to begin, obviously, is with
yourself and those that you're deeply familiar with in this life. Because by the time
we get to the next semester where we go into diagnostics, that is a time where you
need to have enough experience looking at yourself and looking at others that you
already are beginning to see what it means.
Most beings that you‘re going to look at are obviously not-self. So, you know right
away that when you're looking, for example, at the theme of presence, that you can
see very clearly that as not-self, there are going to be problems that are going to
arise in these four areas and that those areas are going to be visible. You're going
to be able to see it. It‘s clear.
So, you're going to see beings that are either under or over hydrated, complexions
that range from being sickly to being damaged, voices in which there are all kinds of
fundamental weaknesses in the voice itself, and auras that give off terrible
frequencies. All of those things become self-evident the moment you look at it.
As a matter of fact, if you could really sit somebody down and explain to them what
this does when you're not correct, I think they‘d be horrified. Most human beings do
not give off their presence. They are not present. They're not. There is some
conditioned body there. It's not their body. It‘s why those bodies get sick. It‘s why
those bodies have so many problems. It‘s why the relationships that they have are
not fulfilling. It‘s really something to see that most human beings are walking
around with a presence that‘s not them. It‘s not. It's horrifying.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
Everything about this knowledge is about the liberation of a being, the pure
individual, the beauty of unique authority. But you cannot establish unique authority
until you can establish your true presence in the world. And you can only begin to
establish this true presence when you are dedicated to what is demanded of you. If
you do not have this, if you cannot fulfill this, then you cannot bring your presence
into the world as a platform. And it‘s a platform. It‘s a platform for Personality
consciousness. It is a platform for the perspective, the view, the cognitive
conceptualizing, the ultimate outer authority, the passenger consciousness, all of
And it is only through this presence that anything else is possible. And again, we're
not looking at all of it. There is the other part of this. Again, we will get to that next
week. To see the real complexity that is there. But to grasp something just very,
very basic: who you are, who you truly are has to be present. This is the way that
you fulfill the potential of your cross, of your profile, of your design. You fulfill it
through the well-being, the healthiness of your presence. And these things can be
watched. They become signposts for you. You look at your own. Between now and
next week, really, you look at your own.
The other thing, by the way, that I want to share with you now so that you're aware
of that, after next week's class, I would like to hold an interactive question-and-
answer workshop on the following Saturday. I think that that would be Saturday the
11th, if I'm not mistaken. I have tried to do this in the past, and it proved to be very
unsuccessful in terms of attendance. And I'm not interested in doing that if there
are only a few people that show up, frankly, because it's a lot of work.
But I think it's very, very important to your development in holistic analysis that you
have the opportunity not just simply to listen to me in lecture, but to be able to have
the chance to talk, to share your own designs, your own experience with what it is to
look at yourself in this way, to be able to ask questions and to be able to share that.
At what time? Well, I want to make it something that would be convenient. So, I
would like to schedule it for let's say an hour later than this class, so that would
make it 17 GMT. If that is good for all of you, then I will schedule that in our class
schedule. What I ask is that if you can send Alissa at office, if you can send her
your—I assume I have all of your charts, but it would make it a lot easier for me—if
you can send her just your .mmai, not the chart, because I will do this live in the
sense that I will open up screencast and I will go directly into my program. So if you
can just send her your .mmai file, then I will be able to pull all those together so that
when we do get to the class, whoever is present in the class, then I will be able to
work with your charts with you.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
I'll set aside a couple of hours for the workshop so there's enough time that I can
work with as many of you as I can. And if it turns out to be something that works
well and if there are a lot of you that are involved in that, then I will do it more
often, because I would like to be able to give you as much assistance as I can
beyond these lectures in being able to develop this information and being able to
work with it.
So, I‘ll schedule that on the weekend and I‘ll schedule it for the 11 th, I‘ll schedule it
at 17 GMT. Forward your AI data to [email protected] and we‘ll be able to
work together in that.
Okay, just to finish up for today I want you to think about how all of this is not about
you alone. It‘s so interesting. The only thing that's about you alone is the
Sun/Earth. The Sun/Earth is always about me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me, I, I, I.
That‘s what it‘s all about. The moment you step into the Lunar and Planetary
Square, you step into the way in which you are being shaped for the world around
you, and the way in which you are being shaped for your perfection.
And we‘re here to have a shape that doesn't shift. We're here to have a shape that
is the essence of us, the perfection of us, whatever that may be. And it is that form,
the beauty of that, the well-being of that, that establishes something that is the
essence of this work. That is, through your correct presence, out of that, aside from
the obvious of your physical well-being, it establishes the platform for transcendent
awareness. It establishes the platform for your presence to be such that your outer
authority is something that resonates in others.
It's what we‘re here for. It is what the nine-centered being is all about. We are here
to perfect our form. And through the perfection of that form, to be able to finally be
able to give out to the world the beauty and the essence that we carry. It‘s
different, obviously, in each of us. It‘s differentiated in each of us. You can see that
the dominant theme of this vehicle is that it's designed truly to lead. It‘s designed to
be the voice of leadership. Yet, a voice of leadership that can be so distorted, a
voice of leadership whose very presence can be a disturbance in the world.
And here we are with this incredible potential inherent in us to be a presence that
provides the purity and the beauty of what is our unique outer authority, our unique
truth. For each of us, that is what we are here for. Not for ourselves. It is not for
ourselves. This is what I love about the planets. The Sun/Earth and the Nodes just
set up the movie. They say, ―Okay, this is who you are. This is the life you‘re in.
Here's your storyline, go for it.‖
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Six
The Body: Presence and Inner Correctness
But the Lunar and Planetary Square says, ―Yeah, very nice, but everything is about
us and the other. It‘s always about us and the other.‖ And if we cannot enrich the
lives of the other, then we are poorer. For all it has been for me to be an Ego
Manifestor, integration Ego Manifestor, there has been no greater joy in my life than
enriching the lives of others, something that I never, ever could have conceived of
when I first began way back when in this process.
It's an extraordinary thing. It is what our presence is all about. We are here to
enrich the lives of others with our awareness, with our unique truth, with the beauty
of what it is to be us in relationship to the other. And this presence is a calling card.
You don‘t want to go near people who are unhealthy. You don't. You don't like it.
And unhealthiness in all of its various ways in which that can be experienced. We
don't like it. We don't like the dysfunctional aura, we don't like going near a form
that doesn't feel correct. We don't like the sound in a voice that is disturbed. We
don't like any of those things.
If the presence is not correct, then you never get to have the allies in this life that
you deserve. The beauty of what a life can be, I know, when you have allies. And
when you have allies that are ready, it‘s such a beautiful thing.
Well, I hope you enjoyed that. We‘ll continue this incredible journey next time. So,
to all of you, you take care. I will post the Saturday, the 11 th workshop, and hope to
see all of you there. Anyway, until next week, you take care. Bye for now.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
Hello and welcome to all of you. I had an interesting experience just a couple of
days ago. I‘m on Facebook, so there are all kinds of curiosities that show up in my
life. I was contacted by somebody who was very close to Tim Leary, who was
actually with him right at the end when he died. He died of prostate cancer;
obviously, something that is very, very painful. It was just one of those interesting
serendipities because this person in contacting me asked me if I had ever looked at
his design. I thought that was really cute. So I shared with him the fact that here
we are doing Holistic Analysis.
It‘s one of those things about what I mentioned to you last time when we were
talking about all of this is to really grasp clearly that I‘m just using this as a
framework to talk about what‘s possible for somebody who is correct. Obviously,
this was a being that within the context as we understand correctness didn‘t operate
correctly at all, and paid quite a price for that in their life and physically in their well-
being. Serendipity being what it is I thought that was rather interesting.
Today we‘re going to take the other side of the story. Last week we were looking at
presence and today we‘re going to look at prana. Prana is something that is really
quite incredible. Whenever we‘re looking at the construct, and again I‘ll take a step
back for a moment, recognize that whether we‘re looking at the Design or we‘re
looking at the Personality, there are two things. One is that we have the diamond
that is made up of Neptune, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. This is the diamond.
In the simplest sense the diamond represents the mundane. It represents the
surface. So in our analysis of last week you can see the surface in terms of the body
experientially is rooted in its hydration, the complexion, the aura and the voice. In
other words, the way in which the surface presentation is made available in
relationship to the other. It‘s very much about the surface of things.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But the moment that we get underneath and we get to the diagonal we get to the
mystery of Mars. And if there was ever a planetary influence that has gone through
a remarkable transition from its seven-centered interpretation to its nine-centered
interpretation, it certainly is Mars.
One of the things that I would really like to see in the alignment business, my nine-
centered word for healing, is the development of technologies that make it simple for
us to be able to see very, very
minuscule differences in physical
temperature. None of us have the
same temperature. It is really
something to grasp. To have what
is your correct temperature is
ultimately the goal of the form
principle. It is that temperature that
is going to govern the way in which
everything about the nature of your
form, the way in which that form
operates in terms of being able to
provide you with the most efficient
way for you to be able to operate.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
And when we‘re looking at the diagonal, we‘re going down to a much deeper level.
In other words, we‘re no longer dealing with the surface anymore. We‘re dealing
with an underlying mechanism for
the potential transition. The
thing to see about the diagonal is
that the diagonal involves the
Moon directly.
Think about the Monopole. The Magnetic Monopole has a special relationship to the
Nodes. The Nodes express the Monopole; literally. It is one of the functions of the
Monopole, aside from holding us together, that is holding us together in the illusion
of our separateness which is in essence the gravity. It is also moving us along a line
of our geometry. That line of our geometry is something that is really there in terms
of the way in which the Nodes themselves are there and the way in which the Nodes
represent the storyline, this whole movement, all of these aspects.
So, whenever you‘re looking at the Lunar and Planetary Square, no matter what the
Moon‘s relationship is to the Nodes or the Sun/Earth, and I mean that relationship in
terms of resonance or in terms of harmony or dissonance, it doesn‘t make a
difference. The Moon‘s value always has to be considered because it has the
interpretive function.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Now, everything about the Moon is that experientially what this does for us is that it
is the Moon that literally grounds us to our life. It grounds us in our storyline. It
gives us that gravitas, if you will. It gives us the ability to really live out the essence
of what we are. Now, on this side it‘s form. It becomes easier to grasp the impact
of the Moon when we go over, as we will next week and begin with the Personality
side, to see the way in which the Moon really has an enormous influence over the
way in which we experience the world around us.
But it is also something really to grasp about the Moon on the Design side, that it‘s
the Moon that‘s holding the vehicle together, in a sense. It is the Moon that is giving
the vehicle its solidity. You can see here again we‘re dealing with the solid. It is the
Moon that really gives it its form quality.
Now, when we‘re looking at all of these factors in relationship to each other, it has to
begin here. This is the thing to grasp. And the interesting thing about the nature of
the Mars is that when we were
looking at the diamond, what we
got to see was that the auric was
certainly very strongly present in
the diamond. That is, we got to
see the aura through Jupiter and
the voice through Mercury. But
here there‘s really something
special to grasp about Mars in this
place and within the context of it
being auric.
We have these expressions about turning somebody on, healing—the way in which
Mars works is very important in terms of whether the other being is going to be
mutated by you. It‘s really something special to think about. When you‘re looking
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
at your own Design Lunar and Planetary Square, one of the fascinating places to go
to is to go to your Mars.
Now, if you‘re operating correctly, and again that goes back to not just simply
Strategy and Authority, it‘s PHS dietary regimen, it is truly being connected
environmentally to what is correct for you, the moment that those three aspects of
body perfection are at work, this is the moment that you become a mutative force,
not simply within yourself, but in the way in which your form principle impacts the
The other, for example, the not-self, meeting somebody that is correct given those
principles, in meeting somebody
that is correct, they‘re going to
feel an intensity, a quality that in
fact is going to raise their
temperature, increase their heart
beat. There are so many things
that come out of this Mars
mutating the other being. One of
the most important aspects is to
really grasp that this whole
business of the right temperature
is something that is the core of
how your own form demonstrates
its mutative potential and the way
in which that mutative potential becomes contagious, the way in which it reaches out
to the other.
Now, it‘s very interesting here that if you look at this line, the 28.5 is about the lack
of trust. It‘s a line of treachery. And it is something that is so interesting to
understand about somebody like this. If they‘re correct, the way in which their
physical body, the way in which what they radiate out from their body, this is going
to mutate others in terms of the way in which they have always looked at things that
they have trusted.
In other words, this is a way of breaking down the kind of trust that the not-self
being will apply—somebody with an open Spleen that trusts somebody else because
they make them feel good without recognizing that other person is ripping them off
every day. The other thing is that if this being is not correct, then their very body
presence is going to bring about a lack of trust in them. It is going to bring that out
literally in the other.
So, it‘s one of these things that‘s very, very important to understand about the
function of Mars and about something that is so essential to grasp. If you‘re not
eating correctly, if you‘re not following the proper dietary regimen, there is no way
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
that you‘re going to have the correct temperature. And without that correct
temperature there is no internal mutation, the mutation that brings you to the full
potential of what it is to be a nine-centered being and there is no way in which you
can mutate the other.
Now, mutating the other for all of us is very, very important because it is this very
capacity of Mars that will break down barriers in the other. Now of course, it‘s going
to depend—not everybody is going to have Mars in the 28.5 obviously, it‘s going to
depend what your Mars story is really about. Your Design Mars is something that is
something to look into deeply. Your Design Mars is something that is very, very
special. It is the key. And it‘s why I‘m so concerned about tools.
When you look at dietary regimen, as an example, and you look at the upper Colors,
that is, you look at circumstance, the moment you get into the circumstance you get
to see that circumstance benefits from technology. Somebody who has low
frequency can wear Bose sound reducing headphones while they eat. The further up
you go in the scale of dietary regimen the more recent the mutation of the digestive
So, we need the tools to be able to provide deeply, deeply accurate temperature
measurement. Years ago there was this biofeedback kind of thing. There was this
whole thing with biofeedback and this kind of stuff. To be correct and to know what
your consistent correct temperature is, is something that is enormously beneficial,
because it‘s a way of measuring the influences around you.
After all, we all have openness, we all take in conditioning. The fact that we follow
our Strategy and Authority doesn‘t mean that the conditioning doesn‘t have some
influence over us. It does, after all. It goes into our system. And at the physical
level, these minute shiftings in our temperature are things that are very, very
important to pay attention to. They really are.
Ok, I don‘t want to belabor that, because I‘ve got a lot to cover here. So, let‘s move
on to this illustration so we can see everything in its context again. The first thing
you think about when you think about the name ―prana‖ is that most people will
think about the whole breath system. And obviously, here we have the plutonian
inhalation and we have the Saturnian exhalation. There is obviously a basic level to
that. In other words, it certainly does have to do with the breathing in or out. But
that's much too simple in the context of what we are looking at. So, I‘m going to
give you a bit of a guide here.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
Let‘s go back and remember what this person is all about. We know that this is
somebody that in terms of their environment—let‘s just begin with the
environment—that the environment is very important for them. That is, they have a
cave environment and they‘ve got a nervous dietary regimen. But the cave is
something that is so important for them. Remember something about storyline.
Your Design Node is telling you this is the only way for you to be healthy in your life.
It‘s the only way.
This is the most important thing to understand about your story. Your brain can be
healthy. It doesn't mean your life is healthy. You can have a healthy brain. It
doesn't mean you have a healthy
life. It‘s not a guarantee that if you
follow your dietary regimen and
your life is going to be healthy.
Your life is healthy when it's rooted
correctly to what is correct for it
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
about being able to recognize that negative forces have to be rejected. And the only
way that negative forces can be rejected in this person is if they can breathe them
out; understand that, the negative forces.
One of the reasons why I want to do workshops with you is that you need to learn
how to deconstruct lines for the Design side. Those lines that I wrote were basically
written for Personality consciousness. In other words, it was for the Personality to
be able to grasp the meaning of them, and to grasp the meaning in relationship to
their understanding of themselves. Obviously, when we're looking at the Design
side, line values need to be deconstructed. They need to be deconstructed within
the context of the form itself.
So, here you have a classic line that says in order to be able to get the poisons out
of your system, in order to exhale and reject those poisons, the only way you can do
that is by living in your cave and following your diet. Now, this was somebody who
did not. This is the thing that I want you to grasp about this exhalation. It‘s not
about just breathing out. As I said, it's not just about breathing out. It is about
cleaning out. It is about getting rid of those things in you that are unhealthy.
Here is a classic example of it. It is so fixed to it that this is somebody that if they‘re
not dealing with this they‘re going to be retaining all of these poisons. Now, you can
take this person, you can take them to some wonderful place, take them up to Big
Sur or something. It‘s gorgeous, wonderful, the air is great, the sky is beautiful,
nature is all around you, you would think, wow, this is a great place to breathe.
Well, it‘s not. And there‘s no way that those poisons are going to be removed.
There is no way that this being is going to find their liberation. They're not.
And because this is the 40th gate, and because it's Saturn—wherever you see Saturn,
Saturn's the thing that if you‘re going to be hurt, whether physically or
psychologically, look at the Saturn‘s because it's where you‘re punished. This Saturn
is in the 40th gate. This is the gate of the stomach. So, this is a being that if they're
not in their cave, if they‘re not eating correctly, if they‘re not following their dietary
regimen, then they're going to be in this incredible situation in which they can‘t get
the negatives out of their system. They can't.
We do not just breathe out a gas. That‘s not the point. We are breathing out all
kinds of things and we are cleansing ourselves as we breathe out. The nature of that
cleansing, what you need to breathe out to stay healthy, you'll find in whatever your
line, your gate happens to be.
Again, on Saturday hopefully we‘ll have time to look at a lot of different variations so
that you‘ll be able to begin to grasp how you work with this and how you begin to
understand it. Think about this as a client. Think about this person that you're
dealing with, and you look at something like this and you say, here‘s your line. And
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
you look at this line and you say, the recognition that to achieve liberation all
negative forces must be rejected.
Now, of course, this isn‘t a Personality thing. The negative forces must be rejected
and must be breathed out. And the only way that they're going to be breathed out is
if you are in the right place and if you're not in the right place, you're not going to be
able to get rid of them, they're going to build up in your system and eventually
they‘re going to punish you. As a matter of fact, eventually they‘ll kill you;
All right, the other side is inhalation. It‘s not just about the air that you're breathing
in. Yes, obviously it has to do with that, there's no question about it. But it's more
than that. There is so much information in the air we breathe. There is so much
information. I love the wind. I‘m one of these people that absolutely adores the
wind. I live in a wind
valley. As a matter of
fact, I look out from
my bedroom window
and I see windmills. I
live in a wind valley. I
love the wind. You can
taste information on
the wind. There is so
much information that
you take into your
Again, the inhalation for this being needs to take place in the right environment. It
is that environment that is so important. After all, the environment is a controlling
mechanism that provides a limitation in the sense of what is actually going to be
breathed in. If you're inside of your cave so much of the world is closed out of the
outside, less influence coming in, less influence being taken into your form.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Now, think about this 52nd gate, Keeping Still: Temporary and self-imposed inaction
for the benefit of assessment. This is a being that needs to be in an enclosed
environment breathing in, in an enclosed environment in order to be able to get the
necessary information. And it is about being inactive. This is the 5 th line: In times of
inaction, the often
important ability to
explain one's position.
So, everything about
this environment, the
cave, is all about this
being in there and just
breathing in, in that
cave because the
breathing in is going to
stimulate the mind.
After all, the Earth is much more important when you're looking at the Design side
than the Sun is. In the same way that on the Personality side, the Sun carries more
influence, in this opposition, more influence than the Earth does. So, in this case
we‘re dealing with the Earth here, in the 60 th gate in the 5th line. The 5th line is
interesting because it is the line of leadership. And in this line of leadership, it
literally is all about dealing with limitations. And if you can't deal with limitations,
then problems are going to arise.
So, everything about this is about coming to grips—it‘s a line of leadership, after all.
Something really special here to see is that in the direct resonance that is there at
the line value, that this being in their cave, being inactive, in breathing in, they take
in the necessary information that will help them lead in terms of the way in which
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
ultimately they're going to live out that leadership, because it is inherent in them.
After all, they‘re a 31/7.
And ultimately it is going to
influence that.
Think about it. It‘s an incredible thing to grasp what it means not to be correct,
because in terms of well-being you get to see it immediately. Remember that what
we looked at last week is the surface. But this is deep
within us. And this fundamental prana here, because
this is the core of this, this fundamental prana here is
the most important thing about our physical well-
being, literally about our physical well-being.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But imagine what it's like. You go out in the world and you have some disturbing
thing that happens to you. You meet somebody and they dump all kinds of stuff into
you, the kinds of things that happen all the time. If you go back into your
environment and you‘re fundamentally correct, what you're going to be able to do is
literally cleanse that. You‘ll actually be able to breathe it out.
And it‘s not about that you have to go through some kind of higher state of this or
that. It‘s just a natural physical thing. You will breathe out the poisons if you are
correct. So, even when you go outside of your comfort zone, even when you go
outside of your protective zone where only your Strategy and Authority can protect
you—you go out of your cave to go shopping or whatever the case may be—the fact
is that the moment you enter back into your environment, in your correctness
whatever you‘ve taken in that is not correct for you, you're going to be able to
breathe out.
Now, the other thing is recognizing that experientially in terms of the form that the
breathing in and the breathing out is something that benefits the way in which the
brain system operates. In other words, you can see that in the inhalation itself that
the inhalation is there for us to be able to take in information at a level that we‘re
unaware of. It‘s not the obvious of reading a book or listening to somebody or
whatever the case may be. This is something that‘s really profound that I think most
human beings simply—I don't think they‘ve ever really had access to it. I don‘t think
they‘ve ever grasped it.
We tend to be lost in the Ajna and the eyes and the visual, and all of those things.
We don't really grasp how much incredible information our body takes in—our body—
and that how important this
information is to us. And when
you begin to look clearly at
what your inhalation is about—
and again, it‘s giving you
something to really focus on
and understand about yourself.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
Pluto: Truth
So, you have the two sides. Now, remember, Pluto represents, at least in the most
simplest understanding of Pluto, is truth; just truth. The way you breathe in is the
closest you get to what is your truth, your differentiated truth. So, this breathing in
is something that's very important. And remember, for those who are mouth
breathers or those that are specifically nose breathers, how important it is to make
sure that this is something that you really take advantage of, particularly when it's
accentuated as it is in the 1st and 2nd Colors. It‘s something really to be clear about.
We Breathe in People
The breathing in, this breathing in, in the right environment, this nurtures the
potential for awareness in a human being. You get the information that your body
needs. Now, when this is dealing with the outside it becomes even more incredible,
because literally, when you meet the other, this becomes one of the keys. You‘re
breathing them in. The more sensitive you become—I'm so aware of breathing in
people. I am so aware of that. It is so obvious to me. It‘s just one of those things.
This is what we do, we breathe them in. You‘re in their aura and you breathe them
in. And not only do you breathe them in, but in most cases you're talking to them,
you're looking at them, you‘re facing them, they‘re breathing into your face. And
whether or not it's a few meters away and you don't necessarily feel it directly
doesn't mean that you're not getting all of it. You‘re taking in all of this information.
And so much of that information, given the fact that most human beings are not-self,
so much of that information is just simply unhealthy and needs to be cleansed. In
the same way that we have all of these filters in the nose and we provide on just the
right amount of moisture in order to make sure that we filter out the bad things, this
is what we‘re constantly doing.
If you're correct, if you're meeting those beings in the right environment, then you're
going to be able to breathe in without taking in the heavy doses of their poison. And
if you're in the right environment, then you can breathe it out. And of course, each
of them has a key, whatever it is for you.
So, the thing is this. If you breathe in the truth, you‘re able to exhale without
punishment. If you don't breathe in the truth, you're going to be punished. It‘s
simple. And again, it's not about being able to handle that intellectually, because
you cannot handle that intellectually. The only thing that you can do is operate
correctly as yourself. This is the key.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And what happens here in the beginning of this process, is that you can see that
everything is going to get linked through the Mars. The Mars becomes the central
force. If you're breathing
in the truth and you‘re
exhaling the poisons, you
know that your tem-
perature is correct. Or
when your temperature is
correct, you're inhaling
correctly and exhaling
correctly, if you know
what I mean.
Uranus: Movement
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
So here we‘re looking at this combination which becomes something very important,
this combination of movement, and that movement in its relationship to the
environment and the dietary regimen. But more
than that, it is the movement in its relationship
with the Moon that becomes so important, because
here what you're looking at is you're looking at the
two aspects of the Magnetic Monopole. For me it‘s
one of the most fantastic things. This is what you
really get to see.
Now, if your movement isn't correct it‘s going to affect your holding together and
vice versa. And this movement becomes
something that is a movement in association with
what is correct environmentally. Now, this is a
cave person. And it‘s the line of selfishness, which
I think is rather cute. And it is about materialism.
As a matter of fact, it's about finding the spirit
through materialism or being mean-spirited.
Now, think about the nature of that. Here is somebody that needs to be in their
cave. They need to be inactive in their cave. That their very inactivity leads to the
action that is necessary; in other words, physically inactive, but mentally stimulated.
And of course, this is what this being is all about. It‘s a being that‘s intended to be
physically very, very limited in their action. But at the same time, that very
limitation on their action within their cave environment inspires them.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Everything about the 52.5, about the potential for leadership, all of these things are
rooted in the limitation and the inaction that is fundamental to this body. After all,
this is a body that says—this is the Earth—this is the body saying, ―Hey, we‘re very
limited.‖ Not everybody is going to have the 60th gate there, obviously. This person
does. There is deep, deep, deep limitation for this being. This is not somebody that
is here to be caught up in the movement.
Now remember, movement isn't just about running around or doing these kinds of
things. It isn't. It is about progress in the sense of their movement through things,
the movement towards, for example, the spirit that is here. If they‘re going to find
the right spirit they're only going to find it in the cave. They can't find it any other
They have to find it in the cave, they have to find it in that stillness, and out of that
stillness they are going to be able to breathe in the information they need, they‘re
going to be able to get rid of the poison, they‘re going to find the right temperature,
which means that they're going to be able to mutate others and they‘re going to be
able to demonstrate their gravitas through their creativity, because here you have
somebody in which their Moon, their Design Moon is in the 1 st gate in the 1st line with
the 4th Color.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
And the platform for all of that is very clear. You're not going to be creative if you
don't follow your nervous regimen. You're not going to be creative if you're not in
your cave. You're not going to be creative unless you are breathing in correctly in
your environment. You're not going to be able to release those poisons that are
going to pollute and move you away from the
possibility of the deep creativity that is here
in this form.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
But who you‘re going to be in that environment is about the Lunar and Planetary
Square, because this is the experiential life. This is where you differentiate. You
don‘t differentiate here. There‘s a lot of people who‘ve got 1.1s there, the same
hexagrams, whatever. This is where you differentiate. This is what makes the
difference. This is where your difference is.
And it all goes back to the core of what the knowledge is. It goes back to
understanding that Human Design is about form principle. It‘s about understanding
that as nine-centered beings we are here to be healthy. We're here to be healthy.
Seven-centered beings were not here to be healthy. Every single disease that is still
in the world is a by-product of the seven-centered being. We‘re here to be healthy
in the same way that we‘re not here to be afraid. We‘re here to be aware. And
we're here to be healthy. And we're here to live out the fullness of the Uranian life.
And to live out the fullness of the Uranian life, it is here that the correctness has to
exist. This is the place. And it‘s not easy. We, all of us, every single one of us,
we‘re born conditioned, deeply conditioned. And regardless of how long many of us
have been in this process of deconditioning, we were still born conditioned beings.
There are still these things that we are dealing with that are deep, deep within our
form principle.
The longer that you are in this process the obvious transition of the Personality
consciousness can lead one to believe that they‘ve really cleaned out the
conditioning. But the only way that you can really see that conditioning being
cleaned out is when you can recognize clearly the correctness of your relationship to
each of the aspects. I don't just mean prana; I mean presence as well.
This is where the signposts are. These are the keys. These are giving you the
deepest possible advantage mechanically of being able to have signposts that say to
you, okay, here there‘s a problem, I can move closer to that. You can be aware of
that. You can begin to recognize that there is still work to be done in certain areas,
because this is the complexity.
By the way, most beings who are experimenting at a deep level in Design, the
problem isn‘t internal. It isn't. The longer that you follow your Strategy and
Authority, your dietary regimen, that you are environmentally correct for the
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
majority of your day, that ultimately this is going to operate well within you. That is
not going to be where the dilemma is. The dilemma is in meeting the other. That‘s
when all of this gets placed under a totally different kind of pressure, the pressure of
the conditioning influence of other human beings.
This is where the dilemmas are for many. And again, it gives you that opportunity
because you can see what it is and because you can begin to grasp it, it allows you
to see what beings that you deal with in this life, the ones that you interact with,
how they impact these various aspects. And it doesn't mean they're impacting all of
them. They will impact certain aspects.
When you were back in your environment and operating correctly, everything was
fine, but how easy this gets contaminated. You know what that's like. You walk into
some shop where they've just cleaned the floors with some kind of very powerful
cleaning solution. That's the kind of thing where I walk into a place like that and it
hits me so fast. It is so overwhelming that I have to race out of there because I
can't stand that thing going into my system.
Pollution is Subtle
Now, that's a very overt example. The dilemma for most human beings is how
subtle being polluted by others is, and I use that word, pollution, because it‘s
pollution. What the not-self is breathing out, what the not-self has in their aura, that
the moment that you come into contact with that it doesn't matter how correct you
are, you have to understand that those encounters are things in which afterwards
you have to cleanse your system. And you can only do that by returning to what is
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
correct for you, and particularly going back into your environment so that you can
re-establish your correct temperature.
Measurement Tools
I hope, because there‘s not a lot of time for innovation. The Cross of Planning era is
closing and yes, we will have those that will carry it forward for 70 or 80 years, but
nonetheless, we really need new kinds of medical tools. Not invasive tools, but
measurement tools. Again, the most important one is temperature measurement,
these very, very minute fluctuations in temperature.
The moment that you really can be correct, and I assume, because this is something
that I‘ve thought a lot about, I think there's probably some kind of way, given the
information and hopefully I'll get to that serendipity one of these days, there may be
a way—I should put it that way—there may be a way to actually figure out what the
correct temperature for a being actually is, the differentiated temperature; but that
aside, it is these shifts in temperature that are so important.
So, you go out into the world and you're dealing with the other, and basically what's
happening is that the conditioning that you're taking in from them is affecting this
Mars, because it's your Mars that keeps you aligned to what it is to be a nine-
centered being. That temperature shift distorts everything. So you need to go back
into what is correct, particularly go back into your environment, and then go through
what is correct for you. In other words, each and every one of these elements for
each of you individually, they will give you the specifics that you need in order to
realign yourself to what is the healthiest thing for you.
I think one of the things that you have to grasp from all of this is how risky our
associations are. They‘re truly, truly risky. The fact that you're okay, you've got
your Strategy and Authority, but those beings who are not-self that you‘re taking
in—and think about what we do, most of us who are professionals in Design, we take
in people all the time. We are making enormous sacrifices to our potential well-
being by allowing all kinds of beings who are incorrect to enter into our aura.
In my early days when I would do a lot of readings and I would be in a city and I
would do four or five readings a day, I was sick afterwards. I could feel it all; all of
it. I‘m just very lucky, I have such a powerful immune system that that was
something that would really just sort of work its way through and I would go into my
little isolation and just be by myself and sort of slowly let my immune system clean
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Lecture Seven
The Body: Prana and Inner Correctness
me out, but I was so aware of the fact that I was being polluted. It was just the way
that it was.
It is something that is so important to grasp about not just embracing the other that
is not-self without being prepared. And without understanding that contact is
something that needs to be limited. You have to be very careful about not-self
beings latching onto you or being continually in your aura, because it's going to lead
to things that you cannot clean out anymore. And you don't want to build all that
stuff up in your system, because ultimately it is the thing that breaks you down. And
it is not something that we are here for.
The deeper you go into this knowledge, the further you move in this knowledge, the
more you begin to see that the interconnectivity of all us, we are here to be
connected to each other, we are here in the consciousness field to be able to share
with each other a profound and enriching outer authority. Our whole purpose is to
be able to meet with the other and to share with the other. And yet, when the other
is not-self we put ourselves at great risk.
Ra: Yes, Facebook, sweet. I enjoy that. I'm getting 40, 50 people a day with
problems and in a paragraph I can help them. And I don‘t have to take in their aura.
I don‘t. And I'm not suggesting that that is something that is the only way because
it's not and it would be incorrect. Human Design, to break through somebody, to
actually shatter them you have to meet their aura. It‘s just about you understanding
that that needs to be controlled. You need to control access. You need to be able to
go back into what is correct for you in order to be able to clean out your system, in
order to be able to breathe out those poisons and allow yourself to stay healthy.
I'm sorry that I missed all of the stuff that was being put out there while I was going
through this. I think, Genoa, you were talking about Tim's wife, if I caught some of
that. The whole thing about the not-self is the tragedy of the not-self, because as I
mentioned to you the last time, it doesn't matter what anybody is in terms of their
not-self purpose. It doesn't matter whether they're rich and famous or otherwise,
successful or this or that, or all of the things that go with it. It has nothing to do
with that. It has to do with the fact that if you're not correct you don't get your life.
And so you never really know what that is.
We‘re here to be very pure beings. This is something that is so profound. We're
here to be very pure beings. There‘s a great beauty in all of us. And this beauty is
something that can so easily emerge if truly we are correct. This is what it's about.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And that correctness is very profound. It goes very, very deep. So that we finally
get to see that this medium that we have, this body that we have is so fantastic. It's
such a wonder, and it's been abused for so long.
The old seven-centered Saturnian is a body that you can throw away. Well, these
bodies are not for throwing away. They are for embracing and exalting and treating
correctly. The great potential that Human Design brings is that it brings a profound
recognition of how incredible this form is and how specific we can be in
understanding our own potential so that we have the guidelines that we need so that
we can align ourselves despite the world of conditioning, that we can align ourselves
to what is correct.
Okay, that's it for tonight or today, wherever you are. So anyway, until next time,
you take care. Bye for now.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
Welcome to all of you and without any further ado; let‘s get into the Personality and
the mundane. Of course, we have our chart that we have been working with. I want
to take you back for a moment, particularly for those of you that have only gone
through the Personality Mapping, the Resonance Mapping and done that through
picking up the material and reading it rather than those of you that were
participating in the program itself.
What we were
looking at in terms of
the Design side in
looking at the Lunar
and Planetary Square
that fundamentally
what we were looking
at is the way in which the form principle establishes its correctness, establishes both
its internal well-being, that is the prana, and at the same time establishes its
presence in its ability to protect itself within the field of relationships that are going
to be a natural part of the life. And to be able to set up that possibility, particularly
in the context of the way in which transformation operates, that once the correct
environment is established and that the vehicle is operating correctly in that
environment, that everything is established for the potential of the awakening of the
consciousness. And that awakening of the consciousness, at least within the context
of storyline, is something that is going to move from the Design side to the
Personality side.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
What we‘re looking at when we‘re looking at the Lunar and Planetary Square on the
Personality side is the
way in which we are
differentiated in the way
in which we experience
the other. This is some–
thing really to grasp. And
it‘s not just simply the
way in which we expe–
rience the other, though
that is the primary of
that, it is the way in
which we experience the
Here what we‘re looking at is the mundane and the transcendent. And the mundane
is what we‘re going to be looking at today and where we‘re going to begin to look at
the analytical potentials that
are there in understanding
this. Recognize that the
mundane is deeply, deeply
important. I know the
name isn‘t catchy because it
brings certain kinds of
interpretations based on the
tradition of understanding
that word. Yet, we do live
on the mundane plane, all
of us.
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
Some of the greatest pleasures that I have in my life are just simply very
straightforward living, having a family, dealing with what it is to have a family, to
shop, to clean, to care, to look after the mundane aspects of life. And it is only when
one has an exalted awareness that these mundane aspects take on an entirely
different value.
It is also on the mundane plane experientially that we define our relationship to the
other. And the way in which we experience the other through the mundane, that is,
through the Personality diamond, is the way in which we categorize those beings that
we‘re going to meet in this life, because remember, we‘re dealing with Personality.
The way we interpret the mundane plane, the way in which the mundane plane is
differentiated in our Designs is something that is deeply important for us. Because
we‘re going to deal with a diagonal that carries this lovely label of transcendent, the
tendency is to see that as something that is much more significant.
But, there is no way—this is the ―this and that‖ in the same way that prana and
presence both have their beauty and their value, but they're different from each
other. The same thing is true here when we're looking at the nature of the
Personality and the way in which the Personality is going to operate. So, let‘s get in
a little deeper so that we can look at this.
The first thing that we‘re going to see about the nature of the mundane is again
what we're looking at is I'd like you to think about the relationships that we're seeing
here in this diamond. Again,
we are dealing with the same
planetary construct. That is,
we‘re dealing with Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Neptune.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
centered being are entirely different than the way in which they function through the
seven-centered being.
Yes, there are certain things that are in common. That is, there are certain inherent
things that are associated with planets that have been associated with the planets as
long as we have been aware of them, going back to the Babylonian astrology, and so
forth and so on. But the way in which they operate within the context of the vehicle
is different.
It is something very special to understand that these four planets, whether you see
them in the context of the Design where they represent the presence, or whether
you see them here in the context of the mundane is to understand that they
represent the way in which we are imprinted to operate in relationship to the other.
These planets are enormously important in our programming for the way in which,
first of all, we can be protected in our relationship with the other, the way the other
is going to see us, the way presence presents us, and then from this perspective,
from the Personality
perspective, the way in
which we are going to
take in the experience
of the other. Not only
the way we're going to
take in the experience
of the other, but the
way in which we are
going to put out to the
other our mundane
One of the things that‘s very, very interesting for any of you that are curious about
this, if you take a look at the Rave I‘Ching, if you look at all 384 lines, if you look at
the planetary attributes for each of those 384 lines, that the vast majority of them,
the planets that dominate are Venus and Mars. They represent this influence that is
there, this deeply important influence that is there between the mundane and the
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
But something to understand about outer authority, because I think for many people
the assumption is that outer authority is this grand level of awareness, and the
assumption that that grand level of awareness is connected to the transcendent. It
really isn't. One of the
things to be so clear
about, it‘s one of the
things that Human
Design does so well, I
think you're all aware
of that, is that it is
through the mundane,
what I refer to as the
surface, it‘s the sur–
face that needs to be
Take the example of somebody, because you're already familiar with some of these
processes that we‘re looking at, if you take the example of somebody who has in the
mundane no direct Color resonances and in the transcendent they are just full of
Color resonances. The assumption might be, oh wow, isn‘t that really terrific. Here‘s
somebody that‘s got this deep transcendent capacity. But recognize something; they
have a real problem in seeing the world. These are the kinds of personalities that
don't really want to look at the world around them, don't think that the world around
them is going to present them with what is essential for them.
And again, the whole thing about the ultimate goal of passenger consciousness is not
for yourself. It is the expression of outer authority to the other. Passenger
consciousness simply watches the movie. The Personality is a construct. It is a
construct that is made up of all kinds activations that we understand as those black
things that are there on the right-hand side of the BodyGraph. The passenger
consciousness is something that is behind that veil watching that movie.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It‘s one of the things about the seven-centered being. A seven-centered being had
no purpose. That‘s why they had to have gods and religions and philosophies. They
had to have all this stuff that gave them a sense of what they could be all about.
But they had no personal
purpose. We have per–
sonal purpose. We are
here to find our purpose.
This is the thing about
the 28th gate. The
interesting thing about
the 5 in this is that it‘s
the line of Treachery.
This is all about aban–
doning anything that isn't
going to bring you to
your purpose.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
So let's begin with looking at a comparison for a moment, and some things that are
really interesting to think about. I'd like you to think about the relationship between
what you have seen in presence and what you‘re
seeing here in the mundane. When we are looking
at—and remember, it is reversed. That is, the
Venus and the Neptune are on the other sides.
When we were looking at the Venus, what we were
looking at was complexion. And it's interesting that
here is what establishes the mores, the way in
which one is going to interpret the way in which the
other being is seen. This is the key to actually
seeing the other person.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
interesting to see here is that this is the way in which one learns on the mundane
Ra: Yes, a blind spot, exactly. Like the blind spot in your mirror when you're driving,
or these kinds of things. There is always a gap here.
So, the first thing that you can see, for example, in Leary, before I get onto the
interconnectedness here in terms of resonance and the things that we are working
with, but I want you to see that he‘s got a blind spot when it comes to the role of
being a leader. There is a blind spot in there. And the whole thing about that blind
spot is that the only way in which they are going to transform that, in other words,
begin to discover what it is to be a leader that can fulfill this. And again, it goes
through all the mechanisms that we‘re looking at. That is, this is a being that is
going to have to be correct in terms of their Strategy and Authority, which is the
catalyst. They‘re going to have to eat correctly; they‘re going to have to be in the
right environment.
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
you see exactly, the moment that you see mechanics is the moment you can take
advantage of them.
Everybody's got this. Everybody's got a Neptune blind spot. Everybody's got a
Neptunian limitation. And what it's saying to you is that when you're beginning to
work with your conceptualizing process that this is an aspect
of your seeing that isn't always going to be accurate. It isn't.
It‘s going to carry a limitation. And it‘s going to tell you,
based on your design, based on whatever your differentiated
Neptune happens to be, because we all have Neptune in
different places.
It‘s like me. I‘ve got both my Neptunes in the 48 th gate. It‘s
the gate of depth. I'm deeply limited. I don't see. I can‘t see
there. I know that. It is not something that I can go into my
mental system and trust that. I can't. All I can do is let go
and allow my vehicle to release information. But it is not something that I can say
that I have a handle on because I know I can‘t go in there. I know that there is no
way that I'm going to be able to see it. I can‘t.
So, I‘m very careful with that, because I can't categorize it. I can‘t dig into it. I
can‘t do any of those things. So, each and every one of us—and again, as we move
through all of these things, what is so important is that you apply any of this as your
own research in yourself. Look at your Personality Neptune, because from the
moment that you grasp the limitation is the moment that you are beginning to
transform the acuteness of the way in which you deal with the surface phenomena.
This surface phenomenon is very, very special. As I said, this is the way that we
look at the other, experience the other. In other words, the way in which we
experience what we are
going to see, what is there in
front of us. And not only the
way we experience it, but
again, out of this comes a
number of things. Out of this
comes the establishment of
the way in which our mental
system is going to work.
What we need to learn. So,
this is something that you
need to learn about.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
this in. Here‘s somebody who has an isolated G/Throat. So, this is a verbal
gunslinger. And verbal gunslingers really get into trouble, because they're always
shooting off their mouth. Not only that, but this is somebody quite helpless with the
unconscious 31 and this verbal gunslinger is just going to throw out all of this stuff.
And of course, it's their limitation. And it is something that is going to pour out of
them. In other words, what you get to see out of that is that they are not going to
be able to see those beings that can really respond to their leadership. They can't
tell. There is always going to be a gap in that.
All right, let‘s take the next step. Let's take a look at this and see how this applies in
terms of what we've been looking at in terms of resonances and harmonies and
dissonance. The first thing that we're dealing with is that we're dealing with a 3 rd
Color here. You can see right away there is no 3rd Color, we‘ve got a 4th Color and
we‘ve got a 6th Color. So there is a harmony that is there to the perspective. But
there is no direct resonance. There is resonance at the line level. In other words,
the line level in
terms of the way in
which the concept–
ualizing operates.
So, the concept–
ualizing is going to
be influenced by
this whole lack of
seeing clearly.
Now, what that is going to be influenced by is that you've got this 3 here and its
connection to this. So it is deeply connected to this aspect over here. So not only is
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
it affecting the way in which they're going to speak, but it‘s going to affect the way in
which they are going to respond in terms of being a Generator.
It‘s my caution going back to the very beginning of all of this. The whole point of all
of this is so that we can understand from correctness the way in which we can work
with our designs. This is about learning. It‘s all about learning. So there's a big
learning job to be done here. And
without that learning, without
recognizing that this is something that
needs to be worked with, then you're
going to have a being that‘s going to be
nothing but misinformation. And that
misinformation in the not-self becomes
disinformation, becomes dishonesty,
and becomes all kinds of things. And
obviously ends up being deeply
The other thing is, because this is not just simply about the way in which one
experiences seeing the other or experiences the other in the way that this is
translated into our perspective and ultimately into our conceptualizing, but because
this is Neptune and because this becomes a major
theme here, it becomes a way in which this being
doesn't see where real authority is, doesn't see where
the roles really are, doesn't see what their role can
really be. And out of that, you get all kinds of
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Neptune plays a deeply distorting role when it comes to the Personality. Neptune is
magnificent in the body. It really is. It's where it‘s at its best, where its wateriness
is really the essence of what we are. We‘re creatures that emerged out of the sea.
Neptune in its glory in the body and the moment that you drag it over to the
Personality side as an imprint, all of that becomes rather wishy-washy. It really
leads to dilemmas.
None of us are perfect in the sense of that we all carry with us elements of
dysfunction, which is part of our differentiation. It doesn't matter what your gate
and line and all of that is with Neptune. It‘s understanding that in looking at the
mundane world there are always things that need to be learnt, and that Neptune is
always pointing at those things that you cannot trust completely in terms of the way
in which you see it.
It's also obvious that Neptune is not part of the outer authority. It is the limitation in
us. It is something that we're here to learn. This is really what the key is all about.
The beauty about what it is to be—again, I go back to my own example with
Neptunes in the 48. I‘m in this classroom with you. I mean, I could actually be
sitting there with you, if you understand what I mean. I am my own student.
Because I am so unconscious, my unconscious 43/23, my Neptunian 48s, I don't
know what I know until this whole process of suddenly it's time and I click a few
buttons and my mouth opens up and stuff comes out. And I listen to this stuff. I
listen to it the way you listen to it. And I learn from it the way you learn from it.
And my learning is ongoing. If it weren't for the advent of online teaching and the
JAM and all of these things, Human Design would never be at the level of what it is.
I never would've had enough opportunities—I‘ve taught hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds of classes over these years now that we have had this
facility. And in all of those classes, like many of you who have been with me through
this journey, I'm learning as I go along. And it's so obvious to me that I'm learning
as I go along.
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
The moment that there is nothing to learn, you might as well be dead. As a matter
of fact, I think that only dead people stop learning. This is what life is. It is never
the same every moment. Every moment is a new equation. The magnificence of
being on the wheel is this beauty of onward, this incredible experience of going
deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. And it‘s endless after all. It really is. I
could take a single BodyGraph and I could spend an entire lifetime describing it. And
I still wouldn't be able to finish doing the job, not unless I became immortal. And
even if I became immortal I don't think I could actually finish the job, because it
goes on and on and on and on. It is what it's all about.
It is the refinement of that, because you don't have to keep on learning everything.
The theme is laid out here very clearly. The theme is about role, the role of the self
in interaction, the role of the self in leadership, the role of the self as an authority for
good or bad. It is that role, what role is, to be able to find that, discover that, the
inherent archetype in it. This is an ongoing exploration.
And this is something that will enrich this being‘s life. And obviously, it‘s not just a
matter of their own role. Remember that like presence, this is what brings us into
our relationship with the other; this is how we experience the other. This is
somebody that‘s always looking for the power in others and can‘t really see it, the
misreading of others. This is a journey into discovery. Again, we have many
advantages because we have the mechanics within us, that is, the Strategy and
Authority that allows us to be able to discern even when we are mentally not
equipped to do so. The discernment of a Sacral being that goes ―uh-uh‖ doesn't
know why they're going ―uh-uh,‖ but that ―uh-uh‖ is there and they trust it.
There is a discernment there that bypasses the whole mental system. There is a
discernment here that can allow this being to integrate with the right beings—
remember that this is all about primarily storyline, being in the world, being in the
right environment, everything about where your vehicle has established your
potential and out of that what you get to see.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
that can be an authority over them and can control them and it all gets very
Something interesting to note about the 6th Color is that everything has to be taken
personally. It's all personal. I know that myself. It‘s a fascinating thing to watch
that movie and to understand that, what it means to take things in personally, only
through one's frame, but most beings‘ frames are distorted. And as long as they're
distorted and as long as they're not correct, then everything gets distorted with that.
I don't want to get stuck—I love this Neptunian subject, but let‘s just move on for a
moment. Let‘s get to the other side. Oh Venus, there‘s nothing like Venus. I am a
great admirer of the power of Venus. There‘s nothing worse than the way in which
the Roman mythology distorted Venus, this whole business of stripping her of her
matriarchal power. This was a great, great powerful force. Only the Mayan‘s
maintained that tradition. After all, the rather barbaric and bizarre sacrifices that
they did in which they would tear out the
hearts and they would throw the limbs down
and there would be ceremonial cannibalism
and all of these kinds of things. That was
only done when Venus rose in the sky.
Venus was the marker in that. Venus carries
with it this enormous, enormous strength.
For example, this Venus might not want to pay any attention to somebody that
doesn't look right, doesn't dress right, doesn't this or that. In other words, all kinds
of—and I wouldn't call it discernment as much as I truly I would call it discriminating.
Venus is deeply, deeply discriminating within
this context. Now here, what we're looking at
is the 4th line, which is Security. And it's the
concentration on establishing a strong
foundation. It‘s all about power. It is about
the key to power is developing the skills to
ensure that strong foundation. It‘s all about
developing power skills.
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
interested in dealing with powerful forces. This is what the Venus wants. So, the
Venus isn't going to be interested in those beings that don't appear to have any
power. As a matter of fact, it's going to lead into the distortion of Neptune saying,
aha, they don‘t have power. We can be an authoritarian force and we can control
It‘s so interesting the way in which we operate as beings. There‘s all this calculating
that the mental system is always going through. It is built into us. So, what this
being is going to look for in the other in terms of who they are going to discriminate
against, and who they are going to embrace, that it's going to be rooted in this
security, it‘s going to be rooted in this 14 and its accumulation in this sense of
power. This is somebody who wants to accumulate power. And of course, that's
going to be very seductive to the distortion of that 6.
Here‘s something that‘s very interesting. If you look at this Venus, you can see that
it's a 4-4. That is, 4th line, 4th Color. And we know
up here that we‘ve got a 4th Color motivation. So we
have an immediate resonance here, and a resonance
that is in complete dissonance to the seeing. So
basically what this is going to mean is that Venus and
its concern about power and its concern about
developing that power is going to go straight to the
conceptualizing. It's going to bypass the seeing.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
to articulate that, when they begin to express that, they're not going to be able to
associate it with actual phenomena, because they‘re not, in terms of the Venus,
they're not actually getting that experience. They're not. It‘s interesting.
Again, I want to reiterate this because of course I‘m deconstructing and I'm going
through piece by piece. There is no good or bad. There is no ―oh, this or that,‖ or
whatever the case may be. Please understand that when a human being is correct,
it all is exactly the way it's supposed to be. But the moment that you're dealing with
somebody who is not correct, the moment that you're dealing with true dysfunction,
then this becomes something that can be really a problem. In other words,
somebody who is caught up in the conceptualizing plane, but none of that is
grounded in reality, none of that is grounded in the actual experience of what one
It can be beautiful. It can become fiction. It can become an outer authority that
wants to philosophize, wants to hypothesize, all of those various things that are
possible, but it doesn't mean that any of it is grounded in what they actually see.
And again, that can be a real problem for them, because if they don't get it then they
end up living out their treachery and their treachery is ―why don't I see it? Where
can I find it? Well, let's try LSD,‖ as an example.
This is just the way that it works. We‘re all different. Again, we haven't looked at
the transcendent; we haven't looked at the way in which other elements are
operating. But this gives you an enormous insight into the way in which our mental
system gets limited by our very imprinting. It‘s our very imprinting. And this is the
Personality‘s complexion, if you will. This is the glow on the surface. This is what
experientially becomes the foundation for the way in which you relate to the
mundane world. Well, this person, in the way in which they relate to the mundane
world, this is never based in reality. It‘s not what they see. It isn‘t.
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
Outer Authority
Outer authority is such a fascinating thing. We all have this power within us when
we are correct to deliver our uniqueness to the other. It is communion after all that
we are here for, and communion at the
most aware level. And yet, everything
has to be seen within the context of the
mundane. If you don't establish the
rules on the mundane plane, then you
cannot communicate efficiently. And
everything about dealing with the other
and experiencing the other is all about
setting up the potential of this outer
But again, in looking at this being it is very clear that when it comes to the way in
which they see they don't really see what's going on. That is, what they're
experiencing, the way in which they experience, isn't being substantiated by their
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
perspective on the world. It isn't. It‘s something that‘s rather extraordinary to think
about. It means that for them all of this becomes something that is fed into their
conceptualizing system that bypasses the way in which they're looking at the world.
And what this says is that these are beings that can never bring mundane rulership
to this plane. They cannot.
Now again, this is not about good or bad. If this being is correct, what you're going
to get out of this kind of configuration is somebody whose conceptualizing is not
about what they see in
reality, but what they see
as a philosophical po–
tential, a theoretical
potential, a hypothetical
potential, all of those
variations, which can be
great for leadership, but in
a very different way. Or
great for the outer
authority that can emerge
about the possibilities of
custodianship or taking
responsibility within the
tribe that doesn't exist in
Ra: Yes, exactly, their personal view and their personal view that has no direct
relationship to what is really there. It doesn't.
After all, if you think about this being within the dysfunction of their design, because
after all, they were not-self, you can see very clearly that their biggest thing was to
get out of the real world. This is what they were all about. Not only was that what
they were all about, that's the authority that they brought with them. It‘s interesting
that it‘s a Neptunian rulership, Neptune and its relationship to drugs and all of these
things. This was: Get out of the world because this is not what it‘s all about. Being
here and seeing the reality is something that we want to bypass. ―Let's be
treacherous. Let's find our purpose elsewhere, because we're not going to find our
purpose here on the mundane plane. Let‘s go somewhere else.‖
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
And what we‘ll get to see next week when we come to his transcendent configuration
is whether or not he was equipped for that, because you can see very clearly that all
of this is an immediate statement about, ―Hey, wait a minute now.‖ Let me put it
another way. Let's say I'm counseling this person and they‘re correct. They‘re
experimenting with their Strategy and Authority, they‘re following their PHS, they
are environmentally correct, all of that is setting them up for transformation in their
life, transformation in the way in which they see, transformation in the way in which
they conceptualize.
One of the first things that I would say to them is your power intellectually is not
about what is, it’s about what could be, what might be. After all, if you look at this
being and you see those 3s sitting there, the
Personality Sun and Earth, they‘re here to discover.
There is something very profound in that potential to
discover. And that whole potential to discover you
can also see that the 5th lines that are there nodally
are heretical lines in which the mundane plane just
doesn't do it for them. They don't connect to it.
They just don't connect to it.
What they‘re going to end up seeing as not-self is seeing a world full of losers,
because that‘s what they see. The whole power trip of the 3 rd Color, they see a
world full of losers, very few
winners, lots of losers, lots of pain
in the world, lots of discomfort in
the world, lots of agony in the
world, lack of purpose in the world,
lack of fulfillment in the world, this
is what they're seeing and it just
doesn't do anything for them.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
to do with this: Tune in, turn on, drop out; go someplace else, get out of all that.
And so many not-self homogenized human beings, myself included in that era, went
along for the ride; just went along for the ride. The first thing you notice about LSD
is that it breaks down the mundane plane, completely distorts it. It breaks it all
down. It dissolves it. And what are you left with? You're left with your mind.
This was his design. This is what he wanted; this was what was going to be natural,
in that sense, this inability to be able to really see and to bring that seeing to their
conceptualizing. We‘re all unique. We all have different differentiated phenomena.
It‘s what makes us so beautiful. It's what makes the whole movie so beautiful. It's
what truly you get to see here. It‘s the thing that‘s so incredible is that you get to
see that—again, please recognize that it's not about good or bad. The only thing
that is negative is if you're not-self. If you‘re not-self it‘s all a mess. If you're
correct, it will operate correctly. And it will operate correctly because this life is not
about what you think. It isn't. This life is about the correctness of your vehicle. If
your vehicle is correct, your process will be correct.
And yet, if we are correct it doesn‘t make any difference. As we operate correctly
through our Strategy and Authority, what is going to come out is going to be correct.
And every step that you take in recognizing your own limitation, which is what
design is all about, you recognize the finite limitation of the way in which you‘re here
to experience the world around you in terms of who you think you are. And when
you see that in detail, it's an incredible liberation. There‘s nothing like it. There is
nothing, absolutely nothing, like it.
The Diamond: The Way in Which We See or Not See the Mundane
This is what we‘re all about. Everything in the Lunar and Planetary Square is
connected to view, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it connects to the view.
Here, what we‘re looking at is the diamond that specifically is about the mundane.
So it's the way in which we see or not the mundane. When we're going to look at
the transcendent, when we look at the diagonal, the diagonal as well is connected to
the view, because again, this is the third step in the process. And the diagonal will
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Eight
The Personality: The Mundane and Inner Correctness
describe whether or not we can see from the transcendent perspective the plane that
we‘re looking at.
The parameters are different because it will no longer be mundane. And the ability
to see the transcendent is very different from the ability to see the mundane. So,
here in this case, this is somebody that simply wasn‘t equipped for it, which meant
that this was not somebody that was grounded in their world. They weren‘t. They
were someplace else. They were up there in their conceptualizing world. The
mundane was something that they only could avoid. And how they were going to
avoid it, whether it was going to be correct or whether it was going to be
dysfunctional was going to be another story.
Again, so many human beings are distorted, deeply, deeply, deeply distorted
because to begin with the vehicle is not correct. All of this goes back to the vehicle.
It just does. If you imagine this from the Design side, basically what you're looking
at is somebody that doesn't have that presence on the mundane plane. As a matter
of fact, on the mundane plane you wouldn't even notice them. You wouldn't even
notice them.
It‘s interesting to compare it in that way, to understand that. This is somebody that
was pointed at something
else. And again, given that
this being was not-self, you
can see the way in which this
lack of connection to being
able to experience the world
and yet not be able to
experience in a way that
relates to the world around
them, that all of this
imprinting was leading them
to try to create a world that
was different, a world that
could be, whatever it was,
fulfilling for them. A world
where they could mutate the
rules, change the law, change
it all, become the leader in this different world, be able to satisfy the pressure of the
consciousness in this different world because they couldn't find any of it here, none
of it.
Ra: Yeah, science fiction, exactly. So, all of you, you take care. Until next time,
take care. Bye for now.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
Hello and welcome to all of you. We get to the fourth part of our journey into
looking at the way in which all this resonance operates and we get to what is a
rather delicious and seductive title. One has to be careful with such things and I
would like to keep that in perspective.
Basically what this is a reference to is that it is not about the mundane. And so it is
about higher levels of thought. It is really about the kinds of things that we process
that do not have anything to do with the mundane process as it were. It isn't
necessarily about transcendent awareness, because the vast majority of human
beings who are going to be operating on this plane and who are going to have
resonances that are related or connected to this transcendent area, basically for
them it is simply those moments where they can ponder something that has nothing
to do with the immediacy or the demands of their mundane life. So again, it is a
good thing to keep that in perspective.
Mars is really an incredible thing. I take great delight in it, actually. I think that if
you go back historically and you look at the way in which, I guess, at the beginning
of the Babylonians, the way in which Mars was treated. I guess it was the color
more than anything else. Even to the naked eye when you've got a clear sky,
particularly at the time of Babylonian culture where there was very little sky pollution
and very little ground light that the conditions were perfect for being able to see the
color of Mars.
That redness was associated with blood, and it was ultimately associated with
violence and war, all of those various things that go along with that. It gave Mars a
really sort of nasty reputation, the relentless warrior quality that was part of its early
configuration in our consciousness. The fact is that it has always represented
something that is really extraordinary. That is, it is force of form mutation and a
deep force for mutation. And its time to be exalted was with the advent of the nine-
centered being. And its relationship, interestingly enough, because Uranus which is
the marker for the advent of the nine-centered being, that is, Herschel's discovery in
1781, that you have this interesting relationship that is there within the diagonal.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
I think it is something really deeply important for us to grasp that the traditional
ways of looking at Mars, and particularly the looking at Mars as something that is
specifically yang, or specifically male, would really be detrimental to a valid
interpretation of what it is in terms of the way in which it operates in the nine-
centered being.
I think it‘s an interesting relationship with Uranus. I think that the nine-centered
Mars is a hermaphrodite more than anything else. I don't see the nine-centered
Mars as being particularly this or that. I think that it is beyond the yin and the yang,
in that sense. It really
carries with it an extra–
ordinary quality. And that
quality is again something
that is deeply connected
with temperature, with body
temperature. Everything
about mutation and every–
thing about mutation in a
bio-form is that temperature
is what brings that.
Now, obviously this is not on the body side and we‘re dealing with it within the
Personality context. But it's also something else, you can take that metaphorically.
That is, the heating up of a conversation, that kind of energy that suddenly is there
when one gets to move beyond the mundane and things really start to get
interesting and they start to get exciting and all of that. We‘re dealing with this
So, when we're looking at the transcendent, we‘re looking at what is the mutative
force, what is the key to mutation, what is the key to the mutation in the being. You
can see here that Mars is in the 10 th gate, so we know that it is mutation in the
behavior. And it is mutation in the heretical behavior that is here. So, one of the
things that you're going to be able to do is you're going to be able to see very clearly
where is the key to mutation.
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
In my particular case, my Personality Mars is in the 40th gate in the 2nd line. And I
only have two 2nd lines, so there are only two places in my design where, in essence,
I can be called. And in my case the 40th gate is the gate of denial. Not only that,
but it‘s the gate of the denial of god, the denial of religion. I certainly was a nihilist
from as early as I could conceptualize. That's where my mutation took place. My
whole denial of all of that stuff, I was deeply, deeply skeptical that this was a place
that mutation was going to take place, it took place for me in the 40 th gate.
Here, in the context of Leary, it is a mutation that is going to take place or not, that
is, the potential to experience through behavior what becomes a mutative way of
ultimately conceptualizing, expressing outer authority. And if you associate that with
the kind of perspective that develops when one takes LSD, it‘s very clear to see
where this catalyst was going to be in terms of his own Design.
So, the thing to keep in mind is that the key always is going to be the Mars. So,
when you're looking at your own design, because again, I need to remind you that,
particularly in relationship to the workshops I‘m doing, there‘s no way that I can do
all 55 or 56 people, as you well can imagine. I'm sorry for anybody that will
ultimately get left out of that process, but all I'm trying to do with the workshops
along with these lectures is to give you a sense of what to look at and so to begin
your own process of doing your own analysis. Obviously, we‘re going to take that
much further.
One of the things I'm planning for September is doing two workshops a month
throughout the entire eleven week program, to add five or six workshops so that I
can really have a chance to help you develop the skills that you need in order to
work with this and to work with it comfortably.
It‘s very important you look at your Personality Mars because it's a key to the way of
the transcendent mutation, the mutation of your conceptualizing. And it‘s a
mutation that begins with both its potential for how it‘s going to affect the way you
look at the world, and the way in which you‘re going to conceptualize. And again,
it‘s going to depend on what are the resonant qualities, and so forth and so on, and
we'll get to that in a moment.
Everything about the diagonal is about experientially being able to look at things that
are not conditioned by fear. That‘s the first thing, and it's something that's really
important. The mundane is all about looking at things that are conditioned by fear.
Everything about being a bio-form is that there is always the necessary alertness in
the way in which we look at the mundane world in order to be able to protect
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
ourselves, in order to be able to find our security on this plane. And here, what
we‘re dealing with are those things that can take us beyond that. And take us
beyond that in different ways.
For example, take the example of Uranus. You can see that this is under the
learning key. Now, it‘s a sidetrack, but it's a sidetrack that can be so incredible to
life. Most life goes along—if you look at most human beings they go along and
they‘re never out of the box, never out of the box. They never see out of the box,
they never think out of the box.
They are very limited in the way
in which they function and look
at the world. And most of these
beings are not deeply con–
nected to their experiential
potential because they're so
deeply homogenized and caught
up in the brain trap.
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
One of the things that is so interesting is that those things that constrain us, those
things that we have to deal with, those things that are put in our face, that if we‘re
operating at a transcendent level, they become platforms for our awareness. They
become the things that we need to deal with, that we need to look at, that we need
to process in order to move forward.
So, it is very important to see that each of these elements is bringing us the
potential of going beyond. Again, you can see that in this case and without dealing
with line values here, just dealing with the fact that this is a conceptualizing gate. It
is the 47th gate. It a conceptualizing gate that deals with a tremendous amount of
pressure. That is, the pressure that is coming down from the 64, that abstract
pressure; and here, this trying to make sense of things, always trying to make sense
of things.
Again in the transcendent sense you don't really need to make sense of things, do
you? One of the possibilities that comes out of this is the awareness that you don't
always have to make sense out of things, that it doesn't have to become an
obsession, that it doesn't have to become the thing. In other words, each of these
elements is there to provoke a process that leads to something beyond the
Now, the truth—I love that—Pluto is a great teacher because Pluto says if you can
get my story, you really have something. This is a journey. Pluto always offers this
extraordinary journey towards one's unique truth, whatever that happens to be. In
this particular case, this Keeping Still Mountain, this incredible potential that is there
if you allow everything to be taken in, if you can just be still. And it is this stillness
of mind.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And here, you can see that this is the focus. And basically what happens with the
Moon is that the Moon will take all of this, regardless of how it works by the way,
because the Moon is always, always, always operating in relationship specifically to
the Nodes and to the way in which your perspective is going to operate. But the
Moon is going to bring all of that into a focus rooted here. And it‘s interesting it‘s the
30th gate because of course it‘s the gate of the fates. In dealing with the gate of the
fates you‘re dealing with specific keys to the way in which one's life can be led, and
the way in which you can lead that life and live that life in correctness.
The 30.2
One of my teachings about the 30th gate is that if you look at the lines of the 30 th
gate and you compare that to your Personality profile line, so for example, I‘m a 5
and the 30th gate 5th line is Irony. Irony becomes one of the most important things
for the stability of my Personality, to see the ironic, to accept the ironic and so forth
and so on. And here you have a focus that is the 2nd line which is all about
Pragmatism; it‘s all about finding that balance between extremes. As a matter of
fact, I think that's exactly where Neptune is right now for the planet.
And so this becomes this how far out can you get in the sense of how far out can you
get to pull all of those extremes into a balance, because that's really what it is. It‘s
getting really way, way out there in order to find that balance on either side. Of
course, it becomes quite a journey.
So, let's take this from just a theoretical glance here and let‘s take it into its
connection to the body itself. Now again, what we're looking at is that we're going to
see a number of things. We got to see a lot of limitation in the body when we were
looking at the resonance in relationship to the way in which that was going to work
in relationship to the control panel. What we‘re going to see here are some
remarkable connections.
Let‘s just begin with the Mars and Mutation. The first thing we see is that the North
Node which is the Prime Node, and obviously the Prime Node is going to establish
the perspective for the conceptualizing. The Prime Node is 5th line. And here we‘ve
got Mars in the 5th line, and its 6th Color in the 10.5. This is this pure, pure
unadulterated resonance. That‘s what you‘re dealing with.
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
So, you can see right away that mutation, the seeing in the mutation, is something
that is going to be very, very powerful. In other words, here is where this being is
beginning to really be aligned to what it
takes in experientially. What it‘s taking in
experientially is that this Mars that is there,
and of course, the heretic, this is the
burning at the stake. And the burning of the
stake because of what one sees literally, and
of course, this was so true of his life. Here
was somebody that was burnt at the stake in
terms of the way in which the dilemmas that
he had to deal with, with the mundane
He was hounded and chased around. He was sent to jail. He went through all kinds
of stuff. He may have been a counterculture hero, but the fact was that he took in a
great deal of punishment. It‘s very interesting, by the way. He couldn't stand
prison. Yet, he was designed for caves. Caves are perfect. And people who have
the 52 are always at risk at being confined. Anybody who just has the 52, just a
hanging 52, I used to call it the jail cell, but after that I eventually stopped that
because it made people nervous, because they were always afraid that they were
going to go to jail.
But, it is this confinement. It‘s interesting. The 53 on the other side is this
incredible need to be free. And of course, he didn‘t have that. And the 52 is really
about being confined. I know so many people from my old crowd in the early years
in Ibiza, all the freaks that I knew. The ones who had the 52, those were the ones
that went to jail. Those were the ones who always got caught. And what‘s so
interesting about that was that knowing them as I did over many, many years, that
confinement was so important for their development. Afterwards, they would talk
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
about it. I had friends who became artists in jail, all kinds of things that really were
transforming in their lives.
He was somebody who needed to escape that. He was very ill equipped on the
mundane plane. But, you can see transcendently that mutation was really going to
be there for him in terms of the way in which
he looked at the world. Not only is it a
heretical line, that 5th line, but you can see that
his Prime Node is the 28.5. The 28.5 is a line
of treachery. And you have to understand that
from—let‘s just take the mundane perspective.
Going against the system is treachery. If
you're going to stand up to the system, if
you're going to be a heretic against the
system, if you‘re going to turn your back on—
he was a tenured professor and this and that
and blah, blah, blah. He went against the
system. And that treachery against the system
in its conjunction with being a behavioral
heretic was going to bring a price. It just was.
And one of the things that we know about this being is that he ended up being a
very, very sick man and dying of a very, very uncomfortable disease. Prostate
cancer is an awful thing. This is the long-term price of ignoring the form principle
and ignoring the importance of the vehicle itself.
One of the most beautiful things about this knowledge is that it doesn't matter what
your configuration is, you're a ―this and that‖; we all have ―this‘s‖ and ―that‘s‖ and all
that stuff. But if you operate correctly in terms of the basic form principles, that is,
Strategy and Authority, dietary regimen and environment, no matter what, you're
going to be okay.
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
That‘s the beautiful thing about having a body that is correct. When your body is
correct everything else is going to be all right. It always begins with the body. And
no matter how interesting it is, because you can see very clearly that in this
particular case here is somebody that from the point of view of the transcendent
Personality, there was tremendous potential. And yet, that cannot stand by itself. It
doesn't work that way. It just doesn‘t.
So, you end up in a situation where the very heresy leads to, because of the
incorrectness of this being, leads to problems that become deeply, deeply physical
problems that ultimately punish the being, in that sense, because it‘s the only way in
essence that you can really look at that.
Okay, let's look at a couple of other things here. I want to look at the 52 because
it's a fascinating gate. Here is the Pluto in
this. And you can see we have a number of
things at work. That is, there is a
resonance shift here. And again, I'm just
looking at this level because you can see
that we‘ll get to the conceptualizing in a
moment. What‘s so interesting about Leary
is that the potential was there for him to
see. It wasn't that easy for him to
conceptualize it. It wasn't. But the seeing
was there. If you read anything that Leary ever wrote, you can tell right away that
the conceptualizing was not his thing. It wasn't. The seeing was.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It is so important to grasp the work that is done in Rave Psychology. For me, Rave
Psychology is one of those absolutely incredible things to be able to see the way in
which we are mapped out, and to be able to recognize that each and every one of us
have a differentiated way in which we look at the world. And not only is it
differentiated, but there are all of these nuances that are there.
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
One of the most important things about what Rave Psychology brings is that once
you get to the point where you establish the well-being of your vehicle and this is
where everything starts. It‘s like those beings that first begin to experiment with
their PHS and begin to notice that they have a new level of sensory acuity. You need
all of the form principle working on your behalf in order to be able to establish the
perspective that is really going to be the foundation of your outer authority. The
environment then becomes everything. Once you get past that stage where you're
working on the inner well-being or the inner nutrition of your system, you can see
how important environment is.
Now, in next week's class I'm going to show you, because this is the one thing I
think you've all seen that I‘ve not dealt with, I'm going to show you how the Link
Nodes bring these things together. One of the most important things in all of this is
that environmentally, when your environment is properly established, it‘s only then
that you begin to align to what is correct. Now, think about Leary as an example. If
you remember, he‘s a cave person. And he‘s a cave person with the 52 nd gate. In
other words, he‘s going to get his truth in stillness inside the cave.
Now, everything for him was about the possibility that only in that environment was
he actually going to be able to establish his transcendent awareness. There wasn't
going to be any other way. Think of all the great beings—when I say great, I should
really change that—think about all those beings that had an enormous impact on
society whose greatest development took place in prison. Lenin, Hitler, you can go
on and on and on. There are all kinds of beings who in that confinement were forced
to be able to live exclusively in their Personality consciousness, and to be able to
explore through their Personality consciousness.
Now, it doesn‘t mean you have to go to jail. It doesn't mean that. But, it does
mean that yes, Mandela another one. There are so many, by the way. Really, there
are so many it is incredible. He escaped. He just wanted to get the hell out. And
it's really something to grasp
about living your design and
understanding how incredibly
powerful your environment is,
because it‘s your environment
that establishes the correct–
ness of your perspective. If
you're not in the right
environment, then it's not
going to happen.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
operating correctly and the moment that the being is going to be environmentally
correct, then all of these things are going to operate exactly the way they should.
That truth—how interesting that the peacefulness of this Pluto—the 52nd gate, the 6th
line, the line of Peacefulness, the lack of pressure in times of stillness. How perfect
that is.
This is where and how the truth can evolve and mature. There has to be this lack of
pressure, this perfect opportunity just to be able to let one's consciousness fly, and
all of that being fed into that mutation. And remember that when you're looking at
the transcendent, you always need to take into consideration the way in which the
Moon is aligned.
Again, you can see here that we have a resonance; it‘s a Tone to Color resonance so
it‘s not a direct resonance. But when you put that whole package together,
particularly the relationship of the focus to the
truth, you get to see this incredible need for
this balancing of these extremes. Here is a
potentially transcendent consciousness that
can go way, way, way out there and at the
same time be still.
Again, when you're looking at the not-self world, everything about the way in which
the not-self world moves is a form of homogenization. It doesn't matter who your
heroes are out there. It doesn‘t matter who you think those heroes are. It is a vast
world of homogenization.
I‘ll give you an example. I think I was mentioning it to a class the other day. It
really blew my mind. I‘m on Facebook, so I get to see a lot of things. I have a
vetting process. I get an enormous number of requests every day. And I take them
in and I vet them. I check and see what people are into so I can understand why
they would want to be there in the first place. I had this incredible experience the
other day—people in white hats who do black work.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
Here‘s somebody who thought they had something really wonderful. They were
expressing some kind of thing, I forget the exact context, but the whole thing was
about being a champion, who the champions are. And the whole description was
about emotional experiential people, that only 3% of the world can be champions
and that those champions are those beings who have the most intense emotional
So, if you‘re 49% of the population and you‘re undefined emotionally and you're
being conditioned to be emotional along with the 51% that are emotional, that for all
of those beings that to be homogenized in the emotional world is their way to get to
be a champion. It has nothing to do with each and every unique human being. The
unemotional being that is correct, like me, obviously can never be a champion within
that context.
Here is somebody that is trying to hand out nice information for people, give
everybody a sense of da, da, da, da, da, da, and why don't you all get into your
emotionality and get into the intensity of experiencing. I‘m sure this person had the
41/30 or whatever, had an experiential emotional definition. And this really
attracted them. Yet, at the same time they present all of that as a homogenized
truth for humanity, for everyone.
These heroes out there—I saw what LSD did to my generation. I saw a lot of people
really seriously fucked up. I saw a lot of people who thought they found something
when in fact didn‘t find anything. It is, in fact, an interesting drug. And like so
many drugs there are all kinds of journeys, pharmaceutical journeys that are
possible. But in the end, when it comes from a homogenized source, when it comes
from the not-self, it just adds to the homogenized field.
Everything about this was about winners and losers. It became a thing. You‘re
either in or you're out. You‘re either cool or you‘re square. It just went on and on
and on, just creating a new kind of homogenization. Take a look at any picture of
1964, because I was there. You take a look at that picture and you‘ll see that
everybody was wearing blue jeans. Everybody was in uniform. And these were all
beings with the illusion that they were being different and they were being
independent and they were being blah, blah, blah, all this stuff. It‘s all
It doesn‘t matter where you look, you look out in the world and everything that‘s
there is homogenized. And everything that‘s there is offering deeper and deeper
homogenization. It‘s just what it is. And whether it is in the politics, in the
philosophy, in all of these beings who claim to understand what is good for you—how
to have a better sex life, how to make money, on and on and on—it‘s all
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
What we can see here is what basically this semester is all about, it‘s to set a
foundation so that we can do diagnostics. Diagnostics are about establishing
signposts, signposts for awareness. It's about being correct and staying aligned.
It‘s not about being incorrect and finding yourself, because to get to this place where
holistic analysis is of value you have to be deep in this experiment. And most
important, you have to be so deep in the form aspect of this experiment. It‘s the
form principle that makes the difference.
I'm starting this process of trying to get people to radically embrace form because
it's time for this, because without it, it doesn't matter how beautiful this is. I‘m
dealing now in the spiral upward with the same thing I dealt with 23 years ago when
I started my process. Because when I started my process, I would look at
somebody‘s chart and go, wow. And then I would see them and feel them, take
their aura in and go, Jesus, why aren‘t they this. Why aren't they this spectacular,
differentiated, perfected unique thing; they‘re deeply homogenized.
So, my whole process changed. By the time I started to work professionally in the
early ‗90s, the only thing that I looked at was not-self. I no longer wanted to set
myself up to be crestfallen by looking at a chart. I got to the point where I would
only look at a chart when the client came in the door. I would not look at them
beforehand, because I can see. And you get to see right away what's there. I look
at this chart and go wow, what this could have been. What it could have been if it
hadn‘t been a homogenized being.
If the values inherent in this creature had not been distorted by their
homogenization then we would have had an outer authority that was truly
extraordinary because there is this deep transcendent potential that is here through
the seeing. The conceptualizing is another story. You can see that. Here is the
resonance. Again, it is a powerful resonance. And obviously, in order for them to
really be able to fulfill the potential of the transcendent perspective that they had—
again, see this as a perfection. Forget about this being Leary, just see this as a
perfection. You have this whole transition of purpose, because out of this comes a
new purpose, the treachery. It‘s a new purpose. This is the 28 th gate, after all.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
The 55.2
Here is a unique perspective deeply, deeply powerful and a perspective that is able
to find its potential balance. But as long as this being is incorrect, all of that
becomes distorted. And this heretical purpose, this new purpose, the way in which
this ultimately is going to be conceptualized
is here through the 47th gate, this gate of
Oppression, this mental conceptualizing
gate. It's about Repression, the 4th line:
The constraints of external oppression. The
strength of identity that even in times of
the most powerful oppression can maintain
its resources and to some extent endure
and survive for the benefit of others.
It isn‘t about taking drugs. That‘s not what it's about. It isn‘t. The one thing that I
understand about drugs and I am somebody that has an enormous drug experience,
truly, what I understand about drugs is what the shaman, the true shaman
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
understood about drugs. It‘s a training. It trains you to be prepared for the forces.
It trains you to break down the illusion. It‘s a training.
It is nothing in and of itself. Those beings who would sit down and say, ―Okay on
this acid trip I‘m going to find my truth,‖ that kind of crap. It was part of the
homogenized game, part of the homogenized way of trying to exalt something that
was not what it was about. I understood that the day I met the Voice. I understood
why I had been through such intensity in the experiences that I had had in the drug
domain. I realized that I had been training for that all my life, that I'd been training
to deal with that sudden violent altering of state, that I was trained to be able to
maintain my stability within that.
It wasn't any of the things that were there. The fact that I met demons on Datura
and fought them was not of any intellectual value, truly. But I survived, which made
me stronger so that I could meet that force that was going to be so incredibly
powerful. But we lost our shamanistic past. There was nobody around to do that for
us. Not my generation; no one. It‘s why so many went down burning. I can still
see those that I‘m familiar with. There's still that look in their eye that says that
they lost something that they can never recover, because it's not what it was all
And yet, I can see something else, something that I see as a hope in all of you. We
each have this incredible potential for true outer authority. There is a unique genius
in each of us; truly there is. If I do the analysis of this design without it being this
being, just as a roadmap to the perfection of this particular design, wow, I would like
to hear this voice speak. I would like to hear what it would say.
The saddest thing for me is the lowest common denominator of humanity. One of
the most incredible courses that I've ever taught is Wa, OC16, what I taught this
year. And for those who have participated in that process, to really understand that
it is the Wa which is everywhere. That is, it‘s responsible for the dumbing down and
homogenizing of humanity. And one of the things that Wa does is that it really
dumbs people down. It just dumbs them down.
And it‘s so sad, because every single being carries the magic. Oh yeah, there is the
―this‖ and the ―that,‖ and so forth and so on. And some are pointed this way and
some are others. And some are masters of the mundane and some are masters of
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
the transcendent. And some are capable in both. And some have balances here and
there and this and that. He was here to establish a transcendent law.
I‘m a heretic. I‘m a 5th line Personality. I'm a heretic. I understand this. I am here
to break all the bullshit down. This is what human Design is all about. It‘s about
saying, do not accept any homogenization. This is not what we‘re about. That each
and every one of us has a unique track, has a unique potential, and has a unique
It's not about being sheep. It‘s about being wolves in training. It's never about
being homogenized. And yet, wherever you look, this looking out at the new age it
is frightening. It's frightening to see what people succumb to, how easy it is to
homogenize people. I‘m watching on Facebook, it‘s an incredible experience. I'm
seeing all these people finding out their American Indian name. They don‘t know
where it's coming from. They‘re taking information into their system that's
homogenizing them in some kind of program and they blissfully do it as if it means
nothing, as it is just entertainment. But it isn‘t.
It's so easy to manipulate human beings. It's so easy to manipulate the mind. It‘s
so easy to homogenize people. It's just easy. And they go there willingly, and there
are all these beings with their white hat, saying, oh yes, you‘re a ―this‖ and a ―that.‖
And people nod their heads and say okay. It‘s a killer. It‘s why humanity is done.
Humanity is over. 2027 is the death knell for the fertility of our kind. It‘s over. The
energy is shifting away. And the homogenized lemmings are just going to go that
Until you have the courage to live your own authority, you could never exult what is
there in your Design, because every design is full of magic. It‘s magic. As you well
know, it's not like it is impossible to get there. It is not. This is the beauty of what
we have. It‘s just formulas. It‘s tools.
You operate correctly, you feed yourself correctly, you live in an environment that is
nurturing for you and everything else becomes possible. It just does. And the
deeper you go into understanding the nature of the way in which your perspective
and conceptualizing operates, if you are correct, you can slowly align yourself to it.
It‘s what diagnostics is all about, so that sirens go off the moment you are moving
away from what is correct for you. So that you don't live the distortion, because it‘s
not necessary, you don't have to. No one has to.
I look at this and the Manifestor in me just gets angry. Just smack this being; wow,
what a distortion of the potential that was there. And how much damage was done,
and I mean that, how much damage was done and it is still being done. It's still
being done, the teenagers that are dropping LSD to go to dance parties, and on and
on and on. It‘s still there, this tune in, turn on, and drop out. That‘s not what this
design was about. It was about bringing a transcendent transformation of
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
consciousness, a new law, a new order that fulfills purpose, that moves away from
the mundane, that moves away from the established hierarchies, that moves
towards uniqueness and the fulfillment of unique purpose.
And that's not what happened. Everybody, each and every one of you, you take a
look at your diagonal, Personality diagonal. Go deep in there. Just ponder it. Think
about it. In this workshop coming up on Sunday I will do a selection from both the
prana on the Design side, and I‘ll start working with the Personality side as well. I
will try to do as many different examples as I can to give you an idea of how
amazing it is the moment that you see your own signposts at this level, because
then you can really align yourself step by step.
I‘ve always been a loner. And I was a drug loner. In my early years I was never
involved in Wa experiences where everybody gets dumbed down. When I came to
this island they were having all these huge parties where people were consuming all
kinds of things, hundreds and hundreds of people. It was so banal. It was so
The beauty of what's possible for us is what we can do within our own authority.
We're here to stand on our own. We‘re here to perfect our uniqueness. This is what
we are about. And the beauty of being able to see at this level is to be able to give
yourself a whole array of signposts.
Written comment: It would be great to have the zipfiles of the workshops for those
who can’t be there.
Ra: It is my policy not to record workshops. Workshops are something that I give
as a gift. And if you‘re there you can record it. And if you‘re not there you can
always ask somebody else who‘s been there to pass it along to you. That‘s the only
suggestion that I make. But I feel very strongly about that.
Anyway, a bit of a sermon today, but when I see something like this I look at this
configuration, it is infuriating as a Manifestor to look at this, because there is so
much potential. And then you get to see that each of us, each and every one of us
have the same thing. It's sitting there waiting, waiting so that that outer authority
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Nine
The Transcendent and Correctness
can be expressed; the beauty of that to transform the consciousness field. There are
not a lot of us. But I tell you, that if this classroom could fulfill its outer authority
potential there would be more awareness on the planet now than ever in its history.
You think about that, because that's really the truth.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
Before I get into the subject today, I had a really interesting experience today. I did
a holistic analysis session with somebody live here in my office. Normally I don‘t do
that. Normally I don‘t do those kinds of in-aura readings. And obviously, coming up
in a couple of weeks on the 10th of August I will be doing holistic sessions.
This was somebody that I‘ve known for awhile and somebody who has always been
after me to give them a session. So I said yes, much to their surprise, by the way. I
thought that was really cute. It was fascinating because this was somebody who had
never really had much of a reading in any way, somebody who is self-taught and
spent a lot of time going through all kinds of material.
I had just been going through all of this stuff, particularly the workshop that we did
the other day, and I have all of this material that is very fresh, it‘s very alive in my
consciousness right now. I was just curious to see what would happen because I
don‘t have any idea. I‘m splenic, after all, and I don‘t allow my mind to dictate what
my movie is going to be, so I had no idea how all of that was going to work out.
What was fascinating for me was that it gave me a way of pinpointing the value of
correctness in a way that I had never had before, at least not in a way I could
articulate at such a finite level. I didn‘t use much of that material. I didn‘t have to.
It was just something that was really beautiful. Wow, I must say that it‘s really
interesting to see where this will go.
I‘m very much looking forward to, in fact, getting beyond these fundamentals and
introducing all of this to give you the flow of what this life is like in terms of analysis,
in terms of what I‘m calling diagnostics, being able to put your finger on things,
being able to see things in integrating all of that into a complete analysis.
I‘m working on all kinds of ways in which I can demonstrate that to you in the
upcoming program. I think one of the ways is going to be continuing doing this
process of doing workshops. I plan to actually do quite a few of them, because it
gives me a chance to work with your designs. And I think that that is something
that is always of value. Anyway, I don‘t want to get off the track, but it was just
something I wanted to share with you because I thought it was really fascinating.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Today as you can see we get to the end of our fundamentals. We get to the linkage.
That is, the sacred marriage. There is always this joke of people looking for their
soul mate and it‘s really inside.
It‘s this relationship between
the Personality and the Design.
It‘s the relationship between
Personality consciousness and
the vehicle. It is quite a
fascinating thing.
But we are on the Design side. That is, we‘re looking at presence, we‘re looking at
prana. We‘re looking at the fundamentals of resonance as they‘re structured. I laid
them out in two separate fields so you can see them and I can work with them
separately in this case.
Let‘s think about this for a moment. This is the relationship that is there between
the vehicle itself and the Personality, how the Personality aligns itself, or where the
Personality is linked to the body. Now of course, it‘s not just the Personality. It is a
very finite aspect of the Personality. What we know about the Personality Nodes is
that we‘re dealing with a particular view.
That is, in this case, we‘re dealing with the personal view. And in dealing with that
personal view, and dealing with the personal view within the context of the 27 th gate,
which is the gate of nourishment. In looking at that gate of nourishment,
understanding that this is a perspective that has to do with the way in which the
tribe needs to be nourished and a way to see that nourishment through the personal
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
So, we have the parameter there of how that works. The thing that‘s interesting
about what the Link Nodes do is that you get to see where they connect specifically
to the Design side. So for example, let‘s begin here with presence. Let‘s begin with
just the way in which the physical vehicle presents itself to the other.
That physical presentation also carries the other value. That is, the value that it
establishes what the environment is and we know that it is only out of the
establishment of the environment that we get the right perspective. So what we‘re
looking at here are certain
keys. Now for example,
let‘s take the aura because
here we have pure
resonance. In other words,
this Jupiterian aura, the
way in which the aura of
this vehicle is intended to
operate that it is this aura
that really brings the
possibility of being able to
see correctly and being able
to see what the other needs
as nourishment.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The quality of that open, enveloping aura, that aura carries with it a certain quality.
It‘s carrying with it that auric hexagram quality. You step into that aura and it feels
like this is somebody who can give you an answer. It is inherent in the value that is
there in that 4th gate. You step into the aura; you have this sense of—because this
is what is being presented to you. It‘s an aura that is particularly highlighted by this
logical capacity to provide an answer.
Remember that answers aren‘t necessarily correct. Having the 4 th gate can be quite
a con job, after all. It‘s very simple to be conned by it. Not all answers are the
truth. Nonetheless, this aura carries this quality. And what you can see here is that
because we‘re dealing with the resonance, this becomes something that is very
powerful. In other words, the way in which the Personality gets to take advantage of
the form and links to the form is that it links through that aura.
Now there is also a harmony that‘s there. And it means that when the vehicle is
properly hydrated, when the aura is properly a reflection of the well-being of this,
because again remember
nothing about resonance is
of value in the context of a
not-self being. All it can be
in relationship to a not-self
being is that it can be
signposts that you use as a
way of indicating where
you‘re going.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
The Personality crystal is an incredible thing. Everything about us—one of the things
I‘m trying to publicize is how different we are from our seven-centered ancestors.
We are incredibly different. And part of that difference is that in the nine-centered
vehicle, because we have this potential to bypass the dependency on mind to be able
to run our lives, to coordinate our lives that it opens up this incredible potential for
mind to learn.
It‘s one of those old mystical boohbahs about why are we here, why do we incarnate
over and over again, and so forth and so on, and all these kinds of things. But the
moment that you really have a grasp about the nature of the nine-centered being,
what you get to see is that we‘re a learning machine. This is what we‘re all about.
We are here for cognition. But it‘s not cognition that is just simply there. Yes, there
is a certain level of that in terms of the way in which the vehicle operates. But the
vehicle is only a platform for the self-reflected consciousness that is the whole thing
about having a Personality crystal.
I‘m a fan of Design crystals. I think Design crystals are great. After all, I got my
knowledge from the Design crystal bundle. I think Design crystals are great. It is
their thing to understand the mechanism, to be able to provide the evolutionary flow
through the mechanics itself. But my interest is in the Personality crystal. The
Personality crystal is relatively eternal. It is the only thing that we have continuity
with in the sense that it is the essence of, if you want to call it an ―I,‖ that I that is
the eternal I or the potential of that eternal I, that uniqueness that exists beyond
any form, beyond any incarnation.
What all of this gives us is an opportunity to have contact with it. That joke of mine
in one of my RaZens that what you cannot see is the see-er. This is the magic of the
Personality crystal. And the thing about the Personality crystal is that it waits and it
waits and it waits for the form to be correct so that it can actually begin to learn.
There is no learning when the mind is simply occupied with the rudimentary
processes of staying alive on the material plane. The moment that mind is occupied
with all of the mundane of the material plane its capacity to learn is incredibly
It‘s one of the things you get to see in Wa mechanics. As an example, you get to
see that you‘re immediately dumbed down the moment that you‘re integrated into
the material plane, into the high-density population material plane. This is what
happens. And there is no learning.
So, everything about this is to get to a point in which the Personality becomes
educated. And it becomes educated not in the homogenized sense, that it has to go
through some kind of formal program. But it becomes educated in the sense that it
finally gets to see the elements that configure its possibility. That‘s what we do here
in Holistic Analysis. Each and every one of these elements are providing your
Personality crystal with something to measure, and something to measure that has
extraordinary consequences to it.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Everything about the nature of mind, everything about living in a duality, is the
recognition and acceptance that all is measurement. This is what it is, the ―this‖ and
the ―that.‖ And that ―this and that‖ becomes more and more refined. The
extraordinary thing—I think every one of you in one way or another understands this
from your process in Human Design. That is, no matter what you‘ve studied and no
matter what your trajectory has been in all of this, the fact is that the simple
movement through the levels of information, the by-product of that is a
transformation in your being. And a transformation in your being that isn‘t
necessarily directly connected with any of the material at any given moment.
The more correct and the more—I was going to use the word ―honest,‖ but it‘s
beyond that—the thing that I love that the Voice said to me was that in presenting
this to me at the very beginning of my process was that this was an absolute of the
maia, which is such a great joke. It‘s so beautiful; it‘s so perfect. It just bubbles
with double entendre. It is a great thing, this absolute of the maia. And it is what it
is. That‘s the magic that we‘re dealing with here is that we‘re dealing with
absolutes. You‘re dealing with absolutes within the illusion.
So, for the first time this knowledge is only present on this plane since 1987. It‘s in
its 23rd year. This is the first time in the history of our evolutionary species that the
mechanics of the maia is revealed. Which means it‘s the first time that the
passenger actually has something that they can truly dig into. It doesn‘t matter
whether you understand what the hell I‘m saying or not, really, because it takes
time, every single one of these aspects that you take in at this point, it‘s not your
mind that‘s processing this now. It‘s your passenger that‘s processing this.
Your passenger is taking this in, in a totally different way because it‘s getting to see
all of the signposts that are going to align it to its potential. After all, this is the
evolutionary promise. The fact that the knowledge was revealed at all is an indicator
that there is a potential to fulfill what it brings. I look at it as the golden watch that
you get at the end of the road. This is what Human Design is to me. It is that
golden watch. It‘s that, ―well, thank you very much for being a part of this dropping-
into-the-meat experiment. It‘s all been very nice and delicious and here is your
reward. Here is the prize at the end.‖ And that prize is extraordinary.
I‘ve made that dark joke before that for most human beings and for most spiritual
beings that the only realization they have of having a passenger is when they‘re
dead, which is not particularly funny, but it‘s true. That it is in those moments of
bardo, however long the bardo will last, it‘s in the bardo experience that there is this
recognition that oh my goodness, there was this thing here all along trying to pierce
through this haze of homogenized mentality.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
Now all of you are deeply privileged in the sense that most of the homogenized junk
has been cleared away and
so you do have this
opportunity, finally, to
educate the passenger or
to allow the passenger—
that‘s a better way of
saying it—to be educated.
You have to be somebody who is truly deeply, deeply into your Strategy and
Authority. You have to have the right PHS otherwise the frequency is going to be
slightly off. Everything about the nature of who we are is about the fine-tuning of
that. So, here in this establishment of the perspective that the way in which this
Personality is going to be able to see is that the way it sees is that it sees when its
aura is healthy. And only when its aura is healthy and it draws those beings to its
aura because it‘s in the right environment and those beings are drawn to the aura for
the answer that it can begin to see from its personal perspective what nourishment,
in fact, they actually need.
It‘s a beautiful way to see how all of that works. And it doesn‘t mean that these
other elements don‘t come in, but again, the most beautiful thing in this is just the
logical hierarchy—resonance first. You can see that yes there‘s going to be the Color
harmony, there is going to be a resonance from the Color to the Tone when it comes
to the way in which the hydration is going to influence the perspective.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The other thing is that it‘s a Link Node. This is linking the Personality to the vehicle.
So, the whole thing about Personality, who you think you are, who you think you are
has such a terrible time trying to accept
being in form. You can see that in the
world around you. For most beings it's a
horror show. They‘re constantly struggling
with their form principle trying to control
the form principle, all those things that the
not-self Personality is going to do.
When those ingredients are there, as the aura becomes more refined, it becomes
more attractive to others. And again remember that we are dealing with the
presence, so this aura becomes an attractive field that is promising answers, which
means that when it‘s in its right environment those beings, I think that he is a
caveman, those beings coming into his cave coming into contact with this aura,
there's this sense that herein lies the answer. When that aura is correct, the seeing
is correct. It just aligns it. And it immediately gives the Personality a comfort in
being in the form.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
The Prana
All right, let‘s take the other level of this. Let‘s go to the prana. When you go to the
prana, one of the things you get to see is that you're dealing with all these 1 st lines
so you have dissonance. And you're dealing with a 4 th line, which is the harmonic to
these 1s. But again,
you‘re dealing with a
dissonance. And you
have a 2nd here and
again you're dealing
with a dissonance. So,
the first thing is that
this is somebody who is
only going to be
comfortable in their
vehicle on the surface.
The surface, what we
see here in the
presence, is what really
makes a difference.
The Link Node: The Way the Body Connects to the Personality View
It's not like everything is a primary way in which linkage works. We have two ways
of looking at the linkage. This, after all, is the way in which the body connects to the
Personality‘s view. So we can see very clearly that in terms of the Personality‘s
view, what is really going to dominate is this. This (6th color in design Jupiter) is
going to dominate. This (3rd color in design Neptune) is going to be secondary.
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
In terms of the way in which the prana operates, the only thing that is going to be
significant is going to be the movement. In other words, if they're in the right
environment, if they are following their PHS, then the way in which they move and
the way in which that aura
is connected to that
movement, that again this
is something that allows
them to be able to see, and
to be able to see with this
correct personal view, and
to be able to see the
themes that are inherent
In order for us to be
correct, so many elements
are involved. This is one of
the things that is so
fascinating about syn–
thesizing all of this. It‘s
why in deconstructing it
this way you really don't
get to see how all of this is
connected because it's all connected through a genetic continuity. All of it fits
together. First you have to see the elements and see the elements at work. Once
you begin to look at all of it integrated together you begin to see the way in which
differentiation in correctness establishes the perfect differentiated consciousness,
because that's what this is all about. It‘s that perfect differentiated consciousness.
Now, when we go to the other side, because here you can see we‘ve gone to the
other side, we‘re on the Personality side and this is the Design Link Node. Here in
looking at the Design Link Node, we're
looking at something that's different. What
we're looking at is the way in which the
perception, the way in which the experience
of taking in the world, the key to the way in
which that is interpreted through the
vehicle. In other words, the way in which
the vehicle itself is going to support that.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
this being to be able to see correctly that seeing correctly is going to be deeply
linked to that cave. And it's only when they are in that cave that they can
experience the perception that they're here to experience.
When we're dealing with the Nodes, it‘s the storyline. And it's more than just a
storyline. It is the quality of life. It is the place where we meet the other. It is our
connection to the world around us. And it becomes the foundation of ultimately what
can be our outer authority. In order for us to be holistically correct our Design and
Personality have to have a way in which they meet each other, a way in which they
embrace each other.
One of the things that you get to see when we first began our studies together, if
you go back to the earliest work into PHS and Rave Psychology, and particularly in
dealing with the Primary Health System at the external level, that is the Design
Nodes. I went through an enormous transition; I guess a kind of awakening for me
when I finally felt like it was time to leave behind the Sun/Earth and to really enter
deeply into the magic of what Nodes are.
The Sun/Earth is the Dependent Variable. You can see that in this linkage it's not
even a part of the equation at all. It isn‘t, because everything about establishing
outer authority is about the suitability of the being in the life. It‘s in the life. And
this is what the Independent Variable brings us. It brings us this life of ours.
But there is no descent into the life yet. There isn‘t. It‘s like my metaphor for the
6th line being, which is really the metaphor of the nine-centered life. That is, the
tripartite life. I describe it as the incredible metamorphosis that a kangaroo goes
through. It begins with this tiny embryo like thing that crawls out of the mother‘s
womb and goes through this horrendous journey on its way to the pouch. If it
makes it—and the mother does not help it. It‘s an amazing thing. It will not help it.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
So it has this arduous instinctive mechanical journey that it has to take to get to that
pouch and when it finally gets to that pouch then it can go through that process in
which it develops. It becomes what they call a joey. It begins to take on its nature.
And then finally it leaves that pouch and goes out into the world as itself.
This is the tripartite life. This is what we are really all about; the nine-centered
being. And that first to 30 years is this incredible struggle to prepare the vehicle,
because that's what it is. It is this preparing of the vehicle, because as yet, not until
you get to Saturn—after all, we are not Saturnian beings. Saturn is still a great
marker, but we are not Saturnian beings. Nor do we have Saturnian bodies. We do
not. We are Uranian creatures. We are very, very different.
So, this early Saturnian process, this first 30 years is this ordeal, in a sense, of
developing the vehicle. And it's this combination of Strategy and Authority and
dietary regimen. But the moment that you get to your Saturn, this is the moment
that you turn the corner. It‘s the moment that everything changes. It‘s the moment
that you get to drop into the life. It‘s the moment you begin the life.
You see it, not just metaphorically, but mechanically in the charts of 6 th line beings
where they're going to spend the first 30 years with that 3 rd line theme, whether it's
on the Personality or the Design side, and it's that 3 rd line theme that‘s going to
bring so much chaos—I‘m speaking of the not-self—and difficulty into the life, the
pessimism that can be so dark that they never get beyond that, that they never
recover from that.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
it. That is, it is the conditioner of the way in which the experiential can be perfected.
It is.
Not only that, they are not going to be able to see correctly in terms of what their
body is establishing for them. In other words,
their mind is going to try to move their body and
move it in a way so that the mind can control what
it sees. The not-self is a horrendous thing. And
here everything about being in the cave means
that yes, finally the rules can be established, how
you can break through confusion to be able to
establish a perception that can break through that
confusion. And not only break through that
confusion, but as we saw from the other side to be
able to break through that confusion in a way in
which the perception is able to provide
nourishment for the other. How beautiful that is.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
got the 1 here (1st color Node) and again (1st color Jupiter), and if you go to the
Venus you can see that there is the 4 there, there is this 1 from the line value
(Neptune) that is in resonance. It‘s also here (Jupiter) as well.
But if you go to the transcendent, the only thing that you're going to get to is to the
4s that are here. We're not looking at the overall way in which the perception
operates because we did that last week. What we're looking at is the key. It's only
when the vehicle and the Personality are aligned that you get the perfection of the
holistic being. The perfection of the holistic being is through the Link Nodes. This is
what frames it. This is what establishes it.
Take a look at your Link Nodes. And look at the way in which they resonate in their
connection to either the Design side or the Personality side and you're going to get
the keys that create that harmony within yourself in which the vehicle and the
Personality finally have a relationship that operates correctly. For this person
everything is about being in the cave; everything is about being in the the cave.
And it's only in that cave that they're able to establish what is the part of their
perception that holds them correct in their form.
There are many other things that are going to go on here. After all, we‘re not
showing the Sun/Earth. We‘re not showing the way in which conceptualizing takes
place. We're just showing
the basic relationship that
is there between the
Personality and the form
and the way in which that
links along the storyline,
because this is where it is.
It‘s all along the storyline.
It is the environment that
establishes the perception.
And it's only when the keys
to environmental percep–
tion are established as the
foundation, then every–
thing else begins to work.
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
sense, jailed, that somebody who rarely came out of their cave, that somebody who
only then would they really have been correct in their body and that would have
established a whole platform for their consciousness. You can't have one without the
other. And the only way that you're going to be whole, the only way that you can be
whole is that you‘re whole along the Independent Variable. The rest is all
interesting, the brain/mind system, all that stuff is fascinating. And obviously
ultimately, you get to the outer authority that is the expression of what you get from
your storyline.
The Link Nodes hold us together. They are instruments of the Monopole. This is
what they do. They hold us together in that illusion. And they hold us together in
very, very specific ways. This vehicle is going to support this consciousness if it is in
the right place. And it will support it by being able to establish the mental rules, the
mind rules that are going to lay the foundation for the way in which this outer
authority ultimately is going to work.
In the same way that on the Design side it is going to establish the quality of the
seeing, the capacity to actually be able to see, here is somebody that is here to see
what the other needs to see what nourishes them, to be able to help them break
through the confusion to grasp clearly what is necessary for them.
And you see that only happens when the vehicle and the Personality are one, when
there is no conflict between them. These are the little things that hold the whole
Holistic Analysis Fundamentals is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
movie together so that everything else can flourish, because all the other things are
elements that add to what is going to be the ultimate outer authority in this life.
When I did this course a couple weeks ago, Radical Transformation, one of the things
that I'm trying to get across to the general public is to begin to see that there are
these three elements that set the foundation for transformation. Everything about
what is possible for us begins with grasping that these three elements—Strategy and
Authority, dietary regimen, and environment—that this is what lays the foundation
for awareness. There is nothing else. It is the very basis of it.
Oh yes, you can look as we do here and see what the particular hook is, but that‘s
something else. This is simply about being able to work from that foundation
outwards in analytical terms of being able to see the way a differentiated
consciousness ultimately is constructed. But the simplest level is just simply
following what is necessary for the vehicle because the rest of it will simply be
realized. That is the thing.
The realization comes when the vehicle is correct. Now I know that so many of you
have deeply embraced PHS, along obviously with Strategy and Authority in your
educational process. But I tell you this, now is the time to deeply embrace the
environment. And if you're not in the correct environment, if that is something that
you have to go looking for or if that is something that is not part of the regular part
of your life, whether that is the hardscape or the landscape, you've got to find it.
Again, it has to arise out of whatever your Strategy and Authority is, whatever is
correct for you, but it is something to grasp so deeply. It has to be a consistent
element in your life, because what you're going to see is the same thing that you've
all discovered in the experimentation with PHS that the moment you move away
from it you immediately feel the consequences.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
Well, I tell you, the moment that you settle into your environment and the moment
you step away from it, boy are you ever going to see the difference. Well, seeing
the difference isn‘t quite what I mean. You're not going to see the difference in that
sense; the seeing is going to be altered. You're going to lose the acuteness of the
perception because that‘s where everything—in order to get somebody truly to
awaken, to truly be aware, you have to complete the physical work. This is a classic
example. This was somebody who was really unaware. This was somebody that for
whatever he was, the fact was that the one thing he rejected was the cave. And in
the end, that is what destroyed the potential of the consciousness.
And it‘s something that is so, so important, because we do have a natural order.
This is the thing that I began to discuss when I first began to introduce Variable and
the Variable grid. There is a natural order. We can't bring everybody to it. That
was long ago lost. It was lost in the seven-centered life. But each of us has a place
in that order. And within our unique process, we can return to that place.
When we are in the correct environment that is the completion of the most difficult
part of the job. Everything else is easy. I tell you, everything else is easy. The
Personality thrives the moment that the vehicle is truly honed, it is truly correct.
This is really the magic of what we get to see in this mechanical knowledge, is that
there is a way to truly perfect the form. It‘s not enough, I tell you, it's not enough
to simply have Strategy and Authority, seven years of deconditioning and PHS.
You've got to get to the environment because until you get to the environment you
don't begin your life. You‘re still that little embryo trying to crawl up the surface of
its mother. You‘ve got to get into that pouch. And you only get into that pouch
when you get to environment. Then linkage really begins to work, because that's
the moment that the Personality gets linked to the form. And it gets linked to the
form in a way in which it will resonate. And then we get this incredible phenomenon
of the differentiated seeing.
There is no rule for us. What comes first, the chicken or the egg? The thing that
comes first is Strategy and Authority. After that, there are the elements of the way
in which the elements work is going to be individuated because we've all been deeply
conditioned beings. And we‘re not following the program the way in which the
program is intended to be fulfilled as an evolutionary process. Those children that
can be raised correctly, those children who won‘t have neural shut down when
they‘re three years of age. It‘s a very, very different phenomenon that they will
naturally embrace, it will be their time to go out in the world and establish their life
when they get to their Saturn return.
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Most of us have come to this knowledge later in our process. Most of us don't have
the luxury of 20 or 30 years to go through the developmental process. It‘s why I
keep on calling for the radical, embrace the radical. You‘re already at this point
where you're at a place of no return anyway. And environment is something that
you need to seek out as profoundly as any of the elements that are there in your
design because it's a key. It‘s the deepest key. It‘s the cornerstone. It‘s the thing
that establishes your well-being and establishes your life. It establishes what you‘re
really here to see as a differentiated being, and it establishes the linkage that allows
your Personality to relax into the potential of your form.
When the Personality can surrender to the form, anything is possible. I know that
there is no God. I know that there is no reason. I know that there is no why. I
know all these things. It means that the possibilities are limitless. It means that the
possibilities are absolutely incredible. And it all begins with understanding that it‘s
only when one is fully correct within the form that one can transcend it and it‘s in
that transcendence that everything is possible.
The consciousness that we have as a potential goes far beyond the dimensional
reality of this plane. I already know these experiences. I know that it is possible
totally to be outside of this frame and still be here. And all of this is about the form.
This is the work. This is what it is to be a bio-form. I understand so clearly now why
the bio-form is something that is just going to come to an end. It is such a trip.
That just having to feed it basically takes away so much of the possibility of
It‘s why the mechanics are here, to make it so simple to survive, to make it so easy
to live on this plane with physical grace. Once that grace is there then the beauty
unfolds. It‘s what I love so much about these mechanics is that they give you what
you need. You don't lack anything. It gives you precisely what you need. It tells
you precisely what is correct for you. It points to what you need as a form principle
in order to transcend that form.
Well, we‘ve had an interesting start to our journey together. And as I do at the end
of anyone of these programs and at the end of the semester is to thank all of you.
It‘s you that makes this possible. It is a great gift for me to be able to have such
extraordinary students, colleagues and friends to work with. I'm deeply grateful.
And I‘m grateful for the privilege of what it is to be a teacher in this environment.
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Lecture Ten
The Link Nodes
in a correct being. It is something that's very beautiful. So that we can see the
differentiated potential in any being and provide them with the signposts that they
will need in order to educate their passenger and in order to be able to live out the
beauty of that.
Anyway, to all of you I hope you have a great summer. I will be back soon enough.
So I hope to see you all again then, and you all take care. Bye for now.
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Generator-Variable Statistics
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Reflector-Variable Statistics
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Leary’s Mundane/Diamond
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Leary’s Transcendent
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