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SQM - Saba Quality Methodology
Table of Contents
1 SOP Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 SOP (Process) Description .............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Definition of Release Types Delivered ...................................................................................... 3
2.2 Product and Release Backlogs ................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Development and Stabilization Sprints ...................................................................................... 5
2.4 Checkpoint, Program, and Scrum Meetings .............................................................................. 6
2.5 Sprint Review............................................................................................................................ 6
2.6 Product GA Readiness ............................................................................................................. 6
2.7 Release Postmortem ................................................................................................................ 8
3 SOP Exceptions .............................................................................................................................. 9
4 SOP Change Log .......................................................................................................................... 10
5 SOP Sign-Off ................................................................................................................................ 10
1 SOP Objective
This document describes Saba’s overall Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Saba is practicing a modified agile framework. The high-level phases within the release cycles
are the following:
Figure 1 – Please note number of planned sprints can change based on length of release cycle
Product Release: Large product release delivered within 3-6 months, as determined by
business and market needs, that include new features, major product enhancements and
defect resolutions. Product Releases are cumulative of all previous product ion deployed
Maintenance Release: Minor product release delivered within 1-3 months, as determined by
business and market needs that primarily includes defect resolutions and may also include
minor product enhancements. Maintenance Releases are cumulative of all previous production
deployed changes.
HotFix & Patch Releases: Single or cumulative defect resolutions delivered as required by
business and market needs, that include only defect resolutions and will not include any
product enhancements. HotFix and Patch Releases may be cumulative of all previous
production deployed changes depending on the type of Saba product platform.
The Product Backlog is groomed continuously with Engineering leads, Product Managers
(PMs), and Quality Engineering. This can be facilitated by the Project team members or
member of the Program Management Office (PMO) (Figure 1 – Design Sprint).
PM presents the Stories in the backlog that are candidates for the Project and creates
the Release Backlog. The Project team uses this time to thoroughly understand the
requirement requests and uses this as input into sizing estimates. If a requirement is too
large for a single sprint, the PM breaks the story into smaller, more manageable
deliveries. Items that require a large amount of additional definition are called out and
set aside for future consideration.
Teams assess effort using various estimation techniques and commit stories to the
Project by “Scheduling” the stories to a sprint within the release management system of
record (JIRA).
The output is to have a fully defined and groomed Release Backlog prior to Sprint 1 for
each Project as depicted in Figure 1.
Project Kick-off
Once the stories have been defined, groomed, and committed for the Project, PMO schedules
a Project kick-off as an official start to the development phase and provides a big picture view
to Project stakeholders.
Initial future planning begins for marketing launch activities, legal, pricing
Figure 2 presents a more detailed view into project activities during the SDLC.
Figure 2 – Please note number of planned sprints can change based on length of release cycle
The development phase of the SDLC is broken down into Development and Stabilization
sprints. Sprint duration can range 1-4 weeks depending on release scheduling requirements.
After each sprint Engineering leads conduct a Sprint review of the completed Epics/Stories,
see SOP-DEV-03-02, Story Reviews.
For testing activities during each Project, please refer to SOP-QE-04-02, Product Testing
As needed Engineering leads conduct daily Scrum meetings in their local time zones. At a
minimum, all team members must attend or send a proxy for the weekly checkpoint and
program review meetings. The team, by component/product area, reviews the stories
assigned to the sprint, current testing progress, and critical defects that are to be planned
for resolution during the remainder of Project.
After each sprint Engineering leads conduct a Sprint review of the completed Epics/Stories,
see SOP-DEV-03-02, Story Reviews
In order to facilitate a holistic release methodology, PMO leads a number of integrated release
readiness activities for cross-functional team members to help ensure a fully supported product
upon General Availability. This consists of the following activities which are applicable to
Product Readiness only (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 – Please note number of planned sprints can change based on length of release cycle
Product Readiness Kickoff: Meeting to bring the cross-functional leadership team into
the product development process and provide a knowledge transfer session of
upcoming new features and product enhancements.
Overview Training: Training for internal teams and partners covering the business
value of the release. Answers the question, “Why are we building it”.
o Audience: Available for all of Saba, Partners, and may be posted within Saba
Customer Community
o Delivery: May not occur for every Product Release as this training is dependent
on the scope of the release and business and market needs.
Feature Training: Training for internal teams and partners covering the detailed
workings of new functionality from the end user and administrator perspectives.
Answers the question, “What did we build”
Technical Training: Training for internal teams only and covers the technical details of
the new features and any platform or infrastructure changes. Answers the question,
“How did we build it”
Internal Product Availability: During the stabilization phase, internal team members
are able to access test environment tenants which have been pre-populated with demo
data for the purposes of familiarizing themselves with the newly developed functionality
and build their readiness materials.
Customer Training: Saba team members deliver “What’s New” training to customers
as needed.
For other Product artifacts such as Product Documentation & Training sign-offs, please see
SOP-SDL-05-02, Cloud GA Readiness.
If any of above topics need discussion and/or further analysis, it can be taken offline with
relevant members and the outcome published to the entire group of Engineering leads.
3 SOP Exceptions
From time to time there will be a need for making exceptions to standard operating procedures
due to business drivers. Exceptions to the completion of identified steps in the process
described above require documented approval (including a brief summary of business
justification) from one of the following Saba team members or their identified delegate:
Sustained only products may manage certain portions of their SDLC resources, infrastructure
and artifacts based on their legacy procedures.
The Change Log is used to keep a record of the changes made to the Standard Operating
Procedure. An entry only needs to be added each time it is published, although the author may
want to include intermediate steps.
5 SOP Sign-Off
The Document Sign-Off is used to record who has reviewed and approved the Standard
Operating Procedure.