1300T Form
1300T Form
1300T Form
Step 4 Gather your original documents and have copies New Zealand citizens
of them certified (see pages 3–6) Special eligibility conditions apply for New Zealand citizens
Step 5 Complete your application form and online who:
payment (see page 7) • arrived in Australia before 26 February 2001.
• hold a Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa.
Step 6 Lodge your application, certified copies of your
See New Zealand citizens on page 9.
documents and your payment receipt
(see page 7) Children
Step 7 Attend your citizenship appointment – Children under 16 years of age can be included on a
ensure you bring all your original documents responsible parent’s application form. Any child included in
(see page 8) your application must be a permanent resident at the time of
application and time of decision. You must be the responsible
Step 8 Sit the citizenship test at your appointment parent of any child included in your application and under
(see page 8) policy it is expected that children included live with you.
Step 9 Await notification of the Department’s decision You may be required to provide evidence that you are the
(see page 8) responsible parent. There is no cost for children under 16 years
of age applying on the same form as a responsible parent.
Step 10 Attend a citizenship ceremony and make the Children are also able to apply in their own right by
pledge (see page 8) completing form 1290 Application for Australian citizenship –
Other situations which must be signed by a responsible parent.
Fees apply.
You must be in Australia when the Department of Home
Affairs (the Department) makes a decision about your The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 defines a responsible
application except in certain, limited circumstances parent in relation to a child as:
described in Step 2 – Residence requirement. • a parent, unless that parent does not have parental
responsibility because of orders made by the Family Court
of Australia, or
• any person having responsibility over the child because of
an order made by the Family Court, or
• any person who has guardianship or custody of the child
under an Australian law or a foreign law, whether because of
adoption, operation of law, an order of a court or otherwise.
Children 16 or 17 years of age will need to complete their
own application using form 1290 Application for Australian
citizenship – Other situations.
© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2023 1300t (Design date 01/23) - Page 1
Step 2 – Residence requirement Ministerial discretions
The residence requirement is based on the time you have lived There are a number of ministerial discretions which may
in Australia and the time you have spent outside Australia. be applied to an application to assist a person to meet the
The Residence Requirement Calculator can help you calculate residence requirement for Australian citizenship.
whether you meet this requirement and is available on the 1. If you were in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen during
Department’s website https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/ the 4 years immediately before making your application
help-support/tools/residence-calculator and it was as the result of an administrative error, then
that period of time may be treated as a period of lawful
General residence requirement residence in Australia.
2. If you were in Australia as a lawful non-citizen but not
Permanent residents must: as a permanent resident as the result of an administrative
• have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for error, then that period of time may be treated as a period of
4 years immediately before applying which must include permanent residence.
the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and 3. If you were in Australia as a lawful non-citizen, but not as
• not have been absent from Australia for more than one year a permanent resident during the 12 months immediately
in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in the before making your application, then that period of time
year before applying. may be treated as a period of permanent residence if you
Changes to the general residence requirement apply for would otherwise suffer significant hardship or disadvantage.
certain New Zealand citizens holding a Skilled Independent 4. Time spent in prison or a psychiatric institution by order
(subclass 189) visa (see New Zealand citizens on page 9). of a court in the 4 years immediately before making your
application may be counted as time in Australia if your
Special residence requirements conviction has been quashed.
5. If you are the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian
Special residence requirements may apply to you if: citizen, or surviving spouse or de facto partner of an
• you are seeking to engage in specific activities of benefit to Australian citizen at the time you make your application,
Australia such as participation as an athlete in an Australian and you spent time outside Australia as a permanent
Olympic team, or resident in the 4 years immediately before making your
• you are engaged in particular kinds of work for a total of at application, you may treat those periods of absence as time
least 2 years in the past 4 years, that required you to travel in Australia if, during each period of absence:
outside Australia. • you were the spouse or de facto partner of that Australian
Additional documents are required to apply for either of these citizen, and
special residence requirements. • they were an Australian citizen, and
For more information see Special residence requirements • you maintained a close and continuing association with
applicants on page 9. Australia.
Note: If you have spent time in prison or a psychiatric 6. If you spent time outside Australia as a permanent resident
institution by order of a court in the 4 years immediately in the 12 months immediately before making your
before making your application, that time during which you application as the holder of an interdependent visa, and your
were confined cannot be counted as residence in Australia. interdependent partner was an Australian citizen during your
periods of absence, you may treat those periods of absence
as time in Australia if you had a close and continuing
Defence service requirement association with Australia during those periods of absence.
You meet the residence requirement if you have completed You will need to provide documents to support your
relevant defence service, which is if you: claims at the time you lodge your application.
• were appointed, enlisted or transferred into any of the
permanent forces or reserves of the Commonwealth of
Australia, and
• have served for a total of at least 90 days in the permanent Step 3 – Prepare for the citizenship test
forces, or
• have served for a total of at least 90 paid service days in the To prepare for your citizenship test, the Australian Citizenship:
navy, army or air force reserve, or Our Common Bond test resource booklet provides useful
information and is available in English and in a range of
• were discharged from defence service as medically unfit for community languages. A podcast series is also available. These
service as a result of that service. resources are on the Department’s website
If you are a member of the family unit of a defence person www.homeaffairs.gov.au/prepare-for-citizenship
you meet the residence requirement if:
• the defence person was granted one of the following visas
on or after 1 July 2007: Labour Agreement (Migrant)
Class AU, Labour Agreement (Residence) Class BV,
Employer Nomination (Permanent) Class EN, Regional
Employer Nomination (Permanent) Class RN, and
• you were included as an applicant in the visa application of
the defence person and were granted the same type of visa
at the same time, and
• you still hold that same visa, and
• the defence person has completed relevant defence service
or dies while undertaking that service.
Pledge 1 From this time forward, under God, Lodge your application by post
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
whose democratic beliefs I share, Send your completed paper application to the relevant postal
whose rights and liberties I respect, and address listed on page 11.
whose laws I will uphold and obey. If you lodge your application by post you must include
certified copies of original documents with your application.
Pledge 2 From this time forward, Do not post original documents with your application.
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
whose democratic beliefs I share, You must bring the following to your citizenship appointment
whose rights and liberties I respect, and for yourself and any children included in your application:
whose laws I will uphold and obey. • originals of the documents you have listed in Part E –
Identity documents
• originals of other supporting documents, if required
This checklist will help ensure that you have everything you
need for your citizenship appointment. Step 9 – Wait to receive notification
When a decision is made on your application, you will be
For you notified in writing.
Identity documents (Step 4) You must tell the Department if you change your address,
and in some circumstances your application cannot be
Certified copies of overseas penal clearance approved if you are outside Australia.
certificates, if applicable (Step 4)
If your application is refused
Supporting documents as required (Step 4) If your application is refused you may have the right to ask
for the decision to be reviewed by the Administrative Appeals
If you applied online: Tribunal (AAT). Your letter of notification will advise you
• one passport-sized photograph and identity where you can lodge an application for review. You should
declaration signed by an Australian citizen with lodge your application with the AAT as soon as possible.
the correct authority (Step 4)
• original documents
Box File
Client ID
Please open this form using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Either type (in English) in the fields provided or print this form You must attach the endorsed
and complete it (in English) using a pen and BLOCK LETTERS. photograph of yourself
Family name
Given names
(including all
middle names) 8 Place of birth
3 Have you been known by any other names?
(including name at birth, previous married names, aliases, patronymic State/province
names, clan or tribal names, or alternative spellings or full spelling of
all names) Country
9 Residential addresses over the last 5 years
Yes Give details If insufficient space, attach a separate signed sheet with details
Family name Current address
Given names Note: You must tell the Department if your address
changes after you lodge this form.
Reason for
change of
If you have been known by more than one other name,
attach additional details on a separate sheet. Previous address 1 (if applicable)
7 Have you ever had a different date of birth to the one shown at Question 6?
Date acquired
11 Telephone numbers Date ended
2. Country of citizenship
Date acquired
12 If you are 18 years of age or over, do you have any email addresses?
(including work, business, personal, home or other emails) Date ended
Do not include migration agent or legal practitioner email addresses.
No 3. Country of citizenship
Yes List all of your email addresses
Citizenship is: Current Previous
Date acquired
Date ended
18 List all the countries where you hold permanent residence and are not
13 Do you agree to the Department communicating with you by email or a citizen
other electronic means?
Note: If consent to use electronic communication is not provided, delays
will occur including notification of the outcome of this application.
No 19 Your occupation
Yes Give details
Email address
20 Passport details
14 Have you previously been an Australian citizen? Passport number
No Country of passport
Yes Date you ceased to be Passport type: Government UN Refugee Private
an Australian citizen
15 Have you previously sat and passed the Citizenship test? Date of issue
No Date of expiry
Yes Citizenship Appointment ID number Issuing authority/
Place of issue as
shown in your passport
16 Do you need help with the Citizenship test? 21 Do you ever use Chinese Commercial Code Numbers for the name
(See Help with the test on page 8) shown in the passport at Question 20?
No No
Yes Give details Yes Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (in full)
2. Family name
Given names You must provide a statement and evidence to support your
claim for an exemption/discretion or it will not be assessed
Type of document
Identity number
Part B – Your children
Country of issue
• Provide details of your children under 16 years of age that you
have responsibility or legal custody for, and whom you are including
3. Family name in this application for Australian citizenship, at Questions 28 to 30
23 Date you first entered Australia as a holder 28 Do you have any children under 16 years of age, that you have
of a permanent visa or were granted a responsibility or legal custody for, and whom you are including in this
permanent visa (enter the later date) application?
No Go to Question 31
24 Have you ever held an Australian visa other than your current Yes
permanent visa?
No Go to Question 25
Yes Date your first Australian visa was granted (if known)
Date of expiry
Issuing state/territory
Child 1 Child 2
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Has this child ever been known by or used any other names, Has this child ever been known by or used any other names,
dates of birth or gender? dates of birth or gender?
Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names, Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names,
maiden names, clan or tribal names maiden names, clan or tribal names
No No
Yes Give details of change(s) Yes Give details of change(s)
If insufficient space, attach additional details If insufficient space, attach additional details
List all countries where this child holds permanent residency List all countries where this child holds permanent residency
Does this child have their own passport/travel document? Does this child have their own passport/travel document?
No Name of person whose passport they are on No Name of person whose passport they are on
Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document
Passport number Passport number
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Has this child ever been known by or used any other names, Has this child ever been known by or used any other names,
dates of birth or gender? dates of birth or gender?
Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names, Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names,
maiden names, clan or tribal names maiden names, clan or tribal names
No No
Yes Give details of change(s) Yes Give details of change(s)
If insufficient space, attach additional details If insufficient space, attach additional details
List all countries where this child holds permanent residency List all countries where this child holds permanent residency
Does this child have their own passport/travel document? Does this child have their own passport/travel document?
No Name of person whose passport they are on No Name of person whose passport they are on
Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document
Passport number Passport number
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Has this child ever been known by or used any other names, Has this child ever been known by or used any other names,
dates of birth or gender? dates of birth or gender?
Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names, Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names,
maiden names, clan or tribal names maiden names, clan or tribal names
No No
Yes Give details of change(s) Yes Give details of change(s)
If insufficient space, attach additional details If insufficient space, attach additional details
List all countries where this child holds permanent residency List all countries where this child holds permanent residency
Does this child have their own passport/travel document? Does this child have their own passport/travel document?
No Name of person whose passport they are on No Name of person whose passport they are on
Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document Yes Give details from the child’s passport/travel document
Passport number Passport number
31 Do you have any other children you are NOT including in this application?
Yes Give details of each child
If you have more than 4 other children, attach their details on a separate sheet
Other child 1 (not included in this application) Other child 2 (not included in this application)
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Is this child included in another citizenship application? Is this child included in another citizenship application?
No No
Yes Yes
Has this child ever held citizenship of any country? Has this child ever held citizenship of any country?
No No
Yes Give details (including all current and previous citizenships Yes Give details (including all current and previous citizenships
held) held)
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Is this child included in another citizenship application? Is this child included in another citizenship application?
No No
Yes Yes
Has this child ever held citizenship of any country? Has this child ever held citizenship of any country?
No No
Yes Give details (including all current and previous citizenships Yes Give details (including all current and previous citizenships
held) held)
32 Parent 1 33 Parent 2
Relationship to you Relationship to you
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Has this parent/adoptive parent ever been known by or used any Has this parent/adoptive parent ever been known by or used any
other names, dates of birth or gender? other names, dates of birth or gender?
Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names, Other names include alternative spellings, patronymic names,
maiden names, clan or tribal names maiden names, clan or tribal names
No No
Yes Give details of change(s) Yes Give details of change(s)
If insufficient space, attach additional details If insufficient space, attach additional details
Has this parent/adoptive parent ever held Australian citizenship? Has this parent/adoptive parent ever held Australian citizenship?
Yes Date acquired (if known) Yes Date acquired (if known)
Date parent/adoptive parent Date parent/adoptive parent
ceased to be an Australian ceased to be an Australian
citizen (if known) citizen (if known)
Present country(s) of citizenship (if not living, write ‘DECEASED’) Present country(s) of citizenship (if not living, write ‘DECEASED’)
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable) Name in Chinese Commercial Code Numbers (if applicable)
Sex Male Female Indeterminate / Attach certified copies of your documents to this application.
Intersex / Unspecified
If you do not provide these documents your application will not
be accepted and will be returned to you.
Date of birth
Do not post original documents to the Department. Bring the
Place of birth original documents to your appointment.
Town/city Please list the identity documents you are providing (see Step 4 –
State/ Original documents on page 2)
Applicants 18 years of age or over
A current document with your photograph and signature
Country of current residence
(if not living, write ‘DECEASED’)
Evidence of your current residential address
Evidence of your date of birth, birth name and any changes of name
The person who completes this declaration must also endorse each Mobile/cell
applicant’s photograph, which must be no more than 6 months old.
Are you an Australian citizen? No Yes
Example What is your profession or occupation group number
I declare that I have known (full name of Child 1)
“This is a true
photograph of” Family name
Given names
Max 36mm
Min 32mm
(full name of applicant) for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph
(signature) Signature
SIZE of person
making this
See Identity declaration on page 4 for more information including declaration -
photograph requirements.
Mobile/cell Mobile/cell
Are you an Australian citizen? No Yes Are you an Australian citizen? No Yes
What is your profession or occupation group number What is your profession or occupation group number
from page 10? from page 10?
I declare that I have known (full name of Child 3) I declare that I have known (full name of Child 5)
Family name Family name
for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity. for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph
Signature Signature
of person of person
making this making this
declaration - declaration -
Date Date
Mobile/cell Mobile/cell
Are you an Australian citizen? No Yes Are you an Australian citizen? No Yes
What is your profession or occupation group number What is your profession or occupation group number
from page 10? from page 10?
I declare that I have known (full name of Child 4) I declare that I have known (full name of Child 6)
Family name Family name
for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity. for year(s) and vouch for his/her identity.
I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph I have endorsed the back of his/her photograph
Signature Signature
of person of person
making this making this
declaration - declaration -
Date Date
38 Since the age of 18 years, have you lived or travelled outside Australia for
periods totalling 12 months or more (only consider the time since you were
granted an Australian permanent visa)?
Yes List overseas countries where you have spent more than
90 days and attach certified copies of all penal clearance
certificates from those countries
(See Overseas penal clearance certificates on page 5)
(c) Have you committed, or been involved • I understand that the NCCHC may also be used for the purpose of
in the commission of war crimes or considering whether my visa may be subject to cancellation under
crimes against humanity or human rights the Migration Act 1958.
overseas or in Australia? No Yes • I understand that more than one NCCHC may be requested by the
Department, including a further check that may be undertaken if I
(d) Are you presently under a probation order, am not approved as an Australian citizen and I seek a review of that
good behaviour bond, on parole, released decision.
on licence or subject to periodic detention
overseas or in Australia? No Yes • I acknowledge that my personal and identifying information may also
be used by Australian police agencies for general law enforcement
(e) Are you aware of any proceedings pending purposes including those purposes set out in the Australian Crime
against you overseas or in Australia for an Commission Act 2002.
offence, including proceedings by way of • I acknowledge that my personal information provided will not
appeal or review? No Yes be used without my prior consent for any other purpose, unless
(f) Have you ever been involved in any otherwise authorised by law.
activity, or been convicted of any offence, • I consent to Australian police agencies disclosing my personal
relating to the illegal movement of people information in relation to spent convictions of specific offences
to any country (including Australia)? No Yes (10 years from the date of conviction for adults) and pending
charges to the Department for the purposes outlined above.
(g) Have you ever been charged with any
offence overseas or in Australia that is • I acknowledge that I have read the National Police Checking
currently awaiting legal action? No Yes Service – General Information and understand the spent convictions
(h) Have you ever been associated with See https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/help-support/meeting-
terrorist organisations or involved in acts our-requirements/character/character-requirements-for-
of terrorism overseas or in Australia? No Yes australian-citizenship for information about good character, the
(i) Have you ever been removed or deported Offences provision, spent convictions and the National Police Checking
from any country (including Australia)? No Yes Service – General Information.
See information form 1243i Your personal identifying information for
(j) Have you ever been involved in activities information regarding the Department’s authority to collect personal
that would represent a risk to Australian identifiers and form 1442i Privacy notice for general information on the
national security? No Yes collection, use and disclosure of personal information. The forms are
available from the Department’s website
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the questions at Question 39, you www.homeaffairs.gov.au/allforms
must give ALL relevant details. If the matter relates to a criminal
conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details of Signature of
sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention. applicant
Signature of
51 Payment details
Make your payment electronically through the ‘My Payments’ section of
ImmiAccount. Sign into, or create, your ImmiAccount and select
My Payments>Manage Payments>Pre-Pay Paper Service, at
Do not provide credit card details on this form. Make your credit
card payment electronically through the ‘My Payments’ section of
Payment receipt number from the ‘My Payments’ section of ImmiAccount
– equality of opportunity for all people, regardless of their gender, Work ( ) ( )
sexual orientation, age, disability, race, or national or ethnic
origin; Home ( ) ( )
Signature of Signature of
applicant decision maker