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Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Computing
services include common IT infrastructure such as virtual machines, storage,
databases, and networking. Cloud services also expand the traditional IT offerings to
include things like Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), and artificial
intelligence (AI).
Because cloud computing uses the internet to deliver these services, it doesn’t have
to be constrained by physical infrastructure the same way that a traditional
datacenter is. That means if you need to increase your IT infrastructure rapidly, you
don’t have to wait to build a new datacenter—you can use the cloud to rapidly
expand your IT footprint.

Describe the shared responsibility model

Start with a traditional corporate datacenter. The company is responsible for
maintaining the physical space, ensuring security, and maintaining or replacing the
servers if anything happens. The IT department is responsible for maintaining all the
infrastructure and software needed to keep the datacenter up and running. They’re
also likely to be responsible for keeping all systems patched and on the correct

With the shared responsibility model, these responsibilities get shared between
the cloud provider and the consumer. Physical security, power, cooling, and network
connectivity are the responsibility of the cloud provider. The consumer isn’t collocated
with the datacenter, so it wouldn’t make sense for the consumer to have any of those
responsibilities. At the same time, the consumer is responsible for the data and
information stored in the cloud. (You wouldn’t want the cloud provider to be able to
read your information.) The consumer is also responsible for access security,
meaning you only give access to those who need it.
If you’re using a cloud SQL database, the cloud provider would be responsible for
maintaining the actual database. However, you’re still responsible for the data that
gets ingested into the database. If you deployed a virtual machine and installed an
SQL database on it, you’d be responsible for database patches and updates, as well
as maintaining the data and information stored in the database.
With an on-premises datacenter, you’re responsible for everything. With cloud
computing, those responsibilities shift. The shared responsibility model is heavily tied
into the cloud service types (covered later in this learning path): infrastructure as a
service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). IaaS
places the most responsibility on the consumer, with the cloud provider being
responsible for the basics of physical security, power, and connectivity. On the other
end of the spectrum, SaaS places most of the responsibility with the cloud provider.
PaaS, being a middle ground between IaaS and SaaS, rests somewhere in the
middle and evenly distributes responsibility between the cloud provider and the

Define cloud models
Private cloud Public cloud Hybrid cloud

the natural evolution is built, controlled, a computing

from a corporate and maintained by a environment that
datacenter. third-party cloud uses both public and
provider. private clouds in an
It’s a cloud that’s
used by a single anyone that wants to
entity purchase cloud
services can access can be used to allow
much greater control
and use resources. a private cloud to
for the company and
surge for increased,
its IT department. The general public
temporary demand
availability is a key
it also comes with by deploying public
difference between
greater cost and cloud resources.
public and private
fewer of the benefits
clouds. can be used to
of a public cloud
provide an extra
layer of security-
a private cloud may users can flexibly
be hosted from your choose which

on site datacenter/ in services to keep in
a dedicated public cloud and
datacenter offsite, which to deploy to
potentially even by a their private cloud
third party that has infrastructure.
dedicated that
datacenter to your

Multi-cloud - in a multi-cloud environment you deal with two (or more) public cloud
providers and manage resources and security in both environments.

you use multiple public cloud providers.

Maybe you use different features from different cloud providers.

Or maybe you started your cloud journey with one provider and are in the
process of migrating to a different provider

Azure Arc- is a set of technologies that helps manage your cloud environment.

can help manage your cloud environment, whether it's a public cloud solely on
Azure, a private cloud in your datacenter, a hybrid configuration, or even a
multi-cloud environment running on multiple cloud providers at once.

Azure VMware Solution- What if you’re already established with VMware in a

private cloud environment but want to migrate to a public or hybrid cloud? Azure
VMware Solution lets you run your VMware workloads in Azure with seamless
integration and scalability.

Describe the consumption-based model

When comparing IT infrastructure models→ two types of expenses ⇒ Capital
expenditure (CapEx) and operational expenditure (OpEx)

CapEx OpEx

a one-time, up-front expenditure to spending money on services or

purchase or secure tangible products over time
renting a convention center, leasing
new building, repaving the parking a company vehicle, or signing up for
lot, building a datacenter, or buying cloud services are all examples of
a company vehicle are examples of OpEx

Cloud computing falls under OpEx because cloud computing operates on a

consumption-based model.

cloud computing→ you don’t pay for the physical infrastructure, the electricity, the
security, or anything else associated with maintaining a datacenter→ BUT you pay
for the IT resources you use.

If you don’t use any IT resources this month, you don’t pay for any IT


No upfront costs.

No need to purchase and manage costly infrastructure that users might not use
to its fullest potential.

The ability to pay for more resources when they're needed.

The ability to stop paying for resources that are no longer needed.

In a cloud-based model, you don’t have to worry about getting the resource needs
just right. If you find that you need more virtual machines, you add more. If the
demand drops and you don’t need as many virtual machines, you remove machines
as needed. Either way, you’re only paying for the virtual machines that you use, not
the “extra capacity” that the cloud provider has on hand.

Compare cloud pricing models

pay-as-you-go pricing model ⇒ typically pay only for the cloud services you use,
which helps you:

Plan and manage your operating costs.

Run your infrastructure more efficiently.

Scale as your business needs change.

cloud computing is a way to rent compute power and storage from someone else’s
datacenter. You can treat cloud resources like you would resources in your own
datacenter. You’re billed only for what you use.

Describe the benefits of high availability and scalability in the

High availability Scalability (ability to handle demand)
(uptime) refers to the ability to adjust
focuses on ensuring maximum resources to meet demand. If you
suddenly experience peak traffic
availability, regardless of
and your systems are overwhelmed,
disruptions or events that may
occur. the ability to scale means you can
add more resources to better
Azure is a highly available cloud handle the increased demand.
environment with uptime guarantees
depending on the service. These
you aren't overpaying for services ⇒
Because the cloud is a
guarantees are part of the service-level
agreements (SLAs). ⇒It's the formal
consumption-based model, you only
pay for what you use
between a service provider and If demand drops off, you can reduce
customer your resources and thereby reduce your
that guarantees the customer costs
a stated level of service.
Two varieties: vertical and horizontal
Azure service level agreements
are represented as a percentage, ⇒ Vertical ⇒ Horizontal
related to the service or if you were if you
application's availability. developing an suddenly
This availability is app and you experienced
also known as "up time". needed more a steep
If the service was processing jump in
always available to use, power, you demand,
you'd say it was 100% available could your
or it had 100% up time. vertically deployed
scale up to resources

A service with the 99.9 SLA percentage add more could be
can be unavailable for CPUs or RAM scaled out
only 10 minutes per week to the virtual (either
or 43.2 minutes per month machine automatically
or manually)
if you realized
you had over- you could
specified the add
needs, you additional
could virtual
vertically machines or
scale down containers,
by lowering scaling out.
the CPU or In the same
RAM manner, if
specifications. there was a
drop in
could be
scaled in
or manually),
scaling in

Describe the benefits of reliability and predictability in the cloud

Reliability Predictability

the ability of a system to recover can be focused on performance

from failures and continue to predictability or cost predictability ⇒
function. It's also one of the pillars are heavily influenced by the
of the Microsoft Azure Well- Microsoft Azure Well-Architected
Architected Framework. Framework

The cloud, by virtue of its

Performance Cost

decentralized design enables you
to have resources deployed in

regions around the world→ global focuses on is focused on
scale⇒ even if one region has a predicting predicting or
catastrophic event other regions are the forecasting
still up and running resources the cost of the
needed to cloud spend
In some cases, your cloud environment
deliver a
itself will automatically shift to a different Cloud→ you
region for you, with no action needed on can track your
your part resource use
for your
in real time,
Autoscaling resources to
(can deploy ensure that
additional you’re using
resources to them in the
meet the most efficient
demand, way, and
and then apply data
scale back analytics to
when the find patterns
demand and trends
drops), load that help
balancing ( better plan
if the traffic resource
is heavily deployments
focused on
By operating
one area →
in the cloud
will help
and using
some of the
analytics and
overload to
can predict
future costs
areas), and
and adjust
resources as
are just
some of the

concepts → Use tools
that support ex. Total Cost
performance of Ownership
(TCO) or
Calculator to
get an

Describe the benefits of security and governance in the cloud

Whether you’re deploying infrastructure as a service or software as a service,
cloud features support governance and compliance
to set templates→ help ensure that all your deployed resources meet corporate
standards and government regulatory requirements + you can update all your
deployed resources to new standards as standards change

→ software patches and updates may also automatically be applied, which helps with
both governance and security.

If you want maximum control of security, IaaS provides you with physical
resources → but lets you manage the operating systems and installed software,
including patches and maintenance.
If you want patches and maintenance taken care of automatically, PaaS or SaaS
deployments may be the best cloud strategies for you.

⇒ because the cloud is intended as an over-the-internet delivery of IT resources,

cloud providers are typically well suited to handle things like distributed denial of
service (DDoS) attacks, making your network more robust and secure.

Describe the benefits of manageability in the cloud

major benefit of cloud computing is the manageability options ⇒
Management of the cloud Management in the cloud

managing your cloud resources ⇒ how you’re able to manage your

cloud environment and resources
Deploy resources based on a
preconfigured template, without Through a web portal.
manual configuration.
Using a command line interface.

Using APIs.

Automatically scale resource Using PowerShell.

Monitor the health of resources

and automatically replace failing

Receive automatic alerts based

on configured metrics

Describe cloud service types

Infrastructure as a Platform as a service Software as a service
service (IaaS) (PaaS) (SaaS)

the most flexible a middle ground the most complete

category of cloud between renting cloud service model
services space in a from a product
datacenter and perspective.
the maximum
paying for a
amount of control you’re essentially
complete and
for your cloud renting or using a
deployed solution
resources fully developed
the cloud provider application. Email,
the cloud provider
maintains the financial software,
is responsible for
physical messaging
maintaining the
infrastructure, applications, and
hardware, network
physical security, connectivity
connectivity (to the
and connection to software are all
internet), and
the internet, the common examples of
physical security.
operating systems, a SaaS
You’re responsible middleware, implementation.
for everything else: development tools,
In a SaaS
operating system and business
environment you’re
installation, intelligence services
responsible for the
configuration, and that make up a
data that you put into
maintenance; cloud solution
the system, the
you don't have to devices that you
worry about the allow to connect to
licensing or patching the system, and the

Dev AZURE 10
database and for operating users that have
storage configuration systems and access.
Scenarios The cloud provider is
Scenarios responsible for
physical security of
migration: You’re Development
the datacenters,
standing up cloud framework: PaaS
power, network
resources similar to provides a
connectivity, and
your on-prem framework that
datacenter, and then developers can build
development and
simply moving the upon to develop or
things running on- customize cloud-
prem to running on based applications. Scenarios
the IaaS Similar to the way
Email and
infrastructure. you create an
Excel macro, PaaS
Testing and
lets developers Business productivity
development: You
create applications applications.
have established
using built-in Finance and expense
configurations for
software tracking.
development and test
components. Cloud
environments that
features such as
you need to rapidly
scalability, high-
replicate. You can
availability, and
stand up or shut
down the different
capability are
environments rapidly
included, reducing
with an IaaS
the amount of
structure, while
coding that
maintaining complete
developers must do.

Some common
scenarios where PaaS
might make sense

framework: PaaS

Dev AZURE 11
provides a
framework that
developers can build
upon to develop or
customize cloud-
based applications.
Similar to the way
you create an Excel
macro, PaaS lets
developers create
applications using
built-in software
components. Cloud
features such as
scalability, high-
availability, and
capability are
included, reducing
the amount of
coding that
developers must do.

Analytics or
intelligence: Tools
provided as a
service with PaaS
allow organizations
to analyze and mine
their data, finding
insights and patterns
and predicting
outcomes to
improve forecasting,
product design
investment returns,

Dev AZURE 12
and other business

Analytics or
intelligence: Tools
provided as a
service with PaaS
allow organizations
to analyze and mine
their data, finding
insights and patterns
and predicting
outcomes to
improve forecasting,
product design
investment returns,
and other business

Describe Azure architecture and services
What is Azure?

Azure is Microsoft's Cloud computing platform with an ever expanding set of

services. Azure supports infrastructure, platform, and software as a service
computing with services, such as virtual machines running in the Cloud, website and
database hosting, and advanced computing services like artificial intelligence,
machine learning, and IoT.

Most of Azure services are pay as you go, you only pay for the computing time
that you use. If your business needs complete control over your computing
environment, Azure allows you to host virtual machines in the Cloud. You can create
virtual machines from scratch, upload your own virtual hard drive, or choose from an
array of templates that Azure provides. Azure also provides Cloud-based storage,
which allows you to store your application or backup data safely and securely.

Dev AZURE 13
Azure's app services provide a scalable hosting platform where developers can
create web based applications using popular development frameworks. You can
easily deploy, operate, and scale your apps in a fully managed environment. With
Azure functions, you can create event driven serverless applications with no coding

Azure Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Service allow you to deploy
containerized applications with fully managed services. Azure offers a choice of
fully managed relational and in-memory databases, spanning proprietary and open
source engines, and Microsoft's Cosmos DB provides support for several popular

Azure's artificial intelligence and machine learning services empower

developers and data scientists with a wide range of productive experiences for
building, training, and deploying machine learning models faster. Azure's
regional data centers allow you to distribute your applications globally so you can
locate your data in apps where they're needed most, thereby improving your
application performance for your customers. The Azure portal lets you create,
configure, and control all your services and resources from a single, easy to use web-
based interface.

Microsoft Azure offers a wide array of Cloud computing services where

infrastructure management, scalability, availability, and security are handled for
you saving you time and money.

What does Azure offer?

Be ready for the future: Continuous innovation from Microsoft supports your
development today and your product visions for tomorrow.

Build on your terms: You have choices. With a commitment to open source,
and support for all languages and frameworks, you can build how you want and
deploy where you want.

Operate hybrid seamlessly: On-premises, in the cloud, and at the edge, we'll
meet you where you are. Integrate and manage your environments with tools and
services designed for a hybrid cloud solution.

Trust your cloud: Get security from the ground up, backed by a team of experts,
and proactive compliance trusted by enterprises, governments, and startups.

What can I do with Azure?

Azure provides more than 100 services that enable you to do everything
from running your existing applications on virtual machines to exploring new

Dev AZURE 14
software paradigms, such as intelligent bots and mixed reality.

Azure provides artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning (ML)

services that can naturally communicate with your users through vision,
hearing, and speech. It also provides storage solutions that dynamically grow to
accommodate massive amounts of data. Azure services enable solutions that
aren't feasible without the power of the cloud.

Get started with Azure accounts

To create and use Azure services, you need an Azure subscription. When you're
completing Learn modules, most of the time a temporary subscription is created for
you, which runs in an environment called the Learn sandbox.

What is the Azure free account?

The Azure free account includes:

Free access to popular Azure products for 12 months.

A credit to use for the first 30 days.

Access to more than 25 products that are always free.

To sign up, you need a phone number, a credit card, and a Microsoft or GitHub
account. The credit card information is used for identity verification only.

The Azure free student account offer includes:

Free access to certain Azure services for 12 months.

Dev AZURE 15
A credit ($100 credit and free developer tools) to use in the first 12 months.

Free access to certain software developer tools.

What is the Microsoft Learn sandbox?

Many of the Learn exercises use a technology called the sandbox, which creates a
temporary subscription that's added to your Azure account. This temporary
subscription allows you to create Azure resources during a Learn module. Learn
automatically cleans up the temporary resources for you after you've completed the
module. ⇒
However, the sandbox is the preferred method to use because it
allows you to create and test Azure resources at no cost to you.

Describe Azure infrastructure

The core architectural components of Azure may be broken down into two main
groupings: the physical infrastructure, and the management infrastructure.

Physical infrastructure Management infrastructure

The physical infrastructure for Azure The management infrastructure

starts with datacenters ⇒They’re includes Azure resources and
facilities with resources arranged in resource groups, subscriptions, and
racks, with dedicated power, cooling, accounts. Understanding the
and networking infrastructure. hierarchical organization will help you
plan your projects and products within
Azure has datacenters around the world
→ Datacenters are grouped into Azure
Regions or Azure Availability Zones Azure resources and resource
that are designed to help you achieve groups
resiliency and reliability for your
A resource is the basic building
business-critical workloads.
block of Azure. Anything you
Regions create, provision, deploy, etc. is a
resource. Virtual Machines (VMs),
A region is a geographical area on
the planet that contains at least one, virtual networks, databases,
but potentially multiple datacenters cognitive services, etc. are all
considered resources within Azure.
that are nearby and networked
together with a low-latency network. Resource groups are simply
Azure intelligently assigns and groupings of resources. When you
controls the resources within each create a resource → you’re required
region to ensure workloads are to place it into a resource group.
appropriately balanced → When While a resource group can contain

Dev AZURE 16
you deploy a resource in Azure, many resources, a single resource
you'll often need to choose the can only be in one resource
region where you want your group at a time.
resource deployed.
When you move a resource to a

new group, it will no longer be
Some services or virtual associated with the former
machine (VM) features group.
are only available in Resource groups can't be
certain regions, such as nested, meaning you can’t put
specific VM sizes or resource group B inside of
storage types. There are resource group A.
also some global Azure
services that don't When you apply an action to a
require you to select a resource group, that action will
particular region, such apply to all the resources within
as Azure Active the resource group. If you
Directory, Azure Traffic delete a resource group, all the
Manager, and Azure resources will be deleted. If you
DNS. grant or deny access to a
resource group, you’ve granted
or denied access to all the
Availability Zones resources within the resource
Availability zones are physically group.
separate datacenters within an →if you’re setting up a temporary
Azure region. Each availability zone dev environment, grouping all the
is made up of one or more resources together means you can
datacenters equipped with deprovision all of the associated
independent power, cooling, and resources at once by deleting the
networking. An availability zone is resource group.
set up to be an isolation boundary. If
→ If you’re provisioning compute
one zone goes down, the other
resources that will need three
continues working. Availability
different access schemas, it may be
zones are connected through high-
best to group resources based on
speed, private fiber-optic networks.
the access schema, and then
assign access at the resource group

Azure subscriptions

Dev AZURE 17
🚨 To ensure resiliency, a
minimum of three
⇒ subscriptions are a unit of
management, billing, and scale.
Similar to how resource groups are
separate availability
a way to logically organize
zones are present in all
resources, subscriptions allow
availability zone-enabled
you to logically organize your
regions. However, not all
resource groups and facilitate
Azure Regions currently billing.
support availability

When you host your infrastructure,

setting up your own redundancy
requires that you create duplicate
hardware environments. Azure can A subscription provides you with
help make your app highly authenticated and authorized
available through availability access to Azure products and
zones. You can use availability services. It also allows you to
zones to run mission-critical provision resources. An Azure
applications and build high- subscription links to an Azure
availability into your application account, which is an identity in
architecture by co-locating your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
compute, storage, networking, and or in a directory that Azure AD
data resources within an availability trusts.
zone and replicating in other
An account can have multiple
availability zones. Keep in mind
subscriptions, but it’s only
that there could be a cost to
required to have one. In a multi-
duplicating your services and
subscription account, you can use
transferring data between
the subscriptions to configure
availability zones.
different billing models and apply
Availability zones are primarily different access-management
for VMs, managed disks, load policies.
balancers, and SQL databases.
Azure services ⇒three categories:
There are two types of subscription
boundaries :
Zonal services: You pin the
Billing boundary: This
resource to a specific zone (for
subscription type determines
example, VMs, managed disks,
how an Azure account is
IP addresses).

Dev AZURE 18
Zone-redundant services: The billed for using Azure. You
platform replicates can create multiple
automatically across zones subscriptions for different types
(for example, zone-redundant of billing requirements. Azure
storage, SQL Database). generates separate billing
reports and invoices for each
Non-regional services:
subscription so that you can
Services are always available
organize and manage costs.
from Azure geographies and
are resilient to zone-wide Access control boundary:
outages as well as region- Azure applies access-
wide outages. management policies at the
subscription level, and you can
An event could be so large that it
create separate subscriptions
impacts multiple availability zones in a
single region ⇒ further resilience,
to reflect different
organizational structures. An
Azure has Region Pairs.
example is that within a
Region pairs business, you have different
Most Azure regions are paired departments to which you apply
with another region within the distinct Azure subscription
same geography (such as US, policies. This billing model
Europe, or Asia) at least 300 allows you to manage and
miles away. control access to the resources

⇒ allows for the replication of that users provision with

specific subscriptions.
resources across a geography
that helps reduce the likelihood Create additional Azure
of interruptions because of subscriptions ⇒ you might want
events such as natural to create additional subscriptions for
disasters, civil unrest, power resource or billing management
outages, or physical network purposes→ ex. to create additional
outages that affect an entire subscriptions to separate:
region.⇒ if a region in a pair Environments→ separate
was affected by a natural environments for development
disaster, services would and testing, security, or to
automatically fail over to the isolate data for compliance
other region in its region pair. reasons. This design is
particularly useful because
resource access control

Dev AZURE 19
🚨 Not all Azure services
automatically replicate
occurs at the subscription

data or automatically Organizational structures→

fall back from a failed different organizational
region to cross- ⇒
structures ex. you could limit
replicate to another one team to lower-cost
enabled region. In these resources, while allowing the IT
scenarios, recovery and department a full range. This
replication must be design allows you to manage
configured by the and control access to the
customer. resources that users
provision within each
West US paired with East US
Billing→ billing purposes.
and South-East Asia paired
Because costs are first
with East Asia. Because the
aggregated at the subscription
pair of regions are directly
level, you might want to create
connected and far enough apart
subscriptions to manage and
to be isolated from regional
track costs based on your
disasters, you can use them to
provide reliable services and
needs. ⇒ you might want to
create one subscription for your
data redundancy.
production workloads and
another subscription for your
development and testing

Additional advantages of region

pairs: 🚨 Resources are gathered into
resource groups, and
If an extensive Azure outage resource groups are gathered
occurs, one region out of every into subscriptions.
pair is prioritized to make sure
at least one is restored as
quickly as possible for Azure management groups
applications hosted in that If you have many subscriptions, you
region pair. might need a way to efficiently

Dev AZURE 20
Planned Azure updates are manage access, policies, and
rolled out to paired regions compliance for those
one region at a time to minimize ⇒
subscriptions managament
downtime and risk of application groups
You organize subscriptions into
Data continues to reside containers called management
within the same geography as groups and apply governance
its pair (except for Brazil South) conditions to the management
for tax- and law-enforcement groups. All subscriptions within a
jurisdiction purposes. management group automatically
inherit the conditions applied to the
management group, the same way
that resource groups inherit settings
from subscriptions and resources
inherit from resource groups.

Management groups give you

enterprise-grade management at a
large scale, no matter what type of
subscriptions you might have.
Management groups can be

Management group, subscriptions,

and resource group hierarchy

You can build a flexible structure of

management groups and subscriptions
to organize your resources into a
hierarchy for unified policy and access
management ⇒ ex.

Dev AZURE 21
🚨 Most regions are paired
in two directions,
meaning they are the
backup for the region that
provides a backup for
them (West US and East
US back each other up).
However, some regions,
such as West India and Some examples of how you could
Brazil South, are paired in use management groups might be:
only one direction. In a Create a hierarchy that applies a
one-direction pairing, the policy. You could limit VM locations
Primary region does not to the US West Region in a group
provide backup for its called Production. This policy will
secondary region. So, inherit onto all the subscriptions that
even though West India’s are descendants of that
secondary region is management group and will apply to
South India, South India all VMs under those subscriptions.
does not rely on West This security policy can't be altered
India. West India's by the resource or subscription
secondary region is owner, which allows for improved
South India, but South governance.
India's secondary region
Provide user access to multiple
is Central India. Brazil
subscriptions. By moving multiple
South is unique because
subscriptions under a management
it's paired with a region
group, you can create one Azure
outside of its geography.
role-based access control (Azure
Brazil South's secondary
RBAC) assignment on the
region is South Central
management group. Assigning
US. The secondary
Azure RBAC at the management
region of South Central
group level means that all sub-
US isn't Brazil South.
management groups, subscriptions,
resource groups, and resources
underneath that management group
would also inherit those
Sovereign Regions
permissions. One assignment on
Sovereign regions are instances of the management group can enable
Azure that are isolated from the

Dev AZURE 22
main instance of Azure. You may users to have access to everything
need to use a sovereign region for they need instead of scripting Azure
compliance or legal purposes. RBAC over different subscriptions.

Azure sovereign regions include:

US DoD Central, US Gov Important facts about

Virginia, US Gov Iowa and management groups:
more: These regions are 10,000 management
physical and logical network- groups can be supported
isolated instances of Azure for in a single directory.
U.S. government agencies and
A management group
partners. These datacenters
tree can support up to six
are operated by screened
levels of depth. This limit
U.S. personnel and include
doesn't include the root
additional compliance
level or the subscription
China East, China North, and
Each management
more: These regions are
group and subscription
available through a unique
can support only one
partnership between
Microsoft and 21Vianet,
whereby Microsoft doesn't
directly maintain the

Describe Azure compute and networking services

Describe Azure Virtual Machines

Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) you can create and use VMs in the cloud. VMs
provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in the form of a virtualized server and
can be used in many ways. Just like a physical computer, you can customize all of
the software running on your VM. VMs are an ideal choice when you need:

Total control over the operating system (OS).

The ability to run custom software.

To use custom hosting configurations.

Dev AZURE 23
An Azure VM gives you the flexibility of virtualization without having to buy and
maintain the physical hardware that runs the VM. However, as an IaaS offering, you
still need to configure, update, and maintain the software that runs on the VM.

You can even create or use an already created image to rapidly provision VMs. You
can create and provision a VM in minutes when you select a preconfigured VM
image. An image is a template used to create a VM and may already include an
OS and other software, like development tools or web hosting environments.

Scale VMs in Azure

You can run single VMs for testing, development, or minor tasks. Or you can
group VMs together to provide high availability, scalability, and redundancy.
Azure can also manage the grouping of VMs for you with features such as scale
sets and availability sets.

Scale sets Availability sets

⇒ let you create and manage a group ⇒ are designed to ensure that VMs
of identical, load-balanced VMs stagger updates and have varied

→ If you simply created multiple VMs power and network connectivity,

with the same purpose, you’d need to preventing you from losing all your
ensure they were all configured VMs with a single network or power
identically and then set up network failure.

routing parameters to ensure Availability sets do this by grouping

efficiency. You’d also have to monitor VMs in two ways: update domain
the utilization to determine if you need and fault domain.
to increase or decrease the number of
Update domain: The update
domain groups VMs that can be
Scale sets allow you to centrally rebooted at the same time ⇒
manage, configure, and update a allows you to apply updates while
large number of VMs in minutes. knowing that only one update
domain grouping will be offline at
The number of VM instances can
a time. All of the machines in one
automatically increase or
update domain will be updated.
decrease in response to demand,
An update group going through
or you can set it to scale based on
the update process is given a 30-
a defined schedule.
minute time to recover before
Virtual machine scale sets also maintenance on the next update
automatically deploy a load domain starts.
balancer to make sure that your

Dev AZURE 24
resources are being used Fault domain: The fault domain
efficiently. groups your VMs by common

virtual machine scale sets you can
power source and network
switch. By default, an availability
build large-scale services for areas
set will split your VMs across up
such as compute, big data, and
to three fault domains. This helps
container workloads.
protect against a physical power
or networking failure by having
VMs in different fault domains
(thus being connected to different
power and networking resources).

⇒ there’s no additional cost for

configuring an availability set. You
only pay for the VM instances you

Examples of when to use VMs

During testing and development. VMs provide a quick and easy way to create
different OS and application configurations. Test and development personnel can
then easily delete the VMs when they no longer need them.

When running applications in the cloud. The ability to run certain applications
in the public cloud as opposed to creating a traditional infrastructure to run them
can provide substantial economic benefits. For example, an application might
need to handle fluctuations in demand. Shutting down VMs when you don't need
them or quickly starting them up to meet a sudden increase in demand means
you pay only for the resources you use.

When extending your datacenter to the cloud: An organization can extend the
capabilities of its own on-premises network by creating a virtual network in Azure
and adding VMs to that virtual network. Applications like SharePoint can then run
on an Azure VM instead of running locally. This arrangement makes it easier or
less expensive to deploy than in an on-premises environment.

During disaster recovery: As with running certain types of applications in the

cloud and extending an on-premises network to the cloud, you can get significant
cost savings by using an IaaS-based approach to disaster recovery. If a primary
datacenter fails, you can create VMs running on Azure to run your critical
applications and then shut them down when the primary datacenter becomes
operational again.

Dev AZURE 25
🚨 VMs are also an excellent choice when you move from a physical server to
the cloud (also known as lift and shift). You can create an image of the
physical server and host it within a VM with little or no changes. Just like a
physical on-premises server, you must maintain the VM: you’re responsible
for maintaining the installed OS and software.

When you provision a VM, you’ll also have the chance to pick the resources that are
associated with that VM, including:

Size (purpose, number of processor cores, and amount of RAM)

Storage disks (hard disk drives, solid state drives, etc.)

Networking (virtual network, public IP address, and port configuration)

Describe Azure Virtual Desktop

Another type of virtual machine is the Azure Virtual Desktop.

Azure Virtual Desktop is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs on
the cloud. It enables you to use a cloud-hosted version of Windows from any
location. Azure Virtual Desktop works across devices and operating systems, and
works with apps that you can use to access remote desktops or most modern
Enhance security

Azure Virtual Desktop provides centralized security management for users'

desktops with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You can enable multifactor
authentication to secure user sign-ins. You can also secure access to data by
assigning granular role-based access controls (RBACs) to users.

With Azure Virtual Desktop, the data and apps are separated from the local
hardware. The actual desktop and apps are running in the cloud, meaning the
risk of confidential data being left on a personal device is reduced. Additionally, user
sessions are isolated in both single and multi-session environments.
Azure Virtual Desktop lets you use Windows 10 or Windows 11 Enterprise
multi-session, the only Windows client-based operating system that enables
multiple concurrent users on a single VM. Azure Virtual Desktop also provides a
more consistent experience with broader application support compared to Windows
Server-based operating systems.
Describe Azure Containers

Dev AZURE 26
If you want to run multiple instances of an application on a single host machine,
containers are an excellent choice.
What are containers?

→ Containers are a virtualization environment.

Virtual machines appear to be an instance of an operating system that you can
connect to and manage. Containers are lightweight and designed to be created,
scaled out, and stopped dynamically.

Containers are designed to allow you to respond to changes on demand. With

containers, you can quickly restart if there's a crash or hardware interruption. One of
the most popular container engines is Docker, which is supported by Azure.
Compare virtual machines to containers

Virtual machines, or VMs, provide an A container bundles a single app and

abstraction layer for CPU, memory, and its dependencies, referred to as
storage that can be changed without containerizing the app, then deploys it
having to invest in new hardware. as a unit to a container host.
With VMs→ You decide the operating The operating system level
system, install tools and packages. virtualization of containers is one

🚨 VMs can only run one

operating system at a time.
why the container approach is more
efficient than a full virtual machine.

→ allows you to run multiple lightweight

containers on a single host without
→ tasks like starting one up or taking sacrificing the isolation that the virtual
a snapshot are pretty slow, often machine originally offered.
taking several minutes.
→ containerized apps tend to be much
smaller in size.
→ can be orchestrated with container
cluster orchestration. You can easily
deploy and manage multiple
containerized applications without
worrying about which server will host
each container.

An easy way to differentiate between VMs and containers is virtual machines

virtualize the hardware, while containers virtualize the operating system.

Dev AZURE 27
The decision of whether to use a VM or a container depends on how much
flexibility you need.
→If you need to completely control the environment, then you might choose a VM.
→ If not then the portability, performance characteristics, and management
capabilities of containers might be the better choice.

Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances offer the fastest and simplest way to run a container in
Azure; without having to manage any virtual machines or adopt any additional
services. Azure Container Instances are a platform as a service (PaaS) offering.
Azure Container Instances allow you to upload your containers and then the service
will run the containers for you.
Use containers in your solutions
Containers are often used to create solutions by using a microservice architecture.
This architecture is where you break solutions into smaller, independent pieces. For
example, you might split a website into a container hosting your front end, another
hosting your back end, and a third for storage. This split allows you to separate
portions of your app into logical sections that can be maintained, scaled, or updated
Describe Azure Functions

Azure Functions is an event-driven, serverless compute option that doesn’t require

maintaining virtual machines or containers.

Serverless computing → there are in fact servers being used. the responsibility of
managing servers is already handled for you.
In other words, it's an abstraction of servers so that you can take your mind off
of infrastructure concerns and focus them on developer concerns.
There are 3 big benefits of using serverless approach.
1. there's no infrastructure management. And as a business you don't have to
focus on administrative tasks
like installing an operating system, instead, you simply deploy your code and it
automatically runs with high availability.
2. scalability and as your application grows in popularity,
your application will continue working under any workload.
Serverless computers can scale from nothing to tens of thousands of requests
without any configuration.
3. you only pay for what you use. Serverless computing is event driven, resources
are only allocated from a direct action. You are only charged for the time that

Dev AZURE 28
takes to run your code instead of paying for the resources if they're not being
Using Azure Functions is ideal when you're only concerned about the code
running your service and not about the underlying platform or infrastructure.
Functions are commonly used when you need to perform work in response to an
event (often via a REST request), timer, or message from another Azure service, and
when that work can be completed quickly, within seconds or less.
Functions scale automatically based on demand, so they may be a good choice
when demand is variable.

Azure Functions runs your code when it's triggered and automatically deallocates
resources when the function is finished.
Functions can be either stateless or stateful. When they're stateless (the
default), they behave as if they're restarted every time they respond to an event.
When they're stateful (called Durable Functions), a context is passed through the
function to track prior activity.
Describe application hosting options
If you need to host your application on Azure, you might initially turn to a virtual
machine (VM) or containers. Both VMs and containers provide excellent hosting
solutions. VMs give you maximum control of the hosting environment and allow you
to configure it exactly how you want. VMs also may be the most familiar hosting
method if you’re new to the cloud. Containers, with the ability to isolate and
individually manage different aspects of the hosting solution, can also be a robust
and compelling option.

Azure App Service ⇒ other hosting option

⇒ enables you to build and host web apps, background jobs, mobile back-ends, and
RESTful APIs in the programming language of your choice without managing
infrastructure. It offers automatic scaling and high availability. App Service supports
Windows and Linux. It enables automated deployments from GitHub, Azure DevOps,
or any Git repo to support a continuous deployment model.

Azure App Service is an HTTP-based service for hosting web applications, REST
APIs, and mobile back ends. It supports multiple languages, including .NET, .NET
Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. It also supports both Windows and Linux
App Service handles most of the infrastructure decisions you deal with in hosting
web-accessible apps:

Dev AZURE 29
Deployment and management are integrated into the platform.

Endpoints can be secured.

Sites can be scaled quickly to handle high traffic loads.

The built-in load balancing and traffic manager provide high availability.

Web apps API apps WebJobs Mobile apps

App Service Much like hosting You can use the Use the Mobile
includes full a website, you WebJobs feature Apps feature of
support for can build REST- to run a program App Service to
hosting web apps based web APIs (.exe, Java, PHP, quickly build a
by using by using your Python, or back end for iOS
ASP.NET, choice of Node.js) or script and Android
ASP.NET Core, language and (.cmd, .bat, apps. With just a
Java, Ruby, framework. You PowerShell, or few actions in the
Node.js, PHP, or get full Swagger Bash) in the Azure portal, you
Python. You can support and the same context as can:
choose either ability to package a web app, API
Store mobile
Windows or Linux and publish your app, or mobile
app data in a
as the host API in Azure app. They can be
operating system. Marketplace. The scheduled or run
produced apps by a trigger.
can be WebJobs are
consumed from often used to Authenticate
any HTTP- or run background customers
HTTPS-based tasks as part of against
client. your application common
logic. social
such as MSA,
Twitter, and

Send push

custom back-

Dev AZURE 30
end logic in
C# or

Describe Azure Virtual Networking

→ enable Azure resources, such as VMs, web apps, and databases, to communicate
with each other, with users on the internet, and with your on-premises client
computers. You can think of an Azure network as an extension of your on-
premises network with resources that link other Azure resources.

⇒ provide the following key networking capabilities:

Isolation and segmentation
Azure virtual network allows you to create multiple isolated virtual networks.
When you set up a virtual network, you define a private IP address space by
using either public or private IP address ranges. The IP range only exists within
the virtual network and isn't internet routable. You can divide that IP address
space into subnets and allocate part of the defined address space to each
named subnet.

Internet communications

You can enable incoming connections from the internet by assigning a public IP
address to an Azure resource, or putting the resource behind a public load

Communicate between Azure resources

⇒ enable Azure resources to communicate securely with each other→ in one of

two ways:

Virtual networks can connect not only VMs but other Azure resources, such
as the App Service Environment for Power Apps, Azure Kubernetes Service,
and Azure virtual machine scale sets.

Service endpoints can connect to other Azure resource types, such as

Azure SQL databases and storage accounts. This approach enables you to
link multiple Azure resources to virtual networks to improve security and
provide optimal routing between resources.

Communicate with on-premises resources

Dev AZURE 31
→ you can create a network that spans both your local and cloud environments.
There are three mechanisms:

Point-to-site virtual private network connections are from a computer outside

your organization back into your corporate network. In this case, the client
computer initiates an encrypted VPN connection to connect to the Azure
virtual network.

Site-to-site virtual private networks link your on-premises VPN device or

gateway to the Azure VPN gateway in a virtual network. In effect, the devices
in Azure can appear as being on the local network. The connection is
encrypted and works over the internet.

Azure ExpressRoute provides a dedicated private connectivity to Azure that

doesn't travel over the internet. ExpressRoute is useful for environments
where you need greater bandwidth and even higher levels of security.

Route network traffic

By default, Azure routes traffic between subnets on any connected virtual
networks, on-premises networks, and the internet. You also can control routing
and override those settings, as follows:

Route tables allow you to define rules about how traffic should be directed.
You can create custom route tables that control how packets are routed
between subnets.

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) works with Azure VPN gateways, Azure
Route Server, or Azure ExpressRoute to propagate on-premises BGP routes
to Azure virtual networks.

Filter network traffic

Azure virtual networks enable you to filter traffic between subnets by using the
following approaches:

Network security groups are Azure resources that can contain multiple
inbound and outbound security rules. You can define these rules to allow or
block traffic, based on factors such as source and destination IP address,
port, and protocol.

Network virtual appliances are specialized VMs that can be compared to a

hardened network appliance. A network virtual appliance carries out a
particular network function, such as running a firewall or performing wide
area network (WAN) optimization.

Dev AZURE 32
Connect virtual networks

You can link virtual networks together by using virtual network peering. Peering
allows two virtual networks to connect directly to each other. Network traffic
between peered networks is private, and travels on the Microsoft backbone
network, never entering the public internet. Peering enables resources in each
virtual network to communicate with each other. These virtual networks can be in
separate regions, which allows you to create a global interconnected network
through Azure.

User-defined routes (UDR) allow you to control the routing tables between
subnets within a virtual network or between virtual networks. This allows for
greater control over network traffic flow.

Azure virtual networking supports both public and private endpoints to enable
communication between external or internal resources with other internal resources.

Public endpoints have a public IP address and can be accessed from anywhere
in the world.

Private endpoints exist within a virtual network and have a private IP address
from within the address space of that virtual network.

Describe Azure Virtual Private Networks

→ (VPN) uses an encrypted tunnel within another network. VPNs are typically
deployed to connect two or more trusted private networks to one another over an
untrusted network (typically the public internet). Traffic is encrypted while traveling
over the untrusted network to prevent eavesdropping or other attacks. VPNs can
enable networks to safely and securely share sensitive information.
VPN gateways ⇒
is a type of virtual network gateway. Azure VPN Gateway
instances are deployed in a dedicated subnet of the virtual network and enable the
following connectivity:

Connect on-premises datacenters to virtual networks through a site-to-site


Connect individual devices to virtual networks through a point-to-site


Connect virtual networks to other virtual networks through a network-to-

network connection.

All data transfer is encrypted inside a private tunnel as it crosses the internet.
→You can deploy only one VPN gateway in each virtual network.

Dev AZURE 33
→You can use one gateway to connect to multiple locations, which includes other
virtual networks or on-premises datacenters.

you specify the VPN type: either policy-based or route-based. The main
difference between these two types of VPNs is how traffic to be encrypted is
specified. In Azure, both types of VPN gateways use a pre-shared key as the
only method of authentication.

Policy-based VPN gateways specify statically the IP address of packets

that should be encrypted through each tunnel. This type of device
evaluates every data packet against those sets of IP addresses to choose
the tunnel where that packet is going to be sent through.

In Route-based gateways, IPSec tunnels are modeled as a network

interface or virtual tunnel interface. IP routing (either static routes or
dynamic routing protocols) decides which one of these tunnel interfaces
to use when sending each packet. Route-based VPNs are the preferred
connection method for on-premises devices. They're more resilient to
topology changes such as the creation of new subnets.

Use a route-based VPN gateway if you need any of the following types of

Connections between virtual networks

Point-to-site connections

Multisite connections

Coexistence with an Azure ExpressRoute gateway

High-availability scenarios

There are a few ways to maximize the resiliency of your VPN gateway.

By default, VPN gateways are deployed as two instances in an
active/standby configuration, even if you only see one VPN gateway
resource in Azure. When planned maintenance or unplanned disruption
affects the active instance, the standby instance automatically assumes
responsibility for connections without any user intervention. Connections are
interrupted during this failover, but they're typically restored within a few
seconds for planned maintenance and within 90 seconds for unplanned


Dev AZURE 34
In this configuration, you assign a unique public IP address to each instance.
You then create separate tunnels from the on-premises device to each IP
address. You can extend the high availability by deploying an additional VPN
device on-premises.

Zone-redundant gateways
In regions that support availability zones, VPN gateways and ExpressRoute
gateways can be deployed in a zone-redundant configuration. This
configuration brings resiliency, scalability, and higher availability to virtual
network gateways. Deploying gateways in Azure availability zones physically
and logically separates gateways within a region while protecting your on-
premises network connectivity to Azure from zone-level failures. These
gateways require different gateway SKUs and use Standard public IP
addresses instead of Basic public IP addresses.

ExpressRoute failover
ExpressRoute circuits have resiliency built in. However, they aren't immune
to physical problems that affect the cables delivering connectivity or outages
that affect the complete ExpressRoute location. In high-availability scenarios,
where there's risk associated with an outage of an ExpressRoute circuit, you
can also provision a VPN gateway that uses the internet as an alternative
method of connectivity. In this way, you can ensure there's always a
connection to the virtual networks.
Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the
Microsoft cloud over a private connection, with the help of a connectivity
→ you can establish connections to Microsoft cloud services, such as
Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365. Each location would have its own
ExpressRoute circuit.

Connectivity can be from an

→any-to-any (IP VPN) network,
→point-to-point Ethernet network

→virtual cross-connection
through a connectivity provider at a colocation facility.

ExpressRoute connections don't go over the public Internet. This allows

ExpressRoute connections to offer more reliability, faster speeds, consistent

Dev AZURE 35
latencies, and higher security than typical connections over the Internet.

Connectivity to Microsoft cloud services across all regions in the

geopolitical region.

ExpressRoute enables direct access to the following services in all


Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Azure compute services, such as Azure Virtual Machines

Azure cloud services, such as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Storage

Global connectivity to Microsoft services across all regions with the

ExpressRoute Global Reach.
→ to exchange data across your on-premises sites by connecting your
ExpressRoute circuits. For example, say you had an office in Asia and a
datacenter in Europe, both with ExpressRoute circuits connecting them
to the Microsoft network.

Dynamic routing between your network and Microsoft via Border

Gateway Protocol (BGP).

→ uses BGP to exchange routes between on-premises networks and

resources running in Azure. This protocol enables dynamic routing
between your on-premises network and services running in the Microsoft

Built-in redundancy in every peering location for higher reliability.

Each connectivity provider uses redundant devices to ensure that
connections established with Microsoft are highly available. You can
configure multiple circuits to complement this feature.
Connectivity models
ExpressRoute supports four models that you can use to connect your on-
premises network to the Microsoft cloud:

CloudExchange colocation
→refers to your datacenter, office, or other facility being physically
co-located at a cloud exchange, such as an ISP. If your facility is co-

Dev AZURE 36
located at a cloud exchange, you can request a virtual cross-connect
to the Microsoft cloud.

Point-to-point Ethernet connection

→refers to using a point-to-point connection to connect your facility

to the Microsoft cloud.

Any-to-any connection
you can integrate your wide area network (WAN) with Azure by
providing connections to your offices and datacenters. Azure
integrates with your WAN connection to provide a connection like
you would have between your datacenter and any branch offices.

Directly from ExpressRoute sites

You can connect directly into the Microsoft global network at a

peering location strategically distributed across the world.
ExpressRoute Direct provides dual 100 Gbps or 10-Gbps
connectivity, which supports Active/Active connectivity at scale.
With ExpressRoute, your data doesn't travel over the public
internet, so it's not exposed to the potential risks associated with
internet communications. ExpressRoute is a private connection from
your on-premises infrastructure to your Azure infrastructure.

Describe Azure DNS

⇒is a hosting service for DNS domains that provides name resolution by using
Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

Azure DNS leverages the scope and scale of Microsoft Azure to provide numerous
benefits, including:

Reliability and performance

DNS domains in Azure DNS are hosted on Azure's global network of DNS name
servers, providing resiliency and high availability. Azure DNS uses anycast
networking, so each DNS query is answered by the closest available DNS server
to provide fast performance and high availability for your domain.


Azure DNS is based on Azure Resource Manager, which provides features such

Dev AZURE 37
Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to control who has
access to specific actions for your organization.

Activity logs to monitor how a user in your organization modified a

resource or to find an error when troubleshooting.

Resource locking to lock a subscription, resource group, or resource.

Locking prevents other users in your organization from accidentally
deleting or modifying critical resources.

Ease of Use
Azure DNS can manage DNS records for your Azure services and provide DNS
for your external resources as well. Azure DNS is integrated in the Azure portal
and uses the same credentials, support contract, and billing as your other Azure

→it means you can manage your domains and records with the Azure portal,
Azure PowerShell cmdlets, and the cross-platform Azure CLI.
Applications that require automated DNS management can integrate with the
service by using the REST API and SDKs.

Customizable virtual networks

Azure DNS also supports private DNS domains. This feature allows you to use
your own custom domain names in your private virtual networks, rather than
being stuck with the Azure-provided names.

Alias records
Azure DNS also supports alias record sets. You can use an alias record set to
refer to an Azure resource, such as an Azure public IP address, an Azure Traffic
Manager profile, or an Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) endpoint. If the IP
address of the underlying resource changes, the alias record set seamlessly
updates itself during DNS resolution. The alias record set points to the service
instance, and the service instance is associated with an IP address.

🚨 You can't use Azure DNS to buy a domain name. For an annual fee,
you can buy a domain name by using App Service domains or a third-
party domain name registrar. Once purchased, your domains can be
hosted in Azure DNS for record management.

Describe Azure storage services

Dev AZURE 38
⇒ Core storage services offer a massively scalable object store for data objects,
disk storage for Azure virtual machines, a file system service for the cloud, a
messaging store for reliable messaging, and a NoSQL store.
The Azure Storage platform includes the following data services:

Azure Blobs: A massively scalable object store for text and binary data. Also
includes support for big data analytics through Data Lake Storage Gen2.

Azure Blob Storage is an object storage solution that you can use to store
massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data. Blob Storage
is ideal for serving images or documents directly to a browser, storing data for
archives or distributed access, streaming video and audio, and disaster recovery
scenarios. Blobs aren't limited to common file formats. A blob could contain
gigabytes of binary data streamed from a scientific instrument, an encrypted
message for another application, or data in a custom format for an app you're
developing. One advantage of blob storage over disk storage is that it doesn't
require developers to think about or manage disks.

Blob storage is ideal for:

Serving images or documents directly to a browser.

Storing files for distributed access.

Streaming video and audio.

Storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving.

Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service.

Objects in Blob storage can be accessed from anywhere in the world via
HTTP or HTTPS. Users or client applications can access blobs via URLs, the
Azure Storage REST API, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or an Azure Storage
client library. The storage client libraries are available for multiple languages,
including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, and Ruby.
Data stored in the cloud can grow at an exponential pace. To manage costs for
your expanding storage needs, it's helpful to organize your data based on
attributes like frequency of access and planned retention period.

Azure Storage offers different access tiers for your blob storage, helping you
store object data in the most cost-effective manner. The available access tiers

Hot access tier: Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently (for
example, images for your website).

Dev AZURE 39
Cool access tier: Optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and
stored for at least 30 days (for example, invoices for your customers).

Archive access tier: Appropriate for data that is rarely accessed and stored
for at least 180 days, with flexible latency requirements (for example, long-
term backups).

The following considerations apply to the different access tiers:

Only the hot and cool access tiers can be set at the account level. The
archive access tier isn't available at the account level.

Hot, cool, and archive tiers can be set at the blob level, during or after

Data in the cool access tier can tolerate slightly lower availability, but still
requires high durability, retrieval latency, and throughput characteristics
similar to hot data. For cool data, a slightly lower availability service-level
agreement (SLA) and higher access costs compared to hot data are
acceptable trade-offs for lower storage costs.

Archive storage stores data offline and offers the lowest storage costs, but
also the highest costs to rehydrate and access data.

Azure Files: Managed file shares for cloud or on-premises deployments.

Azure File Storage offers fully managed file shares in the cloud, and shares are
accessible using industry standard network protocols. Mounting Azure file shares
is just like connecting to shares on your local network.
Azure Files key benefits:

Shared access: Azure file shares support the industry standard SMB and
NFS protocols, meaning you can seamlessly replace your on-premises file
shares with Azure file shares without worrying about application compatibility.

Fully managed: Azure file shares can be created without the need to
manage hardware or an OS. This means you don't have to deal with patching
the server OS with critical security upgrades or replacing faulty hard disks.

Scripting and tooling: PowerShell cmdlets and Azure CLI can be used to
create, mount, and manage Azure file shares as part of the administration of
Azure applications. You can create and manage Azure file shares using
Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer.

Dev AZURE 40
Resiliency: Azure Files has been built from the ground up to always be
available. Replacing on-premises file shares with Azure Files means you
don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to deal with local power
outages or network issues.

Familiar programmability: Applications running in Azure can access data in

the share via file system I/O APIs. Developers can therefore leverage their
existing code and skills to migrate existing applications. In addition to System
IO APIs, you can use Azure Storage Client Libraries or the Azure Storage

Azure Queues: A messaging store for reliable messaging between application

Azure Queue Storage provides asynchronous message queuing for
communication between application components, whether they're running in the
cloud, on the desktop, on premises, or on mobile devices.

Queue storage can be combined with compute functions like Azure Functions to
take an action when a message is received. For example, you want to perform
an action after a customer uploads a form to your website. You could have the
submit button on the website trigger a message to the Queue storage.

Azure Disks: Block-level storage volumes for Azure VMs.

Azure Disk Storage provides disks for virtual machines and applications to
access and use as they need - similar to how they would access disks that were
on premises.
Disk storage, or Azure managed disks, are block-level storage volumes
managed by Azure for use with Azure VMs. Conceptually, they’re the same as a
physical disk, but they’re virtualized – offering greater resiliency and availability
than a physical disk. With managed disks, all you have to do is provision the disk,
and Azure will take care of the rest.

Azure Table Storage offers a NoSQL data store for key value pairs using large scale
datasets. You can use Azure Table Storage to store petabytes of semi-structured
data, and keep your costs down.
There are three Azure storage tiers that you can use to balance your costs: hot,
cool, and archive.

The hot storage tier is optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently,
such as images for your website.

Dev AZURE 41
The cold storage tier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed, and
stored for at least 30 days, such as customer invoices.

The archive storage tier is appropriate for data that is rarely accessed, and
stored for at least 180 days, such as long-term backups.

⇒ list of redundancy options that will be covered later in this module:

Locally redundant storage (LRS)

Geo-redundant storage (GRS)

Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)

Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)

Geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS)

Read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS)

Supported Redundancy
Type Usage
services Options

Standard storage account type for

Blob Storage
blobs, file shares, queues, and
(including Data LRS, GRS, RA-
Standard tables. Recommended for most
Lake Storage), GRS, ZRS,
general-purpose scenarios using Azure Storage. If
Queue Storage, GZRS, RA-
v2 you want support for network file
Table Storage, GZRS
system (NFS) in Azure Files, use the
and Azure Files
premium file shares account type.

Premium storage account type for

block blobs and append blobs.
Blob Storage
Premium block Recommended for scenarios with
(including Data LRS, ZRS
blobs high transaction rates or that use
Lake Storage)
smaller objects or require
consistently low storage latency.

Premium storage account type for

file shares only. Recommended for
enterprise or high-performance scale
Premium file
Azure Files LRS, ZRS applications. Use this account type if
you want a storage account that
supports both Server Message Block
(SMB) and NFS file shares.

Premium page Premium storage account type for

Page blobs only LRS
blobs page blobs only.

Storage account endpoints

Dev AZURE 42
One of the benefits of using an Azure Storage Account is having a unique
namespace in Azure for your data. In order to do this, every storage account in
Azure must have a unique-in-Azure account name. The combination of the
account name and the Azure Storage service endpoint forms the endpoints for your
storage account.

When naming your storage account, keep these rules in mind:

Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and may
contain numbers and lowercase letters only.

Your storage account name must be unique within Azure. No two storage
accounts can have the same name. This supports the ability to have a unique,
accessible namespace in Azure.

The following table shows the endpoint format for Azure Storage services.

Storage service Endpoint

Blob Storage https://<storage-account-name>

Data Lake Storage Gen2 https://<storage-account-name>

Azure Files https://<storage-account-name>

Queue Storage https://<storage-account-name>

Table Storage https://<storage-account-name>

Describe Azure storage redundancy

Azure Storage always stores multiple copies of your data so that it's protected from
planned and unplanned events such as transient hardware failures, network or power
outages, and natural disasters.

Redundancy ensures that your storage account meets its availability and
durability targets even in the face of failures.
When deciding which redundancy option is best for your scenario, consider the
tradeoffs between lower costs and higher availability. The factors that help
determine which redundancy option you should choose include:

How your data is replicated in the primary region.

Whether your data is replicated to a second region that is geographically

distant to the primary region, to protect against regional disasters.

Whether your application requires read access to the replicated data in the
secondary region if the primary region becomes unavailable.

Dev AZURE 43
Redundancy in the primary region
Data in an Azure Storage account is always replicated three times in the primary
region. Azure Storage offers two options for how your data is replicated in the primary
region, locally redundant storage (LRS) and zone-redundant storage (ZRS).

Locally redundant storage

Locally redundant storage (LRS) replicates your data three times within a single
data center in the primary region. LRS provides at least 11 nines of durability
(99.999999999%) of objects over a given year.

LRS is the lowest-cost redundancy option and offers the least durability
compared to other options. LRS protects your data against server rack and
drive failures. However, if a disaster such as fire or flooding occurs within
the data center, all replicas of a storage account using LRS may be lost or
unrecoverable. To mitigate this risk, Microsoft recommends using zone-
redundant storage (ZRS), geo-redundant storage (GRS), or geo-zone-
redundant storage (GZRS).

Zone-redundant storage
For Availability Zone-enabled Regions, zone-redundant storage (ZRS) replicates
your Azure Storage data synchronously across three Azure availability zones in
the primary region. ZRS offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at
least 12 nines (99.9999999999%) over a given year.

Dev AZURE 44
With ZRS, your data is still accessible for both read and write operations even if a
zone becomes unavailable. No remounting of Azure file shares from the
connected clients is required. If a zone becomes unavailable, Azure undertakes
networking updates, such as DNS repointing. These updates may affect your
application if you access data before the updates have completed. Microsoft
recommends using ZRS in the primary region for scenarios that require
high availability. ZRS is also recommended for restricting replication of data
within a country or region to meet data governance requirements.

Redundancy in a secondary region

For applications requiring high durability, you can choose to additionally copy the
data in your storage account to a secondary region that is hundreds of miles away
from the primary region. If the data in your storage account is copied to a secondary
region, then your data is durable even in the event of a catastrophic failure that
prevents the data in the primary region from being recovered.
When you create a storage account, you select the primary region for the account.
The paired secondary region is based on Azure Region Pairs, and can't be changed.

Azure Storage offers two options for copying your data to a secondary region:
geo-redundant storage (GRS) and geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS). GRS is
similar to running LRS in two regions, and GZRS is similar to running ZRS in the
primary region and LRS in the secondary region.
By default, data in the secondary region isn't available for read or write access
unless there's a failover to the secondary region. If the primary region becomes
unavailable, you can choose to fail over to the secondary region. After the failover
has completed, the secondary region becomes the primary region, and you can
again read and write data.

Dev AZURE 45
🚨 Important

Because data is replicated to the secondary region asynchronously, a

failure that affects the primary region may result in data loss if the
primary region can't be recovered. The interval between the most
recent writes to the primary region and the last write to the secondary
region is known as the recovery point objective (RPO). The RPO
indicates the point in time to which data can be recovered. Azure Storage
typically has an RPO of less than 15 minutes, although there's
currently no SLA on how long it takes to replicate data to the
secondary region.

Geo-redundant storage
GRS copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical
location in the primary region using LRS. It then copies your data asynchronously
to a single physical location in the secondary region (the region pair) using LRS. GRS
offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at least 16 nines
(99.99999999999999%) over a given year.

Geo-zone-redundant storage
GZRS combines the high availability provided by redundancy across
availability zones with protection from regional outages provided by geo-
replication. Data in a GZRS storage account is copied across three Azure
availability zones in the primary region (similar to ZRS) and is also replicated to a
secondary geographic region, using LRS, for protection from regional disasters.
Microsoft recommends using GZRS for applications requiring maximum
consistency, durability, and availability, excellent performance, and resilience
for disaster recovery.

Dev AZURE 46
GZRS is designed to provide at least 16 nines (99.99999999999999%) of durability
of objects over a given year.
Read access to data in the secondary region

Geo-redundant storage (with GRS or GZRS) replicates your data to another physical
location in the secondary region to protect against regional outages. However, that
data is available to be read only if the customer or Microsoft initiates a failover from
the primary to secondary region. However, if you enable read access to the
secondary region, your data is always available, even when the primary region is
running optimally. For read access to the secondary region, enable read-access geo-
redundant storage (RA-GRS) or read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-

🚨 Important
Remember that the data in your secondary region may not be up-to-date
due to RPO.

Benefits of Azure Storage

Durable and highly available. Redundancy ensures that your data is safe if
transient hardware failures occur. You can also opt to replicate data across data
centers or geographical regions for additional protection from local catastrophes
or natural disasters. Data replicated in this way remains highly available if an
unexpected outage occurs.

Secure. All data written to an Azure storage account is encrypted by the

service. Azure Storage provides you with fine-grained control over who has
access to your data.

Dev AZURE 47
Scalable. Azure Storage is designed to be massively scalable to meet the data
storage and performance needs of today's applications.

Managed. Azure handles hardware maintenance, updates, and critical issues for

Accessible. Data in Azure Storage is accessible from anywhere in the world

over HTTP or HTTPS. Microsoft provides client libraries for Azure Storage in a
variety of languages, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and
others, as well as a mature REST API. Azure Storage supports scripting in Azure
PowerShell or Azure CLI. And the Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer offer
easy visual solutions for working with your data.

Identify Azure data migration options

⇒ it’s important to also understand how to get your data and information into
Azure. Azure supports both real-time migration of infrastructure, applications, and
data using Azure Migrate as well as asynchronous migration of data using Azure
Data Box.

Azure Migrate
Azure Migrate is a service that helps you migrate from an on-premises
environment to the cloud. Azure Migrate functions as a hub to help you manage
the assessment and migration of your on-premises datacenter to Azure. It provides
the following:

Unified migration platform: A single portal to start, run, and track your migration
to Azure.

Range of tools: A range of tools for assessment and migration. Azure Migrate
tools include Azure Migrate: Discovery and assessment and Azure Migrate:
Server Migration. Azure Migrate also integrates with other Azure services and
tools, and with independent software vendor (ISV) offerings.

Assessment and migration: In the Azure Migrate hub, you can assess and
migrate your on-premises infrastructure to Azure.

Integrated tools
In addition to working with tools from ISVs, the Azure Migrate hub also includes the
following tools to help with migration:

Azure Migrate: Discovery and assessment. Discover and assess on-premises

servers running on VMware, Hyper-V, and physical servers in preparation for
migration to Azure.

Dev AZURE 48
Azure Migrate: Server Migration. Migrate VMware VMs, Hyper-V VMs, physical
servers, other virtualized servers, and public cloud VMs to Azure.

Data Migration Assistant. Data Migration Assistant is a stand-alone tool to

assess SQL Servers. It helps pinpoint potential problems blocking migration. It
identifies unsupported features, new features that can benefit you after migration,
and the right path for database migration.

Azure Database Migration Service. Migrate on-premises databases to Azure

VMs running SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, or SQL Managed Instances.

Web app migration assistant. Azure App Service Migration Assistant is a

standalone tool to assess on-premises websites for migration to Azure App
Service. Use Migration Assistant to migrate .NET and PHP web apps to Azure.

Azure Data Box. Use Azure Data Box products to move large amounts of offline
data to Azure.

Azure Data Box

Azure Data Box is a physical migration service that helps transfer large
amounts of data in a quick, inexpensive, and reliable way. The secure data
transfer is accelerated by shipping you a proprietary Data Box storage device that
has a maximum usable storage capacity of 80 terabytes. The Data Box is transported
to and from your datacenter via a regional carrier. A rugged case protects and
secures the Data Box from damage during transit.
You can order the Data Box device via the Azure portal to import or export data from
Azure. Once the device is received, you can quickly set it up using the local web UI
and connect it to your network. Once you’re finished transferring the data (either into
or out of Azure), simply return the Data Box. If you’re transferring data into Azure, the
data is automatically uploaded once Microsoft receives the Data Box back. The entire
process is tracked end-to-end by the Data Box service in the Azure portal.
Use cases

Data Box is ideally suited to transfer data sizes larger than 40 TBs in scenarios with
no to limited network connectivity. The data movement can be one-time, periodic, or
an initial bulk data transfer followed by periodic transfers.

Here are the various scenarios where Data Box can be used to import data to Azure.

Onetime migration - when a large amount of on-premises data is moved to


Dev AZURE 49
Moving a media library from offline tapes into Azure to create an online media

Migrating your VM farm, SQL server, and applications to Azure.

Moving historical data to Azure for in-depth analysis and reporting using

Initial bulk transfer - when an initial bulk transfer is done using Data Box (seed)
followed by incremental transfers over the network.

Periodic uploads - when large amount of data is generated periodically and

needs to be moved to Azure.

Here are the various scenarios where Data Box can be used to export data from

Disaster recovery - when a copy of the data from Azure is restored to an on-
premises network. In a typical disaster recovery scenario, a large amount of
Azure data is exported to a Data Box. Microsoft then ships this Data Box, and the
data is restored on your premises in a short time.

Security requirements - when you need to be able to export data out of Azure
due to government or security requirements.

Migrate back to on-premises or to another cloud service provider - when you

want to move all the data back to on-premises, or to another cloud service
provider, export data via Data Box to migrate the workloads.

Once the data from your import order is uploaded to Azure, the disks on the device
are wiped clean in accordance with NIST 800-88r1 standards. For an export order,
the disks are erased once the device reaches the Azure datacenter.

Identify Azure file movement options

Azure also has tools designed to help you move or interact with individual files or
small file groups. Among those tools are AzCopy, Azure Storage Explorer, and Azure
File Sync.


AzCopy is a command-line utility that you can use to copy blobs or files to
or from your storage account. With AzCopy, you can upload files, download
files, copy files between storage accounts, and even synchronize files. AzCopy
can even be configured to work with other cloud providers to help move files
back and forth between clouds.

Dev AZURE 50
🚨 Important
Synchronizing blobs or files with AzCopy is one-direction
synchronization. When you synchronize, you designated the source
and destination, and AzCopy will copy files or blobs in that direction. It
doesn't synchronize bi-directionally based on timestamps or other

Azure Storage Explorer

Azure Storage Explorer is a standalone app that provides a graphical

interface to manage files and blobs in your Azure Storage Account. It works
on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems and uses AzCopy on the
backend to perform all of the file and blob management tasks. With Storage
Explorer, you can upload to Azure, download from Azure, or move between
storage accounts.

Azure File Sync

Azure File Sync is a tool that lets you centralize your file shares in Azure
Files and keep the flexibility, performance, and compatibility of a Windows
file server. It’s almost like turning your Windows file server into a miniature
content delivery network. Once you install Azure File Sync on your local
Windows server, it will automatically stay bi-directionally synced with your files in
With Azure File Sync, you can:

Use any protocol that's available on Windows Server to access your data
locally, including SMB, NFS, and FTPS.

Have as many caches as you need across the world.

Replace a failed local server by installing Azure File Sync on a new server in
the same datacenter.

Configure cloud tiering so the most frequently accessed files are replicated
locally, while infrequently accessed files are kept in the cloud until requested.

Describe Azure identity, access, and security

Describe Azure directory services

Dev AZURE 51
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a directory service that enables you to
sign in and access both Microsoft cloud applications and cloud
applications that you develop. Azure AD can also help you maintain your on-
premises Active Directory deployment.

For on-premises environments, Active Directory running on Windows Server

provides an identity and access management service that's managed by
your organization. Azure AD is Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access
management service. With Azure AD, you control the identity accounts, but
Microsoft ensures that the service is available globally. If you've worked with
Active Directory, Azure AD will be familiar to you.

When you secure identities on-premises with Active Directory, Microsoft doesn't
monitor sign-in attempts. When you connect Active Directory with Azure AD,
Microsoft can help protect you by detecting suspicious sign-in attempts at no
extra cost. For example, Azure AD can detect sign-in attempts from unexpected
locations or unknown devices.

Who uses Azure AD?

Azure AD is for:

IT administrators. Administrators can use Azure AD to control access to

applications and resources based on their business requirements.

App developers. Developers can use Azure AD to provide a standards-

based approach for adding functionality to applications that they build, such
as adding SSO functionality to an app or enabling an app to work with a
user's existing credentials.

Users. Users can manage their identities and take maintenance actions like
self-service password reset.

Online service subscribers. Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office 365, Azure, and
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online subscribers are already using Azure AD to
authenticate into their account.

What does Azure AD do?

services such as:

Authentication: This includes verifying identity to access applications and

resources. It also includes providing functionality such as self-service
password reset, multifactor authentication, a custom list of banned
passwords, and smart lockout services.

Dev AZURE 52
Single sign-on: Single sign-on (SSO) enables you to remember only one
username and one password to access multiple applications. A single
identity is tied to a user, which simplifies the security model. As users change
roles or leave an organization, access modifications are tied to that identity,
which greatly reduces the effort needed to change or disable accounts.

Application management: You can manage your cloud and on-premises

apps by using Azure AD. Features like Application Proxy, SaaS apps, the My
Apps portal, and single sign-on provide a better user experience.

Device management: Along with accounts for individual people, Azure AD

supports the registration of devices. Registration enables devices to be
managed through tools like Microsoft Intune. It also allows for device-based
Conditional Access policies to restrict access attempts to only those coming
from known devices, regardless of the requesting user account.

Can I connect my on-premises AD with Azure AD?

If you had an on-premises environment running Active Directory and a cloud

deployment using Azure AD, you would need to maintain two identity sets.
However, you can connect Active Directory with Azure AD, enabling a
consistent identity experience between cloud and on-premises.

One method of connecting Azure AD with your on-premises AD is using Azure

AD Connect. Azure AD Connect synchronizes user identities between on-
premises Active Directory and Azure AD. Azure AD Connect synchronizes
changes between both identity systems, so you can use features like SSO,
multifactor authentication, and self-service password reset under both systems.

What is Azure Active Directory Domain Services?

Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) is a service that

provides managed domain services such as domain join, group policy,
lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP), and Kerberos/NTLM
authentication. Just like Azure AD lets you use directory services without having
to maintain the infrastructure supporting it, with Azure AD DS, you get the benefit
of domain services without the need to deploy, manage, and patch domain
controllers (DCs) in the cloud.

An Azure AD DS managed domain lets you run legacy applications in the cloud
that can't use modern authentication methods, or where you don't want directory
lookups to always go back to an on-premises AD DS environment. You can lift
and shift those legacy applications from your on-premises environment into a

Dev AZURE 53
managed domain, without needing to manage the AD DS environment in the

Azure AD DS integrates with your existing Azure AD tenant. This integration

lets users sign into services and applications connected to the managed domain
using their existing credentials. You can also use existing groups and user
accounts to secure access to resources. These features provide a smoother lift-
and-shift of on-premises resources to Azure.

How does Azure AD DS work?

When you create an Azure AD DS managed domain, you define a unique

namespace. This namespace is the domain name. Two Windows Server domain
controllers are then deployed into your selected Azure region. This deployment of
DCs is known as a replica set.
You don't need to manage, configure, or update these DCs. The Azure platform
handles the DCs as part of the managed domain, including backups and
encryption at rest using Azure Disk Encryption.
Is information synchronized?

A managed domain is configured to perform a one-way synchronization

from Azure AD to Azure AD DS. You can create resources directly in the
managed domain, but they aren't synchronized back to Azure AD. In a hybrid
environment with an on-premises AD DS environment, Azure AD Connect
synchronizes identity information with Azure AD, which is then synchronized to
the managed domain.

Applications, services, and VMs in Azure that connect to the managed

domain can then use common Azure AD DS features such as domain join,
group policy, LDAP, and Kerberos/NTLM authentication.

Describe Azure authentication methods

Dev AZURE 54
Authentication is the process of establishing the identity of a person,
service, or device. It requires the person, service, or device to provide
some type of credential to prove who they are. Authentication is like
presenting ID when you’re traveling. It doesn’t confirm that you’re ticketed, it just
proves that you're who you say you are. Azure supports multiple
authentication methods, including standard passwords, single sign-on
(SSO), multifactor authentication (MFA), and passwordless.

The following diagram shows the security level compared to the convenience.
Notice Passwordless authentication is high security and high convenience
while passwords on their own are low security but high convenience.

What's single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) enables a user to sign in one time and use that
credential to access multiple resources and applications from different
providers. For SSO to work, the different applications and providers must trust
the initial authenticator.

More identities mean more passwords to remember and change. Password

policies can vary among applications. As complexity requirements increase, it
becomes increasingly difficult for users to remember them. The more passwords
a user has to manage, the greater the risk of a credential-related security

Consider the process of managing all those identities. More strain is placed on
help desks as they deal with account lockouts and password reset requests. If a
user leaves an organization, tracking down all those identities and ensuring

Dev AZURE 55
they're disabled can be challenging. If an identity is overlooked, this might allow
access when it should have been eliminated.
With SSO, you need to remember only one ID and one password. Access
across applications is granted to a single identity that's tied to the user,
which simplifies the security model. Using SSO for accounts makes it easier
for users to manage their identities and for IT to manage users.

🚨 Important

Single sign-on is only as secure as the initial authenticator

because the subsequent connections are all based on the security of
the initial authenticator.

What’s Multifactor Authentication?

Multifactor authentication is the process of prompting a user for an extra

form (or factor) of identification during the sign-in process. MFA helps
protect against a password compromise in situations where the password was
compromised but the second factor wasn't.

Think about how you sign into websites, email, or online services. After entering
your username and password, have you ever needed to enter a code that was
sent to your phone? If so, you've used multifactor authentication to sign in.
Multifactor authentication → requiring two or more elements to fully authenticate.
These elements fall into three categories:

Something the user knows – this might be a challenge question.

Something the user has – this might be a code that's sent to the user's
mobile phone.

Something the user is – this is typically some sort of biometric property,

such as a fingerprint or face scan.

Multifactor authentication increases identity security by limiting the impact

of credential exposure (for example, stolen usernames and passwords). With
multifactor authentication enabled, an attacker who has a user's password would
also need to have possession of their phone or their fingerprint to fully
What's Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication?

Dev AZURE 56
Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication is a Microsoft service that provides
multifactor authentication capabilities. Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication
enables users to choose an additional form of authentication during sign-in, such
as a phone call or mobile app notification.

What’s passwordless authentication?

Passwordless authentication methods are more convenient because the

password is removed and replaced with something you have, plus
something you are, or something you know.
Passwordless authentication needs to be set up on a device before it can
work. For example, your computer is something you have. Once it’s been
registered or enrolled, Azure now knows that it’s associated with you. Now that
the computer is known, once you provide something you know or are (such as a
PIN or fingerprint), you can be authenticated without using a password.
Each organization has different needs when it comes to authentication. Microsoft
global Azure and Azure Government offer the following three passwordless
authentication options that integrate with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD):

Windows Hello for Business

Windows Hello for Business is ideal for information workers that have
their own designated Windows PC. The biometric and PIN credentials are
directly tied to the user's PC, which prevents access from anyone other than
the owner. With public key infrastructure (PKI) integration and built-in support
for single sign-on (SSO), Windows Hello for Business provides a convenient
method for seamlessly accessing corporate resources on-premises and in
the cloud.

Microsoft Authenticator app

You can also allow your employee's phone to become a passwordless

authentication method. You may already be using the Microsoft
Authenticator App as a convenient multi-factor authentication option in
addition to a password. You can also use the Authenticator App as a
passwordless option.

The Authenticator App turns any iOS or Android phone into a strong,
passwordless credential. Users can sign-in to any platform or browser by
getting a notification to their phone, matching a number displayed on the
screen to the one on their phone, and then using their biometric (touch or
face) or PIN to confirm.

Dev AZURE 57
FIDO2 security keys
The FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance helps to promote open
authentication standards and reduce the use of passwords as a form of
authentication. FIDO2 is the latest standard that incorporates the web
authentication (WebAuthn) standard.
FIDO2 security keys are an unphishable standards-based passwordless
authentication method that can come in any form factor. Fast Identity
Online (FIDO) is an open standard for passwordless authentication. FIDO
allows users and organizations to leverage the standard to sign-in to their
resources without a username or password by using an external security
key or a platform key built into a device.
Users can register and then select a FIDO2 security key at the sign-in
interface as their main means of authentication. These FIDO2 security keys
are typically USB devices, but could also use Bluetooth or NFC. With a
hardware device that handles the authentication, the security of an account is
increased as there's no password that could be exposed or guessed.

Describe Azure external identities

An external identity is a person, device, service, etc. that is outside your

organization. Azure AD External Identities refers to all the ways you can
securely interact with users outside of your organization. If you want to
collaborate with partners, distributors, suppliers, or vendors, you can share
your resources and define how your internal users can access external
organizations. If you're a developer creating consumer-facing apps, you can
manage your customers' identity experiences.
External identities may sound similar to single sign-on. With External
Identities, external users can "bring their own identities." Whether they have a
corporate or government-issued digital identity, or an unmanaged social identity
like Google or Facebook, they can use their own credentials to sign in. The
external user’s identity provider manages their identity, and you manage access
to your apps with Azure AD or Azure AD B2C to keep your resources protected.
The following capabilities make up External Identities:

Dev AZURE 58
Business to business (B2B) collaboration - Collaborate with external
users by letting them use their preferred identity to sign-in to your Microsoft
applications or other enterprise applications (SaaS apps, custom-developed
apps, etc.). B2B collaboration users are represented in your directory,
typically as guest users.

B2B direct connect - Establish a mutual, two-way trust with another

Azure AD organization for seamless collaboration. B2B direct connect
currently supports Teams shared channels, enabling external users to access
your resources from within their home instances of Teams. B2B direct
connect users aren't represented in your directory, but they're visible from
within the Teams shared channel and can be monitored in Teams admin
center reports.

Azure AD business to customer (B2C) - Publish modern SaaS apps or

custom-developed apps (excluding Microsoft apps) to consumers and
customers, while using Azure AD B2C for identity and access management.

→ you can use a combination of these capabilities.

With Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), you can easily enable collaboration
across organizational boundaries by using the Azure AD B2B feature. Guest
users from other tenants can be invited by administrators or by other users. This
capability also applies to social identities such as Microsoft accounts.

You also can easily ensure that guest users have appropriate access. You can
ask the guests themselves or a decision maker to participate in an access review
and recertify (or attest) to the guests' access. The reviewers can give their input
on each user's need for continued access, based on suggestions from Azure AD.

Dev AZURE 59
When an access review is finished, you can then make changes and
remove access for guests who no longer need it.

Describe Azure conditional access

Conditional Access is a tool that Azure Active Directory uses to allow (or
deny) access to resources based on identity signals. These signals include
who the user is, where the user is, and what device the user is requesting
access from.
Conditional Access helps IT administrators:

Empower users to be productive wherever and whenever.

Protect the organization's assets.

Conditional Access also provides a more granular multifactor authentication

experience for users. For example, a user might not be challenged for second
authentication factor if they're at a known location. However, they might be
challenged for a second authentication factor if their sign-in signals are unusual
or they're at an unexpected location.

During sign-in, Conditional Access collects signals from the user, makes
decisions based on those signals, and then enforces that decision by allowing or
denying the access request or challenging for a multifactor authentication
The following diagram illustrates this flow:

→ the signal might be the user's location, the user's device, or the
application that the user is trying to access.

Based on these signals, the decision might be to allow full access if the user
is signing in from their usual location. If the user is signing in from an unusual
location or a location that's marked as high risk, then access might be blocked
entirely or possibly granted after the user provides a second form of

Dev AZURE 60
Enforcement is the action that carries out the decision. For example, the action
is to allow access or require the user to provide a second form of

When can I use Conditional Access?

when you need to:

Require multifactor authentication (MFA) to access an application

depending on the requester’s role, location, or network. For example,
you could require MFA for administrators but not regular users or for people
connecting from outside your corporate network.

Require access to services only through approved client applications.

For example, you could limit which email applications are able to connect to
your email service.

Require users to access your application only from managed devices. A

managed device is a device that meets your standards for security and

Block access from untrusted sources, such as access from unknown or

unexpected locations.

Describe Azure role-based access control

The principle of least privilege says you should only grant access up to the
level needed to complete a task. If you only need read access to a storage
blob, then you should only be granted read access to that storage blob. Write
access to that blob shouldn’t be granted, nor should read access to other storage
blobs. It’s a good security practice to follow.

Instead of defining the detailed access requirements for each individual, and then
updating access requirements when new resources are created or new people
join the team, Azure enables you to control access through Azure role-
based access control (Azure RBAC).

Dev AZURE 61
→Azure provides built-in roles that describe common access rules for
cloud resources.

→You can also define your own roles. Each role has an associated set of
access permissions that relate to that role. When you assign individuals or
groups to one or more roles, they receive all the associated access permissions.

So, if you hire a new engineer and add them to the Azure RBAC group for
engineers, they automatically get the same access as the other engineers in
the same Azure RBAC group. Similarly, if you add additional resources and
point Azure RBAC at them, everyone in that Azure RBAC group will now have
those permissions on the new resources as well as the existing resources.

How is role-based access control applied to resources?

Role-based access control is applied to a scope, which is a resource or set
of resources that this access applies to.

The following diagram shows the relationship between roles and scopes. A
management group, subscription, or resource admin might be given the role of
owner, so they have increased control and authority. An observer, who isn't
expected to make any updates, might be given a role of Reader for the same
scope, enabling them to review or observe the management group, subscription,
or resource group.

Scopes include:

A management group (a collection of multiple subscriptions).

A single subscription.

A resource group.

Dev AZURE 62
A single resource.

Observers, users managing resources, admins, and automated processes

illustrate the kinds of users or accounts that would typically be assigned
each of the various roles.

Azure RBAC is hierarchical, in that when you grant access at a parent scope,
those permissions are inherited by all child scopes. For example:

When you assign the Owner role to a user at the management group scope,
that user can manage everything in all subscriptions within the management

When you assign the Reader role to a group at the subscription scope, the
members of that group can view every resource group and resource within
the subscription.

How is Azure RBAC enforced?

Azure RBAC is enforced on any action that's initiated against an Azure
resource that passes through Azure Resource Manager. Resource Manager
is a management service that provides a way to organize and secure your cloud
You typically access Resource Manager from the Azure portal, Azure Cloud
Shell, Azure PowerShell, and the Azure CLI. Azure RBAC doesn't enforce
access permissions at the application or data level. Application security must be
handled by your application.

Azure RBAC uses an allow model. When you're assigned a role, Azure RBAC
allows you to perform actions within the scope of that role. If one role
assignment grants you read permissions to a resource group and a different role
assignment grants you write permissions to the same resource group, you have
both read and write permissions on that resource group.

Describe zero trust model

→ is a security model that assumes the worst case scenario and protects
resources with that expectation. Zero Trust assumes breach at the outset, and
then verifies each request as though it originated from an uncontrolled network.

To address this new world of computing, Microsoft highly recommends the

Zero Trust security model, which is based on these guiding principles:

Verify explicitly - Always authenticate and authorize based on all available

data points.

Dev AZURE 63
Use least privilege access - Limit user access with Just-In-Time and Just-
Enough-Access (JIT/JEA), risk-based adaptive policies, and data protection.

Assume breach - Minimize blast radius and segment access. Verify end-to-
end encryption. Use analytics to get visibility, drive threat detection, and
improve defenses.

Adjusting to Zero Trust

Traditionally, corporate networks were restricted, protected, and generally
assumed safe. Only managed computers could join the network, VPN access
was tightly controlled, and personal devices were frequently restricted or blocked.

The Zero Trust model flips that scenario. Instead of assuming that a device is
safe because it’s within the corporate network, it requires everyone to
authenticate. Then grants access based on authentication rather than location.

Describe defense-in-depth

The objective of defense-in-depth is to protect information and prevent it from

being stolen by those who aren't authorized to access it.

A defense-in-depth strategy uses a series of mechanisms to slow the advance of

an attack that aims at acquiring unauthorized access to data.

Layers of defense-in-depth

You can visualize defense-in-depth as

a set of layers, with the data to be
secured at the center and all the other

Dev AZURE 64
layers functioning to protect that
central data layer.

Each layer provides protection so

that if one layer is breached, a
subsequent layer is already in
place to prevent further exposure.
This approach removes reliance on
any single layer of protection. It slows
down an attack and provides alert
information that security teams can
act upon, either automatically or

Here's a brief overview of the role of each layer:

The physical security layer is the first line of defense to protect computing
hardware in the datacenter.
→securing access to buildings and controlling access to computing hardware
within the datacenter are the first line of defense.

With physical security, the intent is to provide physical safeguards against

access to assets. These safeguards ensure that other layers can't be
bypassed, and loss or theft is handled appropriately. Microsoft uses various
physical security mechanisms in its cloud datacenters.

The identity and access layer controls access to infrastructure and change
→ is all about ensuring that identities are secure, that access is
granted only to what's needed, and that sign-in events and changes are
At this layer, it's important to:

Control access to infrastructure and change control.

Use single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication.

Audit events and changes.

Dev AZURE 65
The perimeter layer uses distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection to
filter large-scale attacks before they can cause a denial of service for users.
→ protects from network-based attacks against your resources.
Identifying these attacks, eliminating their impact, and alerting you
when they happen are important ways to keep your network secure.
At this layer, it's important to:

Use DDoS protection to filter large-scale attacks before they can affect
the availability of a system for users.

Use perimeter firewalls to identify and alert on malicious attacks against

your network.

The network layer limits communication between resources through

segmentation and access controls.
→ the focus is on limiting the network connectivity across all your
resources to allow only what's required. By limiting this communication,
you reduce the risk of an attack spreading to other systems in your network.
At this layer, it's important to:

Limit communication between resources.

Deny by default.

Restrict inbound internet access and limit outbound access where


Implement secure connectivity to on-premises networks.

The compute layer secures access to virtual machines.

Malware, unpatched systems, and improperly secured systems open your
environment to attacks. The focus in this layer is on making sure that your
compute resources are secure and that you have the proper controls in
place to minimize security issues.

At this layer, it's important to:

Secure access to virtual machines.

Implement endpoint protection on devices and keep systems patched

and current.

The application layer helps ensure that applications are secure and free of
security vulnerabilities.

Dev AZURE 66
Integrating security into the application development lifecycle helps reduce
the number of vulnerabilities introduced in code. Every development
team should ensure that its applications are secure by default.

At this layer, it's important to:

Ensure that applications are secure and free of vulnerabilities.

Store sensitive application secrets in a secure storage medium.

Make security a design requirement for all application development.

The data layer controls access to business and customer data that you need
to protect

Often, regulatory requirements dictate the controls and processes that

must be in place to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of the data.

In almost all cases, attackers are after data:

Stored in a database.

Stored on disk inside virtual machines.

Stored in software as a service (SaaS) applications, such as Office 365.

Managed through cloud storage.

Describe Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Defender for Cloud is a monitoring tool for security posture management

and threat protection.
→It monitors your cloud, on-premises, hybrid, and multicloud environments to
provide guidance and notifications aimed at strengthening your security

→provides the tools needed to harden your resources, track your security
posture, protect against cyber attacks, and streamline security
management. Deployment of Defender for Cloud is easy, it’s already natively
integrated to Azure.

Protection everywhere you’re deployed

Defender for Cloud is an Azure-native service ⇒

many Azure services are
monitored and protected without needing any deployment. However, if you also
have an on-premises datacenter or are also operating in another cloud

Dev AZURE 67
environment, monitoring of Azure services may not give you a complete picture
of your security situation.

→Defender for Cloud can automatically deploy a Log Analytics agent to

gather security-related data. For Azure machines, deployment is handled
directly. For hybrid and multicloud environments, Microsoft Defender plans are
extended to non Azure machines with the help of Azure Arc. Cloud security
posture management (CSPM) features are extended to multicloud machines
without the need for any agents.

Azure-native protections
Defender for Cloud helps you detect threats across:

Azure PaaS services – Detect threats targeting Azure services including

Azure App Service, Azure SQL, Azure Storage Account, and more data
services. You can also perform anomaly detection on your Azure activity
logs using the native integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
(formerly known as Microsoft Cloud App Security).

Azure data services – Defender for Cloud includes capabilities that help
you automatically classify your data in Azure SQL. You can also get
assessments for potential vulnerabilities across Azure SQL and Storage
services, and recommendations for how to mitigate them.

Networks – Defender for Cloud helps you limit exposure to brute force
attacks. By reducing access to virtual machine ports, using the just-in-time
VM access, you can harden your network by preventing unnecessary
access. You can set secure access policies on selected ports, for only
authorized users, allowed source IP address ranges or IP addresses, and for
a limited amount of time.

Defend your hybrid resources

→you can add Defender for Cloud capabilities to your hybrid cloud environment
to protect your non-Azure servers. To help you focus on what matters the
most, you'll get customized threat intelligence and prioritized alerts according to
your specific environment.
To extend protection to on-premises machines, deploy Azure Arc and enable
Defender for Cloud's enhanced security features.

Defend resources running on other clouds

Defender for Cloud can also protect resources in other clouds (such as
AWS and GCP).

Dev AZURE 68
→ ex. if you've connected an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to an Azure
subscription, you can enable any of these protections:

Defender for Cloud's CSPM features extend to your AWS resources. This
agentless plan assesses your AWS resources according to AWS-specific
security recommendations, and includes the results in the secure score. The
resources will also be assessed for compliance with built-in standards
specific to AWS (AWS CIS, AWS PCI DSS, and AWS Foundational Security
Best Practices). Defender for Cloud's asset inventory page is a
multicloud enabled feature helping you manage your AWS resources
alongside your Azure resources.

Microsoft Defender for Containers extends its container threat detection

and advanced defenses to your Amazon EKS Linux clusters.

Microsoft Defender for Servers brings threat detection and advanced

defenses to your Windows and Linux EC2 instances.

Assess, Secure, and Defend

Defender for Cloud fills three vital needs as you manage the security of your
resources and workloads in the cloud and on-premises:

Continuously Secure Defend

assess →security in the Defender for Cloud also
⇒ helps you cloud is an essential helps you defend your
continuously assess basic that must be environment by
your environment. done right. providing security
Defender for Cloud →you have to ensure alerts and advanced
includes vulnerability your workloads are threat protection
assessment solutions secure. To secure your features.
for your virtual workloads, you need Security alerts

Dev AZURE 69
machines, container security policies in When Defender for
registries, and SQL place that are tailored Cloud detects a threat
servers. to your environment in any area of your
and situation. environment, it
Microsoft Defender for
Because policies in generates a security
servers includes
Defender for Cloud are alert. Security alerts:
automatic, native
built on top of Azure
integration with Describe details of
Microsoft Defender for Policy controls, you're
the affected
Endpoint. With this getting the full range
integration enabled, and flexibility of a
world-class policy Suggest
you'll have access to
solution. In Defender remediation steps
the vulnerability findings
from Microsoft threat for Cloud, you can set Provide, in some
and vulnerability your policies to run on cases, an option to
management. management groups, trigger a logic app
across subscriptions, in response
Between these
and even for a whole
assessment tools you’ll Whether an alert is
have regular, detailed generated by Defender
vulnerability scans One of the benefits of for Cloud or received by
that cover your moving to the cloud ⇒ Defender for Cloud from
compute, data, and ability to grow and an integrated security
infrastructure. You can scale as you need, product, you can
review and respond to adding new services export it. Defender for
and resources as Cloud's threat
the results of these
necessary. Defender protection includes
scans all from within
for Cloud is constantly fusion kill-chain
Defender for Cloud.
monitoring for new analysis, which
resources being automatically correlates
deployed across your alerts in your
workloads. Defender environment based on
for Cloud assesses if cyber kill-chain
new resources are analysis, to help you
configured according to better understand the
security best practices. full story of an attack
If not, they're flagged campaign, where it
and you get a started, and what kind
prioritized list of of impact it had on
recommendations for your resources.

Dev AZURE 70
what you need to fix. Advanced threat
Recommendations protection
help you reduce the
Defender for cloud
attack surface across
provides advanced
each of your
threat protection
features for many of
The list of your deployed
recommendations is resources, including
enabled and supported virtual machines, SQL
by the Azure Security databases, containers,
Benchmark. This web applications, and
Microsoft-authored, your network.
Azure-specific, Protections include
benchmark provides securing the
a set of guidelines for management ports of
security and your VMs with just-in-
compliance best time access, and
practices based on adaptive application
common compliance controls to create allow
frameworks. lists for what apps
should and shouldn't
→Defender for Cloud
run on your machines.
enables you not just
to set security
policies, but to apply
secure configuration
standards across
your resources.

→Defender for Cloud

groups the
into security controls
and adds a secure
score value to each
control. The secure
score gives you an at-
a-glance indicator of
the health of your
security posture,

Dev AZURE 71
while the controls give
you a working list of
things to consider to
improve your security
score and your overall
security posture.

Describe Azure management and governance

Describe factors that can affect costs in Azure

Azure provides several tools to help you understand your costs and
savings when moving to the cloud.

→First, the Total Cost of Ownership, or TCO, Calculator helps you understand
the cost savings of operating your solution on Azure compared to your on-
premises data center. Define your workloads by specifying your current on-
premises infrastructure based on service, databases, storage, and
networking. Then you can make adjustments to costs based on your location
and organization. Finally, you can view a report that shows your costs and
savings over time.

→The second useful tool is the Pricing Calculator, which can help you
determine which Azure services best fit your budget. As you select your
subscriptions, services, resources, and third-party solutions, you can add up your
costs. You can make adjustments for regions, billing options, Dev/Test
pricing, and support options. This can give you a good estimate of the costs of
your plans.
→To monitor your actual costs, you can use the Azure Advisor. It can make
recommendations around unused resources and ways to optimize your services.

Dev AZURE 72
You can also set spending limits on your costs to prevent accidental cost
overruns. By using these tools, you can monitor your costs while tracking your
overall long-term savings of moving to the cloud.

Azure shifts development costs from the capital expense (CapEx) of building out
and maintaining infrastructure and facilities to an operational expense (OpEx) of
renting infrastructure as you need it, whether it’s compute, storage, networking,
and so on.

That OpEx cost can be impacted by many factors. Some of the impacting
factors are:

Resource type

The type of resources, the settings for the resource, and the Azure region will
all have an impact on how much a resource costs. When you provision an
Azure resource, Azure creates metered instances for that resource. The
meters track the resources' usage and generate a usage record that is
used to calculate your bill.

With a storage account, you specify a type such as blob, a performance

tier, an access tier, redundancy settings, and a region. Creating the same
storage account in different regions may show different costs and changing
any of the settings may also impact the price.

With a virtual machine (VM), you may have to consider licensing for the
operating system or other software, the processor and number of cores for
the VM, the attached storage, and the network interface. Just like with
storage, provisioning the same virtual machine in different regions may result
in different costs.

Dev AZURE 73

Pay-as-you-go has been a consistent theme throughout, and that’s the

cloud payment model where you pay for the resources that you use during a
billing cycle. If you use more compute this cycle, you pay more. If you
use less in the current cycle, you pay less. It’s a straight forward pricing
mechanism that allows for maximum flexibility.

However, Azure also offers the ability to commit to using a set amount of
cloud resources in advance and receiving discounts on those “reserved”
resources. Many services, including databases, compute, and storage all
provide the option to commit to a level of use and receive a discount, in
some cases up to 72 percent.

When you reserve capacity, you’re committing to using and paying for a
certain amount of Azure resources during a given period (typically one or
three years). With the back-up of pay-as-you-go, if you see a sudden surge
in demand that eclipses what you’ve pre-reserved, you just pay for the
additional resources in excess of your reservation. This model allows you
to recognize significant savings on reliable, consistent workloads while
also having the flexibility to rapidly increase your cloud footprint as the
need arises.

The flexibility of the cloud makes it possible to rapidly adjust resources
based on demand. Using resource groups can help keep all of your
resources organized. In order to control costs, it’s important to maintain your
cloud environment. For example, every time you provision a VM, additional
resources such as storage and networking are also provisioned. If you

Dev AZURE 74
deprovision the VM, those additional resources may not deprovision at the
same time, either intentionally or unintentionally. By keeping an eye on
your resources and making sure you’re not keeping around resources
that are no longer needed, you can help control cloud costs.


When you provision most resources in Azure, you need to define a region
where the resource deploys. Azure infrastructure is distributed globally,
which enables you to deploy your services centrally or closest to your
customers, or something in between. With this global deployment comes
global pricing differences. The cost of power, labor, taxes, and fees vary
depending on the location. Due to these variations, Azure resources can
differ in costs to deploy depending on the region.

Network traffic is also impacted based on geography. For example, it’s

less expensive to move information within Europe than to move information
from Europe to Asia or South America.

Network Traffic

Billing zones are a factor in determining the cost of some Azure


Bandwidth refers to data moving in and out of Azure datacenters.

Some inbound data transfers (data going into Azure datacenters) are
free. For outbound data transfers (data leaving Azure datacenters), data
transfer pricing is based on zones.

A zone is a geographical grouping of Azure regions for billing purposes.

Subscription type

Some Azure subscription types also include usage allowances, which

affect costs.
For example, an Azure free trial subscription provides access to a
number of Azure products that are free for 12 months. It also includes
credit to spend within your first 30 days of sign-up. You'll get access to more
than 25 products that are always free (based on resource and region

Azure Marketplace

Azure Marketplace lets you purchase Azure-based solutions and

services from third-party vendors. This could be a server with software

Dev AZURE 75
preinstalled and configured, or managed network firewall appliances, or
connectors to third-party backup services. When you purchase products
through Azure Marketplace, you may pay for not only the Azure services
that you’re using, but also the services or expertise of the third-party
vendor. Billing structures are set by the vendor.

All solutions available in Azure Marketplace are certified and compliant

with Azure policies and standards. The certification policies may vary
based on the service or solution type and Azure service involved.

Compare the Pricing and Total Cost of Ownership calculators

The pricing calculator and the total cost of ownership (TCO) calculator are
two calculators that help you understand potential Azure expenses. Both
calculators are accessible from the internet, and both calculators allow you to
build out a configuration. However, the two calculators have very different

Pricing calculator TCO calculator

⇒ is designed to give you an ⇒ is designed to help you compare
estimated cost for provisioning the costs for running an on-
resources in Azure. You can get an premises infrastructure compared
estimate for individual resources, build to an Azure Cloud infrastructure.
out a solution, or use an example
→ you enter your current
scenario to see an estimate of the infrastructure configuration,
Azure spend. The pricing including servers, databases,
calculator’s focus is on the cost of storage, and outbound network
provisioned resources in Azure. traffic. The TCO calculator then

compares the anticipated costs for
The Pricing calculator is for your current environment with an
information purposes Azure environment supporting the
only. The prices are only same infrastructure requirements.
an estimate. Nothing is With the TCO calculator, you enter
provisioned when you add your configuration, add in
resources to the pricing assumptions like power and IT labor
calculator, and you won't be costs, and are presented with an
charged for any services estimation of the cost difference to run
you select. the same environment in your current
datacenter or in Azure.

Dev AZURE 76
→ you can estimate the cost of any
provisioned resources, including
compute, storage, and associated
network costs. You can even account
for different storage options like
storage type, access tier, and
Recall that the TCO Calculator
involves three steps:

Describe the Azure Cost Management tool

Microsoft Azure is a global cloud provider, meaning you can provision

resources anywhere in the world. If you accidentally provision new
resources, you may not be aware of them until it’s time for your invoice.
Cost Management is an Azure service that helps avoid those situations.
What is Cost Management?

⇒ provides the ability to quickly check Azure resource costs, create alerts
based on resource spend, and create budgets that can be used to automate
management of resources.

→ Cost analysis is a subset of Cost Management that provides a quick

visual for your Azure costs. Using cost analysis, you can quickly view the total
cost in a variety of different ways, including by billing cycle, region, resource, and
so on.

Dev AZURE 77
→ use cost analysis to explore and analyze your organizational costs. You
can view aggregated costs by organization to understand where costs are
accrued and to identify spending trends. And you can see accumulated costs
over time to estimate monthly, quarterly, or even yearly cost trends against a

Cost alerts

⇒ provide a single location to quickly check on all of the different alert

types that may show up in the Cost Management service. The three types of
alerts that may show up are:

Budget alerts Credit alerts Department spending

quota alerts
→notify you when → notify you when
spending, based on your Azure credit → notify you when
usage or cost, monetary department spending
reaches or exceeds commitments are reaches a fixed
the amount defined in consumed. Monetary threshold of the
the alert condition of commitments are for quota. Spending
the budget. Cost organizations with quotas are configured in
Management budgets Enterprise the EA portal.
are created using the Agreements (EAs). Whenever a threshold
Azure portal or the Credit alerts are is met, it generates an
Azure Consumption generated email to department
API. automatically at 90% owners, and appears
and at 100% of your in cost alerts. For
In the Azure portal,
budgets are defined Azure credit balance. example, 50 percent or
by cost. Budgets are Whenever an alert is 75 percent of the quota.
generated, it's

Dev AZURE 78
defined by cost or by reflected in cost
consumption usage alerts, and in the
when using the Azure email sent to the
Consumption API. account owners.
Budget alerts support
both cost-based and
usage-based budgets.
Budget alerts are
generated automatically
whenever the budget
alert conditions are met.
You can view all cost
alerts in the Azure
portal. Whenever an
alert is generated, it
appears in cost alerts.
An alert email is also
sent to the people in
the alert recipients list
of the budget.


A budget is where you set a spending limit for Azure. You can set budgets
based on a subscription, resource group, service type, or other criteria.
When you set a budget, you will also set a budget alert. When the budget hits
the budget alert level, it will trigger a budget alert that shows up in the cost alerts
area. If configured, budget alerts will also send an email notification that a budget
alert threshold has been triggered.

A more advanced use of budgets enables budget conditions to trigger

automation that suspends or otherwise modifies resources once the trigger
condition has occurred.
Describe the purpose of tags

One way to organize related resources is to place them in their own

subscriptions. You can also use resource groups to manage related resources.
Resource tags are another way to organize resources. Tags provide extra
information, or metadata, about your resources. This metadata is useful for:

Dev AZURE 79
Resource management Tags enable you to locate and act on resources
that are associated with specific workloads, environments, business
units, and owners.

Cost management and optimization Tags enable you to group resources

so that you can report on costs, allocate internal cost centers, track
budgets, and forecast estimated cost.

Operations management Tags enable you to group resources according

to how critical their availability is to your business. This grouping helps
you formulate service-level agreements (SLAs). An SLA is an uptime or
performance guarantee between you and your users.

Security Tags enable you to classify data by its security level, such as

public or confidential.

Governance and regulatory compliance Tags enable you to identify

resources that align with governance or regulatory compliance
requirements, such as ISO 27001. Tags can also be part of your standards
enforcement efforts. For example, you might require that all resources be
tagged with an owner or department name.

Workload optimization and automation Tags can help you visualize all of

the resources that participate in complex deployments. For example,
you might tag a resource with its associated workload or application name
and use software such as Azure DevOps to perform automated tasks on
those resources.

How do I manage resource tags?

You can add, modify, or delete resource tags through Windows PowerShell,
the Azure CLI, Azure Resource Manager templates, the REST API, or the
Azure portal.
You can use Azure Policy to enforce tagging rules and conventions. For
example, you can require that certain tags be added to new resources as they're
provisioned. You can also define rules that reapply tags that have been
removed. Tags aren’t inherited, meaning that you can apply tags one level
and not have those tags automatically show up at a different level, allowing
you to create custom tagging schemas that change depending on the level
(resource, resource group, subscription, and so on).
An example tagging structure

Dev AZURE 80
A resource tag consists of a name and a value. You can assign one or more
tags to each Azure resource.

Name Value
Keep in mind that you
don't need to enforce
The name of the application that the
AppName that a specific tag is
resource is part of.
present on all of your
CostCenter The internal cost center code.
resources. For
The name of the business owner who's example, you might
responsible for the resource.
decide that only
An environment name, such as "Prod," mission-critical
"Dev," or "Test."
resources have the
How important the resource is to Impact tag. All non-
business operations, such as "Mission- tagged resources
critical," "High-impact," or "Low-
would then not be
considered as mission-

Describe the purpose of Azure Blueprints

Azure Blueprints lets you standardize cloud subscription or environment
deployments. Instead of having to configure features like Azure Policy for each
new subscription, with Azure Blueprints you can define repeatable settings and
policies that are applied as new subscriptions are created. Need a new test/dev
environment? Azure Blueprints lets you deploy a new Test/Dev environment
with security and compliance settings already configured. In this way,
development teams can rapidly build and deploy new environments with the
knowledge that they're building within organizational requirements.

What are artifacts?

⇒ Each component in the blueprint definition is known as an artifact.

It is possible for artifacts to have no additional parameters (configurations).
An example is the Deploy threat detection on SQL servers policy, which requires
no additional configuration.
Artifacts can also contain one or more parameters that you can configure.
The following screenshot shows the Allowed locations policy. This policy includes
a parameter that specifies the allowed locations.

Dev AZURE 81
You can specify a parameter's value when you create the blueprint
definition or when you assign the blueprint definition to a scope. In this way,
you can maintain one standard blueprint but have the flexibility to specify the
relevant configuration parameters at each scope where the definition is assigned.

Azure Blueprints deploy a new environment based on all of the

requirements, settings, and configurations of the associated artifacts. Artifacts
can include things such as:

Role assignments

Policy assignments

Azure Resource Manager templates

Resource groups

How do Azure Blueprints help monitor deployments?

Azure Blueprints are version-able, allowing you to create an initial

configuration and then make updates later on and assign a new version to
the update. With versioning, you can make small updates and keep track of
which deployments used which configuration set.

With Azure Blueprints, the relationship between the blueprint definition (what
should be deployed) and the blueprint assignment (what was deployed) is

→ Azure creates a record that associates a resource with the blueprint that
defines it. This connection helps you track and audit your deployments.

Describe the purpose of Azure Policy

Azure Policy is a service in Azure that enables you to create, assign, and
manage policies that control or audit your resources. These policies enforce
different rules across your resource configurations so that those
configurations stay compliant with corporate standards.

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How does Azure Policy define policies?

Azure Policy enables you to define both individual policies and groups of
related policies, known as initiatives. Azure Policy evaluates your resources
and highlights resources that aren't compliant with the policies you've
created. Azure Policy can also prevent noncompliant resources from being

Azure Policies can be set at each level, enabling you to set policies on a
specific resource, resource group, subscription, and so on. Additionally, Azure
Policies are inherited, so if you set a policy at a high level, it will automatically

be applied to all of the groupings that fall within the parent if you set an Azure
Policy on a resource group, all resources created within that resource
group will automatically receive the same policy.

Azure Policy comes with built-in policy and initiative definitions for Storage,
Networking, Compute, Security Center, and Monitoring. For example, if you
define a policy that allows only a certain size for the virtual machines (VMs) to be
used in your environment, that policy is invoked when you create a new VM
and whenever you resize existing VMs. Azure Policy also evaluates and
monitors all current VMs in your environment, including VMs that were created
before the policy was created.

⇒ Azure Policy can automatically remediate noncompliant resources and

configurations to ensure the integrity of the state of the resources. For
example, if all resources in a certain resource group should be tagged with
AppName tag and a value of "SpecialOrders," Azure Policy will automatically
apply that tag if it is missing. However, you still retain full control of your
environment. If you have a specific resource that you don’t want Azure
Policy to automatically fix, you can flag that resource as an exception – and
the policy won’t automatically fix that resource.

Azure Policy also integrates with Azure DevOps by applying any continuous
integration and delivery pipeline policies that pertain to the pre-deployment and
post-deployment phases of your applications.

What are Azure Policy initiatives?

An Azure Policy initiative is a way of grouping related policies together. The
initiative definition contains all of the policy definitions to help track your
compliance state for a larger goal.

For example, Azure Policy includes an initiative named Enable Monitoring in

Azure Security Center. Its goal is to monitor all available security

Dev AZURE 83
recommendations for all Azure resource types in Azure Security Center.

Under this initiative, the following policy definitions are included:

Monitor unencrypted SQL Database in Security Center This policy

monitors for unencrypted SQL databases and servers.

Monitor OS vulnerabilities in Security Center This policy monitors servers

that don't satisfy the configured OS vulnerability baseline.

Monitor missing Endpoint Protection in Security Center This policy

monitors for servers that don't have an installed endpoint protection agent.

In fact, the Enable Monitoring in Azure Security Center initiative contains

over 100 separate policy definitions.
Describe the purpose of resource locks

A resource lock prevents resources from being accidentally deleted or


there's still a risk that people with the right level of access could delete

critical cloud resources Resource locks prevent resources from being
deleted or updated, depending on the type of lock. Resource locks can be
applied to individual resources, resource groups, or even an entire
subscription. Resource locks are inherited, meaning that if you place a resource
lock on a resource group, all of the resources within the resource group will also
have the resource lock applied.

Types of Resource Locks

two types of resource locks, one that prevents users from deleting and one
that prevents users from changing or deleting a resource.

Delete means authorized users can still read and modify a resource, but they
can't delete the resource.

ReadOnly means authorized users can read a resource, but they can't delete
or update the resource. Applying this lock is similar to restricting all
authorized users to the permissions granted by the Reader role.

How do I manage resource locks?

You can manage resource locks from the Azure portal, PowerShell, the Azure
CLI, or from an Azure Resource Manager template.

To view, add, or delete locks in the Azure portal, go to the Settings section of any
resource's Settings pane in the Azure portal.

Dev AZURE 84
How do I delete or change a locked resource?

To modify a locked resource, you must first remove the lock. After you
remove the lock, you can apply any action you have permissions to perform.
Resource locks apply regardless of RBAC permissions. Even if you're an owner
of the resource, you must still remove the lock before you can perform the
blocked activity.

Describe the purpose of the Service Trust portal

The Microsoft Service Trust Portal is a portal that provides access to various
content, tools, and other resources about Microsoft security, privacy, and
compliance practices.

The Service Trust Portal contains details about Microsoft's implementation of

controls and processes that protect our cloud services and the customer data
therein. To access some of the resources on the Service Trust Portal, you must
sign in as an authenticated user with your Microsoft cloud services account
(Azure Active Directory organization account). You'll need to review and accept
the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement for compliance materials.

Accessing the Service Trust Portal

The Service Trust Portal features and content are accessible from the main
menu. The categories on the main menu are:

Dev AZURE 85
Service Trust Portal provides a quick access hyperlink to return to the
Service Trust Portal home page.

My Library lets you save (or pin) documents to quickly access them on

your My Library page. You can also set up to receive notifications when
documents in your My Library are updated.

All Documents is a single landing place for documents on the service trust
portal. From All Documents, you can pin documents to have them show up
in your My Library.

🚨 Service Trust Portal reports and documents are available to

download for at least 12 months after publishing or until a new
version of document becomes available.

Describe features and tools for managing and deploying

Azure resources
Describe tools for interacting with Azure

To get the most out of Azure, you need a way to interact with the Azure
environment, the management groups, subscriptions, resource groups,
resources, and so on. Azure provides multiple tools for managing your
environment, including the:

Azure portal

Azure PowerShell

Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)

What is the Azure portal?

⇒ is a web-based, unified console that provides an alternative to

command-line tools. With the Azure portal, you can manage your Azure
subscription by using a graphical user interface. You can:

Build, manage, Create custom Configure

and monitor dashboards for an accessibility
everything from organized view of options for an
simple web apps to resources optimal experience
complex cloud

Dev AZURE 86
The Azure portal is designed for resiliency and continuous availability. It
maintains a presence in every Azure datacenter. This configuration makes the
Azure portal resilient to individual datacenter failures and avoids network
slowdowns by being close to users. The Azure portal updates continuously
and requires no downtime for maintenance activities.

Azure Cloud Shell

→ is a browser-based shell tool that allows you to create, configure, and
manage Azure resources using a shell. Azure Cloud Shell support both
Azure PowerShell and the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI), which is a
Bash shell.

You can access Azure Cloud Shell via

the Azure portal by selecting the
Cloud Shell icon:

Azure Cloud Shell has several features that make it a unique offering to
support you in managing Azure. Some of those features are:

It is a browser-based shell experience, with no local installation or

configuration required.

It is authenticated to your Azure credentials, so when you log in it

inherently knows who you are and what permissions you have.

You choose the shell you’re most familiar with; Azure Cloud Shell supports
both Azure PowerShell and the Azure CLI (which uses Bash).

What is Azure PowerShell?

→ is a shell with which developers, DevOps, and IT professionals can run

commands called command-lets (cmdlets). These commands call the Azure
REST API to perform management tasks in Azure. Cmdlets can be run
independently to handle one-off changes, or they may be combined to help
orchestrate complex actions such as:

The routine setup, teardown, and maintenance of a single resource or

multiple connected resources.

Dev AZURE 87
The deployment of an entire infrastructure, which might contain dozens
or hundreds of resources, from imperative code.

Capturing the commands in a script makes the process repeatable and


In addition to be available via Azure Cloud Shell, you can install and configure
Azure PowerShell on Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms.
What is the Azure CLI?

→ is functionally equivalent to Azure PowerShell, with the primary difference

being the syntax of commands. While Azure PowerShell uses PowerShell
commands, the Azure CLI uses Bash commands.

The Azure CLI provides the same benefits of handling discrete tasks or
orchestrating complex operations through code. It’s also installable on
Windows, Linux, and Mac platforms, as well as through Azure Cloud Shell.

Due to the similarities in capabilities and access between Azure PowerShell

and the Bash based Azure CLI, it mainly comes down to which language you’re
most familiar with.

Describe the purpose of Azure Arc

Managing hybrid and multi-cloud environments can rapidly get
complicated. Azure provides a host of tools to provision, configure, and monitor
Azure resources. What about the on-premises resources in a hybrid configuration
or the cloud resources in a multi-cloud configuration?

In utilizing Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Arc lets you extend your Azure
compliance and monitoring to your hybrid and multi-cloud configurations.
Azure Arc simplifies governance and management by delivering a consistent
multi-cloud and on-premises management platform.

Azure Arc provides a centralized, unified way to:

Manage your entire environment together by projecting your existing non-

Azure resources into ARM.

Manage multi-cloud and hybrid virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters,

and databases as if they are running in Azure.

Use familiar Azure services and management capabilities, regardless of

where they live.

Continue using traditional ITOps while introducing DevOps practices to

support new cloud and native patterns in your environment.

Dev AZURE 88
Configure custom locations as an abstraction layer on top of Azure
Arc-enabled Kubernetes clusters and cluster extensions.

What can Azure Arc do outside of Azure?

Currently, Azure Arc allows you to manage the following resource types
hosted outside of Azure:


Kubernetes clusters

Azure data services

SQL Server

Virtual machines (preview)

Describe Azure Resource Manager and Azure ARM templates

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the deployment and management service for
Azure. It provides a management layer that enables you to create, update, and
delete resources in your Azure account. Anytime you do anything with your
Azure resources, ARM is involved.

When a user sends a request from any of the Azure tools, APIs, or SDKs, ARM
receives the request. ARM authenticates and authorizes the request. Then, ARM
sends the request to the Azure service, which takes the requested action. You
see consistent results and capabilities in all the different tools because all
requests are handled through the same API.

Azure Resource Manager benefits

Manage your infrastructure through declarative templates rather than scripts.

A Resource Manager template is a JSON file that defines what you want to
deploy to Azure.

Deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for your solution as a group,
rather than handling these resources individually.

Re-deploy your solution throughout the development life-cycle and have

confidence your resources are deployed in a consistent state.

Define the dependencies between resources, so they're deployed in the

correct order.

Apply access control to all services because RBAC is natively integrated into
the management platform.

Dev AZURE 89
Apply tags to resources to logically organize all the resources in your

Clarify your organization's billing by viewing costs for a group of resources

that share the same tag.

The following video provides an overview of how you can use different Azure tools
with ARM to manage your environment:
ARM templates

Infrastructure as code is a concept where you manage your infrastructure as

lines of code. Leveraging Azure Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, or the Azure CLI
are some examples of using code to deploy cloud infrastructure. ARM templates are
another example of infrastructure as code at work.

By using ARM templates, you can describe the resources you want to use in a
declarative JSON format. With an ARM template, the deployment code is verified
before any code is run. This ensures that the resources will be created and
connected correctly. The template then orchestrates the creation of those resources
in parallel. That is, if you need 50 instances of the same resource, all 50 instances
are created at the same time.

Ultimately, the developer, DevOps professional, or IT professional needs only to

define the desired state and configuration of each resource in the ARM
template, and the template does the rest. Templates can even execute PowerShell
and Bash scripts before or after the resource has been set up.

Benefits of using ARM templates

Declarative syntax: ARM templates allow you to create and deploy an entire
Azure infrastructure declaratively. Declarative syntax means you declare what
you want to deploy but don’t need to write the actual programming
commands and sequence to deploy the resources.

Repeatable results: Repeatedly deploy your infrastructure throughout the

development lifecycle and have confidence your resources are deployed in a
consistent manner. You can use the same ARM template to deploy multiple
dev/test environments, knowing that all the environments are the same.

Orchestration: You don't have to worry about the complexities of ordering

operations. Azure Resource Manager orchestrates the deployment of
interdependent resources, so they're created in the correct order. When
possible, Azure Resource Manager deploys resources in parallel, so your

Dev AZURE 90
deployments finish faster than serial deployments. You deploy the template
through one command, rather than through multiple imperative commands.

Modular files: You can break your templates into smaller, reusable
components and link them together at deployment time. You can also nest
one template inside another template. For example, you could create a
template for a VM stack, and then nest that template inside of templates that
deploy entire environments, and that VM stack will consistently be deployed in
each of the environment templates.

Extensibility: With deployment scripts, you can add PowerShell or Bash scripts
to your templates. The deployment scripts extend your ability to set up
resources during deployment. A script can be included in the template or
stored in an external source and referenced in the template. Deployment
scripts give you the ability to complete your end-to-end environment setup in a
single ARM template.

Describe monitoring tools in Azure

Describe the purpose of Azure Advisor

⇒ evaluates your Azure resources and makes recommendations to help

improve reliability, security, and performance, achieve operational excellence,
and reduce costs. Azure Advisor is designed to help you save time on cloud
optimization. The recommendation service includes suggested actions you can
take right away, postpone, or dismiss.

The recommendations are available via the Azure portal and the API, and you can
set up notifications to alert you to new recommendations.

When you're in the Azure portal, the Advisor dashboard displays personalized
recommendations for all your subscriptions. You can use filters to select
recommendations for specific subscriptions, resource groups, or services. The
recommendations are divided into five categories:

Reliability is used to ensure and improve the continuity of your business-

critical applications.

Security is used to detect threats and vulnerabilities that might lead to

security breaches.

Performance is used to improve the speed of your applications.

Operational Excellence is used to help you achieve process and workflow

efficiency, resource manageability, and deployment best practices.

Dev AZURE 91
Cost is used to optimize and reduce your overall Azure spending.

Describe Azure Service Health

Microsoft Azure provides a global cloud solution to help you manage your
infrastructure needs, reach your customers, innovate, and adapt rapidly.
Knowing the status of the global Azure infrastructure and your individual resources
could seem like a daunting task. Azure Service Health helps you keep track of
Azure resource, both your specifically deployed resources and the overall
status of Azure. Azure service health does this by combining three different Azure

Azure Status is a broad picture of the status of Azure globally. Azure status
informs you of service outages in Azure on the Azure Status page. The
page is a global view of the health of all Azure services across all Azure regions.
It’s a good reference for incidents with widespread impact.

Service Health provides a narrower view of Azure services and regions. It

focuses on the Azure services and regions you're using. This is the best place
to look for service impacting communications about outages, planned
maintenance activities, and other health advisories because the
authenticated Service Health experience knows which services and
resources you currently use. You can even set up Service Health alerts to
notify you when service issues, planned maintenance, or other changes may
affect the Azure services and regions you use.

Resource Health is a tailored view of your actual Azure resources. It

provides information about the health of your individual cloud resources, such as
a specific virtual machine instance. Using Azure Monitor, you can also configure
alerts to notify you of availability changes to your cloud resources.

Dev AZURE 92
By using Azure status, Service health, and Resource health, Azure Service
Health gives you a complete view of your Azure environment-all the way from
the global status of Azure services and regions down to specific resources.
Additionally, historical alerts are stored and accessible for later review.
Something you initially thought was a simple anomaly that turned into a trend, can
readily be reviewed and investigated thanks to the historical alerts.
Finally, in the event that a workload you’re running is impacted by an event, Azure
Service Health provides links to support.
Describe Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor is a platform for collecting data on your resources, analyzing that
data, visualizing the information, and even acting on the results. Azure Monitor
can monitor Azure resources, your on-premises resources, and even multi-
cloud resources like virtual machines hosted with a different cloud provider.

The following diagram illustrates just how comprehensive Azure Monitor is:

Azure Monitor

Application Container VM Network

Data Platform
Workbooks Dashboards PowerBI Grafana

Infrastructure Logs

Azure Platform Metric Log

Explorer Analytics

Custom Sources Traces


Alerts & Autoscale



Event Hubs Logic Apps Import / Export APIs

On the left is a list of the sources of logging and metric data that can be
collected at every layer in your application architecture, from application to
operating system and network.

In the center, the logging and metric data are stored in central repositories.

On the right, the data is used in several ways. You can view real-time and
historical performance across each layer of your architecture or aggregated
and detailed information. The data is displayed at different levels for different

Dev AZURE 93
audiences. You can view high-level reports on the Azure Monitor Dashboard or
create custom views by using Power BI and Kusto queries.

Additionally, you can use the data to help you react to critical events in real time,
through alerts delivered to teams via SMS, email, and so on. Or you can use
thresholds to trigger autoscaling functionality to scale to meet the demand.

Azure Log Analytics

Azure Log Analytics is the tool in the Azure portal where you’ll write and run log
queries on the data gathered by Azure Monitor. Log Analytics is a robust tool
that supports both simple, complex queries, and data analysis. You can write a
simple query that returns a set of records and then use features of Log
Analytics to sort, filter, and analyze the records. You can write an advanced query
to perform statistical analysis and visualize the results in a chart to identify a
particular trend. Whether you work with the results of your queries interactively or use
them with other Azure Monitor features such as log query alerts or workbooks, Log
Analytics is the tool that you're going to use to write and test those queries.

Azure Monitor Alerts

Azure Monitor Alerts are an automated way to stay informed when Azure Monitor
detects a threshold being crossed. You set the alert conditions, the notification
actions, and then Azure Monitor Alerts notifies when an alert is triggered. Depending
on your configuration, Azure Monitor Alerts can also attempt corrective action.

Alerts can be set up to monitor the logs and trigger on certain log events, or they can
be set to monitor metrics and trigger when certain metrics are crossed. For example,
you could set a metric-based alert up to notify you when the CPU usage on a virtual
machine exceeded 80%. Alert rules based on metrics provide near real time alerts
based on numeric values. Rules based on logs allow for complex logic across data
from multiple sources.

Dev AZURE 94
Azure Monitor Alerts use action groups to configure who to notify and what
action to take. An action group is simply a collection of notification and action
preferences that you associate with one or multiple alerts. Azure Monitor, Service
Health, and Azure Advisor all use actions groups to notify you when an alert
has been triggered.

Application Insights
Application Insights, an Azure Monitor feature, monitors your web applications.
Application Insights is capable of monitoring applications that are running in
Azure, on-premises, or in a different cloud environment.

There are two ways to configure Application Insights to help monitor your
application. You can either install an SDK in your application, or you can use the
Application Insights agent. The Application Insights agent is supported in
C#.NET, VB.NET, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, and Python.
Once Application Insights is up and running, you can use it to monitor a broad array
of information, such as:

Request rates, response times, and failure rates

Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates, to show whether external
services are slowing down performance

Page views and load performance reported by users' browsers

AJAX calls from web pages, including rates, response times, and failure rates

User and session counts

Performance counters from Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU,

memory, and network usage

Not only does Application Insights help you monitor the performance of your
application, but you can also configure it to periodically send synthetic requests
to your application, allowing you to check the status and monitor your
application even during periods of low activity.

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