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Unit IG2: Risk Assessment

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* ARCADIS
Site location* Assam , Dibrugarh,
Number of workers 230
Arcadis is the leading global Design & Consultancy firm for natural and built assets. Applying our
deep market sector insights and collective design, consultancy, engineering, project and
management services we work in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and
sustainable outcomes throughout the lifecycle of their natural and built assets. We are 28,000
people, active in over 70 countries that generate €3.5 billion in revenues. We support UN-Habitat
with knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around the

The current project of this company is a construction of 4 floor shopping complex and I have
General description of the organisation
chosen the whole area of their current project for the risk assessment.
The usual works such as concrete works, flooring works, plumbing, electrical, excavation works,
loading and unloading works, welding, cutting, drilling and painting works are the works takes
place in the construction site. The different equipment’s used for different works are cranes,
conveyors, forklifts for moving the materials from one place to other.
The various machines used in this construction site are concrete mixers, jack hammer, driller,
welding and cutting machine.

There is only single day shift work for the workers and the shift timing starts from 9AM to 5PM and

Learner number: 00656783 Learner name: NIDHIN RAJAN Page 1 of 23

off on Sundays. Worker need to work daily 7 to 8 hours
Description of the area to be included in the
The risk assessment will cover the entire complex work site
risk assessment
Any other relevant information General manager directly responsible for work site health and safety
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried I visited the sites www.ilo.org ."and www.hse.gov.uk for getting more details about the
out this should include: risk assessment in construction sites.
 sources of information consulted;
 who you spoke to; and
By looking into these sources of information, I knew several control measures that I have
 how you identified:
- the hazards; made during the risk assessment. After I collected external source of information and
- what is already being done; and internal source of information from above mentioned sources, I began to collect the
- any additional controls/actions that details of hazards which associated through the help of Safety Officer Who handling the
may be required. health and safety issues in site by following site safety rules such as wearing personal
protective equipment like boots, helmet and goggles. Then site inspection has started and
identified the hazards through which work place inspection, task analysis, consultation
with workers and applying the legislation to particular work activity. In my site inspection I
also understood current control measures taken by the company.

I also checked accident records , investigation records , sickness records , inspection

records to insure that everything in the site is properly managed as the result I find out
in the authority post temporary workers in the work site without any proper payment or
induction training `also talk to workers about their work and activities in the work asite

Based on the information from ILO guidelines like ILO C167, ILO R 175, I referred to some
HSE’s Approved Code of Practice or Guidance documents https://www.ilo.org
www.hse.gov.uk , www.iso.org , https://labour.gov.in/labour-law-reforms . My Nebosh text
book added a great lot to my research on the same. helped me to decide additional control

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Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name: ARCADIS
Date of assessment: 22/01/2022
Scope of risk assessment: The risk assessment will cover the entire complex work site

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
1.Work When equipment and Operators are made available 1) Machine guards should 1 month Construction
equipment and machines are not who are qualified. be provided to coordinator
machinery guarded concentrate cutters.
and poorly maintained, The workers who us equipment
Workers using operators and workers and machinery are 2) To ensure that the
concrete cutter are at a higher risk of provided with training and equipment and machinery
in the work site getting injured. awareness. are functioning properly, 4weeks site engineer
without proper From minor scrapes , third party inspection and
safety guard cut lacerations and A watchful eye is applied to maintenance must be done.
even amputation, machine and equipment
workers may suffer activities through supervision. 3) In order to ensure safe
injuries ranging from operation of the equipment, 1 month project
minor to severe provision for on a regular engineer
basis must be introduced

4) It is important that cable

connections are restricted
so that the cables do not 4weeks constriction
come in to contact with the project

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
equipment while operating. manager

5) Operators hands should be

protected By Providing 2 month Assistant
them with cut-resistant project
gloves while operating work manager
2.working at Workers work in the No action taken 1) Purchase and install guard 1 month Construction
height heights will be affected rail and edge protection in Coordinator
The absence of guard the roof edges
Workers rail or edge protection
working at in the scaffold 2) conduct regular maintenance
height without platforms increase the and repair of temporary plat 4weeks site engineer
any edge Chance of workers fall form
protection or from height lead to
guard rails muscle crack , bone 3) Introduce permit system for Construction
injury , head injury also height work 3weeks Foreman
in severe cases may
lead to death or coma 4) store the scaffold plat forms in Site manager
stage a safe place after daily shift
1 month
5) all scaffold plat forms must be Project
weight tested in monthly bases engineer
6) unfit scaffold plat forms must Site manager
be De- commissioned and
demolished 1 month

7) provide proper personal Purchase

protective equipment to coordinator
working at height workers 4weeks

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)

8) install safety net around the

building 2 month Construction

3.Movement of People working around All the papers in the vehicle 1) Enforce a system to 1 month project
people and the moving vehicles. surveyed and verified in every week construct separate manager
vehicle Visitors who are on the pedestrian way
site. Workers and other Provide work permit for vehicles to
construction site employers on site. do work Schedule time limit for 2) Provide appropriate crossing
vehicles and Drivers who are driving machinery to on and off + work time point where people and traffic 4weeks construction
pedestrian them. There might be a meets. estimator
move in same chance of people The company provided signal
single path so getting hit and run over person to each and every heavy 3) There are uneven surfaces
workers by the moving vehicles vehicles around site it must be levelled
around the site and and made firm to ensure 1 month General
also during careless Driver must provide proper training smooth traffic. contractor
driving carrying
overload. It will results 4) Make sure there is proper
in serious injuries and lighting every people and 4weeks Project
even result in traffic is working together. Assistant
fatality. There also the
risk of toxic fumes 5) Provide separate workspace
generated from the for the workers away from the 3weeks site engineer
vehicles which will traffic so that they might not
cause affect each other.
pollution and also
respiratory disorders 6) The vehicles must maintained
and serviced properly. 1 month Project
7) Drivers must be briefed about

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
careless driving and reversing
without minding the area they 4weeks Site Manager
are around.

8) Provide the vehicles with

reverse camera to ensure
smooth reversing and place 2 month Construction
concave mirrors around round Assistant
corners and blind spot to
ensure maximum visibility
4.Noise All workers working the A noise risk assessment was 1) A silencer should be fitted to 3weeks Mechanical
first floor near conducted when the project was the exhaust of the diesel engineer
Workers were generator, supervisors. initiated. generator.
exposed with
high noise Continued exposure to 2) Install solar panel in the work 2 month Senior
created in the the noise causes Proper induction site manager
Diesel physical training is conducted on
generator and psychological consequences of noise 3) Enforce a procedure for safe 1 month Project
placed in the stress, system of work manager
ground floor inter worker
communication 4) Provide sound proof enclosure
problem for the generator room using a 4weeks construction
and reduced sound absorbing material. estimator
concentration in work
The most common 5) Install a system to conduct
health problem it regular maintenance and 1 month General
causes is Noise periodic service for generator contractor
Induced Hearing Loss
(NIHL). Exposure to 6) Regular review of noise 4weeks Project in
loud noise can also assessment. charge
cause high blood

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
pressure, heart 7) Provide appropriate PPE such 4weeks Purchasing
disease, sleep as ear plug. Coordinator
disturbances, and
stress. 8) Provide training to the workers 1 month Project
in the correct usage of the ear Assistant

9) Purchase and use silent 2 month Purchase

generator manager

10) Prevent unauthorized entry in 3weeks Project

generator room Manager
5.Vibration Cutting workers who No action taken 1) Purchase anti vibration tools 2 month Contract
were involved in the such as dampers, vibration Administrator
Excessive work and helpers who controllers etc. to reduce the
vibration are Impact of vibration.
caused from using both the
jack hammer machines are affected 2) repairing or replacing loose 4weeks Contract
and vibrator It can cause hand arm rotating parts, worn bearings Manager
vibration syndrome and gears
which leads to muscle Project
cramp, bone 3) Introduce job rotation 3weeks manager
weakening, diseases of
the blood vessels in the 4) For avoiding excessive 4weeks work manager
fingers , tissue injury vibrations Equipment’s should
and also vibration be maintained well
caused from the tools
or materials to the 5) Provide adequate clothing 3weeks Construction
hands and arms could and ant vibration tools and coordinator
damage sensory gloves

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
nerves, muscles and
joints which is called 6) Proper training should be
hand arm vibration given to the workers to ensure 1 month site engineer
syndrome (HAVS) and safe work practices and proper
other problems refresher Sessions at regular
including intervals.

7) setting up a health check-up 4weeks project

program for the workers engineer
exposed to the vibration
6.Hazardous Cutting and grinding Awareness campaign provided to 1) Install local exhaust ventilation 2 month Construction
substance machine operators, the employees to inform about the at the point where dust is Manager
visitors and workers dangers of high dust concentrations created to remove it
The cutting and working in the area are in the atmosphere, as well as the
grinding process at risk of hazard. illnesses that could be related to 2) It is critical to moisten the dust
in the workplace them. in order to prevent it from 4weeks General
produces a Inhalation of silica being inhaled by providing contractor
significant particles for a Workers on the work site have Dust cannons
amount of dust- prolonged period of access to respiratory protection.
specific agents, time can result in lung 3) Safety goggles, face masks,
including dust cancer, silicosis, , A work site cannot be accessed by and other protective gear 3weeks site engineer
kidney disease, and unauthorized individuals. Should be provided to all
chronic obstructive employees
pulmonary disease Monitoring of the working area is
(COPD) may lead to provided by qualified supervisors 4) Vacuum cleaners for industrial Construction
death use Should be provided to 1 month Superintendent
remove dust in small work
4weeks Contract
5) Rest breaks and job rotation Manager
should be provided at

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)

7.Fire All the workers will No smoking boards provided 1) install automatic smock 1 month senior
affect detector with fire extinguisher manager
Absence of fire Proper training and awareness in the garage
fighting class conducted about fire hazard
equipment in workers smoke near 2) Introduce permit system for 4weeks project in
the storage area the storage area were Risk assessment carried out hot works charge
flammable materials
stored minor cigarette Emergency evacuation and monthly 3) appoint fire watcher in the 3weeks project in
spark lead major fire mock drills conducted regularly work site charge
explosion in the
storage area 4) establish a low against 4weeks Construction
Fire can cause tissue smoking Inside the work site senior
burn , death of workers manager
total destruction of the 5) create smock room with
company Burn injuries exhaust ventilation ,100meter 3weeks project
can affect muscles, away from the garage engineer
bones, nerves, and
blood vessels. The 6) apply fines against workers 1 month construction
respiratory system can smocking in the work site expediter
be damaged, with
possible airway 7) conduct awareness class 4weeks chief
obstruction, respiratory danger inside passive construction
failure and respiratory smocking officer
arrest. 3weeks
8) increase security near storage site manager
area to prevent the entry

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
4weeks work manager
9) flammable materials must be
stored in secure area

8.Electricity Workers using electric Daily tool box meeting conducted 1) Install MCB in the work site 1 month project
tools main power lines manager
Use of damaged to work will affect about electrical hazards
electrical Accidental contact with Proper protective clothing such as 2) Provide and enforce use of
Equipment live parts (of wire and rubber gloves , boots , helmets industrial type sockets and 4weeeks construction
such as socket) can result in provided plug tops (to prevent estimator
welding , cutting electrical shock overloading)
and drilling incident. Overloading First aid box and first eider
machinery to sockets can provided 3weeks General
complete shut result in electric fires. If 3) Replacement of old sockets contractor
down work a worker receives an and un insulated wires of
electric shock, he will electrical appliances/tools
be suffering from 1 month Project
intense pain, severe 4) Install permit system for Assistant
burns, also electrical works
damage of
equipment‟s will 4weeks site engineer
5) provide regular maintenance
and of all machinery
3weeks Project
6) after every work shift all Manager
equipment‟s must kept in a
dry closed storage area

7) only experienced workers 4weeks Construction

allowed to use heavy Assistant

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
equipment‟s for continuous

8) ensure strict supervision to 1 month Construction

prevent workers doing Coordinator
mistakes while using
equipment‟s or tools
9.Manual It is possible for In order to prevent injuries from 1) select competent person to 2 month construction
Handling. workers carrying and occurring, workers Are provided manual handling work by assistant
lifting heavy loads to with appropriate Personal protective considering age , body
Manual lifting suffer an injury. equipment, such as safety shoes, strength and mental strength
and carrying of helmets, and gloves.
heavy Strains to the back, 2) Purchase and use loading 4weeks construction
construction neck, and shoulders. To prevent dehydration, workers equipment such as pallet truck engineer
materials, such Breaks and fractures are provided with enough water on and convey
as asphalt can occur if slipping or the work site
cement, steel tripping occurs while 3) Reduce the weight and size of
and iron roads carrying heavy weights An emergency first aid kit is the load being transferred 1 month senior
cement, soil, and while carrying available to the workers manually so that the workers manager
and rocks by the heavy weights without will be able to lift it easier
workers at work using proper lifting Workers involved in manual
site techniques due to handling are supervised by qualified 4) Maintaining a clean, tidy
obstacles. Long-term supervisors on the site. workplace while carrying 4weeks project in
lifting can cause a heavy weights will minimize charge
hernia. the risk of slips and trips
5) assign more workers for lifting 3weeks senior
heavy weight manager

6) walk ways must be clear from 4weeks project

obstructions engineer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)

7) Workers should be given 3weeks chief

training And awareness on construction
proper lifting techniques officer

8) Install proper lighting around 1 month site manager

the storage area especially
walk ways

9) reduce load carrying distance

also reduce weight of the load 4weeks work manager

10.MENTAL All workers including No action taken 1) Create and maintain 1 month Contract
ILL HEALTH managers will affect dedicated, quiet spaces for Administrator
Continuous work and relaxation activities.
The absence of work pressure lead to
sufficient breaks employee mentally sick 2) Give employees opportunities
and weekend this will increase the to participate in decisions 4weeks Contract
holiday loose of concentration about issues that affect job Manager
while working this will stress.
increase the mistakes
and cause of major 3) Provide free or subsidized 3weeks Project
industrial accident lifestyle coaching, self- manager
management programs.

4) Offer health insurance with low 1 month work manager

costs for depression and
mental health counselling.

5) Social support is an important

step in recovery from mental 4weeks Construction

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
health struggles and coordinator
maintaining good mental
health, so simply creating an
environment where this is
discussed as openly is
supportive 1 month site engineer

6) provide job rotation ad

frequent breaks after
continuous work 4weeks project
7) provide proper induction
training about daily works and
use of machinery 1 month project
8) appoint a good HR team with
workers representatives to
immediately solve workers
complaints 4weeks Assistant
9) provide strict action against manager
work site violence and miss
11.HEALTH , All workers, visitors will 2 -bathroom facilities provided 1) provide hygiene wash-room 2 month Project
WELFARE AND affect for workers and restroom facilities Manager
WORKING Since some of the minimum 10 bathrooms and 4
ENVIRONMENT workers Job rotation and regular breaks rest rooms for 254 workers
may use this dirty water provided for workers
Absence of for drinking, it may lead 2) provide air conditioned , 4weeks site engineer
sufficient to serious illness. entertaining rest room to
drinking water Biological agents like workers

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
facilities and bacteria, fungus may
only 2 bathroom be 3) in daily shift patterns provide 1 month Construction
facilities present in this water. minimum 5 to 7 , 15minutes Foreman
provided for 254 Workers may develop breaks for all workers
for workers illness such as typhoid, 4weeks
diarrhea, and cholera. 4) consider workers physical Construction
strength before appointing to a Manager

5) Replace plastic vessel with a 3weeks General

water purifier (providing contractor
purified cold and hot water)

6) Arrange provisions to check 1 month site engineer

the quality of water supplied
by the contractor at a

7) Develop cleaning and 4weeks Construction

maintenance procedures for Superintendent
water purifiers provided at the
12.Load Crane operator, All Crane operator should be certified 1) Crane loads shouldn’t be 2 month Senior
Handling workers, clients and by nationally accreditation crane allowed to pass over street manager
Equipment visitors at that site. operator testing organization traffic. If re routing is not
possible street and
Crane Falling of Crane accidents Provide personal protective pedestrians walkways should
load from commonly result in equipment’s for all the employee for be closed off when loads pass
heights and death or serious head foot and eye overhead.
overloading of injuries, including protection( footwear ,gloves ,Helmet
crane Traumatic brain etc) 2) Properly planed all jobs 4weeks Project

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)
injuries, spinal chord before starting the work. manager
injuries and Ensure employees are not stand
Amputations etc. under loads and also ensure 3) Provide barricades and
operators never lift a load over an warning signals to keep
employee. unauthorized persons away 1 month Project in
from the lifting area charge
Avoid any Obstructions in the site
4) Triggers are attached to the 3weeks Site manager
Check the wind speed and do not crane
lift when the wind speed is more
5) Carry out routine maintenance
and repair of all on site
Avoid walking through any zones 4weeks Work manager
where crane are overhead. appropriate intervals and
ensure the machinery is in
Ensure that crane is positioned safe condition.
6) Trained banks men guide the
Load movement lift vertically and in crane when moving inside the 1 month Project
controlled speed while lifting site. Ground condition must be manager
checked before starting the
7) Cranes should be inspected
thoroughly by a certified crane 4weeks Site manager
inspector after being modified.

8) Only trained workers should

be assemble , modify the 3weeks Project
cranes manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions Timescales Responsible
category and and how? are required? for further person’s job
hazard actions to be title
(within …)

9) Before starting the work,

Check the total weight of the 4weeks Site engineer
load is below rated capacity of
the crane
10) Check that the winch rope is 3weeks Construction
hanging vertically manager

11) Should be ensure slings or

chains should be of the right 4weeks Construction
capacity and good condition coordinator

12) Lifting long loads tie a guide 1 month Work manager

rope to each end of the load.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial ARCADIS has a legal duty to provide safe work, safe equipment and material as per the ILO
arguments code ILO convention 155 (C155), ILO Recommendation (R 164)
The ARCADIS should face some fines and legal action due to ill health of the worker .In INDIA the
government take 10-point policy action in road construction safety. If any major accidents occur in
work place then the company must immediately stop all work. the legal action against the company
may lead to suspension of the company registration in India then company re submit all the work
permit details, insurance details , finance details , quality of the previous work , work site accident
details and other important data , if enforcement authority found any guilty in the current safety
measure or working environment the file a complaint in the court against the employer also they
can shut down the company with 15 days trial period also they can cancel license and registration
of the company . after the court case court will enforce a huge fine against the employer safety also
provide 20 day notice to improve work site safety measures
Moral Arguments
ARCADIS has a moral duty to protect the health and safety of the workers during the employment
with organization, So worker expect that the organization will protect the health and safety of them.
When health and safety is not properly managed under organization, worker may get injured due to
manual handling of the heavy material, fall from while working on a unprotected edge of scaffolding
and accident/ collapse / striking with heavy vehicle. While worker get injured due to these hazards,
Which can make heavier impact not only on them but also on their dependent, families or friends .
Regular accidents in the work site will lead to long term injury to the workers , workers family and
friends need to suffer due to permanent injury management , if accident injury is long term the

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workers family will suffer due to financial crises also continuous accidents create fear in the co
workers , this will increase mental stress
Financial arguments.
Economic reasons for managing health and safety is related to cost associated with the accident /
incident. So when an accident is occur in the organization, they have to face two types of costs that
are direct and indirect costs.
Direct cost is a measurable cost that arising directly from the accident such as compensation paid
to victim, fine imposed on criminal court as result of enforcement action, sickness pay to the
victims, loss of production time while dealing with the injury, cost that spend for overtime to make
up production time, cost that spend for rehabilitation of injured workers and their return to
organization, repair to, or replacement of damaged equipment and building and cost or damaged
the indirect cost is non-measurable cost as consequences of event. The indirect costs are often
very difficult to measure and identify. That are arise from the accident / incident due to non-
implementation of recommended control measures are loss of worker from site to investigate
accident or prepare report, cost of recruiting and retaining temporary or replacement of labor, cost
of general difficulties in recruiting and retaining the staff and cost of remedial action following in
investigation. As well as worker morale will be reduced due to non-implementation of control
measures leads to the loss of goodwill of customer for failed to follow the order date can cause. All
of this led to a loss of 80 lakh for company this is a huge loss
In other hand, by implementing recommended control measures, company can avoid the accidents
and ill-health and these costs would have become the profit of the organization.

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Machine guards should be provided to concentrate cutters ( Work equipment and machinery)

Specific legal arguments The organization needs to satisfy the particular prerequisites of the ILO show Guarding of
Machinery Convention C199. Article 6 plainly expresses that the utilization of apparatus any
perilous piece of which, including the mark of activity, is without proper gatekeepers will be
precluded by public laws or guidelines or forestalled by other similarly powerful measures.
Hardware will be so protected as to guarantee that public guidelines and norms of word related
security and cleanliness are not encroached. Furthermore, ILO Recommendation R118 Guarding of

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Machinery proposal, plainly shows that the suggesting for utilizing the hardware with watches and
to guarantee public guidelines are met and cleanliness are not encroached. Currently ARCADIS is
conducting concrete cutter without guard it is a contravention of the ILO Convention and
Recommendations as well as the country specific legislation , so the company may face legal
actions from federal agency
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of occurrence is very high , since the concrete cutter is used daily 4 to 6 hours daily ,
causing constant danger. Despite the fact that the cutting machine is not equipped with a guard,
 types of injury or ill health there is a greater chance of injury. Also, equipment and machinery aren’t examined and maintained
 number of workers at risk appropriately, also average 20 workers use concrete cutters which greatly increases the likelihood
 how often the activity is carried of a malfunction which increases the likelihood of injures.
The risk affect in the ground area were concrete cutting works conducted
 how widespread the risk is
Severity categorizes as
• Very low: no injury or damage occurred
• Low: injury requiring first aid and/ or sight damage caused to plant/equipment/buildings
• High: injury requiring hospital treatment/ stay and/ or significant damage caused to plant/
equipment or buildings
• Very high: death and /or irreparable damage to plant / equipment / building
The severity level of the Hazard is set as very high The equipment and machines are not guarded
and poorly maintained, operators and workers are at a higher risk of getting injured. From minor
scrapes and cuts to fractures, lacerations, crushing and even amputation, workers may suffer
injuries ranging from minor to severe which may even cause death. It’s very likely that the workers
will get hurt
How effective the action is likely to be in
Installing safeguard in Work equipment prevents a worker from coming into contact with dangerous
controlling the risk. This should include:
moving parts on their hands, arms, or any other part of their body. Incoming points of nip, rotating
 the intended impact of the action; parts, sparks, flying debris and other hazards are protected from the immediate work area by
 justification for the timescale that safeguards.
you indicated in your risk For the installation of safeguard I have given a time frame of 1 month because management need
assessment; and to purchase materials and need to appoint qualified workers for installing machine guards as well
 whether you think the action will as need to conduct teat run so all of this action need 1 month time
fully control the risk
The risk associated with work equipment and machinery cannot be fully controlled with the

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installation of safe guard but can be reduced it. However by taking the control measures Mentioned
above as performing appropriate maintenance and inspections as well as training and awareness
campaigns risk can fully be controlled.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Purchase and install guard rail and edge protection in the roof edges ( Working at height )

Specific legal arguments The ILO‟s convention C1720 recommendation R177 requires “The protection of workers from the
top of height its an exposure to hazardous has always been a major concern for ILO. Hazard which
may the virtue of mental and physically health of people. And also property damaged The ILO code
practices “recording and notification of occupational health and diseases”. These codes of conduct
keep for safe system. ILO‟s convention C155 and Recommendation R164 which states that
machines and equipment are safe for the system that works. At the moment ARCADIS is in
contravention of the ILO Convention and Recommendations as well as the country specific
legislation by conducting work in the roof edges without guard rail so the company may face
enforcement actions from the federal agency
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of working at height during construction is very high since there is a lot of work at
height involved. Painting, electrical work, and various construction activities may be carried out on
 types of injury or ill health the roofs and scaffolds by 30 workers as part of their daily 4 to 6 hours work routine. Workers are
 number of workers at risk working continuously for a long period, No fall protection device has been provided and rooftop
 how often the activity is carried edges are not protected, therefore the likelihood of occurrence increases.
The risk affect in the roof edges and in the ground area
 how widespread the risk is
Severity categorizes as
• Very low: no injury or damage occurred
• Low: injury requiring first aid and/ or sight damage caused to plant/equipment/buildings
• High: injury requiring hospital treatment/ stay and/ or significant damage caused to plant/
equipment or buildings
• Very high: death and /or irreparable damage to plant / equipment / building
The severity level of the Hazard is set very high It is possible to die if one falls from six feet to the
wrong body part or surface. Those who fall from more than 30 feet have nearly no chance of

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surviving a fall of that height. Regardless of how high one falls, falling can permanently disable
employees and even result in death, leading to head, neck, and spinal injuries
How effective the action is likely to be in
The guardrail guards workers working within two meters of a fall edge when they are working on a
controlling the risk. This should include:
roofing structure. Roof guardrails are a highly effective way to manage and mitigate some of the
 the intended impact of the action; safety hazards involved in working at heights.
 justification for the timescale that For the guardrail installation around the construction building, I have given a time frame of one
you indicated in your risk month. Because first management need to purchase materials for installing guard rail also need to
assessment; and appoint experienced workers to install guard rail last need to conduct test run all of this action need
 whether you think the action will 1 month time
fully control the risk
Once installed the system alone will not fully control the risk but will significantly reduce it. If it issue
in conjunction with the other suggested control measures such as conduct regular maintenance
and repair of temporary plat form .store the scaffold plat forms in a safe place after daily shift .all
scaffold plat forms must be weight tested in monthly bases ,unfit scaffold plat forms must be De-
commissioned and demolished ,provide proper personal protective equipment to working at height
workers ,install safety net around the building will fully control the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Enforce a system to construct separate pedestrian way –hazard category - movement of people
assessment) and vehicle

Specific legal arguments ILO convention (C170), Recommendation (R177), ILO convention C155 and Recommendation
R164 Occupational safety associated with accidents. The Management are responsible for
providing a special walk away for pedestrians and vehicles. If the company breaches any
regulations and standards they will strictly get enforcement actions and criminal prosecutions. It will
affect the reputation and may lead closure to the company , At the moment ARCADIS India Ltd
using same path way for workers and vehicles it is a contravention of the ILO Convention and
Recommendations as well as the country specific legislation so the company may face enforcement
actions from federal agency’s for violating the laws
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of getting accidents in between vehicles and pedestrians are high. Heavy vehicles
such as excavators, bulldozers and 75 workers work in the ground area on weekly 3to 4 days in
 types of injury or ill health morning shift continuous 6 hours of work lead to lose of concentration to both drivers and vehicles
 number of workers at risk so the probability of collision Is very high
 how often the activity is carried
The risk affect in the vehicle rout ways

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Severity categorizes as
 how widespread the risk is
• Very low: no injury or damage occurred
• Low: injury requiring first aid and/ or sight damage caused to plant/equipment/buildings
• High: injury requiring hospital treatment/ stay and/ or significant damage caused to plant/
equipment or buildings
• Very high: death and /or irreparable damage to plant / equipment / building
In here the severity is very high because Most of the workers and vehicles are moving around the
workplace, there is no special side walk is designed. Accident may cause injuries or fracture, could
also cause damage to buildings, may even lead to death
How effective the action is likely to be in
By taking the action the chance of workers hit by the construction site vehicle can be avoided also
controlling the risk. This should include:
separation of path will increase the safe movement workers also supervisors can control vehicles
 the intended impact of the action; and monitor both workers and vehicles
 justification for the timescale that I have given a time scale of 1 month first management need to make a plan for separate walk ways
you indicated in your risk also need to find area also need to appoint a team create separate barricaded path way and last
assessment; and need to conduct test run all of this need 1 month time
 whether you think the action will
fully control the risk Once installed the system alone will not fully control the risk but will significantly reduce it. If it issue
in conjunction with the other suggested control measures will fully control the risk

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with I have set the date for the review for no later than 21/01/2024 based on ARCADIS policy that risk
reasoning assessments must be reviewed at least every 12 months.
1) Any changes employment situation, shift patterns, working hours, or workers’ numbers.
2) Any changes to the equipment, machinery or new introduction of a new equipment or
3) Any change in the governing laws and regulations, laws or regulations
How the risk assessment findings will be I will Organize a meeting with human resource managers, project manager, purchasing managers,

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communicated AND who you need to tell finance managers, site supervisors, Electrical engineers, and Mechanical engineers. I will provide
project manager and human resource manager with an outline of the findings. The findings will be
discussed in the upcoming meeting or toolbox talk, and they will be posted on the notice board as
well. Initial contact will be accomplished via email, and if necessary, further meetings will be
scheduled. I will arrange a meeting for supervisors and foremen to provide them with information
and discuss further action needed to be taken.

How you will follow up on the risk I will set schedule reminder in my PC for 10 days before each activity must be finished, and
assessment to check that the actions examine with each responsible person all works for finishing before cut-off times. I will follow up
have been carried out each activity and make vital guidelines to concerned capable individual in the work. I will periodicall
look at any postponement of target time, If I found any issue in regards to delaying of work, I will
see it out the explanation for the delay, for example, delay due to financial, assets and labour.
Then, at that point, I settle those issues by communicating with concerned individual in charge to
fulfil time constraints. If I discover any activity that is extremely delayed, I will report to Associate
Project Manager.

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