Lesson 13
Lesson 13
Lesson 13
13.0 Aims and Objectives
13.1 Introduction
13.2 “U” Tests
13.3 Cox and Stuart Test
13.4 Kruskal-Wallis Test
13.5 Kalmogorov-Smirnov Test
13.6 Run-Test for Randomness
13.7 Sign-Test
13.8 Let us Sum up
13.9 Lesson-end Activity
13.10 Keywords
13.11 Questions for Discussion
13.12 Suggested Readings
As we have seen in the previous lesson that f-test may not be applicable in all cases of
analysing data of two related samples. In such cases for analysing the data, we may use
non-parametric statistical tests of two related samples. There are three most commonly
used methods for two related samples, which are discussed below.
To find out whether there is any difference in the performance indices of employees of
the two branches.
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sales 200 250 280 300 320 278 349 268 240 318 220 380
From the given data, analyse the sales trend.
Use H-test and state whether the three populations are same or different.
H0 - The wages of the three occupation are the same.
H1 - The wages of the three occupations is not the same.
n1= 4 n2=5 n3=4
n = n1+ n2 n3 = 4+5+4 = 13
R1=28 R2= 53 R3 = 10
ÈR 2 ˘
H= Â Í 1 ˙ - 3(n +1)
n ( n +1) Í n1 ˙
Î ˚
Sign-test is used with matched pairs. The test is used to identify the pairs and decide
whether the pair has more or less similar characteristics.
Example: Suppose, an experiment on the effect of brand name on quality perceptions is
to be conducted. 10 persons are selected and asked to taste and compare the two products
(beverage). One of them is identified as branded well known beverage, and the other is
a new beverage. In reality, the samples are identical. The respondents who tested were
asked to rate the two samples on an ordinal scale. Two hypotheses are set up as follows:
H0 - there is no difference between the perceived qualities of two beverages.
HA - there is a difference in the perceived qualities of two beverages.
Non-parametric Tests
Non-parametric test
Related Samples
Matching pair
Rank-sum Test
Rank correlation Test
Krustal-Wallis test
Rank sum
Multi variate analysis
Parametric test
Non parametric test
Type I error
Mann Whitney
"U" test
Cox & Stuart test