2P-2Q - Microcurrilar

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“Quince de Octubre”
Teléfono: 052600330 – 052602502
“Formación Integral con Educación de Calidad”

SCHOOL YEAR 2021 – 2022
Lic. Jenny Suárez Pincay SECOND SECOND 12-12-2022 /

Decision making, environmental care, responsibility, assertive communication, environmental awareness, recognition of diversity, empathy,
Values effective communication


Week 1: del 12 al 16 de diciembre/ 2022

1° DE EFL 5.1.11 Apply self-correcting Learners can understand Skim for the new vocabulary,
BACHILLERATO and self-monitoring strategies short and simple spoken infer the meaning of the new Work with a link
Subject and object in social and classroom texts well enough to be able words.  liveworksheets. 
interactions by adjusting to pick out key items of Review the use of pronouns.
pronouns possessive https://
information. Ref.: Write some examples on the
adjectives and presentation and language es.liveworksheets.com/
I.EFL.2.7.1. (I.3) board.
pronouns. production to effectively Learners can pronounce In live worksheets, try to worksheets/en/
express opinions and make most familiar vocabulary complete some exercises. English_as_a_Second_L
evaluations. (Example: asking items accurately. They can anguage_%28ESL%29/
questions, starting over, also produce some phrases Possessive_adjectives_a
rephrasing, exploring and short sentences clearly. nd_pronouns/
alternative pronunciations, Ref. I.EFL.2.8.1. Possessive_adjectives_a
etc.) nd_pronouns_ml18673

2° DE BACHILLERATO EFL 5.2.3 Follow main ideas in Learners can report emotions Skim for the use of there is and Review some exercises
There is there arevn
topics covered in other and compose short there are. in grammar worksheet
curricular subjects with the responses to literary texts Students try to complete son
help of visual support, using through words and images.
exercises using the correct
Learners can generate and
concepts and vocabulary that grammar and say the correct
expand on personal opinions
have been studied in advance. and responses to oral and answer to the class.
EFL 5.5.4 Read aloud with written
confidence, accuracy, fluency
and expression to demonstrate
understanding and to convey
an interpretation of meaning.
3 DE BACHILLERATO G EFL 2.3.1. Demonstrate basic Learners can understand a Skim for the reading about Coca With the previous
reading comprehension skills short simple text on an Cola, Review vocabulary. exercises. Complete the
by identifying the meaning of everyday topic. Correct the sentences using in text with the correct
individual words, phrases, and Ref.EFL.2.12.1.(I.4)
passive active, using the simple Verbs in the brackets.
sentences, including simple I.EFL.2.18.1. Learners can
present. Write sentences.
written instructions. write short simple phrases
EFL 2.3.5. Show the ability to and sentences to show that Work this exercises in
use a simple learning resource. they know how to use simple the liveworksheet.
(Example: a small set of grammar or vocabulary
flashcards, a picture-based items. (I.3, I.4)
Learners can produce a short
dictionary (online or print), or
simple sentence and a
a simple word list). paragraph – with ample
support on a variety of topics
with the support of a model
text. I.EFL.2.19.1 (I.3)
TERCERO EFL 2.3.1. Demonstrate basic Learners can understand a Write a short essay about your
READING reading comprehension skills short simple text on an Brainstorm ideas about your
Your Future by identifying the meaning of everyday topic. future, for example place to
individual words, phrases, and Ref.EFL.2.12.1.(I.4)
live, place to work.
sentences, including simple
Read a paragraph about Susan
written instructions.
and circle the correct answers.
Answer about where can people
live and work? Write the words
into the correct column then
match to the pictures.
Circle the correct answers.
Complete sentences with the
correct form of the verbs. Use
will and wont.

Week 2: del 19 al 23 diciembre./ 2022
1° BACHILLERATO EFL 5.1.11 Apply self- Learners can pronounce Review the grammar worksheet.
Fill in the blanks with a
correcting and self-monitoring most familiar vocabulary Identify the subject and
Possessive Pronouns
items accurately. They can
and Possessive strategies in social and also produce some phrases possessive pronouns, then Fill in
possessive adjective.
adjectives classroom interactions by and short sentences clearly. the blanks below to complete
adjusting presentation and Ref. I.EFL.2.8.1. the sentences. Use words in the Fill in the blanks with a
language production to above box. possessive pronouns.

effectively express opinions

and make evaluations.
(Example: asking questions,
starting over, rephrasing,
exploring alternative
pronunciations, etc.)

EFL 3.3.2. Show understanding of Learners can write words, phrases, Students have to work
2° BACHILLERATO some basic details in short simple and short simple sentences using
There is and There are cross-curricular texts by matching, the correct conventions (spelling,
Review the grammar worksheet in liveworksheet.
labeling and answering simple punctuation, capitalization, and and brainstorm the use about Where they have to
questions handwriting or typography, etc.). there is and there are, then, answer some questions.
Ref I.EFL.2.17.1.
look at the pictures read and Write true or false.
choose tue or false. Complete some
Write there’s and there are’ sentences
match. https://

3° BACHILLERATO EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use reading I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a Brainstorm ideas about the use of Used to. Use the multiple choise to
PAST SIMPLE USED TO strategies to make text more simple learning resource in order Review positive, negative and questions. complete some exercises on the
comprehensible and meaningful. to record and practice new words. board, each student have to
(Example: skimming, scanning, (Example: a picture dictionary, a
previewing, predicting, reading for word list, a set of flashcards, etc.)
main ideas and details, etc.) (I.1, J.4) https://
EFL 3.4.1. Make a simple learning es.liveworksheets.com/
resource in order to record and worksheets/en/
practice new words. (Example: a English_as_a_Second_L
picture dictionary, a word list, set of anguage_(ESL)/
flashcards, etc.) Used_to/
3° BACHILLERATO EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use reading Read about Jenny and review vocabulary. Students have to answer in a
READING strategies to make text more Then students have to say if the sentences oral way some sentences.
THE COUNTRYSIDE AND THE comprehensible and meaningful. are true or false or doesn’t it say. What about you? Where
(Example: skimming, scanning, I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer Match pictures with the words. do you live? Do you like
previewing, predicting, reading for simple questions quickly and Answer some questions, living there? Where
main ideas and details, etc.) initiate basic interaction Write words in the correct group. would you like to live:
spontaneously when given in a city or in a
opportunities. (Example: make an countriside?
invitation, give a suggestion, etc.)
Learners can describe simple,
familiar situations and talk about
past experiences. (I.3, J.3)
Learners can identify and use
reading strategies

Week 3: del 27al 30 de diciembre./ 2022

1° BACHILLERA EFL.2.2.1. Understand Learners can understand a Use the possessive
Possessive pronouns meanings expressed in short short simple text on an Review the possessive pronouns pronouns and complete
dialogues on familiar topics, everyday topic. use again and try to solve the the evaluation.
as well as basic spoken Ref.EFL.2.12.1.(I.4)
instructions and simple I.EFL.2.18.1. Learners can
Choose the correct word.
questions about self, people, write short simple phrases
animals, or things, especially and sentences to show that Look at the pictures and write
when spoken slowly and they know how to use simple the correct answers.
clearly. (Example: greetings, grammar or vocabulary
short phrases, basic range of items. (I.3, I.4)
classroom instructions,
common personal
information questions:
What’s your name? etc.)

EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, Learners can produce a short  

2° BACHILLERATO words, and short phrases about simple simple sentence and a paragraph – Brainstorm ideas about how In the live worksheet students
How much and how everyday topics whether heard in with ample support on a variety of
much and how many. have to complete sentences
many isolation or within short, simple spoken topics with the support of a model using how much and how many.
texts describing people and objects. text. I.EFL.2.19.1 (I.3) Review some sentences to
(Example: vocabulary about self, family, explain the use of much as
friends and immediate surroundings at
school and home, adjectives for color
uncountable noun and
and size, etc.) countable nouns.
3° BACHILLERATO EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use Remember the topic of the last Work with the exercises
NEGATIVE, QUESTIONS. reading strategies to make class and complete the in live worksheet.
text more comprehensible sentences with the correct form
and meaningful. (Example: of the used to and one of the https://
skimming, scanning, es.liveworksheets.com/
verb in the list.
previewing, predicting,
reading for main ideas and I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can
make a simple learning English_as_a_Second_L
details, etc.)
EFL 3.4.1. Make a simple resource in order to record anguage_%28ESL%29/
learning resource in order to and practice new words. Used_to/
record and practice new (Example: a picture Grammar_worksheet_u
words. (Example: a picture dictionary, a word list, a set sed_to_ot2399580kb
dictionary, a word list, set of of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
flashcards, etc.)

3° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.3.7. Read and understand the Learners can understand short and Brainstorm about the story about this
READING main ideas in a short simple text on simple spoken texts well enough to person, then review vocabulary. Write a summary and
Tommy Douglas. Exercise a cross-curricular topic. (Example: be able to pick out key items of Work the exercise number 1, Give your opinion about the
1. Reading and art, music, history, etc.) information. Ref.: I.EFL.2.7.1. (I.3) " Circle the correct answers.
vocabulary. EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific Learners can recognize differences
Tommy Douglas. Exercise information within simple messages between where people live and
or from short and simple write about their own https://continuingstudies.uvic.ca/elc/
2. Vocabulary.
descriptions about familiar surroundings, as well ask simple studyzone/410/reading/tommy-douglas3
Tommy Douglas. Exercise
questions. (I.2, S.2) REF.
3 contexts, especially if visual support
( I.EFL.2.1.1)
3. Reading is provided. (Example: letters of the
comprehension. alphabet, numbers, prices and
times, days, dates and months, etc.)

Week 4: del 03 al 06 enero/ 2023

1° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.3.2. Read a short simple text I.EFL.2.15.1. Learners can use
Say the answers about the correct
(online or print) and demonstrate simple graphic organizers to show word in oral way.
Grammar crossword understanding of the gist and some that they can understand a short
basic details of the content simple text. (Example: maps,
diagrams, bar charts, Venn
diagrams, etc.) (I.4)
Learners can understand short and
simple spoken texts well enough to
be able to pick out key items of

2° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.3.6. Understand the content I.EFL.2.15.1. Learners can use
of a simple graphic organizer (online simple graphic organizers to show Active your prior knowledge about the Students have to review a summary
or print). (Example, Venn Diagrams, that they can understand a short topic. of the common expressions of
Increase your English vocabulary. quality.
charts, and labeled diagrams.) simple text. (Example: maps,
Review the meaning and use of different
diagrams, bar charts, Venn quantifiers.
diagrams, etc.) (I.4)
Learners can understand short and
simple spoken texts well enough to
be able to pick out key items of

3° BACHILLERATO EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use Work with the exercises in live Evaluation test.
NEGATIVE, QUESTIONS. reading strategies to make worksheet. https://
text more comprehensible Read and choose the correct es.liveworksheets.com/
and meaningful. (Example: worksheets/en/
skimming, scanning, I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can _(ESL)/Passive_voice/
previewing, predicting, make a simple learning Passive_Voice_Present_Simple_
reading for main ideas and resource in order to record qm182562ck
details, etc.) and practice new words.
EFL 3.4.1. Make a simple (Example: a picture
learning resource in order to dictionary, a word list, a set
record and practice new of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
words. (Example: a picture
dictionary, a word list, set of
flashcards, etc.)

3° READING EFL 2.3.7. Read and understand the Learners can understand short and Brainstorm about the story about this Evaluation.
Tommy Douglas. Exercise main ideas in a short simple text on simple spoken texts well enough to person, then review vocabulary. Read about the last activity and
2. Vocabulary. a cross-curricular topic. (Example: be able to pick out key items of Work the exercise number 1, choose the correct answer.
Tommy Douglas. Exercise art, music, history, etc.) information. Ref.: I.EFL.2.7.1. (I.3) " Circle the correct answers.
EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific Learners can recognize differences
information within simple messages between where people live and
3. Reading write about their own
or from short and simple
Comprehension. surroundings, as well ask simple
descriptions about familiar
questions. (I.2, S.2) REF.
contexts, especially if visual support ( I.EFL.2.1.1)
is provided. (Example: letters of the
alphabet, numbers, prices and
times, days, dates and months, etc.)


Week 5: del 9 de enero al 13 feb./ 2023

1° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.4.4. Write simple words, Learners can demonstrate an Brainstorm about all class the adjective.
Review the objective. Write sentences using adjectives
Adjective that describe phrases and sentences for affinity for a variety of literary texts
Read the concept of the adjective. and verb to be.
controlled practice of language in order to stimulate imagination Write the meaning of the adjectives.
personality and items. and curiosity for reading. Ref
appearance. EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences I.EFL.2.23.1 (I.1, I.4)
Use the verb be in on familiar topics to communicate Learners can write information in a
simple present and basic ideas. simple survey form or
adjectives. questionnaire. Ref I.EFL.2.20.1.

EFL 2.4.4. Write simple words, Learners can demonstrate an

phrases and sentences for affinity for a variety of literary texts Active your prior knowledge about the Students have to Compete different
2° BACHILLERATO controlled practice of language in order to stimulate imagination topic. activities in live worksheet.
Increase your English vocabulary. https://
items. and curiosity for reading. Ref
Quantifiers Complete the exercise with countable and
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences I.EFL.2.23.1 (I.1, I.4) uncountable nousn. es.liveworksheets.com/
on familiar topics to communicate Learners can write information in a hx1257383bg
basic ideas. simple survey form or
questionnaire. Ref I.EFL.2.20.1. https://
Quantifiers/ ble_nouns/

3° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.3.7. Read and understand the Learners can understand short and Brainstorm about the cause of obesity. Answer questions.
Cause of obesity in young Review vocabulary. Choose the best answer
main ideas in a short simple text on simple spoken texts well enough to
children Review verbs.
a cross-curricular topic. (Example: be able to pick out key items of
art, music, history, etc.) information. Ref.: I.EFL.2.7.1. (I.3) "

3° Reading EFL 2.3.7. Read and understand the Learners can recognize differences Answer questions.
Brainstorm about the cause of obesity.
Asteroid flying close to main ideas in a short simple text on between where people live and Choose the best answer
Review vocabulary.
our planet. a cross-curricular topic. (Example: write about their own Review verbs.
art, music, history, etc.) surroundings, as well ask simple
EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific
questions. (I.2, S.2) REF.
Homework or no information within simple messages
or from short and simple ( I.EFL.2.1.1)
descriptions about familiar
contexts, especially if visual support
is provided. (Example: letters of the
alphabet, numbers, prices and
times, days, dates and months, etc.)
Week 6: del 16 al 20 enero / 2023
1° BACHILLERATO EFL 2.4.4. Write simple words, Learners can demonstrate an Active your prior knowledge
phrases and sentences for affinity for a variety of literary texts Increase their English vocabulary. Write 10 sentences. Use
Adjective that describe Create sentences using adjectives and
controlled practice of language in order to stimulate imagination adjectives.
personality and items. and curiosity for reading. Ref verb be in oral way.
appearance. EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences I.EFL.2.23.1 (I.1, I.4)
Use the verb be in on familiar topics to communicate Learners can write information in a
simple present and basic ideas. simple survey form or
adjectives. questionnaire. Ref I.EFL.2.20.1.

SEGUNDO DE EFL 2.1.4. Express curiosity about Learners can understand short and Active your prior knowledge  
BACHILLERATO the world and other cultures by simple spoken texts well enough to Increase their English vocabulary.
be able to pick out key items of Answer the question in the activity. Create
asking simple WH- questions in class
information. Ref.: I.EFL.2.7.1. (I.3) " sentences in active and passive voice using
after reading and/or participating in some examples.
Learners can recognize differences
presentations or other group work. Read and match the following sentences.
between where people live and Open the link and complete the exercise.
write about their own
surroundings, as well ask simple
questions. (I.2, S.2) REF.
( I.EFL.2.1.1)


Week 7: del 23 al 27 de enero/ 2023

EFL 2.1.4. Express curiosity about I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer Active your prior knowledge  
the world and other cultures by simple questions quickly and Increase their English vocabulary.
initiate basic interaction Answer the question in the activity. Create
asking simple WH- questions in class sentences in active and passive voice using
spontaneously when given
after reading and/or participating in some examples.
opportunities. (Example: make an
presentations or other group work. invitation, give a suggestion, etc.)
Learners can describe simple,
familiar situations and talk about
past experiences. (I.3, J.3)
EFL 2.1.4. Express curiosity about I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners can answer Active your prior knowledge
the world and other cultures by simple questions quickly and Increase their English vocabulary.
initiate basic interaction Answer the question in the activity. Create
asking simple WH- questions in class sentences in active and passive voice using
Acive and passive voice spontaneously when given
after reading and/or participating in some examples.
opportunities. (Example: make an
presentations or other group work. invitation, give a suggestion, etc.) https://es.educaplay.com/recursos-educativos/
Learners can describe simple, 8187667-passive_voice.html
familiar situations and talk about
past experiences. (I.3, J.3)



Week 8: del 30 al 03 de febrero./ 2023

EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a
PRIMERO DE BACHILLERATO expressed in short dialogues on simple learning resource in order
familiar topics, as well as basic to record and practice new words.
spoken instructions and simple (Example: a picture dictionary, a
questions about self, people, word list, a set of flashcards, etc.)
animals, or things, especially when (I.1, J.4)
spoken slowly and clearly. Learners can create brainstorms and/
(Example: greetings, short phrases, or draw mind maps to describe and
basic range of classroom organize ideas or useful information
instructions, common personal from different texts. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
information questions: What is your (REFI.EFL.3.24.1.)
name? etc.)

EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make a https://es.liveworksheets.com/cv1964957dd

SEGUNDO DE BACHILLERATO expressed in short dialogues on simple learning resource in order to
familiar topics, as well as basic record and practice new words. Write the sentences using the present
(Example: a picture dictionary, a word perfect
spoken instructions and simple
list, a set of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
questions about self, people,
Learners can create brainstorms and/
animals, or things, especially when Read the text carefully and answer the
or draw mind maps to describe and
spoken slowly and clearly.
(Example: greetings, short phrases, organize ideas or useful information
basic range of classroom from different texts. (I.4, S.4, J.3) following questions.
instructions, common personal (REFI.EFL.3.24.1.)
information questions: What is your Match the following words with their
name? etc.) meaning correctly.




Week 9: del 06 al 10 de febrero de 2023

EFL 2.3.10. Read a variety of simple Learners can appreciate and show Choose the correct option
PRIMERO DE BACHILLERATO text-types and graphic organizers respect for individual and group  
differences by establishing and Complete the following sentences into
used to present cross-curricular
maintaining healthy and rewarding negative form.
information (Example: instructions, Put the words in the correct order to ask
online and face-to-face interactions
graphs, diagrams, charts, plans or questions in the present perfect.
REF (I.EFL.4.5.1.). (J.3, S.1,
maps, etc.) S.4) https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/
EFL 2.4.6 Write a short simple Learners can follow and understand Choose the correct option Supervise that their children do 
SEGUNDO DE BACHILLERATO paragraph to convey some simple short straight foward spoken audio the activities sent by the teache
texts set in familiar contexts when the Complete the following sentences into r. 
facts about people, animals, places,
message is delivered slowly and there negative form.  
things, yourself or others, with the Put the words in the correct order to ask
is other contextual support. (Example: Parents have to encourage their
support of a model text. (Example: questions in the present perfect.
rules for a game, classroom children to practice at home 
where they live, what they do, etc.) instructions, a dialogue in a scene from https://es.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/   
Use creative thinking skills to learn how a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/ Parents help their children to
to share and respect all ideas through use other classmate’s contributions in Present_perfect/ organize a schedule to study at
brainstorming activities. REF EFL.2.5.9. class as models for their own. REF LET'S_PRACTISE_THE_PRESENT_PERFECT_TENSE home. 
(I.EFL.4.7.1.) (I.2, I.3, S.4) !_ss1294868da  


Week 10: del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2023


EFL 3.1.2. Recognize ways to relate I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand English test
PRIMERO DE BACHILLERATO responsibly to one’s surroundings at main ideas and some details in short Write 5 sentences in active voice and the
home and at school by exhibiting simple online or print texts on familiar same in passive voice, uploud them in a
responsible behaviors towards the subjects, using contextual clues to help
voice recording.
environment. (Example: chores at identify the most relevant information.
home, recycling, etc.) (Example: title, illustrations,
EFL 3.5.1. Use audio, video and pictures organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
to respond to a variety of literary texts
through online or in-class ICT activities
EFL 3.1.2. Recognize ways to relate I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey English test
SEGUNDO DE BACHILLERATO responsibly to one’s surroundings at information and ideas and describe Write 5 sentences in active voice and the
home and at school by exhibiting feelings and opinions in simple same in passive voice, uploud them in a
responsible behaviors towards the
transactional or expository texts on voice recording.
environment. (Example: chores at
home, recycling, etc.) familiar subjects in order to influence
EFL 3.5.1. Use audio, video and pictures an audience, while recognizing that
to respond to a variety of literary texts different texts have different features
through online or in-class ICT activities and showing the ability to use these
features appropriately in one’s own
writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)


STUDY AREA (LENGUA Y LITERATURA, MATEMÁTICA, CCSS Y CCNN) INGLÉS este espacio puede proponerse las DCD de manera interdisciplinar como en los proyectos
propuestos por Planta Central.


Docentes: Coordinador Técnico-Pedagógico Vicerrectora:
Firma: Firma:
Firma: Lic. Gloria Pincay Rodríguez
Lic. Jenny Suárez Pincay

Fecha: Fecha: Fecha:

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