SQL Developer Resume Sample Word1
SQL Developer Resume Sample Word1
SQL Developer Resume Sample Word1
Jill Van Beest PLJSQL sl<lls to mprovedata managemen1at CyrusOne. Debvefed 10DB pro,eas at
E-Mail: [email protected] Address: 350 51111
Ave New York. NY. GNGon I.me and 15% unOef buclget. Freed UP 50 hrs/mo ... P.n<Sky Te<:h lhrough 00.Ck
Tel: 505-918-0381 10118 Momaooo.
Academic Details
2016-07- SQL Developer
2010-2014 - BS tn Computel' Science, Mohave Commu nity College 2018-08 Gamma Nexus Group
• Developed a passion fordatabase architecture coursework . • Led development ol10 dar.al>Me prqeas tor cusromers.. Comed PfOJedS on
• Great in in security classes. lime and an average Of 15under budget, with high CUSlomer reviews.
President,Bighom Decoders Compu1er Club. • Useddiaiogue·mapl)l"IQ rogaiher reqwemems 10 sallStacoon.
• UsedOtadedalll modeling 10bOosl proc:luc:tmy and CUI production C0$1S C*..
Cutifications 2015-05- SQL Developer
2016-()6 PlnkSky Tech Worldwide
• Designedand created 3OOSile .ases.Mllintaine<t agroup Of 25 database's.
ThroughautormiobOn, improved ebl c:itocy 15*'.frtting up 50l.ilbor hrs/mo.
• OCA - Oracle Da1abase SQL Certified Associa1e
• Updatedand enforced secunty procedures. assunng 20'+6 less breach risk.
• wroce scnp1S 10automate sottware 14)dale$. saving 3 programmer hours/mo.
\Vork Expuieoce
Date or Joi n ·2016-07 to S Q L D eveloper Experience
v. ,.. ., .m81"1agemenc
2018-08 Post: SQ! ' r • Creaiedarestaurane d1l&base. lnclude<f tuOCbOOaJrty IO handlean
Organ 1hon.,µamma Nexus Group tood and bevemge 1nven10ty, saved maMger anestima.1eo S400 pet" monlh.
Tht ,,01•• work:Led development of JO database projects for customers.Completed projectson
111 derbudget,with high customer reviews. Used dialogue-mapping togather requirements •lntegra1ed database luncoonalrty Intoa saleswebs.le for tee shutsand hals.
mer satisfaction.Used Oracle data modeJing toboost productivity and cut production costs.
11.1teof Joining: 2015-05 to 2016-
06 Post: SQL Developer
Organization: PinkSky Tech Worldwide
escope orwork:Designed and created 3 onsite databases.Maintained a group of 25 databases. 2010· BS in Computer Science, Mohave Community
t tgh automatiou, improved efficiency.Updated and enforced security procedures,assuring less
College 2014 • Pursued a l)aSSIOfl tor databaSe arct«eaure coursewortc.
'Uk. Wrote scripts to automate software updates. • Exceled nseoJf-.ydasses.
• Prttlde<ll. BighOrn e>ecooers COl'npuet" ebb.
Olli o! 1011 ni:,:2014-06 to 2015-05
Post: r1 loper Certificates
Experience Organizg ·ufl
1:1ous OCA OracleOatabMe SQL Ctrtified Associate
Thescope of "ork: Created a restaurant management darabase. lncluded ftmctionality to handle
all food and beverage inventory. Saved manager an estimated $400 per month. Created database Conferences
back ends for three mobile apps. 1..utegrated database fimctionality into an online shop.
2017 DEVlntersectlon • Spoke on a panelabout SSIS Deve opment
Hard aod Son SkiUs
2016 PASS summit
Collaboration Publications
SSlS Development
Comnumication Articleon SQLinjectionpubhshedIn Orac e Biogs
Database archilectme Art cleon Common Tab e Expressions publishedInWebAppers
hnerpersoual skills
Recipient,Most ValuableTech EmP* ee 2016, Gamma Ne)(USGr<MJp
2017 DEVintersection - Spoke on a panel about SSIS Development
2016 PASS Summit AdditionalActivities
• Member. Womefl WI Technology
Additional activilies
• Volunteer owalk doOS m<>nlhl)t aiAm:ftO county Sheller
Member, Women in Technology
• Lead aweekly mouotaw'I bilong c._.b