WP AutoGrid VPP Datasheet Oct2016
WP AutoGrid VPP Datasheet Oct2016
WP AutoGrid VPP Datasheet Oct2016
The Energy Internet has opened extraordinary opportunities to control distributed energy resources
(DERs) on a massive scale. But as demand response (DR), distributed generation (DG), storage and
microgrids multiply, utilities and aggregators need new ways to manage their complexity and leverage
their capabilities. The solution lies in creating the next generation of integrated strategic resource: the
Virtual Power Plant (VPP).
VPPs allow you to assemble portfolios of DERs Meeting these requirements demands an
and operate them as unified, flexible resources innovative approach to DER aggregation.
tailored for grid services or to sell their power
into wholesale energy markets. An effective VPP An anchor solution in the AutoGrid Flex™
must deliver on four critical requirements: Application Suite, AutoGrid VPP™ is the only
comprehensive VPP application proven to
> Balance the growth of renewables with lower- aggregate and monetize tens of thousands of
cost sources of customer flexibility to avoid flexible resources in energy markets in real time.
new plant construction It delivers four powerful capabilities to position
you for success in the data-driven Energy
> Participate in wholesale ancillary service
markets to capture new revenue streams Internet:
> Self-supply ancillary services with storage 1. Extracts maximum value from all assets and
and industrial loads all customer classes through the industry’s
most scalable real-time architecture
> Deliver value to customers by helping them
monetize flexible capacity and increase 2. Increases flexible capacity across mixed
energy efficiency assets through broad out-of-the-box
Most scalable real-time architecture: AutoGrid VPP is the only comprehensive VPP solution with the
ability to collect data and optimize set-points every second.
Broad out-of-the-box connectivity: No custom programming required for most asset types,
delivering maximum asset integration, scalability and flexibility.
> All common SCADA protocols
supported out-of-the box
> Open interfaces with rich APIs to
simplify system integration
> Broad standards support to
accommodate most asset types
Reduce project risk and time
Fastest, lowest-risk deployment: Easy configurability, flexible SaaS architecture, open standards
and rich APIs enable deployment typically within one to three months.
Proven deployments: AutoGrid Flex™ reliably manages distributed assets as part of VPP, DR
and distributed energy resources management systems (DERMS) use cases at dozens of energy
providers worldwide.
deployed AutoGrid VPP to aggregate a vast network of distributed energy
resources and manage them as a unified 100 MW resource to monetize into
the wholesale balancing market and balance intermittent wind generation in
real time.
Speak to an AutoGrid sales executive, schedule a demonstration
or get more information at [email protected].
AutoGrid Systems, Inc. Contact
255 Shoreline Dr., Suite 350 E: [email protected]
Redwood City, CA 94065 www.auto-grid.com