SyllabusCSC322-CO Lab Spring2023

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Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

M 8:00 am– 10:00 am., Sage Hall 301

Class Time and Location F 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Sage Hall 301 CSC322
Course Code and Name CSC322 – Computer Organization Lab

Course Coordinator Dr. Haidar Harmanani

Credits and Contact Hours 1 cr., 3-0
Semester Spring 2023

Name: Dr. Karim Ishak
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: M 10:00 am – 11:00 am and 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
W 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
F: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


Students gain experience with computer organization techniques by designing and
implementing actual circuits using a high-level language, Verilog HDL and FPGAs. The
course culminates in the design and simulation of a complete pipelined CPU.

Co-requisites: CSC 320 – Computer Organization.


Required Elective Selective Elective


CLO.1 Students should be able to describe analytically combinational and sequential circuits
CLO.2 Students shall demonstrate the ability to use FPGAs in order to implement
combinational and sequential circuits.
CLO.3 Students shall demonstrate the ability to use CAD tools such as Altera or Xilinx in
order to implement and simulate circuits.
CLO.4 Students shall demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and simulate, a given
system given a set of constraints, and to evaluate the system in terms of general
quality attributes and possible tradeoffs.


SO.1, SO.2, SO.3, SO.5, SO.6


1) Fundamentals of logic design principles

2) Introduction to C/C++ and architectural modeling
3) Introduction to Verilog/VHDL programming
4) Using Quartus II and FPGA prototyping
5) Design and implementation of combinational and sequential circuits
6) Creating and building the different components to build a simple computer system


Theory teaching: solving theoretical problems then simulating them

Experiential Method
Case driven teaching
Task driven teaching
Prediction and verification of results on hardware
FPGA board introduced as hands-on lab platform
Group work


S. Brown and Z. Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2014.
D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software
Interface, 5th Edition, Morgan Kaufman

Participation and Lab

Performance 10%
Reports 40%
Midterm 25%
Final or Project 25%


The following table defines the sanction(s) associated with each violation. In some cases
and when the violation is too general, a range of sanctions is set for the pertinent committee
to choose from depending on the specifics of each case. As for the second offense, the set
sanctions apply regardless whether the violation has taken place in the same course or a
different one, within the same semester or not.

Code First
# Violation Offense Second
Using material or equipment (including mobile F on the
2.2.1 phones, zero on the course
electronic tablets, i-pads, calculators, and other deliverable
devices) with with a warning
that is not authorized by the instructor in an
examination, a warning
project, or graded assignment
Code First
# Violation Offense Second
Cheating, copying, collaborating with or aiding
2.2.2 another zero on the suspension
Student in a manner not permitted by the deliverable
instructor on an with
examination, project, or other graded assignment a warning
Distributing or aiding in the distribution of double
2.2.3 previous exams warning suspension –
without authorization of the instructor – suspension expulsion
Stealing, reproducing, or circulating an
2.2.4 examination or suspension expulsion
other graded assignment before it has been
Impersonating another Student or allowing
2.2.5 another suspension expulsion
Student to impersonate one’s self during an
examination, for both
presentation, or other graded assignment
Impersonating an assistant, staff member, or
2.2.6 faculty suspension – expulsion
member for the purpose of (a) proctoring
examinations expulsion
without authorization or permission or (b)
confidential information regarding coursework
Receiving, purchasing or selling a project, paper,
2.2.7 or any suspension – expulsion
academic document and presenting it as work
other than expulsion
that of the author
Submitting identical papers or coursework for F on the
2.2.8 credit in zero on the course
more than one class without the permission of deliverable with a
the with warning
Instructor a warning
Plagiarism and Copyright Violations
Failing to attribute language or ideas to their F on the
2.2.9 original zero on the course
source by not crediting the original author deliverable with a
with an with warning
appropriate acknowledgement or citation a warning
Using photocopied or electronic copies of double
2.2.10 textbooks, warning warning
compact disks, films, music, online course
materials, and
other content beyond the fair use policy within
Using copyrighted materials, including in written double
2.2.11 research warning warning
reports and papers, without obtaining required
permission, if any, from the rights holder
Unauthorized Sale, Distribution, or Use of Course
Recording any lecture or presentation for double
2.2.12 personal use or warning warning
public distribution without the prior consent of
the course
instructor. This applies to the unauthorized use
of any
medium including but not limited to mobile
electronic tablets, i-pads recorders, films, and
Selling academic materials by any Student, club, double
2.2.13 or group. warning warning
This includes but is not limited to lectures,
recordings, class notes, and previous exams


1. Students are expected to attend all classes.
2. Any absence without a valid excuse and evidence means a performance grade of
zero on the experiment performed.
3. For valid reasons, students may miss a maximum of two regular lab sessions but
should repeat the missed experiments on another date to get a corresponding
performance grade.
4. For valid reasons, students may miss classes for a maximum that is
equivalent to two regular weeks.
5. When exceeding the maximum number of absences, it is the instructor’s
prerogative to ask the concerned student to stop attending and drop the course. In
this case, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course, otherwise a grade of
“F” or “NP” will be given.
6. In exceptional justified cases (long illness, etc…), where absences exceed the
maximum, the student has to petition to the department Chair to be allowed to
stay in the course.
7. Students are held responsible for all the material presented in the classroom, even
during their absence.

WI is equivalent to Early Withdrawal
WP is equivalent to Withdrawal/Pass
WF is equivalent to Withdrawal/Fail
1. A student who withdraws after the Drop/Add period and by the end of the 5th week
of classes (10th day of classes for Summer Modules) will obtain a “WI” on that
particular course.
The student may process such request directly through the Registrar’s Office.
2. A student who withdraws from a course between the 6th week and the end of the 10th
week of classes (18th day of classes for Summer Modules) will receive either a “WP” or a
“WF”. “WP” or “WF” will be determined by the instructor based on the achieved academic
performance in that course till the time of withdrawal.
3. The “WI” and the “WP” will not count as a Repeat; whereas the “WF” will count as a
4. “WI”, “WP” and “WF” will not count towards the GPA calculation.

Deadline for the “WP” and “WF” withdrawal from courses: check university calendar
(It is the student’s responsibility to drop the course)


Completion of the online course evaluations is important for feedback and improvement.
Students are highly encouraged to complete the course evaluations at the end of the

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