ECA Microbiology Non Microbiologists

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Microbiology for

Understand the true meaning of microbiological findings


Dr Stefanie Bayer
Labor L+S AG, Germany

Colin Booth
The Binding Site, UK

Workshops about microbiological

Arjan Langen deviations and trouble shooting
MSD, The Netherlands

13-14 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Axel Schroeder LEARNING GOALS:

Concept Heidelberg,
Germany „„ Acquire a Basic Knowledge in Microbiology
„„ Develop an Understanding for the Meaning of
Microbiology for the Quality of Medicinal Products
„„ Get familiar with typical microbiological Tests in the
Pharmaceutical Industry
„„ Learn to interpret microbiological Data correctly
„„ Case studies on Deviations and Trouble Shooting

This education course is recognised for the ECA GMP Certification Programme „Certified Microbiological Laboratory Manager“.
Please find details at
Microbiology for Non-Microbiologists
13-14 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

Objectives The misinterpretation of microbiological results often gives

rise to the following misunderstandings:
It is the aim of this course to familiarise responsible person- „„ Huge environmental monitoring programmes (more is
nel from production, quality assurance and engineering better).
with microbiological questions. The participants learn how „„ Rejection of batches due to minor out-of- specification
to interpret microbiological data and which consequences results.
these have for the production. „„ Delayed registration objectives and to attend appeal
Background „„ Numerous contamination incidents due to the applica-
tion of inappropriate solutions to problems.
The quality of drugs and the quality assurance during pro- „„ Senseless promises made to regulatory authorities
duction are above all determined by their microbiological without scientific rationale based on the concept of
characteristics. The microbiological requirements on drugs quality.
are laid down in various regulations. When an authority in-
spects a company, it will focus its attention on these and on Target Group
the requirements made on hygiene.
This course is designed for responsible personnel from pro-
In their daily work, the responsible personnel in the produc- duction, quality assurance, regulatory affairs and engineer-
tion units has to understand microbiological results and ing that has to make judgements, release products and take
evaluate their significance for further decisions. However, in actions on the basis of the microbiological data supplied.
practice many microbiological results are misinterpreted
and thus often the wrong conclusions are drawn from them.
When asked for the most frequent misinterpretations of mi- Programme
crobiological results, pharmaceutical microbiologists gave
the following answers. The Characteristics of Microorganisms
„„ Fungi
„„ The difference between bioburden and sterility testing „„ Bacteria
(are they the same?) „„ Mycoplasma
„„ The use of disinfectants guarantees the sterility of the „„ Viruses
object, surface, culture treated. „„ Cellular organisation, function
„„ The distribution of microorganisms in a sample or on a
„„ Products; toxins, endotoxins, antibiotics, enzymes
surface is uniform.
„„ Motile microorganisms can swim hundreds of meters in
an hour causing contamination problems in remote parts Microbial Growth
of the facility. „„ How it occurs
„„ How can different media formulations give different „„ What is required for growth?
results? „„ Growth kinetics – laboratory culture versus nature
„„ Microbial tests described in the Pharmacopoeias can „„ Effect of stress factors on growth
always be validated, no matter what the matrix is, how
aggressive it is, e.g. NaOH, how high the concentrations Microbial Identification Techniques
of antibiotics are etc. „„ What is the significance of a name?
„„ Identification results are absolute and unequivocal, „„ Distribution of microorganisms in nature,
especially when computer-generated.
raw materials and water
„„ Underestimating the importance of cleaning prior to
„„ Distribution of microorganisms in pharmaceutical
„„ Environmental monitoring results provide an accurate facilities
risk assessment during production.
„„ How can clean room surfaces not be heavily contami- Detection Methods and their Limitations
nated when the air counts are out of specification? „„ What can be detected by:
„„ How can endotoxins be present when the bioburden is – The sterility test
nil? – The bioburden test in its various forms. Membrane
„„ How can the titre of a virus reference standard change filtration, pour plate, spread plate,MPN
according to the detection cell line used? – The test for specified organisms
„„ WFI is sterile. – The endotoxin test
„„ Filters are absolute.
„„ Limits of detection and factors effecting limits of
„„ UV light disinfects and is capable of sterilising surfaces
and water.
Validation of Microbial Test Methods
This listing appears to cover all aspects of microbiology from „„ Basic principles of validating a microbial test system
the interpretation of straightforward issues concerning envi- „„ What approaches can you take when a microbial
ronmental monitoring, bioburden results and identifications assay test cannot be validated?
– through to the more complex issues surrounding virology
results for the biologics/biotech people.
Cleaning, Sanitation, Disinfection Speakers
„„ Why cleaning before disinfection?
„„ The difference between cleaning and disinfection Dr Stefanie Bayer, Labor L+S AG, Germany
„„ Disinfectants and their efficacy Stefanie studied Microbiology and Biochemis-
„„ Methods of disinfection try at the University of Würzburg and received
„„ Disinfection validation her doctoral degree in microbiology at the
University Hospital Erlangen. For two years,
Environmental Monitoring she collected work experience in the molecu-
„„ Sampling techniques lar biology department of a medical diagnostic laboratory
– air sampling before she joined Labor L+S AG in 2012. There she is
– surfaces responsible as division manager for molecular biology
– settle plates analyses with focus on microbial identification.
„„ Technical limitations and interpretation of results
„„ Is there a relationship between high results and Colin Booth, The Binding Site, UK
contaminated product? Colin Booth was the manager of pharmaceuti-
cal microbiology of Glaxo Wellcome Research
How to Handle Microbiological OOS Results and Development based in the UK where he
„„ Typical Out-Of-Specification results was responsible for all the microbiology
– Sterility testing associated with the development of all Glaxo
– Bioburden Wellcome new products. In 2002 he joined Oxoid
– Endotoxin testing Limited and became Vice President Science and Technol-
– Cleanroom monitoring ogy until 2008. Following he became Global Director
„„ Investigation of Causal Connection Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs of Thermo Fisher
– Laboratory failure investigations Microbiology.2015 he founded his own consultancy QMS
– Sampling/process/production failure investigation - Quality Microbiology Solutions. Since 2017 Director
– Type of microorganisms Regulatory and Quality Assurance for “ The Binding Site “ a
– Deviations/incidents/assessment specialist IVD company making diagnostics tests for
– Deviation/investigation report Cancer diagnosis.
„„ Retesting/Reanalysis/Resampling
– Definitions Arjan Langen, MSD, The Netherlands
– Calculation of mean values Arjan Langen is responsible for sterile
– Rejection/Release manufacturing of new products at MSD, Oss.
He is a member of the PDA and a member of
Sterilisation Methods the Dutch Society of Pharmaceutical Microbi-
„„ Principles and kinetics of sterilisation ology.
„„ Selection of sterilisation method
„„ Types of sterilisation methods Axel H. Schroeder, Concept Heidelberg
„„ Validation of the sterilisation process Axel Schroeder studied Biology at the Rupre-
cht-Karls University Heidelberg. From 1994 to
Workshops 2005 he worked as specialist for Industrial
The objective of these workshop sessions is to give the Hygiene and Contamination control at
participants some hands on experience with the funda- Henkel/Ecolab. Between 2005 and 2008 he
mentals of microbial techniques and the difficulties as- was engaged at Basan GmbH as Key Account Manager for
sociated with interpretation. They will also provide the Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology. Since 2008 he has
chance to discuss common problems in an informal been operations director at Concept Heidelberg for
atmosphere. microbiology and biotechnology.

Workshop 1: Hygienic Deviations Social Event

Participants will work in small groups on practical case
studies of microbiological deviations. They will work In the evening of the
on a root cause analysis and defining corrective and first course day you
preventive actions. are cordially invited to a
social event. This
Workshop 2: Trouble shooting in the microbiological is an excellent opportu-
laboratory. nity to share your
The focus will be on those problems that occur fre- experiences with
quently in microbiological quality control. Practicable colleagues from other
solution to these challenges will be discussed in small companies in a relaxed
groups. atmosphere.
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Microbiology for Non-Microbiologists,
13-14 June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark

* Mr. Ms.
* Germany
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P.O. Box 10 17 64

organisation etc.:
Amager Boulevard 70

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tion is recommended.
ECA Members € 1,590
APIC Members € 1,690

+45 3396 55 00
Phone +45 3396 50 00

Fax +49 (0) 62 21/84 44 34

Organisation and Contact
Non-ECA Members € 1,790

Phone +49 (0) 62 21/84 44-0

Fees (per delegate plus VAT)

EU GMP Inspectorates € 895
69007 Heidelberg, Germany
the organisation of this event.

[email protected].
2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel

For questions regarding content:

[email protected].
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Niklaus Thiel (Organisation Manager)

at +49-(0)6221/84 44 43, or per e-mail at
(Registration and coffee 0830 – 09.00 h)

at +49-(0)6221/84 44 10, or per e-mail at

Thursday, 14 June 2018, 09.00 h – 15.30 h

Mr Axel Schroeder (Operations Director)

after receipt of invoice. VAT is reclaimable.

For questions regarding reservation, hotel,

Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 09.00 h – 18.00 h

both days, all refreshments, social event on the

[email protected] 

ECA has entrusted CONCEPT HEIDELBERG with

The official conference language will be English.
in the conference hotel. You will receive a room
[email protected]

you have registered for the course. Early reserva-

Including: Conference documentation, lunch on

fax message. Or you register online at www.gmp-

Via the attached reservation form, by e-mail or by
first day. The registration fee is payable in advance

reservation form with all further information when

CONCEPT has reserved a limited number of rooms

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