Ec8500 Test Procedure

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TEST PROCEDURE FOR TOKYO KEIKI ECDIS EC 8500. Power Up 1. 2. 3. 4. Confirm AC Breaker Switch (RED) at the bottom of the ECDIS is in On position. DC Breaker Switch (Black) is not use since AC power is from UPS Source. Press Power Switch in the operational panel to power up the ECDIS System. EC 8500 is built on Windows XP platform, so you will see some windows related screen during power up and finally ECDIS Application Start Automatically. In normal operation ECDIS screen is fixed can not be closed / minimize. 5. The Ecdis Plasma display unit has control button on the button right, press menu / power button can pop up setting window. If the Display is switch off individually, the RED LED CIRCLE will be indicating around the menu button. Just press the button to restore display. Normal operation 4 Green Led around menu button.

Ecdis Window display Check 1. ECDIS windows is divided into Chart Area , Tool Bar (Top Bar), Status Bar (Bottom Bar), System Data Area ( Right Top information screen ), Route Monitor / Track Control Info Area ( Below System Data Area), Cursor Information Area, Menu Area, Mode Change Buttons. 2. In the System Data Area, Necessary to confirm connected sensor. Confirm GPS1 light Green Color ( Red means Error), GYRO1 light Green Color, LOG light Green Color. No connection to Echo Sounder is made due to signal compatibility, so ECHO Always light Red Color. 3. To confirm AIS connection, press AIS button in the operation panel, AIS Targets displays as Green Color Triangle will be overlay into the Chart Area Accordingly. Move the Cursor to the target area to find out more information. AIS Button status is indicated on the Status Bar. 4. The connected Sensor s digital signal can be monitored in the Update / Maintenance / Sentences. Pressing the sensor s name will display incoming sentence window. On the signal format indicator the incoming format will light Green otherwise Red. To monitor full sentence press Start, the incoming signals will display line by line. 5. The radars are not connected to Ecdis due to Signal Compatibility. So on the operational Radar Button ( For radar overlay ), TT (For arpa target overlay) will not be working. 6. Ecdis has built in Self Test for the system. Update / Maintenance/ Self Test. 7. Ecdis Operational Alarms can be Activate/Deactivate from Alarms / Limit. In the Active colum, V means active and means Not Active. Activate / Deactivate by pressing the respective button. Operational Check 1. Ecdis has Three mode of operation, Monitor Mode ( For normal navigation ), Plan Mode ( For creating Routes, Waypoints), Update Mode ( For installing of Charts, Chart Licence, Update Charts ). Press Monitor , Plan, Update buttons accordingly to carry out respective task. Page 1 of 2

2. Ecdis has Track Control Function, The ship can be steered automatically along the current route. press Monitor / Route Monitoring & TCS / Route Monitor or Track Control.

TETST PROCEDURE FOR TOKYO KEIKI PR 6000 AUTO PILOT 1. PR 6000 Auto pilot AC power is fed from Steering Gear and through the control boxes in the steering gear room. AC power is used for all normal operation and it is necessary to get power for steering gears. DC power is connected directly to DC source and is only used for Alarms Indicaiton. 2. PR6000 Auto Pilot has 2 independent Systems and has 4 modes of operation, NFU, HAND, AUTO, RC ( Track Control ). 3. To test NFU mode, Switch SYSTEM SELECTOR to System 1 or 2, Switch the MODE SELECTOR to NFU, operate the NFU LEVER to control Rudder Movement while Observing the Rudder Angle Indicator. The Lever is self return, so just release the lever when the desired rudder angle is reached. 4. To test HAND mode, Switch SYSTEM SELECTOR to HAND, operate the Hand Wheel and operate according to the Rudder Order marking on the HELM UNIT. 5. To test Auto Mode , vessel need to be at Open Sea, Switch the MODE SELECTOR to AUTO, operate the Set Course Button to steer the vessel to Desired Course.Total 3 Modes of Auto Pilot is consisted in the System. Adaptive (Open), Adaptive (Confine), PID modes. In Adaptive mode the Rate and Rudder is adjusted automatically. In PID Mode, Rate and Rudder are adjusted manually. Normal setting is Rate-4, Rudder-4 for Ballast Condition, Adjust both setting to a maximum around 6 depending on loading condition and by observing course keeping condition. Adaptive (Open), Adaptive (Confine), PID selection is made from Weather Button. Set the button to OPN, CNF, from Zero onwards is PID. The Selected Auto Pilot Mode is displayed in Auto Pilot Facia Panel with Green Indicator. For manual weather adjustment on PID, set 0 all the time and maximum 2 to 3 depending on Weather. 6. To test RC ( Track Control ), vessel need to be at Open Sea either at HAND or AUTO MODE. On the ECDIS, Select Current Route, Bring the vessel near to the Route, Click on the route, The route where the Track Control can operate will be high lighted with White color. operate the MODE SELECTOR in Auto Pilot to RC, Click Track Control Button in the ECDIS. The Auto Pilot Set Course Order is giving out from ECDIS automatic until to final way point. To stop Track Control, operate Mode Switch to Hand or Auto. 7. Auto Pilot Facia panel has a HDM/OCA unit. The heading difference alarm between built in gyro and external gyro can be monitored ( HDM ). The heading difference between Auto Pilot Set Course and external gyro can be monitored (OCA). The Autopilot Heading can be fed from Built in gyro or external gyro by pressing ENT + GYRO for built in gyro and ENT + EXT buttons either on HDM Unit or Buit In gyro unit. 8. Just take Sun Bearing or Visual Bearing daily to Monitor the performance of Built in Gyro.


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