Corporate Social Responsibility: Attributions, Loyalty, and The Mediating Role of Trust
Corporate Social Responsibility: Attributions, Loyalty, and The Mediating Role of Trust
Corporate Social Responsibility: Attributions, Loyalty, and The Mediating Role of Trust
(2009) 37:170–180
DOI 10.1007/s11747-008-0117-x
Received: 6 July 2007 / Accepted: 19 August 2008 / Published online: 11 September 2008
# Academy of Marketing Science 2008
Aspects of a Firm’s
Competitive Positioning
(i.e., Perceived Service Direct Effects
Quality) Moderating Effects
consumers’ trust, which in turn contributes to customer reaction to CSR (Godfrey 2005), most studies focus on
attraction and retention. Although CSR seems to aim at the moderator role of CSR attributions. Recent research
building moral capital (Godfrey 2005), research is lacking finds that consumer responses to CSR are more complex
on consumer trust as a CSR performance variable. We than once believed, and that consumers differentiate four
explore the boundary conditions under which CSR-induced types of motives (Ellen et al. 2006). Briefly, egoistic-driven
suspiciousness generates consumer reactions and postulate motives relate to exploiting the cause rather than helping it.
that these conditions may relate to economic-oriented Strategic-driven motives support attaining business goals
aspects of a firm’s offering, which in turn relate to (e.g., increase market share, create positive impressions)
consumers’ perceptions of how the firm scores on service while benefitting the cause. Stakeholder-driven motives
quality perceptions. relate to support of social causes solely because of pressure
from stakeholders. Finally, values-driven motives relate to
benevolence-motivated giving.
Conceptual background and hypotheses development In contrast to past studies, this research treats consumers’
attributions as directly influencing consumer responses
Corporate social responsibility rather than acting as a moderator, with theoretical support
found in research on suspicion. Attributional processes are
CSR is rising sharply as a corporate priority: by 2011, the often evoked in the context of heightened suspicion (Fein
percentage of executives giving high priority to CSR is 1996), as well as by profit-seeking corporations’ involve-
expected to be 70% (Franklin 2008). Although CSR can ment in causes in a climate of corruption (Franklin 2008;
take many forms, this study focuses on cause-related Arumi et al. 2005). Consumers may care less about what
marketing, where the goal is to improve corporate perfor- firms are doing than about why they are doing it (Gilbert
mance and simultaneously help worthy causes (Varadarajan and Malone 1995).
and Menon 1988). Cause-related marketing programs are
managerially relevant since they benefit firms through The proposed model: theory and hypotheses
increased sales (Barone et al. 2000). Further, cause-related
marketing has generated debate regarding its cause-beneficial We chose the construct of perceived service quality to
or cause-exploitative nature, thereby rendering it suitable for investigate whether economic-oriented aspects of a firm’s
examination of CSR-induced attributions (Varadarajan and offering moderate the attributions-responses link. Perceived
Menon 1988). service quality is one of the most important criteria
consumers use to evaluate, choose, and switch service
CSR-induced consumer attributions providers (e.g., Keaveney 1995), and most service evalua-
tion literature agrees that service quality is important in
While corporate motives underlying CSR have been helping managers evaluate the effectiveness of firm
discussed as a major variable explaining consumers’ strategies (Brady et al. 2005). Further, marketers directly
172 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180
control service quality, with service quality programs profit-maximizing managers’ interference with values that
ranking as one of the most important marketing instruments are highly moral in character (Barone et al. 2000).
for stimulating customer behavior (Bolton et al. 2004). Predictions for the opposite effects are also tenable.
Much marketing research has examined the connections Attributions related to strategic goals inherent in the firm’s
among service quality, patronage intentions, and recom- survival are widely accepted (Ellen et al. 2006). This view
mendation intentions (e.g., Lam et al. 2004). Most studies finds support in social exchange theory’s principle of
seem to agree that service quality positively influence reciprocal reinforcement (Zafirovsky 2003). Consumers
consumer trust and behavioral outcomes, and that con- may legitimize profit-motivated giving, since corporate
sumer trust positively influences loyalty. We expect survival requires retaining customers.
consumer attributions to directly affect trust, patronage, Thus, while strategic-driven attributions may positive-
and recommendation intentions. Specifically, given the ly affect behavioral outcomes, we anticipate that a
discretionary character of corporate giving, CSR evalua- negative direct effect will dominate owing to heightened
tors are not likely to accept motives that are economic or consumer suspicion and public cynicism. Unethical
that flow from legal or moral obligations (Godfrey 2005). behavior over the past decade has drawn intense media
In what follows, we lay the theoretical foundations for coverage and has increased public attention to human
these effects. failing and corruption in even the nonprofit world (Arumi
et al. 2005).
Consumer attributions, trust, and behavioral intentions Hypothesis 3: Strategic-driven attributions have a nega-
tive effect on consumer trust, patronage
Consumers are likely to accept attributions of values-driven intentions, and positive recommendations.
motives because they consider the firm to be acting from
sincere and benevolent intentions. They believe firms Finally, we expect that cause behaviors with egoistic
design CSR actions because they care, and view CSR motives will be viewed as unethical and manipulative,
activities as deriving from a company’s moral behavior. On yielding negative evaluations of the firm. Firms with
the other hand, consumers are likely to view attributions of egoistic-driven motives pursue excessive profiteering and
stakeholder-driven motives negatively, as they believe the are not reciprocal with respect to causes.
company is acting to avoid retribution from stakeholders
Hypothesis 4: Egoistic-driven attributions have a negative
and fear that a company’s worthy programs may disappear
effect on consumer trust, patronage inten-
in the next downturn (Franklin 2008). A necessary
tions, and positive recommendations.
condition for trusting an actor is belief that the actor will
continue to honor promises even when nobody looks or
forces these actions (Bhattacharya et al. 1998). The moderating role of service quality perceptions
Correspondence theory provides formal, theoretical
support for these effects (Jones and Davis 1965). Values- Previous studies have investigated whether CSR has
driven motives are correspondent attributions, representing interactive effects with corporate abilities (various elements
the true feelings and dispositions of the firm, and are of a firm’s expertise and competency) on evaluation
viewed positively, whereas stakeholder-driven motives are variables (e.g., Handelman and Arnold 1999). However,
non-correspondent, representing a behavior in contrast with researchers disagree regarding the existence and direction-
the firm’s true feelings, and are viewed negatively (Smith ality of these effects. Berens et al. (2007) find that when the
and Hunt 1978). firm has good corporate abilities, CSR does not signifi-
cantly affect people’s attitudes. Luo and Bhattacharya
Hypothesis 1: Stakeholder-driven attributions have a nega-
(2006) find that corporate abilities moderate CSR, rather
tive effect on consumer trust, patronage
than vice versa, and Handelman and Arnold (1999) find
intentions, and positive recommendations.
that, in most situations, CSR rather than corporate abilities
Hypothesis 2: Values-driven attributions have a positive
is the moderating factor.
effect on consumer trust, patronage inten-
Berens et al. (2007) suggest that CSR is the moderating
tions, and positive recommendations.
variable when it is more personally relevant than corporate
We expect that consumers will perceive CSR-induced abilities and vice versa. We argue that service quality
motives that are typical business performance goals either provision is more personally relevant than CSR, since the
negatively or unresponsively. If consumers view CSR as just former relate to satisfaction of lower-order needs (physio-
another promotional activity, their trust, patronage, and logical needs) whereas the latter relates to satisfaction of
recommendation intentions levels are likely to remain higher-order needs (self-enhancement needs). In times of
unchanged. However, consumers may be unwilling to accept economic uncertainty and mistrust, consumers may give
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180 173
priority to satisfying needs placed lower in the needs Thus we expect that benevolent motives underlying CSR
hierarchy pyramid (Herzberg 1966). cannot compensate for poor performance on the more
Our point is that in deciding how to evaluate service personally relevant variable of service quality. Faced with
providers, consumers may consider both economic-oriented situations of low service quality, consumers will not likely
offerings and CSR as important, but may consider bad consider the positive values-driven attributions in their
performance in economic offerings more threatening than evaluations.
poor performance in CSR. Often, people continue to buy Conversely, we predict that firms with high levels of
from unethical firms because these companies perform well perceived service quality will generate positive consumer
on economic-oriented offerings, rendering CSR information outcomes from values-driven attributions. If profit-motivated
less dominant in consumer decision-making (Carrigan and giving is the norm (Franklin 2008) and benevolence-
Attala 2001). motivated giving is a surprise for consumers, then the effect
We expect that firms with high levels of perceived service of values-driven attributions on behavioral outcomes is likely
quality will generate weakened or null negative effects on strengthened in the face of high service quality. Consumers
consumer responses from egoistic-driven, stakeholder-driven, are more likely to trust more, buy more, or more strongly
and strategic-driven attributions. Providing consumers with recommend a company that is doing well in both cause-
high service quality equates with satisfaction of some self- related behaviors and economic offerings.
gratifying and personally relevant variables, likely making
Hypothesis 6: Perceived service quality moderates the
consumers care less about motivations underlying CSR.
relationship between benevolence-motivated
Consumers are more likely to engage in compensatory pro-
giving and consumer trust. The relationship
cessing when evaluating a firm using CSR and economic-
will be positive for high perceived service
oriented criteria (Barone et al. 2000), suggesting that high
quality, but weakened or null for low
service quality provision may compensate consumers for
perceived service quality.
poor CSR attributions. These predictions are consistent with
the findings of Luo and Bhattacharya (2006) and Berens et
al. (2007). The mediating role of consumer trust
Conversely, we predict that firms with low levels of
perceived service quality will generate negative consumer Customer trust has been recognized as a mediating variable
trust, patronage, and recommendation intentions from profit- in many disciplines, including social psychology (Blau
motivated CSR. Coupled with low service quality, poor 1964), management (Cropanzano and Mitchell 2005),
consumer attributions are more likely to result in perceptions marketing (Morgan and Hunt 1994), and the service
of an unattractive corporate character, negative word of evaluation literature shows accumulating evidence for the
mouth and patronage intentions (Luo and Bhattacharya mediating role of trust in the satisfaction-loyalty link
2006). Low performance in the more personally relevant (Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002). In linking this evidence with
service quality variable may mean that consumers are our direct-effects hypotheses joining consumers’ CSR
not being compensated for bad performance in CSR attributions to trust, we expect a mediating role of trust.
motivations. Trust is based on “the expectation of ethically justifiable
behavior” (Hosmer 1995, p. 399). Is firms’ involvement in
Hypothesis 5: Perceived service quality moderates the
CSR campaigns an ethically justifiable behavior? Consum-
relationship between profit-motivated giv-
ers may answer this question by relying on attributional
ing (egoistic-driven, strategic-driven, and
processes in examining whether CSR behavior has benev-
stakeholder-driven motives) and consumer
olent or profit-driven motives. Arguably, CSR should be
trust. The relationship will be weakened or
about building moral capital (Godfrey 2005), placing trust,
null for high perceived service quality but
a moral value construct, as central in evaluating the
will be negative for low perceived service
performance of CSR. To more completely explain the
mechanisms that translate CSR-induced attributions into
Firms with low levels of perceived service quality will behavioral outcomes, we introduce trust as a self-regulatory
not likely generate positive consumer responses from subprocess (Bagozzi 1992).
values-driven attributions. Cognitive psychology research
finds that the “negativity effect” arises across a broad range Hypothesis 7: A firm’s consumer trust level at least
of psychological phenomena (Baumeister et al. 2001), and partially mediates the influence of CSR-
its presence suggests that positive attributes cannot fully induced attributions on patronage inten-
compensate for negative attributes (Berens et al. 2007). tions and recommendation intentions.
174 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180
Research design and method of analysis organization supporting orphans and helpless children,
and then expressed agreement or disagreement with
The mobile services industry possible explanations (i.e., attributions) for this offer.
Cause-related marketing is familiar to Greek consumers,
The empirical context for this study was the mobile-phone and the specific cause selected was one of the 14 most
industry. Consumers’ use of mobile telecommunication important causes Greek consumers believe companies
services is commonplace (Nysveen et al. 2005) and mobile should support (Globe Scan-MRB 2006).
service providers invest heavily in cause-related marketing.
Additionally, the factor of trust is topically important to this Method of analysis
industry. Consumers have many reasons to feel at the mercy
of mobile operators’ practices, including suspicion gener- To estimate the parameters of the moderation terms, we
ated by wiretapping scandals and the relationship between used Ping’s (1996) two-step single-indicant estimation
mobile-phone usage and health. This sense of vulnerability method (2SI). To calculate standard errors and to formally
constitutes the necessary condition for the development examine mediation effects, we selected the bootstrapping
of trust (Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002). Further, research on framework (Shrout and Bolger 2002).
CSR has mostly targeted tangible goods industries (e.g.,
Sen et al. 2006) rather than services.
Data collection and sample characteristics
The measurement model fits reasonably well, establishing
The sample consisted of 830 randomly selected residents of unidimensionality (χ2 (248)=1,218, p<0.00), RMSEA=
major metropolitan areas in Greece. Data were collected 0.069, CFI = 0.94). Further, all measures conform to
using proportionate stratified random sampling through a accepted reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant
marketing research call center. Response rate was 15%, validity standards (see “Appendix”).
with 64% of respondents women and more than half (52%)
married. Half (47%) were between 25 and 44, and more Hypotheses testing
than half (53%) had a college degree. Overall, the sample is
representative of the mobile-phone user population in The model accounts for nontrivial variances in the
Greece. dependent constructs (see Fig. 2). Geyskens et al. (1998)
find that field studies conducted in Europe on samples from
Measures a single industry tend to produce smaller effects. As this
study is not prediction-oriented, many customary antece-
Construct operationalizations are rooted in the extant dents for these three constructs were excluded.
literature (see “Appendix”). Care was taken to ensure
translation equivalence. Except for the recommendation Results for direct effects hypotheses
construct, all constructs were operationalized using multi-
ple-item scales assessed by ten-point semantic differential Analyses indicate that CSR attributions likely have differen-
and Likert scales. Patronage and recommendation inten- tial effects on the dependent variables (see Fig. 2). As
tions measures were drawn from Zeithaml et al. (1996), predicted, stakeholder-driven attributions negatively influ-
trust measures from Sirdeshmukh et al. (2002), and ence trust and patronage intentions but have no effect on
attributions measures from Ellen et al. (2006). Service recommendation intentions, providing support for H1 with
quality measures were adapted from Brady and Cronin regard to two of the three consumer outcomes. Values-driven
(2001). attributions positively influence consumer trust and have a
Hypotheses were tested through a scenario, with realism strong positive effect on recommendation intentions but no
ascertained using two ten-point Likert items (Dabholkar effect on patronage intentions providing support for H2
and Bagozzi 2002): “The situation described was realistic” again for two of the three outcomes. Strategic-driven
and “I had no difficulty imagining myself in the situation.” attributions negatively influence only patronage intentions
Respondents rated the scenario as highly realistic (a rating and not trust and recommendation intentions, providing
of approximately 8, with 10 being the most realistic). support for H3 with regard to one of the three outcomes. As
Participants imagined that their current provider prom- predicted, egoistic-driven attributions diminish trust and
ised to donate a large percentage of the income from text- patronage intentions and have a weak negative effect on
messages exchanged during Christmas to a nonprofit recommendation intentions providing support for H4.
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180 175
Notes: (a) besides direct effects dotted lines indicate significant indirect effects through trust on patronage and recommendation intentions, (b) beta
coefficients of the first-order constructs and squared multiple correlations are linear-only terms model estimates, (c) Unstandardized coefficients are
reported estimated using 1000 bootstrap samples (d) significance levels reported are based on the bias-corrected percentile method
Results for moderated effects hypotheses Finally we do not find support for H6. Service quality
neither weakens nor multiplies the positive effect of values-
To test H5 and H6, we entered the moderated terms into the driven attributions on trust. While we hypothesized that
direct-effects model (Ping 1996). Ping (2003) notes that with low service quality, the effect of benevolent-motivated
detecting more than one or two significant interactive terms giving on consumer outcomes would be weakened, we find
is difficult, and including one interactive term may amplify that appropriately motivated giving continues to positively
or suppress the significance of other interaction terms. He affect trust regardless of the performance of the firm on
suggests the stepwise procedure of one interaction at a time economic-oriented aspects of its offerings.
for finding the terms that are more likely to be replicated in Significant interactive effects are plotted in Fig. 3 (Aiken
fresh samples. and West 1991).
The fit for the moderated-effects model is acceptable (χ2
(326)=1,458, p<0.00, RMSEA=0.065, CFI=0.94). The Results for the mediating role of consumer trust
significance of the effect size f2 shows that including the
interactive terms in the direct-effects model is empirically A major tenet of the study is the central role of consumer trust
meaningful for consumer trust (Ping 2003). in the CSR evaluation process. Results support H7. Trust fully
As predicted, service quality moderates the negative mediates the effect of stakeholder-driven attribution on
effect of egoistic-driven and stakeholder-driven attributions recommendation (b=−0.038, p=0.016). Stakeholder-driven
on trust (see Fig. 2). Further, service quality does not attributions have an indirect effect on repeat patronage
moderate the hypothesized effect of strategic-driven attri- intentions (b=−0.038, p=0.018), indicating a partial media-
bution on trust. These results provide support for H5 with tion effect of trust. Egoistic-driven attributions have signif-
regard to two of the three profit-motivated attributions. icant indirect effects on both patronage intentions and
176 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180
Rival models
Model 1 (FM) 1,630 336 4.85 Compared base 0.92 0.068 0.75 7 of 11 (64%) 11 of 13 (85%)
Model 2 (NM) 1,655 329 5.03 25* (7)a 0.92 0.067 0.73 7 of 20 (35%) N/A
Model 3 (NT) 1,093 229 4.77 N/A (nonnested model) 0.94 0.067 0.70 8 of 18 (44%) N/A
Model 4 (RM) 1,458 326 4.48 172* (10)b 0.94 0.065 0.74 10 of 22 (45%) 12 of 18 (67%)
FM Full mediation model, NM no-mediation model, NT no-trust model, RM research model, SS statistically significant, N/A not applicable
The results of the difference between models 1 and 2
The results of the difference between models 1 and 4
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180 177
Implications for marketing theory relate to consumer trust, patronage, and recommendation
intentions can help managers monitor and enhance these
Our work extends the research stream on consumer CSR- consumer outcomes through marketing initiatives that
induced attributions, positing them as directly influencing manage CSR-induced attributional processes.
consumer responses. Particularly, this study reveals that the Further, moderated effects results indicate that managers
negative effects of CSR may be more profound than may allay the negative effects of these motives on
previously recognized. Increasingly suspicious consumers consumer responses by investing in service quality pro-
seem to simultaneously entertain multiple CSR attributions, grams. These previously unexplored effects imply that by
which are mainly negative and directly influence both addressing scores on service quality managers can make
internal (i.e., trust) and behavioral (i.e., patronage and CSR more effective in the marketplace. This finding
recommendation intentions) consumer responses. suggests that companies or brands that are low in service
Another contribution of this research is identification of quality perceptions are disadvantaged when designing and
consumer trust as a subprocess regulating the effect of CSR implementing CSR actions. CSR actions by a high service
attributions on consumer behavioral responses. Future quality corporation will have greater positive impact on its
studies investigating the ultimate behavioral and financial business goals than the CSR actions of a low service quality
impact of CSR should consider that this impact also stems firm, since in the high service quality firm, negative
from consumer trust judgments. We extend the work of Luo attributions that hurt outcomes are tempered.
and Bhattacharya (2006), who suggest consumer satisfac- Results indicate that managers should strategically inte-
tion as a mediational pathway linking CSR to desired firm grate CSR into their competitive positioning by designing
outcomes, by suggesting an alternative pathway that CSR programs that either remind or reinforce consumers’
consumers use to evaluate CSR actions. perceptions of high service quality. This tactic may allay the
This mediating role of trust is important. It extends both deleterious effects of negatively perceived motives potential-
the CSR literature, by revealing consumer trust as a ly evoked by a CSR campaign. This finding becomes even
previously unrecognized outcome, and the research stream more important if one considers that consumer-perceived
on consumer trust, by recognizing CSR as an important corporate motives are probably determined a priori in the
antecedent variable. Future research should investigate marketplace: in a climate of corporate corruption and
whether a trust or a satisfaction mediational pathway (or a consumer mistrust towards big businesses, consumers are
more complex model including both) is superior in more likely to attribute CSR actions to profit-generating
regulating the effect of CSR on behavioral or financial motives. The negative effects of these strong consumer
outcomes. Scholars may be unable to reach an empirically convictions seem to be tempered through the service quality
grounded resolution to the CSR-financial performance mechanism, which is in the direct control of marketers.
relationship (Godfrey 2005) because few past studies have Altogether, within the study’s validity boundaries, results
recognized intervening, regulatory variables that mediate indicate that managers should recognize that investing in
the effect of CSR on financial outcomes. The present study CSR is complex, since seemingly unrelated strategies (i.e.,
finds that trust may be such a variable. institutional and performative actions) interact to signifi-
Finally, results suggest that consumer responses to CSR cantly influence consumer responses. Managers should
motives may differ among firms with different service recognize that profit-motivated giving likely diminishes
quality provision levels. High service quality provision is loyalty and benevolent giving likely increases loyalty, and
capable of diminishing the saliency of negative CSR such effects may occur both directly and indirectly through
motives on consumer responses. Based on the results, a complex trust mechanism involving mediation and
corporate motivations can exert strong negative effects on moderation effects.
consumer reactions to CSR campaigns when the company
performs badly in service quality.
Although the single-industry context of the study limits This study offers several opportunities for further research.
generalizibility, our results have important managerial First, for both the direct and the moderated-effects models,
implications. First, the central role of trust found in this some hypothesized paths are not statistically significant.
research indicates that to assess the effectiveness of CSR Interestingly, results indicate that patronage and recommen-
actions, managers should routinely measure how much dation intentions are likely to differ with regard to their
these actions create consumer trust. Second, understanding linkage with CSR attributions. These two constructs relate
how consumers’ perceptions of CSR corporate motives to different managerial goals: repeat patronage pertains to
178 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2009) 37:170–180
consumer retention and recommendation to customer research should examine these findings in services that
attraction. offer high customer contact and high customization (e.g.,
Based on the results, when the major problem is customer hair salon services) and personal property services that
acquisition rather than customer retention, management require moderate to low contact and low customization (e.g.,
should probably focus on building and communicating car repair services; Bowen 1990).
values-driven motives since they directly influence recom- Methodologically, we used a cause-related marketing
mendation intention. Generally, it is more difficult to scenario, and future research should examine our findings
recommend than to repurchase, and to both buy and in other CSR contexts. Further, we tested our model on
recommend, consumers must be sufficiently motivated (Lam cross-sectional data, which precludes any conclusions
et al. 2004). Values-driven motives are likely the exception concerning causality between the study’s constructs and
and probably constitute sufficient motivation for a consumer probably renders the results tentative. Nevertheless, our
to speak positively of the company. In contrast, management study provides a basis for testing our findings in other
concerned about customer retention should probably focus industry settings with longitudinal or experimental data.
on diminishing egoistic-, stakeholder- and strategic-driven Many questions remain, and future work should investigate
attributions. Again, these statements amount to conjectures more complex interactive effects. For example, is the effect of
(i.e., empirical statements) that require further investigation. egoistic-driven attributions on trust still weakened when
Our study may be a starting point for a more formal service quality is high and perceived economic value is low?
conceptualization of these important links. Future research should also investigate antecedents of CSR-
Largely owing to weak theoretical foundations, the study induced motives. Which factors make consumers attribute
did not provide a priori conceptualizations regarding these negative or positive motives to corporate giving? Finally, the
differential effects. In support of this complexity, Bolton et model should be tested in other stakeholder groups. For
al. (2004) note that the direction and size of the effects of a example, do salary levels or advancement opportunities
marketing instrument are likely to differ for different moderate the likely negative effects of employee egoistic-
customer behaviors, a notion largely ignored in the driven attributions on organizational identification? Research
customer loyalty literature (see also Zeithaml et al. 1996). is also needed to ascertain whether attribution types tested
The model in this study was tested in a single industry, here apply in non-consumer domains.
mobile telecommunications. Although the findings are not
necessarily generalizable to other service contexts, our
results may be relevant to services that offer standardized Acknowledgment The authors are grateful to Editor David W.
Stewart and four anonymous JAMS reviewers for comments on earlier
service, moderate customer contact, and low customization versions of the article. This research is supported by the European
(Bowen 1990). Besides testing the findings in similar Social Fund (ESF), Operational Program for Educational and
contexts (e.g., grocery retailing, fast food contexts), future Vocational Training II: Program PYTHAGORAS II.
Item Loadings CR AVE Description (Consumers were first asked to answer the following question: “Which is
your preferred mobile services provider (MSP)?”Then the researcher collected the data
with reference to the specific mobile service provider)
Table 2 (continued)
Item Loadings CR AVE Description (Consumers were first asked to answer the following question: “Which is
your preferred mobile services provider (MSP)?”Then the researcher collected the data
with reference to the specific mobile service provider)
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AVE ranges from 0.46 to 0.67.
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