Amsa Masters Mates-Orals3
Amsa Masters Mates-Orals3
Amsa Masters Mates-Orals3
A.UHilAlIAto! MA!>lfiIME; COLleGE
Part 3 of3
Some images have been removed as the source of the images were not
acknowledged and could not be verified. Removed images were not important
to the content.
s.O.P.E.P. + S.M.P.E.P.
(Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan)
Every oil tanker over 150grt and every ship over 400 grt must carry a S.D.P.E.P.
onboard the vessel
From 1st January 2003 every ship over 150grt carrying noxious liquid substances
must have a S.M.P.E.P.
Both these Emergency Plans are for a skipper so he knows what to do in the case of
a collision or a fire on his ship, he should have a plan for this emergency, there
should be a pollution prevention team
The action plan is the same as a muster drill, the pollution team must know what
each person has to do in any situation regarding pollution, every member of the
crew is responsible to prevent pollution
Any Spillage should be treated as an emergency, common spillages occur while re
fueling, Save-aIls should be used to prevent this, all actions should be taken to
prevent any diesel or other marine pollutants from going into the water
If carrying any Marine Pollutant, the costal port of that state should be informed so
they can monitor you passage and be prepared incase you do have a spillage
(a) Collision
(d) Discharging oil through your bilge discharge pipe (faulty monitoring/oil
separating equipment)
Factors to be taken into account if a discharge or probable discharge has been made (
(b) What machinery has broken down (E.g. Bilge Pumps, Monitoring Equipment,
Separating Equipment)
(g) Breakdown of engine propulsion, lost propeller, lost steering, lost electrics to
Navigation equipment
Once the initial report has been made follow up reports have to be made as follows
(g) Draught (
(h) What cargo your carrying
(I) Ships details (Length, Breadth, Draught, tonnage and type of ship
(iv) Any injuries to personnel and what if any medical help you got
mm = Millimeters
FW density 1.000m3
SW::::: 1.02sm3
Density ::::: the mass of any object measured in m3
I.E. (Length x Breadth x Width)
LTF ::::: Tropical Fresh Water Timber Loadline TF ::::: Tropical Fresh water Loadline
LF = Fresh Vvater Timber Loadline
LT = Tropical Timber Loadline T = Tropical Loadline
LS = Summer Timber Loadline S = Summer Loadline
LW = \-\Tinter Timber Loadline \,\r = 'Winter Loadline
L'.t\nLA~ = \"linter NOlth i".tlantic Timber Loadline WNA Winter North Atlantic Loadline
The Maximum depth to which a ship may be loaded in relation to a Timber load
,shall be the depth indicated by the upper edge of the appropriate Timber Loadline
Marine Orders currently in force
New issues of Marine Orders made since .January 2007: Part 34, Order No.1 of 2007;
Note: Some superseded Marine Orders are linked on this page for reference purposes only. Such
superseded Marine Orders may still be relevant where an exemption, approval or a provision may
Explanatory Notes
14 Accommodation [~ PDF: 88KB) 1 5 of 1990 1/6/1990
Amdt 80f 1992 1/6/1992
15 Construction-fire ~rotectlonl fire detection and fire extinction 4 8 of 2002 1/7/2002
Amdt 6 of 2004 11712004
~PDF: 88KB]
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
28 Operations standards and procedures ["-' PDF: 1 ,327KB1 2 9 of 1997 1/11/1997
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes[~ PDF: 10Kb]
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
Explanatory Notes
95 Marine Pollution Prevention-Garbage 4 6 of 2005 161812005
Explanatory Notes
Part 57
Issue 2
Order No 2 of 1997
Pursuant to Section 425(1AA) of the Navigation Act 1912, I hereby make this Order:
(a) renumbering Marine Orders, Part 18, Issue 1 as Part 57, Issue 1;
(b) repealing Marine Orders, Part 57, Issue 1 and issuing the attached Marine Orders, Part 57, Issue 2 to
come into operation on 1 June 1997. .
PM McGrath
Chief Executive
9 May 1997
Order No 2 of 1997
Table of Contents
1 Interpretation
2 Purpose
3 Application
4 Offences
5 Arrangements on ships
Order No 2 of 1997
1 Interpretation
In this Part:
(a) headings and sub-headings are part of the Part;
(b) each Appendix is part of the Part;
(e) a note included in the text and printed in italics is not part of the
2 Purpose
This Part, pursuant to paragraphs 425(1 )(c) and 425(1 )(e) of the
Act, makes provision for and in relation to:
(a) the protection of the health and the security from injury of persons
~ J engaged in the loading or unloading of ships; and
(b) the safety of persons, including pilots, going on or coming from, or
board, ships,
3 Application
Order No 2 of 1997
5 Arrangements on ships
5.1 Requirement for safe arrangements
The master of a ship must not permit the transfer of persons and goods
between helicopter and ship unless:
(a) the owner or master has provided such arrangements, equipment,
ship; and