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Ohio State Reports, 442; 59 North-Eastern Reporter, 109.

used at the time of the French Revolution). The vice- and

and after this part of the valley was annexed to Russia in

Hildebrand had arranged in conformity with the decree of 1059

is 90 ft. high. The interior resembles that of the Grand

commanded the right wing against Antony (Caesar, Bellum Civile,

air, the balloon fell and Dr Wolfert and his assistant were

Channing (1780- 1842), who has remained its chief apostle.

recently the vast subject of inter-metallic compounds has

pebbles,'' used as ornamental stones. They are agates derived

hot, especially in the three or four months following

# Abd-ar-rahman III.

countess of Fife, had recognized him as her heir, he was

diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall, while behind it

no Trinity of Persons; that Christ was only a holy prophet

Swede. This academy does not publish its transactions.

that are wafted to the plains on either side, but its

western and central Sudan. Thus those qualities, physical and

composition added to support and heighten the principal vocal

century until the close of the 19th century, more or less

Almanac and the Naval Academy employing most of the last.

comparable with that existing in the lower Bryophyta where

entered for this competition are shown alive on the first

of Semitic], all of them indicating simple objects, six of

times the generic names of Numidians, Gaetulians and Moors or

only of the freight which it has to pay. For the purpose of

Aeschylus. He recognizes, it is true, a long process of

at intervals from 1864 in five volumes, the last two

of the sulphite with standard iodine. The constitution has

political differences broke out among the British commands,

the front to become quartermaster-general to the forces at

Later, as in the works attributed to Basil Valentine, sulphur,

(the latter from the French, appeared in 1682 and 1698.

from 192 outbreaks in Great Britain in 1891 the total fell

the Grisons retained the valleys of Mesocco, Bregaglia and

ACHAEMENES (HAKHAMANI), the eponymous ancestor of the royal

of operative surgery, is of special interest for surgical

(1880--1882). He was afterwards a lecturer in Cornell

well laid together, that the seed may fall evenly.''

vary with the source of the proteids, there being considerable

indo-arischen Philologie, to which is attached an atlas of plates

L. 48,000. While it was being collected, the Danes sacked

altars, called bomoi by the Greeks and altaria by the

on the land side early in 1865 that the Confederate defence

These inquiries have been carried out to some extent in connexion

The Vegetable | | Bryophyta

dysentery. Those of the plains find the temperature chilly,

religion, a primitive form of fetishism with the belief

these transportation facilities and to the resources of the

of L. 4000, bestowed on him the grand cross of the Legion of

materials are fluxed and a reaction has taken place, the

but ships of greater draught are laden and discharged at its

attacks and surprises of British outposts. Hanging Rock,

in Egypt and South Africa. The occupation of Egypt (1798-1803)

November a private conference was held, and a committee

Taphians. It was on his return from this expedition that

increased. The acreage in Indian corn, the great American

Gata, along the south-east coast; Alhamilla, east of the city

a railway from Madrid. Pop. (1900) 47,326. The city occupies

Flysch. A few miles farther north these same beds rise

he concluded peace with the allies as soon as he thought the

subjects generally. Among these are commentaries on

and the mountain lion (panther) occur. The moose and red

one of Haroun al Raschid's generals, at the close of the 8th

north. His conduct in these engagements won for him the

ALNWICK, a market-town and the county-town of Northumberland,

Of the very numerous works by Adelung the following may be

office, and was now accompanied by dropsy. His deathbed was

See also S. Wheeler, F.R.G.S., The Amir Abdur Rahman (London,

known kind has been found in the country. Numerous flints of

has also been occasioned through his not unfriendly controversy

is reproduced (see Plate), has been discovered on the borders

is the doctrine of the liberum arbitrium indifferentiae

that is, ``Cynthiae figuras aemulatur Mater Amorum.''

convenience as a meeting-place the agora became in most of the

lat. and 72 deg. 43' E. long., within the Rajputana state of

pressure. It has been found, however, that molten cryolite

death of her father in 526, she succeeded him, acting as

approximately 60,000. Abeokuta lies in a beautiful and fertile

July Count Rochambeau arrived at Newport, Rhode Island. That

games; the aediles refused to bear the additional expense,

small and low that the suppliant could kneel upon them;

was able to effect a territorial )unction of her possessions

against it. It cheapens food by allowing its collection

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