The Global Economy Compressed
The Global Economy Compressed
The Global Economy Compressed
- Free trade —> the absence of gov. intervention of any kind in international trade (no barriers, …)
- Increased competition
- Greater efficiency in production
- Lower prices for consumers
- Greater choice for consumers
- Acquiring needed resources —> need for their domestic production a variety of natural resources
or capital goods that are not available domestically
- Source of foreign exchange —> acquiring foreign exchange from exports —> < ability to import
- Access to larger markets —> world market
- Economies of scale in production —> access to larger markets allows firms to grow beyond the
limits of national boundaries —> produce more output and take advantage of economies of scale
- Increases in domestic production and consumption as a result of specialisation —> countries
concentrate production on one or a few goods and services
- More efficient allocation of resources —> due to specialisation
- Trade makes possible the flow of new ideas and technology
- Trade makes countries interdependent —> reduced possibility of hostilities and violences
- Trade as an “engine for growth” —> contribute to increases in domestic output, so growth
Export or import:
- Trade protection —> involves gov. intervention in international trade through the imposition of
trade restrictions (barriers), to prevent the free entry of imports into a country
- To protect the domestic economy (domestic firms and their workers) from foreign competition
- “Custom duties” —> most common form of trade restriction —> are taxes on imported goods
- Protective tariff —> protect a domestic industry from foreign competition
- Revenue tariff —> raise revenue for the government
- Effects on the economy are the same
- Domestic producers —> producers surplus increases
- Domestic employment in the protected industry increases
- The government gains tariff revenues
- Domestic consumers —> consumer surplus drops
- Domestic income distribution worsens —> is a type of regressive tax
as people on lower incomes proportionately pay more than people on
higher incomes
- Increased inefficiency in production
- Foreign producers are worse off
- Global misallocation of resource results
Import quotas:
- Legal limit to quantity of a good that can be imported over a particular time period —> effects of
quotas are similar to effects of tariffs, except that they do not create revenue for the gov.
- Domestic producers —> greater producer surplus
- Domestic employment increases
Neutral impact:
- The gov. neither gains nor loses —> import licenses to foreign govs.
- Domestic consumers —> loss of consumer surplus
- Domestic income distribution —> result in a higher price
- Increased inefficiency in production
- The exporting countries may be worse off or better off —> as they
gain the quota revenues
- Global misallocation of resources
- Payments per unit of output granted by the gov. to domestic firms that compete with imports
- Are granted on goods that are produced for the domestic market —> entire quantity produced is
sold domestically
- Domestic producers —> loss of producer surplus as gov. has to pay
- Domestic employment increases
- Consumers are not affected
- The government budget
- Taxpayers are worse off
- Increased inefficiency in production
- Exporting countries
- Global misallocation of resources
Export subsidies:
- Similar to production subsidies, but is a subsidy paid for each unit of the good that is exported
- Producers —> loss of producer surplus as gov. has to pay
- Domestic employment increases
- Consumers —> loss of consumer surplus
- Negative effect on the government budget
- Taxpayers are worse off
- Domestic income distribution worsens (increased price for them)
- Exporting countries are worse off
- Increase in global misallocation of resources
Administrative barriers:
- Whenever a good is imported form another country, it must go through a number of customs
procedures (inspections, valuation, …) —> are time-consuming, costly and difficult
- Importing countries can impose requirements that imported goods must follow —> quantity of
imports is reduced
National security:
- Certain industries are essential for national defence (weapons, chemicals and minerals) —>
should be protected so that country is self-sufficient
- In times of war the country should not have to depend on imports for its defence
- Excuse could be used by industries that have an indirect use in defence (steel) to have protection
- Decisions should be made on political and military —> not economic
- Dumping —> selling a good in international markets at a price below the cost of producing it
- Is illegal according to international agreements
- If a country suspects that a trading partner is practising dumping it has the right to impose tariffs
or quotas —> to limit imports of subsidised or duped goods —> anti-dumping
- Govs. may use it as an excuse to offer protection to their domestic producers even if unjustified
- Economic integration —> economic co-operation between countries and co-ordination fo their
economic policies —> increased economic links between them
- Countries expect to derive benefits from this
- Begins from agreements between countries to reduce or eliminate trade and other barriers
between them + extend co-operation (on labour policies, the environment, monetary, …)
Trade agreements:
Trading blocs:
- A group of countries that have agree to reduce tariff and other barriers to trade to encourage free
trade and co-operation between them
Customs union:
- Countries that fulfil the requirements of FTA + adopt a common policy towards all non-members
- Involves a higher degree of economic integration than an FTA
Common market:
- Countries that have formed a customs union proceed further to eliminate any remaining tariffs in
trade between them —> they agree to eliminate all restrictions on movements of any factors of p.
- Enjoy free trade and all its advantages
- Workers are free to move and work in any member country without restrictions
- Capital can flow from country to country without restrictions
- Result in better use of capital resources and improved allocation of resources
- Problem —> requires even greater policy coordination among members
—> requires the willingness of member govs. to give up some of their policy authority
—> it is lengthy to do all of this
- Increased competition
- Expansion into larger markets
- Economies of scale
- Lower prices for consumers and greater consumer choice
- Increased investments
- Better use of factors of p. —> improved resource allocation and more employment opportunities
- Improved efficiency in production and greater economic growth
- Stronger bargaining power
- Political advantages —> political stability
- Trading blocs may be a challenge to multilateral trading negotiations (as the WTO)
- Unequal distribution of gains and possible losses —> countries are unlikely to gain equally —>
creates the potential for conflicts
- Economic integration involves a loss of sovereignty —> loss of decision-making power
- Involves a far greater degree of integration than a common market —> when members adopt a
common currency and a common central bank responsible for monetary policy
- Example —> euro zone countries
- The WTO is accused of promoting trade rules that do not favour developing countries
—> developed countries received greater tariff reductions than developing ones
—> non-tariff and hidden barriers against developing countries wasn’t addressed enough
—> developed countries influence the agreements
—> protection of intellectual property increased cost of acquiring new tech
- The WTO has been unable to reach an agreement on agricultural protection and services
—> developed countries protect farmers through production and export subsidies —> has
numerous negative effects on the farmers and economies of developing countries
- The WTO is accused of not distinguishing between developed and developing economies
—> trade protection lowering was made the same for everyone
—> developing countries need trade protections instead
- WTO members have unequal bargaining power
—> decisions are based not the power of members in spite of the one vote per member rule
—> powerful countries dominate agenda-setting and their opinions carry greater weight
- A key challenge faced buy the WTO: fragmentation of global trade
—> global trading system may be facing a setback because of growing trade protection
tendencies around the world
- Another key challenge faced by the WTO: the blocking of its powers to resolve disputes
—> Appellate body —> seven judges committee
—> the US blocked the appointment of new judges of the appellate body in 2019
- Foreign exchange —> international transactions involving the use of different national currencies
- Demand for foreign currencies generates a supply of domestic currency in a country
- Demand for the domestic currency generates a supply of foreign currencies in a country
- Exchange rates —> the value of one currency expressed in terms of another
Effects on unemployment:
- Depreciation —> causes a fall in cyclical unemployment
—> due to cost push-inflation —> less GDP —> increase in unemployment
- Fixed exchange rate system —> exchange rates are fixed by the central bank of each country at a
particular level and are not permitted to change freely in response to the market
- Requires constant intervention by the central bank or government —> in the form of buying and
selling reserve currencies by the central bank
- Devaluation —> if the currency value is higher than what can be maintained
- Revaluation —> if the currency has a lower value than what can be maintained by intervention
- Between 1879-1934 —> gold standard —> countries fixed their exchange rates relative to gold
- 1944-1973 —> Bretton Woods system —> permitted periodic devaluations or revaluations
—> not against just one other currency but against all other currencies
- Since 1973 —> exchange rates are for the most part free to float to their market levels over long
periods of time —> central banks periodically intervene to stabilise them over the short term
- It prevents large and abrupt fluctuations that may destabilise the economy
- Pegging —> a number of countries peg their currencies to other currencies and float together
with it —> the pegged currency is allowed to fluctuate only within a narrow range above and
below a target exchange rate relative to the dollar or the euro
- Balance of payments —> a record of all transactions between the residents of the country and the
residents of all other countries
- Shows all payments receive (credits), and all payments made (debits)
- The sum of all credits must be equal to the sum of all debits
- Credits —> create a foreign demand for the country’s currency
- Debits —> create a supply of the domestic currency
- Surplus —> when credits are larger than debits
- Deficit —> when debits are larger than credits
- Balance of trade goods —> is the exports minus the imports of goods
- Balance of trade services —> is the exports minus the imports of services
- Balance of trade in goods and services —> net exports —> by summing first two components
- Income —> all inflows (from rents, interests and profits from abroad), minus all outflows
- Current transfers —> inflows due to transfers from abroad (gifts, remittances, foreign aid,
pensions), minus outflows
- Balance on current account —> when all items in the current account are added up
- A current account deficit means a country consumes more than it produces —> it pays for extra
output consumed through a financial account surplus
- Capital transfers —> inflows minus outflows for such things as debt forgiveness, non-life
insurance claims and investment grants
- Non-financial assets —> the purchase or use of natural resources that are non-produced
- Is relatively small and unimportant compared to the other accounts
- It is extremely difficult to record every single transactions —> item called “error and omissions”
to fill the gap
- Sustainable development —> development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
—> does not deplete or degrade natural resources
- Sustainable dev. goals —> developed by the United Nations Conference
—> have one to three indicators per target
- End poverty in all its forms and everywhere
- End hunger, achieve food security + nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
- Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation
- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work
- Build resilient infrastructure, have industrialisation and foster innovation
- Reduce inequality within and among countries
- Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable
- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
- Conserve and sustainably use oceans…
- Protect terrestrial ecosystems, forests and halt land degradation and biodiversity loss
- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide justice and build effective institutions
- Strengthen global partnership for sustainable development
- Economic growth —> the increases in output and incomes over time
- Economic development —> process that leads to improved standards of living for a population
- Human development —> Goulet —> life sustenance —> access to basic services
—> self-esteem —> the feeling of self-respect
—> freedom —> freedom from want, ignorance and squalor
- A measurable variable that indicates the state or level of something being measured
- Useful for —> monitoring how a country changes
—> making comparisons between countries
—> assessing how well a country is performing with respect to particular goals of dev.
—> devising appropriate policy measures to deal with specific problems
Health indicators:
- Life expectancy at birth —> average number of year of life in a population
- Infant mortality —> number of infant deaths from the time of birth until the age one x1000
- Maternal mortality —> the number of women who die per year for pregnancy x 100000
- Influence by —> public health services and prevention of communicable diseases
—> adequate health care services with access
—> healthy environment (safe water, sanitation and pollution)
—> adequate diet and avoidance of malnutrition
—> high level of education of the entire population
—> absence of serious income inequalities and poverty
Education indicators:
- Adult literacy rate —> the percentage of people aged 15 or more who can read and write
- Primary school enrolment —> the percentage of school-age children enrolled in primary school
- Lower secondary school enrolment —> same as primary
- Can be achieved also with low per capita incomes
Energy indicators:
- Social —> share of households without electricity and income spent on fuel and electricity
- Economic —> energy use per capita and share of renewable energy
- Environmental —> air pollutant emissions from energy systems and deforestation for energy
Environmental indicators:
- CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and - Ozone layer depletion
emissions of hazardous substances - Waste generation + waste water treatment
- Bird and fish species threatened - Intensity of water use
Inequality-adjusted HDI:
- Measures human dev. in the same three dimensions as the HDI, but each adjusted for inequality
- Attempts to measure losses in human dev. that arise from inequality
- Type of physical capital (roads, dams, power, telecommunications, …)
- Important for the effective functioning of any economy
- 20% of total investment in most developing countries —> mostly a government responsibility
- Developing countries perform poorly in it because:
—> problems in financing —> misallocation of resources —> not
—> inadequate maintenance + quality enough demand for their services
—> limited access by the poor —> neglect of the environment
Access to technology:
- Skills, abilities and knowledge acquire by people + good levels of health —> more productive
- Low levels of educational attainment and health in developing countries
- Barriers to education:
—> insufficient funding for education —> gender discrimination
—> insufficient teacher or untrained teachers —> conflict or risk of conflict
—> insufficient classrooms and basic facilities —> distance of school from home
—> lack of teaching materials —> hunger and malnutrition
—> children with disabilities are excluded —> inability to pay for education
Primary sector:
- Developing countries, especially the lower income ones, tend to specialise in the production of
only a few goods, which usually are primary commodities
- Volatility of primary product prices has serious negative consequences for producers
- Consequences on efforts to plan for growth and development —> unable to determine future
- Tariff barriers —> products of interest to developing countries have high tariff barriers
—> discourage the development of manufacturing and vertical diversification
—> low tariffs on raw materials / higher tariffs on processed products (escalation)
- Non-tariff barriers —> administrative barriers
- Agricultural trade and rich country subsidies effects —>
—> Global misallocation of resources —> Lower export earning for dev. countries
—> Global inefficiency —> Increased poverty among affected people
- In 1973-1974 the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries increased price of oil —>
firms faced larger import expenditures and borrowed to cover their deficits
- In 1996 the World Bank began the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative —>
provided debt relief to some highly indebted poor countries by cancelling $100 billion of it
- Debt situation has again deteriorated because of:
—> the global financial crisis in 2008 —> poor governance
—> drop in global commodity prices in 2014 —> exchange rate depreciation —> value of
—> interest rates dropped to low levels —> debt increased
easier to borrow for African countries —> borrowing spent rather than invested
—> lower saving and large financing needs —> increase in borrowing from private sources
- Effects were:
—> debt servicing costs —> lower private investment as uncertainty
—> poor credit ratings —> debt trap —> borrowing to pay debt
—> increases in taxes and cut in gov. spending —> lower economic growth
—> increased income inequality
Tropical climates:
- Climate differences are key in determining types and methods of agricultural production, animal
husbandry and labour productivity
- Developed countries have temperate climates, while developing countries have tropical climates
- Institution are rules organisations and social norms that facilitate coordination of human action
- Countries need to develop institutions relating to property rights, a well-functioning legal system,
a transparent tax system, banking and credit institutions, protection against corruption + justice
- Justice is necessary to eliminate poverty as most is as a result of disempowerment and exclusion
- Developing country tax system features:
—> high dependance on indirect taxation —> weak tax collection systems
—> inefficient /highly bureaucratic tax systems —> political and economic power to wealthy
- Low levels of revenue —> the higher the level of GDP per capita, the higher the tax revenues as
a share of GDP
—> corruption in tax collection
—> inefficiencies in tax collection
—> tax exemptions and privileges of wealthy people
—> low property tax rates
—> elite influence government tax policies
- Inequities in tax systems —> not particularly progressive due to rely on indirect taxation
—> very high income groups end up paying far less overall taxes
- Banking services and access to credit are important to economic growth and development
- Lack of wealth typically means lack of - Provides consumers with credit
access to credit - Access to credit is important for poverty
- Provides an incentive for people to save alleviation
- Provides businesses and farmers with credit
- Property rights —> laws and regulations that define rights to ownership, use, transfer of property
- The more secure the property rights (titling), the faster the economic growth
- Less investment when property rights are not secure + when borrowing property can be collateral
- Land rights —> the rights and rules to possess, occupy and use land
Land titling didn’t work because:
- Titles were often capture by elites - Land as collateral for poor and may lose it
- Once titles are established taxes may be - Economic hardship may force to sell
imposed - Titling increases the market value of land
- Land grabs —> the buying or leasing of large pieces of lan by individuals and companies
Gender inequality:
- Result in serious deprivations and limited access of women and girls to social, economic and
political opportunities compared with men and boys
- Health and education are affected
- Labour market —> lower levels of education and skills disadvantage women as less qualification
- Inheritance rights and property rights —> in developing countries passed mainly to men
- Income, wealth and poverty —> women’s income are on average substantially lower than men’s
Appropriate governance:
- Difficult to carry out a dev. programme without the support of political elites —> poses
difficulties for government undertaking policies
- Caste system —> social position determined by birth and cannot be changed
- Class system —> determined by factor over which there’s is some control
- Race and ethnicity —> sometimes lead to prejudice, discrimination, intolerance and conflicts
- Political stability —> necessary for effective government decision making
—> instability creates an environment of uncertainty
—> instability often leads to an outflow of financial capital
—> instability increases vulnerability to hunger —> resources to army
—> low levels of income per capita are associated with political instability
Import substitution:
- A growth and trade strategy where a country begins to manufacture simple consumer goods for
the domestic market to promote its domestic industry —> using protective measures
- Justified by the infant industry argument
- Latin American countries from the 1930s —> abandoned for export promotion in the 1980s
- Now only selective import substitution
- High levels of protection of domestic firms —> inefficiency and resource misallocation
- Overvalued exchange rates —> capital-intensive production and unemp. + informal economy
- Too much government intervention in the economy —> inefficiency and resource misallocation
- Neglecting of agriculture —> more need for food imports
- Deterioration in the balance of payments —> imports of capital equipment and food + outflow of
financial capital
- More capital-intensive production methods —> unemployment and income distribution worse
- Limited possibilities for growth over the long term
Export substitution:
- Will lead to increased growth and more development —> Latin America, Central America, …
- Help developing countries achieve growth and development when they involve:
—> regional agreements —> similar development
—> geographical closeness —> similar market sizes
- Have the potential to provide a developing country with access to the developed country market
- UNCTAD —> BFTA threatens existing regional cooperation agreements of developing countries
- Need —> developing country must make equal and matching cuts in tariff and other barriers
—> increases in exports are limited
—> more imports and less propor. exports —> balance of payments problem, foreign debt
—> developing countries have weaker bargaining power
—> developing country must agree to other requirements —> may not be of interest
—> weaken regional trade agreements when member country with a third country
- Diversification —> reallocation of resources into new activities that broaden the range of goods
and services produced —> primary sector share of GDP shrinks —> replaced by manufacturing
—> characteristically of higher income developing countries
- Benefits: —> sustained increases in exports
—> development of technological capabilities and skills
—> reduced vulnerability to short-term price volatility
—> use of domestic primary commodities
- Adding value to products is important because:
—> more varied production activities —> new firms to manufacture goods
—> employment opportunities —> higher skill and tech. levels created
Washington Consensus:
New consensus:
- Since late 1990s —> mix of markets with government intervention to support growth and dev.
- Governments support education, health, infrastructure and R&D
- Large budget deficits should be avoided —> does not involve reduction in the above
- Pursue policies that promote income equality and alleviation of poverty
- Provide a proper regulatory framework for markets to work effectively —> for competition, …
- Efforts to promote property and land rights, an effective tax system and banking
- Increase in foreign aid and access to markets from developing countries
- Developing countries should have a special treatment by the international trade agreements
- Help create the conditions for markets and trade to work to advantage developing countries
Redistribution policies:
- Reduce inequality within and among countries —> objective of redistribution policies
Transfer payments:
- Universal social protection —> access by an entire population to social protection —> costly
—> child benefits, pensions, disability, unemployment, …
- Transfer payments —> cash transfers or benefits in kind
—> reduce poverty and increase inclusion —> reduces malnutrition and child mortality
—> empowers individuals —> introduces the poor in the formal economy
—> increases incomes —> reduces child labour
—> promotes economic growth (AD) —> political stability
—> safety against sudden hardships —> do not reduce the incentive to work
—> improves access to health care + education
- Conditional cash transfers —> money paid on condition that the households undertake activities
related to education and health care
- Non-conditional cash transfers —> do not impose restrictions
Minimum wages:
- To support incomes of unskilled workers —> gives rise to unemployment
- Job losses do not occur unless minimum wages are set at very high levels
- Reduces income inequalities
- International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG):
—> should be set after consulting with representatives of workers
—> should consider the needs of workers and their families
—> must ensure compliance and enforcement
- Increases productivity and lower costs of production
- Facilitates modernisation and diversification of the economy
- Quantity and quality of infrastructure —> determine shipping costs
- Provides services essential for a basic standard of living
Multinational corporations:
- FDI —> investment by first based in one country in productive activities in another country
—> control of at least 10% of the firm in the host country
—> a firm taking FDI is called multinational corporation
- MNC —> mainly in developed countries in 20th century —> form 1980s also developing (50%)
—> produce 33% of global output and half of world exports and imports
- MNCs go in developing countries because:
—> increases sales and revenues —> lower costs of production
—> bypass trade barriers —> use locally produced raw materials
- MNCs search for:
—> political stability —> trade policy emphasising exports
—> stable macroeconomic environment —> rapid economic growth
—> favourable tax rules —> well-function infrastructure
—> weak labour protection laws —> a well-educated labour force
—> a liberalised economy and large markets
Humanitarian aid:
- In regions where there are emergencies caused by violent conflicts or natural disasters
- Intended to save lives, ensure access to basic necessities and to assist in reconstruction
- Through grants or goods-in-kind (food, …)
Development aid:
- To help developing countries achieve their economic growth and development objectives
- May involve financial support for specific projects, to sector or technical assistance
- Are offered by ODA and NGOs
- Comes from government funds —> forms the largest part of foreign aid
- Three ways —> through bilateral aid —> funds go directly
—> through multilateral aid —> funds go directly but from many countries
—> through NGOs —> spend them in developing countries
- Provided because —> political and strategic motives
—> economic motives
—> humanitarian and moral motives
- Countries can escape the poverty cycle if foreign aid provides the missing funds for these
- Aid can make resources available for investments in health, education, … —> helps poor people
- Contributes to improved income distribution
- Leads to economic growth
- Debt relief helps countries reduce their debt
Limits of ODA:
- Tied aid —> recipients forced to spend a portion of funds to buy goods and services of donor
—> recipients cannot seek lower price and buy inappropriate capital-intensive tech.
—> large firms in developed countries usually benefit from this
- Conditional aid —> recipient forced to pursue policies to achieve a greater market orientation
—> recipient forced to accept particular projects that the donors decide on
- Aid volatility —> chaining volumes of aid in donor budgets —> difficult to implement policies
—> governments cannot predict the future aid
- Uncoordinated donors —> aid-funded projects are many and un-coordinated and may overlap
- Substitution —> recipient government may use funds to substitute for domestic resources (taxes)
- May not reach the most in need
- Corruption
- Quantity of aid —> ODA funds are far less than the target amount
Advantages of NGOs:
Debt relief:
- Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative —> 100% debt relief for debts by the World Bank and IMF
- Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative came before
- Countries had to —> have a GNI per capita below a certain level
—> have a debt level that cannot be sustained
—> show evidence that they are following WB and IMF policies
—> have to commit themselves to pursuing a poverty reduction strategy
- Problems —> some bilateral creditors did not provide any relief
—> programme takes effect too slowly
—> some measures are too severe to follow
—> many countries are highly indebted but have not been included
World Bank:
- Social and environmental concerns —> ensure that project objectives are consistent with SDGs
- World Bank governance dominated by rich countries —> voting power on financial contribution
- Excessive interference inn countries’ domestic affairs
- Conditional assistance (lending) —> deprives countries of control
- Inadequate attention to poverty alleviation —> not doing enough
- Evaluating focus on market-based supply-side policies —> criticised for focusing on increasing
flexibility in labour markets
- A multilateral financial institution that was established jointly with the World Bank
- Purpose —> lending to countries with balance of payments deficits
- Has 189 member countries and oversees the global financial system, follow macroeconomic
policies of members, stabilising exchange rates and help countries with payment difficulties
- The loans provided usually come with a package of stabilisation policies that must be followed
- IMF may be rethinking its policies
- Activities —> contractionary monetary policies —> help with the balance of payments position
—> contractionary fiscal policies —> to lower AD
—> currency devaluation or depreciation
—> cuts in real wages
—> liberalisation policies —> to promote a free market and environment
- Criticisms —> IMF governance governance dominated by rich countries
—> excessive interference in countries’ domestic affairs
—> conditional lending
—> damaging effects on developing countries
—> IMF stabilisation policies based on a flawed concept
- Items that all men and women —> particularly the poor and vulnerable should have equal access
- Refers to credit (loans) in small amount to people who do not ordinarily have access to credit
- Short repayment periods involved
Giorgio Dal Pont
- Are delivered by Microfinance institutions —> credit unions, NGOs, informal savings, …
- Appeared in the 1970s and revealed that the poor were capable of excellent repayment rates
- Have a positive impact on poverty reduction
- Only reach only a very small proportion of poor —> not enough microcredit schemes
- Controversies —> microcredit schemes may become a substitute for anti-poverty policies
—> microcredit schemes contribute to the growth of the informal economy
—> interest rates in micro credit schemes are too high
Mobile banking:
- The use of mobile telephones to receive or send money and to pay bills
- Advantage included are:
—> payments with instant access + no delays —> easier to get loans, insurance, …
—> no need for travel with cash —> easier payments with no need to travel
—> reduced costs and easier to pay workers —> easier for poor people
- Disadvantages —> network problems cause delays, cost of the service, fraud chances
Women’s empowerment:
Reducing corruption:
- Develop high levels of transparency and independent external scrutiny —> provide supervision
- Reform institutions of tax administration
- Build professional civil service based on merit hiring
- Focus on areas where there is a higher risk
- Cooperate with other countries to make corruption more difficult to take place across boarders
- World bank —> establish institutions and incentives to prevent corruption
—> mechanisms that discourage corruption —> penalties and sanction
—> development of the type of government needed
- Contribute to food security —> improve access to credit and productivity of small farmers
- Lead to lower rates of deforestation - Preserve diverse food cultures + biodiversity
Market-oriented policies:
- Market-based supply-side policies —> encourage competition, labour reforms, incentive policies
- Trade liberalisation
- Freely floating exchange rates
- Strengths —> result in greater efficiency in production, lower prices and improved quality, better
allocation of resources, economic growth and economic well-being
—> incentives to work, innovate and invest
—> markets much larger than they would be with trade barriers
- Weaknesses —> market failure —> environment, merit goods and public goods provision
—> weak institutional framework —> cannot improve institutions
—> income inequalities and poverty
—> inability to alleviate poverty
—> inability to empower women
—> informal economy
—> questionable effect on economic growth and development
Interventionist policies:
- Based on government intervention in markets intended to correct market deficiencies and create
an environment in which markets can work more effectively
- Strengths —> correcting market failures —> redistribution of income
—> investment in human capital —> promotion of gender equality
—> provision of infrastructure —> industrial policies
—> dev. of stronger institutions —> provision of stable macro env.