Con 1201
Con 1201
Con 1201
Key Words
Web Plate, WP, Connections, Rotation,
The Steel Construction New Zealand publication Steel Connect (SCNZ 14.1 and SCNZ 14.2) provides structural
engineers with a rapid and cost-effective way to specify the majority of structural steelwork connections, in
accordance with accepted fabrication industry norms. Specification of these connections also facilitates the
development of reliable cost estimates by designers, fabricators, consulting quantity surveyors and constructors.
Steel Connect contains bolted web side plate (WP) connections. An example of a web plate connection is shown
in figure 1. A number of limit states are checked. The connections are specifically designed to accommodate
rotational demands on the connection. Designers of non-standard WP connections must ensure rotational
demands are checked. This is especially an important check to be carried out for long span beams with
precamber. There has been an instance of a construction project involving long span precambered beams
where a number of bolts were sheared off a non-standard WP connection. Carrying out the rotational checks in
Steel Connect for this project would have alerted the designer to the potential of bolts shearing off. This article
summarizes the rotational checks from Steel Connect.
Disclaimer: SCNZ and the author(s) of this document make no warrantee, guarantee or representation in connection with this
document and shall not be held liable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this document
Material Properties
Grade 250 to AS/NZS 3678:2011
fy 260MPa
fui 410MPa
sp np 1 110 6 1
Ze bolt group flexure factor 2.33
6e 6 55
Vf Bolt designshear capacity 92.6kN , M20 bolts threads included in shear plane
e reaction eccentricity s g1 55mm
Compare Flexural Strength of Bolt Group with the Minimum Design Flexural Strength Limit of the Plate or
Section Web
Mb 71 kNm
M*drift 110 kN
M*drift Mb Not OK!
In summary this connection will not meet the rotational demand. The bolt pitch of 110mm is larger than that
used in Steel Connect. Reducing the bolt pitch and increasing the number of bolts will ensure that the rotational
demand can be achieved. Alternatively larger size bolts may also achieve the required rotational ductility.
There are other limit states that require checking. Only the checks for rotation capacity are shown.
It is important that the rotational capacity of non standard web plate connections for long span beams with
precamber be checked. The approach given in SCNZ Steel Connect is illustrated by the way of a design
example. For the complete design of web plate connections other limits must also be checked.
Hyland C., Cowie K., Clifton C., Structural Steelwork Connections Guide: Design Procedures, SCNZ 14.1 2007,
Steel Construction New Zealand (Inc), Manukau City, 2008
Hyland C., Cowie K., Bird G., Structural Steelwork Connections Guide: Connection Tables, SCNZ 14.2 2007, Steel
Construction New Zealand (Inc), Manukau City, 2008
SNZ, Steel Structures Standard (Incorporating Amendments 1 and 2), NZS 3404:1997, Standards New Zealand,
Wellington, 2007