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Professional Readings - Montilla

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Republic of the Philippines

Leyte Normal University

Tacloban City


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Social Studies plays a crucial role to both teachers and students.
In order for it to be effective, teachers need to use various
methods. Thus, teaching methods to create a meaningful Social
Studies instruction. Teaching is a process wherein interaction
take place. This is where, learning influence one person. In
order to be effective, a teacher of Social Studies has to be a
source of information, a guide, an organizer of influence
wherein the students learn and acquire critical thinking skills.
Thus, the following teaching methods can help mold the
a) Simulation Method- a simplified model of a real-world
situation. It is usually used for teaching concepts and
principles that are not easily observable such as
theoretical concept.
b) Laboratory Method- in Social Studies it involves the
employment of source materials, supplementary
references, mechanical devices, and many other life-like
c) Inquiry Method- or discovery method encourages
divergent thinking, allows students to find out information
by themselves and it generates students' enthusiasm at
examining issues logically
d) Project Method- involves doing concrete things and it is
e) Demonstrations- are the repetition of series of planned
actions designed to illustrate certain phenomena.
f) Question and Answer Method- is a common teaching
method used by teachers. The teacher in this method asks
a question and then recognizes one student who answers
the question.

g) Field-Trips- s involve journey with the pupils to observe

and investigate situations outside the classroom. Many of
such expeditions might go no further than the school
corridor, the school building or playgrounds. Within the
school itself the teacher may find illustrative examples,
for. his students.
h) Discussion Method- d refers to student - to - student talk
with occasional intervention by the teacher. The method
involves the use of small group of students where each
group will have a leader who initiates the discussion of the
issue or subject matter.
i) Lecture Method- s the most commonly used mode by the
teachers. This expects the students to quietly sit and listen
to the talk about the subject matter. And etc.
What I have perceived upon reading this article is that, there
are too many ways or methods that can be use in teaching
Social Studies. But of course, it is rather be better if not the best
to create one’s method in teaching that can be highly effective
to both teacher and student. It is one’s uniqueness to think a
strategies on how to deliver such course without dilemma.
Social Studies or Araling Panlipunan to be exact is still believed
as the boring subject of them all. And that, it difficult to
understand some of the concept as well as the use of language
which is Filipino that serves as the medium in teaching.
Nowadays, we could observe that most of the children in
school speaks English rather than their native tongue or the
Filipino. That is why, language barrier is one of the problem in
teaching Social Studies or Araling Panlipunan. Given by the
situation, teacher should think some strategies aside from the
aforementioned above in order to get the interests of the
students to listen and to perceive one’s goal as a Filipino


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Tony Docan-Morgan’s article talks about the benefits and the
necessary effects of public speaking ti us, college students. In
his introduction, learning to be effective, ethical public speaker
is one of the most empowering, rewarding educational goals
you can set for yourself. That even the best ideas became
worthless and nonsense and even receive no credit if they
cannot be shared effectively with others. Acquiring such skills
for effective oral public communication became the central to
becoming an educated person from ancient times up to the
present. Being able to speak clearly and succinctly, to
effectively inform and persuade others and to move people to
action are the absolute necessities for professionals in a wide
ray of fields. This includes, law, banking and finance,
counseling, teaching and etc. Thus, the paper also gives ten
benefits why study public speaking:
a) To succeed in college
b) To get hired and advance in your career
c) To strengthen critical thinking skills
d) To reduce speaking anxiety and increase self-confidence
e) To deliver your message as effectively as possible.
f) To listen more intently and effectively
g) To provide more useful feedback to others
h) To take an audience-oriented perspective
i) To excite and engage people
j) Last and most crucially, to empower yourself to be a

Having the courage in delivering speech or discussion is part of
the public speaking that is one of the necessity in teaching. As a
future educator, one must have the confidence to speak and to
deliver concise and precise concept in teaching. One must have
the capability to teach in order to be an effective teacher.
Public speaking creates a crucial role to us future educator. One
must possess a capability to speak in front of the crowd or the
student. One must possess a courage to deliver a speech
without struggles. Thus, delivering a speech with confidence
but not over confident. In order to be an effective teacher, in
order to be effective in teaching, an individual must know how
to control thy self. How to control the situation if ever
circumstances comes in. Thus, in the future, hopefully, every
individual can conquer one self’s trauma in public speaking.

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