Fear of The Unknown Quickstart v5 2 Small

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Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown is an investigative horror then Encounter True Horror, then the three options for
roleplaying game, powered by the apocalypse, about solving what to do in your downtime - Let the Horror Sink In,
mysteries, encountering horrors, and how doing that changes Take Care of Yourself, or Something Unexpected
you as a person. One of you will be the Oracle, or Game Comes to Pass. These moves have options you’ll mark
Master, in charge of coming up with the initial secret for the off - you DO NOT GET THESE BACK unless something
mystery that you’re trying to uncover, and reacting to what specifically says you recover them! This is why everyone
the rest of you do. The rest of you will be Investigators, needs their own copy of this handout.
ordinary people who either seek out or are thrust into the
secret horrors of the world. Each Investigator will need a If you’re the Oracle, listen carefully to the ideas the
copy of these quickstart rules, and it's not a bad idea for theInvestigators have, and see if any inspire you to create a
Oracle to have one to reference too. horrible secret they can try to uncover. If so, once they’ve
all made their characters, hit them with an inciting incident
The next page has your character sheet on it, where that introduces them to the fact that there is in fact a secret
you’ll record your positive tags - short descriptive phrases to uncover, and ask them to pick what tags they want to use
of things you’re good at or resources you have (which help to start to Investigate it. Be sure to throw a few obstacles in
when you Engage Physically or Investigate), your their way with their negative tags.
negative tags (which hinder when you Engage Physically or
Investigate, but also grant you Humanity), your wild tags, From there, play to find out what happens!
including temporary tags and town tags (which can help or Whenever an investigator does something or is in a situation
hinder you), and the three forms of experience: Horror, where it would make sense that they might die, then they
which you get when you Encounter True Horror and need to Engage Physically - pick the tags they want to
which you also add to that roll, Humanity, which you get use and then roll to see if and how they use that to save
when your negative tags are invoked and which you use to themself. Whenever they have questions they don't already
improve yourself, and Foreboding, which you get when know how to find the answers to, they need to Investigate
you roll a 6 or below on any roll and which you use to - pick a starting question they want to ask, the tags they
affect the story outside yourself. want to use to try to figure it out, and roll to see if they do,
and what sorts of follow up questions they get to ask. And
Before you each make your characters, together you'll whenever they Encounter True Horror, don't forget to have
make the town where your story will take place. The rules them roll and add their horror for that.
for that are on the page after your character sheet. Then
you’ll make your characters, with the rules on the next page.
After that are the rules to Engage Physically and Investigate,
Character Sheet
Player Name: Character Name:
Town Tags:

Positive Tags Negative Tags Wild Tags Horror

Positive tags add to your Negative tags subtract from Wild tags can add or subtract You gain a horror whenever you
encounter true horror, and at
mundane moves your mundane moves from your mundane moves other times. You add your horror to
encounter true horror rolls

You gain a humanity whenever
Temporary Tags a negative tag of yours is invoked
Temporary tags are wild tags
that the Oracle gives you OOO|OOO|OOO
which will eventually go away OOO|OOO|OOO
You gain a foreboding whenever you
miss on a move (roll a 6 or below)
Town Creation
Your game takes place in a small town that you and the players create during your first session. To create the town,
ask the players each of these questions. Once you all arrive at consensus for the answer, everyone should write it down as
a town tag on their character sheet. Town tags are wild tags that players or the Oracle can invoke in scenes that involve
them. You can also mark them off instead of marking off an option on Engage Physically - sacrificing something in town
to save yourself.

1 - What’s a local landmark? Gain a town tag, like the 5 - For the fifth town tag, ask the players which of the
abandoned quarry, or the statue of the beloved town above questions they would like to repeat. Ask the question
founder, or the only diner in town. again, and everyone writes that new town tag as well.

2 - Who’s someone that everyone in town knows - or at

least knows of? Gain a town tag, like the gregarious dean, After you have five town tags, ask each player to
or the slimy mayor, or the quietly intimidating crime lord. come up with one rumour they’ve heard around town -
most likely, but not necessarily, about one of the above tags.
3 - What’s a group that at least a sizable portion of the These rumours aren’t necessarily true, they’re just things
town despises? Gain a town tag, like the corrupt police, or that their character has heard. It’s up to you, the Oracle, to
the ivory tower university, or the biker gang with hearts decide whether they’re true or not.
of gold.

4 - What’s something your town is obsessed with? Gain a

town tag, like the cross town sports rivalry, or the annual
harvest festival, or the stories of cryptids in the woods.
Character Creation
To make your character, go through these questions and write the appropriate tag in the column on your character
sheet. Don’t worry about horror, humanity, or foreboding - you’ll gain those later. You’ll notice the character sheet also has
a “bonds" section - you’ll need the full rules to fill out that part!
1 - What have you trained for the most in your life? Gain a 9 - Have you been more of a risk taker in life? If so, go to
positive tag, like seventh generation farmer, or promising question 10. Or did you try to take things easy? In that case,
young mathematician, or golden gloves boxer. Go to go to question 11.
question 2.
10 - What was the biggest thing that went wrong in your
( )
2 - Which do you value most - wealth go to question 3 , life because you took a risk - or something that stopped
knowledge (4), or power (5)? you from going as far as you wanted? Gain a negative tag,
like permanent limp, or serious debts, or someone has a
3 - You had to do something bad for cash once. What was grudge. Go to question 11.
it? Gain a negative tag, like gambling addict, or wanted
criminal, or owe the Don. Go to question 6. 11 - What’s something you’re good at that people might not
guess? Gain a positive tag, like chess master, or bar room
4 - What’s something you already know a bit about, and brawler, or former sailor. Go to question 12.
want to know more about? Gain a positive tag, like obscure
geography facts, or astronomy enthusiast, or this weird 12 - Has anything else gone seriously wrong with your life?
old book I found. Go to question 7. If so, go to question 13. If not, go to question 14.

5 - You haven’t always used your power for good. What’s 13 - What’s still afflicting you? Gain a negative tag, like
one time you regret using it? Gain a negative tag, like don’t Innsmouth look, or discriminated against by bigots, or
know my own strength, or quick to anger, or I’ve made cursed. Go to question 14.
enemies. Go to question 8.
14 - What’s a connection you particularly value? Gain a
6 - You’ve got money, and you know how to spend it. What positive tag, like parents with interesting jobs, or my pet
did you buy? Gain a positive tag, like an ancient amulet, dog, or drinking buddies. Go to question 15.
or a seat on the University board, or a well maintained
automobile. Go to question 9. 15 - What’s your favorite thing about yourself? Gain a
positive tag, like good dancer, or I always have something
7 - You learned something you’d rather not have. What was useful in my bag, or my analytical mind.
it? Gain a negative tag, like I talk to myself, or I know
what the Dean did last summer, or I need to know more 16 - What is something you like about yourself that some
about that old stone circle. Go to question 9. people consider a character flaw? Gain a wild tag, like I
know I’m gorgeous, or I’m the life of the party, or I’m
8 - All that effort’s paying off. What have you been doing? convinced I’m the smartest person in the room.
Gain a positive tag, like weightlifter, or police detective, or
authority in her subcommunity. Go to question 9.

Whenever you want to talk to the regulars at the Elder Sign. Mark this off.
dive bar the fishers frequent, interview prominent townsfolk, OYou find an additional clue, on your choice of subject.
interrogate a suspect, research at a library, or you’re Mark this off.
investigating. Ask a question, then roll 2d6 and add the ••Someone notices your investigation, and takes an interest.
number of relevant positive tags (up to 3) minus the number Recover the other two options.
of relevant negative tags (up to 2). You pick the positive
tags, and the Oracle picks the negative tags. Rolling higher 7-9 In addition to the clue you get for hitting, you may
is better. The tags that you invoke represent the resources choose one.
and abilities you’re attempting to pull into play to answer O You find an additional clue, relevant to the question
the question, and you, the Oracle, and the other players will you were asking. Ask a question about your current
construct a scene using them and the result of the roll as investigation, then mark this off.
the prompt. OYou find an additional clue, unrelated to the question you
On a 7+ you find a clue relevant to were asking. Ask a question about something else, then
the question you were asking. mark this off.
This could be the answer, ••While you're investigating, something significant happens
Two investigators examine or it could be learning elsewhere. Recover the other two options.
evidence left behind by a where you can find
serial killer whose shadow more information. If 6- You gain Foreboding and the Oracle chooses one or
looms large over their you get more than more of the following options.
investigation one clue, you can ••Your negative tags that were invoked come into play in
use those questions a major way.
to follow up on ••You can still discover something, but you have to make
your first clue. some sort of sacrifice or bargain. If you do, gain a
temporary tag the Oracle will tell you.
10+ In addition to ••You can still discover something, but someone who
the clue you get assisted you must suffer in some way.
for hitting, you ••You learn what you wanted - and something you didn't
may choose one. want to know.
••You learn a horrible secret that tests your mettle, and
OYou find have to Encounter True Horror.
something ••Someone else learns something about you that you'd
useful. You gain rather they didn't.
a wild tag, such ••You end up in a treacherous situation, and likely have to
as a shotgun, or Engage Physically.
blackmail on ••Something bad happens to a town tag that was invoked.
that obnoxious ••Some other devious scenario of the Oracle's invention.
dilettante, or a
fragment of an
Engage Physically
Whenever you're attacked by an antagonist, be they off.
monster or man, or you confront them yourself, or you have OSuffer a crippling injury - gain a negative tag, like broken
to Engage Physically with any threat that might kill you, leg, or missing eye, or lost a hand. If you don’t receive
roll 2d6 and add the number of relevant positive tags (up medical attention soon, choose an additional result on
to 3) minus the number of relevant negative tags (up to 2). this list. If you do, replace the negative tag with a wild
You pick the positive tags, and the Oracle picks the negative tag, like uses a sturdy silver-topped cane, or wears a
tags. Rolling higher is better. On a hit (7+), you accomplish mesmerizing glass eye, or has an artificial hand. Mark
something, and probably don't die. Combat is frequently a this off.
single engage physically roll, or a single roll per investigator. ••You manage to escape unscathed, but something in town
doesn't. Mark off a town tag you or the Oracle invoked
10+ Choose one. in this scene.
OYour experience, and your success at it, affects you for ODie. Work with the Oracle to describe how you die.
the better. You gain a positive tag, such as a sense of
calm, or a sharp eye, or even (with the Oracle’s approval) 6- You gain Foreboding and the Oracle chooses one or
I know what hurts them. Mark this off. more of the following options.
OYou find something that gets you out of the situation ••Your negative tags that were invoked come into play in
safely. You gain a positive tag, such as an old camp axe, a major way.
or a cultist’s decoder ring, or a truck. Mark this off. • •You die. This should only happen in particularly dangerous
OYou make or reveal a connection with an NPC who helps or foolhardy situations.
you out. Gain a wild tag naming them, such as my study ••You mark off a 7-9 option and something else goes
partner Szandor, or my childhood bestie Rebecca, or wrong.
"Laces” the hobo. Mark this off. ••Something terrible happens to someone who assisted you.
••You succeed, but barely, at the skin of your teeth. It costs ••You find yourself in a yet more dangerous position.
you something. Mark off a positive or wild tag, or a town ••Something truly horrible happens, and you have to
tag that was invoked on this roll. Recover one of the Encounter True Horror.
other three options. ••You're saved at the last moment by something surprising.
••Something bad happens to a town tag that was invoked.
7-9 Choose one. • •Some other devious scenario of the Oracle's invention.
OSucceed without a scratch. You pull off what you meant
to do and manage to avoid any further negative effects,
for now. Mark this off.
OSuffer a minor injury - lose a temporary tag you invoked
in this scene, or gain a temporary tag, like I smacked my
hand, or I’m feeling dizzy, or I lost my glasses. Mark
this off.
OSuffer a chronic injury - gain a negative tag, like horrific
scar, or missing an ear, or permanent limp. Mark this
Encounter True Horror
When you see a creature that science tells you shouldn’t exist, or learn something that defies your understanding of
reality, or encounter a scene of terror beyond anything most people will ever see, or otherwise encounter true horror, roll
2d6 and add your horror - there’s no limit to how much. Rolling lower is safer.

Roll plus horror. Whatever the result, you gain a horror. 7-9 Choose one of the following.
OO You notice something useful in the fear, and gain a clue.
13+ Choose one of the following. Perhaps you spot a potential weakness in the creature that
OO You lose yourself in the horror. Perhaps you find something just surprised you, or notice a useful detail in the instructions
compelling in it and switch allegiances, or perhaps you retreat for the spell in the tome you just read, or piece together a
into your mind and never leave the fetal position again, or pattern you hadn’t noticed before. Ask a question about what
perhaps you retreat to your room to write a mysterious tome you've encountered and mark this off.
for the rest of your life. You(r character) almost certainly OO You spot an opportunity, and put either yourself or someone
becomes an NPC. Mark this off. else in danger to take advantage of it. Perhaps the spell
•• You're barely holding on. Mark off a positive tag or a town will require a sacrifice, and you don’t tell one of your fellow
tag. Perhaps you're too traumatized to use a particular skill casters that, or perhaps you can leap in between your allies
again, or perhaps later tonight you sleepwalk and burn down and the creature to aid their escape, or perhaps you knock
the town mall, or perhaps you lash out and break your one of them down to aid your own. Mark this off.
favorite tool in the process. •• Your trauma is starting to pile up. Gain an additional
horror. Recover the
10-12 Choose one of the following. other two options.
OO You take foolish or selfish action, endangering yourself and/
or the people around you. Perhaps you rush at a monster 6- You gain
you have no hope of defeating, or perhaps you read the spell foreboding, and
you just discovered aloud from the tome before anyone can aside from
stop you, or perhaps you attempt to flee in a way that makes becoming
it harder for your allies to follow. Mark this off. slightly more
OO You experience the sudden shock to your system in a way that horrified,
permanently alters your sense of self. Gain a wild tag, like nothing else
prophetic nightmares, or foolhardy bravery, or obsessive bad happens
paranoia. Mark this off. - yet.
•• Your experiences are wearing on you. Gain a negative tag,
like pareidolia (seeing patterns that aren’t there), or losing
moments of time, or another trauma symptom or mental
illness that you as the player want to explore with your
character, and which your fellow players and the Oracle are
comfortable with having in the game. Recover the other two
Whenever you have some downtime and are not actively investigating a mystery, you can do one of these moves.

Let the Horror Sink In Which one are you currently working on, and how are you
improving? Get a cane to help with your chronic limp, go to
Unlike adding positive tags when rolling for mundane therapy to rein in your neuroses, pay off a debt? Mark off
moves, where the most you can gain is +3, there is no upper limit a negative tag, and gain a related wild tag.
to how much horror you add when you Encounter True Horror
(and remember, higher results are worse) - if you have 7 horror, Something Unexpected Comes to Pass
you’ll be adding +7 to all of those rolls, so you’ll likely want to get
spend some of it sooner or later. Spend three foreboding to gain one of the following effects.
•• There’s a new landmark, organization, or prominent player
Spend three horror and gain one of the following effects. in town. Who or what is it? A biker gang that just rode into
OO You can no longer rely on something you used to town, a new bookstore that opened on Main Street, a famous
depend on. What was it? How will you still make partial scientist who just joined the university? The town gains a tag
naming them or it.
use of it, or its replacement, going forward? Mark off a
•• Someone you know comes to town. Who are they? A cousin
positive tag. Gain a related wild tag. Mark this off.
from the country, a colleague returning from an expedition, a
OO Your experiences leave you shaken and with new touring musician you grew up with? What is your relationship
problems. What are they? Gain a negative tag. Mark like? Gain a wild tag naming them.
this off. •• Some new and interesting item arrives on the scene. What is
•• Your experiences are making you lose part of yourself. it? A rare tome at the University library, a strange statue at
Which part, and why? Mark off a positive tag. Recover the art gallery, a mysterious machine in a warehouse by the
the other two options. docks? If you can manage to gain possession of the item,
gain a wild tag naming it.
Take Care of Yourself

Spend three humanity to gain one of the following effects

OO You heal from your wounds. How do you do so? Emergency
surgery in a hospital, convalescing at home, black market
opiates? Recover a marked off option on engage
physically. Mark this off.
OO You’re able to cope with things better than expected. How
so? Recover an option on any move - mundane, horror, or
downtime. Mark this off.
•• You’re not just trying to recover - you’re actively improving. In
what way? Practicing with a weapon or martial art, studying
a new subject, going shopping? Alternatively, this can also
represent revealing an aspect of your past that had not yet
been brought up in the story. Gain a positive tag naming
your new (or newly revealed) ability or resource.
•• You’re working on overcoming your weaknesses.

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