Factors in Uencing Sexual and Reproductive Health-Related Misuse of Digital Media in Bangladesh
Factors in Uencing Sexual and Reproductive Health-Related Misuse of Digital Media in Bangladesh
Factors in Uencing Sexual and Reproductive Health-Related Misuse of Digital Media in Bangladesh
Research Article
Keywords: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Misuse, Digital Media, Mental Health, Pornography Control,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2124303/v2
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This study explored factors influencing the sexual and reproductive health-related misuse of digital media
in Bangladesh. The study adopted Key-Informant-Interview (KII) among the Nineteen (19) relevant key
informants including academicians, researchers, policymakers, and activists. The thematic analysis of
the transcripts was carried out. The mean age of the informants was 40 (SD+/- 6.8) years with having a
minimum level of a bachelor degree. Easy access to indecent (porn) sites, low self-awareness of the girls
in using social networking sites and other digital devices, the culture of injustice and muscle-men
phenomenon, parent’s negligence, and the level of awareness were found as the major factors behind the
misuse of digital media in the form of cyber-bullying, sexting, revenge porn, sextortion, access to and
production of porn videos, etc. This study revealed that women and girls are the prime victims of the
misuse where the worst form of victimization is to lead a deplorable life as a sex-slave and persist with
chronic mental disorders. The study recommended that the complete ban on provocative indecent
websites, high level of awareness among the women and girls, seeking immediate help from the law-
enforcement agencies, and importantly, parents’ full-fledged care and attention.
Digital devices are being unprecedentedly embraced around the world especially in developing countries
like Bangladesh largely for social networking sites, video applications, or intending to meet the growing
needs of communication at every moment11. However, digital media are often being used in a range of
indecent ways causing them to vandalize all of its benefits12.Misusing of digital media encompasses a
range of perspectives i.e. politics, religion, security, sexual and reproductive health (SRH), etc. As the
misuse related to SRH has been playing a predominant role in comparison with other domains and the
vulnerable group of the population, girls, and women, are immensely affected beyond the borders15.This
domain gets conspicuous in different forms ranging the access to and production of porn-related content,
cyberbullying, sexting, revenge porn, sextortion, etc. The victims are either intentionally or unintentionally
involved in these types of activities and the offenders take the advantage of the situation28.
A wide range of literature from a diverse background across the globe figured out the issue of misusing
the digital media in terms of victimizing the aspects of sexual and reproductive health as an issue of
grave concern, which was demonstrated in the recent studies conducted among the US women on cyber
harassment1. Some other studies also documented the cyberbullying and the linear relationship between
the rate of sexual offences against children and internet availability among middle school.2, 3, exposure
to pornographic content and the motivation of kids to harm sexually against others4. Nevertheless, some
prominent institutions like the crimes against children research centre, Thorn, etc. addressed how the
abuse related to technology harming our decent lives5. The aftermath of the misuse of digital media
turns massively that were revealed in several studies including uncovering a link between cyberbullying
victimization and low self-esteem, family problems, academic problems, school problems, and offline
delinquent behaviour6, a significant connection between pornography and sex trafficking7, cyber-bullied
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youth who attempted suicide, reported having suicidal thoughts8 which is considered as well one of the
steps to commit suicide i.e. to forth out the idea, thoughts, planning, attempts towards suicide9.
Consequently, suicidal cases (more than 10,000 people) have drastically increased in recent years among
young adults in Bangladesh.10.
Another recent research finding identified the depth of online sexual harassment of the adolescent girls
which focused to explain the situation only, not resolving that problem11. The existing laws dealing with
sexual harassment in social media and other digital platforms in Bangladesh are inadequate and
ineffective12. A local NGO surveyed the misuse of technology and the involvement of children in which
they presented the situation and in-depth insights and impact of child pornography13. The lack of
scientific study related to addressing the factors behind the victimization from the digital media across
the population of all ages motivates us to work on this phenomenal issue.
Participants Selection
Snowball sampling technique was employed for the recruitment of the study participants. This sampling
technique is often used to recruit the appropriate participants in qualitative research36. Individuals who
were thought to have knowledge and experiences regarding SRH related misuse of digital media in
Bangladesh were selected on a purposive basis for ensuring more insightful inputs into the research
findings34. Nine-teen key informants (4 male, 15 female) participated in this study. Participants were
recruited from diverse backgrounds with different roles ranging from academia, research fields,
policymakers, and social activists, and GO/NGO officials to understand the depth of the current issue.
Data Analysis
The interview sessions were recorded and then transcribed into English from Bengali. The data were
classified and rearranged theme-wise with relevant quotations, then coded manually based on research
objectives. The thematic content analysis was performed to provide the descriptive results. Though the
information was collected from the separated key informants, inference was made from the overall
scenario on the specific topics.
Ethical Consideration:
The procedures of institutional ethical clearance and the issue of informed consent were strictly followed.
Additionally, the anonymity during presenting information along with confidentiality. Before initiating the
interview sessions, the investigators clearly explained the objectives of the study. The Research Ethics
Committee of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of Daffodil International University reviewed and
approved the protocol of this study.
Socio-economic characteristics of the participants
Among the informants, three quarters (79%) were female and one quarter (21%) were male. The mean
age of the informants was 40 years with a standard deviation of 6.8 years. About half of the participants
were academicians and the rest were researchers, journalists, NGO workers, and mass-media experts. The
respondents had a similar level of education: most of them had masters and above degrees. The median
monthly family income of the informants was BDT 43,263.
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both intentional and unintentional nexus can prevail from the corner of the relationship. Intentional
relationship in online-to-online category refers to that the victim is interested to strengthen her
relationship with the offender though she never meets him in person. Once, the offender apprehends his
desired photos and videos, he starts blackmailing for showing more nude photos and videos and in some
cases monetary demand. Unless she fulfills his demand, those photos and videos will be uploaded
through social media, or porn sites, or any possible sites.
Unintentional Relationship in online-to-online category encompasses that both the victims and the
offender do not know each other in person but strategically, the victim has fallen into a trap created by
the offender, and indeed, the victim is no longer interested to conduct such obscene acts what the
offender threatens. From offline to online, tells us that both the victim and miscreant know each other
outside of online, i.e. friends, family members, known individuals,etc. An intentional relationship begins
with the mutual consent of both the victim and offender. They may eager to enhance the depth of their
relationships through sharing indecent photos of their own by using social media applications. Afterward,
they can come closer to make an intimate relationship which can be filmed by their will or secretly by the
offender. After that, two things could happen. Firstly; after breaking the relation up, the offender can
expose those intimate materials through digital media for jeopardizing the victim’s life. Secondly; the
offender (especially men) can start blackmailing to continue sexual relations with him which is termed as
“sex slave” whenever he desires, women should be there for saving her social respect. In terms of
unintentional relationship, the victim may know the offender in person or not but the victim is no longer
interested to a have sexual relation with the offender. By any means, the offender manages to capture the
video of an intimate moment and the later step is as like the intentional relationship. These identified
steps behind the curtain of misuse can be presented in the following schematic diagram.
The victims attempt to keep them aloof from filing any case what ultimately becomes a matter of
discomfort and transforms their social life from dignity into debasement. Ultimately, no hope remains to
lead a respectful life in the society that triggers out either to commit suicide or to subsist with a chronic
mental disorder.
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“Most of the cases, the parents provide smartphones or any other digital devices to their children,
especially, during a special occasion from the point of love but they don’t pay heed to ensure the issue of
decent use” (KII, Academician).
“….. this is due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of the parents and their guardians. Those who
know are more- cautious in delivering digital devices among the teen-ager university students” (KII,
“…….to hold up the social status in the community, the guardians deliver smart devices without decent
direction and watching their activities” (KII, Researcher).
“Digital devices are at our hands without having a proper knowledge regarding safe use of devices and
internet” (KII, NGO Worker).
“the wide-spread existence of the culture of injustice inspires the offenders to act upon this type of
heinous crime which escalates the heights of misuse over years…” (KII, Researcher).
“..muscle-men are the key to infringe the rules and regulation that leads to a higher risk of vulnerability..”
(KII, Activist)
“women and girls are mostly the victims of this domain. Majority of them are not aware enough to handle
digital devices. That’s why they often become victimized in several ways” (KII, Researcher).
“Women and girls who easily trust other people and share their private issues are more vulnerable than
others” (KII, Academician).
“This is very unexpected that the women and girls are falling into a trap sketched by the offender due to
lack of awareness” (KII, Journalist).
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Due to the paucity of awareness, women and girls are becoming the victims in the form of cyber-bullying,
sexting, sextortion, and revenge porn. In multi-dimensional ways, the perpetrators were targeting the
“..the victims, particularly, the women and girls are attacked by the offenders through applying complex
and complicated strategies. In order to save them, knowledge dissemination can play an instrumental
role…”(KII, Researcher).
Mostly, the victims were targeted in a more disguised way. In terms of operating social networking sites
including sharing photos on Facebook, videos in youtube and other sites, etc. The victims needed to have
a rigid stand on privacy in terms of messaging, sharing images, and posts27.
“From the curiosity and the addiction, youth watch indecent pornographic contents frequently just a
single click. This easy way of access accelerates this misuse as a grave concern” (KII, Academician).
“A complete blockade must be imposed on pornographic contents and a stricter form of implementation
of the pornographic control act needs to be enforced” (KII, Researcher).
…amending the ‘pornography control law-2012’ with firm crackdown needs to be materialized.
The study informants were mostly academicians from different backgrounds, particularly from social
science. They all unanimously acknowledged sexual and reproductive health-related misuse of digital
media as a grave concern escalating at an alarming rate. Different studies identified that the depth of
different forms of misuse has been widening by leaps and bounds in Bangladesh. According to the
Police, cases related to sharing obscene photos as well as videos of women and girls through social
networking sites rises by 200 times14. Notably, a larger proportion of women and girls are becoming more
victims due to the misuse related to sexual and reproductive health compared with men. More than
17000 allegations were filed in which about 70 percent of accusers were female what symbolizes that
women are more vulnerable in comparison with their male counterparts.14
This study explored the approaches to happen this misuse namely building relationships either
intentionally or unintentionally. The approaches include cyber-bullying, sextortion, sexting, and revenge
porn. The victims may be targeted through browsing different websites, predominantly social networking
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sites. The offenders use technical devices like computers or cell phones, to harass, threaten, humiliate, or
otherwise hassle their peers. About 49% women and girls became a victim of cyberbullying in
Bangladesh17. A youth was arrested in Dhaka on the charge of spreading obscene photos and video clips
of a seventh-grader19. Misuse may happen in a form that when an offender threatens to distribute the
victim’s private and sensitive material if the victim denies sharing with them the images of a sexual
nature, sexual favours or monetary benefits which is termed as ‘Sextortion’18. Text messaging is
considered a preferred mode of communication compared to phone calls. Girls face greater pressure to
send ‘sexts’ and much harsher judgment when those images are shared beyond the intended recipient20,
. A university teacher accused of sexual harassment and blackmailing to build a sexual relationship21.
Revenge pornography implies the practice of distributing nude or sexually graphic images of an adult
individual without the consent of the person present in the photograph or video22. A revengeful once-
partner, hacker, or anyone else can upload a sexually graphic image to a website where millions of people
can view and share it23. A Bangladeshi cricketer was arrested for doing an act like this24.
In this study, the informants opined based on their research experience that only few adolescent children
are luckily be informed clearly about the misuse and risk of the internet from their family where the
majority of them receive a somewhat level of direction from their parents. The parents are less or
unaware about in what way their children using internet-connected cell phone, tab, and laptop25. A
controlled environment for the adolescent is instrumental as availing the opportunity of accessing
pornographic contents is natural among the youth29.
Additionally, the informants stated that very few girls and women are strictly aware of misuse. As the
sheer victimization belongs to the women and girls, they supposed to be more cautious in dealing with
digital devices35. Majority of the adolescent girls are not aware in building intimate relationships. The
perpetrators are taking advantage of treating the victim like a sex-slave. Having easy access to indecent
pornographic content creates a conducive environment for the malpractice of digital media affecting
mental disorders. Evidence shows that about 77% of the school-going children in Dhaka city watch erotic
porn videos 27. Wright et al. concluded, after examining twenty-two studies, as “little doubt that, on the
average, individuals who consume pornography more frequently are more likely to hold attitudes
conducive to sexual aggression and engage in actual acts of sexual aggression”26. This misuse keeps a
pivotal role to bolster the obscene across society which is perceived by most of the informants. The
government needs to amend the ‘pornography control act-2012’ to tackle the misuse at massive level31.
The prime motivation of the government to stand against the pornographic contents is to bear the
negative effects that can be understood by the following some of the literatures; About 77% of young
women say they feel pornography pressurizes girls or young women to look a certain way and 75% say it
has influenced them in the way they act 30. About 46% contend that the impact of anti-pornography law
on society will be good 31. Bearing the attributes of threatening to marriage, to family, to children, and
individual happiness and being one of the factors of undermining social stability 34, actions against the
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pornographic contents prevalent worldwide are divided into three large, to impose a total ban, to impose
partial ban based on age-specific, and to open without any restrictions.
On the ground of horrendous victimization in multi-dimensional ways from the perpetrators, the victims
eventually become compelled to lead a deplorable life with different forms of mental disorders. This
transformation of mental distress leads to substantial productivity loss in the society which is estimated
by the Lancet Commission report on mental health as a cost of $16 trillion by 2030 and 12 billion
working days lost 33 .
On the ground of grave concern due to widespread sexual and reproductive health-related misuse of
digital media in Bangladesh. One of the key factors behind this heinous crime is a low level of self-
awareness of the women and girls what needs to be mitigated by raising a massive awareness campaign
at all levels. Importantly, parents need to be educated with the appropriate level of knowledge regarding
the use of digital devices with wise provision. Lack of self-awareness and knowledge of the women and
girls play a predominant role in materializing the misuse of digital media. Along with the aspect of
awareness, the culture of justice needs to be demonstrated for building trust what will certainly motivate
the victims to approach the law-enforcement agencies immediately after becoming experienced of such
incidents for halting further harm. Importantly, a rigid blockade needs to be imposed on all the
provocative elements including access to and production of indecent and pornographic contents by
amending the “pornography control law 2012”. Last but not the least, concerted endeavour is inevitable to
tackle the misuse related to SRH related affairs.
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Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
Figure 1