Exam LIT Finals
Exam LIT Finals
Exam LIT Finals
Region 02
Division of Nueva Vizcaya
1. What is the correct name for a Jewish place of A. That life has a beginning and an end
worship? B. That life is a never ending cycle
A. Church C. Pagoda C. That life is lived only once
B. Mosque D. Synagogue D. That life is impermanent
2. Which of these religions is believed to be the 10. In most stories of the world, nature is presented as
oldest? both a nurturer and a destroyer of life. What
A. Islam C. Christianity mythological belief explains this phenomenon?
B. Buddhism D. Hinduism A. Reality of nature
B. Duality of nature
3. Which Egyptian god or goddess killed Osiris by C. Inclusivity of nature
cutting his body into pieces and throwing them D. Exclusivity of nature
into the Nile?
A. Anubis C. Seth
B. Hathor D. Thoth
4. The indigenous literature of this country features
the light entertainment of oral story telling.
A. India C. Japan
B. China D. Africa
5. Many of this country’s writers committed suicide
at the height of their careers.
A. India C. Japan
B. China D. Africa
6. He holds the distinction of being one of the two
Japanese contemporary writers who won the
Nobel Prize for Literature.
A. Junichiro Tanizaki
B. Natsume Soseki
C. Shusako Endo
D. Yasunari Kawabata
7. In which popular novel do the popular characters
Christian Grey and Anastasia Steel appear?
A. Harry Potter
B. Sophie’s World
C. Fifty Shades of Grey
D. The Chronicles of Narnia
8. Chinua Achebe’s novel, which is a lament over
the disintegration of Nigerian society represented
by Okwonko, once a respected chieftain who loses
his leadership with the coming of the British
A. Arrow of God
B. Things Fall Apart
C. No Longer at Ease
D. A Man of the People
9. Birth, death and afterlife are constant stories in the
mythologies of the world. What universal idea
about life is reflected using these motifs?
17. Philippine mythology has fewer characters similar
Myths of the creation of the world begin with to the Olympians. Instead of these gods,
emptiness, darkness, a floating, drifting lack of form Philippine mythology is rich in characters like
or a fathomless expanse of water. Out of this dim A. Supernatural – capre, aswang, dwende, etc
swirl comes a more tangible object which holds the B. Sea creatures – siokoy, sirena, etc.
promise of both solid land and human life. The egg is C. Angels – cherubs, guardian angels, etc.
a potent symbol of creation, and features in D. Representational characters – Malakas at
mythologies all over the world, including those of
Maganda, etc.
China and Southeast Asia. According to the folklore
of Iban in Borneo, the world began with two spirits
floating like birds on the ocean, who created the earth 18. What is the theme of this African proverb?
and sky from two eggs. In Sumatra, a primordial blue “On the way to one’s beloved there are no
chicken, Manuk Manuk, laid three eggs, from which hills.”
hatched the gods who created the world. A Chinese A. Real love knows no boundaries
creation myth, which may have originated in B. Sacrifice is the gauge of true love
Thailand, begins with the duality governing the C. Obstacles make a relationship strong
universe – yin and yang – struggling within the D. True love is tested by difficulties
cosmic egg until it splits, and the deity Pangu
emerges. – Ancient Mythology
19. Which of the following best characterizes
Refer to the passage below for items 11-13. Ozymandias?
11. Based on the passage, the following statements “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
are true except Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!”
A. Pangu was a god. Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
B. Pangu was a giant. Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
C. Pangu was a mountain. The lone and level sands stretch far away.
D. Pangu was worshipped.
A. Arrogant C. Powerful
B. Desperate D. Solitary
12. The main idea of the passage is about 20. In the famous local story “Juan Tamad,” what
A. Asian folktales Filipino attitude is attacked?
B. Creation myths A. The tendency to wait for things to come.
C. Legends and myths B. The belief that he can have everything he
D. Chicken and eggs wants.
C. The need to depend on other people.
13. Which of the following statements is true? D. The intention to be different.
A. The yin and yang split from the cosmic egg.
B. In most myths the world came from a bird. 21. Which of the following is an example of
C. The birds were hatched from eggs. symbolism in literature?
D. The blue chicken was imaginary. A. The color black to symbolize evil
B. Fall representing growing old
14. According to the passage, creation myths are C. Water symbolizing rebirth
A. seemingly unbelievable. D. All of these are correct
B. considered nonfiction.
C. taken as universal. 22. Which of the five senses is used in this sentence?
D. fantastic stories. The warm juicy burger felt like heaven on
my tongue.
15. In some cases, the creation of the world was not a
A. Taste C. Touch
work of a supreme god but rather the outcome of a
B. Sight D. Sound
struggle between hostile forces. Given such
concept, how do you better explain creation? 23. What figure of speech is used in the sentence
A. It is magical below?
B. It is exact The sun kissed my cold face.
C. It is not perfect A. Idiom C. Metaphor
D. It is of unknown origin B. Simile D. Personification
16. In most heroic stories, the hero goes to an
24. “Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know
unknown world to either conquer or destroy his
what you’re going to get.” This is an example of
enemies. In return, he is rewarded by the gods
what figure of speech?
who favor him or by his own people. What theme
A. Idiom C. Metaphor
of mythology and folklore is shown?
B. Simile D. Personification
A. Heroism, defeat, salvation
B. Journeys, quests, trials 25. “I tried on the summer sun, felt good. Nice and
C. Worlds destroyed, heroism, defeat warm -- knew it would,” Which of the five
D. Journeys, heroism, triumphs senses is appealed to by the sentence?
A. Taste C. Touch
B. Sight D. Smell
26. What is the main idea that can be inferred from all living things. What object was the cause of
the stanza below? Baldr's death?
Time is a pair of scissors A. Mjolnir
And life, a bolt of brocade B. Ratatosk
When the lost section is done C. The mead of Kvasir
The scraps are committed to a bonfire. D. A spear of mistletoe
A. Beauty of life 34. Why was it important that the body be preserved
B. Cruelty of time after death in Ancient Egypt?
C. Transitions of life A. To keep a record of the people who had lived
D. Destruction of beauty in Egypt
B. So the body would scare off grave robbers
27. Who is speaking in the poem below? from getting the treasure
“Sunset and the evening star C. So the ba and ka or the soul and spirit could
And one clear call for me unite in the afterlife
And may these be no moaning at the D. To help the people left behind to remember
bar their relatives
When I put out to sea.”
35. The reason why the Egyptians built the pyramids
A. A dying man C. a fisherman is to
B. A captain of a ship D. a traveler A. issue ritual commands.
B. store and distribute grain
28. 'Romeo and Juliet' is considered what type of C. honor and bury their god-kings
Shakespearean play? D. serve as local government headquarters.
A. Comedy C. Romance
B. History D. Tragedy 36. What is the tone of the haiku below?
“Blossoms on the pear;
29. In the movie “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” And a woman in the moonlight
the main character Percy if the son of which Reads a letter there…”
Greek god? A. Sad C. Romantic
A. Zeus C. Poseidon B. Reflective D. Afraid
B. Hades D. Hephaestus
Four bulls were such great friends
30. According to Norse mythology, what is the world that they always ate together. A lion watched
made of? them for many days with longing eyes, but
A. Odin's thoughts since they were never apart from each other,
B. Melted hoar-frost he was afraid to attack them. At length he
succeeded in making them jealous of one
C. The body of a dead jotun another, and their jealousy eventually turned
D. Sand from the bottom of a lake into a mutual aversion. When they strayed far
away from each other, the lion fell upon them
31. Asgard is linked to Midgard by _______, the singly, and killed them all. – Asian mythology
rainbow bridge, according to Norse mythology
books. 37. What is the moral of the fable above?
A. Ymir A. Only by working together can the greatest
B. Bifrost good for all can be achieved.
C. Gullveig B. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
D. Yggdrasil C. The quarrel of friends are the opportunities of
32. What was Ragnarok in Norse mythology? D. Never underestimate the viciousness of your
A. A time when the Midgard serpent would enemy.
swallow the earth, a bunch of gods would die,
and the select few survivors would rebuild the 38. What does the falling of plums in this excerpt
world. from the Book of Songs mean?
B. A range of mountains on the edge of Asgard. Ripe plums are dropping,
C. A time when wolves would begin to attack Now they are only seven.
people and ice would cover the earth. May a fine lover come for me
D. A realm where dead warriors went when they Now while there is still time.
died. A. Getting older C. Overripe fruits
B. Fewer men D. Lost opportunities
33. When the Norse god Baldr had a dream that
foretold his death, his Aesir clan and his mother, 39. What lesson can be inferred from the passage
Frigg, worried about her son's death, which below?
legendarily would precede Ragnarok, the end of
the world. Thus, she exacted a bargain with all “All that we are is the result of what we
living things: “Don't hurt my son!” Well, nearly have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it
is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks
or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, D. Life is a never-ending routine of work and
as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that leisure.
draws the carriage.” – Bhagavad Gita
44. The line below expresses ________________.
A. We must change for the better “While a cold hand snatched you away like a kite
B. We must think carefully – I should have come home.”
C. We must have right thoughts A. Regret C. Sadness
D. We must be hard working like the ox B. Loss D. Love
40. Choose the literary device that is NOT used in this 45. What is the main contention of Shylock in his
poem. speech in The Merchant of Venice?
"The Eagle" by Alfred Lord Tennyson
He clasps the crag with crooked hands; If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle
Close to the sun in lonely lands us, do we not laugh?
Ring'd with the azure world he stands If you poison us, do we not die? And if you
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; wrong us, shall we not revenge?
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls. A. He has all reasons to avenge himself.
A. Sight Details C. Touch Details B. Jews are capable of mercy and justice.
B. Hearing Details D. Personification C. Jews feel the same way as other people do.
D. Shylock responds quickly to various
41. Below is a verse from a poem in the Tao Te situations.
The supreme good is like water, 46. What does the speaker mean in the following
Which nourishes all things without trying lines?
It is content with the low places that “In love, let us so persevere
people disdain. That when we live no more, we may live ever.”
It is like the Tao. From To My Dear and Loving Husband
What Taoist philosophy does the verse imply? A. Let us continue writing poetry to immortalize
A. Let things take their natural course. us.
B. There is hierarchy in the order of things. B. Let’s have faith in God and He will keep us
C. Nature controls the lives of people. alive.
D. People can aspire to rule nature. C. Let’s have lots of children to remember us
when we die.
42. What universal issue does this excerpt from D. Let’s be true to our love, and we will be
Soyinka’s Telephone Conversation indicate? joined in eternity.
“Are you dark? Or very light?” Revelation Read the following excerpted dialogue from Injustice Done
came. to Tou Ngo then answer questions 50-51
“You mean – like plain or milk
chocolate?” her assent was clinical Donkey Chang: You’ve poisoned my father, Tou Ngo.
crushing its light. Do you want to settle it in court or out
Impersonality. Rapidly, wavelength of the court?
adjusted, Tuo Ngo: What do you mean ‘settle it in court or
I chose, “West African sepia.” – and as an out of court’?
afterthought, Donkey Chang: If you want to settle in court, I’ll take
“Down in my passport.” you there to be tried and cross-
examined and put to the torture. With
A. Gender discrimination a delicate body like yours you’ll find it
B. Colonial mentality hard to bear that. You’re bound to
C. Human rights violation confess to having poisoned my father.
D. Racial discrimination It you want to settle out of court, you’d
better become my wife just as quick
43. What insight is suggested by this haiku from as you can. It’ll be doing you a favor.
Basho? Tuo Ngo: I have not poisoned your father. I’ll go
Poverty’s child – to court with you.
Starts to grind the rice
And gazes at the moon. 47. What does Donkey Chang’s attitude show of him
A. Nature has a soothing effect on the human as a man?
spirit. A. He has so much masculine pride.
B. Child labor is a reality in many Asian nations B. He belittles the strength of a woman.
C. The poor dreams and are hopeful of better C. He feels that he is the savior.
things in their life. D. He regards women as objects.
48. What does line 14 reflect about Tuo Ngo’s
A. She is a picky with men.
B. She is unafraid of suffering.
C. She is a very strong woman.
D. She is truly innocent.
Play your parts well for you never know when the play
will end.
Live your lives without regret.
Good luck kiddos!!
See you again next school year.
Ma’am Shy
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Checked by:
Teacher III/OIC Department Head Language