Sro 967 (I) 2022

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lslamabad, the 30rh June, 2022

S.R.O. 967(1y2022.- ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (5) of

section '18 of the Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969), and in supersession of its Notification
No. S.R.O. 845(l)12021, dated the 30th June, 2021 , the Federal Government is pleased to
levy additional customs duty on import of goods specified in the First Schedule to the said
Act, at the rate of-
(i) two per cenl on goods falling under tariff slabs ol Ook, 3o/o & 11% and
goods imported under Notification No. S.R.O.655(l)/2006 and 656(1y2006
both dated the 5th June, 2006;
(ii) four per cenl on goods falling under tariff slabof 16% except goods falling
under PCT code 5516.9300 and 5516 9400, which shall be charged at the
rate of two per cent on import;

(iii) six per cenf on goods falling under tariff slab ol 20o/o; and
(iv) seven per cent on goods falling under tariff slab of 30% and higher slabs
as well as slabs of specific rates, except the following which shall be
charged at the rate of two per cent:-

(a) goods falling under PCT codes 1507.1000, 1507.9000, 1511.1000,

'15'1'1.9010,1511.9020,'1511.9030, 15.12.1100, 1512.1900,
1512.2100, 1512.2900,'1514.1100, 1514.'1900, 1514.9100 and

(b) cars, jeeps, light commercial vehicles in CKD condition exceeding

1,000cc and heavy commercial vehicles in CKD condition;

2. The value of goods for purpose of this levy shall be the value as determined
under section 25 or section 25A of the said Act, as the case may be.

3. The additional customs duty shall not be levied on the following, namely: -

(i) goods falling under tariff slabs of 0% except PCT code 72.04;
(ii) import of seeds and spores for sowing (PCT 0904.2120, I 006. 1 0i 0,
1209.0000), Polymers of ethylene in primary forms (PCT 39.01) and
Polymers of propylene or of other olefins in primary forms (pCT
(iii) import under Chapter 31 of First Schedule of the Customs Act,1969
(lV of 1969);
(iv) plant and machinery used in manufacturing or production of goods as
is classifiable under Chapter 84 and 85 of the First Schedule to the
Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969);
(v) import under Chapter 99 of First Schedule of the Customs Act, '1969
(lV of 1969);
(vi) rmport under Fifth Schedule to the Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969)
(1) serial numbers 30, 33 and 35 of table of Part-|,
(2) serial numbers 102,110, 111, 113, 114, 116(exceptxvi), 117118
and 147 of Table of Part lll; and
(3) serial numbers 29 to 34, 42 and 43 of Table-A, Sr. No. 1,4to9,
14 to 46,49 to 52, 116 to 120,161,162, 170,171, 186 to 188 and
190 to 194 of Table-B of PartVll;
(vii) import under the Baggage Rules, 2006;
(viii) import under sub-chapters 3 and 7 of chapter Xll and chapter XV of
Customs Rules, 2001;
(ix) import under Notification No.SRO.577(l)/2005 dated 6th June,2005;
(x) import under Notification No.SRO.565(l)/2006 dated 5th June, 2006;
(xi) import under Notification No.SRO.693(|)/2006 dated 1th July, 2006;
(xii) import under Small and Medrum Enterprises and Export Oriented
Units Rules, 2008;
(xiii) import under temporary importation scheme vide S.R.O. 492(l)12009,
dated the 13th June,2009;
(xiv) imports under condition (vii) of SRO 678(l)12004, dated the 7th
August, 2004, by the Exploration and Production Companies, their
contractors and service companies for offshore projects only made
with effect from the 18th August, 2018;
(xv) import till 30.06.2025 of electric vehicles 2-3 wheelers (CBU) falling
under PCT codes 8703.8030 (electric auto rickshaw), 8711.6040
(electric motor cycle), and 8711.6060 (3-wheeler electric loader);
(xvi) lmports of cars, jeeps and light commercial vehicles in CKD condition
upto '1,000cc and imports of vehicles in CBU condition upto 850cc;
(xvii) import of goods classifiable under PCT Codes: -

3006.1090 5309. 100

1 5402.5200 5509.6900
5007.1000 5309.1900 5402.5300 5509.9100
5007.2000 5309.2100 5402.5900 5509.9200
5007.9000 5309.2900 5402.6200 5509.9900
5111.'l 100 5310.1000 5402.6300 5510.1 100
5111.1900 5310.9010 5402.6900 5510.1200
5't'1 1.2000 5310.9090 5404.1200 5510.2000
5111.3000 5311.0000 5501.9000 5510.3000
5111.9000 5402.3300 5508.2000 5510.9000
5112.1100 5402.3400 5509.1 100 5511.3000
5112.1900 5402.3900 5509. 1200 70'19.6990; and
5112.2000 5402.4600 5509.3100
51 12.3000 5402.4700 5509.3200
51 12.9000 5402.4800 5509.6100
51 13.0000 5402.4900 5509.6200
(xviii) import of goods falling under PCT codes 0714.3000, 0909.3100, 1211.9000,
2503.0000, 2526.1010,2515.1100, 2701 .1200,2701 .1900 and 8609.0000, if
imported from the lslamic Republic of Afghanistan;

4. This notification shall take effect from the I st day of July, 2022.

tC. No. 1(1)/2015-CBl

(Suraiya Ahmed Butt)
Additional Secretary

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