0 1
INITIAL ISSUE Paras: 1.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 7.2, 9.5
The authority of the Departemental Quality Manual for Project Management, which will apply to all Fluor Daniel B.V. project management activities, is with the General Manager Project Operations. Original Signed by R.H. Kosa
The purpose of the DQM (Departmental Quality Manual) for Project Management is to communicate the departmental structure to ensure effective departmental operation. The DQM provides details towards departmental unique organizational structure including procedures, guidelines, standards and reference documents. Each individual of the project management department shall adhere and refer to the DQM frequently for assistance during daily operational activities and be prepared to be audited for compliance with its contents. Deviations from this DQM should obtain prior approval from the custodian of the DQM. The custodianship for the DQM is with the General Manager Project Operations (GMPO). All individuals of the project management department are encouraged to contribute for any refinement as increasingly beneficial DQM emerges. The review and issue of the DQM and revisions to the DQM is the responsibility of the GMPO to whom all proposed modifications should be directed. Reviews of the DQM will normally be made annually, in parallel with the OSR annual reviews and revisions and re-issued in their entirety when required. They will be accompanied by a note which summarizes and describes the main changes. The latest revision of the DQM is the electronic version via Lotus Notes. Revisions will be highlighted except in the case of extensive revisions described as "Total Revision". Highlighting will be by a vertical line on the right hand side of the page showing the extent of change. It will be removed at the next revision. Hard copy manuals are available as uncontrolled documents at library.
Generically engineering documents such as procedures and master specifications will be called Fluor Daniel engineering practices as detailed in section 9.0 - Resources.
MAIN CONTENTS REVISION STATUS LOG PURPOSE SCOPE APPLICATION CUSTODIANSHIP REFINEMENT CONTROL PRACTICES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 PREFACE FDBV Organizational Quality (Operating) System Departmental Quality (Operating) System Introduction DQM (Departmental Quality Manual) DEPARTMENTAL STRUCTURE Organization Roles and Responsibilities - Project Managers Senior Project Director Function Project Manager Function Project Business Manager Function Project Support Leader Function MEETINGS Project Operations Staff Meeting Operational Meeting Project Management Department Project Task Force Project Review Safety Health Environment (SHE) Management System SAFETY THEMES Evacuation Responsibility Accident Reporting Procedure BUSINESS THEMES Business Ethics and Conduct Project Secrecy Agreements Legal Services
6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.0 7.1 7.2 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10.0 11.0 12.0
ADMINISTRATIVE THEMES Job Training Operation Numbers Scheduled Overtime Document File System IMPROVEMENT THEMES General Specific Tools for Healthy Projects PROJECT EXECUTION KPDs (Key Project Documents) PEP (Project Execution Plan) AP (Activity Plan) PPM (Project Procedures Manual) RESOURCES Practices Numbering System FD Info Base FDBV (Haarlem) Info Base PROJECT QUALITY AUDITS ACRONYMS USED IN THE DQM ATTACHMENTS
PREFACE The FD Operating System is the generic name used to encompass the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for conducting work in Fluor Daniel. The FD Operating System is flexible and applies to projects of all types, sizes, industry and geographic origin. The FD Operating System translate the Corporate Mission and Operating Policies into daily work practice and is a foundation for Continuous Performance Improvement. Project Application of the FD Operating System will meet the project requirements of ISO9001. The basic system of documents that comprise the FD Operating System are detailed in the OSR (Operating System Requirements). The OSR contains the Mission Statement Policies and Operating Principles which are the framework of the FD Operating System. The OPG serves as the FD Corporate Quality Manuals as an hierarchy level 1 quality (operating) system document, see attachment 01. Reference General Corporate practice 000.000.1000 - OPG
FDBV Organizational Quality (Operating) System All FDBV proposals and projects shall implement the OSR. The means and methods by which these requirements are met in FDBV, are described in OSIP (Operating System Implementation Plan) and SHE MS (Safety Health Environment Management System). The OSIP and SHE MS serve as the FDBV Company Quality Manual as an hierarchy level 2 quality (operating) system document, see attachment 01. Reference FDBV practices 245.000.1000-OSIP 245.000.2000-SHE MS
Departmental Quality (Operating) System Each proposal requested and project awarded is placed under the direction of an individual selected from the project management department acting as project manager or project director if the size or complexity of the project warrants it. In either case, he is the keyman in the fulfillment of FDBV's obligations to the client all in accordance with the requirements of the OSIP and SHE MS. The means and methods by which these requirements are met by the project management department are detailed in the DQM (Departmental Quality Manual). This manual serves as the Quality Manual for the department as an hierarchy level 3 functional quality (operating) system document, see attachment 01. Reference FDBV practice 245.100.1000 - DQM project management
Introduction DQM (Departmental Quality Manaul) This DQM is the FDBV practice for project management. It contains all information needed for proper functioning of the project management department in terms of organization, coordination, documentation, administrative matters and references. These references include key project documents (KPDs) as listed below which are considered as hierarchy level 4 operational quality documents, see attachment 01. Discipline key project documents (DKPDs) are detailed in section 8.1 as hierarchy level 5 operational quality documents. FD reference practice 000.100.XXXX series - Project Management Guidelines FDBV reference practices (KPDs) 245.120.0050 - Standard PEP (Project Execution Plan) 245.120.0072 - Standard AP (Activity Plan Project Management) 245.120.1205 - Standard PPM (Project Procedures Manual)
DEPARTMENTAL STRUCTURE This section of the project management practice documents the current project management organization and details the roles and responsibilities of key individuals. The organization and functions listed in this practice will be modified to meet business requirements and opportunities.
Organization The project operations department (831, 832, 890, 891, 910) operates within the organizational structure as per attachment 02 and is headed by the General Manager Project Operations (GMPO). The role and responsibilities of the GMPO are detailed in OSIP. The roles and responsibilities of estimating (891)-, project controls (890)- and H.O. construction (910) departments are described in their relevant DQM's.
Roles and Responsibilities - Project Managers The intention of the project management department is to arrange for project managers, being appropriately trained and experienced, for immediate and effective availability as project manager at launch of proposal preparation or at project award. The term "project manager" is used generically throughout this project management practice to refer to the FDBV manager who is in charge of an EPC project, regardless of specific project title used or personnel level to which the project manager is assigned. The roles and responsibilities of the project manager are documented in the OSR. Depending on project size and complexity, the project manager may act as the EM (Engineering Manager or Design Manager) on projects. The responsibility and authority of the EM are documented in PMG - practice 000.100.1501.
Senior Project Director Function The senior project director organization (831) has been created for more efficiency and focus on project execution, for optimized use of available management resources and for coaching and guidance to the various project managers. The primary feature of senior project director group is a leadership team with members who are selected for their managerial skills. The senior project directors organizational approach ensures consistency in the execution of various projects by sharing resources-facilities among projects and assures quality in the work of the required level, while the obtained experience as well as the momentum of cultural change will be warranted. Responsibilities Senior project directors will provide support, coaching and guidance to the project task force managers. Quality on projects is the responsibility of the project manager supported by department heads and their assigned PSLs (Project Support Leaders), see section 2.6. In general, resources will be assigned to projects by department heads in conjunction with the appropriate senior project director and project manager. The senior project directors are assumed to: validate project execution plans focus on day-to-day execution enforce project performance standards validate strategies and KRAs. Ongoing dialogue between the senior project directors with the General Managers Process & Technology, Engineering and Procurement is an essential ingredient in resource management and development. Authority The authority of the senior project directors is as delegated by General Manager Project Operations. Features and Benefits of the Senior Project Director Organization: more efficient use of available leadership team resources provision of adequate support, coaching and mentoring of project leadership teams full range of engineering disciplines shared resources and facilities flexibility in organization direct benefit on new projects of lessons learned from other as well as previous projects better continuity on similar projects and/or for same clients continuous quality of work improvement application of innovation between projects minimize COP (Corporate Overhead and Profit) leakage good communication cost effective utilization of resources responsive to business cycle continuity of people continuity in training and development of employees for senior positions maintain familiarity with client requirements provision of technical support - proposal - cost reduction capability through front-end resources.
Project Manager Function Most projects are executed under the "Task Force" concept of operation, see typical task force organization full size project, per attachment 03. Definition Task force operation is a team of people, who are selected for their skills in the various disciplines for proper execution of the project. Purpose The sole assignment of the various disciplines is to perform the work necessary for the efficient and successful execution of the project. Features and Benefits of a Project Task Force Organization - promotes efficiency by centralizing the working force - retaining the ability to apply FDBV's specialized know-how to individual problems as required - permits rapid communications - cost effective, maximize utilization - provides control which the project manager requires to exercise overall responsibility. Task Force Workspace Physical task force workspace requirements are detailed in attachment 04. Responsibility The project manager is responsible for organizing the task force. The entire task force is responsible to the project manager. He or she, in turn, is responsible to the senior project director to whom his project has been assigned. Authority The project manager's authority is functional for costs, schedules, staff assignments and overall results. Administrative and technical authority remains with the department heads involved. Criteria The criteria for project management are described in attachment 05. Basics All projects will have: Project Execution Plan All projects will have a written execution plan approved by the MLT. The execution plan should be no more than 30 pages long and illustrate the strategies that the project manager intend to use on the project. Small projects shall have small plans, but a plan nonetheless. Work Breakdown Structure Each project will have a written WBS as a part of their execution plan. The WBS can be a marked-up print with written definitions or a descriptive narrative. Either way as long as management and the project team can understand how to apply the WBS to their work. Chart of Accounts Each project will have a written Chart of Accounts as a part of their execution plan. The Chart of Accounts will list all cost codes to be used on the project, both for E&HO and TIC costs and appear in the project cost report. Each cost code will have a one or two sentence description of what charges belong in that account and then use the accounts for cost control and reporting.
Monthly Project Review Slides All projects are required to submit the standard project review package, whether presenting at the review representation or not, to the General Manager Project Operations by the monthly deadline. The package is automated such that the project manager key in the appropriate data and the curves are generated for the project manager. There is a short form for small projects and studies. If the project manager does these charts ahead of the deadline, the project manager will have time to print them on the color printer and they will be easier to read and look much better. If the project manager is using this package only for the monthly reviews, the project manager is missing their value. These are working charts that can supply the project manager with the early warning indicators to keep the project out of trouble in the later days. This is the true value of these charts. COP Calculator Each project will have a COP calculator. What is a COP calculator? It is a simple spreadsheet that models the contract and illustrates how the contract makes money. It will make the PFSR reviews much more informative and provide the project manager with the ability of doing what if options for his/her COP analyses. The financial reviews in the future will focus more on the COP performance of the project and how the project managers are performing against the as-sold profit goals. A very good tool for the project managers to look into the future. Logic Diagrams Each project will develop logic diagrams for their projects before they load their schedules and issue to the project team. The logic diagram is developed at the planning stage, long before the scheduling takes place. The logic diagram must be approved by the appropriate Project Director, prior to loading the schedule. This is a very valuable tool for thinking out project managers strategy and explaining project managers plan to management and the project team. Advertise Project Status Each project is to have a wall space dedicated to exhibiting the project status charts of the project. This includes the schedule and its status update. The original schedules and milestones should always be displayed with progress marked in an overlay. It is OK if these charts get dirty and marked-up. That is what they are for. They are working tools and communications tools and problem solving tools. Keep the team up-to-date and informed with how they are doing and where they are going. Recognize the confidential nature of some charts and treat them appropriately. Red, Yellow, Green The red, yellow, green reports will be re-started. This is a good checklist of important and key events on a project. It also provides management with a good tool to look for trends in our management techniques. (HOLD) 2.5 Project Business Manager Function On some major EP & C contracts it will be necessary to have a business manager as part of the project team who will report to the project manager and who will provide leadership on business related issues, see attachment 03. The decision to utilize a business manager will be determined on a project by project basis depending on size, type and business complexities and the like of each individual project. Purpose As a member of the project team, provide leadership in the areas of project finance, accounting, contracts, administration, tax, management and legal support, and perform whatever tasks in the business management area that may be needed in support of the project.
Responsibilities Accounting and Reporting Establish and maintain proper project accounting systems, complete with appropriate checks and balances for recording and reporting financial results of the project. Assets Maintain a proper system for tracking, controlling and protecting the assets. Manage the ultimate disposition of assets and surplus materials. Cash Manage the project cash. Insure that adequate funding is available to meet the project's operating needs. Invest excess funds according to parent company guidelines so as to achieve the maximum in interest income. Maintain adequate foreign currency positions and minimize exchange risk. Audits Manage audits on project execution, subcontracts and procurement. Credit Execute and control project usage of Bank Guarantees, Letters of Credit and other such credit instruments. Tax Establish and manage the project tax strategy. Take appropriate steps to insure that tax exposures are minimized and that tax fillings are made and tax obligations are met on a timely basis (when applicable). Legal & Audit Responsible for providing legal advice and guidance to the project. Coordinate the Joint Venture's usage of lawyers, external and internal auditors, tax consultants, etc. Commercial Commercial review of prime contract change orders, significant subcontractor arrangements, personnel policy, procurement policy, etc. to insure flow down compliance with the terms of the prime contract, and also for soundness of business judgment and decisions. Profitability Work with project controls manager to ensure that cash flow forecasting, profitability analysis and profit recognition are based on good data and sound business judgment (when applicable). ECA Support Establish Export Credit Agency documentation procedures and insure that steps are in place to support the client's need to draw down ECA funding as required to finance this project. Computing & Communications Insure that cost effective measure are employed to provide adequate project computing and communications capability. Quarterly Reviews Support the organization and preparation for quarterly management review meetings (when applicable). Banking Act as primary interface to banks and other financial institutions having dealings with the Joint Venture.
Insurance Manage project insurance requirements. Insure that adequate policies are in place and that claims procedures are established and working. Project Controls Depending on the project. Authority The authority of the project business manager is as delegated by the project manager. For development of a business plan - refer to practice 000.100.1201. 2.6 Project Support Leader Function Introduction Projects based on re-imbursable contract conditions were previously executed by the project task force team on stand-alone basis. Managerial as well as departmental involvement was mostly limited to assistance just when serious problems or crucial discrepancies during project execution were reactively "detected". It is predictable that this method thru "detection" mode will result in considerable business risks towards revenues, profits and reputation. Contracts based on LS c.q. LSTK contract conditions or including severe incentive schemes require as best as possible performance of work to reduce the above referenced business risks to a level as low as possible to the Company. Hence, the original method thru re-actively "detection" mode must be changed to the method thru pro-actively "prevention" mode. Consistency with this "prevention" mode implies the requirement of actual pro-active participation on managerial and departmental level during the entire project execution phase. Definition The Project Support Leader (PSL) Function is defined as the Company Backbone to accelerate the process imparted in the method thru "prevention" mode, see attachments 03. Purpose The purpose of the PSL function is to arrange for properly structured and organized support to project teams on managerial and departmental level for improved performance of team members to meet product quality requirements, which ensures reduction of business risks towards cost, schedule and reputation. Duties and Responsibilities The PSL function will be executed by the general managers of the engineering departments. The main duties and responsibilities of the PSL function are following: continuously maximize performance towards product quality at lowest cost and the shortest possible schedule by perfect harmonization between the project manager and the lead engineers with their group, continuous involvement, with the nature and degree thereof dependent upon the phase of the project, the complexity of the work as well as the capabilities of the lead engineer and his group, continuous alignment with project objectives and goals, review of standard front-end loading deliverables as execution plans, schedules and manpower plans against the project objectives of quality, cost and schedule as well as continuously applying pressure for improved performance, monitoring implementation thereof, implementation of lessons learned from other projects,
working on performance improvement through training, both on- and off the job, interfacing with project management, other departments and between PSLs, implementing the concept of ownership and accountability, introducing new departmental developments, improving work efficiency and speed.
Authority Associated authority must be at level of department head. This will prevent delays and confusions in cases of conflict or disagreement which otherwise would have to be revert back to the department head for resolution. The lead engineer retains full responsibility for the execution of the project work, although proportionated authority in the PSL function needs to be examined and established. Features and Benefits of the PSL Function: - the organization as a whole will work in a more focused and consistent manner with project managers, lead team members and PSLs continuously proceeding along the lines with project goals and objectives, - the business risk is reduced with immediate effect on the Company's bottom line and reputation, consequently its competitiveness, - people's performance and capabilities are much more emphasized, so creating the possibility of awarding good performance where it is due and correcting poor performance where necessary, - material objectives are the continuous improvement of the quality level of the team members, including front-end training of less-experienced employees for senior positions, - improved project performance is ensured, hence the project will meet "tight" schedule requirements within the estimated and agreed budget, Summary In summary, the PSL function can be considered as "self-financing" and thus the cost for the extra support to the project is assumed to be saleable to project managers and clients. However, benefits must be sold and accepted up-front, either relative to benchmark or based on trust. If possible, a measurement system has to be instituted, so that performance against targets can be monitored. 3.0 MEETINGS Meetings are held on scheduled basis to communicate and interchange information crucial for proper operation of issues concerning the project management department, project task force execution and SHE MS. 3.1 Project Operations Staff Meeting Project operations staff meetings are held bi-weekly on Monday at 13.15 hours in room 550. Participants of this meeting are the heads of departments 831, 832, 890, 891 and 910. The purpose of the meeting is mainly focussed on departmental staffing issues. Discussions are confirmed via e-mail. 3.2 Operational Meeting Starting on Friday, 18 September 1998, there will be a bi-weekly operational meeting. The meeting will be held in room 584 and will be from 08.30 till 10.00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to inform Haarlem Senior Operational Management in a regular way about the most recent highlights, problems and challenges as experienced by the project managers during execution of their projects.
There is a broad consensus with the people concerned that such a meeting is urgently required in order to bring Haarlem Senior Operational Management closer to the day-to-day operational project issues. As a result of this meeting the support to the project task forces can be more direct and pro-active. This meeting has to be a mandatory meeting or otherwise it will fail and result in wasted manhours. Participants are therefore requested to keep their agenda open for this meeting in spite of other priorities. In those cases that participation is absolutely impossible, the head department for project management 832 has to be informed and a suitable deputy can be sent. But this shall be exception to the rule. 3.3 Project Management Department Project management staff meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 16.00 hours in the restaurant. The agenda is distributed prior to the meeting and includes information on SHE issues, sales, actual project operations, department themes and specifics thru presentation by others. The chairman is the GMPO who is also responsible for the preparation of the minutes of meeting. Participants are in accordance with attachment 02 including all project management staff. 3.4 Project Task Force Project task force meetings are held in accordance with the requirements as per the PPM (Project Procedures Manual), reference practice 245.120.1205. 3.5 Project Review Project review meetings are held in accordance with the OSIP. The project review packages should focus on specific areas of concern and corrective actions to be or being taken to solve the problem areas, if any (see also paragraph 2.4 Basics). 3.6 Safety Health Environment (SHE) Management System To stress that SHE is a way of life at FDBV, the final agenda item of above meetings will be to consider whether applicable SHE aspects have been sufficiently addressed, reference practice 245.000.2000 SHE MS, section 5.0 Communication. This requirement deviates from practice 000.100.1000 PMG, section 4.2 which limits the stress towards SHE as to begin meetings with a safety(S) topic only. 4.0 SAFETY THEMES In addition to SHE MS requisites as per above section 3.6 referenced practice, following SHE issues as to evacuation responsibility and accident reporting must be addressed to the responsibility of project management. 4.1 Evacuation Responsibility Project Manager must ensure as a minimum that each individual of the project team, including client representatives, visitors and the like, is familiar with the basic directions in case of calamities. The project manager is responsible for the final check of personnel leave of his task force when the evacuation alarm is sounded, reference FDBV Safety Plan. 4.2 Accident Reporting Procedure The following accidents should be reported immediately by telephone and/or fax to the Haarlem Home Office.
To report to: a. Managing director b. Business Management Team Manager c. Project Cluster Manager
2e LOST WORKDAY CASES (LWC) - (required reporting period: during office hours) To report to: a. Business Management Team Manager b. Department Head H.O. Construction Department Within 8 hours after the accident a completely filled-in accident report must be issued to Department Head H.O. Construction. A formal detailed accident investigation report should be forwarded to Department Head H.O. Construction within 7 days after the accident occurrence.
List for Home and Office telephone numbers is with the project management departmental secretary. Responsible for the necessary and/or required Haarlem H.O. actions (under which informing SHE Management.)
BUSINESS THEMES Project Management is the backbone in the fulfillment of FDBV's obligations to its clients, the public and the company, which includes strict adherence with the law or with any regulations governing company activities. Business themes towards these conditions are closely related to business ethics and conduct, project secrecy agreements and legal services.
Business Ethics and Conduct Project management should realize that all task force members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of business ethics and to conduct themselves and FDBV's business in a manner that will safeguard the Company's reputation and retain the respect of its shareholders and all who associate. Reference practices 000.100.1000 Introduction PMG para. 7.0 Commitment to Ethics and Good Business Practice. 245.600.0148 FDBV Business Ethics and Conduct (under Company Council review).
Project Secrecy Agreements The requirement to classify documents and information as "confidential" must be established at contract award. Project management should establish the basis for the confidentiality of documents with input from the client. Above requirements are detailed in PMG practice 000.100.1211 paragraph 2.11 including the format for project secrecy agreement, employee clause and subcontractor clause. In addition, project manager should examine whether confidential client information may or may not be disclosed to third parties and FD affiliate companies.
Legal Services The role of the FD Legal Services Group is detailed in practice 000.100.1308. The Legal Services Group based in the London office generally supports Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and the FSU (Former Soviet Union). This Legal Services Department is an advisory body. Ultimate decisions rest with OpCo and Regional Management. Project Management is suggested to consult Legal Services directly for guidance or advice. Their advice should be followed when there are no strong reasons to consider a deviation. In cases when project management feels that there are business reasons (including risk mitigation plans) to deviate, project management should consult FDBV management.
ADMINISTRATIVE THEMES This section provides the various administrative matters regarding guidelines for training including job descriptions and administrative procedures.
Job Training The PLG (Project Leadership Group) has developed a list of the skills believed essential for all project management personnel and has developed a project management skills matrix. This matrix indicates the: recommended skills required of project management personnel recommended knowledge level/proficiency in each skill area prior to advancement to a higher labor grade internal training courses available to project management personnel to develop the required skills key reference work practices that address these areas.
The project management skills matrix proficiency levels are a general recommendation and should be reviewed/modified by each operating company or region to be "fit for purpose" for their industry or area. However, the skills are vital to project management personnel to execute projects in a manner consistent with our culture. The generic version of the matrix will be included in the Project Management Guidelines (PMG); both the electronic Infobase and the "hardcopy" versions. Duties, authorities and responsibilities of project management staff members in terms of function description and job classification code are detailed in departmental job descriptions centrally filed with HR department. 6.2 Operation Numbers ETS, file directories and the like have to be completed with operation numbers. Following numbers are relevant to project management activities: No. 101 103 105 106 110 Activity project management project secretary/clerical project administration project interpreters and translators home office start-up in the field
Scheduled Overtime Scheduled overtime in the office falls under the Dutch law covering working hours. Consequently, Managing Director's formal approval for scheduled overtime in the office must be obtained prior to implementation thereof. Reference personnel policy no. NL203.
Document File System Departmental file system is handled by the secretary of GMPO. Specific file index is not required since the majority of the project management documents are properly filed with the respective actual project task forces. Project task force filing requirements are contained in the actual PPM. Reference practice 245.120.1205 - PPM (Project Procedures Manual).
7.0 7.1
IMPROVEMENT THEMES General Project managers have the responsibility to champion the implementation of "improvement items" related to FDBV projects. These items are as summarized below. Value Engineering As a company we wish to conduct value engineering on all appropriate projects. This means that either before award or immediately thereafter the project manager must decide if a value engineering exercise for the newly awarded project is appropriate. If yes, the assigned functional responsibility to carry out the value engineering rests with the process department. Reference practice: 000.209.0940 - Value Engineering Cost and Value Awareness Program All projects require to have a cost and value awareness program which promotes actual involvement of all project tak force members in an effort to increase value awareness. The agenda of the staff meeting should include cost awareness as topic for discussion. Cost savings suggestions will be encouraged and rewarded in a structured way as appropriate. Proclamation of value awareness results can be visualized by the use of posters and the like in the task force work area. Client Review Process It is mandatory to have the client review process initiated on all projects. Each project should have a plan for when the client interviews will take place and who will be the FD assigned interviewers. Feedback from these interviews needs to be provided to the project team (lead engineers), department heads and to the project management group. Any resulting recommendations must be actioned and implemented as appropriate. Alignment Process Initial alignment meetings on all our projects are carried out as a normal business practice. These alignment processes need to be continued throughout the life of the project with appropriate attendees at appropriate times such as: award of main purchase orders with vendors award of major subcontracts with contract start of construction with construction staff start of commissioning with commissioning team and the like.
Lessons Learned Implementation The project manager is supposed to arrange for scheduled sessions subject to lessons learned on the actual project. Pitfalls should be identified as lessons learned and subsequently categorized into the issue of: "never do again" - "try again" - "always do". Procedural impacts must be identified for immediate corrective action. Distribution of the lessons learned include the relevant department heads for their further action when deemed necessary and for the input in the lessons learned database. Client Focused Task Force Appearance As project management we need to publicize more about our projects to our client and our people. Notices ought to be posted which advertise to the task force project items such as project's mission statements, KRA's, project objectives and the like as well as achievements of major milestones, progress curves and progress photographs plus the results of the value awareness program, see above cost and value awareness program. Feedback on Wins and Losses Proposal managers are emphasized to provide feedback to management and the proposal team on proposal losses as well as proposal wins. The proposal manager shall ensure that the debriefing meeting to management and the proposal team is given within a reasonable time but not later than 2 weeks of either a successful award or notification of loss. Enhance Client - PM Relationships Project managers need to spend part of their efforts in either maintianing and/or enhancing our relationships with our client's project management team. PM's efforts in this request are essential to successful project execution and repeat business. CPI The CPI function is assumed to meet with each project manager with current project responsibility to go over the various improvement items and to provide any assistance they require for implemntation of the relevant items. The project managers are encouraged to champion proper implementation. Reference practice 000.100.1000 Added Value 7.2 Specific Tools for Healthy Projects Improvement of overall project execution performance require appropriate actions on projects which will insure greater opportunity for success: "healthy projects". Those actions include the use of specific tools designed to aid in the process, entitled as: PDRI (Project Definition Rating Index) PHCL (Project Health Checklist) Project Management Peer Review Methodology Discipline Quality Audit Project Operations Introduction PMG para. 5.0 Commitment to CPI, Innovation and
Project managers are urged to consider the application of these specific tools at appropriate phase during project execution and discuss the implementation thereof with the senior project director.
PDRI (Project Definition Rating Index) The PDRI is a simple and easy-to-use tool for measuring the degree of scope development on industrial projects. It identifies and precisely describes each critical element in a scope definition package and allows a project team to quickly predict factors impacting project risks. It is intended to evaluate the completeness of scope definition at any point prior to the time a project is considered for authorization to perform detailed design and construction. Details of the PDRI as to the structure, benefits, instructions for scoring a project and subsequent analysis are contained in practice 245.100.1200 attachment 01 - PDRI. PHCL (Project Health CheckList) The concept of health checks is a way to enhance successful project execution performance, reduce "leakage" of profits and help projects manage financial risk. Each health check will result in a report to project and FDBV management which measures the effectiveness of overall execution on the project and provides recommendations for improvement. The PHCL procedure includes two separate health checklists. The "start-up" checklist is designed for the early stages of the project. The "project execution" checklist is designed to address other phases of the project. Detailed PHCL procedure and checklists are contained in practice 245.100.1200 attachment 03 - PHCL. Project Management Peer Review Methodology Project Management Peer Review is defined as the examination of actual project execution excellence performed by a representative of the project management department that is of equal standing with the project manager. The objective of the project management peer review is to improve project execution excellence for both the actual as well as the project management standard (model) project execution plan. The project management peer review is intended to support the project manager in his efforts to create an environment for optimal project execution excellence and to enhance interactive communication within the project management department by exchange of experiences. Consequently, the peer review ought to be performed via open dialogue discussions by the peer reviewer with the project manager (reviewee). The dialogue element will promote that both parties recognize and agree on peer review findings and actions to be taken for improved project execution excellence. Details of the project management per review methodology are contained in practice 245.100.1200 attachment 05. Discipline Quality Audit Project Operations The purpose of a project quality audit is to evaluate the need for improvement or corrective action within project management during project execution. The objective of a project quality audit is the prevention of quality deficiencies within project management during project execution. Consequently, it is a method to assure proper project management execution. Details of the discipline quality audit project operations are contained in practice 245.100.0033.
PROJECT EXECUTION All FDBV projects shall be executed in accordance with the OSR and the OSIP. Utilizing the OSR and OSIP, each project shall prepare a project specific operating system. Guidelines for adherence to these requirements are contained in the PMG (Project Management Guidelines). This PMG is intended to serve as a guide to ensure effective project management, including the development of the project specific operating system. In accordance with this system, each project shall develop, maintain, disseminate and use KPD's (Key Project Documents) to control the execution of work. KPD's are defined as detailed PEP (Project Execution Plan) and PPM (Project Procedures Manual). While the PMG serves as a guide to assist the project in customizing a project operating system, including models for the KPD's, FDBV has developed more detailed standard KPD's which can be easily tailored to meet project needs. The proposal execution should follow the relevant practice in the PMG and DIP. Execution of extensive and complex proposal work may require the development of KPDs typical for proper proposal performance. Decision is at the discretion of the GMPO. Reference practices 000.100.XXXX - PMG (Project Management Guidelines) 000.100.1101 - Proposals ------------------ Proposal Development Guidelines 245.000.5103 - DIP Project Preparation of Sales Proposals 245.120.0050 - Standard PEP (Project Execution Plan) 245.120.0072 - Standard AP (Activity Plan Project Management) 245.120.1205 - Standard PPM (Project Procedures Manual) 245.505.0050 - Standard CEP (Construction Execution Plan) 245.505.0072 - Standard AP (Activity Plan Construction Management) 245.505.1205 - Standard CPM (Construction Procedures Manual).
KPDs (Key Project Documents) The generic intention of KPDs is to provide an assemblage of guidelines and a like documents pertaining to the project organization and functioning of the project task force for proper execution of project. It sets forth the responsibility of individual key task force members and prescribes methods for their functioning. The basic structure of the KPDs is dictated by the following two absolute "musts" to promote efficient use of the manuals: "Must" 1 : recognizable analytical pattern thru the three "P" concept: P1 Policies = FD Operating Principles and Project Objectives. P2 Plans = define "what has to be done" thru the PEP (Project Execution Plan). P3 Procedures = define "how to be done" thru the PPM (Project Procedures Manual). text should match the abstraction level of the user thru the following three human factors "F": F1 = easy to read F2 = good is good enough F3 = fit for purpose
"Must" 2 :
KPDs are labeled multi-discipline project management operations documents as hierarchy level 4 operational quality documents, whilst DKPDs (Discipline Key Project Documents) label single-discipline operations document as hierarchy level 5 operational quality document, see attachment 01.
The level 5 operational quality documents may require the development and distribution of single discipline DKDPs as DPEP (Discipline Project Execution Plan) and DPPM (Discipline Project Procedures Manual). These DKPDs provide detailed work instructions to ensure proper availability of "RFC" status deliverables, reference Engineering Practice 245.2xx.0757: Discipline Job Data Book. The project manager is responsible for the KDPs and the lead discipline engineer is responsible for the DKDPs, see attachment 06. Separate KPDs are required to be developed for the project construction execution phase, as defined in the Departmental Quality Manual for Construction Management 910. 8.2 PEP (Project Execution Plan) Definition The PEP is defined as a brief strategic document to set forth "what" has to be done to accomplish the project scope of work and the project requirements. The PEP should discuss those topics that will communicate the "big picture" of the overall project. These discussions should contain approaches, strategies and brief descriptions for appropriate subject matter. Objective On each project, a written PEP shall be prepared with the objective to integrate the various phases and elements of the project, providing for: - positive direction to the task force early in the project phase, - information to both the client and FDBV of the direction being taken, - the basis to identify potential changes, - the basis for better assessment and monitoring manhours and costs, - guideline for selection of systems and procedures, - framework for the PPM (Project Procedures Manual). Timing PEP revision 0 should be aimed to be available during the project kick-off meeting(s). Following this meeting(s), the project manager shall schedule a project alignment meeting with the client. Sufficient time should be allowed between the project kick-off meeting and the project alignment meetings for the project task force to update the outputs of the project kick-off meeting. After the alignment meeting with client, the project manager shall update PEP revision 0 for formal issue as PEP revision 01. Responsibility The project manager is responsible for ensuring that all documents relative to the PEP are adequately reviewed with respect to project scope including client requirements and that the PEP content is appropriate for the project. This responsibility includes the following: - direct the preparation of the PEP and other Project Operating System Documents - structure the PEP for project needs review and approve the PEP, including APs (Activity Plans) and audit schedule keep the PEP current throughout the project's life Each lead representative participating in the execution of a project will be responsible for the following: - obtain copies of sample AP for their respective discipline and make appropriate modifications - prepare new project specific APs for circumstances in which modified or unmodified sample APs are unsuitable - coordinate APs with other functions - approve APs - submit AP to the project manager for final approval - control original copy and maintain current revision list of APs for the respective area of responsibility.
Exceptions In case of relative small projects or in case of multi-small projects, the preparation of a full project specific PEP is impractical. In those cases the PEP will consist of only client specific requirement and will supplement the practices, intent and the philosophy as applicable. Reference practice 000.100.1502 Multi-Projects Execution. Standard PEP The PMG contains a reference practice 000.100.1204 for preparing a PEP. This practice provides for suggestions to the table of contents and sample project management activity plan. A model project execution plan is available as reference practice 000.120.0050. Based on both practices, FDBV Standard Project Execution Plan has been developed for immediate and easy adjustments towards actual project requirements at contract award. References practices 000.100.1204 Project Execution Plan 000.120.0050 Model Project Execution Plan 245.120.0050 FDBV Standard Project Execution Plan 8.3 AP (Activity Plan) The quality imparted to a deliverable is ensured by the feature of good management and good workmanship. The relation between a deliverable and these features is confirmed in dedicated discipline APs (Activity Plans). These APs are contained in the PEP as a separate section and may be re-named as activity quality plans or project quality plan, when preferred by the client. Standard APs for all disciplines are available in the relevant DQM's. The standard AP for project management is contained in the FDBV standard PEP as reference practice 245.120.0072. 8.4 PPM (Project Procedures Manual) Definition The PPM is defined as a condensed document detailing "how" to be done to meet the PEP requirements. Objective On each project a written PPM shall be prepared with the objective to define the organization responsible for the execution of the project, their responsibilities and the procedures to be applied in order to meet the project objectives. Timing The draft table of contents should be available for discussion in the project kick-off meeting. The draft PPM shall be aimed to be ready within 2 to 4 weeks after project initiation. Finalization of the PPM, including client's comments, is promoted to be realized after the project alignment meetings. Responsibility The project manager has the overall responsibility for the PPM. Sections of the manual are to be completed by the project task force member responsible for the associated activity. The project manager's responsibility includes, in addition to all the above, the following key activities: - ensure that each section conforms to the requirements stated in the contract - obtain input from client for interfaces and client specific needs - provide revisions to the PPM as needs arise - ensure proper distribution of the PPM, which includes as a minimum, all key FDBV and key client task force members.
Exceptions Reference is made to the exceptions as contained in section 8.2 of this DQM. Standard PPM The PMG contains a reference practice 000.100.1205 for preparing a PPM. This practice provides for a typical comprehensive table of contents. Based on this practice, FDBV Standard Project Procedures Manual has been developed for immediate and easy adjustments towards actual project requirements at contract award. Reference practices 000.100.1205 245.120.1205 9.0 RESOURCES Functional information is electronically available thru Lotus Notes FD InfoBase Main Menu and Haarlem (FDBV) InfoBase Main Menu. All FDBV employees with access to Lotus Notes can access the functional InfoBase information. Information in generic is published thru "practices". 9.1 Practices As an "umbrella" designation, all engineering documents, produced during the operational consistency program, will be called Fluor Daniel practices, defined as a formal narrative or graphic documentation of a method used by Fluor Daniel to execute a particular task or element of work. This is the generic term that applies to documents that might previously have been called procedures, instructions and the like. 9.2 Numbering System The pattern of the numbering systems for practices, as defined in practice 000.000.0011 is structured thru the application of ten digit numbers XXX.XXX.XXXX as listed below. Project Procedures Manual FDBV Standard Project Procedures Manual
Practice Subject
Geographic and Corporate Entity Identification The three digit numbers identifies the geographic and corporate entity (operation center; business sector; business unit) responsible for originating and maintaining practices Function Division Identification First digit identifies major functional divisions such as 0 General Corporate, 1 - Project Management, 2 - Engineering, 3 - Project Controls Discipline Responsibility Identification Two digit number identifies the discipline responsible for originating and maintaining the practice Practices Identification Block Number Assignment Four digit practices identification number
Practice Number
XXX.XXX.XXXX Refer to General Corporate practice 000.000.0020
XXX.XXX.XXXX Refer to FD InfoBase Main Menu Master Index XXX.XXX.XXXX Refer to 000.100.0001 - PMG Table of Contents.
FD InfoBase The FD InfoBase Main Menu thru Lotus Notes on FDHALN01 contains corporate functions and operating companies information, see attachment 07.
Haarlem (FDBV) InfoBase The Haarlem (FDBV) InfoBase version 1.0 thru Lotus Notes on FDHALN01 contains following sections: - FD Operating System Requirements (OSR) - FDBV Operating System Implementation Plan (OSIP) - FDBV Safety- Health - Environment Management System (SHE MS) - FDBV General Practices - FDBV Discipline Interface Procedures (DIPs) see below paragraph 9.5. FDBV Departmental Quality Manuals for following departments: Construction Engineering Finance Human Resources Information Systems Management Procurement/Contracts Project Controls Project Management Quality Assurance Sales Facility Services
Note: Materials printed from the Haarlem (FDBV) InfoBase are uncontrolled! The latest revision of a document is the electronic version found in the InfoBase. 9.5 Discipline Interface Procedures (DIPs) The Departmental Interface Procedures contain step-by-step instructions required for successful and economical execution of project management and engineering activities during project execution. Each procedure will normally consist of a preface containing purpose, scope and application, followed by step-by-step activities shown on detailed procedure sheets. Procedures are grouped by functional responsibilities under appropriate function division indentification number. Department heads are responsible for conformance to those procedures in the manual in which their personnel participate. The Departmental Interface Procedures are intended to serve the following principal purposes: Provide detailed guidelines insuring uniformity and avoiding duplication of effort. Establish responsibility for each person or group in the pursuance of a function. Provide a basis of understanding for the relationship between team members involved in the overall execution of a particular function. Serve as ready reference material for all employees unfamiliar with the detailed activities used to conduct our business.
Attachment 08 provides the matrix for the various engineering interfaces and disciplines involved.
PROJECT QUALITY AUDITS The project operating system is the basis which is used for project quality audits and meets the requirements of ISO 9001. Project management and individual contributors of all levels are responsible for quality in managing and performing their activities, reference practice 000.100.1000 - PMG - para. 6.0 Commitment to Quality. Definition Quality audit: a systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. Purpose The purpose of a project quality audit is to evaluate the need for improvement or corrective action during project execution. Objective The objective of a project quality audit is the prevention of quality deficiencies during project execution. Schedule Inherent to the objective is the requirement of a project quality audit schedule. Upon completion of the initial issue of the project APs, project management will prepare a project quality audit schedule (QAS) that meets the requirements of the OPG, OSIP, PEP and PPM. The project QAS is contained in the PEP as attachment to the AP section. Auditors Project quality audits are carried out by staff not having direct responsibility in the areas being audited but, preferably, working in cooperation with the relevant FDBV employees. Project client representative may participate in the quality audit performance as observer either as a contractual condition or as promoting client involvement towards client project input and interfaces. Types The project quality audit typically applies to a project quality system or elements thereof, to project processes or to project products. These audits are called "project quality system audit", "project process quality audit", "project product quality audit". Alert Themes Inspection Quality audit should not be confused with "inspection" activities performed for the sole purpose of process control or product acceptance. Inspection is similar to detection as related to rejection, which does not allow for corrective action. Surveillance Quality audit should not be confused with "quality surveillance" defined as: "The continuing monitoring and verification of the status of procedures, methods, conditions, processes, products and analysis of records in relation to stated references to ensure that specified requirements for project quality are being met."
Design Review Quality audit should not be confused with "design review" defined as: "A formal, documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to evaluate the design requirements and capability of the design to meet these requirements and to identify problems and proposed solutions." The purpose of a design review is not "prevention" but ensurance in terms of fitness for purpose towards feasibility, manufacturability, measurability, performance, reliability, maintainability, SHE aspects, time scale and life cycle cost. Types of design reviews are plotplan and model review, P&ID review, HAZOP and the like. References: ISO 8402 ISO 9001 ISO 10006 ISO 10011 Practices 000.100.1000 000.100.1307 245.000.0030 245.000.0031 245.100.0033 245.100.1200 245.120.0050 245.120.0072 245.120.1205 11.0 Quality Vocabulary Quality Systems Quality in Project Management Guidelines for Auditing Quality Systems Introduction PMG, para. 6.0 Commitment to Quality PMG Project Operations Support - Quality Management Quality Audits Corrective Action Requests (CARs) Discipline Quality Audit Project Operations Project Management Peer Review Methodology Standard Project Execution Plan Standard Activity Plan Project Management Standard Project Procedures Manual
ACRONYMS USED IN THE DQM Following acronyms are used in this project management practice: AP COP CPI DIP DKPD DQM ECA E&HO EM EPC ETS FD FDBV FSU GMPO HO HR ISO KPD KRA MLT OpCo OSIP = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Activity Plan Corporate Overhead and Profit Continuous Performance Improvement Departmental Interface Procedures Discipline Key Project Document Departmental Quality Manual Export Credit Agency Engineering & Home Office Engineering Manager Engineering Procurement Construction Electronic Time Sharing Fluor Daniel (Corporate) Fluor Daniel B.V. (Haarlem) Former Soviet Union General Manager Project Operations Home Office Human Resources International Organization for Standardization Key Project Document Key Result Area Management Leadership Team Operating Company Operating System Implementation Plan
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Operating System Requirements Project Cluster Project Information Manager Project Definition Rating Index Project Health Checklist Piping and Instrument Diagram Project Leadership Group Project Manager Project Management Guidelines Project Procedures Manual Project Support Leader Quality Assurance Coordinator Quality Audit Schedule Released for Construction Safety Health Environment Coordinator Senior Project Director Technical Document Control Total Installed Cost Work Breakdown Structure
ATTACHMENTS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Quality (Operating) Document Hierarchy Level (01Nov98) Project Operations Organization (01Nov98) Typical Task Force Organization Full Size Project (01Nov98) Physical Task Force Requirements (01Nov98) Criteria for Project Management (01Nov98) Key Project Document Responsibility Chart (01Nov98) FD Info Base Main Menu (01Nov98) DIP Involved Parties Matrix (01Nov98)
Operating System Requirements Operating System Implementation Plan Safety-Health-Environment Management System Departmental Quality Manual Key Project Documents Discipline Key Project Documents
Department Secretary
- Project Secretaries
- Validate execution plans - Focus on day-to-day execution - Enforce project performance standards - Project strategies & KRAs - Increase coaching
Construction Staff
Project Manager
Business Manager
Engineeing Manager
Construction Manager
Procurement Manager
Civil/Structural/ Architectural
= = = = =
CPI Coordinator Project Information Manager Quality Assurance Coordinator Safety-, Health- Environment Coordinator Technical Document Control
In both cases, engineers must properly clear their old cubicle area and arrange with Facility Services for movement of their files and belongings to the new location. Event 2 may require that some of engineers files and belongings have to be stored for which separate arrangements with Facility Services need to be made. Responsibility for phase II - department head, lead engineers and engineers.
Task Force Security Consideration In various cases FDBV will have members of both client and partner organizations resident in the Haarlem office. Due to the sensitive nature of some of the information within the building security conscious at all times is needed. Whilst these people are in the building, they are the guests of the appropriate project/proposal manager. It is his/her responsibility to ensure that, as a rule they leave the office by normal close of business time, however, should there be a need to stay after normal office hours then the proposal/project manager should either remain behind and escort them from the building himself/herself or delegate the responsibility to another senior FDBV representative. If the proposal/project manager should need to leave the building and no other designate is available then he must politely suggest that they leave the building with him. Detailed list of general task force security considerations is contained in the PMG. Reference practice 000.100.1203 attachment 01. Confidential Data and Clean Desks The project manager should remind the lead engineers of the need not to leave confidential information on their desks when not being used. FDBV policy is to keep this data under lock and key when not in use. This requirement is the cornerstone of FDBV procedure for handling client confidential data. Project Manager must also continue to encourage the employee to leave their desk tops clean when they are out of the office, in as far as this is practical. Reference: FDBV House Rules. Handling of Confidential Information from outside FDBV This handling, as defined by a contract or secrecy agreement, is detailed in the Departmental Interface Procedure referenced as the practice below. Reference: Practice 245.000.190 - General Handling of Confidential Information from outside FDBV
Estimating A. A working knowledge of the estimating process. B. Lead a detailed estimating effort. C. Perform high level summary estimates. D. Plan and coordinate estimates. E. Review, validate, and present estimates. F. Coordinate estimating efforts into the project team activities. Project Controls A. A working knowledge of the planning and scheduling process. B. Prepare a CPM logic diagrams. C. Prepare and maintain a Management Summary Schedule. D. Review and supervise the project detailed planning and scheduling. E. Analyze schedules for correctness and trends. F. Develop and maintain a physical progress monitoring system. G. A working knowledge of the cost engineering process. H. Develop and maintain a scope control/change order practice on projects. I. Estimate maintenance during a project. J. Develop a cost control and forecasting system for a project. K. Analyze cost reports for correctness and trends. L. Communicate regularly the cost and schedule status to the project team. M. Correct early trends. N. Develop a project cash flow and understand the cost impacts. Safety A. B. C. D. E. A working knowledge of the Fluor Daniel safety standards and requirements. Calculate and maintain project safety statistics. Promote and enforce safety standards and practices on projects. Ensure all company safety practices are in place and observed on projects. Demonstrate good safety practice and performance.
Engineering A. A working knowledge of the engineering process and techniques. B. A thorough understanding of the sequence and requirements of engineering and design activities. C. Coordinate the various information and needs of the engineering disciplines and the balance of the project team. D. A basic ability to read drawings from all disciplines, including P&IDs and single-line diagrams. E. Set up and supervise a document control program for a project. F. Plan, forecast and coordinate manpower, floor space, and equipment needs for engineering. G. Provide, directly or indirectly, construction input to the engineering designs. Procurement A. A working knowledge of procurement, purchasing and contracting. B. Perform a technical and commercial bid tab. C. Prepare a project procurement strategy and plan. D. Coordinate contractor activities. E. Plan and manage expediting and inspection services successfully to support project needs. F. Organize and maintain a materials management program from the early engineering planning stage to mechanical completion. G. Understand and follow the company requirements for approvals and reviews.
Construction A. A working knowledge of construction practices and techniques. B. A thorough understanding of the sequence and requirements of construction activities. C. Develop a site mob and demob plan. D. Develop a site indirects plan, layout, and estimate. E. Develop and maintain site policies and work rules. F. Organize and implement construction contract strategies. G. Organize and review a rigging plan. Accounting/Finance A. Understanding of the project billing process. B. Transfer of data from accounting to cost engineering. C. Understanding of Transbills and their cost impacts. D. Understanding of Accounts Receivables and their collection. E. Develop and forecast Cost of Cash plans. F. Develop and maintain PFSRs. Business A. Be the business leader on a project. B. Develop and maintain a project business plan. C. Develop a project profit model. D. Report profit impacts of project events and develop a recovery plan. E. Understand the client and his opportunity for future work. F. Develop and maintain a good client relationship and promote FD. G. Prepare a successful sales proposal. H. Promote a business mindset throughout a project team. I. Manage a project as a business, even when it may be unpopular. J. Write a contract summary. K. Write a successful business plan. L. Develop a COP forecasting spreadsheet for a project that is based on the COP producing elements of the contract and can be used for making option analyses and the COP impacts.
Project Manager
Level 4
Level 5
Master Index
Whats New
0xx Corporate & Administration General Corporate Office Systems Records Management Quality Assurance Proposal Development CPI Guidebook OPG 1xx 2xx 3xx Project Management Engineering Project Controls 7xx 4xx 5xx 6xx Procurement Construction General Services Human Resources Safety Information Services Finance
Operating Companies
Biotech/Pharmaceuticals Chemicals, Plastics & Fibers Environmental (ESOC) Mining & Metals Government Services Power Generation (PGOC) Petroleum & Petrochemicals Telecomm
Materials printed from the FD InfoBase are controlled!!! The latest revision of a document is the electronic version found in the InfoBase.
Information Systems
Computer Controls
Quality Assurance
Control Systems
Project Controls
PRACTICE NO. 245.000.0001D 245.000.0101 245.000.0102 245.000.0103 245.000.0106 245.000.0107 245.000.0202 245.000.0205 245.000.0207 245.000.0209 245.000.0210 245.000.0211 245.000.0301 245.000.0501 245.000.0503 245.000.0504 245.000.0505 245.000.0507 245.000.0509 245.000.0510 245.000.0511 245.000.0602 245.000.0701 245.000.0702 245.000.0703 245.000.0704
TITLE Package Unit Execution Preparation and Issue of Process Flow Diagrams Preparation and Issue of Mechanical Flow Diagrams and Line List Preparation Equipment Duty Specification Preparation and Issue of Process Heat Tracing and Jacketing Process Development and Preparation of Area Classification Drawings Spare Parts, Lubricants and Preservatives Selection and Purchase Procedure Mechanical Summary of Heat Treatment and Related Requirements for Welded Piping Mechanical Selection of Materials and Preventive Measures for Corrosives and other Special Environments HVAC Installations Mechanical Noise Control Stoomwezen Coordination Procedure Control Systems Preparation of RFQs and POs for InLine Instruments Piping Preparation of Plotplan Piping Location Control Plan Piping Foundation Settlement and Piping and Equipment Design Handling of Material Certificates Administration by TDC Piping Combined Underground and Paving Plans (CUPP) Piping Equipment Nozzle Loadings Piping Equipment Nozzle Properties Handling of Material Certificates Administration by Construction Handling of Electric Motors as part of a Mechanical Package Prefabricated and Pre-assembled Substations and Process Control Building Analysis of Multiple Discipline Structural Systems Structural Fixing Devices for Equipment Leveling and Grouting of Equipment and Steel Structures
Information Systems
Computer Controls
Quality Assurance
Control Systems
Project Controls
245.000.1104 245.000.1114 245.000.1205 245.000.1206 245.000.1207 245.000.1208 245.000.1209 245.000.1210 245.000.2104 245.000.2107 245.000.2501 245.000.4101 245.000.5103
Plant Manuals, Preparation and Distribution Project Revamp Planning Project Control Scheduling Front-End Schedule Project Controls Scheduling Project Management Schedules Project Controls Scheduling Project Levels Schedules Discipline Control Level Schedules (DCLS) Project Controls Scheduling Manhour Expenditure Control Discipline Control Report (DCR) Purchasing Overages, Shortages Losses and Damages Preparation of Request for Quotation thru to Purchase Order Project Contract Plan, Contract Preparation Computer Data Retention Proposal Development and Client Presentations