Adobe Scan Feb 14, 2023
Adobe Scan Feb 14, 2023
Adobe Scan Feb 14, 2023
Youngsters from the age of 18 to 22 must be the primary target as they
hold bank accounts and online transaction ready and set to go.
Secondary to the people of age category 22 to 25.
There are some old aged people how wish to be in touch with people
thus it can be also a targeted area.
The price for premium services
T h e user friendly nature
The multiple olatforms for different opportunities and talents
Even the game become the earnings
Guaranteed 60%off on subscription from Rs. 300 to Rs. 120.
1. Sponsoring the gamers
The gamers who uses the app is awarded with small gifts and opportunities to play
in all INDIA matches which will help to motivate other gamers to make the
4. Influencer marketing
90% of shoppers say authenticity is an important part of their decision to support a
brand. Influencer marketing is the use of influencers to reach new users and
promote your brand. This app marketing strategy has taken the industry by storm in
recent years, with a 65 percent increase for influencer marketing budgets this year.
6. Email marketing
Creating a mailing list is a great way to regularly update users and send
promotional offers. This app marketing strategy can help you increase retention
rates and generate revenue.