This is my First Document in the Forum and hope this will be helpful for all.
I have searched in Forum but I did not get any Document on DMEE where Step By Step
Configuration is Given.
Any Suggestion and Critics are always Welcome as this will help me to improve.
DME stands for Data Medium Exchange
A data medium exchange (DME) is a data exchange file which is used to send payment
information of an enterprise to banks or tax authority. Basically these files contain financial
data which can be in flat file or xml file format. Different File formats can be created for
different countries and different banks based on their own norm which replaces
conventional ABAP programs.
DMEE Configuration:Step By
Create Payment Medium Formats (OBPM1) Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable ® Business Transactions ® Outgoing Payments ® Automatic Outgoing
Payments ® Payment Media ® Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment
Medium Workbench ® Create Payment Medium Formats
Description : Z_IDES
Type : 01 File
Country : IN
Create a new format with the same name as your DMEE format tree. Choose the format
output Payment medium without docs., and type File. Under Program control, set the Mapping
using DME engine indicator. Once this indicator is set, the DME engine button appears, which
allows you to access the DMEE format tree directly.
Under Format information, specify your country. You can also write documentation for your
PMW format by choosing the field help for the Documentation module field. From there,
choose Proceed, and a document maintenance screen appears. Select document
class General text, enter a name for the text, and create the documentation. Lastly, enter the
name of this text in the PMW format in the Documentation module field.
DME Engine: Initial Screen (DMEE):
Select Active Version and press Copy.
Click on Change.
Here you need to give the format attributes for your DMEE output File.
In Delimiter Section I have taken | but you can use comma,semi colon or anything.
Delimiter separates the items in DMEE file by the input provided by you.
Sort key Fileds controls the output of line in DMEE.It actually controls the levels of DMEE.
After This Goto File Data where you need to tick on Carriage return and Line Feed.
The tick on Carriage return and Line feed is for creatin new line after the finish of Header
Carriage Return is used for creating new line in word or PDF formart and Line Feed is
used for creating new line in XML format.
The tick on Carriage return and Line feed is for creatin new line after the finish of Header
Carriage Return is used for creating new line in word or PDF formart and Line Feed is
used for creating new line in txt Format.
Add the fields to Header and Details as per the requirement and then save.
Now will show step by step for every Header and payment Details configured here.
In Header Part I have made it Constant which you need to choose in Attributes tab of
Give name(as I have given Header),Give Length and choose character as shown in Screen
Shot Below.
Go to Source Tab and write what you want to get in the output as shown in screen shot
The Next is Corporate ID,This is nothing but the paying Co code.
Please select Structure Field(I have taken Structure Field because it can be fetched from
the Tables and Field,Some data are there which you can fetch from tables so either you
have to make it constant or you have to use Exit Module).
You will find Field name,You can choose Field name according to your requirement.
As I have copied the standard structure where Segment group and Elements were already
there but you can definitely create segment group,segment and elements according to the
For this you can not use constant or structure field,here you need to use Exit Module and
you need the help of ABAPER to write a logic(The logic here is that if the amount is less
than or equal to rs 200000 then NEFT else RTGS).
Now click on the Source Tab and one need to provide structure and Field name(though we
are using Exit Module but we need to provide Structure and Field name so that the data
can be populated in the Structure and field given and system populates the data in DMEE
file through this Structure and Field)
I am giving the code as well which is done by ABAPER and it works according to NODE ID.
CASE i_extension–node–node_id.
WHEN ‘N_8559886880’ .
IF l_item–fpayp–dmbtr LT 200000.
l_item–fpayh–formz = ‘NEFT’.
o_value = l_item–fpayh–formz.
c_value = l_item–fpayh–formz.
l_item–fpayh–formz = ‘RTGS’.
o_value = l_item–fpayh–formz.
c_value = l_item–fpayh–formz.
Now click on Payee IFSC Code and Configure as given in the screen shot below.
PS:Please maintain the IFSC code of Payee bank in Control Data Tab in SWIFT column in
House bank .
Click on Payee Bank Number and Configure According to Screen Shot.
Click on Receivers IFSC Code and configure as shown in Screen Shot Below.
I have used Exit Module here as well and the coding is as follows:
WHEN ‘N_9336226660’ . “ifsc code
CLEAR: l_lifnr,l_bkref.
l_lifnr = l_item–fpayp–gpa2r.
SELECT SINGLE bkref FROM lfbk INTO l_bkref WHERE lifnr = l_lifnr.
Now in Vendor Master Data You need to maintain IFSC code in Reference Details Field as
shown in Screen Shot Below.
Now Click on Beneficiary Account No and configure as shown in Screen Shot Below.
Here also I have used Exit Module and the Coding is as follows:
WHEN ‘N_3908411670’. “account no
CLEAR: l_lifnr,l_bankn.
l_lifnr = l_item–fpayp–gpa2r.
SELECT SINGLE bankn FROM lfbk INTO l_bankn WHERE lifnr = l_lifnr .”
l_item–fpayh–zbnkn = l_bankn.
o_value = l_item–fpayh–zbnkn.
c_value = l_item–fpayh–zbnkn.
Maintain bank account in vendor master in Bank account Column as Shown in Screen Shot
Now Click on Transaction Currency and configure as shown below.
Now Click on Amount and configure as Shown in Screen Shot.
Click on Name of Payee(Vendor) and configure as shown in Screen Shot Below.
Click on Vendor Email Id and Configure as shown in Screen Shot Below.
Here also I have used Exit Module.
Coding is as follows:
l_item–fpayh–INTAD = l_emailid.
o_value = l_item–fpayh–INTAD.
c_value = l_item–fpayh–INTAD.
a) Payment Methods in Country: Create Pymt. Method ‘E’ for country ‘IN’. Define the
In Payment Medium,Put Z_IDES in Format Column.
b) Bank Determination: For Paying Company Code ‘1000’, select Ranking Order.
Create New Entries for “E”
c) Bank Accounts
Create Bank Account for 1000.
Then select Print Parameters and give the name of the printer.
Then Save.
Any Suggestions and Critics are always Welcome as this will help me to Improve in Future.