Jan Johansson
January 2021
This country fiche has been realised within the framework of the BargainUp (Bargaining
Upfront in the Digital Age) project (VS/2019/0280), co-financed by the European
Commission. The project is led by the Italian metalworkers’ organization FIM-CISL, in
partnership with the trade unions ACV-CSC Metea, IF Metall and UGT-FICA,
respectively from Belgium, Sweden and Spain, the Workers’ Education and Training
College (WETCO) of the Bulgarian trade union confederation CITUB, the Italian
research centre ADAPT, the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), the Technic
University of Cartagena (Spain), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the
Office of Cooperation between the Ruhr University of Bochum and IG Metall (Germany).
This country fiche has been developed thanks to a desk research, five interviews with IF
Metall national trade unionists and a focus group with 18 worker representatives,
organised between September and November 2020
Swedish government policy is generally • Industry 4.0. The goal of Industry 4.0
very positive towards all forms of is that companies in the Swedish
digitalisation, but there is an awareness industrial sector are to be leaders of
that problems can arise, mainly in the the digital transformation and in
form of redundancy of manual workers exploiting the potential of
and at the same time a shortage of skilled digitalisation. According to the
labour. strategy, actions in the following
Notably, there is one national strategy areas are required:
for the digitalisation of Swedish o Stimulating the development,
economy. spread and use of digital
technologies that have the greatest
Smart Industry strategy. In January potential to lead the industrial
2016 the Swedish Government (Social sector’s transformation.
Democrats and the Green Party) formed o Exploiting the potential of
a strategy to strengthen the development digitalisation broadly, irrespective
of Swedish industry, called Smart of industry, company size and
industry, with the purpose to strengthen geographical location.
the industrial sector’s competitiveness o Encouraging new business models
and reinforce Sweden’s position as an and organisational models in order
attractive location for industrial to tap the potential of the new
production (Government Office of technology.
Sweden 2016a). The idea is that to o Meeting new knowledge
remain competitive in a changing global requirements that are brought
market, the Swedish industry must be at about by digital development.
the forefront of the digital transformation o Adapting framework conditions
and adopt sustainable production and infrastructure to the digital era.
methods. The strategy was formed in • Sustainable production. The
close dialogue with the social partners. objective of Sustainable production is
The smart industry strategy focuses on that increased resource efficiency,
enhancing companies’ ability to manage environmental considerations and
the rapid transformation of Sweden’s more sustainable production will
industrial sector. Four focus areas have contribute to the industrial sector’s
been chosen: value creation, job creation and
competitiveness throughout the entire
The Smart Industry strategy is intended more than 30 Mbite/s. The goal with the
to lay the foundation for a concerted strategy from 2016 was that 95% of all
national effort. The Government will act households and companies should be
to facilitate structural transformation in connected to broadband in 2020 of at
the industrial sector. The tools will least 100 Mbitd/s and that 98% should
include laws and regulations, have access to broadband by 2025. In an
investments in enterprise, education and evaluation from 2019 by The Swedish
innovation, public procurement and Post and Telecom Authority (2019), the
opening up the public sector, providing forecast is made that 85-88% will be
testbeds and open data. connected in 2020 and 97-98% will have
access to broadband in 2025.
The Government’s strategy has been
concretised in two action plans Sweden comes in second place, after
(Government Office of Sweden, 2016b, Finland, in the Digital Economy and
2017) where 82 different activities are Society Index (DESI) which is a
presented. A description of the composite index that summarises
government’s overall efforts can be relevant indicators on Europe’s digital
found in En politik för tillväxt och performance and tracks the evolution of
utveckling i svensk industri (Government EU Member States in digital
Office of Sweden, 2018). competitiveness. For further
information, please check here.
Figure 1. Productivity in the Swedish manufacturing industry. SEK per hour worked, in 2019 prices
Source: Ekonomifakta
During the same period, the table below can be understood as the fact that there is
shows that the total number of a positive climate to start new companies
companies has decreased while the while the established companies merge
smallest have increased in number. This into larger companies.
2008 2018
Primary education 15 16 15 11 9 10
Information is missing 0 0 0 1 1 1
The table shows that the level of The distribution between white-collar
education has increased for both women and blue-collar employees has been
and men over the past 10 years, but it has relatively stable in recent years. A rough
increased significantly more for women assessment based on figures from
than for men. Whether this means that Statistics Sweden gives the following
women get more qualified jobs or if they picture.
are just over-qualified remains to be
Figure 5. Distribution between white-collar and blue-collar in the Swedish manufacturing industry
2014 2018
Source: calculations made by combining the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI), 2007, with
the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK), 2012
Trade union density. Trade unions in Three unions are outstanding when it
Sweden have traditionally been strong comes to the number of members. The
and the trade union density is among the largest one is Unionen (part of TCO)
highest in the world. This is often with 600,000 members. The second
explained by the insurance system with largest union is the Municipal Workers’
union-led unemployment schemes Union (Kommunal), affiliated to LO and
funded partly by (payroll) taxes and organising more than 514,000
partly by fees paid by the members of employees, of whom about 80% are
unemployment funds. Another related women. The occupational groups
variable of importance is the belonging to the union range over a great
combination of strong encompassing variety of jobs, such as health care and
central and local organisations. The nursing, cleaners, garbage collectors,
centralisation prevents fragmentary school janitors, real estate caretakers,
union coverage, promotes bargaining meter maids, kindergarten teachers,
power and facilitates solidarity wage firefighters and many other services. In
policies, while an extensive network of total, they make up one eighth of the
local union branches well integrated into Swedish labour force. The third largest
national unions brings the unions closer union, IF Metall, has about 317,000
to their members. The unions formally members, of whom 23% are women.
negotiate over remuneration and other They are active in sectors such as
issues with their employer counterparts mechanical engineering and plastics
also at firm level, in order to adapt the industries, building materials industry,
central agreements to the local mining, ironworks, textile and garment
industries, and automobile repair-shops.
Source: LO Fakta
This section is based on two types of new technology, the industry loses its
sources, one focus group interview with competitiveness and employees lose
18 officials from IF Metall and five their jobs. Of course, there are concerns
individual interviews. The focus group about individual cases, but the general
consisted of 15 men and three women perception is still to affirm the new
and the individual interviews of three technology. The overall positive attitude
men and two women. All interviewees may be due to the fact that the Swedish
have top positions within the union such industry has no history where companies
as chairmen of clubs or regions, lay off employees due to the new
ombudsmen, negotiator, study organiser technology. Major redundancies have
and board member. They are found in instead been due to not being
various companies spread all over competitive and thereby forced to close
Sweden. down production or move it to low-wage
Below we start with an overall
description of how new technology is At the same time, there is a great
perceived by the interviewees and then awareness that technological
discuss how their practice has been development and digitalisation will have
affected. an effect on almost everything in
working life and affect all members. This
creates opportunities as well as
General perception and problems. The opportunities are mainly
attitudes of national trade in three areas:
unions • An improved work environment.
Workers still suffer from manual
Perception of the impact of work in poor working conditions.
digitalisation on Swedish companies. Automation can help remove bad
The basic conception is that IF Metall is jobs.
positive to new technology and the • The content of the work is improved.
technological development. There is a Monotonous jobs can be replaced
deep-seated notion that “we are not with more challenging and interesting
afraid of the new technology, we are tasks.
afraid of the old”, implying that without
there is also a discussion about the takes place when new technology is
demarcation between white- and blue- introduced on the shop floor and
collar workers, as they are organised in primarily involves the safety
different unions, IF Metall and Unionen. representatives in the discussion. Those
There has been a gradual shift in the involved in the development feel proud
demarcation between white- and blue- of the new tasks they have to learn, but
collar work where IF Metall absorbs not everyone gets the opportunity to
more of what was previously white- participate. Awareness of digitalisation
collar tasks. This is a dilemma where a and its consequences differs depending
thinkable development is that IF Metall on which company our members are
approaches the German model, which working in. According to the
would mean that metal members and interviewees, some companies are at the
production-related officials will be part forefront of technological development,
of the same union. testing different ways to change and
adapt the work according to the wishes
IF Metall digitalisation agenda and its of the union members, but unfortunately
promotion. Digitalisation has been on there are still many who do not care. IF
the agenda for a long time. It is difficult Metall’s members are not worried about
to define when technology will switch to new technology, on the contrary, they
digitalisation, one sign may be when see opportunities for development of the
tasks have been moved from the shop work. The younger ones take more
floor into control rooms. It is seldom a advantage of the new technology, but the
question of a distinct technological leap, older ones also want to be involved. This
but rather a matter of a continuous requires that you have the competence
development of the production. It is the development that is needed.
company that takes the initiative in
technology issues, and the union The approach at the local level. The
participates on their given terms. On IF issue of new technology is widely
Metall’s agenda, the issues mainly discussed at the central level. At IF
appear in connection with the discussion Metall’s congress 2017 an extensive
about the sustainable work. material on New Industry was presented
Digitalisation is discussed primarily at (IF Metall, 2017a), which contained a lot
regional level, and they try to get it out to about the need for continuous
the local clubs, but it is difficult to create competence development. However,
an interest in the issues. At club level, it there are no central guidelines for how
is said that IF Metall does not pursue the the issue should be dealt with at the local
issue as much as it should. level. Here you have to adapt to the new
technology from case to case. There is a
IF Metall members’ perception of document from 2017 titled “Action plan
digitalisation. The interviewees for the future industrial work” (IF
explained that it is difficult for them to Metall, 2017b) which was intended to
get a discussion about the technology on guide the local work, but it did not have
a general level. The discussion instead
the expected impact. The material will be Metall collaborates with Luleå
updated and released in a new version. University of Technology. The project
aims to formulate recommendations for
both attractive workplaces and skills
Practices of national trade development. Further information
available here.
you get if you join the union instead of districts as it is easier to get to the
wanting to be involved and change. meetings when you avoid long drives on
Centrally, IF Metall has an advanced bad roads.
website where you can find information IF Metall’s clubs have a good attendance
about almost everything. They also use on member meetings. There have been
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and considerations about the opportunity of
YouTube to spread information to union allowing for online participating at these
representatives, members or prospective meeting. But the wish for eye contact
members. Many clubs have their own with its members as well as the risk of
websites, and some are active on lower attendance has kept the meetings
Facebook. The websites present news from being carried out online. By using
on, for example, what the safety the internet, the clubs could widen the
representatives have to report. Some dialogue in local matters and possibly
clubs provide opportunities to ask increase the democratic influence. It can
questions and get answers via the also be used for quick surveys among its
website. Internally, digital meetings are members. New ways of communication
becoming more common, especially in and decision making could amount to a
times of the Covid-19 pandemic. This boost for the trade union democracy.
has been a great advantage for the large
Larsson M., Working hours in 2015 - Full-time and part-time employees, normal hours
worked and scheduling of working hours by class and gender 1990- 2015,
Stockholm: LO Wages and Working Life Department, 2015
LO Fakta, https://www.lo.se/start/lo_fakta
LO, This is LO (in English), The Swedish Trade Union Confederation,
PTS, Uppföljning av regeringens bredbandsstrategi 2019. Rapport PTS-ER-2019:11,
2019, https://pts.se/globalassets/startpage/dokument/icke-legala-
Ramboll, Utvärdering av digitaliseringslyftet (Evaluation of the Digilift), 2020,
Teknikföretagen, En konkurrenskraftig industripolitik för Sverige, The Association of
Swedish Engineering Industries, 2018
Teknikföretagen, Today’s societal challenges are tomorrow’s opportunities for Swedish
engineering industries - The Association of Swedish Engineering Industries’ input to
the EU industrial strategy. The Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, 2020
Vinnova, Uppdrag att genomföra samverkansprojekt för att utnyttja digitaliseringens
potential för ökad konkurrenskraft hos svensk Industri, 2019,