VDH Rainfall
VDH Rainfall
VDH Rainfall
Developed by
This document provides guidance for the use of water collected through a rainwater
harvesting system. This guidance is NOT regulation but does reference Virginia and
other states’ guidance and regulations relating to the use of rainwater.
The mention of brand names or products in this report does not constitute an
endorsement of those products by the Virginia Department of Health, Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Conservation and Recreation,
Department of Housing and Community Development, or the Commonwealth of
This document does not include local ordinance information, and any entity
implementing a rainwater harvesting solution is responsible for assuring compliance
with all local, state, and federal requirements.
The General Assembly of Virginia has directed the Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
to develop guidelines regarding the use of gray water and rainwater (Va. Code § 32.1-
248.2). This document is not regulation; it provides guidance for the harvesting and use
of rainwater only.
1.2 Terms
“Rainwater Harvesting,” as used in this document, refers to the collection, conveyance,
and storage of precipitation from roof surfaces. Harvested Rainwater is not “gray water”
or “reclaimed water.” Rainwater Harvesting may be a part of an overall stormwater
management program, but harvested rainwater is not intended for release into a
waterway. Subsequent treatment of harvested rainwater may be employed to remove
impurities and inactivate disease-causing microorganisms.
Several terms that are used throughout this document are defined in the Virginia
Administrative Code (VAC) and are repeated below to clarify interpretation of this
“Auxiliary water system” means any water system on or available to the premises other
than the waterworks. The auxiliary water may include water from a source such as
wells, lakes, or streams; or process fluids; or used water. (12VAC5-590-10)
“Gray water” means untreated wastewater from bathtubs, showers, lavatory fixtures,
wash basins, washing machines, and laundry tubs. It does not include wastewater from
toilets, urinals, kitchen sinks, dishwashers, or laundry water from soiled diapers.
“Potable water” means water fit for human consumption and domestic use that is safe
and normally free of minerals, organic substances, and toxic agents in excess of
reasonable amounts for domestic usage in the area served and normally adequate in
quantity and quality for the minimum health requirements of the persons served. (Va.
Code § 32.1-167 et seq., 9VAC25-740, and 12VAC5-590-10)
“Stormwater” means precipitation that is discharged across the land surface or through
conveyances to one or more waterways and that may include stormwater runoff, snow
melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. (4VAC50-60)
“Stormwater management facility” means a device that controls stormwater runoff and
changes the characteristics of that runoff, including but not limited to, the quantity,
quality, the period of release or the velocity of flow. (4VAC50-60)
“Waterworks” means a system that serves piped water for drinking or domestic use to (i)
the public, (ii) at least 15 connections, or (iii) an average of 25 individuals for at least 60
days out of the year. The term “waterworks” shall include all structures, equipment and
appurtenances used in the storage, collection, purification, treatment and distribution of
pure water except the piping and fixtures inside the building where such water is
delivered. (12VAC5-590-10)
The Water Reclamation and Reuse Regulations (9VAC25-740) address the reclamation
of wastewater and water reuse, taking into account environmental and public health
protection. These regulations specifically exclude the use of gray water. The
regulations also prohibit direct potable reuse of reclaimed water, the use of reclaimed
water for food preparation or in food or beverage products, swimming pools, hot tubs or
wading pools, or any purpose inside a residential or domestic dwelling. These
regulations are administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
The Private Well Regulations (12VAC5-630) address the location and construction of
private wells. Subsequent operation of private wells and their water delivery systems is
not covered by this regulation.
The operational criteria for the type of application vary. Design and operation features,
safeguards, and water quality considerations are described in the following sections.
If a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZ) device is used, it should meet American Water
Works Association standards and be approved by the American Society of Sanitary
Engineering (ASSE) and the USC-FCCC (University of Southern California Foundation
for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research). An RPZ device must be
installed and tested by a Backflow Prevention Device Worker certified by Virginia
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.
Harvested rainwater systems are dependent on the precipitation patterns and may not
be able to provide adequate water supply during all parts of the year. Supplementing
the harvested rainwater requires an appropriate level of cross connection control and
protection for the private or public water system that supplies the supplemental water.
Public water systems are regulated and continually tested to ensure that the water is
safe for human consumption. They are the recommended source of potable water
whenever possible.
Additional contaminants that may be captured by rainwater include, but are not limited
to, dust, smoke, and soot suspended in the atmosphere. The local air quality and
prevailing winds will impact the total dissolved solids in rainwater. This depends on the
rainwater harvesting site location and air emissions (particulate and gaseous) in the
The roof material will impact the quality and quantity of captured rainwater. Smooth
metal or slate surfaces are most efficient. Clay and concrete tiles may collect less
rainwater due to porosity, inefficient flow and evaporation. Calculators used to estimate
quantity and component sizes may include a “Rooftop Runoff Coefficient” (as described
in The Cabell Brand Center’s Virginia Rainwater Harvesting Manual, and used in
DCR’s Rainwater Harvesting Spreadsheet) to account for differences in catchment
surface materials. Composite shingles, wood shingles, and tar and gravel roofing may
leach chemicals into the water, so these should be considered as a part of the design
and intended use of the harvested rainwater.
A first flush diverter is designed to re-route the initial rainwater runoff that may contain
contaminants such as dust, pollen, bird and rodent feces from the harvested water
storage tank. One diverter is recommended for each downspout, and there are several
designs available. The diverted water should ideally be routed to a pervious area to
allow for filtration. The recommended amount of rainwater diverted depends on roof
surface, amount of debris, and number of antecedent dry days.
There are also devices which combine the functions of first flush diversion and a roof
washer. All pretreatment devices require regular maintenance and cleaning.
Algae growth should be prevented by using opaque tanks, and minimizing light
penetration from any openings. Proper screening of all inlets, outlets and overflows is
necessary to protect from vectors such as mosquitoes, insects and rodents.
4.2.1. Filtration
Filtration devices are used to remove particulate matter that may clog piping valves,
plumbing fixtures and irrigation devices, stain sinks, toilets and tubs, and harbor
pathogenic microorganisms. Cartridge filters of synthetic fiber, ceramic media filters,
and activated carbon filters should be used as appropriate. Filters that are certified to
meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/NSF Standard 61 help ensure that
the filter does not impart undesirable contaminants into the water.
The efficiency of the filter is related to the opening size. A recommended size for non-
potable use often cited is 5 microns. The intended use of the harvested rainwater
should determine the type and opening size of the filter.
Synthetic membrane filters with smaller openings, such as reverse osmosis units, may
also be considered, depending on the proposed use.
4.2.3. Disinfection
Non-potable water used indoors should be disinfected. Disinfection of non-potable
water prevents microbial growth (such as Legionella and E. coli), odors and fouling of
fixtures. All disinfection methods shall follow filtration. The disinfection methods most
commonly referenced are: Chlorine, Ultraviolet (UV) Light, and Ozone. VDH
recommends that a qualified professional engineer design the system and provide
operational recommendations for the appropriate treatment and delivery of harvested
4.3 Testing
Harvested rainwater should be tested at the storage unit (cistern or tank) to determine
the microbial and chemical quality of the water, prior to any subsequent treatment. If
treatment is installed, then the harvested water should also be tested downstream of all
treatment units to ensure that the treatment is working.
Owners of rainwater harvesting systems with extensive water treatment equipment may
consider contracting maintenance oversight from the system designer or equipment
supplier. At a minimum, specific manufacturer’s literature should be consulted for more
detailed operation and maintenance information.
The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting, Texas Water Development Board, 3rd
edition, 2005.