Climate Control in Buildings

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Climate Control in Buildings

Ar. Palak Patel1, Ar. Vanshika Agarwal2, Radhika Agarwal3
Head of Department: 2Assistant Professor, 3Student
Axis Institute of Architecture, Kanpur

Abstract:- Brief introduction to climate control. and heat transfer.Itsapplications include residential
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) buildings(apartments, single family homes), commercial
systems account for the majority of energy consumed in buildings(hotels, malls), medium to large industrial and
buildings. As a result, all businesses have the potential to office buildings(hospitals, skyscrapers) where it becomes a
realize significant cost, energy, and emissions savings by prime objective to regulate favourable temperature,
improving control over their HVAC operations humidity and quality of air.
and increasing the efficiency of the systems they use.
Comfort zone. The overall structure of the combined The main objective of climate control in buildings is to
building. To improve comfort, concepts are used such provide human comfort zone for the full-fledged workability
as supplying warm, dry air from sorbents to dehumidify of the concerned building.The comfort zone is a
in summer, and cold air from warm windows in winter. psychological state in which we feel familiar with our
things, feel comfortable, feel in control
Keywords:- Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning(HVAC) of our environment, and experience low levels of anxiety
systems, comfort zone, modes of construction, indoor and stress. A definite level of performance is possible in this
environment, indoor air quality. zone. White(2009) describes an 'optimal performance zone'
where a certain level of stress improves performance.
I. INTRODUCTION Optimal power management requires maximizing time in
the optimal power zone. The main goal is to expand
Climate control in buildings is a self-explanatory term your comfort zone and optimal performance zone. Beyond
used to describe adaptation of user’s indoor climate of a the optimal performance zone is a “danger zone”
building in a favourable way, without affecting outdoor where performance degrades rapidly under the influence of
climate changes, influenced by various climatic elements greater anxiety.
and factors including temperature, wind, solar radiation,
humidity, atmospheric pressure, altitude, latitude, land and Various construction processes depending upon the
water pattern etc. climate of the concerned place also affect the climate control
in buildings like use of heat pipes, thicker walls, reflective
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is roof coatings, sloping roofs, verandas, water bodies, proper
the use of various technologies to control temperature, size and position of openings etc.
humidity, and quality of air in an enclosed space. It works
on various principles of thermodynamics, fluid machines,

Fig. 1: Zones of human comfort


To brief various climate control technologies, both Various heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC)
mechanical and structural, in buildings. systems which are cost effective, reduces energy
consumption and emissions to outdoors. HVAC systems
include various types of ducted and ductless systems.A
natural and cost-effective option for passive air conditioning
by various construction techniques or natural resources.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Air conditioning also includes other elements such as
A. IMPORTANCE OF CLIMATE CONTROL mini systems with plantations and solar panels.
 With increasing urbanization, climate change is Because it effectively protects against extreme
becoming a global issue. This climate change will not conditions such as extreme heat and rain, and the many
only increase the outside temperature, but also many difficulties associated with living in the form of
other aspects such as, an indoor climate change of building materials, food storage, and
housesand buildingswhich affect the lifestyle of the building construction. It also improves air quality.
people living in it, and many other risk factors.  Due to the environmental crisis, the size of houses has
 The whole world is facing the problem of global also decreased compared to before, making it
warming which is deteriorating air quality by important to use climate control technology in
increasing concentration of greenhouse gases and buildings and homes. For this reason, the importance
global surface temperature, thus it is necessary to of the indoor environment is very important.
control the climate in buildings and homes.

Fig. 2: Facts about indoor climate in buildings

B. HVAC SYSTEMS The invention of HVAC system components is closely

The three main functions of heating, ventilation, and air related to the industrial revolution, where modernization,
conditioning are interrelated, specifically,the need to efficiency gains, and new methods of system control are
provide comfortabletemperatures and adequate indoor air constantly being introduced by companies and
quality at reasonable installation, operation, and inventors around the world. Any type of HVAC system falls
maintenance costs. The key parts of HVAC system include: into one of these two categories: ducted or ductless.
 Air conditioner
 Compressor  Ducted HVAC system: If your building uses vents
 Condenser to expel hot and cold air, it may be equipped with a ducted
 Thermal Expansion Valve HVAC system. Ducted HVAC systems
 Air Handler are commonly used in residential and commercial
 Thermal units buildings and include heating or
cooling systems that distribute air through a series of air
 Chiller
ducts. It includes- split system, hybrid split system,
 Duct system
packaged heating and cooling, zoned system as shown in

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 3: Types of ducted HVAC systems

 Ductless HVAC system: Ductless systems are designed to heat or cool a space without air ducts. These systems come in various
sizes. Ductless HVAC systems are prominently used in small buildings or temporary work sites. It includes- duct-free mini-
split, hydronic heating, portable spot cooler, portable heat pump as shown in fig.4.

Fig. 4: Types of ductless HVAC systems

V. LITERATURE STUDY  Vapor Absorption System

Absorption refrigeration systems are very similar to
 HVAC System for shopping mall vapor compression refrigeration systems as shown in Figure
PRINCIPLE OF WORKING 6. Absorption chillers produce refrigerant by evaporating a
liquid (refrigerant) in an evaporator. The difference between
 Vapor Compression System the two systems lies in the way the refrigerant vapor is
A schematic flow diagram showing the basic converted back to liquid. In a vapor compression system,
components of a vapor compression cooling system is the compressor and condenser are responsible for
shown in Figure 5. Some typical temperatures for air converting the refrigerant vapor (coming from the
conditioning applications are shown. Refrigerant evaporator) into liquid. Condensers are also used
circulates in the piping and equipment in the direction in absorption systems, but compressors are replaced
shown. by a combination of absorbers and generators.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 5: Vapor Compression Cycle

Fig. 6: Vapor Absorption Cycle


Water heaters have been around for a long time,
The heating and air conditioning industry is constantly but they're getting a lot of attention these days. These
evolving and many of these initiatives address sustainability. systems use hot water flowing through radiators to
Recent breakthroughs in smart technology and renewable heat the room. However, modern hot water systems
energy are increasing the efficiency of HVAC use solar boilers and underfloor piping to heat commercial
systems. Other advances in sustainable HVAC include: and residential buildings.
 Solar  Ice AC
Most people are familiar with active solar technology, These air conditioners turn water into ice at night when
where panels collect solar energy and convert it into the power grid is not under constant load. During the day,
electricity. Some HVAC systems use this technology, others the air conditioning system uses this ice to cool the
use passive customer's facility. This way, the air conditioner doesn't
solar technology. The roofs, windows, floors and walls need a compressor to run and consumes much less energy
of buildings can collect the sun's energy and convert it into compared to standard units.
thermal energy that can be used for heating.
 Geothermal STRUCTURES
Geothermal heating and air conditioning systems work
using the earth's energy by implementing an underground Climatic conditions affect structures and enclosed space in
loop system. In winter, the liquid in the pipes absorbs heat our country can be very broadly classified into three
and carries it to the customer's premises, while in summer it categories:
uses that heat to generate energy to power the air  Hot and dry
conditioning system.  Warm and humid
 Cold hil

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The main problem in hot, dry areas is REFERENCES
blocking the heat and sunlight during the day.
Chajjas, thick walls with small openings, more height, [1.] Evan Montilla(2021). Green HVAC technology:2022
previous methods of covering openings with verandahs Guide to Eco-Friendly heating and cooling.
are not always suitable. The most effective method BlocPower. Available from
is proper orientation. Higher altitudes can increase indoor
air volume, but they do not improve natural ventilation. technology
Ventilation does not depend on room volume, but on- [2.] Md. Sohail, Md. Niyazuddin, Md. Aleemudin
air supply per minute and air changes per hour. The east Ahmed, Md. Abdul Azeez, J. Praseep Kumar (2018).
and west porches do not protect the back wall from heat. HVAC system for shopping mall. Ijatir. Available
This is because the sun's elevation on these two sides is from
generally low. Porches are also not always satisfactory for
sleeping purposes due to the nighttime radiation emitted 72.pdf
from the floor and surrounding masonry. It has physical [3.] Zeb Khan (2019). Climate control in buildings.
and psychological advantages. Medium. Available from
 The main problem in warm and humid areas is to provide
maximum natural ventilation to relieve damp discomfort. in-buildings-19381b6a397
It's easy to increase humidity, but it's simply not possible [4.] Batyrkhan Omarov, Aigerim Altayeva (2017). Smart
to reduce it economically.So, the best solution is to Building Climate Control Considering Indoor and
make the most of the prevailing winds. Glare is Outdoor Parameter. ResearchGate. Available from
also commonly present in this area.
Umbrellas and jalis are more effective as they not _Smart_Building_Climate_Control_Considering_Ind
only block bright skies but also let in cool breezes. oor_and_Outdoor_Parameters
 The problem with hills is that they need some shade [5.] Shastri, J.D. (1959). Effect of climate on architectural
during the day because of the excessive sun in the expression. Architexturez. Available from
summer, but they need to keep the cold air out at night in
both summer and winter. During day, in winter, solar [6.] Haley McCullough (2021). 6 Sustainable HVAC
radiations should be welcome. technologies for the future. GALarson. Available
VIII. RESULT us/blog/december-2021/what-6-modern-sustainable-
The term "GREEN HVAC" encompasses a [7.] BigRentz (2022). 8 common types of HVAC systems
wide range of technologies, including combustion-based and how they work. BigRentz. Available from
systems. As a general rule, systems that have less
environmental impact than his traditional HVAC units are systems
called "green," but systems must meet certain criteria to be
eligible for rebates and incentive programs. We've covered
some common HVAC technologies. The best option for
maintaining a building's ecosystem and comfort
is to carefully design it with sustainable construction


Protecting the planet is becoming a top

priority in many industries, including HVAC. We need to be
more energy efficient and use a variety of sustainable energy
sources for heating and cooling. Sustainable
methods are like using local materials
and favouring construction techniques. The orientation
of buildings, openings and porches is very important and
should be kept relative to the prevailing wind and sun.
The overall height is fairly cheap and also offers
ample thermal comfort. Controlling the natural climate of
the building, it creates a unique shape and space.

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