EMCompass Note 87-For+web
EMCompass Note 87-For+web
EMCompass Note 87-For+web
As advances in machine learning, computer vision, and robotics help manufacturers around the world
improve their processes and produce new and more complex products, artificial intelligence (AI) is
becoming an integral tool of modern manufacturing, and one that is increasingly important to the
industry’s future. By combining large volumes of data with the computing power to simulate human
thinking, AI is increasing the efficiency, capacity, and complexity of factory floors, and is introducing
robotics, the Internet of Things, and other cutting-edge innovations to manufacturing value chains
across the globe. Artificial intelligence is a critical enabler of manufacturing complexity that is essential
for companies to produce an expansive range of sophisticated products and dynamically engage with
regional and global value chains. Firms and economies can increase both their manufacturing complexity
and their market competitiveness by developing the foundational capabilities and know-how needed to
adopt AI and other advanced technologies.
Companies in both advanced and developing economies when machines and mechanized factories began to replace
increase their levels of manufacturing complexity and hand production, and it remains true today as automation,
contribute to economic growth and societal advances by cognitive computing, and high-speed data exchanges recast
identifying and capitalizing on disruptive technologies. the methods of production and accelerate the development of
Investments in artificial intelligence in particular will be new and more sophisticated products.
critical to development, as they will allow emerging markets
AI accelerates economic complexity and economic growth in
to create and expand sophisticated manufacturing sectors,
three specific aspects of manufacturing: products, processes,
participate in increasingly interconnected value chains, and
and value chains. For the purposes of this note, we follow
compete in markets where speed and data are essential.
the definition and description of basic, advanced, and
Historically, there has been a strong relationship between autonomous artificial intelligence that were put forward in
economic complexity, technical know-how, and economic EM Compass Note 69.1 That is, that artificial intelligence is
growth. All countries that have been able to harness new the science and engineering of making machines intelligent.
technologies have consequently been able to expand their In this note, the term AI refers to all computer systems that
economies. It was true during the First Industrial Revolution, can continuously scan their environment, learn from it, and
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
Drivers of production Structure of production
Technology and innovation Scale
Number of
Human capital Complexity components in
a product
Global trade and investment Product
Institutional framework
Sustainable resources
Number of tasks Production Number of activities it
Demand enforcement in a process Complexity takes to deliver a
through which a product to market in a
product is made specific industry
Process Value Chain
Complexity Complexity
take action in response to what they sense, as well as to 1. Product complexity: AI enables companies to more
human-defined objectives. efficiently manufacture sophisticated products such as
automobiles, which contain a large number of complex
What Is a Complex Manufacturing Economy? parts and components, all of which are separately
produced and ultimately assembled into a single unit.
Countries with a high degree of economic complexity are
able to manufacture an expansive range of sophisticated 2. Process complexity: Today, by combining large
products using advanced processes. They also have volumes of data with computing power, manufacturers
dynamic relationships with multiple regional and global are using AI to simulate human cognitive abilities such
value chains. These economies possess specialized know- as reasoning, language, perception, vision, and spatial
how, and are generally where market leading firms and processing. AI is being used for predictive maintenance,
conglomerates have cultivated sophisticated relationships assembly line inspections, and other tasks that range
with a network of companies in the supply chain. Examples from the mundane to the cutting edge.
of high-complexity countries include Germany, Japan, the
3. Value chain complexity: The real-world benefits of AI
United States, and the Republic of Korea.
were emphasized recently in a World Economic Forum
On the distribution side, advanced economies possess survey of corporate executives that was conducted
recognizable global brands; strong research and development, during the Covid-19 crisis. 2 The executives said that
design and innovation capabilities; client-oriented quality “their past investments in new technologies are paying
controls; and a flexible network of outsourcing partners. On off now.” They emphasized, for example, how big data
the buying and selling side, competition is based on brand and platforms and the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled
quality, with many companies operating at the forefront of the them to quickly gather large quantities of information
technology frontier. that helped to predict supply chain disruptions
that would impact production. AI helped provide
The Three Dimensions of Manufacturing instant visibility into the value chain and enabled
Complexity quicker mitigation, which may have allowed some
manufacturers to survive.
AI accelerates manufacturing complexity in three ways:
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
Mounting Momentum for Smart Machines maturity and sophistication in their manufacturing
subsectors. As would be expected, AI can be more
According to market intelligence firm TrendForce, the demand
economically justified in wealthier, complex manufacturing
for global technology-based manufacturing applications
economies where it is applied in large-scale industrial
will increase to more than $320 billion in 2020, from
applications. But equally important, there are many
about $200 billion in 2019, and will grow at a compound
instances around the globe where AI could have a profound
annual rate of 12.5 percent.3 In a 2017 report published
impact on the manufacturing processes and growth of
by Infosys,4 75 percent of a sample of medium and large
less complex economies. Already, AI is being used in
U.S. companies said they had yet to reach their automation
some of those countries for capital-intensive and labor-
potential because of complexity and legacy issues. Seventy-six
intensive processes such as monitoring and scheduling
percent viewed AI as a key factor in transformation where
pipeline maintenance and performing heat inspections in
artificial intelligence agents could replace human cognitive
cement kilns—critical and often dangerous tasks normally
tasks. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted adoption of AI
relegated to specially trained employees.
in all regions as companies work to rebuild and countries
rethink their industrial strategies in the wake of the crisis. But Pillar 1 Economies: Low-income countries and those in
it is reasonable to assume that the global appetite for smart fragile and conflict-affected situations.
technologies that can accelerate growth and complexity will
Goal: Lay a foundation for industrial production in
continue, and companies will weigh their future AI investment
countries with a low-complexity manufacturing sector.
decisions, in part, on how well AI performed during the crisis.
Major manufacturers plan to monitor, record, and analyze Country classification: These countries generally have
data across all stages of manufacturing.5 a small industrial base, lack economic diversity, have
limited skills and technology intensity, and have low or
In September 2019, the International Federation of
no manufacturing exports. They are narrowly engaged
Robotics predicted that industrial robot shipments would
with global value chains, usually in agriculture, textiles,
increase 12 percent annually from 2020 to 2022, on
ready-made garments, light engineering, electronics
average.6 Today, robots are used almost exclusively for
assembly, footwear, and leather goods. They are also
automation. But robotics is advancing rapidly, integrating
typically characterized by low labor costs (this includes
cutting-edge technologies that enhance automation and
most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa). Low-income
functionality. While most demand for commercial robots
economies are generally less technologically advanced in
has been in advanced economies and higher-income
manufacturing and remain dependent on manual labor
emerging markets, manufacturers in low-income countries
and processes. They often lack the requisite capacity to
are beginning to invest as costs decline.
develop diversified manufacturing bases to broaden the
As Industry 4.0 matures, technology companies will complexity of their economies, or to provide people with
continue backward integration into existing manufacturing opportunities to gain the skills that can drive human
functions, retrofitting machines and processes to make them development. Advanced technologies, however, can improve
smarter, analytical, and increasingly data-oriented. At the these countries’ manufacturing processes, help them
same time, established industrial companies will continue produce more sophisticated products, and enable them
to innovate and incorporate more complex technologies into to engage with increasingly complex regional and global
their production processes. Enterprises will continue to adopt markets and value chains. Advanced data analytics and
technologies that are relevant to the stage of development artificial intelligence have enormous potential to propel
of the economies in which they operate, and AI—as it manufacturing forward in these economies.
becomes less expensive and more commonplace throughout
AI adoption and use: AI in Pillar 1 countries is mostly
the value chain—will inevitably spread to countries at every
limited to digitalization of production data with IoT,
stage of complexity and will play an increasingly important
including in account payments and inventory management
role in the industrialization process. As Figure 2 illustrates,
systems. At the consumer level, mobile technology and
over the past two centuries, every industrial revolution has
financial services companies such as Ant Financial in East
been distinguished by a new technology that has driven
Asia, M-Shwari in East Africa, M-Kajy in Madagascar,
manufacturers to a more complex economic stage.
and MoMo Kash in Cote d’Ivoire are harnessing AI
applications to better predict customer default probabilities,
An AI Solution for Every Level of Complexity
increasing their confidence in credit scores and enabling
Manufacturing economies can be categorized into three them to expand financial services to unserved, underserved,
broad pillars of complexity depending on the level of and unbanked populations, while facilitating industrywide
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
First Second Third Fourth
Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial
Revolution Revolution Revolution Revolution
through the introduction through the introduction through the use through the use
of mechanical of a division of labor of electronic of cyber-physical
production facilities and mass production and IT systems systems
with the help of water with the help of that further
Degree of complexity
and steam power electrical energy automate
First programmable
logic controller
First mechanical loom, First assembly line Cincinnati (PLC), Modicon
1784 slaughterhouses, 1870 084, 1969
1800 1900 2000 Today
financial efficiencies such as digital wage payments. Country classification: These countries have broad and
sophisticated industrial bases where technology, education,
Pillar 2 Economies: Emerging markets.
and skills traverse sectors to drive growth via collective know-
Goal: Expand and diversify the manufacturing base in how and resilient industry networks. Pillar 3 economies are
countries with a mid-complexity manufacturing sector. characterized by their global competitiveness in multiple value
chains and their high levels of technological sophistication
Country classification: These countries have an evolving
(e.g., Germany, Japan, United States, and China).
industrial base that is becoming more diversified and
competitive, the technology skills of their workforces are AI adoption and use: AI is adopted faster and has
improving, and they have developed some global value more impact opportunities in Pillar 3 countries where
chain relationships (e.g., Brazil, Turkey, India, Serbia, applications are used for planning, designing, mocking
Thailand, and Greece). up, prototyping, testing, fine-tuning, producing, and
post-design product and process improvements. What
AI adoption and use: Pillar 2 countries adopt and use
distinguishes Pillar 3 countries is the volume and
artificial intelligence algorithms more broadly, including for
capability of companies that can invent, access, and
asset performance management, smart image recognition,
utilize cutting-edge technologies to manufacture a range
process and quality control, and product engineering, as well
of sophisticated products such as autonomous cars, smart
as optimization of resources and supply chain management.
robotic applications, and passenger jets. Many Pillar 3
These countries are involved in all industrial sectors and
manufacturers are capable of optimizing their supply
interact with companies that span the range of complexity. In
chains, production processes, inventory-management
some cases, Pillar 2 overlaps with Pillar 3 and, consequently,
systems, and transportation logistics.
these economies often adopt advanced AI applications.
Pillar 3 Economies: More advanced markets. How AI Can Accelerate Complexity
Goal: Support more complex manufacturing in countries Investment in artificial intelligence tooling can be costly and
with a higher-complexity manufacturing sector. therefore constitutes an impediment to adoption. But AI is
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
being readily adopted for a slew of industrial applications Machine makers have also developed such algorithms for
ranging from robotic assembly to high-speed communications manufacturing applications, where, for example, image
to air filtration systems for sterile manufacturing. And AI recognition is part of a quality-control process. In the food
can accelerate complexity by empowering companies to processing industry, Domino’s Pizza has integrated an
manufacture more sophisticated products that are sought image-recognition video control system driven by artificial
in more affluent markets. Another benefit is that the intelligence that checks whether pizzas meet the company’s
development of AI may be encouraging greater skills building quality standards before they are delivered to customers.12
and education achievement by labor forces eager for more
Process and quality improvement in more advanced
sophisticated and higher-paying jobs.
countries. The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre’s
Industrial robots in emerging markets. Some industrial Factory 2025 demonstrated that computing devices fitted
robots can be seen as potential opportunities for AI in computer numerical-control machines could collect
applications. This is the case with some robots equipped power consumption data, run it through an AI algorithm,
for image recognition-oriented tasks. The vast majority and analyze production variations against the production
of industrial robots were shipped to more advanced cycle to achieve efficiency gains and cost savings. The
manufacturing subsectors in emerging economies in ramifications for production processes are myriad, ranging
Asia between 2015 and 2017. Robots are mostly used from improved product quality, increased savings on
in the automotive, electrical, and electronics industries, repairs and warranties, and a reduction in production
although applications are deployed in other sectors, mainly downtime, all of which are efficiencies that can bolster
in handling.7 There has been very limited adoption of a company’s market share and profits. Taking these
industrial robots in lower-income and fragile and conflict- factors into account and weighing the costs and benefits
affected countries, where resource-intensive manufacturing is an important exercise for companies contemplating an
is the main focus. investment in AI applications.
Asset performance management. Data-driven maintenance Resource and supply chain optimization in more advanced
decisions are a cost-effective way to predict and prevent countries. The increasing importance of global value chains
breakdowns in machinery and production. Effective has driven demand for data-hungry applications that
maintenance practices are critical to an efficient can sense, control, monitor, analyze, and independently
manufacturing value chain. Oniqua Enterprise Analytics maintain not only machinery but also the processes—
estimates that 40 percent of scheduled machinery and from raw material extraction to successful product
plant maintenance costs are spent on assets with negligible delivery—that companies rely on. The focus on value chain
failure impact.8 Up to 30 percent of maintenance activities optimization with AI is largely due to: (1) the increasingly
are carried out too frequently, and up to 45 percent of all important revenue-generating role that services play for
maintenance efforts are ineffective, according to T. A. manufacturers; and (2) the increasing dependence on
Cook.9 Data-driven AI solutions leverage historical data efficient global value chains.13 Historically, the gap between
and correlate manufacturing breakdowns with critical revenues from services and revenues from direct sales
process parameters to create rules that allow manufacturers of products has been blurry. An example of a company
to operate more reliably and with less downtime. that has successfully bridged that gap is IBM, which has
evolved from a “box” manufacturer into a high value-
Smart image recognition in advanced countries. Smart
added and complex services company. Communication
image recognition, or the use of AI in machine vision,
and data exchange have been an essential part of this
has many potential manufacturing applications, such as
transformation. In most industrial environments,
detecting product defects by conducting pixel-to-pixel
communication within and between industrial sites has
comparisons. The global machine vision market is not highly
been based almost exclusively on wired networks due to a
concentrated, and the key players are American, Japanese,
need for reliability.
and Chinese companies. But with the advent of AI, other
companies are emerging in this space, including Facebook Remote maintenance, network, and enterprise
and Alibaba, which have made acquisitions in machine communication in emerging markets. Time-critical process
vision firms.10 The California-based company Similarity optimization inside factories of different tiers of suppliers
specializes in Automated Image Anomaly Detection, which can reduce inefficiencies, support zero-defect manufacturing,
uses vast amounts of satellite imagery data to generate rapid increase worker satisfaction, and improve safety. In the most
awareness of critical anomalies on the ground.11 sophisticated cases, this could include: remote maintenance
and control that may use connected cameras and possibly 3D
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
Our vision is to unlock the value of manufacturing for development to strengthen economic complexity.
To achieve this, we will develop a portfolio approach that incorporates…
Laying the foundation Supporting more advanced Helping countries enhance and
1 for industrial production
2 manufacturing
3 deepen manufacturing complexity
• Building commercially viable resource- • Continuing the build-up of • Strengthening inter-industry linkages
based industries for local consumption foundational manufacturing to sustain global competitiveness
and higher value added exports capabilities • Supporting leading domestic/regional
• Strengthening basic supply chains • Developing products and solutions firms to build a global footprint
mainly targeting local and regional focusing on local and regional markets • Enhancing “Servicification,” R&D
demand [anchor companies] • Helping countries become more leadership and branding
• Supporting production and assembly competitive by entering multiple GVCs
of simple products in GVCs
FIGURE 3 A Framework for the Manufacturing Sector, from Low-Income Countries to Advanced Economies:
The Three Pillars of Manufacturing Complexity
Source: IFC.
virtual reality applications; connected goods that can create 4G LTE, which is low-cost, reliable, and flexible, has aided
new value-added services, including real-time monitoring physical security and cybersecurity protection.15
of fluid levels in engines; seamless intra/inter-enterprise
AI-based virtual reality is being applied in creative ways to
communication, for example, the widespread use of tracking
improve productivity and complexity in manufacturing. At
devices such as RFID stickers or connected sensors that can
Ericsson’s factory in Tallinn, Estonia, the company uses AI-
monitor assets distributed over large areas; and the efficient
based augmented reality to help predict and troubleshoot
coordination of cross-value chain activities and optimization
breakdowns that could interrupt production, idle workers,
of logistical flow.
and increase costs. Using AI, the company, which has an
New cellular network technologies. With the advent of established data and quality culture, can reduce the cost of
5G, seamless real-time data communication between a breakdown by as much as half. Generally speaking, AI
a manufacturer and its value chain partners allows for technology provides incrementally increasing benefits for
more comprehensive and precise tracking of deliveries and companies that grow their data-based learning methods.
usage of products, not to mention quicker identification Therefore, it is critical for manufacturing companies in
and response to problems and failures. 5G will impact Pillars 1 and 2 to establish data and quality cultures based
manufactured products that need to exchange massive on conventional approaches before embarking on AI-based
amounts of data in real-time with the rest of the world. techniques.
Over the years, the progressive introduction of 2.5G and
An Approach for Each Pillar
3G mobile communication systems on plant floors has
helped open more options in mobile Internet for digitalized Pillar 1 Economies: In fragile and conflict-affected
communications. But it is the more recent preponderance of situations and low-income countries, it is necessary to
remote video surveillance, which requires a massive amount build commercially viable, resource-based industries that
of data transmission broadband,14 that augers for more manufacture products for local consumption and for higher
robust networks. Machine communication aims for lower value-added exports. Strengthening local supply chains and
complexity, less power usage, deeper coverage, and higher building capacity to produce and assemble low-complexity
device density. As the volume of data grows with data-heavy products as part of global value chains is key. AI adoption
applications, so will the need for higher data transmission is limited, but it is important for new investments in
rates for such applications. In oil, gas, and water plants, resource-based industries to involve the best available
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
process technologies, including AI. It is also important with self-driving vehicles, a very sophisticated example
for these countries to build technical foundations in data of AI-based robotization and driving automation. A
usage, capture, and statistical analysis. large automotive parts manufacturer that is an IFC client
is developing an AI-based virtual-simulation program
The Dangote Group, for example, uses cement-loading
in collaboration with a German start-up to accelerate
robots. Sophisticated cement companies have kiln control
development of the company’s advanced driver assistance
systems with rules-based programs that optimize yield,
systems and automated driving functions. The simulation
reduce thermal and electricity consumption, and improve
program creates a realistic traffic environment that enables
process quality and reliability.16 This conserves fossil fuels,
new driver assistance products to be tested virtually. Up to
minimizes CO2 emissions, and encourages a sustainable
8,000 kilometers per hour of testing can be performed with
industrialization approach. Chemical companies typically
virtual simulation, while only about 10,000 test kilometers
incorporate similar technologies in their offerings. Thus,
per month can be driven by a real vehicle.
a few process-heavy Pillar 1 industries already use some
AI applications. But because of the low cost of labor in Another IFC client in the automotive sector is adapting AI-
most Pillar 1 countries, the economic calculus for making integrated sensors in air filtration systems in its paint shops
an expensive investment in AI is very different than in to predict and analyze dust particles in the air and create
an expensive labor market. On the other hand, engineers cleaner and more sterile manufacturing environments for
and technicians may cost much less in low-income production of sensitive products. That technology promises
countries, significantly reducing the cost of developing and to have multiple applications for manufacturers in a range
implementing advanced applications. of industries that require such production environments.
At a major original equipment manufacturer, an innovative
Pillar 2 & 3 Economies: In recent years, more advanced
“dust particle analysis technology” has been deployed as a
developing countries have embraced sophisticated
pilot project in the automaker’s paint shop. The application
manufacturing applications, including some powered by AI
can forecast and identify instances when there will be an
and machine learning. Mexico, for example, added 6,334
increase in dust particles in the air that can mar a car’s
industrial robots in 2017, largely to service its automobile
painted finish. It can then fine-tune filter replacement based
industry. AI adoption by Pillar 2 countries, particularly
on a series of factors such as historical levels of airborne
in established applications such as asset performance
dust by season, or by monitoring trends in prolonged dry
management, smart image recognition, process and quality
periods. The algorithm monitors 160 factors related to
control, and product engineering, as well as supply chain
the application of paint and can make highly accurate
management, is encouraging.
predictions about the quality of the paint process.
For example, IFC is exploring a partnership with a textile
This AI solution can also be applied in production facilities
manufacturer that uses computer vision and AI to detect
of Pillar 2 and 3 countries to series production as the
defects on its production line. The technology will allow
database expands, capturing more and more sensitive
the company to reduce waste and shrink its environmental
information and enabling manufacturers to produce
more complex products. Robots and smart factory floor
In areas such as resource efficiency, DataProphet,17 a automation are other indicators of industrial complexity.
business consulting firm in Cape Town, specializes in AI for According to the International Federation of Robotics, in
manufacturing by improving process efficiencies through 2017, robot sales increased by 30 percent to a new peak
optimization of process variables.18 It has helped a major for the fifth year in a row. Five major markets—all of them
engine-block manufacturer attain zero-percent external among the world’s most diverse and complex economies—
scrap, and helped an international car manufacturer reduce represented 73 percent of the total sales volume in 2017:
stud-welding defects by 75 percent.19 These examples China, Japan, Korea, the United States, and Germany. 20
are indicative of various AI efforts in emerging markets.
However, the reality is that most manufacturers in emerging Conclusion
markets are still using traditional data analysis methods.
Similar to previous industrial revolutions, when
Developed countries: The most advanced industrial innovative machines and technologies replaced
countries, which are also part of the Pillar 3 group of conventional methods of production and spurred the
economies described above, are the primary users of AI invention of sophisticated new products, artificial
across many manufacturing sectors. For example, the intelligence has the potential to transform today’s
automotive industry has triggered tremendous interest manufacturing. The most complex economies are
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.
predictably the earliest and biggest adopters of AI This will require additional investment to cultivate and
technologies, as they already had the foundations and strengthen sustainable and socially sound manufacturing
well-established tech centers in place, where some of the cultures. In Pillar 1 economies, manufacturers need to
earliest AI applications were created. These economies build more sustainable and efficient industrial sectors
possess a wealth of capital and an abundance of data and minimize the negative impacts of pollution, CO2
for machines to analyze and adapt into the algorithmic emissions, and weak labor standards by adopting advanced
patterns that are economically scalable for AI. technologies that bolster complexity.
Yet AI is not confined to the world’s biggest and most For years—and particularly in emerging economies—
complex economies. As cloud computing capacity expands, the biggest obstacle to adopting AI was the extravagant
global data volumes balloon, and processing power cost. Measured against inexpensive workers in low-wage
becomes more affordable, cutting-edge applications have economies, the investment made little sense. Now, however,
been winding their way through global value chains and as the price of implementing AI falls and data analytics
planting seeds in every pillar of complexity. increasingly become the language of global value chains,
companies and governments are reevaluating their options
In less complex economies, companies can gradually
and rethinking their policies.
acquire and adapt AI to address unique market needs.
Strusani, Davide and Georges Vivien Houngbonon. 2019. “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Supporting Development in Emerging Markets.” EM
Compass Note 69, IFC, July 2019, pp. 1-2. That note defines AI as “the science and engineering of making machines intelligent, especially intelligent
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an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment.” See “One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100).” 2016.
Stanford University. https://ai100.stanford.edu/. See also Meltzer, Joshua, 2018. “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on International Trade.” 2018.
Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-international-trade/; Nilsson, Nils. 2010. “The Quest for
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Doherty, Sean, and Kimberley Botwright. 2020. “What Past Disruptions Can Teach As About Reviving Supply Chains After COVID-19.” World
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Infosys. 2019. “Amplifying Human Potential – Towards Purposeful Artificial Intelligence.” https://www.infosys.com/aimaturity/Documents/amplifying-
Walker, Jon. 2019. “Machine Learning in Manufacturing – Present and Future Use-Cases.” August 13, 2019. https://emerj.com/ai-sector-overviews/
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Walker, Jon. 2019. “Machine Learning in Manufacturing – Present and Future Use-Cases.” August 13, 2019. https://emerj.com/ai-sector-overviews/
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Ifr.org. 2018. “Executive Summary World Robotics 2018 Industrial Robots.” https://ifr.org/downloads/press2018/Executive_Summary_WR_2018_
This publication may be reused for noncommercial purposes if the source is cited as IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.