ArcelorMittal (2009) CS 004 - Spool Base Jetty, Angola
ArcelorMittal (2009) CS 004 - Spool Base Jetty, Angola
ArcelorMittal (2009) CS 004 - Spool Base Jetty, Angola
Dande | Angola
- Wall section: CH 516.00 m to CH 610.00 m
- Seabed level: -8.50 m to -10.50 m
- Prefilled berm - 5.25 m
- Installation of steel sheet piles
wave height HS of 3.7 m. The waves were also Pile top +5.10
a threat to the stability of the berms and of the HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10
S 355 GP S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m Lmax = 19.50 m
strictly followed to prevent the collapse of the Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m
berms was made before the installation of the - Dewatering to EL. -5.25 m
sheet piles which were driven with an impact Pile top +8.00
driven into the bedrock was not expected to of 1.0 m). Then, struts were installed in HWL +2.10
Temporary strut - during dewatering : +2.50
HWL +2.10
be sufficient for a conventional single anchored different phases inside the cofferdam, to allow LWL +0.20
PU 32
S 355 GP Temporary strut - during dewatering : -2.00
PU 32
S 355 GP
LWL +0.20
wall. The challenge consisted in designing and the progressive dewatering down to the third Lmax = 19.50 m
Lmin = 18.00 m
Lmax = 19.50 m
Lmin = 18.00 m
building a double-wall cofferdam that would anchor level. After that step, the installation of 1/3
6.00 Prefill level -5.25 6.00
Berm 1/3
call for at least two levels of anchors, with the the tie-rods and walings started upwards: steel Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m
lowest tie-rods placed way below the lowest struts were removed before the next anchor SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
1.50 m (required)
seawater level. was installed. Two intermediary sheet pile - Installation of 1st anchor to level: -4.50 m
- Fill to level: -2.00 m
- Remove temporary strut
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
to work from land in small stretches, which Temporary strut - during dewatering : +2.50
installation and construction of the quay perpendicular sheet pile walls each 10 m.
PU 32
S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m
Temporary strut - removed
PU 32
S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m
in Luxembourg finally lead to an outstanding solution is the fact that after the short service Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m
solution: a double wall cofferdam with three life, the sheet piles can be extracted with a SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
1.50 m (required)
anchor levels, and sheet piles ranging from - Remove temporary strut
AU 14 to PU 32 (depending on the water This exceptional port infrastructure was Pile top +8.00
depth), in steel grades S 355 GP. The final completed in a very short time. The steel Pile top +5.10
layout of this relatively complex structure was sheet piles were produced in the Belval mill in HWL +2.10 Temporary strut - removed
MWL +1.10
HWL +2.10
The design did not consider any supplemental job site. Furthermore, AM CRPS teamed up with Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m
04.2009 - CS 004 - Dande Jetty, Angola - EN
protection measures of the steel in order to Anker Schroeder, a German manufacturer of Berm
1/3 Berm
achieve the peculiarly short required service anchor material (tie-rods, bollards, walers,…), Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m
life of 15 years. Loss of steel thickness was and offered a complete package which SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
1.50 m (required)
in high strength steel, with a minimum yield This successful project corroborates the fact
Pile top +5.10
strength of 500 MPa, and up-set ends with that building cost effective steel sheet pile HWL +2.10
Anchor #3 : +3.00
MWL +1.10
HWL +2.10
countries where this construction method is not Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m