ArcelorMittal (2009) CS 004 - Spool Base Jetty, Angola

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Spool Base Jetty

Dande | Angola

‘Angoflex’ spool base was inaugurated

in March 2006 and is located in Dande,
Angola. Technip’s newest spool base
facility manufactures rigid pipelines for
reel-lay installation of deepwater Oil &
Gas production systems. It is the most
advanced facility of its kind in Africa,
with an annual production capacity of
300 km of pipe, ranging from 6” to 18”
Technip hired the Portuguese
construction company Conduril to build
this jetty located north of Luanda, near
the mouth of the Dande River, for the
service of barges and ships for spooling
pipelines. It features a unique 600 m
long jetty, with water depths of up to
11 m at the bulkheads. The quay is able
to accommodate mooring vessels up to
100 m overall length and 4.9 m draft,
as well as small craft boats. The larger
spool ships are positioned in the open
sea in a set of four mooring buoys.
The geotechnical investigation
showed that there was only a very
thin soil layer over the bedrock. The
initial design of the jetty considered a
concrete structure, but the execution
was a critical issue. AM CRPS’
engineering department worked out
- Dredge the Prefill berm to Seabed level
a few alternatives, including a cellular
cofferdam, which is a cost effective
solution for deep dredge levels in case
5.00 10.00 5.00 of shallow bedrock elevation. Further
Pile top +8.00 CH516/CH555=2.0
S2 =100kN/m²
alternatives and optimisations were
S1 =20kN/m² (Manitowoc 4100) S1 =20kN/m² evaluated before the contractor at the
Pile top +5.10 end decided to subdivide the jetty in
two portions: the causeway to be built
Anchor #3 : +3.00
with a 10 m wide rock embankment,
HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10
MWL +1.10 and the 240 m long quay, which is 20 m
LWL +0.20 LWL +0.20 wide, with a dredge level varying from
Anchor #2 : -0.50
PU 32 PU 32 EL. -6.0 m to EL. -10.8 m, executed
S 355 GP S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m Lmax = 19.50 m with steel sheet piles. The pavement is
Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m at EL. +5.5 m. Surcharge loads on the
3.00 Anchor #1 : -4.50
6.00 Prefill level -5.25
platform of the jetty are quite standard
(20 kPa), and the foundation for the
1/3 Berm
Berm 1/3 equipment for the spooling equipment
of pipe is simple too. However, the
Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m design of the sheet pile wall itself
Embedment Embedment
turned into an exceptional challenge. A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m 1.50 m (required) short embedment of steel sheet piles
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
Spool Base Jetty
Dande | Angola
Owner Technip, France & Angoflex Limitada, Angola
Contractor Conduril SA, Portugal
Design Engineers Proman SA & Lisconcebe SA, Portugal
Structure Quay wall 240 m long
Sheet piles PU 32 l = 12.6 - 19.5 m 1 120 t
AU 25 l = 12.6 - 15.1 m 322 t
AU 20 l = 15.0 - 17.5 m 329 t
AU 14 l = 7.5 m 273 t
Steel grades S 355 GP
Total quantity 2 050 t (including connectors C9,…)

- Wall section: CH 516.00 m to CH 610.00 m
- Seabed level: -8.50 m to -10.50 m
- Prefilled berm - 5.25 m
- Installation of steel sheet piles

combination of high water at EL. +2.1 m with a Pile top +8.00

wave height HS of 3.7 m. The waves were also Pile top +5.10

a threat to the stability of the berms and of the HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10

structure before the final backfill. LWL +0.20

PU 32
LWL +0.20
PU 32
LWL +0.20

S 355 GP S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m Lmax = 19.50 m

The execution of the structure comprised Lmin = 18.00 m

6.00 Prefill level -5.25
Lmin = 18.00 m

twelve different stages, and each had to be Berm

1/3 Berm

strictly followed to prevent the collapse of the Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m

structure during its erection. A backfill with SECTION A-A

0.50 - 1.00 m
- Installation of 2nd. strut level -2.00 m
Width: 20.32 m
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
1.50 m (required)

berms was made before the installation of the - Dewatering to EL. -5.25 m

sheet piles which were driven with an impact Pile top +8.00

hammer into the bedrock (minimum penetration Pile top +5.10

driven into the bedrock was not expected to of 1.0 m). Then, struts were installed in HWL +2.10
Temporary strut - during dewatering : +2.50
HWL +2.10

be sufficient for a conventional single anchored different phases inside the cofferdam, to allow LWL +0.20
PU 32
S 355 GP Temporary strut - during dewatering : -2.00
PU 32
S 355 GP
LWL +0.20

wall. The challenge consisted in designing and the progressive dewatering down to the third Lmax = 19.50 m
Lmin = 18.00 m
Lmax = 19.50 m
Lmin = 18.00 m

building a double-wall cofferdam that would anchor level. After that step, the installation of 1/3
6.00 Prefill level -5.25 6.00

Berm 1/3

call for at least two levels of anchors, with the the tie-rods and walings started upwards: steel Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m

lowest tie-rods placed way below the lowest struts were removed before the next anchor SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
1.50 m (required)

seawater level. was installed. Two intermediary sheet pile - Installation of 1st anchor to level: -4.50 m
- Fill to level: -2.00 m
- Remove temporary strut
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m

walls were foreseen at both ends of the quay

A detailed analysis of all the different
Pile top +8.00

structure. Furthermore, the contractor preferred

construction phases was performed in order
Pile top +5.10

to work from land in small stretches, which Temporary strut - during dewatering : +2.50

to provide a safe working environment during

HWL +2.10 HWL +2.10

required the additional installation of temporary LWL +0.20 LWL +0.20

installation and construction of the quay perpendicular sheet pile walls each 10 m.
PU 32
S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m
Temporary strut - removed
PU 32
S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m

walls. A close collaboration between the

Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m
3.00 Anchor #1 : -4.50 3.00

An undeniable advantage of the steel sheet pile

Prefill level -5.25 6.00

design engineers in Portugal and AM CRPS’ Berm

1/3 Berm

in Luxembourg finally lead to an outstanding solution is the fact that after the short service Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m

solution: a double wall cofferdam with three life, the sheet piles can be extracted with a SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
1.50 m (required)

vibratory hammer, and reused or recycled.

- Installation of 2nd anchor to level: -0.50 m CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
- Fill to level: +2.50 m

anchor levels, and sheet piles ranging from - Remove temporary strut

AU 14 to PU 32 (depending on the water This exceptional port infrastructure was Pile top +8.00

depth), in steel grades S 355 GP. The final completed in a very short time. The steel Pile top +5.10

layout of this relatively complex structure was sheet piles were produced in the Belval mill in HWL +2.10 Temporary strut - removed
MWL +1.10
HWL +2.10

LWL +0.20 LWL +0.20

optimised by AM CRPS’ technical department. Luxembourg, and delivered just-in-time at the PU 32

S 355 GP
Anchor #2 : -0.50
PU 32
S 355 GP
Lmax = 19.50 m Lmax = 19.50 m

The design did not consider any supplemental job site. Furthermore, AM CRPS teamed up with Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m
04.2009 - CS 004 - Dande Jetty, Angola - EN

3.00 Anchor #1 : -4.50 3.00

6.00 Prefill level -5.25 6.00

protection measures of the steel in order to Anker Schroeder, a German manufacturer of Berm
1/3 Berm

achieve the peculiarly short required service anchor material (tie-rods, bollards, walers,…), Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m

life of 15 years. Loss of steel thickness was and offered a complete package which SECTION A-A
0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m
1.50 m (required)

includes all the steel elements required for the

- Installation of 3th anchor to level: +3.0 m

estimated based on the European standard - Fill to level: +5.50 m

EN 1993-Part 5. The tie-rods were designed foundations. Pile top +8.00

in high strength steel, with a minimum yield This successful project corroborates the fact
Pile top +5.10

strength of 500 MPa, and up-set ends with that building cost effective steel sheet pile HWL +2.10
Anchor #3 : +3.00

MWL +1.10
HWL +2.10

diameters up to 85 mm. foundation solutions is in fact possible in

LWL +0.20
PU 32
S 355 GP
Anchor #2 : -0.50
PU 32
S 355 GP
LWL +0.20

Lmax = 19.50 m Lmax = 19.50 m

countries where this construction method is not Lmin = 18.00 m Lmin = 18.00 m

In order to prevent structural damages due 3.00

Anchor #1 : -4.50
Prefill level -5.25

yet well known, even under very complex and 1/3

to wave overtopping, the top level of the
Berm 1/3

unfavourable local soil and hydraulic conditions.

south portion of the quay wall needed to Embedment
Seabed level (rock): from -8.50 to -10.50 m


reach EL. +8.0 m. The worst case scenario is a

0.50 - 1.00 m Width: 20.32 m 1.50 m (required)
CH 516 - CH 555: Width = 17.32 m

ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS S.à r.l. t (+352) 5313 3105

Sheet Piling f (+352) 5313 3290
66, rue de Luxembourg e [email protected]
L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)

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