Academic and Employability Skills (Task 1&2)

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Academic and Employability Skills

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A significant portion of the research is devoted to determining the most effective strategies for

motivating personnel. Employee motivation will always be a source of contention regardless of

the type of organization in which employees work. The motivation of an individual is described

as the external factors and conditions, acts or inactions that motivate an individual to have a

particular response (Suyono and Mudjanarko, 2017). Self-improvement and other endeavors are

fueled by an individual's intrinsic motivation. In everyday speech, the term motivation refers to

the underlying causes and circumstances that contribute to a person's specific behavioral

reaction. Motivating employees is one strategy for increasing production. This is a critical

component of every organization's employment policy.

Motivation is critical for people and their teams to perform at their best(Holston-Okae and

Mushi, 2018). Managers play a critical role in ensuring that each member of the team and work

group is motivated appropriately. This strategy enables everyone in the business to work more

readily toward the same goal, which benefits everyone. Numerous benefits accrue from having a

highly motivated workforce, including increased production and a more pleasurable work

environment for all parties involved (Chiat and Panatik, 2019). As a result, this research

investigates many effective techniques that businesses may utilize to encourage their employees.

Effective Techniques for Motivating Employees

Sustaining a business's development necessitates a deliberate approach to employee motivation

(Rayner and Morgan, 2018). Numerous strategies for motivating employees include the

Pay: All other methods of motivating employees are contingent on compensation, and none

would function without it. Motivational elements can be seen in two ways: directly or indirectly.

By looking at it holistically, service providers' requirements and expectations may be addressed.

It can also serve organizational goals by encouraging employees and increasing their

productivity. Certain vocations, on the other hand, provide extra advantages, such as harsh

working conditions, night shifts, overtime, and risky tasks (Chiat, and Panatik, 2019). When

given an option between two careers, the majority of people would choose the one that pays the

most after taking numerous factors into account.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's Factors Hygiene-Motivation are the two essential

theories for comprehending the motivation process (Sabir, 2017). By applying "Maslow and

Herzberg's theory" to the question of pay as a motivational element, it is possible to see that

income indirectly contributes to the fulfillment of human wants. Salaries are not the most

important factor to consider when comparing Maslow and Herzberg theories of motivation, but

they do play a role, which means that salaries are necessary for meeting basic human needs.

Salaries alone do not motivate employees; the cold exchange of production for salaries does; it is

merely an equitable reward for their work, and the employee is only concerned with his or her

own survival (Rožman et al., 2017). Salary should be viewed by the business as an additional

incentive function and utilized to balance corporate and individual goals in this framework.

While it is true that an underpaid employee is more likely to become demotivated, individuals

are complex creatures, and money is not always a motivator at work (Rozman et al., 2017).

Recognition and Rewards: In today's business atmosphere, rewards and recognition are more

critical than ever, as managers have fewer options for influencing their employees' behavior
(Koster, 2017). Even during difficult times, the employee's morale may increase as a result of

benefits such as cash bonuses and other forms of public recognition. Employee recognition and

award should be targeted to the recipients, based on their accomplishments, and administered at

the appropriate time and in the appropriate way.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-realization is a necessary condition for the

fulfillment of all other human desires, and receiving affirmation from family, friends, and the

rest of society assists in accomplishing this goal (Khmyzova et al., 2017). A complimentary

award might mean a great deal to an employee who will feel valued knowing that his or her

efforts have been recognized. It is critical to acknowledge their daily efforts in order to motivate

employees to continue contributing to the company's success.

Recognition is a combination of strategies designed to ensure that persons are happy with their

job and with themselves. Employees should be acknowledged and rewarded both financially and

in other ways, such as vacations, extracurricular activities, and gifts, for their achievements at

work. When employees understand that their efforts will be rewarded with promotions and

advancement within the organization, they are more likely to put forth the effort necessary to

perform quality work (Nawaz and Chowdhury).

The Honour Board is a fantastic alternative for recognizing workers' accomplishments and

encouraging a competitive spirit. McDonald's continues to use this technique to enhance

employee and customer morale: each restaurant features a photo of the month's best employee.

Another example of this type of system is the board of honour. This is a novel approach that

entails recording the company's results and other performance measures on a whiteboard.
Workers may examine their own dynamic performance, progress toward goals, and how they

compare to their colleagues' performance.

Free lunches, fare compensation, and mobile phone payments are all acceptable forms of

remuneration. If a business has the means, such tangible approaches for motivating employees

will result in more motivated and loyal workers (Suyono, and Mudjanarko, 2017). It is most

typical to compensate employees in a tangible way. Bonuses are often specified and provided

depending on an employee's performance or achievement of goals. Medical insurance is only one

of the numerous advantages that Pfizer offers to its workers and their families as part of its

benefits package. Additionally, employees get access to a complimentary dining room, a

corporate car, a gym, a sauna, and other amenities.

Additional Holiday: Additional vacation is the time off that an employee receives in addition to

his or her yearly basic leave. The employee's salary and place of employment remain unchanged

during the additional leave period. These vacations are often scheduled concurrently with the

employee's regular vacation (Holston-Okae, and Mushi, 2018). This is the longest vacation

period that a corporation may provide an employee. While on leave, the employee is temporarily

relieved of his official responsibilities. Despite this, the worker retains his or her position.

Recognizing accomplishments, providing timely feedback, and communicating to the team that

management recognizes effective employees and values their contribution to the common cause

are critical components of motivating people.

Personnel managers have developed new strategies for inspiring employees in recent years.

Employees are often rewarded with non-monetary incentives such as cash bonuses and high

salary. Employers may give social leave for educational purposes or grant unpaid social leave for
legal reasons (wedding, death of close relatives, etc.). It is vital that this type of leave is properly

bureaucratized inside the business (Chiat, and Panatik, 2019). This type of absence should be

granted only under certain circumstances and for a limited period of time.

The duration of the leisure and eating break is also crucial. It's likely that the majority of workers

will be unable to obtain enough rest if their employer requires a minimum of 20 minutes for

these breaks. Employees adore the autonomy they have over their working hours and

compensated time off (Rozman et al., 2017). Allowing an employee to take a paid day off in

recognition of a job well done is an excellent non-monetary reward. Employees may amass such

days and spend them all at once, resulting in an additional brief vacation for achieving high


Good working conditions: Working from home or on the employee’s terms may enhance both

productivity and motivation. However, there are a number of drawbacks to this method of

increasing drive (Nawaz, and Chowdhury, 2019). Remote work is undesirable for certain

professionals due to the flexible schedule and the likelihood of noncompliance with obligations

or information leakage. While it may appear dangerous at first, empowering employees to

determine how and where their work is completed is one of the most successful strategies to

drive teams worldwide. Additionally, it is critical to retain top employees who are more attached

to the company in order to save money on office space. PwC is well-known for its global

mobility, as well as its flexible work hours and diverse workforce.

Tarnasky (2020) remarked that there is no need to severely regulate working hours.

Organizations may develop a variety of work schedules to better accommodate their employees'

demands. For instance, if the employee wishes to expedite the end of the workday, he/she might
shorten lunch break. Many people would prefer to work longer hours Monday through Thursday

in exchange for Friday afternoons off. To enhance workers' quality of life, these modest time

alterations enable them to balance professional, personal, and family obligations. To optimize

productivity and family time during the summer months, it is prudent to work an intense shift.

Frederik Herzberg established the motivational two-factor theory on the basis of a novel concept

(Rayner, and Morgan, 2018). There were two distinct sorts of demands identified: sanitary and

motivational. Needs pertaining to the psychologist's elimination of unfavorable work-related

elements is listed in the first category (Chiat, and Panatik, 2019). Another group of motivating

factors includes the desire for job satisfaction, the presence of a system for evaluating and

recognizing merit, advancement within the organization, and other factors that contribute to

success. Frederick Herzberg is tasked with understanding what motivates an individual to remain

in their current job and what motivates them to work harder to improve their efficiency (Rayner,

and Morgan, 2018). Additionally, he coined terms like as "satisfaction" and "dissatisfaction"

with work conditions, both of which have the capacity to influence certain elements of human


In conclusion, one of the most critical objectives of corporate management is to encourage

personnel. If there is a high degree of employee motivation, the company's growth and

development will be matched by the growth and development of its employees. Before any work

on employee motivation can begin, an organization's motivation policy must be properly

considered and defined. All of the strategies listed for increasing staff morale are effective.

Recognition and reward facilitate communication between management and the team hence it is
considered as the most effective approach to motivation. This technique increase employee

productivity, contributes to long-term financial success, and maintains group morale.

Certain principles should be followed in order to properly encourage the company's employees.

These principles are the product of psychological research on human nature and application in

the actual world (Koster, 2017). Non-monetary incentives should be used in addition to monetary

incentives such as cash bonuses and increased pay. These tactics include organizational and

moral-psychological assessments. Contributions to leisure activities on a monthly basis can help

enhance employees' physical and mental well-being. Businesses adopt a variety of tactics to

encourage their personnel (Rozman et al., 2017). Here are a few suggestions for the business:

Incentive policy: An incentive program must be in place to identify and reward accomplishment.

Prizes might be monetary or in the form of holidays or tours.

Employment promotion: The Corporation must make career advancement easy for its personnel.

The employee's motivation will be bolstered by the prospect of a more advantageous job and


Describe objectives and responsibilities: Determining the tasks of each person, the amount of

time each worker has available, and the company's ultimate goals are all critical. As a

consequence, teamwork and motivation in the workplace are developed (Chiat, and Panatik,


Job training: To enable an employee to advance in their career, the employer must give the

appropriate training. It's an effective method for sustaining long-term employee engagement in
their work. Finally, organizing the employees appropriately is also a critical factor of motivation

in the work place.

CHIAT, L. C. & PANATIK, S. A. 2019. Perceptions of employee turnover intention by

Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory: A systematic literature review. Journal of

Research in Psychology, 1, 10-15.

HOLSTON-OKAE, B. L. & MUSHI, R. J. 2018. Employee turnover in the hospitality industry

using Herzberg’s two-factor motivation-hygiene theory. International Journal of

Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8, 218-248.


EMPLOYEES IN TIMES OF CRISIS. Донецький державний університет управління.

KOSTER, D. 2017. Motivation in the workplace.

NAWAZ, M. I. & CHOWDHURY, M. R. Investigating Ways to Motivate Zero-Hour Contract

Employees to Improve The Retention Rate: A Case Study of the UK Employment


RAYNER, J. & MORGAN, D. 2018. An empirical study of ‘green’workplace behaviours:

Ability, motivation and opportunity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 56, 56-


ROŽMAN, M., TREVEN, S. & ČANČER, V. 2017. Motivation and satisfaction of employees in

the workplace. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for

Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 8, 14-25.

SABIR, A. 2017. Motivation: Outstanding way to promote productivity in employees. American

Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2, 35-40.

SUYONO, J. & MUDJANARKO, S. 2017. Motivation engineering to employee by employees

Abraham Maslow theory. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 2, 27-33.

Tarnasky, K.R., 2020. Five Ways to Motivate Yourself and Your Employees. Marriott Student

Review, 3(4), p.4.

I'll discuss the academic and employability skills I've developed as a result of taking this

curriculum in my reflective report. I've learnt how to write a variety of research reports and

articles during my courses. Academic skills demand a diverse set of qualities, including time

management and organizational skills; research writing; communication; soft skills; hard skills;

and analytical abilities. Additionally, employability abilities may be enhanced by accumulating

these talents. In today's increasingly competitive employment market, it's critical to differentiate

yourself from the competition by demonstrating a breadth of competencies. This reflective study

evaluates my talents using Gibb's reflective approach.

An individual's personal development is inextricably linked to their professional development

(Beesley et al., 2017). I'm expecting that by successfully finishing my education, I'll gain

important job experience. The greatest method to enhance one's communication, teamwork, and

time management abilities in the workplace is to understand and analyze one's own performance.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle has aided me in demonstrating my existing abilities and continuing to

improve them in preparation for the current exam.

Gibbs Reflection Cycle

By studying a specific circumstance, I was able to emphasize the necessity of improving both

academic and employability talents in this evaluation. Gibbs Reflective Cycle is a technique that

enables me to study and appraise a situation while also taking into consideration my feelings

during and after the occurrence. As a consequence of this experience, I believe that I have a

better grasp of how I approach critical thinking and associated duties. I've recognized that during

this course, I'll need to work on my communication, time management, and teamwork abilities.
Using Gibbs' technique, I determined the steps I needed to follow to significantly improve my

academic and professional abilities (Koh and Tan, 2018). Gibbs' primary components are the

description, identification, assessment, conclusion, and design of an action plan for future skill

enhancement. Adopting and adhering to this procedure throughout the module may have aided

me in keeping a consistent examination of my own perspective (Beesley et al., 2017).


Both in the classroom and in business environment, effective communication is critical.

Attending my courses and other events on a regular basis may help me improve my

communication abilities. A better understanding of the relationship between learning

assessments and my evaluations and the lessons I've learned may have been achieved using the

Gibbs model (Hariyati and Ungsianik, 2018). As a consequence, I now understand how to

connect seemingly unrelated items that share a characteristic. For instance, what I've learned in

this topic may be mirrored in the test questions. After reading this, I'll be able to easily absorb

and reflect on what I've learned from my lectures. I'm confident that having this material at my

disposal will help me do better in class.

This program taught me a great deal about effective employee motivating. I may have acquired

an edge in the job market as a result of my former employers' ability to assign me to two distinct

tasks. My ability to communicate effectively may also have an effect on my leadership abilities.

Gibbs' approach is critical in describing my predicament via my cognitive processes (Aspden,

2020). This strategy may be used to connect critical thinking to a specific experience. It is likely

that by assessing the current circumstances, the best course of action for resolving a potential

crisis was decided.

However, it is likely that when the Gibbs model was employed to examine and analyze internal

factors in the current circumstance, it aggravated rather than relieved feelings. Given that the

Gibbs model assists in explaining why an event occurred during the academic module, this may

be regarded as a requirement (Sambell et al., 2020). In my current circumstance, I may benefit

from an understanding of successful communication. This will assist me in spreading the

message. My team and I are now more equipped to focus on our mutual development. As a

consequence, I feel that by concentrating everyone's efforts on a single goal, I will be able to

improve team communication. By providing a full description of an event and the experience

that accompanied it, time management may now be considerably improved. Utilizing task-based

communication can help shorten the duration of a project. This may have increased my chances

of being hired by any organization.


Capacity for emotional analysis is necessary for academic and professional efforts. My

perceptions of the lessons I've learned and the experiences I've had as a result of them may have

been shaped by reading this. I'll be able to communicate my thoughts with others using this

method. My ability to think critically and evaluate data is vital for everyone, I learned after

completing this program. Individuals' performance may have been improved by extensive

exposure to the development of marketable skills necessary for professional success(Horton-

Deutsch and Sherwood, 2017).

As a result of this training, I now have a much better understanding of my academic writing

abilities and potential. I choose to enhance my time management abilities for personal and

professional use by attending seminars on the subject. Academic writing programs also ingrained
in me the importance of grammar, vocabulary, and paraphrase. These materials may have

provided me with an advantage in class.

For this reason, in my cover letter, I have utilized organizational terms to stress my career

objectives and the criteria that support them. As a result, I must be extremely selective about the

phrases, sentences, and words I employ. Regular training may assist me in learning how to

construct a paragraph using only a few terms(Austin et al., 2020). If I had used proper language

and grammar when writing a report or essay, I might have been able to better manage my time. A

readable and authorized CV (Curriculum Vitae) style may assist me in obtaining employment.

As I continued through my current course of study, I gained greater confidence as my academic

talents improved. My classmates and I were able to bolster our academic and professional

abilities by honing already-developed abilities as a result of this academic program(Cooper and

Shoolbred, 2019).


My writing and analytical abilities have significantly improved as a result of the well-designed

academic curriculum. As a consequence, I'll be able to more efficiently organize my time and

communicate, which will benefit my professional progress (Roshanisefat et al., 2021). To aid in

the development of my academic and professional abilities, I've saved this knowledge in a

variety of writing formats. As a result of the academic sessions, I was able to create a time

management strategy for each of my activities. It is critical for anybody pursuing success to be

able to assess a piece of work and determine its value using the Gibbs model. A well-organized

task list may have aided me in meeting all of my duties more efficiently, resulting in better
outcomes. Evaluation skills may be used to rank my previous talents and most current

accomplishments; this is not the only advantage when it comes to CV construction.

Creating a meeting report based on input from others is one way I may demonstrate my

communication and time management abilities in the workplace. Maintaining unity among the

team is also critical so that I may share my evaluation with them.


Because I'm doing a group work module, I need to be able to participate in all of the team's

activities. In this instance, my friends and fellow students were able to assist me in assessing my

course understanding. By collecting and evaluating the experiences of my students, including

myself, I may have been able to maintain communication between the lessons I learned and the

real-world experiences I gained (Vahedian-Azimi and Moayed, 2021). Working together on this

project has taught me a lot about time management.

Additionally, I developed a deeper appreciation for the need of honing my analytical talents as a

result of a specific incident that occurred during the training session. Training sessions have

assisted me in learning and implementing the most critical strategies, note-taking techniques, and

communication skills that I've accumulated over time, allowing me to enhance my own strengths

and mitigate some of my weaknesses. To successfully finish a comprehensive study of the

subject at hand, my ability to carefully explore a problem and effectively explain my findings to

my colleagues was vital. To work effectively as a team, we must create a constant frequency of

Analyzing a topic holistically may have aided me in obtaining the finest results from my

investigation. Participants in this situation will almost certainly require cooperation and

communication abilities. The team's results, including mine, will need to be summarized in a

group report that I'm now composing. I will require the aid of my colleagues and classmates for

both work and school. Additionally, in order to meet the course's need for effective

communication, I've been assigned the responsibility of becoming adept in the Harvard

Referencing Format (HRF). This has made me understand that I need to strengthen my critical

analytical talents if I want to be a great team manager while also managing my time and

communication effectively.

Action Plan
The primary purpose of this plan is to develop a strategy for carefully exploring more

improvements. As a result, I believe I've improved my efficiency. Thanks to an action plan, I'm

closing professional and personal skill gaps.

Goals Actions to be resources Current score

Enhancing time and Remaining focused to Online sources Low
self-management a tight schedule
Enhancing team Focusing on building Literature review on Low
working skills a strong team and team working skills
ensuring proper from articles, books
coordination and and online articles
among team
Enhancing Participating in Online sources Moderate
communication skills various critical
thinking practices

In situations where I'm attempting to figure out how to approach critical thinking in a particular

situation, the Gibbs Reflective Cycle comes in helpful. It has also been established that I need to

improve my abilities in the areas of communication, cooperation, and time management in order

to further my career. I've gained a better understanding of the factors to consider when enhancing

one's academic abilities in order to increase one's marketability in the workforce as a result of

using the Gibbs reflective cycle. Both in the classroom and in the profession, skills and abilities

are interwoven. When looking for candidates for managerial positions, those with innovative and

forward-thinking skills should be sought out for their abilities. A core degree of academic

competency is required in today's labor environment to be successful in the field. Additional

advantages include becoming acquainted with current events and achieving a high level of

knowledge. It is important to be able to apply information in the context of a specific situation in

order to be employable. Professional development and the workplace environment may be

enhanced as a result of this ability.

ASPDEN, K. 2020. Working with two-year-old’s: Developing reflective practice. Early

Education Journal, 66, 87-88.

AUSTIN, D., GILKISON, A. & CLEMONS, J. 2020. Turning reflection into learning: a practice

development tool for midwifery students. Reflective Practice, 21, 301-315.

BEESLEY, P., WATTS, M. & HARRISON, M. 2017. Developing your communication skills in

social work, Sage.

CHIAT, L. C. & PANATIK, S. A. 2019. Perceptions of employee turnover intention by

Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory: A systematic literature review. Journal of

Research in Psychology, 1, 10-15.

COOPER, H. & SHOOLBRED, M. 2019. Using Feedback to Boost Your Grades, Macmillan

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HOLSTON-OKAE, B. L. & MUSHI, R. J. 2018. Employee turnover in the hospitality industry

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Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8, 218-248.

HORTON-DEUTSCH, S. & SHERWOOD, G. D. 2017. Reflective practice: Transforming

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EMPLOYEES IN TIMES OF CRISIS. Донецький державний університет управління.

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KOSTER, D. 2017. Motivation in the workplace.

NAWAZ, M. I. & CHOWDHURY, M. R. Investigating Ways to Motivate Zero-Hour Contract

Employees to Improve The Retention Rate: A Case Study of the UK Employment


RAYNER, J. & MORGAN, D. 2018. An empirical study of ‘green’workplace behaviours:

Ability, motivation and opportunity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 56, 56-


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ROŽMAN, M., TREVEN, S. & ČANČER, V. 2017. Motivation and satisfaction of employees in

the workplace. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for

Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 8, 14-25.

SABIR, A. 2017. Motivation: Outstanding way to promote productivity in employees. American

Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2, 35-40.

SAMBELL, R., DEVINE, A., LO, J. & LAWLIS, T. 2020. Work-Integrated Learning Builds

Student Identification of Employability Skills: Utilizing a Food Literacy Education

Strategy. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning, 21, 63-87.

SUYONO, J. & MUDJANARKO, S. 2017. Motivation engineering to employee by employees

Abraham Maslow theory. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 2, 27-33.

VAHEDIAN-AZIMI, A. & MOAYED, M.-S. 2021. The Relationship between Self-Esteem and

Academic Motivation among Postgraduate Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.

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