Zang2018 Article SerratedChipFormationMechanism
Zang2018 Article SerratedChipFormationMechanism
Zang2018 Article SerratedChipFormationMechanism
DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0451-6
Received: 12 December 2016 / Accepted: 24 April 2017 / Published online: 26 May 2017
# Springer-Verlag London 2017
Abstract Based on the software ABAQUS/Explicit, a finite Keywords Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V . Thermal conductivity .
element (FE) model for orthogonal cutting was established. Serrated chips . Chip formation mechanism . Finite element
The FE model was validated by comparing the cutting forces simulation
and serrated degree of chips obtained by orthogonal cutting
experiments under the cutting speeds 40, 80, 120, and 160 m/
min. Based on the developed FE model, the influence of ther- 1 Introduction
mal conductivity on the degree of chip segmentation and the
adiabatic shear localization were investigated. Furthermore, High speed machining has been widely employed in indus-
the plot contours on undeformed shape of cutting simulation tries and aerospace. There are many advantages in high speed
was used to investigate the temperature distribution, and the machining such as excellent surface quality, low cost, high
high temperature zone was identified, which can help enhance machining efficiency, and low cutting force [1–3]. There are
the understanding of the serrated chip formation. Finally, several differences between high speed machining and con-
cracks located in the adjacent segments of chips were ob- ventional speed machining in some aspects in terms of chip
served. The results show that with the increase in thermal formation mechanisms, distribution of cutting temperature,
conductivity, the degree of adiabatic shear decreases. It can and variations of cutting force.
be concluded that the poor thermal conduction performance Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V possesses high specific strength,
should be primarily responsible for the formation of serrated high temperature resistance, and high toughness. Based on
chips during machining Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Due to the high tem- these excellent properties, Ti-6Al-4V can maintain enough
perature at contact surface between cutting tool and work- strength and support greater loading at high temperature [4].
piece, the increasing of cutting speed facilitates the formation Due to the surface quality have effects on lifespan of material
of serrated chips during machining. and frictional behavior, the surface machining process is a very
important step in manufacturing product. However, the utiliza-
tion of titanium alloys is restricted by their poor machinability.
Many researchers have paid more attention to the investiga-
tions on machining mechanism of titanium alloys, including
chip formation mechanisms, distribution of temperature, and
* Anhai Li variations of cutting force, etc. [5, 6]. Due to the unique prop-
[email protected] erties of titanium alloys, especially for their poor thermal prop-
erty, the chips produced are serrated even at low cutting speed,
Jun Zhao which is distinctly different from other materials. During the
[email protected]
metal alloy cutting process, there are four types of metal chips:
flow chip, wavy chip, serrated chip, and discontinuous chip.
Key Laboratory of High-efficiency and Clean Mechanical
Manufacture of MOE, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong
As the chip formation has significant influence on the change
University, 17923 Jingshi Road, Jinan 250061, People’s Republic of of cutting force, the distribution of cutting temperature in ad-
China dition to the tool failure and tool wear is important to have
120 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 98:119–127
deeper insights into the essential factors that control the chip 2.1 Geometric model of orthogonal cutting
formation mechanism. Many attentions have been paid to the
formation mechanisms of serrated chips, which can mainly be Many cutting researches are based on the two-dimensional
summarized as to the adiabatic shear theory [7, 8]. Recht [9] (2D) models in finite element software especially in orthogo-
raised the mechanism of “catastrophic adiabatic shear” to ex- nal cutting. It is very efficient for metal cutting research by
plain the appearance of serrated chip. Chen et al. [10] simulate the adiabatic shearing at the primary shear zone.
expounded the thermoplastic instability in deformation zones The planar quadrilateral continuum elements (CPE4RT)
during the cutting process. Shaw et al. [11] illustrated that the are used to establish the workpiece model. Besides,
emergence of serrated chip in titanium alloys cutting process is CPE4RT have simplified hourglass control features and inte-
mainly due to the interaction between thermal softening effect gration. Because the metal machining is a process of coupled
and strain hardening effect in the shear zone. Other than that, temperature–displacement, it is necessary to set as nodal var-
there are many factors contributing to the formation of serrated, iables for temperatures and displacements in the Abaqus/
Wan and Wang [12] carried out the cutting simulations and Explicit software. Figure 1 illustrates the configuration and
experiments to investigate the effects of cutting speeds, they boundary conditions in the model. In order to form chips,
found that the speed is an important parameter for the forma- the element deletion technique is applied to meet the separa-
tion of serrated chips during the cutting process, chip segmen- tion of grid cell during the simulation process. The model for
tation degree have positive relationship with the cutting speed. orthogonal cutting is shown in Fig. 1. The uncut material
Zhu and Sun [13] researched the influence of tool wear on chip thickness ac is 0.1 mm and the rake angle of cutting tool is
formation during Ti-6Al-4V milling and found that degree of 0o. In order to eliminate the deformation error of the cutting
serrated increases with the increase of tool wear. The Johnson- tool, the cutting tool in the simulation is set as a rigid body.
Cook constitutive parameters and fracture constants were also The direction of cutting speed and displacement boundary
investigated on the serrated chip formation [14, 15]. The chip conditions in simulation are shown in Fig. 1.
morphologies are investigated by milling Ti-6Al-4V in differ-
ent cutting conditions [16]. 2.2 Constitutive model of material
Therefore, the poor thermal property is an important reason
for formation of serrated chips, it is essential to study how the It is necessary to consider the influence of intense deforma-
thermal property influence the formation of serrated chips tion, strain, strain rate, and temperature simulation model [21].
during the Ti-6Al-4V cutting. This paper aims to study the According to Johnson-Cook flow stress model, the material
morphologies of serrated chips collected under different ther- behavior has been summarized as the strain, strain rate, and
mal conductivities in commercial finite element software. temperature. As a result, Johnson-Cook law [22] is used in
Besides, how the poor thermal conductivity of Ti-6Al-4V most cutting simulations. The expression of Johnson-Cook
leads to the formation of serrated chips in dry cutting is inves- law is formed by three parts:
tigated. In addition, the chip segmentation degrees under dif-
ferent cutting speeds are investigated. : !
ε T −T r m
σ ¼ ðA þ Bε Þ 1 þ Cln :
1− ð1Þ
ε T m −T r
Table 1 The constitutive model parameters of Ti-6Al-4V alloy [23] parameters in Eq. (3) correspond to that in the Johnson-
A (MPa) B (MPa) C n m Cook (Eq. (1)) flow law. P indicates hydrostatic pressure
and its value equals to an average of three normal stresses.
782 498 0.028 0.28 1 The term D1 þ D2 exp D3 Pσ indicates the equivalent stain
in fracture during the hydrostatic pressure P increases. The
ratio of Pσ is called the stress triaxiality. The variables D1~D5
in simulation are presented in Table 3.
The most important advantage of the Johnson-Cook law is the During the cutting process in simulation, the damage evo-
large amount of available parameter for many materials. The lution of element is determined by the value of displacement at
physical and mechanical properties value used to describe the failure or fracture energy Gf before the chip forming initiation.
Ti-6Al-4V behavior in cutting process are shown in Table 2. Hillerborg [26] proposed the failure criterion of energy-based
ductile, which is used to define the damage evolution of ma-
terial during the process. As a parameter, Gf is applied to
2.3 Chip separation criterion produce a unit crack area when chips separate from work-
piece. The Gf can be expressed as Eq. (4):
As the Johnson-Cook fracture model [22] is selected to
state the workpiece damage evolution which involves εf
the influence of stress, strain rate, and temperature si- Gf ¼ ∫ Lσy dε ¼ ∫ u f σy du ð4Þ
ε0 0
multaneously based on the law of cumulative damage
described in Eq. (2), the Johnson-Cook fracture is
where u is the equivalent plastic deformation. ε0 is the initial
plastic strain. According Eq. (5), the damage variable D can be
w¼∑ ð2Þ Lε u
εf D¼ ¼ ð5Þ
uf uf
Where w is the damage initiation, ε f represents the equiv-
The grids disappear and the chip generates when D reaches 1.
alent strain, and Δε represents the incremental value of equiv-
alent plastic strain. The damage evolution of elements is based
upon the value of w. The equation of equivalent fracture strain 2.4 Friction and heat generation
as shown in Eq. (3):
The inelastic deformation and friction are important features
" : # in the cutting process because it will generate heat and con-
P ε T −T r stantly change the material properties. As a result, the research
ε f ¼ D1 þ D2 exp D3 1 þ D4 ln : 1 þ D5
ε T m −T r mainly concentrated on the strain, stress in material, and dis-
ð3Þ tribution of temperature during the cutting process.
The friction in contact surface of tool-chip is one of the
most complex aspects in cutting process, which has serious
The variables D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 are parameters which implications to machining precision and surface quality. The
describe the failure behavior of material. They respectively correct relationship between tool and workpiece in simulation
represent the factor of the initial failure strain, the exponential is an important factor to simulate the cutting process. So need-
triaxiality, the strain rate, and the temperature. The other less to say, that to build a fraction model-involved tool and
τ γ ; 0≤ l ≤ Lc ac in FE model), and the cutting speeds are 40, 80, 120, and
τf ¼ ð6Þ 160 m/min under dry cutting conditions. The insert was re-
μσn ; l > Lc
placed by a new one after each cutting process so as to avoid
where μ represents Coulomb’s friction coefficient and Lc is the the errors generated from tool wear.
contact length of transitional contact zone. Similar approaches The chips collected at each end of cutting process were
have been applied to cutting process in simulation. inlaid into mosaic materials under the temperature of
140 °C. After ground and etched, the mosaic specimens can
be observed using scanning electron microscope.
2.5 Thermal conduction property of the workpiece For the purpose of verifying the correctness of the simula-
material tion model, the degree of chip segmentation Gs defined by
Eq. (7) under different cutting speeds are analyzed.
Due to the heat generated from plastic deformation in material H−C
and the friction contact between the tool and material during Gs ¼ ð10Þ
the cutting process, the temperature have a sharp increase in
tool tip. On count of temperature difference around tool tip,
the heat spread to outside of tip in the form of thermal radia-
tion. The two-dimensional steady-state control equation of
thermal conduction:
∂ T ∂2 T : ∂T ∂T
k 2 þ 2 þ Q ¼ ρC p ux þ uy ð7Þ
∂ x ∂ y ∂x ∂y
Fig. 3 Comparison of simulated and experimental chips. a 40, b 80, c 120, and d 160 m/min
Figure 3 shows the chip morphology obtained in simula- cutting speeds. As a result, the experimental cutting force
tion and experiment under different cutting speeds, the H and approximately equals that of simulation.
C represent the values of peak and valley of chip, respectively. In addition, the largest cutting force appear at 120 m/min
The chip morphology of simulation has a good agreement when the cutting speed ranged from 40 to 120 m/min, then,
with experimental results. the cutting force have a reduction when the cutting speed
The chip segmentation degrees Gs of simulation and exper- larger than 120 m/min.
imental results are presented in Fig. 4. It can be found that chip According to Figs. 3, 4, and 5, it can be deduced that the
segmentation degree Gs has positive correlation with the cut- results of simulation are coincident well with experiment.
ting speed.
Figure 5 shows the cutting forces of simulation and exper-
iment at cutting speeds 40, 80, 120, and 160 m/min, respec- 4 Influence of thermal conductivity in adiabatic
tively. From the figures, it can be found that the experimental shear
cutting force approximately equals that of simulation at 40 m/
min. On the contrary, the cutting forces of experiment are The poor thermal property of Ti-6Al-4V is the key of emer-
larger than those of simulation at the cutting speeds 80, 120, gence of serrated chips, so it is important to study how the
160 m/min. Due to the measuring errors of experimental thermal property influences the formation of serrated chips.
setups, tool wear, and vibration of machine system during The finite element method is used to study the influence of
the cutting process, a certain error occurred between experi- thermal conductivity in producing serrated chips, and the rea-
ments and simulation. The tool wear is slower under low sons are as follows: Firstly, considering that metal cutting
0.2 150
0.1 100
0 50
40 80 120 160 0
Cutting speed (m/min) 40 80 120 160
Cutting speed(m/min)
Fig. 4 Variation of chip segmentation degree under different cutting
speeds Fig. 5 Average cutting forces under different cutting speeds
124 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 98:119–127
Table 4 The selected thermal conductivity in simulation for Ti-6Al-4V 160m/min
0.9 120m/min
Thermal k = 0.1 k0 k = 0.5 k0 k = k0 k = 1.5 k0 k = 2 k0 0.8 80m/min
Serrated degree GS
conductivity 0.7
(W/m·K) 0.6
20 °C 0.68 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6
100 °C 0.74 3.7 7.4 11.1 14.8
300 °C 0.98 4.9 9.8 14.7 19.6
500 °C 1.18 5.9 11.8 17.7 23.6
0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Magnification of thermal conductivity
process is a complicated dynamic process, it is very hard to get Fig. 7 Chip segmentation degree G s under different thermal
the chip temperature distribution during the cutting process;
secondly, the flexibility of finite element software can meet
the demand to study the chip formation mechanism by varying strain and strain rate are stronger than thermal softening, so the
the thermal conductivity. chip morphology changes from serrated to continuous.
In order to research the influence of thermal conductivity in Figure 7 lists chip segmentation degree Gs under different
adiabatic shear and to prove the poor heat conduction perfor- coefficient of thermal conductivity at 40, 80, 120, and 160 m/
mance of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy is an important reason for min, respectively. It can be seen that chip segmentation degree
producing serrated chips in the cutting process, the coefficient has negative correlations with magnification of thermal con-
of thermal conductivity is changed, and Table 4 shows the ductivity. Combined with the analysis of Fig. 6, it can be
selected values of thermal conductivity in this study. During deduced that when the thermal conductivity promoting, the
the cutting simulations, all the parameters of Ti-6Al-4V alloy heat produced in cutting process can transfer faster to the
remain constant except for the thermal conductivity. surrounding material, decreasing the heat aggregation degree
Figure 6 presents the chip morphologies obtained from the round the tool tip, so the thermal softening recede.
simulation results under different thermal conductivities. As a result, the increase of thermal conductivity decreases
Compared with the simulation as shown, the most obvious char- the degree of adiabatic shear and the chip segmentation de-
acteristic of simulation results is that the chip morphology varies gree. Moreover, the chip segmentation degree has a positive
from serrated chips to continuous chip. In addition, the increas- correlation with cutting speed in a same value of thermal con-
ing of thermal conductivities increases the diffusion velocity of ductivity as shown in Fig. 7. The increasing of cutting speed
heat accumulating near the tool tip of the material, alleviates facilitates the process of adiabatic shear localization and the
effect of thermal softening, and then the hardening effects of chip segmentation degree of the machined chips.
(d) (e)
Fig. 6 Variation of chip morphologies under different thermal conductivities when cutting speed is 80 m/min. a k = 0.1 k0; b k = 0.5 k0; c k = k0; d
k = 1.5 k0; e k = 2 k0
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 98:119–127 125
Figure 8 exhibits a series of temperature distribution in temperature should be a continuous change, as shown in
the plot contours on undeformed shape of material under Fig. 8e. However, there are high temperature zones in
the cutting speed 80 m/min, and the chip segments under Fig. 8a–d. The reason for this phenomenon is that the
each magnification of thermal conductivity are detailed. thermal softening occurs at the primary shear zone.
As shown in the figures, the temperatures in the tool- Meanwhile, under the action of cutting tool, the material
chip interface zones decrease with the increase of thermal of primary shear zone undergoing large deformation,
conductivity and are greater than other parts of the mate- more heat is produced in the high temperature zone. It
rial. During the heat transfer process, the distribution of makes material softening and deformation promote to
Tool-chip interface
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 8 Temperature distribution in the plot contours on undeformed shape under different thermal conductivities when v is 80 m/min. a k = 0.1 k0; b
k = 0.5 k0; c k = k0; d k = 1.5 k0; e k = 2 k0
126 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 98:119–127
develop mutually. Therefore, the degree of adiabatic shear undeformed shape during the cutting process of simula-
in the primary shear zone decreases with the increase of tion and the temperature of adiabatic shear zone is obvi-
the magnification of thermal conductivity. ously higher than the surrounding region. In addition, the
Besides, as the thermal conductivity increases, the diffu- adiabatic shear band and the cracks located in adjacent
sion velocity of heat which generated in the primary defor- segment were observed in the micrographs. Indeed, the
mation zone increases. It can be easily observed in Fig. 8 shear zone initiates around the tool tip and propagates
that the area of high temperature zone is smaller than that of toward the free surface, and then the crack initiates from
Fig. 8a–c. As shown in Fig. 8e, when the thermal conduc- the free surface of the chip. Furthermore, with the cutting
tivity is k = 2 k0, the high temperature zone disappears. As a speed increases, the chip-serrated degree Gs and crack
result, with the high temperature zone fades out, the chip length is increasing.
morphologies change from serrated to continuous as shown In the cutting process, the temperature in the area near the
in Fig. 6. tool tip is higher than that of free surface of chip because of the
Figure 9 reflects the cross-section of serrated chips and friction between the tool and material. Besides, the thermal
the temperature profiles of adiabatic shear bands for Ti- softening is more apparent in the zone near the tool tip.
6Al-4V workpiece material under 80, 120, and 160 m/ Therefore, the crack initiates from the free surface of the chip.
min, respectively. It can be found that the serrated chips In addition, when the cutting speed increases, more heat pro-
were formed. As shown in the temperature profiles of duced resulting from the friction contact between tool and
adiabatic shear bands, the temperature distribution of chip workpiece, leading to the increasing of the degree of adiabatic
segmentation can be extracted from the plot contours on shear and crack length.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 98:119–127 127