C2 The Budget Process
C2 The Budget Process
C2 The Budget Process
Government accounting:
- Also provides budget information
- Concerned with providing information that is useful in assessing the compliance of the government entities'
expenditures with the approved budget.
National budget - Is the government's estimate of the sources and used of government funds within a fiscal year. This
is the basis for expenditures and is the government's key instrument for promoting its socio-
economic objectives.
Budget cycle \/
• Budget House deliberations --> Senate deliberations --> Bicameral deliberations --> President's enactment
Legislation There is a due process that needs to be followed before the budget can be enacted.
1. The president will submit the PRESIDENT'S BUDGET to the house representative to conduct
hearings that will scrutinize budget, aka house deliberations. They will then have the General
Appropriation Bill.
2. After or even during the house deliberations the senate would then conduct hearings on the
3. Bicameral Conference Committee would then harmonize any conflicts of the decisions of the
house and senate deliberations that will then be called GAB ('Bicam' version).
4. The GAB would then be resubmitted to both houses for ratification
5. Then the president would then receive the GAB for enactment, which will be called General
Appropriation Act (GAA).
Note: If there are no new budget enacted before the start of the fiscal year the past year's GAA will
be used until there are new GAA will be proposed. (Art. VI, Sec 25(7), Philippine Constitution)
Approved budget - This is the expenditure authority derived from appropriation laws, government ordinances, and
other decisions related to the anticipated revenue or receipts for the budgetary period.
(30-31) - This consists of the following:
• New general appropriations - annual authorizations for incurring obligations during a
specified budget year, as listed in the GAA
• Continuing appropriations - supports obligations for a specific purpose or project (multi-year
• Supplemental appropriations - additional appropriation to add the original appropriation
which proved by law to be insufficient.
• Automatic appropriations - [funds] not required for the periodic action [deliberation] by the
• Unprogrammed appropriations - standby appropriation availed only when:
○ Revenue collection > revenue TARGET - in the BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES AND
SOURCES OF FINANCING -- BESF -- given by the president to the congress
○ New revenues are collected from sources not originally considered in the BESF
○ New approved loans
• Retained income or funds - collections which are authorized by law to be used by agencies
concerned for their operation or specific purposes
• Revolving funds - receipts derived from business-type activities of departments/agencies;
SELF-LIQUIDATING fund, all obligation shall be charged with the fund
• Trust receipts - receipts by any government agency acting as trustee, agent or administrator
for the fulfillment of some obligations or conditions.
- Appropriations: the authorization made by a legislative board to allocate funds for purposes
specified by the legislative or similar authority.
- Special appropriation bill: shall specify the purpose of which it is intended, and shall be supported
by funds actually available.
- No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of appropriation; with the exception of the
SC, and the CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS may augment any item in the general
appropriations law for their RESPECTIVE OFFICES
• Budget - This is where the budget is being monitored as it is being executed to determine the conformance
Accountability of the actual results with planned targets.
1. Appropriation = budgeted amount to be used → RAPAL
2. Allotment = fund received → RAPAL
3. Unreleased appropriation = appropriation - allotment → RAPAL
4. Obligation incurred → RAOD
5. Unobligated allotment = allotment - obligation incurred → RAOD
6. Disbursement → RAOD
7. Unpaid obligation = obligations incurred - disbursement
8. Unused NCA = Notice of cash allocation - disbursementsf
Responsibility - System of providing cost of revenue information over which a manager has direct control of.
Accounting - This identifies the:
• Responsibility center -
• Controllable costs
• Non-controllable costs