Dokumen - Tips Reactive-Dyes

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Dyestuff Chemistry

Reactive Dyes


Introduction to Reactive Dyes

 Although fiber-reactive dyes have been a

goal for quite some time, the breakthrough
came fairly late, in 1954.
 Prior to then, attempts to react the dye and
fibers involved harsh conditions that often
resulted in degradation of the textile.


 The best dyes, by far, to use for cotton and

other cellulose fibers are the fiber reactive
 They are much brighter 
 longer-lasting, and easier-to-use


 Fiber reactive dye is the most permanent of 

all dye types.
 Unlike other dyes, it actually forms a covalent
bond with the cellulose or protein molecule.


 Once the bond is formed, what you have is

one molecule, as the dye molecule has
become an actual part of the cellulose fiber 


 The first fiber-reactive dyes were designed

for cellulose fibers, and they are still used
mostly in this way.
 There are also commercially available fiber-
reactive dyes for protein and polyamide


 In theory, fiber-reactive dyes have been

developed for other fibers, but these are not
yet practical commercially.


 The first fiber-reactive dyes contained the

1,3-5-triazinyl group, and were shown by
Rattee and Stephen to react with cellulose in
mild alkali solution.
 No significant fiber degradation occurred. ICI
launched a range of dyes based on this
chemistry, called the Procion dyes.


 This new range was superior in every way to

vat and direct dyes, having excellent wash
fastness and a wide range of brilliant colors.
Procion dyes could also be applied in
batches, or continuously.


Chemistry of Reactive dyes

Chromogen Fiber Reactive

Bridging group

water solubilizing


Reaction with Dye

This reaction takes place in presence of a base

Dye-Cl + H-O-cellulose base Dye-OH +salt

 The bond formed is covalent which provides
excellent wash fastness and is stronger then the
hydrogen bonds of a direct dye on cellulose.


Reaction with water 

 In reaction with water the reactive group is

hydrolyzed and the dye looses its ability to
react with hydroxyl group of cotton or amino
groups of poly amide
Dye-Cl +H-OH base dye-OH + salt


 The chromogen is as mentioned before (Azo,

carbonyl or phthalocyanine class).
 The water solubilizing group (ionic groups,
often sulphonate salts), which has the
expected effect of improving the solubility,
since reactive dyes must be in solution for 
application to fibers.


 The bridging group links the chromogen and

the fiber-reactive group.
 Frequently the bridging group is an amino,
-NH-, group.
 This is usually for convenience rather than
for any specific purpose.


 The fiber-reactive group is the only part of 

the molecule able to react with the fiber.


 A cellulose polymer has hydroxyl functional

groups, and it is these that the reactive dyes
utilize as nucleophiles.
 Under alkali conditions, the cellulose-OH
groups are encouraged to deprotonate to
give cellulose-O- groups.


 These can then attack electron-poor regions

of the fiber-reactive group, and perform either 
aromatic nucleophilic substitution to
aromatics or nucleophilic addition to alkenes


Reactive dyes can react both with water and

fiber but the main reaction is with fiber for 2
 Rate of chemical reaction with cellulose is
much faster than the reaction with water 


 the probability of a diffused dye molecule

reacting with an OH group on cellulose is
much larger than the cellulose group of water 
 In dyeing of cellulose with reactive most of 
the dye reacts with fiber but some dye do
react with water.


 Unfixed dye composes of hydrolyzed dye

and unreacted dye
 The amount of unfixed dye can be 20-30% of 
the total amount of dye used


Properties of reactive dyes

 Available in a complete range of colors
 Very good wash fastness
 Good to very good light fastness
 High flexibility in the choice of method of 


 Easy to obtain level dyeing

 Readily soluble in water 


 Cost of using reactive dyes is high
 Loss of substantial dye during application
 Excessive time required for the dyeing process
 Sensitive to oxidation


 Auxiliaries used in dyeing with


 In the dyeing of cellulose with reactive dyes,

alkali is necessary
 it acts as a catalyst in the reaction between
the dyestuff and the fiber.


 The important point is not the type or amount

of alkali but rather the pH of the dye bath,
which must be closely supervised.
 Adding base increases the exhaustion of the
dye on the fiber 


 It increases the rate of chemical reaction and

faster the rate of reaction, the faster the rate
of exhaustion
 Ionic nature of base further enhances the


 The most suitable pH for dyeing varies with

the temperature
 being approx. 11.5 for common warm dyeing
(dyeing at approx. 60 degrees )
 10-11 for hot dyeing (80 )
 12.5 for cold dyeing (40 degrees)


 Auxiliaries used in Reactive Dyeing 


 Inorganic salts have two main functions in

exhaustion dyeing with reactive dyestuffs:
 Improving the affinity of the dyestuff 
 Acceleration of the dyestuff's association and
lowering of its solubility.


 Improving the affinity and thus the exhaustion

of dyestuff during primary exhaustion serves
to raise the exhaustion rate of reactive
dyestuffs. Because reactive dyestuffs have a
lower affinity than direct dyestuffs, more
inorganic salt is required when using reactive
dyestuffs in order to accelerate absorption


The following graph displays the amount of 

Glauber's salt used, the exhaustion rate and
the fixing rate for a conventional dye and a
high-fixation dye (Sumifix Supra E-XF).



Because inorganic salts accelerate the

association of water-soluble dyestuffs and
lower the solubility of dyestuffs, an excess of 
inorganic salt may in fact impede the
absorption of some dyestuffs, and so care is
necessary when one is used.


 The effectiveness of the inorganic salt is not

decided by the ratio of its quantity to the
quantity of fabric (o.w.f.) but rather by its
concentration in the dye bath (g/l)
 so it is by lowering its concentration that the
effect of an inorganic salt can be reduced.


Suitable fiber substrate

 Cellulosic fibers
 Protein fibers
 Polyamide fibers


Methods of application

Exhaustion method
It consists of three stages
 Exhaust Dyeing
 Fixation
 After scouring


Cold Pad-batch method

 Semi- continuous method
 Fabric is padded with a solution of dyes and
the base and then wound onto a roller. which
are covered in plastic sheets
 Left for 2hours to overnight depending on the
rate of fixation


Continuous dyeing with reactive dyes

There are 2 methods currently in use by
 Two-Bath Method
the dyes and base are applied separately


 One-bath method
In this the dyes and the base are applied
together onto the fabric from the same
padding bath


Chemical striping of reactive dyes

 Once reactive dyes have been applied and

the unfixed, hydrolyzed dye has been
 there is no longer a possibility of 
leveling or stripping by simple physical


 If a reactive dyeing is unsatisfactory,

economics will probably dictate what
steps must be taken to deal with the problem.


For heavy shades, a reduction of about

20-40% in depth of shade can sometimes
be achieved by hydrolysis of the dye-fiber 
bond with alkali in the presence of salt at
95C (200F)


Depending on the individual dyes, complete

chemical stripping (color destruction)
may be carried out in one of the
following four ways


 reduction only;
 Reduction followed by oxidation;
 Oxidation only
 oxidation followed by reduction.


all traces of chemicals should be removed

prior to any re-dyeing attempts on a sample
of the stripped goods.


General fastness properties

 light fastness- good to very good on most

 Washing- good, sensitive to chlorine bleach
 Dry cleaning- good
 Perspiration- good
 Crocking- good


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