Curriculum Paper Algebra

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Landon College Prep & Leadership Development

CPM Algebra One Curriculum Paper Mrs. Spiwak

2008-2009 Room 218 Period 3

Our Mission at this school is to create college bound students with

a deep commitment to public service and a true understanding of
their leadership skills within the global community.

Course Overview: Algebra One is a course which formalizes the structure and
properties of the system of real numbers. Problem solving techniques for various types of
real world and algebraic problems are developed. Expressions, rational and irrational
numbers, algebraic equations, algebraic inequalities, linear and non linear graphs,
radicals, polynomials, algebraic fractions, and functions are simply and yet thoroughly
treated. Students also learn to work together in small groups and learn to be responsible
for their own knowledge. Discussion of a variety of ways to solve problems is
encouraged. Successful completion of this course is based on student organization, test
performance and teacher judgment.

STUDENT EVALUATION: Student grades are based on class participation,

homework, classwork, quizzes, tests and a CPM Algebra notebook. All assignments,
handouts, quizzes and tests should be kept in the notebook in the order required by the
textbook. A student’s average is based on how many points he/she earns. There will be
unit tests after each chapter, some will be team tests, and some will be individual. Each
individual test is worth 100 points. Quizzes and team tests will count as much as 50
points. Homework and classwork (when collected) may range in point value from five to
40.The CPM Algebra notebook will be collected at the end of each quarter and is also
worth 100 points. Study teams will be formed throughout the course and will be assigned
by the teacher. Evaluation of group work and group projects will also be part of the
student’s grade.

Educational Materials: CPM Algebra, Volumes 1 and 2, teacher created handouts

and/or other handouts.

HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is assigned daily and will correlate with the
standards. It is checked frequently and will also be collected infrequently (for evaluation)
without advance notice. Staying organized is an important part of this course. Late
homework is not accepted. Late class assignments and projects and notebooks will
receive a grade reduction.

(continued on the back of this paper)

MAKE UP POLICY: When absent from a class, it is THE STUDENT’S
RESPONSIBILITY to talk to the teacher and/or classmates about work that was missed
during the absence. For each day absent, an equal number of days is allowed to
complete make-up assignments. If an absence is due to planned travel, parents should
notify teachers in writing at least two days in advance prior to the absence requesting
assignments which will be missed. In case of illness lasting three or more days,
assignments may be requested through the Guidance Office at 346-5650 ext.114. Please
allow 24-hours for work to be complied. This policy can be found in the student handbook
or at the school’s website.

GRADE RECOVERY: Students will be offered grade recovery as outlined in

Duval County Pupil Progression Plan which may be found at

PARENT CONFERENCES may be requested through the Guidance Office at

346-5650 ext.114


Pencils (#2 or mechanical) Notebook paper

Graph paper 1 ½ inch or 2 inch binder
Dividers for the notebook Scientific (or graphing) Calculator
TI 30 XIIS is recommended

RULES: 1. All work in Algebra must be done in pencil.

2. Bring to class every day: Textbook, homework, pencil, paper,
graph paper, and calculator
3. A notebook will be kept by every student. Keep this notebook
up to date on a regular basis. It will count 100 points.
4. Behavior problems are treated on an individual basis. The first
offense usually results in a phone call to parents. If this does
not correct the problem, a referral will be written. Disrespect
will not be tolerated.

There are two websites available for more information about the CPM
Algebra curriculum and design. Go to for more information
and to order a parent guide. For help with homework assignments, students
can visit the website Thank you for your support.

J. Spiwak, or [email protected] or 346-5650 ext 141

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