Adan 2017
Adan 2017
Adan 2017
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99 mmol/L]. 11 (31.4%) subjects were insufficient and 11 Methods Patients with viral meningitis and healthy controls
(31.4%) were severely deficient. completed the ‘Aldenkamp and Baker Neuropsychological
Conclusions Prevalence of VitD deficiency was 62%. Testing Assessment Schedule (ABNAS)’, a 24 item self-administered
and supplementation is cheap: test costs 70 p, supplementation questionnaire. Patients completed the ABNAS at 4 time points
costs £8 – £12. A simple test, treatment alleviates symptoms – 6, 12, 24 and 48 weeks post acute illness. Higher ABNAS
and may reduce fractures in fall prone patients. scores correspond to greater levels of neuropsychological dys-
function, with a worst score possible of 72.
Results Healthy controls (n=224) had a mean total ABNAS
score of 7. Comparatively, the patients with viral meningitis
PO213 SONAR IDENTIFIES RESEARCH TRAINING NEEDS IN A had significantly worse scores at all 4 time points. At 6 weeks
CLINICAL TRAINING PROGRAM scoring 22 (p<0.001) (n=73), at 12 Weeks 19.5 (p<0.001)
1 (n=102), at 24 weeks 13.5 (p 0.002) (n=86) and at 48 weeks
Eiman Abdelgadir, 2Dharmini Patel, 2Michael O’Gara, 3Oliver Leach, 1Omar Al Masri,
Shakya Bhattacharjee, 1Alexander Shah, 1Jamie Talbot, 1Hasan Zafar, 1Camille Carroll. 16.5 (p<0.001) (n=76).
Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust; 2Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital; 3Royal Cornwall Hospital Conclusions Patients with viral meningitis have significantly
worse neuropsychological deficits compared to healthy con-
10.1136/jnnp-2017-ABN.234 trols. The deficits showed some improvement initially but
failed to improve significantly beyond 24 weeks.
Introduction Successful Trainee Clinical Research Networks
have been established since 2007 and are primarily run by
Surgical and Anaesthetic Trainees. In the southwest peninsula
we have set up the first UK Neurology Trainee Audit and PO215 OUTCOMES OF NEUROLOGY ADMISSIONS TO CRITICAL
Research Collaborative to deliver clinical studies. Ensuring all CARE
trainees have appropriate training is a key requirement; we Ladan Akbarian-Tefaghi, Thomas Jenkins, Andrew Davidson. Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
aimed to ascertain the training needs of our network Sheffield, UK
Method A survey was sent to all 9 neurology trainees in the 10.1136/jnnp-2017-ABN.236
Peninsula Deanery. It comprised 5 questions to establish
Aims To assess neurological admissions to the critical care unit
trainee clinical research training and experience.
in our centre according to published prioritisation criteria and
Results Response rate was 100%. Training level varied from
evaluate predictors of outcome.
ST3–5; 22% had previously completed higher degrees. 40%
Methods We reviewed 39 patient records between November
of trainees had not been involved in clinical research. One
2012-April 2015, and ranked from 1 to 4 according to priori-
trainee had not had formal good clinical practice (GCP) train-
tisation criteria. We evaluated predictors of outcome, including
ing and none had formal Informed Consent training. Of those
length of stay, using regression modelling.
who had been involved in research, there had been limited
Results 18 females and 21 males were assessed with a mean
involvement in project design, ethics approval processes, data
age of 41 years (range 23–83). Twelve patients had strokes, 6
analysis, manuscript preparation or findings presentation.
status epilepticus, 16 neuromuscular disorders, 1 post-arrest
Conclusion We identified a training need in our Trainee Audit
hypoxia-ischaemia, 3 metabolic problems and 1 meningitis. Six
and Research Network. In order to address this, we have
patients had serious co-morbidities. Mean time from ward to
organised formal GCP and Informed Consent training; to
critical care was 5 days (range 0–39), time on critical care
broaden the research experience of network members, we are
was 10 days (0–45), and time from critical care to home 23
planning our first collaborative research project.
days (2–84). Sixty-six percent received non-invasive ventilation,
51% intubation and ventilation, 27% tracheostomy and 8%
inotropes. 23 patients were classed priority 1, 9 priority 2
and 7 priority 3. Seventy-four percent survived to discharge
to the ward and of these 93% went home. Of survivors, 62%
had a Rankin score 1–2. All the priority 3 patients died.
Guleed Adan, 1,4Mike Griffiths, 5Laura Bonnett, 1Alastair Miller, 1Anna Maria Geretti, There was no association between length of stay and
Benedict Michael, 6Nick Beeching, 7David McKee, 3Fiona McGill, 1,2Tom Solomon. 1The outcome.
Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool; 2Department of Neurology, Conclusions Neurological patients in critical care generally
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust; 3Department of Infectious Diseases and Medical have good outcomes, even with prolonged stays. Meeting pri-
Microbiology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; 4Department of Neurology, Alder Hey
ority 3 criteria was associated with poor prognosis.
Children’s NHS Foundation Trust; 5The Institute of Translational Medicine, University of
Liverpool; 6Tropical and Infectious Disease Unit at Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
Hospital NHS Trust; 7Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
SK Alexander, 1A Chaudhuri, 1,2G Zvikaite, 2R Dhairyawan, 1,2A Radunovic. 1Queen’s
Background Survivors of bacterial meningitis are known to Hospital, Romford; 2Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, London
suffer neuropsychological deficits after their acute illness. Pre-
vious studies have suggested that viral meningitis may also 10.1136/jnnp-2017-ABN.237
cause cognitive problems.
Primary and Objective We aimed to determine what the neuro- Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is more common in the HIV
psychological problems encountered by adults with viral men- positive population, for reasons that are unclear. MND in
ingitis were compared to healthy patients without meningitis these patients is indistinguishable from sporadic MND. Recent
and how long their problems lasted. evidence proposes a role for endogenous retroviruses in