(캐럿글로벌) Evaluation Sheet - 230210

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Evaluation Sheet

Name Date Rater

Accuracy Fluency Domain Expertise Pronunciation Total

Total 20 20 20 20 20 100


Overall Feedback

Test Area Score Comment

1 Listening Comprehension 0

2 Accuracy 0

3 Fluency 0

4 Domain Expertise 0

5 Pronunciation 0

서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 268-20 (한남동) Copyright © 2021 CARROTGlobal Inc.   All
Rights Reserved.

Type Questions
Please tell me about the recent event you joined (wedding, birthday, farewell etc.)
Please tell me about your family
Please decribe your last weekend (activities, how did you feel etc.)
What was the last movie you have seen?
What do you do everyday
What do you do on holiday such as new year's day or 추석
Have you ever stayed in foreign contries?
Please describe your ordinary meal
Please introduce me city you are lining in
Please decribe the location of your house
What kind of music do you enjoy? Why do you like it?
What do you do in your free time?
Why did you choose your major?
What kind of problem you are facing there days?
Personal information Please introduce me your children
Do you cook your dinner by yourself?
What kind of food do you have as lunch?
Please introduce me your university
What kind of fruits & vegetables do you like? why?
Please introduce me your favourite singer. Why do you like that singer?
Please describe your favourite movie. Story, characters etc.
Please decribe meal you had recently
What do you do when you meet your friends
Please introduce me your best friend (job, how did you two become friends, etc)
What do you do normally with your children
Please describe your daily life
How's weather of your town?
How long did you live in your town? Why do you like there?
Please describe the place you visited in weekend. Why there, what did you do etc.
Please tell me about your recent travel
Please compare your hometown and place you visited as travel
What kind of activities did you do in travel?
What did you do on the first day of travel?
What aspect did you like most in that travel?
Please describe the restaurant you visited
What is you hobby?
How did you learn that hobby?
Where do you learn that hobby?
hobby Wehre do you do that hobby?
Why do you enjoy that hobby?
Any other hobby?
How often do you do that hobby?
What do you do in office?
What kind of industry your company does?
How long you do work a day?
What kind of job do you do?
Please tell me difficult situation you faced at work
Please tell me remarkable episode at work
Please decribe hierachy and structure of your company
: General
What is the best aspect of your job?
What kind of customer / conterpart you face?
When you do leave your office?
What is the toughest thing you face at work
What kind of task did you do in biz trip?
What value you pursue mostly in job?
Plese decribe the conflict you faced and tell me how you solved it.
How your boss and co-worker decribe you?
Business Please tell me your best / worst leader
: Interpersonal skill What do you prefer, working alone or working as team?
Please tell me If you ever solved conflict between co-workes
Have you ever faced conflict with your boss?
Please describe yourself after 5 years, 10 years, 20 years
In you field, what kindly compentecy you should have to develop yourself?
: Goal-oriented
What is your professional goal?
Please tell me experiece you showed good leadership
: experience
등급 D등급 C등급 B등급 A등급 S등급
점 수 0~5 5~10 * 전문적인10~15내용을 15~19 20
포함하여, 언어적으로
* 익숙한 주제에 대한 주요
복잡한 내용의 주요 개념을 * 익숙한 주제와 익숙하지
개념과 질문을 이해 할 수 * 다양한 관용 표현과
이해할 수 있다. 구조화된 않은 주제를 모두 이해할 수
있다. 주어진 질문에 구어적 표현을 이해할 수
* 단순한 문장 및 자주 내용을 명확하며 있다. 명확하고 주저함없이
명확하고 조리있게 대답할 있으며, 여러가지 언어
사용되는 표현들이 또렷이 거리낌없이, 반복이 거의 자신의 생각을 전달할 수
수 있으나, 문장 구성 시 형식으로 문장을
발화되었을 때 이해할 수 없이 발화하며, 구조적 패턴 있을만큼 넓은 범위의 어휘
문법과 어휘 확인을 위해 재구성하여 표현하는데
있다. 기본적인 문장 패턴을 , 연결구, 응집장치 (cohesive 및 표현을 구사할 수 있다.
조금 머뭇거리거나 주저할 거리낌이 없다. 긴 발화로
구사할 수 있으며 단순한 devices) 의 적절한 사용을 유창하게 어려움없이
수 있다. 정보와 아이디어를 자신의 생각을 자연스럽고
일상 생활에 대한 정보를 할수 있다. 사용하며 자신의 의견을 전달할 수
정리하여 발화할 수 있으나, 유창하게 표현할 수 있으며,
주고 받을 수 있다. 응집주제에 적합한 있으며, 확장된 긴 문장
익숙하지 않은 어휘나 문법적 오류 없이 복잡한
기본적인 응집장치 내용으로 발화할 수 있으며 구사 에도 머뭇거림이 거의
표현을 이해 하는데에는 문장을 구성하여 말할 수
(cohesive devices) 사용하며, 전달할 수 있다. 대부분의 없다. 문법적으로 높은
어려움이 있다. 예측가능한 있다. 다양한 조직적
짧은 표현과 문 잦은 멈춤과 일반적인 주제에 대한 정확도를 보이며, 자신이
상황에서 활용되는 패턴은 패턴이나 접속사, 그 외
기본적인 실수가 특징인 정확한 설명과 다양한 전달하고자 하는
상당히 정확하게 사용할 수 언어적 기술을 활용하여
언어를 구사 할 수 있다. 의견을 전달하는데 필요한 아이디어를 상대방이 쉽게
있으며 간혹 반복은 있으나 논리적이고 일관성있는
범위의 어휘량이 있으며, 이해할 수 있도록 정리하여
주제와 타당한 의견을 발화를 할 수 있다.
복잡한 문장을 구성 시 전달할 수 있다.
문법적 오류가 비교적 낮은

Can recognize a wide

Can understand main ideas
Can understand standard range of idiomatic
Can understand main ideas of propositionally and
spoken language on both expressions and
and questions on familiar linguistically complex
familiar and unfamiliar colloquialisms, shows great
topics including short speech, including technical
Can understand simple topics. Has a good flexibility reformulating
narratives and is able to discussions. Able to
sentences and frequently command of a broad range ideas in differing linguistic
respond with clear produce clear, smoothly
used expressions provided of language allowing forms, and has a good
coherent discourse, though flowing, well-structured
that speech is clearly him/her to select a command of idiomatic
with hesitation and pauses speech, showing controlled
articulated. Uses basic formulation to express expressions and
for grammatical and lexical use of organizational
sentence patterns and is him/herself clearly without colloquialisms. Can
planning. Able to organize patterns, connectors and
able to communicate having to restrict what express him/herself
ideas and repeat back cohesive devices with
레벨 설명 information in simple he/she wants to say. Can spontaneously at length
information but has relevant contributions with
everyday situations. Basic express him/herself fluently with a natural colloquial
difficultly in understanding little repetition. Has a
cohesive device are used and spontaneously, almost flow while maintaining
unfamiliar vocabulary and sufficient range of
and language is produced effortlessly and produce consistent grammatical
expressions. Uses language to be able to give
in short responses that are extended stretches of control of complex
reasonably accurate clear descriptions and
characterized by short language with very little language. Able to create
language for patterns used express viewpoints on most
phrases, frequent pauses, hesitation. Consistently coherent and cohesive
in predictable situations general topics while using
and basic mistakes. maintains a high degree of discourse using of a variety
and contributions are some complex sentence
grammatical accuracy and of organizational patterns,
mostly relevant with some forms showing a relatively
shows a clear organization a wide range of
repetition. high degree of grammatical
of ideas. connectors, and other
cohesive devices.

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