StudyGroup 70-480-Implementing An Adaptive User Interface

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Implementing an Adaptive User

StudyGroup 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript
and CSS3
This module describes how to create HTML5 pages that can
dynamically detect and adapt to different devices and form
 Supporting Multiple Form Factors (The need to detect
device capabilities and react to different form factors in a
Web application).
 Creating an Adaptive User Interface (Adapting Page
Layout To Fit a Different Form Factor)
 Creating a Print-Friendly Stylesheet
Adaptive System
In computer science, the term “adaptive system” refers to a
process in which an interactive system adapts its behavior
to individual users based on information acquired about its
user(s), the context of use and its environment.
Examples Of Adaptive Systems (GPS)

The day and night interfaces in the GARMIN Zumo 660 adapt the
interface color so the user isn’t blinded with a bright light.
Example – Google Instant
Example – Adaptive UI
Variety of devices

 Tons of internet-connected
devices out there
 Nearly all of them have browsers.
 diversity: Mac laptops, Windows
workstations, iPhones, iPads,
Kindles, Android phones
 Touch input, scroll wheels,
keyboards, voice input, devices
with pressure sensitivity,
 TVs, smart watches, toasters and
refrigerators, and many more
Device Targeting- challenges

challenges solutions
 Size (small screen / big  Flexibility
 Different output
 Form factor / ratio / portait
/ landscape  Different layout
 Touchable / no touchable  Different style/theme/skin
 Static / Dynamic
 Multicolor / mono
 Some devices rotate!
 Difficulty of data input
 Browser inconsistency
Device Targeting - solution

Different CSS for different device/media

Media Queries

<link rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" href="core.css"
media="screen" />
Variety media types
 all — for all the media types below
 braille — for braille tactile feedback devices
 embossed — for paged braille printers
 handheld — for handheld devices like mobile phones
 print — for printed material
 projection — for projected presentations
 screen — for color computer screens
 speech — for speech synthesizers
 tty — for teletypes, terminals, and other devices with
limited display capabilities
 tv — for televisions and television like devices
3 ways to include media queries
 @media in css file — @media screen and (max-width:
1200px) {css here}
 link element — < link rel="stylesheet" href="my-
style.css" media="screen and (max-width: 1200px)" / >
 @import in .css — @import url(“my-style.css”) screen
and (max-width: 1200px)
More than media, those are queries
@media screen and (max-width: 1200px)
and (orientation: landscape){
css here
@media not projection and (min-width:
css here
Media queries - features
 width - width of display area/viewport (min/max)
 height - height of display area/viewport (min/max)
 device-width - width of device rendering surface (min/max)
 device-height - height of device rendering surface (min/max)
 orientation - portrait or landscape
 aspect-ratio - ratio of display’s width to height (16:9, 4:3) (min/max)
 device-aspect-ratio - ratio of device rendering surface width to height (16:9, 4:3)
 color - number of bits per color component of the output device (min/max)
 color-index - number of entries in the color lookup table of the output device
 monochrome - number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer (0 for
non-monochrome devices) (min/max)
 resolution - resolution of the output device (pixel density; 72dpi, 300dpi)
 scan - progressive or scan for tv devices
 grid - grid or bitmap (phone display with one fixed font; tty terminal)
Media queries disadvantages
 All devices get the same JavaScript, CSS, and assets
(images, videos), resulting in longer than necessary load
 All devices get the same initial DOM, potentially forcing
developers to write overly complicated CSS.
 Little flexibility to specify custom interactions tailored to
each device.
 Not supported on some browsers (IE<=8, Symbian
browsers, Blackberry < OS 6.0, Netfront, WP7 pre-Mango,
Other things to remeber - Webapps need
more than media queries (1)
 Form factor detection
 Browser detection
 Function detection
Form factor-specific (web) apps
 Form factors detection, approaches:
 Server-side detection
 Client-side detection (Redirect to a device-type-specific URL that
contains the version for this device type. Dynamically load the device
type-specific assets.)
 Sample classifications:
 small screens + touch (mostly phones)
 large screens + touch (mostly tablets)
 large screens + keyboard/ mouse (mostly desktops/ laptops)
 Example detection strategy: if (hasTouch) { if (isSmall) { device
= PHONE; } else { device = TABLET; } } else { device =
 device.js, FormFactor.JS
Features detection
detectCanvas() ? showGraph() : showTable();

function detectCanvas()
var canvas = document.createElement("
return canvas.getContext ? true : false;

Browsers will let you create unknown

DOM elements.The only way to know if
the canvas is legitimate is to test if it
actually behaves like a canvas.
Other things to remeber - Webapps need
more than media queries (2)
 Viewport meta tag to set the screen width to the device
width: < meta name =" viewport" content =" width =
device-width, initial-scale = 1" />
 tel: URI scheme, which looks like this: < a href ="
tel: + 18005550199" > 1-800-555-0199 </ a
 Relative Units - percentages and em units in our design
in order to keep things as flexible as possible.
 Reduce the need for images (thereby saving HTTP
 Flexible and fluid layouts
 Device capabilities
Reduce the need for images
 HTML special characters for simple shapes. For
example using &# 9733; to create a solid star (★) and &#
9734; to create empty stars (☆) for our ratings (it's
HTML and not an image - stays crisp even on high
resolution screens.
 CSS gradients instead of background
 Data URIs instead of background images for some of
the smaller icons (for icons like search, social features and
Choosing a layout (Windows Store apps
using JavaScript and HTML)
 Flexible Box (Flexbox) is a layout mechanism where child elements
are arranged and sized using a constraint-based system that
supports both relative flexible sizing and intrinsic sizing. Flexible Box
layouts can adapt to multiple screen sizes and enable digital
newspaper, magazine, and other digital print media consumptive
 Grid alignment The Grid provides a mechanism for authors to divide
available space for lay out into columns and rows using a set of
predictable sizing behaviors. Authors can then precisely position and
size the building block elements of their application by referencing
the Grid Lines between the columns and rows, or by defining and
referencing a Grid Cell, which is a rectangular space covering an
intersection of columns and rows.
 Multi-column layout Multi-column layouts support content flow
from one column to another for an arbitrary number of columns.
Device capabilities
 Accelerometers and other sensors Devices come with a number of
sensors nowadays. Your app can dim or brighten the display based
on ambient light, or reflow the UI if the user turns the display, or
react to any physical movement. Learn more about sensors.
 Geolocation Use geolocation information from standard web data
or from geolocation sensors to help your users get around, locate
their position on a map, or get notices about nearby people,
activities, destinations. Learn more about geolocation.
 Cameras Connect your users to their built-in or plugged-in
cameras for chatting and conferencing, recording vlogs, taking profile
pics, documenting the world around them, or whatever activity your
app is great at.
 Proximity gestures Let your users connect devices, by physically
tapping the devices together, to light up experiences where you
expect multiple users to be physically nearby (multiplayer games).
Learn more about proximity gestures.
Printing - challenges
 Page is a very limited canvas.
 Another major difference between print and the web is
the capacity for interaction. The web represents a richly
interactive dynamic medium while print is static; what’s
on the paper is stuck there!
 Navigation menus are usually one of the first things to go.
 The most basic level of interaction on the web is a link.
This too becomes problematic.
Printing - solutions
 Print Media Query @media print {}
 Enlarge the Content Area, Some element’s display to none (nav,
sidebar, comments), show a Print-Only Message
 Universal Selector and Blanket Styles * { background:
transparent; color: black; text-shadow: none; filter:none; -ms-
filter: none; }
 Print Friendly Links a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline; } a[
href]: after { content: " (" attr( href) ")"; } abbr[ title]: after {
content: " (" attr( title) ")"; } .ir a:after, a[ href ^ =" javascript:"]:
after, a[ href ^ ="#"]: after { content: ""; } /* Don't show links
for images, or javascript/ internal links */
 Optimizing Page Breaks: page-break-after: avoid; and p, h2, h3 {
orphans: 3; widows: 3; } Image Sizing img { max-width: 100%
!important; }
 Page Margins @page { margin: 0.5cm;}
Follow these guidelines when designing your
app layout
 Do use fluid layouts.
 Do use media queries to identify the view state and
resolution being targeted.
 Do use layout features to adapt to display size. To learn
more, see Guidelines for scaling to screens
 Do use controls that are designed for fluid layout, like
 Do consider using vector-based UI (Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG), Extensible Application Markup Language
(XAML)) for application resources.
Some things to avoid when designing your
app layout
 Don't use static layouts.
 Don't use absolute positioning because it constrains your
UI from responding to changes in view state and
 Summary Modern web development is no longer just
about desktop browsers.
 Users work and play in a wide range of environments, and
we can reach most of them with HTML5.
 As developers, we want to adapt our apps to each
environment, ensuring great user experiences and making
the most of whatever capabilities are available.
 The first step to environmental adaptation is
environmental discovery, and that's what detection is all
Further reading
 Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
 Feature, Browser, and Form Factor Detection: It's Good for the
 A non-responsive approach to building cross-device webapps
 How To Use Media Queries For Device
 MSDN: Design for different form factors (Windows Store apps)
 Design Shack: 6 Things I Learned About Print Stylesheets From
HTML5 Boilerplate
 Webdesigner Depot: 10 Tips for Better Print Style Sheets
 Smashing Magazine: Creating An Adaptive System To Enhance UX

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