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180 900 2015 | AUTHORITY TO TRAVEL Division of Rizal VERSION NO. | REVISION NO. | EFFECIIVITY DATE: 1.0 02 S.June 2018 age1of2 | Division Reference Number iH iw grtertext. [Date [2 Jul 2018. Toe NAME OF OFFICIAL/EMPLOYEE DESIGNATION & STATION Gruspe, Alma Marchan, Ma. Linda Acain, Lorna Eligue, Ariel San Jose, Cecille SPA, Dojia Susana Madrigal ES SPA, Taytay ES SPA, Rizal National Science HS SPA, Taytay SHS SPA, Morong NHS PURPOSE:To attend the Division Sports Clinic DESTINATION: Binangonan Elementary School, Binangonan, Rizal PERIOD OF TRAVEL | FROM | 25 Jul2018- 10 27 Jul 2018- Please Check: « Estimated Expense- 1. Official Business Registration Fee Php ° CCash Advance Transportation GReimbursement Travel Allowance 2. Official time On Travel Timeonly 2 ee hare secre er Full Allowance Fe Soll _| TOTAL ESTIMATED. oO EXPENSES Php _0 ae [ Funds Available- for Official >| Approved: BUSINeS ipacy ne sece the Division Fund Cilss Fund [Recommending Approvak. | TOters: CHRISTOPHER R. DIAZ ea agama OIC, Office of the Schools y a Division Superintendent DR. TERESITA T. PAREDES Se Tony CHEF, CD, ATTY. FILIPINO MENDOZA Division Accofrftant/Bookkeeper* DepED - RIZAL Cae ED Date: 7-25-18 d a acme Crore: T vy:pee DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION oa RiZaL DepED - RIZAL aun RESID. 2D date: 15-1 Tine: Tey: wemoranous REFERENCE No.: M_=1-0234 To 2 Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary & Secondary School Ha FROM 2 CHRISTOPHER R. DIAZ OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent ‘SUBJECT + 2018 DIVISION SPORTS CLINIC Date = June 29, 2018 The 2018 Division Sports Clinic shall be conducted on July 25 — 27, 2018 at Binangonan Elementary School, Binangonen, Rizal. The activity aims to: % definelrefresh the roles and responsibilities of coaching / officiating staff > enhance the skills of teacher-coachesioficials and athlotes in the different sports discipine > select the best coaches and officiating officials. who will serve during the upcoming series of sports competition Each districtimunicipality is expected to send the required number of participants in the Regular, ALS sports events and selected teachers from schools with SPED cisesos and sports writers . Likewise, the altachad list of selected athletes from different sports discipline will be present for the practicum on the datas specified thereof, (Please see altached) Fartcipants must present their medical certificate (with remarks of physically and ‘mentally fit), certification or sports training certificate attended and must possess ‘advance knowiedge and skils in their respective sports discipline. ‘Attendees aro expected to be al the venue at 7:00 in the morning of July 25, 2018 ‘bringing with them their personal sports equipment such as racquet, gloves, etc. and extra t-shitts/shortsogging pants for the practicum, Participants are advised to come in sports attire 'n addition, attendance of all districl’municipal screening committee chairmen are expected to be at the venue on the last day of the said training, July 27, 2018, at 8:00 O'clock in the morning for their refresher course. ‘Address: DepEd Bldg Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores, Taylay RizalTal No. (02) 802618 Facebook Account: Ema Add:
[email protected]
‘To ensure the smooth conduct of the said activity, all selected training staff, Executive and Working commitioos are expected to be prosent during the training proper. The list of participants (by municipality) must be submitted through e-mail, using the attached template, on or before July 6, 2018 to All expenses like foods, honorarium of the res costs in connection with the conduct of the s: ‘School Board/Special Education Fund sub and regulations, source person and other incidental ald activity shall be charged to Provincial ject to the usual accounting and auditing rules |mmediato and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum Is desired. Adress: DepEd Bldg. Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores, Taylay RizalTe. No. (02) 650.2618, Facebook Account: /depedriaal Email Add: rizal@deped govphLIST OF PARTICIPANTS ANGONO INo. Name School Event | Officiating | Coaching [Manvel Gar DMS Ars Z 2 [istine Sen juan AES, Sharan L 3 [Ma. Victoria Diaz AES TAthieies L 4 |Nerlto Granale AES, Basketball f 5 IRialyn Doros AES wag ff & [Panto Nating NSM MAG. Z 7 [Marie dea cruz NSM ‘Aero f 3_[Vangetine Watusoe AES Bene Sports 7 [Rachel Boeo DIGS Athletics n 30 fionn Daniel Gamban GES Taekwondo L 14 [Doris de Ocampo IGES Softball i 12 feceriyn Evangelista DiGi Tele Tennis L 13 [Ruel avier DIGS Badminton L 14 [ira tra Guirao DIGMS Chess Z 35 [Primitivo Lula DIGMS Sepak Z 16 [Loyd Pojas AES Baseball f 217 [Nino Durrique GES, Tennis 18 [Danica Teodocia GES. Swimming Z 29 [Rose Legaspi SVES. Volley Z 20 [Michael Gile AS AS 7 21 Jalen Adriano Duvans ibis Z 22 [Maresine Voeslan OF Badminton Z 23 [Paula Bueod oF Siler Z 24 |Ruth Javier ANKE hess L 25 |NoemiPermeio USA was Z 26 [Mercar Dejan (ANAS RG L 27 [anu Reyes ANAS ere L 28 |Cendy Vegas RISA, Dies Spot L 29 [Rodigo Garcia TANKS Futsal T 30 [Alona Eronio car Saran L 31 [laypee Pagulayan DUVMANAS Swimming Z 32 [Ath Rey Batera SVE Taekwondo a 33 [Dennis Gondra DiGws Tennis Z 24 [Lourdes Abiog ANHS Volleyball 7 35 [Ranel Cruz Cor Wushu / 36 |) Plegaria NHS Softball 7 37 [Michele Tebag ANH Als. 7 38 [Yachama martinez Ragone € frnis 33 [luis Vilaior Angono ES Football 40 [Gerald Gi Reyes ‘Angono NAS Football 41 |Raymond Diablan Joaquin Guido & | Sepak 42 [vienna Ordlales Angono &5 SPED: Ino. Name ‘Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching i ben Bernaides ‘Athletics 2floven Padul ‘Athletics Bullus Valestero ‘Athletics 4-[Marrlanne Martine? Badminton Mary Glaiza Saranza Badminton idel Luces Billiard T-[Ghariten Papano Billard [Ruby Ann Veraque Gass '7|Frances Makinana Ges 30 JNemy Bonagua Sepak 1 Percival Galicia Sepak 2ASandra Ga Softball L7/|Ruben Golla Softball 1 floseph Digma: Baseball sen Az Rio Baseball 16-[Maria Jeanette Tejada karan 7{ Wario Correa ‘Skaran 10]. Teresa Esmeralda Tie Tennis 39 |Romualdo Garrovillas Tobe Torn 204lallani Alonzo. Swiraming 2irielo Robles ‘Swimming 2 [Gerald vallestero Volleyball 2a" [Mercy Ule Ulie Volleyball 2a [Fritz Leonard Tsang Dares Sports 25 [Virginia Grimaldio Dance Sprts 26 |Alvin Dig ‘Arnis [Ronald Baibiol Arnis 28 [laze Arn Pantaleon Teckwond 294]Lina Balabis Teskwonds 30 [Anjo Harvey Mataris Saket | BY [aril Faison Ocampo. Sashetba 32"[Von Ronald Rio ALS Rosario Taro) AlsBINANGONAN Name School Event Officiating} Coaching T [Angelica Vitalcio bis Es ‘Aris z 2 |Nenita Cayabyab “Tagpos ES ‘Anis Z 3. [ohn Errol Discutido Tanoss NHS ‘Ais fi 4 [Erie Rosa Biteranta MADMINHS ‘Aris f 5 [Peter Amold Sto, Tora PES: ‘ehleties 7 6 |Sharen Sazimo Binangonan ‘Athletes Z 7 [Rodrigo Batula “Tayuman ES ‘Athletes Z 8 [Eswin Vilarina Janosa ES ‘Athletes Z 9 [Eleazar Antiporda "Talim Pt. NHS Athletes 7 10 [aria essa Tredos Janosa NHS Athletes i 31 [Teodorico Teodoro Tanosa &S Athletes Z 12 [Carina Cenidoza Binangonan & Bedminton 7 33 |Mark Aron Bolante Sepang ES Badminton Z 14 [Melody Villarina Kinagatan &5 Bedminon Z 35 [larry Neva MPN Badminton 7 L 36 Poseph Flores DIYMNHS Beinn Z "17 efferson Milan VMMNHS Badminton n 38 Jennifer Magpie Tayuman &S Baseball L 29 [Maru Sales Darangan & Basketball Z 20 [Meek Caries Garda Pagasa NAS Basketball 7 21 [Stephen Carlos VMIMINS Billard — 7 22 [Charmea Espinola FES Chess Z 23 |Rubeneva Nunez Pipindan &S Chess 7 24 [Magdalena Chicate Buhangin €S Chess Z 25 [Sarah Grace Patayan Pageasa NAS chess Z 26 Jacqueline Sta, Ana oes Football 7Z 27 [usin Car Cruz MPN Futsal Z 28 [Taina Feride ANSHS Gymnasties a 29 [Myla Paralejas Bombong NAS | Gymnastics Z zi '30 [Carina Cerda than ES Gymnastics 7 31 |Fderinda Engreso SMES: Gymnastics 7 32 | Melanierose Sancho Tayuman & Gyrnnasties Z 33 [Sharlene Olivar MADMINHS Dane Spor Z [34 [Norma Cabae! NSH Denes Sports 7 35 Poseph Lemon “Tagpos &5 Septet Z 36 [Jeron Punzalan FINES Sapatearae 7 37 [Alien Tablizo SMES [Softball ZBINANGONAN, Name School Event Officiating | Coaching 38 [lan Joseph mea VANS Sharan Z 33 |lordan Gimao “Feyuman 6S Sikaran L 40 |Bemard Discuiido Pipindan ES Swimming a 41 [Ricardo Antazo Buhangin £5 [Swimming Z 2 [ohn Loui Carza Tanosa NHS Swining L 43 [Ariel Dominic Valerio DIYMANES ‘Swimming 7 44 Hlosue Ais Bombong E5__| Table Temis f 45 [Phil VanVyke Andes Tagpos ES Table Tenis L 46 [Anilene Mageesi MPN Tbe Tennis Z 47 [Aiean Candelaria Pageasa NAS Tebl Teme L a8 [leroy Buoza Papa ES Tekvonde Z 49 [enya son Calumpang €S Tennis 7 30 [iohn Emmanuel Vilna lunsad ES Tens L 51 [Melody Bolante Darangan & Volleyball 7 52 five Menerissa Santiago Pail ES Volleyball 7 53 [Charlot Aris Tanase NHS Volleyball Z 54 [Nestor Valdez VMMNHS Wash fCAINTA Ino. Name ‘Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching 1 |Giorie Bartolome: Balantiest ‘Arnis 2 [Carlos Meguiing ‘St. Joseph FS ‘Athletics 3 Tommy Gondra FD Felix ES Badminton “4 Llonjon Ferrer San juan ES Baseball 5 [Nell Cristo ‘Arinda ES Basketball 6 |fleky chaneeo Kabisig &S ‘chess: 7_[Bily Ray Aniceto Karangalan &S Foot 3 |Charissa Val Franeleco Balanti ES MAG 9 [Gessel Granciso EP FellkeS WAG 10 [alma Princo Exodus €5 RG 11 [Rosemarie Dada Exodus es er 12 [rorren Atienza St. Joseph &5 Dance Spare 13 [Melvin Engay ‘Marick ES Sepak 14 [leo Eepinar Sk. Gregory & Softball 35 [loselito Cabanal ‘Arinda ES Sikaran, 36 [luvy Bejoe Canta ES ‘Swimming 17 [lanet Bahan Exodus €5 Table Tennis 18 | Ma, Teresa Felon St Anthony ES | Taekwondo 19 |Richard Tindoe Kabisig ES Tennis 20 [Anabella Alfaro Cinta ES. Volleyball 21 [Marilou Sivestre SanJuan NHS ‘Arnis 22 Rachelle Joy Evora ‘Sen Juan NHS ‘Athletics 23 [Ramela Macaberta San Francisco Badminton 24 [iohn Leo Vidal ‘Soviso MAS Baseball 25 [Francis Maximilian Reyes FPF MNS Basketball 26 [Ryan Mendiola FP Fell NHS ire 27 [May Ann Dizon San Juan NHS Chass 28 foey Florendo. Fee NS Football 29 |lenina Canaria EP Fae wis Futsal 30 | Marites Cinco EP Fens MAG. 31 [Kathleen Vlaya EP-Felx MNS| WAG 32 lamaica Avisedo EP Fabs MRS RG 33 [lose Fulgar Ir EP Fes aera 34 [lenny Darang Fl Nis Banee Sor 35 [Paquito Nabayra oni MHS ‘SepakCAINTA Name School Gov ro Ms Felis EPFebc MNS Fes Event ‘Sikaran Table Tanna Taekwondo Tennis Officiating Coaching [Ann Catherine Eugenio Ralph Randel Era [Zandra Rae Vasquez lrennifer Gayares [Gladys Padiia Cainta ES Volleyball luan Gera ‘Sen Juan NHS Wushu’ joel Estanslao Pee S| Wirestng Lusito Toibas Feb Nis Boxing bert Turaray Cainta ES AS ma Alazas ina Pollearpio Planters €5 EP. Fellxes alsName Schoot Event Officiating | Coaching 1 [Nazarene de Tos Santos MCSIES ‘Athletes 2 Waren de la Cruz MCSIES ‘Athletics 3 |Lolto Espela Tadlak eS ‘Athletics 4, Pustine Joshua Tadlak ES ‘Athletics 5 [Rochelle Reagas EPS, Badminton 6 |Laurice Guerza MCSIES Badminton 7” |kassandra Lee Estrela Looe &S Chess: [Alvin Asierto TTuna-Bal NAS hess 9 [Michael Jordan Bauto BFSINHS Billiard 10 |Reynante Panfilo Looe £5 Sepak “Li [Mac Nell Pandac BFSINES Sepak 12 [Erwin Trinidad MCSIES Table Tem 13 [Glenn Estacio BFSINES Tobie Tenn 14 [Maria Teresa Sta, Ana MCSIES Tennis 25 [lyse Rubaye: BESINKS Tennis 36 [Marizz estrella Dalig€S “Taskwonde 7 [Kevin de Dios “Tuna-Bal NAS | Taekwondo 18 [lade Mark Dejario BESINAS: Taekwondo 19 | Marc John Cabeading Looe ES Volleyball 20 [Feliciano Candelaria Patol €S Volleyball 21 [Eliseo Clara Subay €S Swimming 22 |limier Ania (CD Salazar NAS | Swimming 23 [Richmond Salazar BFSINHS Wushu: 24 |Maricel Valencia MCSIES Softball 25 [lay Patito MCSIES Softball 26 [laarnie Labenia Looe FS Sikaran 27 [Iason Montefaleon (CD Salazar NHS Sikaran, 28 [Yolanda Gliane MCSIES ‘Arnis 29 [Flordaliza Culibrina BESINHS Arnis 30 [Jet San lose ‘QMHC Dance Sports 31 [Michael Dave San Antonio ‘MHC Dance Spor 32 [Jaime Sta, Ana Toor &S ALS 33 | Cherish Salazar Navotas &5 AS 34 |Lorennel Villaran Looe &5 ALS 35 [lovee Julian MCSIES ELSE 36 [Emil Vocal ‘BFSINHS Basketball 37 [Nicole Jonh Campo. MCSIES BasketballJALAIALA No. Name School Event Officiating | Coaching iis Carlo Argeo. Sipsipin ‘Arnis fariene Pobe Bagumbong &S ‘Aris 3 Allan Paul Panis Punta ES. ‘Athletics 4 farmida Cru Talajala ES ‘Athletics [Ederinda Besmonte Talajala ES ALS [Analiza Roque Jalajala NHS, ‘thltics 2 [Emmanuel Gondraneos Sipsiin eS Badminton 3 issper Manimtim Jalajala ES aS S[Dhysiree Formentera Fanatewan Badminton 30 [arnold Verano Jalajala ES Baseball 1 Jlidefonso Gonzales Jlajala NBS) Baseball 2 ihonrie Weta Bayugo NHS: Sasktel 23 JRool Reyes Bagumbone NHS Seti = “ivy anes ‘Bayugo NHS Biliare 15 llyzza MaeTiena Jaljala ES Football "164{Zaldy Malar Talajala NHS) MAG IZ Elena Dionisio Sipsipin ES MAG 28] Marilou Pasay Tlajala NHS) WAG. 39 lanine Ayuste Talajala ES RG 20/[aril Grace de Jesus Bayugo ES Aero 21 [Queenie Lozada Bagumbong & hero. 22[Erwin Garon ‘Bayugo NHS, Sepak 23/floelito Rino ‘Bayugo NHS Sepak 20 ise Pills Punta ES Softball 25([aricel Plas Bayuga ES Softball 26 Lynette Ann Vilarolas Jlajala NES, Softball 27 Ilinky Asia bo ES ‘Sikaran 28 Moris Omana Tlajala NAS Soren 29 flyka Dullente Jlajala NAS Taekwondo: 30, ric Garavilas Jlajala NHS Taekwondo ‘31 bllzabeth San Jose Bagumbong &S Tennis 32-(Mariers Balaniay Jalajala NHS Tle Tennis 334Arvin Villanting Bayugo NHS. ValeybatMORONG. No. Name ‘Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching ‘irene Figueroa ces ‘Arnis lalbert Ramos ‘SGNHS ‘Aris 3_JRameo San Diego. TES Athletics 4[cina Salvador ‘SGNHS ‘Athleties 'S-]Raven Panganiban MNS Athleties 6 JAureen Vinky San Andres MES. Badminton 7_Himbert Barret Alejandro SGNHS Badminton ‘| Manuel Francisco WINKS: Baseball 3 félizer Dicutido MINES: Billard 40 GII Alejandro BES Basketball Ti Pullus Evangelista ‘SGNHS Basketball 2 [edie Vocal YES Chess [32 |Manolito Valencia ‘SGNHS Chess 3A [2yra Devina Orca. TES Footbal 35 |Rommed Pinto TeCNHS Futsal 16 [Lavinia Almond Barfientoz cues Gymnastics Pal “17 [Ric Bangin LES, Gymnastics (38 [Jonard Balaiadia KES Dance Spore =a ‘12 [Marieris Francisco owes ance Spats 20/[Done Alejo 'SGNHS Danoe Sports 24 [Dayanara Feliciano SGNHS Gymnastics 2 [Reagan Franeieco SENS ‘Sepak 23 [Cecile Garrovilas TRMES Swimming 26 |liezel Fullantes MNES Swirnring, [Adrian Bon Tuazon "TEMES Table Tennis [-26-|kart_waliam San ian MNS Table Tern DP fritz Santiago TES Tackwondo! 28 [Love Wilhelm Vocal TANS Teekworeo 29 [Frederick Roxas GES Tennis 30 [Eva Margarita Barientos TES Voleyéall 3 [irish Mae Inguto Leones VolleyballPILILLA, Ino. Name ‘Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching Reyna Abana en 7 Dionelton Pelayo ‘Aris 7 3 [Nina Eliza Nunez Athletics 7 ‘4 idefonso Pagalunan ‘Athletics 7 [Ronimae Pecans ‘Athleties 7 67 [Florencio Plantila Athletes Z ‘Lphon Dael Goll Athleties Z 8, |Rhoderik Banton Athletes f 3 {Cristian Michael Noaila ‘ible 7 10 [Mary Catherine Flores Badminton Z Annabel Siga Badminton Z [a2 iristopher Cate Basketball Z 13 Rar de a Crue Billard Z 1 [Raquel Manaioto Chess Z 15-[tharito Abie Chess 16 ]M, Jazerick Doraingo Football 7 TZ JRechie Casquino Football (jaa 38 |Cay vidones Fates 7 39 Jfayn Melo Futsal Z 20 [Loraine Lopez Girmnecties L 2 Portia Cordova Gymnastes 7 22 |Surette Mae Alcala Gyranasties 7 2a" [Mark Anthony Abrenica Gymnatles Z [26 [carmen Masinsin ‘Gyemnasties i Monies Rayta Gymnastics Z 25 [Medel Sevitans Gymnasts 7 27 |Gerino im Monterona Dae Sort 7 22 [Shiela Maris Hocso Denes Spor 7 297) hunima Santiago Tobie Tenis L 30/JRodelo Blieza Tale Tanne ni 31 Hlean Rose Cayanan Taekwondo Z 32s ino Taekwondo Z 3 [King Rober Dana Volleyball Z 34 |Nel Alexis Martinez Volleyball Z 35 [Randy Vidanes als 7 36 [Ruben Payas AS ZRODRIGUEZ INo. Name ‘School Event Officiating | Coaching 7 [Renelyn Magat WES UT ‘Arnie 2 [Rio Rosi BNHS ‘Arnis 4 Amelia Pajariio SRES ‘Athletics Andrea Lacambra ‘GLGMNFS ‘Athletics 5 [Marvin Macatangay NHS ‘Athletics 7_|Mayienda Bylen HES Athletics &pvelyn gan AES ‘Athletics 8 [Wary Ann Alcantara ‘SINS ‘Athletics 30 Hennifer Salen SVeChHS ‘Athletics 11 [Raul Chie KVSHS Badminton 12 |Mae Abayon BESUT Badminton 13 [Ramon de Jesus RES. Baseball 15 [Dennis tigan TES Baseball 7 [Erickson kito ‘SvECes Baseball 18 |Noelito Concepcion ‘SHES Baseball 13 [lorie Tubalio MINES, Basketball 20 Ricky Sano. KVR Basketbal 21 lea Salvador GLGMNES Chess 22. [Rodelio Cruz SVBBNHS Chess [23 [Angelo Aranas KVNHS Football s 24 [Sonny Bidania SIES Football 25 [Mark Edison Fetalino SINS Football 26 | Gerardo Pahati SILES Foatbail 27 [renwifer Yuzon SVECNHS, Futsal 25 [Mayi Arica BNHS Futsal 23 [Karen Topaz SvBCES ‘Gymnastics 30 [Carla Marie Eugenio GLGMNHS Gymnastics 31 [Vier Ferdinand Edang KVNHS Sepak 32 [anna Mereado BES Main ‘Sepak 33 flomar Patera ERES. Sepak 34 [Audrey Urbina MNKs Sepak 35 [Meliza Guan ‘SVECNHS Sikaran 36 [Mark si PES Swimening '37 [Mark Torres SVECNHS Swimming 36 [Rose Marie dees Reyes VES ‘SwimmRODRIGUEZ, Name ie Selina rah Abude iza Zonio. jeorissa Peas shawn Michael Casao fie Marvila innaiza Olden pphire Gervadio jenny Ann Ayucon jocky Lucky Belandres nie Tarago gin Jacobe jarleta Solina janilyn Cuaresma in Libunao ‘Schoot WNHS ‘asl ES ‘wes GiGMNNS Macabud £5 SvaES ‘BNHS SILES BES UI BVECNS SVBCNHS: SILES Tnigan &5 SILES KVES Event Swimming Swiroming winning Tae Tene “Taekwondo Taekwondo Tennis Tennis Volleyball Volleyball ‘Softball Softball Softball Officiating Coaching‘SAN MATEO No. Name School Event Officiating | Coaching i enny tye Guillen Waly €S Tar [Karen Ann Binallrabing Banaba &S Arnis jernalyn Bais Dulonebayen& ‘Athletes 4 Héseph Aton nangayan | ‘Athletics 5 |Sherlyn Ricaplaza Patis ES ‘Athletics [Romeo Nabo Dulongbsran = ‘Athletics 7e|Mark Fidel Gorospe Slangan ES ‘Athletics 8 |Melinda Dulay Done Pepens S| ‘Athietice Susan Panduyos aVSES ‘Athletics 10 flose Salamat Malanday ES Badminton “He [earl John Bautista Guraghern 5 Basketball 2 ffezriel Pauengos Banaba Basketball 13/[Afea Jes Gorospe. ‘Sllangan ES) Basketball [14-|Nelson Atienza J. AussSinrgan Ci Basketball 15 |Vieleta Caranyagan ‘San Mateo ES Chess 16 |Sheryl Vestoso Guled Malye £5 Chess 17.|ino Tabuena ‘Dons Pepang Chess 18 fienaiyn Mosada Sen Mateo ES. Dance Spor al ‘19 |Salvacion Coreal Guba a Danes Spors 20/[acchie Savalborine Malanday ES Football 2 ieniter Biciar Dulongbavan eS Gymnastics 2adRosamay de Guzman ‘Silangan Gymnastics 723-[Eden Corpus ola Gymnastics 2 foana Muller Devera Maly ES Taba Tens 25-[Rowena Avila Malanday & Tabi Tern 26 lenelle Manuel Dulonabayan€s | Taekwondo 727 |[sheryi Romero’ IVES: Taekwondo [28 maricel bay $i. Nino ES Tenis 29 Joy Antanette Tuszan Sto, Nino ES Tennis 30 [catherine Monis Tammany 5 Volleyball 34 luleta Sese ‘San Mateo ES Simin 32-|leandro Mar ‘San Mateo 6S Bxsmnon '33/[Michelle Atienza ALS Cle ‘Chess CLE 34 |Ronilo Balane San Mateo SHS ‘Aris 5 [Lina Montealto ~SMINHS ‘Arnis [Anthony John Salvador PENS. Rthleties [37 [Angeline Yarson. PeNHS ‘Athletics “38 Pay Vilaruel SMNHS [BadmintonSAN MATEO fo. Name 33 erin Torres ernande Leosala nal Andaloon ito Ferro loseann Penserga judith Villanueva erlosa Lopez anne Cen rel Claro ichard Hernander jrmaine Gonzales julio Manuel I. Carmen Vasquer i Cinton Regorgo thojeboy Figueroa iardo Mazo idmela Faustino ary Rose Larclzabal fagumpay Ramirez Schoo! Suns 'SMINHS ANAS ‘SMINHS PBNHS. SMINBS ulnayon WHS SMINHS 'SMINAS 'SNHS' “SMNHS SMNHS: TFDMINES SNHS ‘SNS SMINHS ‘ANHS SMNHS Event Basketball Billard Billard Chess Football Futsal Gymnastics Dance Sports Donee soon Sepak ‘Sikaran Swim Table Tenn Taekwondo: Softball Volleyball ‘Wushu ‘Wushu’ Officiating CoachingTANAY Name School Event Officiating | Coaching T [Renzo luc Cayarnbay 6 ‘Arnis 2 [Michelle Orosco TWiHs ‘Amis 3 [Jessie Manalo Rawang & ‘Athletics [amy Ori "TSHS ‘Athletics 5 [Rowelo Gaiait TSHS ‘Athletics 6 |Neil Castro. TTENHS ‘Athletics 7 [Mark Anthony Casale TIPCNHS: ‘Athletics & [Kenneth Ferrer Sto. Nino 1S ‘Athletics ‘9 [adrian Vismonte TWINS. Bedrninton 10 [Dianne Reyes Wawa FS Badminton 1 [Wary Joy de la Gru Daraetan NHIS_| Badminton 12 [egrelyn Catambay Cuyembay NHS | Badminton 33 [Arvin Cristobal RSA Badminton 1 [ratio aphids Gone MPCNHS: Bilire 15 [Robert Palinawan Taiban NHS Bilis 16 |Nayda Ul Ulc Sempaloc £5 Baseball 117 [Marjay Resurreccion ‘Aldea NHS Basketball 18 |Hienson Abellade aya ES Basketball 29 Pustine Benitex Cuyarbay & Basketball 20 fiohsnna Pascual “Sampaloe NAS ‘chess. 21 [Edrick Ramos ‘Aldea NHS ‘chess. 22 [Floricel Tongohan ‘Aldea ES chess: 23 [Marilen Villaran TENHS Danes spor 24 [Bianca Kamille Morales TTENHS Dance Spor 25 [lames Avsllae TTENHS Football 26 [Zaundy Quemada PIMES| Football 27 [Dexter Guerrero SRBSMES, Futsal 28 [Donna Sheena Sabeldo ‘MPES Gymnastics 29 foanna lumao-as SNS, Gymnastics 30 [Leancio Sonanolt SNS, Sepak 31 [Macver San Agustin TENHS Sikeran 32 [Ari Cristorum TENHS Swimming 33 [Annabelle Ruedas Darastan & Swimming‘TANAY. No, En 35 36 a7 38 30 40 a a a3 Name IMarivi Baladores Darwin Ramos Marion Malondra [Marivic Tanauan [Sharmaine Seguin [Jeffrey Oreta hayson Macarulay Ikharen Cudal Hoana Tutana [Roma Manlangit ‘Schoo! Dargetan NAS TWNHS. ‘ACH. Wawa 6 ‘Manhain &S LARES Cayabu NES, Cayabu NES Sto, Nino 5 PIMES Evont ‘Swimming Table Tenn Table Tennis Taekwondo Taekwondo. Tennis "Tennis Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Officiating | CoachingTAYTAY No. Name Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching 1 [Grace Gevino SAS ‘nis i 2 Avelina Bernabe SES ‘Amis i 3 |Randoiph Agapay MISMNES ‘Amis L | #Jeedric Gonzales DES, ‘Athleties 7 5 loseph Cantonjos HMEs ‘Atleties L 6 JRocelia Domingo TNS ‘Aletis t “flayson antazo TANS ‘Athletes A $itichaclTolentine ROES ‘Atleties 7 3 Plane Tacayeng. TACENINS ‘Athletes L “0 |Nadine Faye Gia FES Badminton Z Effereylimenee SNES Badminton 7 12]Rommel Marianion ‘TES Baseball i 33,}Thomas Evangelista TANKS Baseball T “phimber Carual Tes Basketball L 35 ]Erwin Turalba TWH Basketball Z 36 Jearl Larson Cerio SNES Biliard Z 27 Jangeiina Verio MES Chess i 18{fouie Espinosa ‘SNHS ‘Chess Zt 19-ferwin Ditablan BES Football Z 20-eremee Bacolon MANES Footbal 7 2p flesh Maglanca TACEMNHS Fuisal L 2{lohn Marco Quisauine SFES Gymonasties 7 23 fAnabel Tejada ROES Gymnastics i 2écfenalyn Domopoy BBEMNES Gymnasties Z 25,FTee Jay Capistrano BBEMNHS Gymnasties L 26-|Maria Rechele Berl MISMANHS Dance Spor L 27|Raymond Anscaya ‘CCAES Dane sors Z Ze Lemuel Elomina SUES Done Spore 7 23 ]Richard Roble SHES Sepak Z 304Rolyn Vietor ROES Sepak a 31 JAugustLerona’ TISMNES Sepak 7 32/ffiosa Ballestero MES Softball T 33.fénrigue Dacumos SFES: Softball Z 34 [Olver Candelaria BEMIS Softbal 7 35 |Ronie Aparato ‘CCAES sikaran 7 36 [Oliver Saldana “TNS: Sikaran Z 37 Iilinds Padi SARS Swimning 7 38/flustine Ann Resurreccion CAYSMNES Swimming LTAVTAY 3 40 4 2 EE a5, Name irene Buenaventura an Cru yoy Canete arlene Cruz jonnick Goyal iibert Milena Tiezer Discutide TObina [Paurecn Machate ran Andres: ‘Schoo! KES NHS ‘CCAES ISMN FMES: KES MisMNES CES MISMNES, CAYSMINS, Event Tape Tern Taekwondo Taekwondo Taekwondo Tennis Tennis Voleyball Voleyball Wushu’ Officiating ZTERESA No. Name Schoo! Event Officiating | Coaching i Jfiorina Ceballos ‘Abuyod FS ‘Aris |Rodalyn Maningas Prinza €5 ‘Aris 34Ann Mitzel Tibay SIES ‘Athletics Norge! S. Santos ir. Bagambayan ® ‘Athletics S-]Ma. Ela de Guzman QSIES Chess 6 Jannie de Leon. Teresa FS Chess 7 _Jiaria Kristina Ramos Begumbeyan€S | Gymnastics 8 Helribel Mallar Pantay ES Gymnastics 9 JOonna Tabor Teresa ES Swirnming 20 |Gemma Carigma Pantay &S Swimming. 11 Jen Landeze OSIES Sitio Taba Tens 32 i6co Antoni Teresa FS Taekwondo 1a ftaniee Flores ‘OSiES Taekwondo [ae ina Abarroa ‘Abuyod FS Volleyball 15 [criselda Maravilla Pringa ES Volleyéall 116 |Oarlle Shane Rudio TWHS ‘Arnis 17 4fariano Morales TANHS ‘hletice 18[Deferson Orbeta Pantay Nis Athletics 39 [iistian Casale “Abuyod NHS Badminton 207|Danio Urag Partay NHS Billard 21 [Paras Magiaya Teresa NHS Chess 22 [Samuel Mendoza Teresa NHS Danes Spone lianne San Feline Teresa NHS WAG ‘24 [Maria Corazon Sadaya Teresa NHS| RG 25 [Eugene de Jesus “Teresa NHS MAS. 26 [Winden Sulio Teresa NHS “AERO Edward Juliano Pantay NHS Tae Tene joel Oban Teresa NHS Taekwondo. 5 [liza Valdez “Abuyed NHS Volleyball [anderson Aveta Teresa NHS VolleyballUST OF PaRTIOPANTS SPED Ino. Name Municipality Event Officiating | Coaching 1 |Eversa Asuncion ‘Rigen ‘Aietics Z 2 [igo bio Cainta Athletes i 3 [Ana Mae Buena Cainta Athletes 7 4 [Ardel Donger Gainta Bocce a 5 ustaquo Baltazar Ceinta ‘Swirwing 7 & [Gere Herandez Binangonan Athletics Z 7 [onalyn Guarico Binangonarr ‘Athletics Z @_[Flens Teves Binangonan Swimming Z 9 [Diane Macaraya Binangona Bocce Z 20 [Lorena Cruz Rodriguer Bocce’ Z i [abigail Figues Rodriguez Swimming 7 22 [Gia Mare wbiguin San Mateo Bocce L 23 [Marite Tabi San Mateo. ‘Aihletiee Z 14 Jlessica Rebanal Teresa Bocce Z 35 [Alona Anonioal Terese Suen i 36 [Rize Vila Tanay Swiaring 7 47 poshua Elizabeth Dancom Tanay Boeee 7 18 [Soledad Buerano Tansy ‘Athletics Z [39 essia Granada Tana Athletes 7 20 [Rosario Bautista Tanay Goal Ball 7 21 |Mary Rose Aydaia Taytay Swimming Z 22 [Dena Tabing TTayiay Athletics Z 23 |Foradespe Poblate Taytay eal Bal Z 24 [Faith Abelion Moron Goal Bal Z 25 [Rosson Basig Talal Goal Bal Z 26 [Rea Jade Castilo Pil Bocee Z 27 [Olivia de fa Rosa Pilla Goal all Z 2a |Navarene dels Santos Cardona ate Z 28 |Vienna Ordiales ‘Angono AbieUST OF PARTICIPANTS SPED No. Name Municipality Event Officiating | Coaching 1 |Fverisa Asuncion ‘Argon ‘Athletics 7 2 [inigo bio Gainta ‘Athletics a 3 Ana Mae Duerme Calta ‘Athletics f “4 [Accel Dongel Cain Bocce Z 5 |fustaquio Baltazar Cain Swimering 7 6 |Gerlie Hernandez Binangonan Athletics Z 7 [lonalyn Guarico Binangenan Athletics Z [Elena Teves ‘Binangonan Swimming 7 9 [Diane Macaraya Binangonan Bocee Z 30 florena Cruz Rodriguez. Bocce. Z 411 [Abigail Figues Rodriguez, ‘Swimming 7 32 [Gils Marie Lubigain ‘San Mateo. Bocce Z 13 [Mariaie Fabio San Mateo ‘Athletics i 14 [essica Rebanal “Teresa Bocce Z 15 [Alona Anonical Teresa Swiroring Z 16 |Hiezel Vila Tanay Swimming. a {17 ftoshua Elzabeth Dancom TTanay Bocce 2 18 [Soledad Buerano Tanay ‘Athletics L 35 [jessica Granada Taney ‘Aletics if 20 [Rosario Bautista Tani ‘Goal Ball L 21 [Mary Rose Aydalia Taytay Swimming 7 22 [Dena Tabing _ Taytay ‘Athletics L 23 [Floradespe Pabiete Tayisy ‘Goal Ball 7 24 [Faith Abello Moron Goal Ball i 25 [Rossan Basig Jalajala Goal Ball L 26 [Rea Jade Castlio Pilla Bocce 7 27 [Olivia de la Rasa Pilla ‘Goal Ball, Z 28 [Nazarene de los Santos Cardona hebie 7 29 [Vienna Ordiales ‘Angono. ‘hesLST OF TRAINERS 1 TARDIE P. CORDERO. ARNIS 2 |ROMUALDO FRANCISCO ARNIS 3 [ERICSON SAN JUAN ATHLETICS 4 |RIZALINOV. BAUTISTA ATHLETICS 5 [BeRNARDITO DESAWTO ATHLETICS 6 [JANE TAKAYENG. ATHLETICS. 7_|JERRY SJ JAVIER ATHLETICS. '8 [MARK F. GEALON. BADMINTON, 9 |MicHAEL A. GARROVILAS BADMINTON, 10 |JAYSON CONDEZ BADMINTON 11 JROLAND FERRERA BASEBALL 12 {VIRGILIO GOLA. BASEBALL 33 |CARLOS HERNANDEZ, BASEBALL 14 JULY VELGADO BASEBALL 15 |EOUARDOG. OPINANO J. BASKETBALL 36 [RANDY DE LEMON BASKETBALL 17 JRICARDO ANDRES: BASKETBALL 18 [NELSON A, CRISPIN BILLIARD. 9 |YSMAELT. REYES BILLIARD 20 [GRACE GWENDOLYN S. GOz CHESS: 21 [REYNAOLD DELA CRUZ CHESS, 22 [RUDY IBANEZ CHESS 23 JJUVEN FRANCISCO. FOOTBALL 24 [JEFFREY DE CASTRO FOOTBALL 25 [rusTINE RODRIGUEZ FUTSAL 26 |ADELAIDA RAZALAN, (GYMNASTICS 27 [LORRAINE CONGUILLA ‘GYMNASTICS 28 |ROGEL SAN BUENAVENTURA GYMNASTICS 29 [ROLAND UDQUIN GYMNASTICS 30 |AMIHAN R. FENIS (GYMNASTICS 31 [MARICAR DEJAN ‘GYMNASTICS: 32 [RYAN VILLAMOR ‘SEPAK 33 JERWIN DC CELESTRA ‘SOFTBALL 34 |EDGARDO C, OCAMPO ‘SOFTBALL 35 [EMILY CARREON ‘SOFTBALL 36 |NOLI DIAZ ‘SOFTBALL 37 |DELIA ACUNA ‘SWIMMING. [38 |FELOMINA D. BENDANA ‘SWIMMING 39 [DANILO ANORE ‘SWIMMING 40 [SIMEON CALDERON TABLE TENNIS ‘1 |FRORAN M, FRANCISCO TABLE TENNIS 42 |FITSGERALD CeRGADO TABLE TENNIS 43 [TIRSO mt ARAWEULO TAEKWONDO. 44 |NILO HERNANDEZ TAEKWONDO, 45 [CHARLIE EVANGELISTA "TAEKWONDO [JAIME GERONIMO SIKARAN MARY JANE G, BIEN 'SIKARAN,UST OF TRAINERS ‘46 [LEVY ORCA TENNIS “47 |NEIL LLOYD PULAN TENNIS “48, JAY PATITO TENNIS 49 |aeRGeRT waTENATIOD VOLLEYBALL 50 fyMuiia50 uumHoD VOLLEYBALL ‘Si [GEMMA QUIANZON VOLLEYBALL 52 JNOEL ARANDA VOLLEYBALL 5 [ANNE DENISE L aN ANORES WUSHU 54 [JEVERLYN RIVERA WOSHU, | 35 [ARES FUENTES WUSHU "56 [ELIS PANTILANAN ‘SPED '57 EDGAR DURANA 'SPED_ 4 UST OF WORKING COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1 JOR MARIBETHR DE DIOS Tech, Com 2 JOR. DRALIA CERTEZA Tech. Com 3 [DANILO TORIO “Tech. Com 4 NILO RIVERA “Tech. Com 5 |VILMA VILLAMAYOR WG / Records 5 [MYRNA BERNARDO WG / Records 7_|LERMA FLANDEZ WG / Jouraliam 4 [DALISAY TORRES WG /Journaiism 3 [BRYAN TUTOR WC /Joumalism 30 |ELMER BOIS WG Joumaiism [a1 [ELVIRA REYES WE J Journalism 12 WAYPEE VITALLT Evert Venue Goor 1 [DINO TAMONDONG. WG / Record 14 [JULITO CAPISTRANO. WC /Loaistios 15 [ADOR BETITO WC [Logistics 16 |JUN ADAN PLANDOR WC/ Custocian 17 [LARRY RAMOS WC7 TRANSPORTATION 28 JEDWIN BALBUENA WG/ SUPPLY 15 |DR, GEORGINA REYES: WC / Medical 20. WC / Medical [aa] WC J Medical 22 NAPOLEON DILIDIAT WG? Trainer - Arnis 23 [sonaTiua URANO WC Tana Ainotos 24 [KAVIER MENDIOLA Winer Barton 25 [EDGAR RADA, Wr Tisner Foote 26 JoOweLIZA NAVARRO. Wer Trane Fut 27 [LEO BINAS WO Trainer - Sepak 28 |JOHN GLEN ESTACIO. WIC Trane -Tie Tomi 23 [JAY PATITO WE Trainer - Tennis '30 [DANILO TOLENTINO CT Taner ValoLIST OF PARTICIPANTS ‘SPORTS JOURNALISM No. NAME SCHOOL a 1 ‘Ariene Paralejas Rizal National Science HS 2 Israel Alzando Marciana P. Catolos MNHS 3 Cecile Loristo FP Felix National HS. 4 Khenrie Dulay —Kasiglahan Vilage NHS 5 Kim Quintana Baras Pinugay NHS 6 ‘Obit Periabras ‘San Isidro NHs ru Maria Kristina 8. Ramos Bagumbayan ES 8 Veronica Benamije Pilla District 9 Justice Gutierrez ~Cainla Dietriot 10 Jeffrey Matela Tanay District 1 ‘Annaliza Flores Rodriguez District] 2 Jennifer Bive ‘San Mateo District 13 Filomena San Nicolas ‘Quiterio San Jose ES 14 Ma, Lelianie Bemabe ‘Simeon R. Bendana MES. 15. Carina Cenidoza Binangonan ES 16 ‘Archie dela Rosa ‘San Isidro ES 17 Thara Anne San Pedro_—| ~Tatala ES aa 18 ‘Annalyn Gorospe ‘Sllangan ES 19 Rosa C. Teves FP Felix MNHS) 20, Mark John Bocado Taytay NHS 24 __Elvira Reyes Casimiro a. Ynares St. NHS 22 ‘Jazsen Nosl Sanchez Carlos Botong Francisco 23. Ma. Filipina P. Aquino ‘Guronasyen Foundation Inc NHS 24. Edwin |. Edilloran Gov. Isidro Rodriguez MNHS 25 Bjom Francisco 'SDO Rizal 26 Gabriel Francisoo a 'SDO Rizal _ 27 Moneth Castillo = 'SDO Rizal ial 28 ‘Jenna Dela Rosa 'SDO Rizal 29 ‘Jessica Valdez —SDO Rizal 30_ ‘Sherly Cruz S00 RIZAL - ALS ] _ptess: DepEd Bldg. Cabrera Road, Bigy, Dolores, Taytay RlaalTel'No (02) ee ere Facebook Account: www.{acebodk.coth/éepedrial Email Add:
[email protected]
pAVLAL SPORTS goapeny ‘Name Event 1 ARTANRAYMARTNARIDO ‘Table tennis 2” CANELAS JERICHO ViBAR Taewonde 3. CATAPANG, MARK ANTONY BISINGA (CATAPANG.ROBERTO BISINGA ‘CERILLOLANTERTER ANITO ‘DALISAY.JHON MARSHALL ANDING DELEON, JOHN MARK CATAPANG ‘DELA CRUZMAURO TAGAAN [5 DELAROSAKLEMIAY 1000 10. DIANODENNIS QUIERRE | _1i FULGADOJORNERICK TONGOHAN™ Football i| 1” GADADJORN RYAN BAHANDT Badninion 13. GERONES COBIE FRAVAM DELA SADA | ‘Arnis 8 URERRE EDMOND TARAMILEA——] 15, QUIRIGREMARF OMAR GERONES Vellebatt | 16 QUTERRE REYMARK PALIT Baskeiball, 17 REYES IVAN CERVANTES Swing TDA SLVR URE —" | | _ 19. VIECARUBL JAMES BALLESIN —-——}-— Swimoing Girls 7 Z 1. AMERICAROSE ANN RUSTIA Footbal 2 BAUTISTA TIDELEE MASAMBEQUE Ais | BUENOJENALYN DOROTEO Tabletennis | | & DELOS SANTOS, BESSA SANPABLO™ [ie 5. DOROTEO,JOLINA LOREZ | © BONGHIT, MARIBE SANTUAN |__ 7 TUGIANOKISSHIEN REvES —————— | 3" LUMENARIO SARAH VELARDE 9. NAVAL ERICKA PADION To, PEREZ, YUBILEE Adlets Ti, PISCASIO(EEANE TRINIDAD [13 TOLEROS ALEVANDELA SADA] ‘Athletics [12 SUMARAGO JENNY ROSE ESPERAS Taewondo ‘Vollebait‘Number of Pax per Municipality in the Diferent Sports Discipline ofa ‘Angora Binangonan Gina ‘rong ts No. | soars spine in = = ziata zyata zatat z ala [a statat |afstslal (pape tapi 3a ae tsa i 2 2a fa ee 14 2 2 2a af [a afafa a z a aya 1] [a 2 i aes) 7a saa se 1 2 2h afd 2{afa z Fi 2 Ta aa t[1}4 1]2 sf2]a alaf2 afa}a Bilan a)afa all ais afaf2 i ay iat ed Tieapa za rar: T z aa FuEWEE 2[ae zaps 2 tay 2[a[ a 2tata ze aa lle raEaE 24 a{t zat Baio 2yata AOR 2fata 7a a festesfraee aaa 2 [a afata 2fa 1 3ats zy iL a afafa Fay 1 aie za }a 2]a|a Fay aaa 1 a zfaa zta]a 2a{t Fens 1 aaa z[a}a aaa aft oleae 7 aicafea iene cam z i 1 of [a z (ean cole ee ae (aan 2 FIT Z ra Fu ° i ran aya ra ats 1 i t rae 0 z a De cme z 1 T i iicahae z afi z[afa z[2[2 1 z[a[a afa 2fala a4 a9 [2] 2]? [aalas [ez |2 |e os [esa 2a| 2/3 aslo [ra [af [ae [os || Pas |e sa ps Pesala teicbalty = Rodraver San Mateo, Ta Tayiay Teresa ‘GRAND TOTAL xs | seo frout]_ae [as] seo froo| me [as |seo]romf tee | ais] soto mai] ez us| sro] roofer | ass | seeo | ror hes 2 r spats spalstolfelts« 2 i ra tabs Toe fa ta [ete eta tafe [we [as Pe fe aa 3/2 4 tt [sta tata 3(2]afa 3s fas [ae fe afta 2h 2 zfata ra ate fs fo fe] a ian zt q 2fata 2 i apa [2 fo fe [as i 2 i a 1 r i afo pe fo fot aajeis |e Bae z 2tata zfa]a | cf aa a| neo | ea ata alsa 2 2fa[a celia Fs 2 A i Z z Hale Fs a Balas afale fafa af2}a fata a} a] w2]o] of 7 z i ot Tos a 74 a 2 fa ata 2 [33 26 alee aien pe 2fata aia 2 fa 2fe ts z sole 2fat Bena. aie 2fa{a 2s a 26 ul, 3[a]ata s[2fatat feta aio 2 [2 2 af zig spats Pa he tw ls 2B cad zpata 2fats 2 [a ale 2 [a Pe = aahe 2f2ta sate 2 fa Ze 2s fs 1 sglieel ea Fa 2a 214 | 20 1 2 a eli a Z of 1 2 if z z, ° z 7 z z 2 z fas 5 z z cetera anaes) a £ a z ops fo po | a2 2[a[2 2fafe 12 2fafa 2] 3 | os s[» 30 20 [as [als |sleafarts | 3 [er[eolzel ale lwla lle ( 3 isle] | 2 | | oe | oe = Le | [a0 70
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Kurilulumtaon: Applied and Specialized Subjects
Cecille Robles San Jose
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Cecille Robles San Jose
100% (1)
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Teorya Ni Bruner
Cecille Robles San Jose
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)