18 JashinBansal DFGE
18 JashinBansal DFGE
18 JashinBansal DFGE
2 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
3 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
1. Conceptual Design (Site Plan)
Block A
4 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
1. Conceptual Design (Floor Plans)
5 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
1. Conceptual Design (Views)
6 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
2. Efficiency Measures Adopted
1. W W R o f 30%
2. E xter n a l sh a di n g d ev i ces – AASF o f
3. I n su l a ti o n o f r o o f: U v a l u e o f 0.62
4. Lo w-E co a ted gl a ss: U v a l u e o f
1. Lo w-fl o w fa u cets i n a l l
2W /m2 a n d SH G C o f 0.45
Ba th r o o ms- 2L/mi n
5. E n er gy effi ci en t cei l i n g fa n s fo r
2. Du a l fl u sh fo r wa ter cl o sets i n
o ffi ce sp a ces.
a l l Ba th r o o ms - 6L/fi r st fl u sh a n d 1. Fl o o r sl a b – co n cr ete fi l l er sl a b –150
6. VRF co o l i n g sy stem - CO P o f 3.5
3L/seco n d fl u sh . mm
7. Ai r co n di ti o n in g wi th wa ter co o l ed
3. W a ter - E ffi ci en t u r i n a l s i n a l l 2. Ro o f- I n -si tu Rei n fo r ced Co n cr ete
ch i l l er - CO P o f 6.1
o th er Ba th r o o m – 2L/fl u sh Sl a b - 150 mm
8. Ra d i a n t co o l i n g a n d h ea ti n g
4. W a ter -E ffi ci en t fa u cets fo r 3. W a l l s- Sta b i l i zed E a r th b r i cks
sy stem- CO P o f RC 7.19
Ki tch en Si n ks - 4L/mi n 4. Fl o o r i n g- Cer a mi c ti l e
9. E n er gy -sa v i n g Li gh t Bu l b s - I n ter n a l
5. Ra i n wa ter h a r v esti n g sy stem - 5. W i n d o w fr a mes - Ti mb er
sp a ces.
50% o f r o o f a r ea u sed fo r
10. E n er gy -sa v i n g Li gh t Bu l b s - E xter n a l
r a i n wa ter co l l ecti o n .
sp a ces
6. Bl a ck wa ter tr ea tmen t a n d
11. Li gh ti n g co n tr o l s fo r co r r i d o r a n d
r ecy cl i n g sy stem.
sta i r ca se
12. O ccu p a n cy sen so r s i n b a th r o o ms
13. O ccu p a n cy sen so r s i n o p en o ffi ces
14. Da y l i gh t p h o to el ectr i c sen so r s fo r
i n ter n a l sp a ces.
7 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
3. Approach to Zero Carbon
8 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
4. Approach to Zero Carbon
Energy Performance
64.7% 8.3% 75 m2
Energy met by
Energy Savings Roof Area used for PV
3558.43 Kwh/m2/yr
4547.3 1088.87
Rs. 9,83,652.98
Additional Capital Cost
Baseline Energy Improved Energy Renewable Energy
(without renewables)
1.72 years
Payback in years
9 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
5. Approach to Zero Carbon
Water Performance
33.74% 3.15%
Water Savings by Water savings by
fixtures recycling/ rainwater
108.7 8.44
100.26 liters/yr
NET water use
Baseline water Improved Water Rainwater and
(without recycling and recycle water savings
10 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
6. Approach to Zero Carbon
Material Performance
Embodied Energy
1562 MJ/m2
Final Embodied Energy
Baseline Embodied Improved Embodied
energy Energy
11 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission
7. Business Case
• Construction cost will be low as the technology is the common one applied and the local materials
will be used.
• Louvres, green walls and renewable glass conserve energy.
• The project is designed in a way that it acts as a Landmark and a customer inside reaches all the
marks in the complex i.e., it will generate revenue.
12 Property of the International Finance Corporation. Not to be altered, reproduced or distributed without permission