1st Summative Test ICF II

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bugasong, Antique


Internet and Computing Fundamentals II

I. Identify the different parts of MS Word 2010 user interface. Select your answer from the given choices inside
the box. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Vertical Scroll bar b. Title bar c. Tabs d. Quick Access toolbar e.

File Tab f. Zoom Slider g. Group h. Minimize button Ruler
i. Dialog Box Launcher j. Ruler k. Maximize button l. Close button m.
Document window n. Ribbon o. Horizontal Scroll bar p. View toolbar q.
Command Button r. Status bar s. Control buttons t. Insertion point


II. Refer your answer from the picture being shown below. Write the letter of the correct answer.
For number 1.
a. Home b. Insert c. Mailings d. Font e. Page Layout
1. What tabs of MS Word 2010 ribbon are being shown.
a. a, b, and c b. a, b, and d c. a, b, and e. d. a, b, c, d, and e.
2. To change the font style of the text in your document, go to
a. File Tab b. Home Tab c. Insert Tab d. Page Layout tab
3. To change the margins of the page, go to
a. File Tab b. Home Tab c. Insert Tab d. Page Layout tab
4. To insert text box in your document, go to
a. File Tab b. Home Tab c. Insert Tab d. Page Layout tab

For numbers 5 – 9. Please enumerate the name of groups under the Page Layout tab.

10. What button are going to click to open the paragraph dialog box in the home tab?
a. Home Tab b. Font c. Dialog box launcher d. Insert Tab
11. In order to use the Copy command in the home tab, go to
a. Paragraph group b. Styles group c. Clipboard group d. Editing group

Prepared by:

Allan B. Montenegro
ICF Teacher

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