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GDSLab v2.5.4.4 Handbook

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GDSLAB v2.5.

The GDS Laboratory Users Handbook

© GDS Instruments

About this Handbook

The GDSLAB v2 user handbook is divided into logical chapters. Where necessary at the start
of each chapter is a contents page showing in detail the contents of the chapter.

1 Introduction
A brief introduction to GDSLAB, covering the design ideas and the scope of the

2 Installation
A step by step installation guide for GDSLAB and additional components.

3 Running a Test
Shows how tests are run in general. Elements that are common to all tests are
• Selecting Hardware Initialisation file (.ini files)
• Selecting, inputting values and commencing a test

4 The GDSLAB Graphical Environment

An introduction to the GDSLAB environment. This chapter simply takes a brief look at
the GDSLAB environment with simple explanations of associated windows and
• GDSLAB Toolbar

5 Configuring your station hardware

Individual Test Stations are demonstrated and configured in detail.
• Object Display
• Transducer Calibrations

6 Test Modules

This section describes the test procedures according to particular test modules.

Note: Not all available test modules may feature in this manual. For a full list of
test modules currently available for GDSLAB contact GDS Instruments directly
or see www.gdsinstruments.com.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 ii About

7 GDSLAB Calculation Modules
Calculation Modules are required for each different type of geotechnical test. See the
relevant test module chapter for details as to which calculation module is used.:
• 7a, Triaxial
• 7b, Oedometer

8 User Maintenance and the Object Manager

Adding new components to GDSLAB and upgrading existing components.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 iii About

Introduction 1

GDSLAB is a program for the control and/or data acquisition of geotechnical laboratory tests.
The design of GDSLAB allows for flexibility in the way equipment is connected to the PC (i.e.
RS232, IEEE, USB), and flexibility in the type of equipment that may be connected (i.e.
includes equipment from a variety of manufacturers).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 1-1 Introduction

1 Introduction
GDSLAB represents a breakthrough in geotechnical laboratory control software. As well as
working with the entire range of GDS's laboratory hardware, GDSLAB can also be used with
other manufacturers' testing equipment.


 Flexibility in hardware configuration including ‘mix and match’ with other manufacturers.
 Ability to choose particular test modules for your testing requirements or your
International Standards requirements.
 Single piece of software for all laboratory products. This means that the testing quality will
be dependent on the hardware attached, not the software.
 GDSLAB may be used to acquire and manipulate data from your existing hardware where
computer control is not available


 Multiple stations from a single PC.
 Ability to batch (queue) multiple tests.
 Ability to dynamically change graphs displayed during the tes t.
 Ability to dynamically change the Live Test Data displayed during the test.
 Flexibility in choosing exactly the format for saved data.

What can GDSLAB do for me ?

Firstly, you can modernise and automate all your existing laboratory facilities and services
using the latest Windows-based testing software.

Secondly, you can extend the capabilities of your testing apparatus and instrumentation.

Have you ever thought that you can perform slow cyclic tests or Stress Paths tests using
computer control of simple 'velocity controlled' loading frames? As long as the frame has a
PC control connection, these facilities become available to you.

Thirdly, you can plan the future development of your laboratory within a framework which
complies with national and international standards.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 1-2 Introduction

Finally, when purchasing new equipment, you can choose the most cost -effective options
from different manufacturers, without having to worry about compatibility problems. Again, this
means that the quality of the tests will be as good as the hardware connected.

How does GDS Lab work?

GDSLAB is initially purchased as a Kernel, or a ‘core’ program. This kernel is the initial
foundation for the GDSLAB program.

Test Modules

Test Modules are then purchased to bring the software to life. Each module is purchased
according to the types of test the user will be performing. An example of modules for research
or for commercial use appears below.

Commercial example

 General Saturation and Consolidation

 General Triaxial testing to BS1377 (includes CU, UU and CD tests)
 Oedometer consolidation logging

Research Example

 General Saturation and Consolidation

 Advanced Triaxial Testing
 Stress Path Module
 K0 Testing module

The above examples highlight the flexibility of the software by allowing t he user to choose
exactly which test module he would like to attach to GDSLAB.

The way GDSLAB is designed, gives the user flexibility for future upgrades by adding
additional test modules at any time in the future.

Device Modules

The Hardware used with the test modules is controlled using GDSLAB Device Modules.
GDSLAB requires each piece of connected hardware to have available on the system its
correct device module. These device modules are available free of charge for all hardware

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 1-3 Introduction

already supported by GDSLAB, or a small cost may be levied for control device modules not
currently supported (from less well known manufacturers). When the GDSLAB kernel is
installed, all the currently available device modules at the time the setup was created will be
installed. Additional or updated device modules are available for download directly from the
GDS website (www.gdsinstruments.com).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 1-4 Introduction

Installation 2

2 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Updating from GDSLab v2.3.6 or earlier to v2.5.0 or later.......................................................... 2

2.2 GDSLab v2.5.0 ................................................................................................................................................. 3

2.3 GDS System Diagnosi s Tool..................................................................................................................... 5

2.4 Post-GDSLab v2.5.0 Update (from v2.3.6 or earlier)...................................................................... 6

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-1 Installation

2 Installation

The GDSLab set-up files required for installation can be obtained from two locations:

• GDSLab CD directly from GDS Instruments

• Downloaded from the GDS Instruments Online Support Centre

Note the Online Support Centre download page for GDSLab can be accessed through the
following web address:


If you are installing GDSLab on a PC for the first time, or updating from GDSLab v2.5.0 or later,
the procedure listed in Section 2.2 may be followed. Alternatively if GDSLab is being updated from
v2.3.6 or earlier, the procedure listed in Section 2.1 should firstly be performed before GDSLab is
updated. In the case of updating a dynamic test system the GDS support team should be

2.1 Updating from GDSLab v2.3.6 or earlier to v2.5.0 or later

When updating from GDSLab v2.3.6 or earlier to v2.5.0 or later the following steps should be
completed to back-up existing files.

1) Create a folder on the desktop named “DO NOT DELETE – Existing GDSLab files”.
2) Open C:\GDSLAB and copy all files into the folder created in Step 1.
3) Open C:\Windows\system32 and copy all files beginning with “GDS_” into the folder
created in Step 1. Note these files may be placed in a sub-folder named “system 32”.
4) After all existing files have been backed up in Steps 2 and 3, uninstall GDSLab from the
PC. This can be completed by opening “Add or Remove Programs” in the Windows
Control Panel and removing the application named “GDSLab”. All GDSLab test modules
and HASP software should then be removed – these are identified as programs beginning
with “GDS_”.

After back-up and removal of the existing GDSLab version, Section 2.2 should be followed to
complete installation of the latest GDSLab version.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-2 Installation

2.2 GDSLab v2.5.0

Before installing GDSLab the following items should be checked:

 Check the HASP security dongle is removed from the PC.

 Check all GDS USB hardware device connections (e.g. STDDPCv2 pressure/volume
controllers) are removed from the PC.
 Check the Windows Operating System is fully up-to-date.
 Check the “USB selective suspend setting” has been changed to “Disabled” (this option is
accessed through the Advanced Power Settings within the Windows Control Panel).

Once the above checks have been made, the below procedure should be followed to install
GDSLab (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnoUEi4hNHo also demonstrates this procedure).

1) If installing from a GDSLab CD, open the root

CD folder and run the application named
“GDSLabSetupV2”. This will load the
GDSLab Setup Wizard, as displayed to the
left. If installing from a web download, the
“GDSLabSetupV2” set-up application may be
run from its current location. Once the Setup
Wizard has loaded, click Next.

2) Specify the GDSLab destination folder as

“C:\GDSLab”, then select Next. Note if asked
to create the GDSLab folder (i.e. if this is the
first time that GDSLab is installed on the PC)
click Yes.

3) Specify the Start Menu folder as “GDSLab”,

then select Next. This will create the shortcut
for GDSLab which may be copied to the
desktop following installation.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-3 Installation

4) Review the Destination location and Start
Menu folders for GDSLab are correct as per
Steps 2 and 3, then click Install.

5) It is recommended the following Optional

Installation Items are always selected during
GDSLab set-up:
 GDS USB Drivers
 GDS Dongle Drivers
Following this final selection choice Next should
be clicked, initiating the installation of GDSLab.

6) Once the Setup Wizard has completed the

installation of GDSLab and selected drivers /
HW INI files, click Finish. At this point the
following can be performed:
 Insert the HASP security dongle into
the PC.
 Connect any GDS USB hardware
Note the driver installation for the HASP dongle
and each USB device will automatically complete
following connection with the PC.

7) GDSLab can now be run by opening the Start Menu and selecting the listing within the
GDSLab folder. Note the .ini file/s used to configure the test system/s (as specified in the
GDS Introduction Letter) must be copied to the C:\GDSLab folder before any hardware
devices can be interfaced within GDSLab.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-4 Installation

2.3 GDS System Diagnosis Tool

The GDS System Diagnosis tool may be installed following GDSLab set-up to allow Windows
settings and GDSLab configuration to be assessed. This is performed by running the
“GDS_SystemDiagnosis_SetupV1” application, which may be found in the root of the GDSLab
CD, or via download from the Online Support Centre:

http://gdsinstruments.helpserve.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/184/33/gds-s ystems-analyser

To install the GDS System Diagnosis tool the below procedure should be followed:

1) Run the “GDS_SystemDiagnosis_SetupV1”

application to load the System Diagnosis
Installer, then select Continue.

2) Specify the System Diagnosis destination

folder as “C:\GDSLAB”, then click Continue.

3) Specify the Start Menu folder as “GDSLAB”,

then select Continue. This will create the
shortcut for the System Diagnosis tool and
initiate the installation.

4) Following installation Complete and Exit

should be clicked, after which the System
Diagnosis tool may be run by opening the
Start Menu and selecting the GDS System
Diagnosis listing.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-5 Installation

2.4 Post-GDSLab v2.5.0 Update (from v2.3.6 or earlier)

If GDSLab has been upgraded from v2.3.6 or earlier to v2.5.0 or later, the following post-GDSLab
installation steps are recommended:

1) Open the “DO NOT DELETE – Existing GDSLab files” GDSLab back-up folder created in
Step 1 of Section 2.1.
2) Copy the folder named “Calibration files” into the “C:\GDSLab” destination folder,
overwriting any calibration files created during GDSLab installation. This will copy all
transducer calibration details previously used with the test system.
3) Copy the .ini file/s for the test system/s from the back-up folder into “C:\GDSLab”
destination folder.
4) After opening GDSLab v2.5.0, click “File” then select “Edit Start-up File”. If GDSLab
v2.3.6 or earlier was configured to load specific .ini files upon start-up, these settings will
need to be cleared by selecting “Remove All Stations” and clicking “Save”. Ini files for
each GDSLab Station can subsequently be set to load during GDSLab start-up using the
normal procedure (i.e. by checking “Always start with this file?” when creating each test

If you require any further assistance please contact the GDS Instruments technical
support team by emailing [email protected], or alternatively by
accessing the GDS Instruments Online Support Centre at

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 2-6 Installation

Running a Test 3

This chapter shows the general running of tests. Due to the nature of GDSLAB where the tests
available depend upon which test modules you have chosen for your system, mainly elements
that are common to all tests are explained. For information regarding specific tests, please see
section 6 for the relevant test module.

3 RUNNING A TEST ..................................................................................................... 2

3.1 Selecting your Hardware Configuration file ...................................................................................... 2

3.2 Running a Test for the First Time? ........................................................................................................ 4

3.3 Selecting a Data File ..................................................................................................................................... 4

3.4 Entering Specimen Details ........................................................................................................................ 6

3.5 Docking, Undocking and New Specimens ......................................................................................... 8

3.6 Adding a Test Stage....................................................................................................................................10

3.7 Saving a Test Li st.........................................................................................................................................12

3.8 Test Di splay Window ..................................................................................................................................13

3.8.1 Graph Tabs ...............................................................................................................................................14
3.8.2 The Data Tab ...........................................................................................................................................14
3.8.3 Customising the Dat a Display during a test ..................................................................................14

3.9 Commencing a test .....................................................................................................................................15

3.10 Retrieving Saved Test Data .................................................................................................................... 15

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-1 Running a Test

3 Running a Test

To run a test a Test Station must be configured for your required hardware. It is of course also
important that the communications devices must be setup to the correct settings. This chapter
takes you step by step through the processes when you first run a test.

3.1 Selecting your Hardware Configuration file

When GDSLAB is first run or if no configuration files have previously been stored you will be
presented with a screen similar to below:

This means that no stations are configured. Upon clicking on the blank station 1 icon, only 1
option is available for that station, that of ‘Create Station’ as follows:

The Select Station Configuration window will now be visible.

List of available

Default selection

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-2 Running a Test

Station configurations may be selected from the drop down list of available station configurations.
If you wish the station configuration to remain constant and to be configured whenever the
software is run, check the default selection box entitled “Always start with this file?” before you
press the OK button. The files for default startup may be later edited from ‘File’, ‘Edit Startup file’
from the menu bar.

If there are no station configurations listed, please refer to the installation section of this manual
and check that all inisilasation (.ini) files have been copied over from the CD to the GDSLab

Once the correct station configuration has been selected press the OK button.

At this point, all of the hardware configured in the station configuration will be audited to check the
status of each hardware item (this operation requires no user intervention unless a hardware
problem is encountered). Once the hardware audit is complete the Test Plan window will be
launched for the configured station. Note also that in the Scrolling Toolbar the station icon has
now changed to the station configured icon.

Station test plan window

The title bar of the Station Test Plan window will display the Station Number and the
configuration file name (ini file) used to setup the station.

After initialisation of a station the Station Status will be Station Idle. This indicates that the
station is configured and that there is no test currently running.

The station is now configured and ready to run a test.

With a test station now completely configured the sample maybe installed in the apparatus. The
Specimen Details must be entered and a test plan configured.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-3 Running a Test

3.2 Running a Test for the First Time?
If you are running a test for the first time, or you are using an initialisation file for the first time, you
must now go to Chapter 5, Configuring Station Hardware before continuing with this chapter.
Chapter 5 will take you through the configuration for your hardware setup, ensuring all correct
device are in place and that communications parameters are setup correctly.

3.3 Selecting a Data File

Clicking the Data Save button in Test Plan window of any station will reveal the Data File frame.

Pressing the Choose Data File button will reveal a data saving window allowing you to choose
the filename and rate of saving data for your test. When a filename is successfully selected, it will
appear in the box labelled ‘Filename:’ above.

Upon pressing the Choose Data File button, the first screen displayed will be for a choice of
either Single Directory or GDSLAB Project Structure (shown below). Single directory will
prompt you for a single filename in the directory of your choice, whereas GDSLAB Project
Structure will save the data ready to be used with GDSLAB Reports (if you have it). Please refer
to GDSLAB Reports handbook for more information on saving data in this way. Note: If you do
not have GDSLAB Reports then we recommend you to use the “Single Directory” save option.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-4 Running a Test

Upon choosing Single Directory and pressing the ‘Next>’ button, the next displayed screen
(shown below) will prompt you for data saving information.

The information on this form is described as follows:

- Data Saving Format
.gds – default GDSLAB format, includes all header and all column data with labels
.tas – format for the previous version of GDS GDSTAS software. Enables users to save
data in the same format as their previous software.
.tts - format for the previous version of GDS STDTTS software. Enables users to save
data in the same format as their previous software.
.ulb – format for previous versions of GDS software that only saves the pore water
pressure, time and load cell readings
- Data Saving Type
Linear – saves data every χ seconds (you are able to change the interval for the time
interval using the box in the right of the pop up window)
Sqr-root – saves data every χ x (datapoint number)
datapoint number)
Log – uses the natural logarithm and saves data every χ x e(
where χ is defined by the Data Saving Interval.
Custom Time file – allows you to create your own data saving intervals for customs test
- Save Calculated Data
When selected, GDSLAB calculated data
will be saved in your data file as well as the
raw data.
The final form is for filename selection (see right):

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-5 Running a Test

3.4 Entering Specimen Details
From the Station Test Plan window, with the left mouse button click the Sample button to reveal
the Sample Details page.

The Sample Details page shows the default National Standard to which the specimen details
are to be recorded, in this case the British Standard BS1377 has been selected as the standard.
Other National Standards (where available) may be selected from the dropdown list.

To enter the Sample Details click the left mouse button on the Setup Sample Details button

Initially you will get a dialog box asking “Is this the first test on a new specimen?”.

If you answer YES, the back volume change transducer will be set to zero at the start of the test
(and the axial displacement transducer if the test is a docked test). This means that the initial
specimen height and diameter is assumed to be exactly as entered on the specimen details form.

If you say NO, the back volume change (and axial displacement) will remain unchanged and the
software will therefore assume that any volume change appearing on the back volume change

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-6 Running a Test

transducer is as a result of a previous test stage and should therefore be used in the calculation of
current (therefore initial) height and diameter.

Next you will get a dialog box asking “Is the specimen docked?”.

‘Docked’ means that the specimen top cap is in contact with the load ram (i.e. anisotropic, or
about to start an anisotropic test). Undocked means that the specimen top cap is not in contact
with the load ram and the test is therefore isotropic. For further information regarding the
consequences to the software of a docked or an undocked specimen, please see section 3.5
entitled “Docking and Undocking”.

The initial specimen details may be recorded in the table provided, entry of any of the suggested
data items is optional with the exception of the Initial Sample Dimensions as this data is
required for calculations during testing.

Specifications for sample,

these are optional details
that can be added Sample dimensions
(always required)

Ram diameter (0 if using an

internal load cell

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-7 Running a Test

The Ram Diameter is important, particularly when you are using an external load cell. In this
situation, the ram diameter is used to calculate and make a correction for the upthrust on the ram
created by the cell pressure. If using an internal load cell, the change in cell pressure does not
affect the load reading and hence the Ram Diameter should be set to zero (0).

With the Membrane Correction option set to yes GDSLab will automatically apply a membrane
correction to the saved data during the test. This correction is applied to the deviator stress acting
on the specimen. This uses the British Standard method of calculating the correction value
throughout the test. (See section 7 for the applied formula) If this option is set to yes, the correct
value for the membrane thickness must be entered in the Specimen Initial Data section

With the Side Drain Correction set to yes GDSlab will add a correction during the test to the
deviator stress using the British standard method of calculation (See section 7).

Once all of the required sample details have been entered select OK.
Once the specimen details have been entered the specimen icon will be checked as a reminder.
The input sample details may be reviewed by clicking the Review button.

The Sample Details frame may be left in view or minimised by pressing the Sample button. The
Sample Details may be reopened at any time by pressing the Review button

Now the sample details have been entered the Test Stages that we wish to run must be
configured. Click the Add Test Stage button to configure the first test stage.

3.5 Docking, Undocking and New Specimens

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-8 Running a Test

The software needs to know the current docking situation of the specimen, in order to make
adjustments to the sample information and calculations when changing between the docked and
undocked states. It is therefore important to enter at the very start of the program whether the
specimen is currently docked or not. A docked test is any anisotropic test (i.e. advanced
loading or K0). An undocked test is any isotropic test (i.e. any test within the SATCON module
namely saturation, consolidation or B-check).
- When changing tests from the docked to the undocked state, the current specimen
dimensions are transferred to become the initial dimensions for the stage, and then the
back volume change is set to zero. During the undocked test stage, any specimen
dimension changes are calculated from any back volume changes only.
- When changing tests from the undocked to the docked state, the current specimen
dimensions are transferred to become the initial dimensions for the stage, then the back
volume and the axial displacement transducer are set to zero. During a docked test
any specimen dimension changes are calculated from back volume change and any
measured axial displacement.
- When changing test stages where the docking state does not change, then no zeroing or
transferral of dimensions is done.

Flow chart showing consequences of “New Test” and “Specimen Docked” questions.

New test or after a “Clear all test details”



 If test is to be an UNDOCKED test, back volume is set to No transducers set to zero

zero when the test stage is created. resulting in specimen height and
 If test is to be a DOCKED test, back volume and axial diameter for the start of the
displacement are set to zero when the test stage is stage being calculated from the
created. initial height and diameter plus
(In both cases this means that the initial height and diameter any back volume change and
are as entered in the specimen details) axial displacement accordingly.


GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-9 Running a Test

Is the Is the
test to be a docked test to be a docked
test? test?
Adding a Test Stage
Clicking the Add Test Stage button in the Test Plan window of any station will reveal the Add
Test Stage frame below the Specimen Details Frame.

In GDSLAB, a test stage may be a complete standard test, for example a pre-test such as a
saturation test or a consolidation test, or a main test such as a shearing test or a stress path test.
The types of tests that are available are independent of the test modules that have been
purchased, and have been subsequently installed on your system. The registered test modules
are displayed in the dropdown box within the Add Test Stage frame. Select the test stage that
you require from the drop down box and then click the Create New Test Stage button.

The Test Module Details form will be viewed according to the Test Module name that was
selected from the dropdown box. The Test Module Details forms are different for each test
module. Individual test module detail forms are explained in Chapter 6, Test Module Details.

Once a Test Module details form has been completed and added to the Test Plan the test is
ready to commence. Note that the Test Module icon has been checked to show that at least one
test stage has been configured.

You can also load a load a test plan that has been previously saved to be used again and again.
Press the ‘Load list from tile’ and then select the chosen test plan from the list

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-10 Running a Test

Further Test Stages may be added to the test plan by clicking the Create New Test Stage button

When all of the required Test Stages are configured and the user is ready to start the test click
the Test List button on the Station Test Plan window.

A summary of the Test Plan will be displayed below the Add Test Stage window (if it has not
been minimised).

If the Test Plan is now complete the Go to Test button should be clicked to start the first Test
Stage of the Test Plan.

At this stage further test stages may be created by pressing the Create New Test Stage button or
the specimen details may be reviewed by pressing the Review Button.

Test Stages that have already been configured may be reviewed and edited by double clicking on
the appropriate line in the test plan display.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-11 Running a Test

The test may now be launched using the Go To Test button.

3.7 Saving a Test List

A complete Test List can be saved by pressing the “Save list to file” button beneath the test plan.
This will save the complete test plan as a *.pln file, which includes all of the entered data for each
individual test. The test plan may then be recalled at a later date by following the instructions
stated in section ‘Adding a test stage’. This feature is particularly useful if you are performing a
series of identical test stages on a routine basis.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-12 Running a Test

3.8 Test Display Window
After the Go To Test button has been clicked the Test Display window will be launched.

The Test Display window is made of a series of four tabs:

• Graphs 1, 2 and 3
• Data

Some features are common to all of the display tabs, Live Test
Data and the Test Control panels. The Live Test Data display is
located to the right of the Test Display window.

The Test Control panel is displayed at the foot of the Test Display window. The Test Control
panel contains two buttons. The Start Test button (which becomes a Stop Test button when
pressed) may be used at any stage for starting or stopping a test. The Test Plan may also be
reviewed form here.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-13 Running a Test

The data type that is displayed in any of the graphs or the Live Test Data area may be changed
by double clicking on any of the graphs or the Live Data area or by clicking on the Browse Live
Data Options.

3.8.1 Graph Tabs

The 3 Graph Tabs allow you to setup and toggle between 3 separate graphs with up to 2 Y-axes
on each.

The data sets displayed in any of the graphs may be changed by double clicking on any of the
graphs and selecting the required data set.

3.8.2 The Data Tab

The Data tab displays a Live Data grid. As data is saved during a test the saved data will be
added to the Live Data grid.

3.8.3 Customising the Data Display during a test

To customise the data display any graph may be double clicked or the Browse Live Data
Options clicked. Where a graph has been double clicked
the Station Test Options window is opened with the
Graph Selection tab selected. If the Browse Live Data
Options button is used the Station Test Options
windows is opened with the Live Test Data Options tab

Graph selection and Live Test Data options may be

changed at any time during a running test.

The Graph Options are the same for all three of the on-

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-14 Running a Test

line graphs. The numbering of the graphs has the single graph on the Single Graph tab of the
Test Display window as Graph number 1, the upper and lower graphs on the Double Graph tab
are graphs 2 and 3 respectively.
The options for each graph are contained in three dropdown boxes. The dropdown boxes for
each graph control which parameter is displayed along each axis. From the list of parameters
within each dropdown box select the required parameter. If a second Y-axis is not required select
None. When the required parameters are all selected for each test press OK.

Customising which parameters are displayed in the Live

Data Display is made using the Live Test Data Options
tab. Up to a maximum of 9 parameters may be selected
at any given time.

Once selection of the required parameters has been

made the OK button should clicked.

If changes have been made in error the original

configuration is retained if the Cancel button is selected.

The user may ‘zoom’ into any area of the graph by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging the
mouse (left button depressed) to form a rectangle onto the required area of the graph. This will
cause the graph to enlarge the user-selected rectangular area. To return the graph back to it’s
‘un-zoomed’ state simply press “R” on the keyboard.

3.9 Commencing a test

When the user is satisfied that all of the settings are correct and the test is ready to commence
the Start Test button in the test control panel should be clicked.

3.10 Retrieving Saved Test Data

There are three ways to display previously saved GDSLAB test data. These are:
1. Opening the data file in GDSLAB
2. Opening the data file in Microsoft Excel
3. Opening the file in GDSLAB Reports (test presentation software)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-15 Running a Test

Opening in GDSLAB

GDSLAB gives you the option to open a previously saved data file and display the data in the
Test Display window. This gives you a quick and easy way to display the data graphically.

To open a previously saved data file in GDSLAB, click on the Plot from File button on the Test
Plan menu.

Then select the datafile to display from the list. The saved data will then be displayed in the Test
Display window.

The test data is displayed as if it were at the end if the test when it was performed. The data to be
plotted on the graphs can be changed just as when running a test.

To clear the data after displaying previously saved test data is the same as when clearing data
after performing the test. Click on the Station icon on the left of the screen and then select Clear
all test details.

Note: To display previously saved test data in GDSLAB it is necessary to have the same
initialisation file selected as was used to carry out the test.

Opening in Excel

The best way to display previously saved GDSLAB test data is to open the file using Microsoft
Excel. This then gives you the flexibility to manipulate the data in many different ways, perform
calculations using the test data and to plot the data.

GDSLAB datafiles are saved as comma delimited text files, therefore can be imported into Excel
so that the test data appears in columns of data.

To open the GDSLAB data file in Excel:

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-16 Running a Test

• Firstly open Excel
• Click on the Open button and in the File Open window set the Files of Type to All Files,
then select the GDSLAB datafile be opened.
• Excel will then display the Text Import Wizard. On the first page make sure that the
Original data Type is set to Delimited. Then click on Next.
• On the next screen of the wizard, put a tick in the box for the Comma delimiter. Then click
on Finish (Do not click “Next”).
• The data from the GDSLAB data file will now be displayed in columns of data.

Note: Do not set Windows to automatically open files of type .gds using Excel. The file will not be
opened using the Text Import Wizard and the data will not be displayed correctly.

Opening in GDSLAB Reports

GDSLAB also give the user the option to save test data in the GDSLAB Project Structure for use
with the GDSLAB Reports presentation software.

GDSLAB Reports provides a way to automatically generate test reports in Excel format with all the
data, calculations and graphs necessary to present the test data to National Standards, for
example to British Standards (BS1377).

GDSLAB Reports is designed to be used in conjunction with the GDSLAB control and acquisition
software or as a manual input reporting package on its own. The design of GDSLAB Reports
allows for flexibility in the way that the data is presented by using the power and simplicity of
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for report presentation. This allows users to customize their reports
using software they are already familiar with.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 3-17 Running a Test

GDSLAB Graphical Environment 4

4 THE GDSLAB GRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT ..................................................... 2

4.1 The GDSLAB Tool Bar............................................................................................................................. 3

4.1.1 GDSLAB Management Utilities .......................................................................................................3

4.2 The Top Menu Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 4

4.3 Test Di splay Area....................................................................................................................................... 5

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 4-1 Graphical Environment

4 The GDSLAB Graphical Environment

After following the installation procedure outlined in Chapter 2 the GDSLAB program group
should now appear in the Windows Start Menu.

To run GDSLAB click once on the Start Button, select the Programs Menu, then select the
GDSLAB item.

After the program has been loaded the GDSLAB graphical environment will be displayed

Menu Bar

GDSLab tool Bar

Test display area

The GDSLAB environment is the basis for all testing with GDSLAB.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 4-2 Graphical Environment

The GDSLAB environment is made up of three areas:

• The GDSLAB Toolbar

• The Menu Bar
• Test Display Area

4.1 The GDSLAB Tool Bar

The Scrolling Toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen will always be available whilst GDSLAB
is running. It represents a means that will always be in view of navigating between stations and
management utilities. The toolbar displays two different toolbar sections as follows:

• Test Stations
The test stations tool bar displays configured and non-configured stations. In
this mode any station may be accessed by clicking on the station icon. A
context sensitive menu will appear to give you available options for your
station at all times i.e the contents of the menu will depend on the current
status of the selected test station.
• Management
The Management toolbar contains the GDSLAB management utilities.

The menu displayed by the scrolling toolbar may be changed between the Test Stations and the
Management toolbars by clicking the respective buttons on the toolbar. (If the Test Stations
toolbar is currently on display, the button to display the Management toolbar will be at the bottom
of the scrolling toolbar).

4.1.1 GDSLAB Management Utilities

The GDSLAB graphical environment has in-built Management Utilities. The Management
Utilities allow configuration of hardware, test station management and station security options to
be modified. Further details on the management utilities appears in chapter 5.

GDSLAB management utilities are accessible through the Scrolling toolbar under the
Management heading.

The standard utilities that are included are listed below:

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 4-3 Graphical Environment

Object Display

Displays the current station configuration for any given station.

Readings may be taken from configured transducers and control
parameters may be set.

Station Security Passwords maybe set to stop accidental changes to the station

4.2 The Top Menu Bar

The GDSLAB Menu Bar is operated in the same manner as standard Windows menus. The
menu headings available are:

• File
The File menu allows addition of new test

Selecting Quit will shut down GDSLAB

completely. If a test is currently being run this
must be stopped prior to using the Quit

Selecting Add new station will enable you to add anther station to the test
status section.
Remove Last station will remove the last ‘ new station’ that has been created
Edit start-up file enable the initial start-up of GDSLab to be changed, this
includes adding or removing .ini files.

• Windows
Standard to most Windows programs this menu item allows manipulation of
the open windows.

• Help Access to on-line help files (may not be available in early releases of

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 4-4 Graphical Environment

4.3 Test Display Area
The GDSLAB test display area is where all the action is. Configuration of tests, running tests and
displaying tests all occurs within the test display area.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 4-5 Graphical Environment

Configuring your Station Hardware 5
The GDSLAB environment can be configured to control all GDS laboratory products and most
products from other manufacturers. This chapter demonstrates the configuration of your test
station using the GDSLAB management utilities.


5 CONFIGURING YOUR TEST STATION................................................................ 2

5.1 The Object Display ........................................................................................................................................ 2

5.2 Security............................................................................................................................................................... 7

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-1 Configuring Station Hardware

5 Configuring your Test Station

From the GDSLAB toolbar (under management) appear tools for configuring your test station as

From the GDS Toolbar select the Management Group. The management
Group contains the following items:

• Object Display.
• Security

5.1 The Object Display

The object display allows configured test stations to be viewed, hardware settings to be
configured and transducers to be setup for use.

When the Object Display item is selected from the Management group a schematic diagram of
the current station configuration is displayed.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-2 Configuring Station Hardware

The Object Display graphically represents the configuration of the selected station. Where
possible, a digital picture of the instrument will be displayed. Other pictures include the
Transducer object and the Control Parameter object explained below:

• Transducer

The transducer connected to an instrument represents a single channel or

property of an instrument that may be read or from which data can be acquired.
This value may represent the single channel of a multi-channel instrument. I.e.
read value of cell pressure.

• Control Parameter

The control parameter represents a single channel or property of an instrument

that may be controlled. i.e. application of cell pressure.

5.1.1 The User Toolbar (Object Display)

The functionality of the Object display is principally contained in the User Toolbar:

Exit the Object Viewer

View Transducer Objects Station Selection Button(s)

Read Transducer View Transducers &

Objects Control Parameters
View Control

Using the User Toolbar the display of the station layout plan maybe altered to either show the
Transducer Objects or the Control Parameter Objects. This may be selected using the View
Transducer Objects button or the View Control Parameter Objects button.

The schematic layout of other stations configured may be reviewed using the Station Selection

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-3 Configuring Station Hardware

5.1.2 The Station Hardware Layout (Object Display)

The Station Layout is divided into three sections, Transducer and Control Parameters,
Acquisition Devices and Control Devices and Computer Connection Devices.
Transducer or Acquisition and Computer Connection
Control Objects Control Devices Devices

By clicking on any of the devices within the object display, information about this device will
appear. Depending on the hardware arrangement, this may simply be an information box, or a
box where comms (communications) settings must be entered (e.g. RS232 or IEEE parameters).
These parameters must match the settings expected by the hardware. Refer to the
manufacturers hardware instructions for required communications parameters (common RS232
parameters for devices appears at the end of this chapter).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-4 Configuring Station Hardware

Assuming the hardware is connected to the system correctly, clicking on the “EYE” icon will bring
up the transducer details. It is important to enter the correct details in the ADVANCED tab such
as Transducer Full Scale, Decimal Places and Transducer Upper Limit. The calibration tab is also
important, where either a full calibration may be performed, or the transducer sensitivity is

5.1.3 Setting up your Transducers (Object Display)

The properties of Transducer objects may be accessed by clicking on the relevant eye icon in the
object display.

From the initial window that appears the user may perform a read of the transducer. The
transducers channel and hardware connectivity are set in the hardware configuration *.ini file and
cannot be altered in GDS Lab. To alter the channels used for transducers or to add new
transducers to your system please contact GDS technical support who will be happy to update
your *.ini file(s) free of charge.

To ensure the transducer reading is correct, a number of compulsory values must be entered in
the ‘Advanced’ tab for the Transducer as below:

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-5 Configuring Station Hardware

• Raw Units Returned
The raw units returned depend on the acquisition device used. Most acquisition devices such
as the GDS Serial Pad return units of mV (millivolts).

• Transducer Full Scale

The transducer full scale output (in mV or whatever other raw units have been selected)
should be entered here.

• Auto Channel Full Scale Used

Provided for information only, this field automatically selects the most appropriate gain
settings for use with the full scale output entered for the attached transducer.

• Engineering Units to be used

Selects the calculated units for the transducer.

• No of Dec Places to be used

The number of decimal places used in the output and saved engineering units. If the device
module knows the limit on decimal places then the user will get a limited choice (i.e. GDS
controller returns volume change in mm therefore there is no choice for decimal places).

• Upper Safety Limit (0=none set)

The upper safety limit at which point the pressure/displacement/load cannot exceed. When
higher values are recorded GDS Lab will attempt to return to these limit values. Where 0 is
set there is no overriding safety limit.

• Lower Safety Limit (0=none set)

The lower safety limit at which point the pressure/displacement/load cannot exceed. When
lower values are recorded GDS Lab will attempt to return to these limit values. Where 0 is set
there is no overriding safety limit.

5.1.4 Transducer Calibrations (Object Display)

Transducer calibrations must be entered for each transducer in

their Calibration tabs.

The minimum information that can be entered is the sensitivity

value for the transducer. This must be entered in terms of
engineering units/raw unit. i.e. for a load cell the sensitivity is
commonly in units of kN/mV. Examples of calculations used to
find this for all types of transducer can be found in Helpsheet 125
‘Calculating Sensitivity and Full Scale Output’.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-6 Configuring Station Hardware

The transducer may also be calibrated from scratch by pressing the Re-Calibrate button and
following the on-screen wizard instructions. Step by step details of how to create new transducer
calibration (*.cal) files can be found in Helpsheet 142 ‘Entering new transducer calibration data’

When a transducer has been configured the Transducer Name, Serial Number and the Last
Calibrated date should be entered.

The “Change Transducer” button can be used to change the transducer calibration “*.cal” file
specified for a particular transducer. This would be used for example when changing between
load cells in a system, where a calibration file has already been setup for both transducers.

5.1.5 Control Parameter Objects (Object Display)

The control parameter objects, when clicked, reveal a control parameter window. This allows the
user to set a single value on the associated control device. This is mainly used for initial setup of
a test.

5.2 Security

The security option allows the user to setup a password to prevent unauthorized or accidental
changes being made to a test station while it is running.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-7 Configuring Station Hardware

Common Hardware Communication Parameters

When setting the communication parameters for devices connected via GDSLAB, the
communication settings within GDSLAB must match those set on the physical device. Below is a
“quick reference list” for the most common devices. Please refer to the manufacturers’ device
handbook if the settings for your device do not appear below:

GDS USB Devices

USB connected devices are connected according to their serial number with no other
comms values required. These can then be unplugged and re-plugged into a different USB
socket and will be re-connected. Devices of this type include:
• ELDPC Enterprise Level Digital Pressure Controller
• STDDPCv2 Standard Digital Pressure Controller v2
• AOS Automated Oedometer System
• Shearbase
• Force actuators
• IST Interface Shear Tester

IEEE GPB 488.2 Devices

IEEE address is the only parameter that must be set. The same address must be set on
the device and software (default for HW is usually 0001). To adjust IEEE address on a
controller press “RESET”, “0”, “1” then the desired channel. For other devices see the
relevant device handbook.

RS232 devices
Device Baud Parity Data Bits Stop Bits
STDDPC (RS232) 4800 o (odd) 8 2
ADVDPC 4800 n (none) default 8 2
Serial Pad 4800 n (none) 8 2
Load Frame (RS232) 9600 n (none) 8 2
Temperature Control
9600 n (none) 8 1
Box (Heat Pad Type)
Pneumatic Controller 4800 o (odd) 8 2

GDS Advanced Serial Controller (RS232)

Note, on the ADVDPC RS232 version the parity may be set on the controller as 0, 1 or 2
(none, odd or even). To select the desired parity setting press the following keystrokes:
“RESET” “0” “ “ then choose either 0, 1 or 2.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 10/02/2016 5-8 Configuring Station Hardware

Test Control Modules 6

Due to the nature of the GDSLAB software, test modules may be installed to add functionality to
the GDSLAB kernel. This chapter therefore consists of only the test modules initially purchased.
These sections appear as section 6a, 6b, 6c etc.

The test modules chosen will depend on the types of tests required by the user. For a full list of
tests currently available visit www.gdsinstruments.com and follow the links to GDSLAB.

Note: If the test manual you require does not feature within the section 6 of this manual, a full pdf
version of the GDSLAB v2.5 handbook is on the GDSLAB software CD. Alternatively, contact
GDS Instruments directly for a hard copy.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 i Test Control Modules

6 Test Control Modules
The currently available test control modules are listed below. Contact GDS Instruments or see
www.gdsinstruments.com for the latest list of available test modules.

Module title Manual Section

Data Acquisition 6a
Standard Triaxial 6c
Triaxial Permeability 6d
4D Unsaturated Stress paths 6e
Stress Paths 6f
Advanced Loading 6g
K0 Consolidation 6h
Dynamic triaxial 6i

Standard Hydrocon 6j
Oedometer 6k

Shear Box Acquisition 6l
Standard Shear (Shear box and ring shear) 6m
Advanced Shear 6n
Dynamic Shear 6o

Hollow Cylinder (HCA)

Advanced HCA loading 6p
HCA Stress Path 6q
Dynamic HCA 6r

True Triaxial Apparatus (TTA)

TTA Advanced loading 6s
TTA Dynamic loading 6t

Variable Direction Shear (VD)

VD Advanced loading 6v

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 ii Test Control Modules

VD Dynamic loading 6w

Resilient modulus
Resilient modulus 6x

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 iii Test Control Modules

Data Acquisition Test Module 6a
The Data Acquisition Test Control Module that is provided free of charge with GDS Lab allows
general data acquisition and data logging to be conducted for triaxial and other standard tests.
The Data Acquisition Test Control Module is suitable for use where none of the test hardware may
be computer controlled but general data acquisition is required.

Specific data formats are included for acquiring data during different standard triaxial tests
including Just Log, Saturation, Consolidation, UU, CU, CD, Unconfined Compression and
Dynamic Logging

6.1 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control


Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the Test Stage Details form.

Select the required test type Just Log, Saturation, Consolidation, UU, CU, CD, Unconfined
Compression or Dynamic Logging.

Further data may also be saved into the data file along with the specific data acquired under
computer control. For the example below, the manually set cell pressure and the back pressure
maybe included in the data file.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6a- 1 Data Acquisition test module

When the test conditions have been entered the Next button reveals the data saving and
termination properties for the test.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will terminate
(more commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Control Load frame (if connected)

If you have a load frame and wish to have GDSLab send commands to set a rate of change
(mm/min) you can select this box.

If at any point you wish to remove the stage select ‘Destroy this stage’ this will remove all details
entered and take you back to the test stage selection window.

The test details maybe reviewed using the Back and Next Buttons

Once the test details are complete the test can be added to the Test Plan by clicking the Add to
Test Plan button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6a- 2 Data Acquisition test module

SATCON Test Module
(Saturation and Consolidation)
6.1 Available Tests

• Saturation Ramp
• B-Check (Skempton pore pressure parameter B)
• Consolidation
• Automatic Saturation

6.2 Required Hardware

• Two pressure sources

• Volume Change measurement

• Test Cell

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control


Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details window.

Select the required test type, either Saturation Ramp, B-Check (Skempton pore pressure
parameter B), Consolidation, or Incremental B-checks.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-1 SATCON test module

6.3.1 Saturation Ramp
Saturation ramp allows you to independently increase or decrease the Cell Pressure and the Back
Pressure. The saturation ramp is used to steadily change the pressures in the system either
keeping a constant effective stress or change to a desired effective stress.

The saturation ramp setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure and Back
Pressure in the system. Enter the required target pressures for the Cell Pressure and the Back
Pressure along with the time for each device to reach these target pressures.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.5)

6.3.2 B-Check
The B-Check is a pre-test to check that the specimen is sufficiently saturated by measuring the
Skempton pore water pressure parameter B. The cell pressure is increased to the specified value
whilst the back pressure remains on hold volume (i.e. the undrained state). The system compares
the change in pore pressure (∆u) caused by the increase in cell pressure (∆σ3 ). The value of B is
calculated as ∆u/∆σ3 .

The B-Check setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure and Back Pressure
in the system. Enter the required target pressure for the Cell Pressure.

The system will seek to the target pressure in the quickest time it can. If using a GDS controller,
this may take between 1 and 5 minutes depending on the size of the cell and the amount of air
within the water

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-2 SATCON test module

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.5)

6.3.3 Consolidation
Consolidation simply applies a constant Cell Pressure and a constant Back Pressure to the
sample whilst monitoring the volume change within the sample.

The Consolidation setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure and Back
Pressure in the system. Enter the required target pressure for the Cell Pressure and the Back

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.5)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-3 SATCON test module

6.3.4 Automatic Saturation
Automatic saturation combines features from the B-check (section 6.3.2) and Consolidation
(section 6.3.3) test types to automate the saturation process for a test sample where multiple
increases in pressure may be required. This automation follows the below procedure:

• Increase the Cell Pressure by a user-defined increment whilst keeping the Back Volume
constant (i.e. the undrained state).
• Monitor the calculated B-value for a user-defined time period by comparing the change in
Pore Pressure (∆u) caused by the increase in Cell Pressure (∆σ3 ).
• Assess the result of the B-check. If the calculated B-value is found to be higher than the user-
defined B-value during the monitored period (excluding the first 30 seconds) the test stage is
terminated. Conversely, if the calculated B-value is found to be lower than the user-defined
B-value during the monitored period, the test stage continues.
• Increase the Back Pressure such that a user-defined Effective Stress is maintained.
• Monitor the Back Volume until a sample Volume Change less than a user-defined value is
observed over a user-defined time period, marking the end of consolidation at current
• Increase the Cell Pressure by a user-defined step and continues iterating until the specified B-
value is obtained.

The “Stepped Satn” tab (below) allows the user to enter the first Cell Pressure increment to be
applied during the initial B-check whilst monitoring the current Cell Pressure value. The Cell
Pressure increments for each subsequent B-check can also be entered, along with the Effective
Stress value to be maintained following each B-check.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-4 SATCON test module

The “Advanced” tab (below) allows the user to enter the following test stage information:

• The maximum radial stress (i.e. Cell Pressure) that may be reached during the test stage.
• The B-value at which the sample is considered to be saturated.
• The time period for which each B-check step of the test stage will be run.
• The sample Volume Change to be observed before the consolidation step of the test stage is
considered complete.
• The time period over which the sample Volume Change should be observed during the
consolidation step.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.5)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-5 SATCON test module

6.3.5 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of test termination parameters and time.

• End of Saturation Ramp

The test will stop (or go to the next stage if one exists) when the saturation ramp is complete.

• End of Consolidation
If the user is performing a multistage consolidation, they may want the computer to detect the
end of consolidation. There is of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the
program works on the assumption that over any 5 minute period, if the volume change within
the specimen is < 5 mm then consolidation is considered as complete.

• Max Skempton ‘B-Value’

The test will stop (or go to the next stage if one exists) after 5min if the Skempton ‘B’ value
entered by the user for is exceeded.

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button. Once the test setup is satisfactory the
test should be added to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-6 SATCON test module

6.3.6 Optional Test Start Conditions
The final stage in the test setup is the selection of the test start conditions.

During saturation and consolidation the sample can change in height. There is no control
of axial displacement/load in the Satcon Module therefore undocking is beneficial to
avoid unwanted influence from the axial ram.

This will be performed at 1mm/min up to the users chosen value.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/06/2015 6b-7 SATCON test module

Standard Triaxial Test Module
(UU, CU, CD by constant rate of strain)
6.1 Available Tests

• UU
• CU
• CD

6.2 Required Hardware

• UU, CU
• One Cell pressure source
• Axial Strain Application (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume change control, Load
Frame etc)

• CD
• One Cell pressure source
• One Back pressure source
• Axial Strain Application (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume change control, Load
Frame etc)
• Volume Change measurement

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control


Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

Select the required test type Unconsolidated Undrained, Consolidated Undrained or Consolidated
Drained. Then enter the required parameters for the test type selected. Please note that the
loading velocity can be entered as being either positive or negative. If you enter the loading
velocity as negative you should be sure that the deviator stress on the test specimen will not
become negative. If you want the deviator stress to go negative (you want to carry out an
extension test) then please make sure that you are using the extension top-cap. If you are using
negative loading velocity you will probably also want to enter a minimum strain value for test
termination – see 6.3.5 below.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-1 Standard Triaxial test module

6.3.1 Unconsolidated Undrained
Unconsolidated Undrained provides the control for the shearing stage of the UU test. Constant
control is maintained for the Cell Pressure while the axial velocity is maintained.

The Unconsolidated Undrained setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure in
the system. Enter the required target pressure for the Cell Pressure and the velocity for the strain
rate (mm/min).

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

6.3.2 Consolidated Undrained

Consolidated Undrained provides the control for the shearing stage of the CU test. Constant
control is maintained for the Cell Pressure while the axial velocity is maintained.

The Consolidated Undrained setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure in
the system. Enter the required target pressure for the Cell Pressure and the velocity for the strain
rate (mm/min).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-2 Standard Triaxial test module

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

6.3.3 Consolidated Drained

Consolidated Drained provides the control for the shearing stage of the CD test. Constant control
is maintained for the Cell Pressure and Back Pressure while the axial velocity is maintained and
the back volume change is measured.

The Consolidated Drained setup screen (below) will display the current read Cell Pressure and
Back Pressure in the system. Enter the required target pressure for the Cell Pressure and the
Back Pressure along with the velocity for the strain rate (mm/min).

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-3 Standard Triaxial test module

6.3.4 Automatic Docking
The next step is to choose whether or not to use Automatic docking.
If the user chooses to use automatic docking then they will need to input values for the velocity at
which the system will dock the sample. This is in mm/min.
The user will also have to choose a change in load value which the system will use to confirm
docking has been completed.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.5)

6.3.5 Test Termination Screen

The final step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-4 Standard Triaxial test module

• Maximum Load Cell Value
The user may enter a maximum limit for the load cell at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop. If you
use this parameter the loading velocity will be positive.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen i.e the loading velocity will be negative).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress during the test. To
do this, GDSLab checks the deviator stress value every 0.25 mm of applied axial
displacement. If the deviator stress has been found to have reduced by more than 1 kPa since
the last check the test stage is terminated.

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum effective stress ratio during the test.
To do this, GDSLab checks the effective stress ratio value every 0.25 mm of applied axial
displacement. If the effective stress ratio has been found to have reduced since the last check
the test stage is terminated.

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-5 Standard Triaxial test module

For additional termination options click on the Advanced button.

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

• Back Volume Reversal

The user may want to select this option when performing a drained test. When the system
detects a back volume reversal the test will terminate. The test has to be longer than 5min to
use this option.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 16/03/2015 6c-6 Standard Triaxial test module

Permeability Test Module 6d
6.1 Available Tests
• Constant Head Permeability
• Constant rate of flow Permeability

6.2 Required Hardware

• Three pressure sources
• Test Cell

6.3 Optional Hardware

• Wet / Wet differential pressure transducer
• Mid-plane Pore pressure transducer

6.4 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control


Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.
Select the required test type, either Constant head permeability of Constant Flow Permeability.

6.4.1 Constant Head Test

The constant head test simply maintains a constant differential in pressure between the top and
the base of the specimen (back pressure is always set higher than the base pressure). The flow
is then measured on the back pressure controller and the base pressure controller.

Enter the required target pressures for the back pressure and the required pressure differential
between the back pressure and the base pressure. Also enter the cell pressure that will be used
for the test.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6d-1 Permeability Test Module

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.4.3)

6.4.2 Constant rate of Flow Test

The constant rate of flow test simply maintains a constant base pressure whilst applying a
constant flow through the top of the specimen. A maximum hydraulic gradient can be set which
will pause the rate of flow if the pressure differential between the top and the base of the sample
gets too large.

Enter the required target pressures for the cell pressure, back flow rate and the required base
pressure. The maximum hydraulic gradient will be the maximum difference between the back and
base pressures.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.4.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6d-2 Permeability Test Module

6.4.3 Test Termination Screen
The final step in the test setup is to select a maximum test length. If left unselected the test will
continue until the user terminates the test.

If the user is performing an unsaturated test then they should enter a target value for the pore air

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Once the test setup is satisfactory the test should be added to the test plan.

6.5 Using the Triaxial permeability Test Control Module with a

Wet / Wet differential pressure transducer
The Wet / Wet differential pressure transducer should be connected to the base pressure
controller. The use of a Wet / Wet differential pressure transducer allows constant head
permeability tests to be conducted using small (typically <5kPa) pressure differential between the
specimen top pressure and the base pressure.

6.5.1 Hardware Setup

The test setup used will depend on the hardware available to GDSLAB to be configured into the
Test station. The example below shows a simple two-pressure source system. A third pressure
source could be added as a confining pressure. The example also demonstrates the inclusion of

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6d-3 Permeability Test Module

a Wet / Wet differential pressure transducer to regulate the pressure difference between the top
and base of the sample.

6.5.2 Sign Convention

The convention for using the Wet-Wet differential pressure device within the GDSLAB software is
so that the output read from the pressure transducer reads from the point of view of the device it
has control over.

For example, if the wet-wet pressure transducer is being used as a Remote Feedback Module on
a BASE pressure controller, and it is being used to target some constant pressure BELOW that of
a TOP pressure controller, the reading (and therefore target) of the Wet-Wet transducer will
represent BASE Pressure – TOP Pressure. This will therefore generally give a negative number.


GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6d-4 Permeability Test Module

4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain
Path Module
(Generalised Unsaturated Soil Testing)
6.1 Available Tests

• Stress Path
Provides independent linear control of Axial Stress, Radial Stress, Pore Air Pressure and Pore
Water Pressure.

• Strain Path
Provides independent linear control of Axial Strain, Radial Stress, Pore Air Pressure and Pore
Water Pressure.

6.2 Required Hardware

• Stress/Strain Path
• Axial Stress/Strain Control/Acquisition (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume change
control, Load Frame etc)
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition
• Pore Air Pressure Control/Acquisition
• Pore Water Pressure Control/Acquisition

• Optional Hardware
• Independent measurement of atmospheric pressure
• Independent measurement of Temperature

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control


Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

Select the required test type, either Axial Stress Controlled or Axial Strain Controlled.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-1 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

6.3.1 Axial Stress Control

The 4D Stress/Strain Path setup screen (below) will display the current read values in yellow
boxes. The test type (either Axial Stress Control or Axial Strain Control) is selected form the ‘Test
Type’ drop down menu. The default test is Axial Stress Control, as can be seen below.

Enter the required target Axial Stress (σa), Radial Stress (σr), Pore Air Pressure (Ua) and Pore

Water Pressure (Uw) for the test (all in kPa). Then set the length of time to reach the targets in
minutes. (If performing a test where pore air pressure and volume will remain constant then the
current value can be set to hold by ticking the box).

Note: The test will attempt to perform linear stress paths between the current values and the
target values. The software will always attempt to maintain the path set by the user, but in
addition will ‘slow’ the test down if any one of the set parameters is performing too slowly. This is
particularly crucial in unsaturated soil testing where the air pressure controller requires relatively
large volume changes to achieve a change in pressure, and is therefore much slower to seek to a
target pressure that say a similar device filled with water. Part of the reason for this is to ensure
the pore air pressure is greater than the pore water pressure at all times – thus ensuring the
integrity of the high air entry porous stone.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-2 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

6.3.2 Axial Strain Control
Axial Strain Control may be selected form the ‘Test Type’ drop down menu. The Axial Strain
Control test setup screen is shown below.

Enter the required target Axial Strain ( a), Radial Stress (σr), Pore Air Pressure (Ua) and Pore

Water Pressure (Uw) for the test (all in kPa). Then set the length of time to reach the targets in
minutes. (If performing a test where pore air pressure and volume will remain constant then the
current value can be set to hold by ticking the box).

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

6.3.3 Test Termination Screen

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-3 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

• Maximum Axial Load
The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-4 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

For additional termination options click on the Advanced button.

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-5 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

6.3.4 Unsaturated Test Parameters Screen
The final step in the test setup is the insertion of any parameters specific and essential to an
unsaturated test. Any values that have not been selected with in the test specimen details can be
added now.

Volume of air in Controller
This is an estimate of the volume of air currently in the GDS air pressure controller. Ideally the
test should be started with the air pressure controller completely FULL, whereby the total air
volume should be known (all air pressure controllers shipped in 2000 should have a label
specifying the total volume air capacity when full – this includes the ‘dead’ space at the end of the
controller beyond the piston stroke.

Volume of air in Pipes

This is an estimate of the volume of air in all pipes between the air pressure controller and the

Atmospheric Air Pressure

If an atmospheric air pressure transducer exists, the reading will be taken from this accordingly. If
it does not exist, a value may be entered here. If no value is entered, a default value of 100kPa is

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6e-6 4D Unsaturated Stress/Strain Paths

Stress Path Module
(Generalised p, q & s, t stress path module)
6.1 Available Tests

• p, q Stress Path
Provides independent linear control of Deviator Stress, q, and Cambridge p, where:

q = σ1 - σ3


p = (σ 1 +(2 x σ 3 ))/3

where σ 1 = axial stress

σ 3 = radial stress

• s, t Stress Path
Provides independent linear control of Max. Shear Stress, t, and Mean Stress, s, where:

t = (σ 1 - σ 3 )/2


s = (σ 1 + σ 3 )/2

where σ 1 = axial stress

σ 3 = radial stress

6.2 Required Hardware

• Stress Path (p, q or s, t)
• Axial Stress Control/Acquisition (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume change control,
Load Frame etc)
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition
• Pore Water Pressure Control/Acquisition

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form. Select the required
test type, either p, q or s, t.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-1 Stress Paths

6.3.1 p, q Stress Path

The p, q Stress Path setup screen (below) will display the current read values in yellow boxes.
The test type (either Stress Path p ,q or Stress Path s, t) is selected from the ‘Test Type’ drop
down menu. The default test is Stress Path p ,q, as can be seen below.

Enter the required target Deviator Stress (q2) and Cambridge p (p2) for the test (both in kPa).
The normal test follows a linear ramp between start and end values, so also requires the length of
time to reach the targets in minutes.

The second tab “p, q calculator” allows the user to easily calculate their p & q values from σ a (axial
stress) and σ r (radial stress). It can also be used in reverse from p & q values to calculate σ a &
σ r . The calculated values will automatically be entered into the test setup form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-2 Stress Paths

If preferred the stress path can be run at a Constant Rate of Axial Strain by ticking the box. If so
enter a constant loading velocity at which the test will run.

Note: The test will attempt to perform linear stress paths between the current values and the
target values. The software will always attempt to maintain the path set by the user, but in
addition will ‘slow’ the test down if any one of the set parameters is performing too slowly.

To perform a drained test, check the box marked drained? This will display the current read value
for back pressure in a yellow box and allow the user to input a target back pressure.

Note: The back pressure will be constant and will not follow a ramp of its own.

Click Next to proceed to the test termination options (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-3 Stress Paths

6.3.2 6.3.2 s, t Stress Path

Stress path (s, t) may be selected form the ‘Test Type’ drop down menu. The s, t test setup
screen is shown below.

Completing stress paths in terms of s & t is done in the same way as for p & q tests. Enter the
required target mean stress (s2) and the target maximum shear stress (t2) for the test (all in kPa).
Then set the length of time to reach the targets in minutes.

Please see Section 6.3.1 for more information on this test setup form.

Click Next to proceed to the test termination options (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-4 Stress Paths

6.3.3 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Selected Stress Path Reaches Target

The current test will terminate (either wait for user interaction or go to the next stage
automatically) when the selected stress path reaches its targets.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test stage will

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will terminate.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-5 Stress Paths

• Minimum Axial Strain
The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will terminate
(more commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress there is no increase in deviator stress,
and that the most recent reading is less than the previous one.
ie, maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when in a series of 4 consecutive
readings the following is true 4<3≤2≤1

• Max Stress Ratio

Checking this box will cause the computer to terminate the test when the max stress ratio has
been obtained.

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command of the stage to pressure sources (where
computer control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked,
pressure sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

Note, if no termination conditions are specified the stage will complete the stress path and then
hold the requested values (while continuing logging) until the user prompts to move to the next

The test setup may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-6 Stress Paths

For additional termination options click on the Advanced button.

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6f-7 Stress Paths

Advanced Loading Module 6g
6.1 Available Tests

• Independent Control over the following Parameters:

• Axial Displacement (mm)
• Axial Load (kN)
• Axial Stress (kPa)
• Deviator Stress (kPa)
• Lower Chamber Pressure (kPa)
(Selectable control options)
• Hollow Cylinder
• Temperature Control
• Radial Control

• Control over the above parameters by:

• Constant (maintain a target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time)
• Sinusoidal (cyclic)

6.2 Required Hardware

• Axial Load or Axial Deformation Control/Acquisition (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume
change control, Load Frame etc)
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition
• Back Pressure Control/Acquisition

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-1 Advanced Loading

6.3.1 Advanced Loading Setup Main Parameter Setup

The advanced loading setup screen (below) will display the current read values in yellow boxes.
The control type (constant, ramp, sinusoidal or hold volume) is selected for each parameter
accordingly. The example below shows the cell pressure set to a constant 430 kPa, the back
pressure to ramp from 0 to 400 kPa over 20 minutes and the axial control to cycle +/- 1mm around
a 1.5mm datum with a period of 30 minutes (i.e., 30 minutes for 1 wavelength).

Required targets will change according to which control type has been chosen for the parameter.

If the Maximum Excess Pore Water Pressure option is Enabled, GDSLab will pause control of the
system hardware (cell pressure controller, back pressure controller, and axial actuator) when the
user-specified Pressure Differential or Intergranular Stress to Effective Stress Ratio parameter
value limit is exceeded (this applies to positive and negative values of the parameters). Note the
pause functionality only applies to the hardware – GDSLab will continue to run the test stage and
record data while the hardware devices are paused.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-2 Advanced Loading

The Pressure Differential is defined as the following (in kPa):


The Intergranular Stress to Effective Stress Ratio is defined as the following (in %):



Once the Pressure Differential or Intergranular Stress to Effective Stress Ratio value is
determined by GDSLab to fall below the user-specified limit, control of the system hardware will
automatically resume.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.2)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-3 Advanced Loading Optional Parameter Setup Screen
Click the settings button at the top of the open tab to open a second window. In this window you
can select the available options to activate HCA Advanced Loading Options, Temperature Control
or Radial Control.

Once a new set of parameters has been selected, click save and then exit. You will now need to
click destroy this stage and re-click create new stage. Optional Hollow Cylinder Parameters

The next step in the test setup is the selection of parameters for both inner cell pressure and
Torque/Rotation. The example on the following page shows a constant internal cell pressure
target of 100 kPa and a cyclic rotation to be applied with a period of 6 minutes, and an amplitude
of 1.2 degrees around a datum of 0 degrees. A phase shift between the sinusoidal axial
displacement and the sinusoidal rotational displacement has been selected as 90 degrees, which
means that the rotational displacement will not start until the axial axis is 90 degrees into its first

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-4 Advanced Loading Optional Temperature Control Parameters

The next step in the test setup is the selection of parameters for both specimen temperature
control and cell temperature control. The example below shows a specimen temperature ramp to
10 º in 60 minutes and a constant cell temperature target of 50 º. Optional Radial Parameter

This will not show any differences in the advanced loading screen. The use of this parameter is to
keep the sample diameter constant. A target cell pressure will be reached first and then may be
altered by the software to keep a constant diameter if load/displacement targets are being used.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.2)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-5 Advanced Loading

6.3.2 Test Termination Screen

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-6 Advanced Loading

• Max Deviator Stress
The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-7 Advanced Loading

For additional termination options click on the “Advanced…” button.

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-8 Advanced Loading

• Turn of the physical control system (if applicable)
This option, at the end of the test will shut down the hydraulic power pack.

• End of Consolidation
If the user is performing a multistage consolidation, they may want the computer to detect the
end of consolidation. There is of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the
program works on the assumption that over any 5 minute period, if the volume change within
the specimen is < 5 mm then consolidation is considered as complete.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6g-9 Advanced Loading

K0 Consolidation Module 6h
6.1 Available Tests

• Test 1: Kzero using ramp RADIAL STRESS with direct radial transducer measurement:
Uses a direct reading of the specimen diameter to enable the test control to maintain zero
diameter change.

• Test 2: Kzero using ramp RADIAL STRESS with back volume change measurement:
Uses the change in volume of the specimen to calculate a theoretical new specimen height
thus ensuring the diameter change remains zero.

6.2 Required Hardware

• Axial Load or Axial Deformation Control/Acquisition (i.e. Bishop and Wesley Cell + volume
change control, Load Frame etc)
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition
• Back Pressure and Volume Control/Acquisition
• Set of Extension Top Caps.

Optional Items

• Radial direct measurement device (i.e. Radial Hall Effect caliper) must be used when
performing “Kzero using direct radial transducer.”

6.3 Test Procedure

In order to run K-Zero testing is important to take into account that prior this consolidation test, the
sample should be fully saturated and in hydrostatic internal equilibrium across its height. This
applies especially when control on diameter change is based on Back Volume measurement.
This test module enables the displacement control of the loading device in order to counteract the
changes on the diameter of the sample. Based on this is then required for the loading device to be
in direct contact with the sample. Should the sample need to be subjected to tension then the
extension top caps arrangement will need to be used. For more information on the extensions top
cap set up please read through Helpsheets 047, 113 and 129.

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-1 K0

6.3.1 Test 1: Kzero using ramp RADIAL STRESS with direct
radial transducer measurement

The K-zero using direct radial transducer setup screen (below) will display the current read values
in yellow boxes. The test type (either by Direct Radial Transducer or Back Volume Change) is
selected form the ‘Test Type’ drop down menu. The default test is Kzero using Direct Radial
Transducer, as can be seen below.

Enter the required target value for Radial Stress and set the length of time to reach this target in
minutes. During the test, the axial position of the frame is changed. As a result, the axial
displacement of the sample will be slowly adjusted while ensuring that the diameter of the
specimen is kept constant. This is done where the sample diameter change is measured directly
from a radial transducer.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-2 K0

6.3.2 Test 2: Kzero using ramp RADIAL STRESS with back
volume change measurement
The Kzero using back volume change setup screen can be seen below.

Again, current read values appropriate to your test are displayed in yellow text boxes. Enter the
required target value for Radial Stress and set the length of time to reach this target in minutes.
During the test, the axial displacement of the sample will be slowly adjusted thus ensuring the
diameter of the specimen remains constant, where the specimen diameter change is calculated
from the back pressure volume change.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-3 K0

6.3.3 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Selected Kzero Ramp Reaches Target

The test will stop when the selected cell pressure reaches target

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-4 K0

• Max Deviator Stress
The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

For additional termination options click on the Advanced button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-5 K0

• Minimum Axial Stress
The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum pore water pressure

The user may enter a maximum limit for the pore water pressure at which point the test will

• Minimum pore water pressure

The user may enter a minimum limit for the pore water pressure at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 29/08/2014 6hi-6 K0

DYNTTS Dynamic Triaxial Testing 6i
6.1 Available Tests

• Test 1: Dynamic Cyclic test with displacement control:

High speed direct cyclic testing with control from displacement and constant cell and back

• Test 2: Dynamic Cyclic test with load control:

High speed direct cyclic testing with control from the axial load and constant cell and back

6.2 Required Hardware

• Dynamic Axial Force/Displacement Control/Acquisition
• Cell Pressure Control/Acquisition

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

Select the required test type, either Dynamic Cyclic with Load Control or Dynamic Cyclic with
Displacement Control.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-1 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

6.3.1 Dynamic Cyclic with Displacement Control

Dynamic Cyclic with Displacement Control provides a means to cyclically control the axial
displacement at high frequency, whilst maintaining a constant cell pressure.

The Dynamic Cyclic (Displacement) setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial
Displacement Datum and the current Cell Pressure in the system. Enter the required target Axial
Displacement Datum and Amplitude and the Cyclic Frequency. Also enter the required target Cell

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-2 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

6.3.2 Dynamic Cyclic with Load Control

Dynamic Cyclic with Load Control provides a means to cyclically control the axial load at high
frequency, whilst maintaining a constant cell pressure.

The Dynamic Cyclic (Load) setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Load Datum,
and the current Cell Pressure in the system. Enter the required target Axial Load Datum and
Amplitude and the Cyclic Frequency. Also enter the required target Cell Pressure.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

Important: Stiffness Estimate

If the test is a load controlled test you will then be asked for an estimate of the load stiffness in
kN/mm (though it is not stated on the pop up window). This is used to set the servo loop gain for
load control. If the value you choose is too low the system could start oscillating. You will know if
this occurs because the system will make an unpleasant deep vibrating noise. You should press
the abort button immediately. If the stiffness estimate is to high it will not reach the targeted load,
thus rendering the test potentially useless.

You will need experience of the system (and your specimen) to gauge the correct value for this
parameter. A simple procedure is as follows:- First carry out a static cyclic test (1 cycle) using the

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-3 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

same force datum and amplitude that you wish to use in the dynamic mode. Using this data you
can estimate the average kN/mm value (x say) for this test specimen. Then carry out a dynamic
cyclic test, again with only one or two cycles, using a stiffness value of 5x. Then examine the
waveform of force against time, if it is poor (not reaching targets or not a nice neat sinusoidal
shape) then carry out another dynamic cyclic test using a stiffness value half of the previous value
(this will make the system more responsive) and check the waveform again.

Repeat this procedure until the waveform looks good and you are meeting the required load
amplitude. If at any time the waveform starts to overshoot at various points in the cycle your
stiffness value is too low - you should then double the last stiffness value you used. If you chose
the lower stiffness value because the waveform was not good enough then the frequency you are
using is too high so use the higher stiffness value and halve the frequency.

Please note that the stiffness value is ignored for displacement controlled tests.

6.3.3 Dynamic Cyclic with Dynamic cell Pressure

If the hardware you are using is capable of dynamic cell pressure, the Dynamic Triaxial module in
GDSLAB will be enabled for control of this device also. It can be seen below that a dynamic cell
pressure amplitude box is now available. The dynamic cell pressure frequency is the same as
that set for the axial device.

It is possible to run the axial and the radial controllers at different frequencies by making use of
the user defined waveform function available in the DCS control unit.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-4 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

6.4 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Total Cycles
Enter the number of cycles after which the test will stop.

• Points per Cycle

Enter the number of points to be taken per cycle – available options are 8, 16, 32 and 64
points for the older HSDAC card systems. All systems post 2005 (DCS systems) have the
option for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 points per cycle.

• Cycles On
Enter the number of cycles to log data for – used in conjunction with Cycles Off, data will be
logged for the number of cycles specified as on and then will not log data for the number of
cycles specified as off. This will be repeated until the test stops. Please refer to your
hardware manual for the amount of data that the high speed data acquisition card will hold.
When performing a long test it is possible that the card will run out of memory if data from all
the cycles is saved.

• Cycles Off
Enter the number of cycles to not log data for.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-5 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

• Hold Pressure at end of test
Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

• Cyclic Strain Limit & Progressive Strain Limit (DYNTTS, HCA & LDCTTS only)
Cyclic and/or progressive strain limits can be defined by the user to end a dynamic test stage
when using load control. Current cyclic and progressive strain values are assessed at the
completion of each load cycle, and will trigger test termination if these values exceed the user
defined cyclic or progressive strain limits. Definitions of the limits are given in the following:

Cyclic Strain Limit – the following values are used for calculating cyclic strain:
ε c,lim = Cyclic strain limit (single amplitude)
ε c = Cyclic strain in current cycle (single amplitude)
ε a,max = Maximum observed strain in current cycle
ε a,min = Minimum observed strain in current cycle

Load (kN)

Axial strain,
εa (%)

Max. axial
Min. axial strain in most
strain in most recent load
recent load cycle, εa,max
cycle, εa,min
Double amplitude
cyclic strain, 2εc
The cyclic strain limit, ε c,lim , entered into the test module is a single amplitude axial strain
value (%) used to limit the allowable cyclic strain reached in a single cycle. During each cycle
the maximum and minimum values of axial strain, ε a,max and ε a,min , observed are used to
calculate that cycle’s cyclic strain (ε c ), where:
2ε c = ε a,max - ε a,min
When the cyclic strain reaches the cyclic strain limit the current cycle will be completed, and
then the stage terminated. I.e. the stage is terminated when:
ε c ≥ ε c,lim
εa,max -εa,min
or, ε c,lim ≤

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-6 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

Progressive Strain Limit – the following values are used to calculate the progressive strain
during a cyclic test:
ε p,lim = Progressive strain limit
ε a,0 = Axial strain at start of test stage
ε a,max = Maximum observed strain in current cycle
ε a,min = Minimum observed strain in current cycle
ε prog = progressive strain in current cycle

Load (kN)
Max. axial
Min. axial
strain in most
strain in most
recent load
recent load
cycle, εa,max
cycle, εa,min
Axial strain,
εa (%)

Average axial
strain in most
recent load cycle,
Axial strain at εprog
beginning of
test stage,εa,0
The progressive strain limit, ε p,lim , is triggered when the axial strain (%) accumulated from the
beginning of the test stage, ε a,0 , to the average axial strain applied during the most recent
load cycle, ε a,av g , exceeds the limit value. This may occur in the compression or extension
direction. The progressive axial strain is monitored continuously and calculated as follows:
εa,max + εa,min
ε prog = - εa,0

If εprog is found to exceed the progressive strain limit, εp,lim , the test is terminated. I.e. the test
is terminated when:
|εprog| ≥ εp,lim

• Go to next stage automatically & Wait for user interaction

This give the option to allow the software to continue to other stages of testing, this can be
useful if a stage ends when you are away from the lab/office and wish the testing to continue
without user interaction.

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/05/2015 6i-7 Dynamic Cyclic Triaxial

Standard Consolidation (Hydrocon
/Rowe and Bardon Cell) Module 6j
(Saturation, B-Check, Stepped Loading, Con. Rate of Strain, Con. Rate of Load, Constant
Stress, Con. Rate of Back Vol and Just Log).

6.1 Available Tests

• Saturation

• B Check (Hydrocon Version)

• Stepped Loading

• CRS (Constant Rate of Strain)

• CRL (Constant Rate of Loading)

• Constant Stress

• Constant Rate of Back Volume

• Just Log!

6.2 Required Hardware

• Axial Stress (Upper Chamber) control and acquisition.

• Back Pressure control and acquisition.
• Back volume control and acquisition.

Then either
• Axial Displacement as measured by Upper Chamber volume change,
• Axial Displacement as measure by an external displacement transducer.

• Independent measurement of Pore Pressure.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-1 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3 Test Procedure
From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control
Module: GDS_hhStandardHydrocon

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

Select the required test type, either Saturation, B-Check, Stepped Loading, Con. Rate of Strain,
Con. Rate of Load, Constant Stress, Con. Rate of Back Vol or Just Log!.

6.3.1 Saturation
Saturation allows you to independently increase or decrease the Axial Stress (or Effective Axial
Stress) and the Back Pressure. The saturation ramp is used to steadily change the pressures in
the system over a specified amount of time.

The saturation ramp setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Stress (or Effective
Axial Stress) and Back Pressure in the system. Enter the required target pressures for the Axial
Stress and the Back Pressure along with the time for each device to reach these target pressures.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-2 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.2 B-Check

The B-Check in the Hydrocon module cannot work in the traditional sense of Skempton’s B-Check
(altering the confining pressure on the sample) because in both CRS and R&B cells the sample is
laterally restrained by the cutting ring. Instead for consolidation cells the pre-test to check that
the specimen is sufficiently saturated is carried out by altering the Axial Stress in the sample. The
axial stress is increased to the specified value whilst the back pressure remains on hold volume
(i.e. the undrained state). The system then compares the change in pore pressure (∆u) caused by
the increase in axial stress (∆σ1 ). The Hydrocon value of B is calculated as ∆u/∆σ1 .

The B-Check setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Stress and Pore Pressure in
the system. Enter the required target Axial Stress.

The system will seek to the target axial stress in the quickest time it can. This may take between
1 and 5 minutes depending on the type of the cell and the amount of air within the water.

Note, because the Hydrocon B value is not a commonly used parameter it is not included in the
termination conditions. Because tests for B-check are usually relatively quick, it is left for the user
to judge the saturation of a sample.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-3 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.3 Stepped Loading
Stepped Loading provides a means to increase the specimen axial load, whilst maintaining a
constant back pressure/volume and measuring the back (pore) volume/pressure change.

The Stepped Loading setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Load and Back
Pressure in the system. Enter the required target values for Axial Load and Back Pressure.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-4 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.4 Constant Rate of Strain (CRS)
CRS provides a controlled ramp of strain while the Back Pressure is maintained. There is also the
option to limit the rate of strain if a specified hydraulic gradient across the sample is exceeded.

The Constant Rate of Strain setup screen (below) displays the current read Axial Strain and Back
Pressure in the system. Enter the target Back Pressure along with the required rate of axial
strain. The Back Pressure will go immediately to its target, while the strain will follow a ramp. If a
Max Hydraulic Gradient has been entered the test will pause if this gradient is exceeded,
continuing when the pressure gradient has returned to below the threshold value set.

Note: with Stress/strain ramps, the system will always try to maintain the velocity the user sets. If
however the value set is actually faster then the attached hardware can perform, the test will
automatically slow to an appropriate rate.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-5 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.5 Constant Rate of Load (CRL)
Constant Rate of Load works in a similar way to the Constant Rate of Strain, except the Load is
ramped instead of the axial strain.

The CRL setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Load and Back Pressure in the
system. Enter the Target Axial Load, desired back pressure throughout the test and time to reach
target load. The back pressure will go immediately to its target, while the load will follow a ramp.
If a Max Hydraulic Gradient has been entered the test will pause if this gradient is exceeded,
continuing when the pressure gradient has returned to below the threshold value set.

Note: with load ramps, the system will always try to ramp the load linearly to the target the user
sets. If however the values set are faster than the attached hardware can perform, the test will
automatically slow to an achievable rate.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-6 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.6 Constant Stress
Constant stress allows a constant axial stress and back pressure to be set and the resulting
consolidation to be recorded.

The constant stress setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Stress (or Effective
Axial Stress if selected) and Back Pressure in the system.

Enter the target Axial Stress (or target effective axial stress if the tickbox is selected) and Back
Pressure for the test stage. This stage only ends upon completion of one of the termination
conditions entered in the next screen.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-7 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.7 Constant Rate of Back Volume
Constant rate of back volume allows the back volume to be ramped while the axial stress is held

The constant rate of back volume setup screen (below) will display the current read Axial Stress in
the system. Enter the Target Axial Stress and desired Back Volume Flow Rate (mm /min). If a
Max Hydraulic Gradient has been entered the test will pause if this gradient is exceeded,
continuing when the pressure gradient has returned to below the threshold value set.

Click Next to proceed to the stage termination conditions (section 6.3.9)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-8 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.8 Just Log
The Just Log option allows GDS Lab to be used as a data logger. This allows the user to
manually operate the system (either directly through the load frame/controllers or through the
object display) but with the advantage of automatically recording all output data as well as
providing real-time displays of calculated values.

Clicking Next proceeds to the same stage termination conditions as are available in the other test
options (section 6.3.9). This can be used as a failsafe limit to automatically recover computer
control when a limit is reached.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-9 Standard Hydrocon test module

6.3.9 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the termination options for the test.

• Terminate when ramp target is achieved

When a CRS or CRL test has been selected, this option will cause the test to terminate (or go
to the next configured stage) when the required ramp is complete.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test stage will end.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time or wishes to add a failsafe for the test stage duration
then the maximum test length box should be checked and a time entered in minutes.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-10 Standard Hydrocon test module

• Hold Pressure at end of test
Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.10)

6.3.10 Test Termination Screen 2

The next screen in the test setup allows the user to select certain criteria dependent upon the type
of test they are running.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Effective Axial Stress at which point the test will

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Effective Axial Stress at which point the test will
stop (more commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress – 2/3 u

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Axial Stress – 2/3 pore water pressure at which
point the test will stop.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-11 Standard Hydrocon test module

• Minimum Axial Stress – 2/3 u
The user may enter a minimum limit for the Axial Stress – 2/3 pore water pressure at which
point the test will stop.

• Set Displacement to Zero

If the specimen has just been docked, checking the ‘set displacement to zero’ will set a
software zero on the displacement transducer. This is generally ONLY done when the
specimen has first been docked – i.e the first time the specimen comes in contact with the
• Pore Air/Rotation
If this option is selected, when pressing next it will show another screen giving control of pore
air pressure and rotational displacement. Note, specialised hardware is required for this
testing. (See section 6.3.11)

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

6.3.11 Pore air and Rotation Settings

This screen allows the user to:

• Set values for unsaturated testing. If pore air control is enabled the user has the option to
hold constant, ramp or cycle the pore air pressure.

• Set values for rotational control. If rotational control is enabled the user has the option to
target zero torque, target rotation and set the target rate.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2013 6j-12 Standard Hydrocon test module

Oedometer Module 6k
6.1 Available Tests

• Test 1: Oedometer Logging:

Uses a datalogger to or GDS Automatic Oedometer System (AOS) take settlement readings
from a hanging weight oedometer system or GDS AOS.

• Test 2: Oedometer Swelling:

Uses the GDS Automatic Oedometer System (AOS) maintain a constant specimen height,
based on the external displacement transducer, while recording vertical stress as a specimen

6.2 Required Hardware

• Hanging Weight Oedometer machine
• Datalogger – Acquisition

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-1 Oedometer Logging

6.3.1 Test 1: Oedometer Logging

The Oedometer Logging setup screen (below) will display the current read displacement value in
yellow box. Note that this will be taken from the external displacement transducer if a GDS AOS is
being used.

Select the number of loading stages to be applied to the sample. Then enter the Applied Stress (in
kPa) for each loading stage of the test.

Note that this test module is different to most of the other GDSLAB test modules in that this
screen sets up more that one test stage. Each loading stage will run until you select Next Stage
on the Test Display or a stage termination condition is reached.

Click Next to proceed to the set up screen.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-2 Oedometer Logging

6.3.2 Start and end of Stage Options screen

Checking “set displacement to zero” will set a software zero on the vertical displacement
transducer at the start of the first loading stage.

Different test termination conditions can be used to define the end of Oedometer Test sub stages.
When multiple conditions are selected, the stage will terminate the first time that one of the
selected conditions is verified.

“End each stage after T minutes” – test stage will terminate when it reaches the specified stage

“Automated stage termination on secondary consolidation” - If this option is activated

GDSLAB will automatically detect when secondary consolidation starts, meaning that primary
consolidation has ended. It will then automatically start the next loading or unloading step for the
test stage. This will considerably reduce the time it takes to complete an oedometer test, as
increments will last only as long as it takes to get enough data to comply with standardized criteria
(ie T90) for increment transition. For samples with very slow consolidation rate (eg. 24hours+)
selecting this option will make GDSLab wait for as long as it takes for primary consolidation to
finish before proceeding to the next step.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-3 Oedometer Logging

“Start Trigger after T minutes” – GDSLAB will only start looking for secondary consolidation
indicators after T minutes. This is useful if for some reason you are expecting data noise
at the beginning of a load increment, or otherwise abnormal behaviour (like initial swell
after inundation) in the first T minutes a load increment.

“Wait after Trigger for T minutes afterwards” – When a time value is set in this option, even if
secondary consolidation is detected transition to the next loading or unloading increment will only
happen T minutes after that. This option can be used to get enough data to plot a clear and well
defined secondary consolidation line, when plotting on a log(t) scale.
The amount of wait time necessary after consolidation condition is met, to be able to produce a
clearly linear plot during secondary consolidation, depends on the type and conditions of the soil
being tested and should be chosen according to the user’s experience. The example below was
plotted from data obtained during a loading stage, from 800kPa to 1600kPa, on a clay sample.
The red line marks the time when the consolidation trigger condition was met when using
“Automated stage termination on secondary consolidation”, the green line marks the end of
the stage when “Wait after Trigger for T minutes afterwards” was set to 90 minutes.

Both of the above options can be used together to set a minimum increment duration, without the
risk of missing the moment when primary consolidation ends. For example, if you set "start
trigger after 10 minutes" and "Wait after Trigger for 60 minutes afterwards" your increment
would have a minimum stage duration of 70 minutes.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-4 Oedometer Logging

Using all these options combines you can define the duration of each step in several ways:

1) Set a specific maximum test duration by activating "End each stage after T minutes" setting a
time value

2) Set the test to go to the next stage (increment) automatically by activating “Automated stage
termination on secondary consolidation” and leaving all other options bank.

3) Select any combination of the above and also set the additional conditions “Start Trigger after
T minutes” and “Wait after Trigger for T minutes afterwards” as explained bellow.

Examples with the following settings;

“End each stage after 1440 minutes”
“Automated stage termination on secondary consolidation”
“Start Trigger after 10 minutes” and
“Wait after Trigger for 60 minutes afterwards”.

If a loading stage where primary consolidation would last for 40 minutes was run. In this particular
case, for the first 10 minutes GDSLAB will ignore any indicators of secondary consolidation. Then
at 40 minutes it notices that primary consolidation has ended and secondary consolidation has
started, after which it will wait for a further 60 minutes until it automatically goes to the next stage.
This means the total duration for this step would be 100 minutes.

In another example, using the same termination conditions but with a sample that would take 5
minutes for primary consolidation to be complete. For the first 10 minutes GDSLAB would not
check for the end of consolidation, after 10 minutes it would notice that primary consolidation was
over and it would immediately start counting the 60 minutes, after which it would go to the next
increment. This would mean total test duration of 70 minutes.

No matter what happens in the examples above, GDSLAB will always go to the next stage after
24h (1440 min) because the condition “End each stage after 1440 minutes” was set.

In summary, the number of options of stage transition available, when combined, should allow the
user to define any termination condition he wants.

We strongly advise to use a linear data saving frequency of 15 seconds or less for the
oedometer testing modules when using the automatic termination for secondary
consolidation. Using longer intervals, custom frequencies or a non-linear time base will
prevent the Secondary Consolidation criteria from triggering correctly.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-5 Oedometer Logging

6.3.3 Test 2: Oedometer Swelling

The Oedometer Swelling setup screens (below) display the current read stress and displacement
values, the latter taken from the external displacement transducer, in yellow boxes, and allow test
start and termination conditions to be specified. Note this test type may only be used with a GDS
AOS, and that no test parameters (excluding start and termination conditions) are required by the
user – the software will automatically ensure the AOS frame maintains a constant specimen
height, enabling the swelling pressure to be determined following filling of the consolidation cell
with water.

GDSLAB v2.5.4 Handbook 06/03/2015 6k-6 Oedometer Logging

Shear Box Acquisition
Test Module 6l
The Shear Box Acquisition Test Control Module that is provided free of charge with GDS Lab
allows general data acquisition and data logging to be conducted for a variety of standard shear
tests. The Shear Box Acquisition Test Control Module is suitable for use where none of the test
hardware may be computer controlled but general data acquisition is required.

Specific data formats are included for acquiring data during different standard shear tests
including Just Log, Consolidation and Shearing.

6.1.1 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

GDS_ssShearBox_Acqui sition

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the Test Stage Details form.

Select the required test type Just Log, Consolidation or Shearing

6.1.2 Test Types

The Just Log test type will save all read values directly from any transducer and hardware that
can communicate with GDSlab, this will be done at the time interval set by the user earlier in the
test setup process

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6l- 1 Shear Box Acquisition test module
The Consolidation stage is mainly used for manual shear box systems. This allows the user to
input the vertical load that is being applied to the specimen. Using this along with the set
specimen dimensions GDSlab calculated parameters can also be saved reducing the use of
manual calculations. If the system has a load cell that is connected to GDSlab then this value will
not be used by GDSlab but a value does have to be entered.

The Shearing test stage works in the same way to the consolidation stage but allows the user to
input a Rate of Strain, again this will be used to generate calculated parameters using the read
displacement values.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6l- 2 Shear Box Acquisition test module
6.1.3 Test Termination

When the test conditions have been entered the Next button reveals the data saving and
termination properties for the test.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test. (For manual Shear Boxes - This will only
stop the data being saved)

• Maximum Shear Displacement

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear Displacement at which point the test will
terminate. (Please Note – Only if the PC is setup to be able to stop the shear box)

• Minimum Shear Displacement

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Shear Displacement at which point the test will
terminate. (Please Note – Only if the PC is setup to be able to stop the shear box)

If at any point you wish to remove the stage select ‘Destroy this stage’ this will remove all details
entered and take you back to the test stage selection window.

The test details maybe reviewed using the Back and Next Buttons

Once the test details are complete the test can be added to the Test Plan by clicking the Add to
Test Plan button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6l- 3 Shear Box Acquisition test module
Standard Shear (Box and Ring) 6m
6.1 Available Tests

• Test 1: Shear Box:

Uses a PC controlled direct shear machine to control shear motion of the shear box. The
software can be set to control shear motion only, or if available (i.e. not hanging weights),
normal load and stress.

• Test 2: Ring Shear:

Uses a PC controlled ring shear apparatus. The software can be set to control turning motion
only, or if available any of the following in addition; normal load, normal stress and torque.

6.2 Required Hardware

• Shear Box apparatus (for direct shear) or Ring Shear apparatus (for ring shear tests) for test

• Datalogger or method for data logging of transducers.

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-1Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
6.3.1 Test 1: Shear Box
When the test type is selected from the drop down box as Shear Box, the setup screen is as
shown below).

Current read values appropriate to your test are displayed in yellow text boxes (Axial Load, Axial
Displacement, Horizontal Load and Horizontal Displacement).

Target values
If the system has the capability of PC control of axial load or axial stress, the target load in kN or
target stress in kPa is entered. If there is no axial control available the target can be left at 0 (or
any number, it will have no effect).

Enter the required target value for Shear Box Velocity. During the test, the shear box will run at
the specified velocity whilst all other transducers are read.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.2)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-2Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
6.3.2 Test 1: Shear Box Termination screens
The next step in the test setup for a shearbox test is the selection to perform a single shear mode,
or a cyclic shear mode. This feature is only available on a shearbox test.

• Go to Next Stage Automatically / Wait for User Interaction

The user can set whether the computer will automatically proceed with the next test stage
upon test termination or whether the computer will wait for the user to select the next stage.

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-3Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
• Maximum Horizontal Displacement
The user may enter a maximum horizontal displacement limit at which the test will stop if
carrying out a linear test, or switch direction if carrying out a cyclic test.

• Minimum Horizontal Displacement

The user may enter a minimum horizontal displacement limit at which the test will stop if
carrying out a linear test, or switch direction if carrying out a cyclic test.

• Maximum Horizontal Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the horizontal load at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Horizontal Load

The user may enter a minimum limit for the horizontal load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Horizontal Effective Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the horizontal effective stress at which point the test
will stop.

• Minimum Horizontal Effective Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the horizontal effective stress at which point the test
will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

The user may set a maximum test length at which the test stage will stop.

• Go to Next Stage Automatically / Wait for User Interaction

The user can set whether the computer will automatically proceed with the next test stage
upon test termination or whether the computer will wait for the user to select the next stage.

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-4Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
6.3.3 Test 2: Ring Shear
When the test type is selected from the drop down box as Ring Shear, the setup screen is as
shown below).

Current read values appropriate to your test are displayed in yellow text boxes. Axial Load and
Axial Displacement are likely to be standard on any ring shear system. Ring Shear Force 1 and
Ring Shear Force 2 are the outputs when a traditional ring shear device is used (2 x proving
rings or 2 x load cells), where the overall ring shear load is taken as the average of these 2
values, and the Torque Load cell value is when a single torque load cell is being used in place of
the two ring shear force transducers.

Target values
If the system has the capability of axial load or axial stress control.

The target load in kN or target stress in kPa is entered. If there is no axial control available the
target can be left at 0 (or any number, it will have no effect).

In terms of rotation, the system has the capability of controlling Rotation Velocity or Torque.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-5Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
The target load in Rotation Velocity in deg/min or target Torque in kPa is entered.

Target Torque, if available, is useful for setting relaxation between ring shear stages as per
international standards such that tests can be run fully automated.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

6.3.4 Test 2 Ring Shear Termination Screen

• Go to Next Stage Automatically / Wait for User Interaction

The user can set whether the computer will automatically proceed with the next test stage
upon test termination or whether the computer will wait for the user to select the next stage.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-6Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Upper Rotation Angle

The user may enter a maximum rotation at which the test will stop.

• Lower Rotation Angle

The user may enter a minimum rotation at which the test will stop.

• Maximum Average Ring Force

The user may enter a maximum limit for the average ring shear force (only applicable when
using a traditional ring shear device that has 2 measurements of rotational load, the system
calculates the average from these).

• Maximum Average Ring Force

The user may enter a minimum limit for the average ring shear force (only applicable when
using a traditional ring shear device that has 2 measurements of rotational load, the system
calculates the average from these).

• Maximum Torque
The user may enter a maximum limit for the torque measured (only applicable when the
system has a torque load cell).

• Minimum Torque

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-7Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
The user may enter a minimum limit for the torque measured (only applicable when the
system has a torque load cell).

• Maximum Test Length

The user may set a maximum test length at which the test stage will stop.

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 10/02/2016 6m-8Standard Shear (Shear Box and Ring Shear)
Advanced Shear 6n
6.1 Available Tests

• Static control of axial actuator with respect to either constant, ramp or cyclic control
types for either axial displacement (mm), axial force (kN), axial stress (kPa) or constant

• Static control of horizontal (shear) actuator with respect to either constant, ramp or
cyclic control types for either shear displacement (mm), shear force (kN) or shear
stress (kPa).

6.2 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form (shown below).

Axial control
type Shear
control type

Axial Shear
parameter parameter
*Axial displacement
transducer no.
transducer no.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 04/02/2016 6n-1 Advanced Simple / Direct Shear
*Axial and shear displacement transducer no. refer to the transducer to be used as the source
of the displacement readings. The results can be obtained from the encoder inside the motors or
an external transducer.

Axial control type

The axial control type can be selected as either:
• Constant (maintain entered target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with
• Cyclic (sinusoidal)
• Ram physically locked (no control is implemented on the actuator and assumes the user
has locked the ram physically to ensure no axial movement occurs). Note: this option is
only intended for use with our older pneumatic shearboxes, not for use with EMDCSS,
SSS, ADS or back pressure shearboxes.

Axial parameter type

Any of the axial control types can be set according to either Axial
Displacement feedback or Axial Force feedback as shown in the
dropdown menu. Axial stress is calculated from the current axial
force and specimen area. Constant Stiffness is a special feature that uses the axial force
feedback to adjust the axial displacement. This maintains a targeted constant reaction stiffness
value set in terms of load kN/mm or stress kPa/mm.

Shear control type

The shear control type can be selected as either:
• Constant (maintain a target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time)
• Cyclic (sinusoidal)
• Ram physically locked (no control is implemented on the actuator and assumes the user
has locked the ram physically to ensure no axial movement occurs). Note: this option is
only intended for use with our older pneumatic shearboxes, not for use with EMDCSS,
SSS, ADS or back pressure shearboxes.

Shear parameter type

The shear control types can be set according to either Shear
Displacement feedback or Shear Force feedback as shown in the
dropdown menu (right):

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 04/02/2016 6n-2 Advanced Simple / Direct Shear
6.2.1 Test additional options screen
The following screen is available in the test module but is just functional when the appropriate
hardware is connected. It was designed with the intention of allowing the user to carry out
unsaturated testing and cell confined testing in simple shear systems. This screen can be skipped
by pressing Next.

Back Pressure Control and Pore Air Control are used to bring the saturation control options
required during unsaturated testing. These options can be controlled in the same way that the
Axial Control and the Shear Control options explained above.
• Constant (maintain entered target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time)
• Cyclic (sinusoidal)

Cell Pressure Control

This option was specifically designed for simple shear testing. A confining pressure cell is used to
replace the sample confining rings that commonly used to ensure the constant area of the sample.
The control types available for this are the same explained above: Constant, Ramp and Cyclic.

For more details about these options and the systems they can be applied to please go to
www.GDSinstruments.com or email us at [email protected].

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 04/02/2016 6n-3 Advanced Simple / Direct Shear
6.2.2 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Shear Displacement

The user may enter a maximum limit for shear displacement at which point the test will stop.
This limit will work for both positive and negative shear displacements.

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will stop.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 04/02/2016 6n-4 Advanced Simple / Direct Shear
• Maximum Shear Stress
The user may enter a minimum limit for the maximum shear stress at which point the test will
stop. This will work for both positive and negative shear stress values.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button. Please press Add to Test List to add
the stage to the Test Plan

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook updated 04/02/2016 6n-5 Advanced Simple / Direct Shear
Dynamic Shear 6o
6.1 Available Tests

• Dynamic control of Axial actuator for either axial displacement (mm) or axial force (kN).

• Dynamic control of horizontal (shear) actuator for either shear displacement (mm) or
shear force (kN).

6.2 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

Dynamic control
frequency (for
both axial and

Axial control

Shear control

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-1 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

6.2.1 Axial Control Parameters
The axial control feedback can be selected as either (see corresponding screen shot below):
• DYNAMIC Cyclic (Displacement)
• DYNAMIC Cyclic (Load)
• STATIC Constant (Displacement)
• STATIC Constant (Load)
• Ram Locked Off (Used with ram lock pin - no control is implemented on the ram and
assumes the user has locked the ram physically to ensure no axial movement occurs).

If a displacement feedback control is selected the user has the option to control on either axial
displacement or axial displacement 2. Where axial displacement will use the LVDT (+/- 2.5mm)
and axial displacement 2 will use the long range linear displacement transducer (Full machine

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-2 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

Important: Stiffness Estimate
If the test is a load controlled test you will then be asked for an estimate of the load stiffness in
kN/mm (see below). This is used to set the servo loop gain for load control. If the value you
choose is too low the system could start oscillating. You will know if this occurs because the
system will make an unpleasant deep vibrating noise. You should press the abort button

You will need experience of the system (and your specimen) to gauge the correct value for this
parameter. A simple procedure is as follows:- First carry out a static cyclic test (1 cycle) using the
same force datum and amplitude that you wish to use in the dynamic mode. Using this data you
can estimate the average kN/mm value (x say) for this test specimen. Then carry out a dynamic
cyclic test, again with only one or two cycles, using a stiffness value of 5x. Then examine the
waveform of force against time, if it is poor (not reaching targets or not a nice neat sinusoidal
shape) then carry out another dynamic cyclic test using a stiffness value half of the previous value
(this will make the system more responsive) and check the waveform again.

Repeat this procedure until the waveform looks good and you are meeting the required load
amplitude. If at any time the waveform starts to overshoot at various points in the cycle your
stiffness value is too low - you should then double the last stiffness value you used. If you chose
the lower stiffness value because the waveform was not good enough then the frequency you are
using is too high so use the higher stiffness value and halve the frequency.

Please note that the stiffness value is ignored for displacement controlled tests.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.2.2)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-3 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

6.2.2 Shear Control Parameters
The shear control feedback can be selected as either (see corresponding screen shot below):
• DYNAMIC Cyclic (Displacement)
• DYNAMIC Cyclic (Load)
• STATIC Constant (Displacement)
• STATIC Constant (Load)
• Ram Locked Off (Used with ram lock pin - no control is implemented on the ram and
assumes the user has locked the ram physically to ensure no axial movement occurs

If a displacement feedback control is selected the user has the option to control on either
horizontal displacement or horizontal displacement 2. Where horizontal displacement will use the
LVDT (+/- 10mm) and horizontal displacement 2 will use the motor encoder (Full Machine Travel).

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.2.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-4 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

6.2.3 Test Termination Screen

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Total Cycles
Enter the number of cycles after which the test will stop.

• Points per Cycle

Enter the number of points to be taken per cycle – available options are 10, 20, 50 and 100

• Cycles On
Enter the number of cycles to log data for – used in conjunction with Cycles Off, data will be
logged for the number of cycles specified as on and then will not log data for the number of
cycles specified as off. This will be repeated until the test stops. Please refer to your
hardware manual for the amount of data that the high speed data acquisition card will hold.
When performing a long test it is possible that the card will run out of memory if data from all
the cycles is saved.

• Cycles Off
Enter the number of cycles to not log data for.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-5 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

• Cyclic Strain Limit
The test will stop on that cycle after the user defined stain limit is reached. This limit is
used in terms of amplitude from a datum. This is very useful to help protect the machine
or the sample in case of a malfunction.

• Progressive Strain Limit

The test will stop when the middle of the amplitude becomes the same as the limit set.
This is the distance from the start point of the test. This limit is used when a sample trends
towards one direction.

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 04/02/2016 6o-6 Dynamic Cyclic Shear

Advanced HCA Loading Module 6p
6.1 Available Tests

• Independent Control over the following Parameters:

• Cell pressure (Outer) (kPa)
• Back pressure (kPa)
• Axial Deformation (mm), Axial Load (kN) or Axial Stress (HCA SigmaZ)
• Inner cell pressure (kPa)
• Rotational Torque (Nm) or Torque Rotation (deg)

• Control over the above parameters by:

• Constant (maintain a target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time)
• Sinusoidal (cyclic)

• Additional control options:

• User defined phase shift between axial and rotational axes

6.2 Required Hardware

• GDS Hollow Cylinder device or compatible hardware

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6p-1 HCA Advanced Loading

6.3.1 HCA Advanced Loading Setup

The advanced loading setup screen (below) will display the current read values in yellow boxes.
The control type (constant, ramp, sinusoidal or hold volume) is selected for each parameter
accordingly. The example below shows the cell pressure set to a constant 430 kPa, the back
pressure to ramp from 0 to 400 kPa over 20 minutes and the axial control to cycle +/- 1mm around
a 1.5mm datum with a period of 30 minutes (i.e. 30 minutes for 1 wavelength).

Required targets will change according to which control type has been chosen for the parameter.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.2)

6.3.2 HCA Advanced Loading Setup

The next step in the test setup is the selection of parameters for both inner cell pressure and
Torque/Rotation. The example on the following page shows a constant internal cell pressure
target of 100kPa and a cyclic rotation to be applied with a period of 6 minutes, and an amplitude
of 1.2 degrees around a datum of 0 degrees. A phase shift between the sinusoidal axial
displacement and the sinusoidal rotational displacement has been selected as 90 degrees, which
means that the rotational displacement will not start until the axial axis is 90 degrees into its first

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6p-2 HCA Advanced Loading

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

6.3.3 Test Termination Screen

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.
• Maximum Axial Strain
The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6p-3 HCA Advanced Loading

• Minimum Axial Strain
The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

• Maximum Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will stop.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

6.3.4 Test Termination Advanced Screen

• Minimum Axial Stress

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will terminate.

• Maximum Effective Axial Stress

The user may enter a maximum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6p-4 HCA Advanced Loading

• Minimum Effective Axial Stress
The user may enter a minimum limit for the effective axial stress at which point the test will

• Maximum Shear Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the Shear strain at which point the test will terminate.

• Minimum Shear Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the Minimum Shear strain at which point the test will

• Turn of the physical control system (if applicable)

This option, at the end of the test will shut down the hydraulic power pack.

• End of Consolidation
If the user is performing a multistage consolidation, they may want the computer to detect the
end of consolidation. There is of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the
program works on the assumption that over any 5 minute period, if the volume change within
the specimen is < 5 mm then consolidation is considered as complete.

Finally, Click Add to Test List to add the newly created stage to the test plan.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6p-5 HCA Advanced Loading

HCA Stress Path Module
(Generalised p, q, b, α stress path module)
6.1 Available Tests

• p, q, b, α Stress Path
Provides independent linear control of p’, q, p and α where:

p' =
(σ '
1 + σ 2' + σ 3' )

q = σ 1' − σ 3' )

(σ '
− σ 3' )


− σ 3' )

a= tan −1 (2t θz ) /(σ z − σ θ )
For further HCA calculations refer to section 7 “Triaxial Calculation”.

6.2 Required Hardware

• GDS Hollow Cylinder device or compatible hardware

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control
GDS_hcHCA_Stre ss_Paths

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6q-1 HCA Stress Paths

6.3.1 p, q, b, α Stress/Strain Paths, Drained and Undrained

The p, q, b, α Stress Path setup screen (below) will display the current read values in yellow

Enter the required target p, q, b, α then set the length of time to reach the targets in minutes.

Note: The test will attempt to perform linear stress paths between the current values and the
target values. The software will always attempt to maintain the path set by the user, but in
addition will ‘slow’ the test down if any one of the set parameters is performing too slowly.

Drained tests may be performed by

clicking the ‘Drained?” check box (see
picture to the right of this text). In this
case a target back pressure may be
entered. The back pressure target will
be constant during the test.

To perform Strain Paths q will be

replaced by axial displacement. This can
be selected from the drop down menu.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.2)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6q-2 HCA Stress Paths

6.3.2 Test Termination Screen
The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

• Selected Stress Path Reaches Target

The current test will stop (or go to the next stage) when the selected stress path reaches its

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load at which point the test will stop.

• Maximum Test Length

If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum test length box
should be checked and the test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then
the test will continue until the user stops the test.

• Maximum Axial Strain

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop.

• Minimum Axial Strain

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial strain at which point the test will stop (more
commonly used when unloading a specimen).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6q-3 HCA Stress Paths

• Maximum Axial Stress
The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial stress at which point the test will stop.

• Max Deviator Stress

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum deviator stress of the test. There is
of course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum deviator stress will then be terminated when
th rd
the 4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Max Stress Ratio

The user may want the computer to detect the maximum stress ratio of the test. There is of
course no perfect method for a PC to detect this, so the program works on the assumption
that over any 4 consecutive readings of deviator stress, the most recent reading is the same
or lower than the previous one. The maximum stress ratio will then be terminated when the
th rd
4 reading is less than the 3 .

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6q-4 HCA Stress Paths

DYNHCA Dynamic HCA Testing 6r
6.1 Available Tests

• Dynamic Cyclic Axial displacement or Axial Load control

• Dynamic Cyclic Rotational displacement or Torque control

6.2 Required Hardware

• GDS Hollow Cylinder device with dynamic capability or compatible hardware

6.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

6.3.1 Axial Parameters

The first data setup screen is for the dynamic setup of the axial parameters. Axial displacement
or axial load control is selected for the test from the drop down menu by selecting either “Dynamic
Cyclic Displacement (mm)” or “Dynamic Cyclic Load (kN)”.

The “Dynamic Cyclic Displacement (mm)” setup screen (below left) will display the current read
Axial Displacement Datum for the system. Enter the required target Axial Displacement Datum,
Amplitude and the Cyclic Frequency.

The “Dynamic Cyclic Load (kN)” setup screen (below right) will display the current read Axial Load
Datum in the system. Enter the required target Axial Load Datum, Amplitude and the Cyclic
Frequency. When “Dynamic Cyclic Load (kN)” is selected the software will ask for a “Stiffness
estimate”. Details on this parameter are described after the screen pictures below.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6r-1 Dynamic HCA

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

Important: Stiffness Estimate

If the test is a load controlled test you will then be asked for an estimate of the load stiffness in
kN/mm. This is used to set the servo loop gain for load control. If the value you choose is too low
the system could start oscillating. You will know if this occurs because the system will make an
unpleasant deep vibrating noise. You should press the abort button immediately.

You will need experience of the system (and your specimen) to gauge the correct value for this
parameter. A simple procedure is as follows:- First carry out a static cyclic test (1 cycle) using the
same force datum and amplitude that you wish to use in the dynamic mode. Using this data you
can estimate the average kN/mm value (x say) for this test specimen. Then carry out a dynamic
cyclic test, again with only one or two cycles, using a stiffness value of 5x. Then examine the
waveform of force against time, if it is poor (not reaching targets or not a nice neat sinusoidal
shape) then carry out another dynamic cyclic test using a stiffness value half of the previous value
(this will make the system more responsive) and check the waveform again.

Repeat this procedure until the waveform looks good and you are meeting the required load
amplitude. If at any time the waveform starts to overshoot at various points in the cycle your
stiffness value is too low - you should then double the last stiffness value you used. If you chose
the lower stiffness value because the waveform was not good enough then the frequency you are
using is too high so use the higher stiffness value and halve the frequency.

Please note that the stiffness value is ignored for displacement controlled tests.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6r-2 Dynamic HCA

6.3.2 Rotational/Torsional Parameters

The second data setup screen is for the dynamic setup of the rotational/torsional parameters.
Rotation or Torque control is selected for the test from the drop down menu from either “Dynamic
Cyclic Rotation, degs” or “Dynamic Cyclic Torque, Nm”.

The “Dynamic Cyclic Rotation, degs” setup screen (below left) will display the current read
Rotation in the system. Enter the required target Rotational Displacement Datum, Rotational
Amplitude and the Cyclic Frequency.

The “Dynamic Cyclic Torque, Nm” setup screen (below right) will display the current read Torque
in the system. Enter the required target Torque Datum, Torque Amplitude and the Cyclic
Frequency. When “Dynamic Cyclic Torque, Nm” is selected the software will ask for a “Stiffness
estimate”. Details on this parameter are described in the previous section.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.3)

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6r-3 Dynamic HCA

6.3.3 Cell and Back Pressure Parameters

The third data setup screen is for the Outer Cell Pressure, Inner Cell Pressure and the Back
Pressure. All of these parameters are set to the target pressure entered by the user. An example
of the set pressures is shown below.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage (section 6.3.4)

6.3.4 Test Termination Screen

The next step in the test setup is the selection of the estimated test time/termination options for
the test.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6r-4 Dynamic HCA

• Total Cycles
Enter the number of cycles after which the test will stop.

• Points per Cycle

Enter the number of points to be taken per cycle – available options are 8, 16, 32 and 64

• Cycles On
Enter the number of cycles to log data for – used in conjunction with Cycles Off, data will be
logged for the number of cycles specified as on and then will not log data for the number of
cycles specified as off. This will be repeated until the test stops. Please refer to your
hardware manual for the amount of data that the high speed data acquisition card will hold.
When performing a long test it is possible that the card will run out of memory if data from all
the cycles is saved.

• Cycles Off
Enter the number of cycles to not log data for.

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where computer
control is possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure
sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

The test settings may be reviewed using the Back button.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 14/05/2013 6r-5 Dynamic HCA

TTA Advanced Loading Module 6s
6s.1 Available Tests
• Independent Control over the following Parameters:
• Synchronised Axial Deviator Load or Deformation (kN or mm)
• Synchronised Horizontal Deviator Load or Deformation (kN or mm)
• Cell Pressure (kPa)
• Back pressure (kPa)

• Control types over the above parameters:

• Constant (maintain a target value)
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time)
• Sinusoidal (cyclic at slow rates)
• Hold Volume (cell and back pressure controllers only)

6s.2 Required Hardware

• GDS True Triaxial (TTA) Loadframe
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition (optional for confining on third axis)
• Back Pressure Control/Acquisition (optional)

6s.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-1 TTA Advanced Loading

6s.3.2 Screen 1 – Cell and Back Pressure
In each setup screen current read values are shown in yellow boxes, target values are shown in
white boxes, and input values not appropriate for the currently selected test type are grayed out.

In the first screen the control type is selected for the Cell Pressure and Back Pressure controllers,
along with the corresponding test parameters. The available control types are:

• Constant – target a constant value of pressure.

• Ramp – linearly vary the pressure from the Current pressure value to the Target pressure
value in a specified Time (mins).
• Sinusoidal – cycle the pressure about a Datum value, specifying the Amplitude and cycle
Period (mins).

Pressure (kPa) Amplitude

0 Time (s)


GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-2 TTA Advanced Loading

• Hold Volume – maintain a constant pressure controller volume (this corresponds to the
undrained condition).

Note if Hold Volume is specified for a pneumatic controller regulating cell pressure then no
command will be sent (pneumatic controllers do not have this functionality).

Required targets (white input boxes with black text) will change according to the control type
selected for each controller. Inappropriate entry boxes for the current chosen test type will be
greyed out.

Click Next to proceed to the next screen (section 6s.3.3).

6s.3.3 Screen 2 – Axial and Horizontal Axes

In the second screen the control type is selected for the axial and horizontal axes. Note the
dropdown lists should be used to specify the control parameter from the available list:

• Axial and Horizontal Displacement (mm)

• Axial and Horizontal Load (kN)
• Axial and Horizontal Strain (%)
• Axial and Horizontal Stress (kPa)
σ2 −σ3
• Constant TTA B ratio, where B =
σ1 −σ3
with σ 1 = total stress in the axial direction, σ 2 = total stress in the horizontal direction, σ 3 = cell

The available control types are:

• Constant – target a constant value of the control parameter.

• Ramp – linearly vary the control parameter from the Current value to the Target value in a
specified Time (mins).
• Sinusoidal – cycle the control parameter about a Datum value, specifying the Amplitude
and cycle Period (mins).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-3 TTA Advanced Loading

Click Next to proceed to the next screen (section 6s.3.4).

6s.3.4 Screen 3 – Start of Stage Options

At the start of a test stage there is the option to set axial and/or horizontal displacement
transducer values to zero. This can be useful after docking the test specimen. Take care not to
accidentally set these values to zero between loading test stages, as this action will cause some
test calculations (for example strain) to become inaccurate.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-4 TTA Advanced Loading

In the above example neither displacement transducer has been set to zero when the test stage is

Click Next to proceed to the next screen (section 6s.3.5).

6s.3.5 End of Stage (Termination) Options

The final step in the test stage setup is the selection of termination options for the test stage. The
available options are:

• Maximum Time
If the user knows the exact length of time for the test then the maximum time box should be
checked and the total test time entered in minutes. If the box remains unchecked then the test
will continue until the user stops the test stage or another termination condition is reached.

• Maximum Axial Load

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial load, at which point the test stage will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-5 TTA Advanced Loading

• Maximum Horizontal Load
The user may enter a maximum limit for the horizontal load, at which point the test stage will

• Maximum Axial Displacement

The user may enter a maximum limit for the axial displacement value, at which point the test
stage will terminate.

• Maximum Horizontal Displacement

The user may enter a maximum limit for the horizontal displacement value, at which point the
test stage will terminate.

• Minimum Axial Displacement

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial displacement value, at which point the test
stage will terminate

• Minimum Axial Load

The user may enter a minimum limit for the axial load value, at which point the test stage will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-6 TTA Advanced Loading

• Hold Pressure at end of test
Checking this box will cause the last command sent to the pressure sources (where PC
control is possible) to be used to hold the final pressures after the test stage is terminated. If
the box remains unchecked, the pressure sources will be set to hold volume (where possible).

• Go to next stage automatically or Wait for user interaction

These options allow the user to select whether the test plan will automatically progress the
test to the next stage in the test list, or pause control and data acquisition, awaiting the user to
manually select the next test stage. If ‘Go to next stage automatically’ is selected, but no
further test stages are listed in the test plan, the control and acquisition will terminate on
completion of the test stage.

The test stage setup may be reviewed at any point using the Back and Next buttons.

Once the test stage setup has been finalised, the Add to Test List button should be clicked to
save the test stage and return to the Test Plan window.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6s-7 TTA Advanced Loading

TTA Dynamic Loading Module 6t
6t.1 Available Tests

• Independent Control over the following Parameters:

• Synchronised Axial Deviator Load or Deformation (kN or mm)
• Synchronised Horizontal Deviator Load or Deformation (kN or mm)
• Cell Pressure (kPa)
• Back pressure (kPa)

• Control over the above parameters by:

• Constant target for cell pressure
• Constant pressure target or hold volume for back pressure
• Cyclic sinusoidal (up to 5 Hz) of synchronised axial deviator load or deformation
• Cyclic sinusoidal (up to 5 Hz) of synchronised horizontal deviator load or deformation

6t.2 Required Hardware

• GDS True Triaxial (TTA) Loadframe
• Radial Stress Control/Acquisition (optional for confining pressure on third axis)
• Back Pressure Control/Acquisition (optional)

6t.3 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6t-1 TTA Dynamic Loading

6t.3.1 Screen 1 – Dynamic Cyclic Control (Axial and Horizontal)
In each setup screen current read values are shown in yellow boxes, target values are shown in
white boxes, and input values not appropriate for the currently selected test type are grayed out.

The control type (Displacement or Load-kN) is selected for each independent axis accordingly.
The example above shows the axial axis specified to run under load control, with the horizontal
axis specified to run under displacement control. The parameters available to target are:

Displacement (mm) Amplitude

Load (kN)

0 Time (s)


• Frequency (Hz) – frequency of cyclic loading for axial and horizontal axes (note frequency
is equal to the inverse of the loading period).
• Datum (mm or kN) – mid-point of the cyclic loading waveform magnitude.
• Amplitude (mm or kN) – maximum (or minimum) magnitude of cyclic loading in relation to
the datum.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6t-2 TTA Dynamic Loading

• Phase Offset (°) – shift in the cyclic loading waveform along the time axis in relation to t =
0 seconds (e.g., a Phase Offset = 90° will result in cyclic loading beginning from the
maximum amplitude value, rather than the datum value).
• Control Effort (Load-kN control only) – factors the actuator PID gain values used for load
control. Note larger Control Effort values should be used when testing soft soil specimens
(this corresponds to larger gain values), while smaller Control Effort values should be
used when testing stiff soil specimens (this corresponds to smaller gain values). Some
trial and error may be required to determine a suitable Control Effort value for each axis,
test soil type and effective confining pressure – small Control Effort values are considered
more conservative, and if amplitude targets are not being reached during dynamic cyclic
loading the Control Effort value may be incrementally increased. If the system makes an
unpleasant deep vibrating noise when running dynamically the Control Effort value is
likely to be too large, and should be reduced.

Note the required targets will automatically change within the test module depending on which
control type has been chosen for each axis.

Click Next to proceed to the next screen (section 6t.3.2).

6t.3.2 Screen 2 – Back Pressure and Test Termination

The secondary dynamic cyclic loading module screen is shown below.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6t-3 TTA Dynamic Loading

The Back Pressure controller may be set to Hold Volume (this corresponds to the undrained
condition) or Maintain Target Pressure (this corresponds to the drained condition).

Test stage termination conditions available within the module are:

• TOTAL Cycles
This value specifies the total number of loading cycles to be applied to the test specimen
during the test stage. Note the loading period defines a single loading cycle.

• Points per Cycle

This value specifies the number of test data points to save to file during each loading cycle.
Note values of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1000 points per cycle may be selected.

• Hold Pressure at end of test

Checking this box will cause the last command set to pressure sources (where PC control is
possible) to be set to the final pressures. If the box remains unchecked, pressure sources will
be set to hold volume (where possible).

• Go to next stage automatically or Wait for user interaction

These options allow the user to select whether the test plan will automatically progress to the
next test stage in, or pause control and data acquisition, awaiting the user to manually select
the next stage. If ‘Go to next stage automatically’ is selected, but no further stages are listed
in the test plan, the control and acquisition will be stopped on completion of the test stage.

The test stage settings may be reviewed at any point using the Back and Next buttons.

Once the parameters for the dynamic cyclic test stage have been finalised, the Add to Test List
button should be clicked to save the stage and return to the Test Plan window.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 01/05/2014 6t-4 TTA Dynamic Loading

VD Advanced Loading Module 6v
6v.1 Summary

This test module provides static (slow speed) testing capability for the GDS Variable Direction
Simple Shear System (VDDCSS).

For clarity, the photograph below shows the X, Y and Z orientations as defined by GDS and as
used in this handbook and the GDS software. The Z axis is often simply referred to as the axial
(vertical) axis only, however an understanding of the X and Y axis orientation is of course critical.

6v.2 Available Tests

• Independent Control of the following:
• Axial (Vertical) Load (kN) or Displacement (mm).
• Horizontal Load (kN) or Displacement (mm) in the X and the Y shear directions.
• Cell pressure (kPa) / Back pressure (kPa) if applicable (not available for the VDDCSS).

• Control types over the above parameters:

• Constant (maintain a target value).
• Ramp (constant rate of change to a target value with time – i.e., linear ramp).
• Sinusoidal (cyclic, at slow rates).
• Hold Volume (cell and back pressure controllers only – not available for the VDDCSS).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-1 VD Advanced Loading

6v.3 Required Hardware
• GDS VDDCSS system

6v.4 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

6v.4.1 Screen 1 – Axial, X and Y axes

In each setup screen current read values are shown in yellow boxes, target values are shown in
white boxes, and input values not appropriate for the currently selected test type are grayed out.

In the first screen the control type is selected for the Axial Load/Displacement, Shear (X)
Load/Displacement and Shear (Y) Load/Displacement. Note Displacement can be controlled via
the actuator encode or LVDT. The available control types are:

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-2 VD Advanced Loading

• Constant – target a Constant value of Load or Displacement.
• Ramp – linearly vary the Load or Displacement from the Current value to the Target value
in a specified Time (minutes).
• Sinusoidal – cycle the Load or Displacement about a Datum value, specifying the
Amplitude and cycle Period (minutes).

Load / Displacement Amplitude

(kN / mm)


Required targets (white input boxes with black text) will change according to the control type
selected for each controller. Inappropriate entry boxes for the current chosen test type will be
grayed out.

Referring to the test input screen example on the previous page:-

Axial Axis
• Target type is Constant, controlling via Axial Displacement (actuator encoder).
• Current reading is 0 mm, Target is 1 mm.
• The test will run and will Target 1 mm in as short a time as the hardware will allow. Once
1 mm Axial Displacement is reached, the system will maintain a value of 1 mm.

Note for the axial axis the following additional control parameters are available:

Shear (X) Axis

• Target type is ramp, controlling via Shear Displacement (X) (actuator encoder).
• Current reading is 1 mm, Target is 2 mm, time Target is 30 minutes.
• The test will perform a linear ramp from 1 mm to 2 mm in 30 minutes.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-3 VD Advanced Loading

Note that for the shear X axis the following other control parameters are available:

Shear (Y) Axis

• Target type is sinusoidal, controlling via Shear Displacement (Y) (actuator encoder).
• Current reading is 1.9996 mm, Datum is 2 mm, Period is 5 minutes, Amplitude is 1.5 mm.
• The test will perform sinusoidal cyclic control of Shear Displacement (Y), starting from a
Datum of 2 mm, rising up to a peak maximum value of 3.5 mm and reducing to a peak
minimum value of 0.5 mm (Amplitude = 1.5mm), with a period for one cycle of 5 minutes.
o Note – for cyclic tests, it is good practice to start the test as close to the desired
Datum as possible. For example, if the selected Datum is 2 mm, it is good
practice to be close to this 2 mm value rather than some displacement away.
• The system will cycle indefinitely unless the user manually stops the test, or a test
termination condition is set (see Section 6v.4.2 and 6v.4.3) which causes the test to stop.

Note for the shear Y axis the following other control parameters are available:

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-4 VD Advanced Loading

6v.4.2 Screen 3 – Start and End of Stage Options
At the start of a test stage there is the option to set the Axial, Shear X and Shear Y Displacement
readings to zero at the point that the test starts.

If selected, both the Displacement (actuator encoder) and LVDT Displacement readings are set to

Apart from ending the test after a user-specified time period (see Maximum Time above), the test
termination options are divided into Axial, Shear X and Shear Y parameters for termination.

The screen above shows optional termination conditions for Axial Load, Axial Displacement and
Axial LVDT Displacement. Note for any of these three termination conditions the test will
terminate if plus or minus the value is reached (e.g., if Maximum axial displ is set to 5 mm, the test
will terminate at an Axial Displacement value of +5 mm or -5 mm).

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-5 VD Advanced Loading

6v.4.3 Additional End of Stage (Termination) Options
The final step in the test stage setup is the selection of termination options for the test stage.

The screen above shows optional termination conditions for Shear Load (X), Shear Displacement
(X) and Shear LVDT Displacement (X), as well as Shear Load (Y), Shear Displacement (Y) and
Shear LVDT Displacement (Y).
• Hold Pressure at end of test
Checking this box will cause the last command sent to the pressure sources (where PC
control is possible) to be used to hold the final Load or Displacement values after the test
stage is terminated. If the box remains unchecked, the actuators will be set to hold constant
actuator displacement readings (where possible).
• Go to next stage automatically or Wait for user interaction
These options allow the user to select whether the test plan will automatically progress the
test to the next stage in the test list, or pause control and data acquisition, awaiting the user to
manually select the next test stage. If ‘Go to next stage automatically’ is selected, but no
further test stages are listed in the test plan, the control and acquisition will terminate on
completion of the test stage.

The test stage setup may be reviewed at any point using the Back and Next buttons.

Once the test stage setup has been finalised, the Add to Test List button should be clicked to
save the test stage and return to the Test Plan window.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6v-6 VD Advanced Loading

VD Dynamic Loading Module 6w
6w.1 Summary
This test module provides dynamic (high speed, approx. 0.01 Hz and above) testing capability for
the GDS Variable Direction Simple Shear System (VDDCSS). The three axes may be
independently controlled, or a special XY test format may be used where a horizontal test angle is
specified, and the X and Y axes individually synchronised to apply the desired Load or
Displacement pattern in the XY plane. Note in all cases the system actuators are synchronised to
ensure the control of each axis is consistent when compared with each other.

For clarity, the photograph below shows the X, Y and Z orientations as defined by GDS and as
used in this handbook and the GDS software. The Z axis is often simply referred to as the axial
(vertical) axis only, however an understanding of the X and Y axis orientation is of course critical.

6w.2 Available Tests

• Independent Control of the following:

• Cyclic sinusoidal (up to 1 Hz) of Axial (Vertical) Load (kN) or Displacement (mm).
• Cyclic sinusoidal (up to 1 Hz) of Horizontal Load (kN) or Displacement (mm) in the X and
the Y shear directions.
• Static Cell pressure (kPa) / Back pressure (kPa) if applicable (not available for the

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-1 VD Dynamic Loading

6w.3 Required Hardware
• GDS VDDCSS system

6w.4 Test Procedure

From the Add Test Stage panel from within the Station Test Plan window select the Test Control

Click the Create New Test Stage button to open the test stage details form.

6w.4.1 Screen 1 – Dynamic Cyclic Control

In each setup screen current read values are shown in yellow boxes, target values are shown in
white boxes, and input values not appropriate for the currently selected test type are grayed out.

The control type (Load, Displacement or LVDT Displacement) is selected for each independent
axis accordingly. The parameters available to target are:

Load / Displacement Amplitude

(kN / mm)

0 Time

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-2 VD Dynamic Loading

• Frequency (Hz) – frequency of cyclic loading for Axial and Horizontal shear axes, which is
equal to the inverse of the loading Period (i.e., sec ).
• Datum (kN or mm) – mid-point of the cyclic loading waveform.
• Amplitude (kN or mm) – maximum (or minimum) magnitude of cyclic loading in relation to
the Datum.
• Phase Offset (°) – shift in the cyclic loading waveform along the time axis in relation to t =
0 seconds (e.g., a Phase Offset = 90° will result in cyclic loading beginning from the
maximum Amplitude value, rather than the Datum value).

Referring to the test input screen example on the previous page:-

Axial Axis
• Target control parameter is Axial Displacement.
• Current reading is 0 mm, Target Datum is 0 mm.
• Frequency requested is 0.5 Hz.
• The test will perform a sinusoidal cyclic control of the Axial Displacement, starting from a
Datum of 0 mm, rising up to a peak maximum value of 0.2 mm and reducing to a peak
minimum value of -0.2 mm (Amplitude = 0.2 mm) using a frequency of 0.5 Hz.
o Note – for cyclic tests, it is good practice to start the test as close to the desired
datum as possible. For example, if the selected Datum is 0 mm, it is good practice
to be close to this 0 mm value rather than some displacement away.

Note for the axial axis the following additional control parameters are available:

Shear (X) Axis

• Target control parameter is Shear Displacement (X) (actuator encoder).
• Current reading is 1 mm, Target Datum is selected as ‘Use stage start value for target?’
This means that at the start of the test, the current value of Shear Displacement (X) will be
used as the Datum. In this case this value would be 1 mm.
• Frequency requested is 0.5 Hz.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-3 VD Dynamic Loading

• The test will perform sinusoidal cyclic control of Shear Displacement (Y), starting from a
Datum of 1 mm, rising up to a peak maximum value of 1.3 mm and reducing to a peak
minimum value of 0.7 mm (Amplitude = 0.3mm), usinga frequency of 0.5 Hz.

Note for the shear X axis the following other control parameters are available:

** Cyclic XY Combined test options are discussed in Section 6w.4.2.

Shear (Y) Axis

• Target control parameter is Shear Displacement (Y).
• Current reading is 1.9996 mm, Target Datum is selected as ‘Use stage start value for
target?’ This means that at the start of the test, the current value of Shear Displacement
(Y) will be used as the Datum. In this case the Datum value would be 1.9996 mm.
• Frequency requested is 0.5 Hz.
• The test will perform a sinusoidal cyclic control of Shear Displacement (Y), starting from a
Datum of 1.9996 mm, rising up to a peak maximum value of 2.3996 mm and reducing to a
peak minimum value of 1.5996 mm (Amplitude = 0.4mm), using a frequency of 0.5 Hz.

Note for the shear Y axis the following other control parameters are available:

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-4 VD Dynamic Loading

6w.4.2 Cyclic XY Combined test options

The options for Cyclic XY Combined testing are such loading in the horizontal XY plane is
controlled with one set of parameters, rather than X and Y controlled separately. This allows
angles between X and Y to be set by the user, and cyclic tests to be run around that set angle.

The above screen shows Cyclic XY Combined Displacement has been chosen in the Shear (X)
drop-down list. Once a Cyclic XY test has been chosen, all Shear (Y) parameters become
unavailable, and additional parameters become available such as the Start Angle, Angular
Change etc.

6w.4.3 Cyclic XY test with no angular change (constant angle)

In the above example the following parameters have been chosen:

• Cyclic XY Combined Displacement, controlling via the actuator encoders.

• Frequency of 1 Hz selected under the Axial Axis heading (this value automatically copied
into the ‘Frequency’ box under the Shear (X) heading).
• 10 load cycles.
• Datum = 0.5 mm (note this Datum value is always measured from the origin, i.e., x = 0
mm, y = 0 mm).
• Amplitude = 0.1 mm.
• Phase Offset = 0 degrees.
• Start Angle = 45 degrees.
• Angular Frequency = 0 Hz.
• Angular Change = 0 degrees (i.e., constant angle).
• Origin x = 0 mm.
• Origin y = 0 mm.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-5 VD Dynamic Loading

The above settings produce the following response in RED:

Amplitude = 0.1mm

Datum = 0.5mm
(from origin)

Start Angle = 45 degrees

Origin at x = 0 mm, y = 0 mm

Note the frequency of 1 Hz represents a cycle between the Datum of 0.5 mm ± 0.1 mm. As this is
difficult to represent on the drawing it is assumed this is understood. Additionally the Axial
Displacement is set to cycle at 1 Hz about a Datum of 0 mm, ± 0.2 mm.

6w.4.4 Cyclic XY test with cyclic angular change

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-6 VD Dynamic Loading

In the above example the following parameters have been chosen:

• Cyclic XY Combined Displacement, controlling via the actuator encoders.

• Frequency of 1 Hz selected under the Axial Axis heading (this value automatically copied
into the ‘Frequency’ box under the Shear (X) heading).
• 10 load cycles.
• Datum = 0.5 mm (note this Datum value is always measured from the origin, i.e., x= 0
mm, y = 0 mm).
• Amplitude = 0.1mm.
• Phase Offset = 0 degrees.
• Start Angle = 45 degrees
• Angular Frequency = 0.1 Hz.
• Angular Change = 30 degrees.
• Origin x = 0 mm.
• Origin y = 0 mm.

The above settings produce the following response in RED:

Angle = ± 30 degrees
(60 degrees total)

Origin at x = 0 mm, y = 0 mm.

• The frequency of 1 Hz represents a cycle between the Datum of 0.5 mm ± 0.1 mm.
• The frequency of 0.1 Hz represents a cycle between the Start Angle of 45 degrees ± 30
• Axial Displacement is set to cycle at 1 Hz about a Datum of 0 mm, ± 0.2 mm.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 27/01/2015 6w-7 VD Dynamic Loading

Resilient Modulus Test Module 6x
6.1 Summary
The Resilient Modulus test module enables users to conduct Pre-Conditioning, Resilient Modulus,
and Permanent Deformation test stages within GDSLab, as well as apply a constant static stress
state, and conduct monotonic shearing stages. Details of the module are given in the following

6.2 Available Tests

• Test 1: Dynamic Cyclic test with Axial Load and Radial Stress control:
High frequency cyclic testing, with control over the Axial Load and Radial Stress applied to the
test specimen. This is the primary test type used when conducting Pre-Conditioning, Resilient
Modulus, and Permanent Deformation test stages.

• Test 2: Dynamic Cyclic test with Axial Displacement and Radial Stress control:
High frequency cyclic testing, with control over the Axial Displacement and Radial Stress
applied to the test specimen.

• Test 3: Static test with Radial Stress and Axial Stress control (Constant Axial Stress):
Constant static application of Axial Stress and Radial Stress to the test specimen. This test
type may be used to apply the pre-testing stress state to the test specimen, including the
required confining pressure and axial contact stress.

• Test 4: Static test with Radial Stress and Loading Velocity control (Monotonic
Monotonic shearing test, with control over the Radial Stress and Loading Velocity (i.e., axial
strain rate) applied to the test specimen. This is the primary test type used to perform quick
shear tests following completion of a resilient modulus testing sequence.

6.3 Required Hardware

• Dynamic Axial Load/Displacement Control (e.g., an ELDyn or DYNTTS load frame with
suitable DCS).
• Cell Pressure Control/Acquisition (e.g., Pneumatic Controller or STDDPCv2).

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-1 Resilient Modulus

6.4 Test Procedure

Within the GDSLab Test Plan window, click the Add Test button to display the Resilient Modulus
test module, named:


Next, click the Create New Test Stage button to open the Resilient Modulus test module form.

Alternatively, if a .pln file has previously been saved that contains a specific testing sequence, this
may be loaded be clicking the Load list from file button.

Once the required .pln file has been selected and the OK button clicked, all test stages related to
the saved testing sequence will be displayed in the Test Plan. Note each test stage can be
manually edited at this point by double-clicking on the relevant test stage.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-2 Resilient Modulus

When creating a new test stage, firstly select the required Test Type within the test module form.
The Test Type options are: Dynamic Cyclic Testing (this allows Test 1 and Test 2 listed in Section
6.2 to be performed) and Static Testing (this option allows Test 3 and Test 4 listed in Section 6.2
to be performed).

Note detailed descriptions of the test stage options available within each Test Type are given in
the following sections.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-3 Resilient Modulus

6.4.1 Test 1: Dynamic Cyclic test with Axial Load Control
Dynamic Cyclic Testing with Axial Load, kN control should be selected to perform Pre-
Conditioning, Resilient Modulus, and Permanent Deformation test stages. Note a description of
the function of each test parameter is given below, using the AASHTO T 307 resilient modulus
test standard as an example (specifically the testing sequence for subgrade soil):

Pre-Conditioning / Resilient Modulus / Permanent Deformation: This selection has no effect

over the system control during testing, and instead enables the user to specify which part of the
resilient modulus test is physically being performed using each GDSLab test stage (e.g., Pre-
Conditioning would be selected when performing the Conditioning step given in AASHTO T 307).
The selection is subsequently listed in numerical form within the last .gds data file column,
allowing quick stage identification during data post-processing.

Frequency: This enables the user to define the cyclic loading frequency of the test stage, in Hz,
which is equal to the inverse of the cyclic loading period (in seconds). Note this is the loading
frequency of the entire waveform selected within the DCS Waveform Control tab in the GDSLab
Object Display, rather than only the frequency of load application. This means, for example, if the
‘Haversine (AASHTO)’ waveform is selected (for which load application only takes place over 10
% of the entire waveform), and a loading frequency of 1 Hz is specified, the load application will
occur over a period of 0.1 seconds, followed by a rest period of 0.9 seconds.

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-4 Resilient Modulus

Datum: This enables the user to define the load applied to the test specimen, in kN, during the
rest period of the cyclic waveform (this is alternatively known as the contact load).

Amplitude: This enables the user to define the maximum load applied to the test specimen, in
kN, during the load application period of the cyclic waveform (this is alternatively known as the
cyclic load).

Load (kN)


0 Time
Loading Period (seconds)

Cell Pressure: This enables the user to define the confining pressure applied to the test
specimen, in kPa, throughout the dynamic cyclic loading test stage.

The Resilient Modulus test module form shown on page 6x-4 gives an example of the parameter
values required to perform Sequence No. 0 (i.e., the Conditioning step) of AASHTO T 307 when
testing a subgrade soil specimen of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm in height. Here, the test
standard requires a confining pressure of 41.4 kPa, a cyclic stress of 24.8 kPa, and a contact
stress of 2.8 kPa. In addition, the cyclic stress requires application over a period of 0.1 seconds
using a haversine waveform, with a rest period of 0.9 seconds selected.

Important: Stiffness Estimate

When the test is load-controlled, the user is required to enter an estimate of the specimen
stiffness in kN/mm (though it is not explicitly stated in the module form). This is used to set the
servo loop gain for load control. If the chosen value is too low the system may start oscillating. If
this occurs the system will make an unpleasant deep vibrating noise. In this case the abort button
should be pressed immediately. If the stiffness estimate is too high the system will not reach the
targeted load amplitude.

User experience running the system (and testing the specified geo-material) is therefore required
when gauging the correct value for the Stiffness Estimate parameter. A simple procedure to help
gauge this value is as follows:
- First, carry out a static cyclic test (i.e., one load cycle) using the same Datum and
Amplitude values that are required for a dynamic cyclic test stage.
- Using this data, the average kN/mm value (x say) for the test specimen may be estimated.

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- Next, a dynamic cyclic test stage, again applying only one or two load cycles, can be
carried out using a Stiffness Estimate value of 5x.
- Finally, the waveform of load against time can be examined. If it is poor (i.e., not reaching
the Amplitude target, or not a nice neat waveform shape) another dynamic cyclic test
using a Stiffness Estimate value half of the previous value (this will make the system more
responsive) can be carried out, with the waveform again checked.

The above procedure may be repeated until the waveform looks accurate and the specified load
Amplitude target is being met. If at any time the waveform starts to overshoot at various points in
the load cycle, the Stiffness Estimate value is likely too low, and should subsequently be doubled.

Please note the Stiffness Estimate parameter is not required when performing displacement-
controlled test stages.

Click Next to proceed to the second page of the Resilient Modulus test module form, which
contains the following parameters:

TOTAL Cycles: This enables the user to define the total number of load cycles applied to the test
specimen during the test stage. Following completion of all load cycles, the test stage will

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-6 Resilient Modulus

Points per Cycle: This enables the user to specify the frequency at which data is recorded (and
saved to the .gds file) during the test stage. For example, if 200 points per cycle is selected, and a
loading Frequency of 1 Hz is specified, data will be recorded every 0.005 seconds. If however a
loading Frequency of only 0.5 Hz is specified, data will be recorded every 0.010 seconds.

Cycles ON / Cycles OFF: This enables the user to specify the number of loading cycles in a row
data should be recorded for (using Cycles ON), followed by the number of cycles in a row
GDSLab should stop record data for (using Cycles OFF). One example might be specifying
Cycles ON = 7, and Cycles OFF = 3. Here, GDSLab will record data during the first seven load
cycles of the test stage, followed by recording no data during the subsequent three load cycles.
After this period of no data being recorded, GDSLab will once again record data (for the next
seven load cycles), and so on until the end of the test stage.

Start Cyclic Loading: This enables the user to specify a time period between the Datum and Cell
Pressure values being applied to the test specimen, and the dynamic cyclic loading beginning.
This functionality, which is optional, is designed to ensure the test specimen has the correct stress
state applied (i.e., correct contact load and confining pressure) before dynamic cyclic loading

Permanent Axial Strain (% since Start of Test): This enables the user to specify a value of
specimen Permanent Axial Strain at which the test stage should terminate. Note when using this
termination parameter the Permanent Axial Strain is calculated from the beginning of the entire
test (i.e., the start of Test Stage 1).

Permanent Axial Strain (% during Test Stage): This enables the user to specify a value of
specimen Permanent Axial Strain at which the test stage should terminate. Note when using this
termination parameter the Permanent Axial Strain is calculated from the beginning of the test
stage, rather than the beginning of the entire test. This therefore enables the user to terminate the
test stage if a defined value of Permanent Axial Strain is accumulated during that specific stage.
For example, if the Permanent Axial Strain at the beginning of a test stage = 1.3 %, and a
Permanent Axial Strain (% during Test Stage) value = 3.2 % is specified, the test stage will
terminate once the total Permanent Axial Strain value reaches 4.5 %.

Go to next stage automatically / Wait for user interaction: This selection enables the user to
specify whether GDSLab will move on to the next test stage in the Test Plan after the selected
test stage terminates (Go to next stage automatically), or whether GDSLab will wait for manual
user input before moving to the next test stage in the Test Plan (Wait for user interaction). To fully
automate a resilient modulus test containing multiple GDSLab test stages, it is recommended the
‘Go to next stage automatically’ option is selected.

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The Resilient Modulus test module form shown on page 6x-6 gives an example of the remaining
parameter values required to perform Sequence No. 0 (i.e., the Conditioning step) of AASHTO T
307 when testing a subgrade soil specimen of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm in height. Here the
test standard requires a minimum of 500 load cycles be applied, a minimum of 200 data points
recorded per load cycle, and termination of the conditioning process if the total permanent axial
strain reaches 5 %. In addition to these requirements, the ‘Go to next stage automatically’ option
has been selected to ensure GDSLab moves on to the resilient modulus test stages as soon as
the conditioning step is terminated.

Click Add to Test List to add the test stage to the Test Plan.

6.4.2 Test 2: Dynamic Cyclic test with Axial Displacement

Dynamic Cyclic Testing with Axial Displacement, mm control is not typically required when
performing Pre-Conditioning, Resilient Modulus, and Permanent Deformation test stages. It is
however available within the Resilient Modulus test module form, with all parameters functioning
as described in Section 6.4.1 (Test 1: Dynamic Cyclic test with Axial Load Control). Note the
Datum and Amplitude values are now specified in terms of Axial Displacement (mm).

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6.4.3 Test 3: Static test with Constant Axial Stress Control
Static Testing with Constant Axial Stress control may be selected to apply the required initial
stress state to the test specimen. Note a description of the function of each test parameter is
given below, using the AASHTO T 307 resilient modulus test standard as an example (specifically
the testing sequence for subgrade soil):

Radial Stress: This enables the user to define the confining pressure applied to the test
specimen, in kPa, throughout the static test stage.

Axial Stress: This enables the user to define the total axial stress applied to the test specimen, in
kPa, throughout the static test stage. Note the Axial Stress value includes the component of stress
applied by the Cell Pressure controller (i.e., the applied Radial Stress), as well as the additional
stress applied by the load frame actuator (i.e., the Deviator Stress).

The Resilient Modulus test module form shown above provides an example of the parameter
values required at the beginning of Sequence No. 0 (i.e., the Conditioning step) of AASHTO T 307
when testing a subgrade soil specimen of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm in height. Here the test
standard requires a confining pressure of 41.4 kPa, and a contact stress of 2.8 kPa. Note 41.4
kPa + 2.8 kPa = 44.2 kPa, which is the specified Axial Stress value in the test module form.

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6.4.4 Test 4: Static test with Monotonic Shearing Control
Static Testing with Monotonic Shearing control should be selected to perform a quick shear test
following completion of a resilient modulus testing sequence. Note a description of the function of
each test parameter is given below, using the AASHTO T 307 resilient modulus test standard as
an example (specifically the testing sequence for subgrade soil):

Radial Stress: This enables the user to define the confining pressure applied to the test
specimen, in kPa, throughout the static monotonic shearing stage.

Loading Velocity: This enables the user to define the velocity, in mm/min, at which the test
specimen will be monotonically sheared. Note positive velocity values correspond to specimen
compression, while negative velocity values correspond to specimen extension.

The Resilient Modulus test module form shown above provides an example of the parameter
values required to perform a quick shear test as part of AASHTO T 307 when testing a subgrade
soil specimen of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm in height. Here the test standard requires a
confining pressure of 27.6 kPa, and an axial strain rate for loading of 1 % per minute.

Click Next to proceed to the second page of the Resilient Modulus test module form, which
contains the following parameters:

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-10 Resilient Modulus

Maximum Axial Load: This enables the user to specify an Axial Load value, in kN, at which the
test stage should be terminated.

Maximum Test Length: This enables the user to specify a stage time, in minutes, at which the
test stage is terminated.

Maximum Axial Strain: This enables the user to specify a value of Axial Strain, in %, at which the
test stage is terminated. Note when using this termination parameter Axial Strain is calculated
from the beginning of the entire test (i.e., the start of Test Stage 1).

Maximum Axial Stress: This enables the user to specify an Axial Stress value, in kPa, at which
the test stage should be terminated.

Terminate on Max Deviator Stress: This enables the user to specify test stage termination when
GDSLab determines the Deviator Stress value has begun decreasing. Here GDSLab checks the
Deviator Stress value every 0.25 mm of applied Axial Displacement – if the deviator stress is
found to have reduced by more than 1 kPa since the last check, the test stage is terminated.

End of settlement if displacement changes x mm in y mins: This enables the user to specify a
displacement rate during specimen settlement at which the test stage should be terminated. This
functionality is designed for use with the Constant Axial Stress control option, allowing the user to

GDSLAB v2.5 Handbook 02/10/2015 6x-11 Resilient Modulus

stop the test stage once a specimen is found to be deforming minimally over a defined time

Go to next stage automatically / Wait for user interaction: This selection enables the user to
specify whether GDSLab will move on to the next test stage in the Test Plan after the selected
test stage terminates (Go to next stage automatically), or whether GDSLab will wait for manual
user input before moving to the next test stage in the Test Plan (Wait for user interaction). To fully
automate a resilient modulus test containing multiple GDSLab test stages, it is recommended the
‘Go to next stage automatically’ option is selected for most test stages.

The Resilient Modulus test module form shown on page 6x-11 gives an example of the remaining
parameter values required when performing a quick shear test as part of AASHTO T 307 for a
subgrade soil specimen of 100 mm diameter and 200 mm in height. Here the test standard
requires termination of the shearing stage when the total permanent axial strain reaches 5 %,
when the load values are determined to decrease within increasing axial strain, or when the
capacity of the system load cell is reached (which is 5 kN for a typical GDS Resilient Modulus
system). In addition to these requirements, the ‘Wait for user interaction’ option has been
selected, as the quick shear test is the final stage in an AASHTO T 307 resilient modulus test

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Calculation Modules 7
Different Test Calculation Modules are required to enable the GDSLAB software to carry out
different types of test control. A test calculation module is required for each type of test for
example: triaxial, shearbox or oedometer.

For non-standard testing, for example, Unsaturated triaxial testing would require a test calculation
module extension. For information regarding which test calculation modules you require please
contact GDS.

A sample of the calculations made for the standard triaxial tests are given below.

7.1 Standard Triaxial Calculations

Average Radial Strain, ε r (%)
Average Diameter Change x 100
Initial Diameter

Deviator Stress, q (kPa)

q = Axial Stress - Radial Stress

Stress Ratio

Axial Stress/Radial Stress

Specimen Area (mm 2)

(π x (Do/2)2 x Ho) + volume change

Ho - height change

Axial Force, (kN)

External Loadcell:
Load Cell reading + radial pressure x (area of specimen - area of ram)

Internal Loadcell:
Load Cell reading + radial pressure x area of specimen

Axial Stress, σ a (kPa)

Axial Force / Specimen Area

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-1 Calculations

Effective Axial Stress, σ a’ (kPa)
Axial Stress - Pore water pressure

Axial deformation (mm)

When Dock ed:

Value as read from axial displacement transducer

When undock ed (uses volume change measurement):

Ho - (Ho x ((Vo + Back_Vol_change) / Vo) ^ (1 / 3))

Axial Strain (%)

(Axial deformation / Ho) x 100

Average (Mean) Stress, s (kPa)

(Axial Stress + Radial Stress) / 2

Maximum Shear Stress, t (kPa)

Deviator Stress / 2

Shear Strain

(Axial Strain + Radial Strain) x 2/3

Average Effective Stress (kPa)

(Effective Axial Stress + Effective Radial Stress) / 2

Cambridge p (kPa)

(Axial Stress + 2 x (Radial Stress)) / 3

Cambridge p’ (kPa)

Cambridge p - pore water pressure

Do = Initial sample diameter
Ho = Initial sample height.

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-2 Calculations

7.2 UNSATURATED Triaxial Calculations

Initial Volume of Solids

(Dry Weight/Specific Gravity) x 1000

Initial Volume of Voids

Initial Volume – Volume of Solids

Initial Degree of Saturation

(Initial Volume of Water / Initial Volume of Voids) * 100

Initial Volume of Water in Sample

Volume of Voids x (Initial Degree of Saturation / 100)

Initial Volume of Air in Sample

Volume of Voids x ((100-Initial Degree of Saturation) / 100)

KRT (as in PV = kRT)

(Pore Air Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure) x (Volume of air in sample + Estimated Initial
Volume of air in Controller + Pore Air Controller Volume + Estimated Volume in Air Pipes)

Current Specimen Water Volume
Initial Volume of Water in Sample + Change in Back Volume

Total Air in System

KRT/(Pore Air Pressure + Atmospheric Pressure)

Current Specimen Air Volume

Total Air in System – Air in Pipes – Estimated Initial Air in Controller + Pore Air Volume

Matric Suction
Pore Air Pressure – Back Pressure

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-3 Calculations

7.3 Hollow Cylinder Calculations

Average Vertical Stress

W ( Po b 2 − Pi a 2 )
σZ = +
π (b 2 − a 2 ) (b 2 − a 2 )

Average Radial Stress W

( Po b + Pi a )
σr =
(b + a )

Average Circumferential Stress

( Po b − Pi a )
σθ =
(b − a ) H
Pi Po
Average Shear Stress
3M T
τθ =
2π (b 3 − a 3 )
Average Axial Strain b
εz =

Average Radial Strain

(u o − u i )
εr =−
(b − a )
Average Circumferential Strain

(u o + u i )
εθ = −
(b + a )
Average Shear Strain

2θ (b 3 − a 3 )
γ θz =
3H (b 2 − a 2 )

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-4 Calculations

(σ z + σ θ )
σ1 =
+ {((σ z − σ θ ) / 2) 2 + τ θ2z }

σ2 =σr

(σ z + σ θ )
σ3 =
− {((σ z − σ θ ) / 2) 2 + τ θ2z }

(ε z + ε θ )  (γ ) 2 
ε1 = + ((ε z − ε θ ) / 2) 2 + θz 
2  2 

ε2 = εr

(ε z + ε θ )  (γ ) 2 
ε3 = − ((ε z − ε θ ) / 2) 2 + θz 
2  2 

ε r = ε1 + ε 2 + ε 3

σ 1'
σ 3'

Stress Path Parameters

p' =
(σ '
1 + σ 2' + σ 3' )

q = σ 1' − σ 3' )

(σ '
− σ 3' )


− σ 3' )

a= tan −1 (2t θz ) /(σ z − σ θ )

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-5 Calculations

7.4 Shear Box/Simple Shear Calculations

Axial Strain (%)

(Axial_Displacement / Initial_Height) * 100

Normal Stress (kPa)

((Axial_Load - ramupthrustcorrection) / (Effective_Area / 1000000)) + Back_Pressure

Note: ramupthrustcorrection = (Ram_Area * Back_Pressure) / 1000000

Horizontal Strain (%)

(Horizontal_Displacement / (Initial_Height - Axial_Displacement)) * 100

Horizontal Stress (kPa)

Horizontal_Load / (Effective_Area / 1000000)

Horizontal Eff Stress (kPa)

Horizontal_Eff_Stress = Horizontal_Stress - Pore_Water_Pressure

Effective Area (mmイ)

For a square sample

Initial_Diameter * (Initial_Diameter - (Abs(Horizontal_Displacement)))

Normal Effective Stress (kPa)

Vertical_Eff_Stress = Axial_Stress - Pore_Water_Pressure

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-6 Calculations

7.5 Resilient Modulus Calculations

*Note: Calculations within GDSLab have currently been implemented for the AS 1289.9.8.1,
AG:PT/T053, and AASHTO T307-99 resilient modulus test standards.

Cycle Number
= Current loading cycle number, n (only whole numbers used)

i.e., During the first dynamic loading cycle for the test stage (time = 0 to (1/f), where f = loading
frequency,), Cycle Number = 1 for all data points. During the second dynamic loading cycle (time
= (1/f) to (2/f)), Cycle Number = 2 for all data points etc.

Current Height (mm)

= Initial Specimen Height – Axial Displacement

Average Local Axial Displacement (mm)

When Local Axial Defmn 1 only present:
= Local Axial Defmn 1

When Local Axial Defmn 1 and Local Axial Defmn 2 present:

= (Local Axial Defmn 1 + Local Axial Defmn 2) / 2

When Local Axial Defmn 1, Local Axial Defmn 2, and Local Axial Defmn 3 present:
= (Local Axial Defmn 1 + Local Axial Defmn 2 + Local Axial Defmn 3) / 3

When no Local Axial Defmn transducers present:


Average Diameter Change (mm)

When Local Radial Defmn 1 only present:
= Local Radial Defmn 1

When Local Radial Defmn 1 and Local Radial Defmn 2 present:

= (Local Radial Defmn 1 + Local Radial Defmn 2) / 2

When Local Radial Defmn 1, Local Radial Defmn 2, and Local Radial Defmn 3 present:
= (Local Radial Defmn 1 + Local Radial Defmn 2 + Local Radial Defmn 3) / 3

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-7 Calculations

When no Local Radial Defmn transducers present:

Vertical Deformation Ratio

When Local Axial Defmn 1 and Local Axial Defmn 2 present:
= Larger Local Axial Defmn / Smaller Local Axial Defmn
Larger Local Axial Defmn = Largest reading out of Local Axial Defmn 1 (mm) and Local Axial
Defmn 2 (mm)
Smaller Local Axial Defmn = Smallest reading out of Local Axial Defmn 1 (mm) and Local Axial
Defmn 2 (mm)

When no Local Axial Defmn transducers present:


Axial Strain (%)

= (Axial Displacement / Initial Specimen Height) * 100

Axial Force (kN)

When Upthrust Correct Ram Diameter (mm) = 0:
= Load Cell

When Upthrust Correct Ram Diameter (mm) ≠ 0:

= Local Cell – (Confining Stress * Ram Area)
Ram Area = (π / 4) * (Upthrust Correct Ram Diameter)

Confining Stress = Radial Stress (kPa) when no Cell Pressure 2 transducer present
= Cell Pressure 2 (kPa) when Cell Pressure 2 transducer present

Axial Stress (kPa)

= (Axial Force / Initial Specimen Area) + Confining Stress
Initial Specimen Area = (π / 4) * (Initial Specimen Diameter)

Deviator Stress q (kPa)

= (Axial Force / Initial Specimen Area)

Nominal Max Axial Stress (kPa)

= ‘Target Cell Pressure, kPa’ + (Target ‘Axial Load, kN Datum’ + Target ‘Axial Load, kN
Amplitude’) / Initial Specimen Area)

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-8 Calculations

i.e., Nominal Max Axial Stress (kPa) is equal to the maximum total axial stress targeted within the
Resilient Modulus Dynamic Cyclic test type, as opposed to the maximum total axial stress applied
to the test specimen during loading
*Only one Nominal Max Axial Stress (kPa) value recorded per test stage

Nominal Confining Stress (kPa)

= Target ‘Cell Pressure, kPa’

i.e., Nominal Confining Stress (kPa) is the ‘Cell Pressure, kPa’ targeted within the Resilient
Modulus Dynamic Cyclic test type, as opposed to the Radial Stress (kPa) or Cell Pressure 2 (kPa)
applied to the test specimen during loading
*Only one Nominal Confining Stress (kPa) value recorded per test stage

Applied Max Axial Force (kN)

= Axial Force (kN) at load cycle peak
Load cycle peak = Point during load cycle where maximum cyclic load is applied
= 0.425 * (1/f) seconds from the beginning of each load cycle for AS 1289.9.8.1
and AG:PT/T053 Test Standard specimen types
= 0.05 * (1/f) seconds from the beginning of each load cycle for AASHTO T307-
99 Test Standard specimen type
*Only one Applied Max Axial Force (kN) value calculated per load cycle

Applied Cyclic Force (kN)

= Applied Max Axial Force (kN) – Applied Contact Force (kN)
*Only one Applied Cyclic Force (kN) value calculated per load cycle

Applied Contact Force (kN)

= Axial Force (kN) at load cycle end
Load cycle end = Point at the end of the load cycle
= 1 * (1/f) seconds from the beginning of each load cycle for all Test Standard
specimen types
*Only one Applied Contact Force (kN) value calculated per load cycle

Applied Max Axial Stress (kPa)

= Confining Stress at load cycle end + (Applied Max Axial Force / Initial Specimen Area)
*Only one Applied Max Axial Stress (kPa) value calculated per load cycle

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Applied Max Deviator Stress (kPa)
= Applied Max Axial Force / Initial Specimen Area
*Only one Applied Max Deviator Stress (kPa) value calculated per load cycle
Applied Cyclic Stress (kPa)
= Applied Cyclic Force / Initial Specimen Area
*Only one Applied Cyclic Stress (kPa) value calculated per load cycle

Applied Contact Stress (kPa)

= Applied Contact Force / Initial Specimen Area
*Only one Applied Contact Stress (kPa) value calculated per load cycle

Gauge Length (mm)

When Initial Gauge Length (mm) = 0:
= Initial Specimen Height – Gauge Displacement
Where Gauge Displacement (mm):
= Axial Displacement (mm) at previous load cycle end when no Axial Displacement
External or Local Axial Defmn transducers present
= Axial Displacement External (mm) at previous load cycle end when Axial Displacement
External transducers present
= Average Local Axial Displacement (mm) at previous load cycle end when Local Axial
Defmn transducers present

When Initial Gauge Length (mm) ≠ 0:

= Initial Gauge Length – Gauge Displacement
*Only one Gauge Length (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Permanent Axial Strain External (%)

When Axial Displacement transducer only present:
= (Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle end – Initial Cyclic Axial Displacement) / Initial
Specimen Height) * 100
Initial Cyclic Axial Displacement = Axial Displacement (mm) at the beginning of dynamic cyclic

When Axial Displacement External transducer present:

= (Axial Displacement External (mm) at load cycle end – Initial Cyclic Axial Displacement
External) / Initial Specimen Height) * 100
*Only one Permanent Axial Strain External (%) value calculated per load cycle

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-10 Calculations

Recoverable Deformation Local 1 (mm)
= Local Radial Defmn 1 (mm) at load cycle peak - Local Radial Defmn 1 (mm) at load
cycle end
*Only one Local Radial Defmn 1 (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Recoverable Deformation Local 2 (mm)

= Local Radial Defmn 2 (mm) at load cycle peak - Local Radial Defmn 2 (mm) at load
cycle end
*Only one Local Radial Defmn 2 (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Recoverable Deformation Local 3 (mm)

= Local Radial Defmn 3 (mm) at load cycle peak - Local Radial Defmn 3 (mm) at load
cycle end
*Only one Local Radial Defmn 3 (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Recoverable Deformation Local Average (mm)

When Local Axial Defmn 1 only present:
= Recoverable Deformation Local 1

When Local Axial Defmn 1 and Local Axial Defmn 2 present:

= (Recoverable Deformation Local 1 + Recoverable Deformation Local 2) / 2

When Local Axial Defmn 1, Local Axial Defmn 2, and Local Axial Defmn 3 present:
= (Recoverable Deformation Local 1 + Recoverable Deformation Local 2 + Recoverable
Deformation Local 3) / 3
*Only one Recoverable Deformation Local Average (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Permanent Axial Strain Local (%)

When Initial Gauge Length (mm) ≠ 0:
= (Average Local Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle end – Initial Cyclic Average Local
Axial Displacement) / Initial Gauge Length) * 100

When Initial Gauge Length (mm) = 0:

*Only one Permanent Axial Strain Local (%) value calculated per load cycle

Resilient Displacement (mm)

When using AS 1289.9.8.1 or AG:PT/T053 Test Standard specimen types:

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-11 Calculations

When Axial Displacement transducer only present:
= Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle peak – Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle

When Axial Displacement External transducer present:

= Axial Displacement External (mm) at load cycle peak – Axial Displacement External
(mm) at load cycle end
When Local Axial Defmn transducers present:
= Recoverable Deformation Local Average (mm)

When using AASHTO T307-99 Test Standard specimen type:

When Axial Displacement transducer only present:

= Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle peak – Axial Displacement (mm) at load cycle

When Local Axial Defmn transducers present:

= Recoverable Deformation Local Average (mm)
*Only one Resilient Displacement (mm) value calculated per load cycle

Resilient Strain (%)

= (Resilient Displacement / Gauge Length) * 100

Resilient Modulus (MPa)

= (Applied Cyclic Stress / Resilient Strain) * 0.1

Average Max Axial Stress (kPa)

= (∑ Applied Max Axial Stress from last x load cycles) / x
x = 6 for AS 1289.9.8.1 and AG:PT/T053 Test Standard specimen types
x = 5 for AASHTO T307-99 Test Standard specimen type

Average Contact Stress (kPa)

= (∑ Applied Contact Stress from last x load cycles) / x

Average Deviator Stress (kPa)

= (∑ Applied Max Deviator Stress from last x load cycles) / x

Average Resilient Strain (%)

= (∑ Resilient Strain from last x load cycles) / x

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-12 Calculations

Average Resilient Modulus (MPa)
= (∑ Resilient Modulus from last x load cycles) / x

Test Stage Type

= Number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, corresponding to the selected Test Type for the stage
Where: 1 = Pre-Conditioning, 2 = Resilient Modulus, 3 = Permanent Deformation, 4 = Constant
Axial Stress, 5 = Monotonic Shearing

GDSLAB Handbook v2. 5 05/10/2015 7-13 Calculations

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