Project - Topic Monitoring The Environment
Project - Topic Monitoring The Environment
Project - Topic Monitoring The Environment
Submitted By
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Assistant Co-ordinator
Assistant Professor
Teacher Signature
Jobin Philip Varghese
Programme Code - Bcom
Course Code - AHE 1
Enrollment No. 177271911
Environmental monitoring describes the processes and activities that need to take place to
characterize and monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental monitoring is used in
the preparation of environmental impact assessments, as well as in many circumstances in
which human activities carry a risk of harmful effects on the natural environmental. All
monitoring strategies and programs have reasons and justification which are often designed to
establish the current status of an environment or to establish trends in environmental
parameters. In all cases, the result of monitoring will be reviewed, analyzed statistically and
published. The design of a monitoring program must therefore have regard to the final use of
the data before monitoring starts.
Environmental monitoring incudes monitoring of air quality, soil and water quality
environmental monitoring is a tool to assess environmental conditions and trends, support
policy development and its implementation and develop information for reporting to national
and develop information for reporting to national policymakers, international forums and the
public. Over the past decade only a few countries of Europe and central Asia have been able
to maintain existing monitoring activities. The monitoring of urban air pollution an important
human health risk is poor in many cities of the sub-region. Solid and hazardous waste
monitoring is weak and industrial emissions are also not well monitored, reducing the
effectiveness of policy instruments such as emissions charges and fines. Monitoring of trans-
boundary air pollution also needs strengthening. Moreover many European and Central Asian
countries lack uniform national methodologies across different monitoring areas, and their
classification systems are often incompatible with international standards.
At the fifth environment for Europe Conference (Kyiv 2003) UNECE Minister
endorsed recommendations for strengthening environmental monitoring and information
systems in European and Central Asian countries prepared by the UNECE working group on
environmental monitoring Ministers also endorsed the UNECE guidelines for the preparation
of national state-of-the environment reports. Together, these documents provide a road map
for strengthening monitoring and report in the European and Central Asian sub-region.
The environment for Europe process under the aegis of the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia has
worked since 1991 to strengthen international cooperation to protect and improve the
environment across Europe.
To meet this goal, the UNECE Committee on environmental policy set up an Ad Hoc
working group on environment monitoring in September 2000. The working group was
charged with providing recommendations, proposing action plans and strengthening
international initiatives within the UNECE region in environmental monitoring and related
fields. It support the preparation of the third pan European environmental assessment.
Air Monitoring
Air Pollutants are atmospheric substances both naturally occurring and anthropogenic which
may potentially have a negative impact on the environment and organism health. With the
evolution of new chemicals and industrial processes has come the introduction or elevation of
pollutants in the atmosphere as well as environmental research and regulations increasing the
demand for air quality monitoring.
Air quality monitors are operated by citizens regulatory agencies, and researchers to
investigate air quality and the effects of air pollutions. Interpretation of ambient air
monitoring data often involves a consideration of the spatial and temporal representativeness
of the data gathered and the health effects associated with exposure to the monitored levels. If
the interpretation reveals concentrations of multiple chemical compounds a unique “Chemical
fingerprint” of a particular air pollution source may emerge from analysis of the data.
Air pollutants are known for their adverse effects on human health and ecosystems.
Some of these pollutants also crude technical infrastructure and cultural monuments.
Emissions of nitrogen oxides and non-methane volatile organic compounds are the main
causes of the formation of ground-level ozone, which has adverse effects on human health
and ecosystems. The air pollutants indicators assesses pressures from specific pollutant on
atmospheric air across individual countries, but also identifies pressure from particular
national sectors like energy, transport, industrial processes agriculture and waste
On the basis of this indicator, public authorities can adjust the national environmental
policy by for instance, revising emission standard and emission limit values, strengthening
permitting of potentially polluting activities and improving the application of economic
instruments. Information on pollutant emissions in necessary for the assessment of trans
boundary air pollution and for international cooperation to address this problem.
An air quality monitor is a device that measures the level of common air pollutants.
Monitors are available for both indoor and outdoor settings. Indoor air quality monitors are
typically sensor based instruments. Some of them are able to measure pph levels and come as
either mixed gas or portable units. Sensor based instruments and air quality monitoring
systems are used widely in outdoor ambient applications. Industrial operators use air quality
monitoring equipment to cost effectively monitor and manage emissions on their perimeter
which helps them improve relationship with regulators and communities. With air quality
regulating shifting the burden from publicly funded monitoring to monitoring funded by
industry. It has been increasingly important for business to acquire their own quality
monitoring equipment.
Water Monitoring
Renewable freshwater resources have major environmental and economic value. Their
distribution varies widely among and within countries. Pressure on freshwater resources are
exerted by overexploitation and by pollution. Relating resources abstraction to renewal of
stocks is a central issue in sustainable freshwater resources management. If a significant share
of a country’s water comes from trans boundary rivers, tension between countries can arise,
especially if water availability in the upstream country is greater that in the downstream one.
Countries are quite interdependent with regard to water resources.
The convention on the protection and use of trans boundary watercourses and
international lakes requires that the parties introduces sustainable water management
including an ecosystem approach and the rational and fair use of tranboundary waters.
Water quality monitoring is of little use without a clear and unambiguous definition of
the reasons for the monitoring and the objectives that it will satisfy. Almost all monitoring
(except perhaps remote sensing) is in some part invasive of the environment under study and
extensive and poorly planned monitoring carries a risk of damage to the environment. This
may be a critical consideration in wilderness area or when monitoring very rare organisms or
those that are averse to human presence. Some monitoring techniques, such as gill netting
fish to estimate populations, can be very damaging at least to the local population and can
also degrade public trust in scientists carrying out the monitoring.
Soil Monitoring
Soil monitoring involves the collection and/or analysis of soil and its associated quality
constituents and physical status of determines or guarantee its fitness for use. Soil faces many
threats, including compaction, contamination, organic materials loss, biodiversity loss, slope
stability issues, erosion, salinization and acidification. Soil monitoring helps characterize
these threats and other potential risks to the soil, surrounding environments, animal health,
and human health.
Assessing these threats and other risks to soil can be challenging due to a variety of
factors, including soils heterogeneity and complexity, scarcity of toxicity data, lack of
understanding of a contaminant’s fate and variability in levels of soil screening. This requires
a risk assessment approach and analysis techniques that prioritize environmental protection,
risk reduction and if necessary remediation methods. Soil monitoring plays a significant role
in that risk assessment, not only aiding in the identification of at-risk and affected areas but
also in the establishment of base background values of soil.
Soil is an important natural resource just as the air and water that surround us are
unfortunately it has been overlooked in the past and taken for granted with disastrous results.
The role of soil health on our climate as a whole is taken more seriously with researches at
organisations such as the USDA ARS (us Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service) looking into how exactly soil interacts with the rest of our environment receiving
accurate and instantaneous information on soil moisture content, salinity, temperature and
other parameters, soil sensors are an important tool for anyone involved with soil. Irrigation
of crops represents 90% of the water used worldwide. Monitoring soil moisture in the root
zone of crops will optimize irrigation. The benefits of optimizing irrigation scheduling with
soil moisture sensors includes increasing crop yields, saving water, protecting local water
resources from runoff, saving on energy costs, savings on fertilizer costs and increasing the
farmer profitability. Irrigation plays an increasingly important role in agriculture. Irrigation is
essential but so is the proper management of the irrigation. Soil moisture monitoring is the
key to ensuring good irrigation management decisions are made to maximize the benefit of
Irrigation is not the only use for soil monitoring. Each year, erosion from changes in
land uses millions of dollars in damages to property and natural water systems. In order to
understand the cause of erosion and make predictions about when and where erosion will
occur, hydrologist, need to record rainfall sediment and soil moisture. The water infiltration
rate of soil is dry, the infiltration rate will be sufficient to prevent run off. Overland water
flow many occur if rain events happen at a time when soil is saturated. Monitoring soil
moisture is an important input parameter into erosion prediction models.
Regional drought can severely affect the economy and even lead to starvation in some
areas of the world. With advances in computer processing and environmental modeling
methods, scientists are beginning to understand regional water budgets and hydrological
processes. An important input into drought forecasting models is changes in regions soil
moisture. Long-term soil moisture data over large regions can be used to predict and
characterize harmful droughts.
Environmental monitoring involves the analyses of air, soil and water sample for
chemicals such as fertilizer and pesticide residue. Environmental monitoring refers to the
tools and techniques designed to observe an environmental parameters for the purpose of
accurately quantifying the impact an activity has on an environment. The main objective of
environmental monitoring is to manage and minimize the impact an organizations activities
have on an environment, either to ensure compliance with laws and regulations or to mitigate
risks of harmful effects on the natural environment and protect the health of human beings.
As human population, industrial activities and energy consumption continues to grow, the
continued development of advanced automated monitoring applications and devices is crucial
for enhancing the accuracy of environmental monitoring reports and the cost effectiveness of
the environmental monitoring process monitoring programs are published outlines within an
organization that detail precisely which elements are being monitored, overall objectives,
specific strategies, proposed sampling methods, projects within each strategy and time frames
environmental monitoring products and environmental monitoring software, such as
Environmental Data Management Systems (EDMS), facilitate the implementation and
monitoring of environmental monitoring and assessment programs, which includes a central
data management hub, automated environmental monitoring alerts, compliance checking,
validation, quality control and generation of reports on dataset comparisons. Environmental
Monitoring Types. The tree main types of environmental monitoring are soil, atmosphere and
water. Some techniques of environmental scanning and monitoring include filtration,
sedimentation, electrostatic samples impinges, absorption, condensation, grab, sampling and
composite sampling data collected from these methods of environmental monitoring can be
input into a DBMS. Where it can be categorized, analyzed visualized, and create actionable
insights that drive informed decision making. Environmental monitoring involves the
analysis of air, soil and water samples for chemical such as fertilizer and pesticide residues.
Air monitors measure air quality and air bone pollution levels. They may also track
temperature humidity, emissions and other variables. Soil monitoring requires the collection
of soil samples to be analyzed and tested in a laboratory setting. Soil quality can also be
monitored using remote sensors, electromagnets and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
for measuring salinity. Water monitoring may be done using sensors to monitor temperature,
radioactivity and chemical composition. Sampling is used to measure biological and chemical
parameters or for microbiological testing.
The term monitoring and assessment are frequently confused and used synonymously.
The process of environmental quality assessment is an evaluation of the physical and
chemical and biological nature of the environment in relation to its natural quality, human
effects and intended uses. Particular attention is given to uses which may affect human health
and the health of the natural system itself. Environmental quality assessment includes the use
of monitoring to define the condition of the water to provide the basis for detecting trends and
to provide the information enabling the establishment of cause-effect relationship.
Environmental quality monitoring as the collection of information at set locations and at
regular intervals in order to provide the data which may be used to define current conditions
establish trends etc. Due to the complexity of factors determining environmental quality,
large variations are found between rivers, lakes, soils, vegetations and the atmosphere on
different continents or in different hydro and geolimatic zones. Similarly the response to
anthropogenic impact is also highly response to anthropogenic impact is also highly variable.
Negative impacts on individuals. Segment of the environment such as soil, water and air
quality, noise and biodiversity can be determined through environmental monitoring. The
polluter must ensure environmental monitoring in the performance of their activity.
Environmental monitoring solutions have evolved over the years into Smart Environmental
Monitoring (SEM) system that now incorporate modern sensors. Machine Learning (ML) –
techniques and the Internet of things (IoT). Technologies such as IoT devices and wireless
sensor networks have made advanced environmental monitoring using IoT a more
streamlined and Artificial Intelligence controlled process.
Technical and Scientific Topic Related to Environmental Monitoring and
The focus on EMC at NASA has been on chemical contaminants. A wide variety of
these on chemicals have been identified and their individual concentrations have been
measured one can expect that similar contamination will be present during future space
missions, especially if the missions become more complex (such as revisiting the Moon
transit to Mars, or the development of lunar or Mars bases)
Table 3.2 – Potential sources for same Major Contaminants
Source Examples of sources Contaminant examples
Human Respiratory effluents skin, excretory CO2, Volatile organic compounds
products exhaled air and other metabolic wastes, viruses,
bacteria, dander
Water Showers, hand washing, clothes Bacteria, viruses, organic and
washing, dish washing, drinking inorganic chemicals
Surfaces Microbial growth in condensation, Bacteria, Bacterial toxins, fungal
dust accumulation effluents other allergens, other
volatile chemicals
Food Cooking spoilage organisms Volatile chemicals non-biological
particles CO, CO2
Plants Leaf surfaces, growth medium etc Volatile chemicals, pollen, plant
hairs, bacteria, fungal spares and
other effluents
Wastes Transformation products of CO2, NoX, H2S, O2 methane
biological chemical and physical microorganisms
Some types of contaminants are well characterized others have been recognized but not get
measured. Because conditions are likely to vary over time throughout a long-duration mission
the capabilities of monitoring and central systems for chemical contaminants need to be able
to adapt to new conditions for examples, contaminants that may not have been identified at
the beginning of a mission or that may forms as a result of reactions with other contaminants
or environmental media may require attention of the mission has begun.
the present time NASA has established SMAC, for approximately no trace contaminants
based on chemical speciation and the duration of exposure.
SMAC’s provide guidelines for chemical exposure during normal and emergency
operations. However these established safe levels for airborne contaminants are only
applicable for relatively short duration. These limits may not be appropriate for longer
missions and need to be reevaluated and extended. As longer-term SMAC’s are developed,
the concomitant development of accurate and reliable quantitative measurements will be
critical for ensuring that standards are met. Microorganisms as pollutants have received far
less attention than chemical pollutants because of the complexity of populations, the widely
disparate agent-specific requirements for sensitivity and the general lack of methods of
analysis that can be used in the spacecraft environment. To date, spot-check smaplings has
been done for a limited range of microorganisms and guidelines for interpreting the data have
been based on extremely limited information. SMAC’s have not been develop for any
microbial contaminants
Even when control of exposures is not possible however monitoring may produce
valuable data for the design of future missions, or may indicate the presence of agents that
could pose a future risk of disease. Monitoring for infectious agents involves identifying
specific reservoirs and developing monitoring protocols based on background data and risk
assessment that include the nature of the agent, the probability of presence and exposure as
well as likely levels of infectious agents and variability over time. These kinds of detailed
assessments regarding when and how monitoring should be used would enhance the viability
and cost-effectiveness of operational EMC programs planned for future missions. The
baseline plan for the ISS is still based on culture methods to detect bacteria. Standard
mirobiological techniques encourage fungi and bacteria to grow in the space environment of
the ISS, this technique should be reevaluated (for fungi which produce spores that readily
became air borne)
Chemical Pollutants
Monitoring chemicals in the air presents some temporal and spatial challenges.
Typically sampling is performed on a periodic basis from discrete location. This protocol is
adequate for analyzing long-term trends but does not address localized transist conditions and
peak exposures levels. One possible way to detect on unexpected release would be to develop
“concentration-activated” sensors designed for specific hazardous chemicals that would be
triggered when a specified concentration is reached. Spacecraft lock natural convection and
air circulation due to the absence of gravity. Inadequate ventilation resulting from of gravity.
Inadequate ventilation resulting from obstructed vents or faulty equipment could potentially
result in air stagnation or pocketing of contaminants. This is particularly critical in crew
areas. Sample parts for monitoring are typically hardwired to one or several locations wihin a
module which means that these conditions may go undected. One possible solution could be
to develop a roving sampler that could traverse the pressurized volume and could also used to
sample behind racks and panels for pockets of stagnant air. Another possible solutions could
be portable monitoring in space is that some sensors rely on gravity-dependent properties for
operations. In these instances gravity-independent alternatives will need to be developed for
use in space applications.
Microbial Pollutants
Diseases related to microbial and other biological pollutants including infections from
environmental and other sources hypersensitivity diseases and biological toxicoses may be
special concern for long-term space missions. Contagious and waterborne virulent disease
will be of concern on board space stations and on permanent lunar or Mars colonies where
isolated groups could be periodically exposed to new agents. Another possible concern is the
activation of latent viruses or the mutation of stuains with limited virulence that may be
resident in water system or members of the crew. Microbial amplification will occur on
crewed spacecraft and planetary out posts. Biofilm macroscopic layers of micro organism and
their secretions that adhere to moist or immersed surfaces are inevitable in recirculating water
systems on surfaces filters and in charcoal beds. Fungi and bacteria will also grow wherever
water is inadvertently present in reservoirs on materials, or on surfaces microbial
amplification levels will depend primarily on the duration of continuous occupancy and the
level of environmental control.
Such microbial amplification raises concerns about specific infectious disease in the
closed spacecraft environment, where space induced changes in hosts and possible changes in
the virulence of organisms, my increase risk to the crew. In addition to infections, however
microbial amplification in closed environments can increase the risks of hypersensitivity and
toxic diseases.
The 1996 Advanced EMC Strategic plan provides strategic goals, objective,
deliverables and metrics for the program. The plan seems to meet the needs of the program
and is a well conceived document that defines a clear, reasonably achievable mission. The
goals and objectives of the EMC program as stated in the strategic plan in the Table 3.4. The
deliverables of the EMC program are in the Table 3.5.
NASA has also drafted a requirements document for the development of advanced
EMC technologies, the objective of which is to define a set of requirements for EMC systems
for advanced human missions, based on priorization and risk assessment. The committee
reviewed this document in draft from. The document which was developed as a part of the
environmental monitoring and controls workshop focused primarily on two essential needs
(1) the requirement for the health of the crew and (2) the requirements for monitoring life
support systems. It was recognized that in order to maintain the health, comfort and well-
being of the crew. These two needs are closely related and will be essential to the success of
future missions.
Environmental monitoring is essential to gather information about and assess the
effectiveness of the environment in which collections are kept. To facilitate temperature and
humidity monitoring there are continuous regarding devices, and spot readers that display
only current conditions Light meters and UV meters (used to measure ultra violet radiation)
take spot readings. Blue wool cards-which have strips of blue-dyed wool attached in a
sequence from most light sensitive to most light stable dye-provide visible evidence of light
damage over a span of time. By company cards exposed to light (the strips fade at different
rates) with cards kept in the dark, it can be determined whether lighting in a specific location
is appropriate or too strong for the storage or display of collection materials.
Routine monitoring will catch problems early before they cause long-lasting damage.
Spikes in temperature or humidity detected by monitoring instruments are an indication that
the HVAC equipments is malfunctioning or the monitored location is experiencing an
unusual environmental influence. A high lux/foot candle reading on a meter means that the
light source is string and likely to cause fading and other photochemical damage to sensitive
items. The quicker these issues are addressed the less likely collection materials will suffer
long-term physical or chemical changes.
Managing a collection environment that provides stability and reduces risk for further
deterioration is challenging. It relies on careful monitoring to make sure climate control
equipment is working properly to identify problems requiring attention to document
conditions and their effects, and to support planning for environment. Environmental
monitoring is a key tool in making informed decisions to ensure the longevity of collections.
real-time use, so its important to consider which techniques are best suited. These techniques
can be broken down based on three major categories.
Air/Atmospheric monitoring- Air pollutants harm the environment and human health.
Some air pollutants are also known to degrade infrastructure, including cultural building,
therefrom it is essential to monitor the air quality, following national and international air
quality regulations.
Temperature Sensors
Humidity Sensors
Oxygen sensors by monitoring atmospheric air we can see how transport, industrial processes
energy consumption, agricultural waste and general waste management affect human health
and the environment.
Soil monitoring – Monitoring soil not only helps manage soil moisture and plant health but
the soil is also related to many natural processes and helps up understand water resources,
both locally and regionally. Most soil sampling requires composite soil samples. Which
involves physically mixing soil cores, however environmental monitoring of soil uses a
variety of different methods water monitoring-water is essential to all life on earth therefore
all bodies of water must be monitored to ensure it is clean drinkable, safe, and sanitary. Water
pollution is a major issue, which is why water monitoring is so important. By monitoring
water quality we can see the current, ongoing and future issues in water systoms.
Water quality can be mentioned using a variety of sensors. Dissolved oxygen sensors,
Turbidity sensors, pH sensors, Temperature sensors. Waste monitoring poor waste
management contributes to climate change and air pollution, directly impacting the
environment and exposing humans to harmful substances, putting pressure on human health
Noise Monitoring. A type of environmental monitoring that is often forgotten about is noise
pollution. Noise pollution affects both animals on land and in the sea. Marine cetaceans, such
as whales and dolphins use noise as a sense of direction and communication. Therefore is
there is too much noise, the cannot communicate with others which puts them in danger.
Noise monitoring not only protects sea life, but on land it plays a vital role in protecting
communities residing near industrial sites like airports. Noise pollution can be monitored on
land and out to sea using a sound level meter (SLM) Integrated Sound Level Meters (SLM)
and noise dosimeters are also frequently used. These monitoring sensors are connected to
software to monitor live noise levels. Before monitoring the noise, noise level thresholds are
set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Types of monitoring environmental
monitoring or air. Air pollutants harm human health and environmental health. As air quality
is essential to human health and national air quality government regulations must be followed
by business and organizations. Air quality can be monitored in real-time by connecting
software to sensors located in an area of choice. These sensors then measure levels and report
main pollutants in the air, for instance, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide and ozone. Air quality can also be measured manually with stations that collect
air particles for a period of time being measured. Environmental monitoring of water. All
bodies of water must be monitored as water is essential to life on earth-water must be clean,
drinkable, safe and sanitary. Bodies of water must also be clean so that marine life and
biodiversity can thrive. Water can be measured in real time by connecting software to sensors
located in bodies of water. There sensors then can communicate when thresholds are reached.
Environmental monitoring of Noise-Noise can be monitored both for sea life and on land.
In the sea, cetaceans use noises as we use air eyes. To measure sound in the sea and on land
software connects to sensors that report real-time noise levels. Noise level thresholds are set
and determined beforehand so organizations know how much noise can be made. Noise
monitoring in the sea protects sea life and on land protects communities close to industrial
sites, such as ports and airports.
Environmental monitoring basic steps are soil, atmosphere and water. Some
techniques of environmental scanning and monitoring include filtration, sedimentation,
electrostatic samples, impingers, absorption, condensation glab sampling and composite
sampling. Environmental monitoring is a tool to assess environmental conditions and trends,
support policy development and its implementation and develop information for reporting to
national policy makers, international forums and the public.
There are several samplings methods available for air, water and soil.
Filtration – The filtering method is based on the types of contaminants that must be
Impingers – Depending on the collecting surface, high velocity air is routed via wet or dry
Impingers. When the collecting surface is dry, dry impingers are used. When the collecting
surface is wet, wet impingers are employed.
Sedimentation this is fairly basic air sampling method for environmental monitoring. An
open container is put in an open outdoor location that is free of overhead impediments
throughout this operation. This approach is commonly used to determine the impact of dust
fall in a certain region. This approach is extremely simple, requiring no electrical power or
moving parts,. The sole downside is a lack of accuracy and the inability to discrean peak dust
fall because the sample period might go up to 30 days.
Electrostatic test- This approach is particularly effectives for collecting tiny samples. When
particles enter the sampler, they pick up charge and deposit it on electrodes.
Adsorption – Gas adsorption is a surface phenomenon. Gas molecules settle on the solid
surface. The adsorption process employs materials such as activated carbon, silica, get
alumina and others.
An environmental monitoring system is the process that monitors the quality of the
environment. He RMS software allows for realtime monitoring of any parameters required.
Rotronic offer solutions for relative humidity, temperature, dew and frost point, differential
pressure, pressure flow, lux and CO2.
Don’t ignore environmental threats. Get a real-time alert before the situation becomes
serious. Detect early leak before it damages your crucial equipment monitor any abnormality
with the humidity and set a specific level of alarm suitable to the environment of a facility.
Detect the certain level of tire and instantly get an SMS and email notification in real-time
and remotely. Monitor and control the on and off light in the facility. Motor power remotely
restart and the control on/off to network devices monitor the temperature in the server room
or a data center, and detect critical rises or drops. Get a real-time alarm once a heating
problem occurs, anytime and anywhere.
Connectivity get an alert status through SMS and email. In just 2-3 seconds you will be able
to receive alarm updates when something happened to one of your equipments and therefor
preventive action can be taken care of immediately. Facilities manager can now easily
monitor the status of each device and equipment is real-time and remotely.
The purpose of environmental Monitoring can range from cities issuing weather or air
pollution alerts on certain days to the international community’s tracking of global
greenhouse gas emission in order to set climate action targets. Environmental monitoring
helps leaders make informed decisions and draft environmental policies that are based on
scientific findings. The purpose of environmental monitoring are actually ten-fold in this day
and age. It is vital for ensuring a business’s compliance with environmental regulations, for
evaluating the progress of a clean up and for ensuring the health and safety of waters. When
pollutant is accidently discharged into the atmosphere the results on the environmental and
even humans can be catastrophic. Monitoring the progress of the clean up, however will
allow the persons responsible to track the project and to get a good idea of what they will
need to do to counter the effects. It is also vital in ensuring the health and safety of the
workers who are engaged with the cleaning up the overturned tanker truck. They will be able
to tell, for example whether the atmosphere immediately around the tanker poses risks of
explosion when the okay is given, the workers are able to move in an begin the cleanup
process is safety. Environmental monitoring allows samples to be taken of the air during the
cleanup process. Once these samples are analyzed the results will enable the persons
responsible for the accident to judge what sort of long-term affects the fuel leak is going to
have on the environment in that specify location.
Type of Tools
1. Cooperative agreement
2. Information disclosure
4. Regulations
5. Voluntary stewardship/corporate environmental responsibility
We use the best tool to meet the multiple goals to given situation. Each has its strengths and
limitations. An ideal tool promotes a cleaner environment is cost-effective, absolutely fair,
equitable and capable of meeting rapid changes in science and technology. The following
facts sheets showcase the various types of environmental tools that can be applied by a
government, an industry a private firm, or an environmental non-profit organization. The fact
sheets provide general knowledge about tools and their application.
Farming – For decades, agriculture was among the most conservative industries. But times
are changing. Farmer have to carefully consider land use and the application of fertilizers and
pesticides if they don’t want to face fines. Of course this doesn’t make farming any easier.
What’s more the human population is growing along with food consumption. To keep up
farmers need to boost crop yields and improve product quality. But how can they do this
without their traditional approaches and with environmental sustainability in mind.
Benefits quality products – farers monitor field operations and track the necessary water
Efficient resources utilization – The IoT solution tracks water volume to avoid using it
Urban – The main bottleneck in many city planning management is water supply and proper
water quality management. This results in water of marginal quality.
As a consequence, the population suffers from untreated waste water and waterborne disease
we may wouder such cases are only common in developing countries. But in reality more
than seven million American get sick every year from diseases spread through water.
Consider the case of a wastewater management district in Ohio, they used separate sewers fro
sanitary sewage and stormwater, but there was no control over water levels in sewage pipes.
In the event of heavy rain fall, water from different pipes got mixed into a single pipe. Since
the pipe was diverted into a nearby lake, it causes serous water pollution issues.
To avoid such a risk the district build an automated flow rate monitoring solution. It
uses data loggers to monitor the channel’s water level and flow rate. When significant
changes in the water level are registered. The company receivers instant notifications and can
take action. As a consequence infrastructure remains the same but risks drop to zero.
Public Transport – Air pollution harms humans cognition and productivity drains motivation
and leads to lost working days and sick leave. Air pollution damages health and costs lives.
Poor air quality causes over 200 thousand deaths every year.
No one doubts the importance of air pollution monitoring systems. The problem is
their cost. A price tag deters enthusiasts and prevents the expansion of an air quality network.
That’s why the creativity of the following example is especially impressive storage
More than a quarter of the world’s rivers contain traces of Pharmaceuticals and one of
the reasons for this is poor inventory management.
Not every business deals with hazardous materials. But any company would like to
avoid product spoilage and money loss. To do this, they need to monitor proper temperature
and storage conditions.
Benefits – Management of Hazardous substances. The system monitors the location of these
materials. Moreover, it ensure they’re stored according to regulatory requirements.
Lower Costs – The company uses fewer resources to manage its inventory.
in business in business that we hazardous substances such as heavy metals. It includes
periodic health examinations of workers and environmental monitors include preventing
occupational diseases. Improving the company’s public image and reducing environmental
Preventing Occupational Disease: Environmental monitoring can reduce health hazards in the
workplace for example the occupational disease silicosis, which affects miners, has been
controlled by environmental monitoring that reduces the amount of silica dust in the air. In
the chemical industry. The use of appropriate garments with heavy metals such as lead.
environmental health. Ecosystem functions Environmental Indicators sometimes complicated
often simple environmental indicators may require laboratory analysis or specialized
equipment and techniques .
Testing water for pesticide residues Automatic camera on game paths for wildlife census ect.
But indicator are often very simple. Especially for small-scale activities simple indicators can
be more useful and appropriate then more complicated ones
Good environmental monitoring tell you clearly and cost effectively if mitigation is
sufficient and effective . Do no more than needed Prioritize the most serious impacts and
funded = funding M&M must be adequate over the life of the activity
Considered early - preventing mitigation is usually cheapest and most effective Prevention
must be built in at the design stage
Considered early . If M&M budged are not programmed at the design stage They are almost
always inadequate Mitigation and Monitoring is a part of each stage of any activity
Construct / implement
The primary objective of the Environmental Monitoring plan will be to ensure that the
safeguards identified as necessary during the EIA process and those contained within the
contractor's contract as well as statutory obligations are all satisfactorily complied with while
the purpose of EIA process is to identity potential negative impacts and recommend
appropriate mitigation measures to minimize the same the EMP is devised to
Construction phase
Operation phase
The Environmental management measures proposed to be adopted during the works include
Efforts will be made to reduce noise levels from handling of metallic objects and
sheets. loading and unloading etc.
Efforts will be made to prevent accidental spillage of oil and grease or equipment
Efforts will be made to prevent accidental spillage of oil during cleaning and
decommission of existing tank
Clearance of construction spoil and their safe disposal by licensed waste carriers
Pre- Cleaning stage establish and implement procedures for testing the entry and
determining safe tank entry conditions. This includes but it is not limited to continues
gas monitoring oxygen content and lead in air
Erection of temporary wall to protect tank No 1 from hot work that will arise during
dismantling and creation
Provision of the best option for the sale of the resulting scrap mental and concrete ring
with revenue benefiting vivo energy Mauritius.
carling away of debris and other unsellable materials which shall be done as per latest
applicable environmental norms in Mauritius.
Regular Co Ordination meeting at all levels will be held with contractors , consultants
and client on a daily weekly and monthly basis as deemed necessary on site
Complaints if any received during the work that relate to the environmental shall be
recorded in a special designated register and the response noted with the date and the
action taken.
A noise monitoring will be effected in the context of the work with a pre-monitoring
for baseline level before start of work and their after a monitoring during the work to
assess the noise level.
Full compliance with statutory requirements including the conditions that will be
listed in the EIA license
Since all the 1 hrs TSP monitoring result complied with the AL levels it indicated an
acceptable air quality during the operation hours. The water quality monitoring was
conducted by the reclamation project in reporting month .It was believed that the exceedancer
were not caused by the operation of the fill bank. because only a small amount of surface
runoff was discharged from the site and a sufficient derlting system including provision of
screening facilities and a permanent derlting chamber in the trapezoidal channel was
provided. environmental site inspections were conducted times in the reporting month and
mitigation measure were generally implemented for the project ET had notified the
contractor the observations and deficiencies especially provisions and maintance of drip
buys oil stain on base ground and improper waste accumulation. The contractor was
reminded to rectify the observation. Besides as air quality excredances were recorded and
they were believed to be attributable to the wind erosion on the stockpiles , the contractor
was reminded to cover the exposed slopes and provide sufficient water spraying on the
stockpiles and haul roads
2. http://dx.doi-org/10.1016/0021-9169(93)90164.t.
5. 2008/y-peng-072208.pdf
Dr Jobin mathew
Assistant Co-Ordinator IGNOU
CMS College Kottayam