Lesson 1 - IBT
Lesson 1 - IBT
Lesson 1 - IBT
1. Are business and trade inseparable in actual setting? Why? Based on their definitions, it is a case to
case basis. Yes, they are inseparable in actual setting because international trade is category which
exists under business. To explain further, business defines the entire control of the production, buying
and selling of goods and services, while trade is narrowed to the buying and selling of goods. Therefore,
trade cannot exist if there is no business, yet business will still exist even without the essence of trade.
2. How do you attribute international trade to the growth of the nation economy? Explain. International
trade contributes to the economic growth of a country as it is essential in creating opportunities for
these countries to grow and innovate, meaning, this can become a factor for raising the standards of the
products they produce. This also creates more jobs which increases the employment rate. This may also
help in the reduction of poverty. International may also allow the enjoyment and exploration of a wider
range of goods to the consumers.
3. Identify some of the benefits which may be deriving from engaging in international trade. There are
many benefits to the engagement in international business and trade, to name a few, increased
revenues are one of the main benefits. There will be a significant increase in revenues because a firm
involved will be able to have a wider scope in their market. Secondly, competition may enhance,
therefore, pushing firms to significantly to operate in high efficiency. Lastly, there will be a continuous
improvement in the quality of the firm’s products, as this is essential for them to survive and gain
increase in sales.
4. Identify the elements of the firm’s business environment, political environment, and technological
The elements of technological environment are:a. level of technologyb. the pace of technological
changesc. technological transferd. research and developmente. impact of technology in business
5. What factors are the most to affect a firm ‘s operation? Explain. The main factor which can affect a
firm the most are its external factors. These external factors are mainly: the economy, politics,
competitors, customers, and even the weather. These are circumstances, influences, or situations which
can affect the firm but they cannot control.