Sarah Friedrich et al
European Society of Cardiology.: European Heart Journal - Digital Health (2021) 2, 424–436 REVIEW
Received 5 March 2021; revised 21 April 2021; editorial decision 7 June 2021; accepted 7 June 2021; online publish-ahead-of-print 8 June 2021
Aims Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) promise vast advances in medicine. The current state of AI/ML
applications in cardiovascular medicine is largely unknown. This systematic review aims to close this gap and provides
recommendations for future applications.
and results
Pubmed and EMBASE were searched for applied publications using AI/ML approaches in cardiovascular medicine
without limitations regarding study design or study population. The PRISMA statement was followed in this review.
A total of 215 studies were identified and included in the final analysis. The majority (87%) of methods applied belong to the
context of supervised learning. Within this group, tree-based methods were most commonly used, followed by network and
regression analyses as well as boosting approaches. Concerning the areas of application, the
most common disease context was coronary artery disease followed by heart failure and heart rhythm disorders.
Often, different input types such as electronic health records and images were combined in one AI/ML application.
Only a minority of publications investigated reproducibility and generalizability or provided a clinical trial
Conclusions A major finding is that methodology may overlap even with similar data. Since we observed marked variation in
quality, reporting of the evaluation and transparency of data and methods urgently need to be improved.
Despite significant improvements over the last decades, cardiovascular diseases remain the leading
cause of morbidity and mortality in Europe and the USA. Due to complex disease pathways and
heterogeneity, disease diagnostic and prognostic assessment remain a challenging task. On the other
hand, modern technologies are constantly increasing the ability to collect large quantities of data, which
require implementation of comprehensive automated analytical methods to improve the understanding
of the underlying disease complexity and ultimately increase the quality of healthcare.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an overarching term that describes the use of algorithms and software which
demonstrate human-like cognition in analysing, interpreting, and understanding complicated medical
and health data. An algorithm is simply a set of actions to be followed to get a solution. Algorithms are
trained to learn how to process information. The term AI may also be applied to any machine that
exhibits traits associated with a human mind, such as learning and problem-solving. When machines can
extract information from data, improve their function or make predictions about future events, they are
referred to as machine learning (ML), a subset of AI. The overall objective of these approaches is to learn
from samples and to generalize to new, yet unseen cases. Machine learning includes a range of
advanced sub-branches, such as deep learning (DL) and neural networks. AI/ML methods achieved
remarkable progress, and their use has increased significantly over the last years in cardiovascular
medicine, as indicated by recently published reviews
prognostic and diagnostic: we defined an approach as diagnostic when patients were classified or
divided into subgroups without any time reference and as prognostic when there was a time reference.
In order to enable comparisons and study interactions, the cardiovascular context is categorized into ten
types, namely coronary artery disease (CAD), valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies, heart rhythm
disorders, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, heart failure (HF), congenital heart disease,
cardiometabolic, and other entities.
Similarly, the applied AI/ML methods are categorized into supervised, unsupervised and unspecified
methods. The latter category refers to publications where the AI/ML approach was not mentioned or
explained by the authors, e.g. since a commercial software was used or due to statements such as ‘we
used a machine learning approach’. Additionally, the unsupervised methods are categorized into three
and the supervised methods into eight sub-categories.
The literature review identified 524 distinct publications that were screened for eligibility. A total of 215 studies were included in
the final analysis,
explored.We observed a relative and absolute increase in publications
with AI/ML applications in the last years.
Popular AI/ML methods and their areas
of application
The majority (87%) of methods applied belonged to the context of
supervised learning, see Figure 2A. Within this group, tree-based
methods were most commonly used, followed by network and regression
analyses as well as boosting approaches. In 15 articles (7%),
the authors did not describe the AI/ML approach in detail. In most of
these cases, a commercial software was used. Among the unsupervised
methods clustering was the most popular and included 67% of
the unsupervised methods (Figure 2A). We also found that unsupervised
and unspecified methods are more common when the AI/ML
method is used for pre-processing than in other applications. In particular,
supervised methods were applied in 60% of the studies that
used AI/ML for pre-processing only as opposed to 92% in the other
Concerning the areas of application, the most common disease
context was CAD followed by HF and heart rhythm disorders as
depicted in Figure 2B. The most common input for the AI/ML methods
were health records (Figure 3). Often, different types of input
data were combined in one AI/ML-application. For example, 10 (5%)
studies used omics data in combination with health records and 21
(10%) studies combined health records with images. Figure 4 shows
the distribution of the supervised methods applied in the most common
disease areas (CAD, HF and all other diseases than CAD or HF)
in more detail. In CAD, for example, boosting and regression methods
are the most common methods of choice. In HF, on the other
hand, tree-based methods are often used.
Typical cases of AI/ML algorithms
Given the larger number of different methods and their applications
in cardiovascular medicine, inspection of specific examples is helpful
to understand how the use of AI/ML algorithms might have a potential
benefit for clinical practice. Therefore, Table 2 lists typical cases,
which were selected based on their high number of overall citations.
Interestingly, the number of trial subjects differed widely in the topcited
publications. Furthermore, there was no general preference for
one AI/ML method. Of note, none of the highly cited examples were
randomized controlled trials.
The choice of a specific AI/ML method is complex and depends on
various parameters that are specific to the individual problem to be
solved. From this extensive review, a few broad recommendations
on this choice can be derived. In feature selection with, e.g. tabular
data such as health records, tree-based, regression or boosting methods
are most commonly applied. The application of DL to tabular
data is generally possible and might perform similarly or even outperform
other methods especially on larger data sets, 21 but specific
adaptions ofDL to tabular data are still an area of active research. 22,23
For image (and similarly electrocardiogram signal or omics) data,
network-based DL methods are the most commonly used method.
Besides the excellent performance of DL on image data, the possibility
to do transfer-learning easily with DL methods is one of the key
components that make DL the go-to method for image data, if the
number of patients is sufficiently large.
We explicitly restricted our search to clinical applications of AI/ML
methods, excluding methodological publications from our literature
search. However, some recent reviews provide nice overviews for
specific methodologies. For example, Chen et al.24 reviewed the use
of DL in image segmentation, while Bizopoulos and Koutsouris4 provide
an overview of DL applications in structured data, signal and
imaging modalities. In line with Chen et al.,24 we recommend that future
research explicitly targets the deployment of novel methodology
such asDL in real-world clinical applications.
Furthermore, we recommend that some points are considered
with regard to the (i) evaluation of an ML algorithm in itself and in
comparison to alternative algorithms; (ii) reporting of the evaluation;
and (iii) transparency of data and methods. The recommendations
are summarized in Figure 5.
The evaluation of an ML algorithm requires that a model has been
developed and validated in a carefully designed study. This includes,
among other aspects, that predictor variables were assessed independently
from outcome variables, and that sample sizes were sufficient
for stable model building and a precise estimation. Vollmer et
al.12 provide a list of critical questions to assess the quality of AI/ML
applications in medical applications. Moreover, tools to assess data such models are available. While an explicit adaptation to
methods is still under development,29 the statement is overall well
applicable to predictive AI/ML models. The 22 items on the checklist
relate to all parts of a typical academic report from the title to the
supplement and cover areas as the data source (items 4 and 5), the
outcome (item 6), the model building (item 10), and the clinical implications
(item 20).
Most challenging to address is item 15, which asks to present the
full model and to explain how the trained model is applied and how
to interpret the results. Complex AI/ML models involving many variables
(e.g. random forest, deep neural network) are not easily shared
in printed form and other means to make the trained model available
have to be found in these cases, see the Discussion section for
Finally, we recommend a high level of transparency throughout the
process of model development and validation with regard to the
utilized data, the specific final model(s) built, and the program code
that was used.While performing the extensive literature review, we
often recognized a lack of reporting in the exactmethods used, which
limits comparability and reproducibility of the proposed approaches.
To overcome this shortcoming, we recommend that source code
should be openly available, e.g. in a web-based version control system
such as git/github ( The respective URL should
be included in the manuscript.
It is of crucial importance to further encourage data sharing. Safe
and trusted open data initiatives such as Zenodo (
) are recommended for sharing data. The platform provides a DOI to
each upload tomake data citable and traceable. It also offers a sophisticated
data access model to restrict data access only to certain
groups. Google Cloud provides a suite of tools as part of their AI
platform offering ( to build, validate,
and explain models. As for proprietary data sharing, Triple Blind ( is an example of a
to reproduce results using the same datasets and models while
maintaining privacy.
If data sharing is not possible due to legal issues, it is recommended
to make the trained model openly available such that other research
groups can re-use model weights or estimated model coefficients.
This is a very common approach in traditional computer vision,
where network models like VGG16 are shared with the public for
re-usage. To allow for an easy integration of such models into novel
applications, such pre-trained networks are now even built-in common
libraries, such as Keras (
However, possible issues of model inversion30 need to be taken into
account, i.e. Zhu et al.30 could show that it is possible to recover the
(private) training data from the publicly shared models.
In this article, we have reviewed the current state of AI/ML applications
in cardiovascular medicine.We provide a comprehensive overview
of the spectrum of the various different AI/ML methods and
illustrate the context in which these were applied to address questions
in a variety of cardiovascular diagnostic applications and diseases.
Since a major finding is that methodology may overlap even in
similar data and since we observed marked variation in quality we
also provide some recommendations with respect to applying AI/ML
methods in practice. This methodological overlap may be explained
by the fact that to date no consensus exists as to which method
should best be applied in which disease context. Therefore, many
publications included in our review investigated and compared several
methods simultaneously. Indeed, the choice of a specific AI/ML
method is complex as are the various parameters and pitfalls that determine
appropriate use.We found that AI/ML-based work frequently
lacks aspects of quality such as transparency regarding
methodology and data as well as validation of the methods.Other important
aspects of AI/ML research include data partition and crossvalidation.
Krittanawong et al.10 found a large heterogeneity with respect
to these aspects in their meta-analysis. Therefore, after a period
of rather intense AI/ML research, which we document herein, we advocate
a more vigorous approach to scientific standards, which
should be a prerequisite for clinical application.
Our review is limited by our literature search, where we explicitly
required the search terms ‘artificial intelligence’ or ‘machine learning’
mentioned in title or abstract. Moreover, we have focused on clinical
applications and thus not considered publications in methodological
journals, since we specifically wanted to focus on AI/ML applications
to real-world clinical data. In contrast, methodological papers often
demonstrate the usefulness or applicability of new methods on freely
available benchmark data sets. Thus, they play an important role with
respect to proof of concept and feasibility of newly developed methods
and can be seen as an important intermediate step between
method development and widespread clinical use.
A potential source of bias in our study is the exclusion of journals
with an impact factor less than 2. The rationale behind this approach
was to limit our analyses to articles with potential clinical impact. The
threshold of 2 was chosen since it lies between the median impact factor
in cardiology (median IF 2.3) and general internal medicine (median
IF 1.6) according to the Web of Science.31 In total, 228 journals were
searched and articles from 65 distinct journals were included in our
analyses. The effect of this restriction is also displayed in the PRISMA
flow chart, see Supplementary material online, Figure S1.
A further limitation results from the categorization of AI/ML
approaches and disease categories. Here we used the terms primarily
used by the authors of the articles included, but a potential overlap,
e.g. between HF and cardiomyopathies, cannot be ruled out
The broad scope of our publication limits in-depth discussion with
respect to specific disease areas or data types. However, we deliberately
chose this approach in order to give a broad overview. In this,
our systematic review complements previously published work that
focused on particular applications. Finally, we provide only descriptive
analyses with respect to superiority of the AI/ML methods as
compared to ‘classical’methods, therein relying solely on the authors’
definition of superiority. As already mentioned in the recommendations
above, however, these comparisons are often not conducted
fairly.32 From a clinical perspective, there is still a lack of randomized
controlled trials as the mainstay of evidence-based medicine in the
cardiovascular field of AI/ML. Comparison of AI/ML-incorporated
algorithms to standard of care by means of clinically relevant endpoints
and validation in prospective studies are prerequisites for further
integration and acceptance. Only the minority of publications
investigated reproducibility and generalizability. However, such studies
are necessary to foster large-scale clinical implementation of novel
AI/ML approaches. But even if prospective validation is not implemented
at this stage, now is the time for advancing quality of AI/MLbased
work, given an increasing body of practical recommendations.
For example, the essential TRIPOD guidelines have been extended
by additional important work, such as recommendations for proper
reporting of AI prediction models.29 Likewise, standards for avoiding
bias and fostering reproducibility have been communicated and
should be demanded, ultimately, to avoid harm to patients. 14,15 Our
review suggests that most of the time, standards were set too low.
On the other hand, demanding that any data used to train AI/ML
models must be(come) open source, while certainly ideal, might significantly
preclude important hypothesis generating work. Given the
shortage of open-source training data, work on closed source data,
such as some registries, is indeed important for hypothesis generation
and, provided it is labelled as such, deserves attention. However, at a
stage where routine clinical decision making takes place, we consider
external validation essential.
Our extensive review also showed that some promising AI/ML
methods are currently underutilized in clinical practice. To encourage
wider use of potentially superior AI/ML methods and to push such
research on urgent, clinically relevant problems, one promising approach
is to conduct medical challenges, as has been done frequently
in various research areas. Linked to this is the definition of the task
and appropriate metrics to evaluate the incoming results.
Participants, mostly volunteers, can register and are asked to upload
their code and/or results before the predefined deadline. Platforms
like Grand Challenge ( or
Kaggle ( provide options for data upload,
participant registration and leaderboard visualization. The main benefit
is that the developed methods are directly comparable, because they were, unlike in many other works, trained and tested on the
same data sets. Moreover, a spill of training data into validation datasets,
a problem that is hard to control for in several AI/ML settings, is
excluded by design. To allow for such challenges, grants supporting
the purpose of data acquisition, including an incentive to provide
open or closed source data to such a challenge should be promoted.
Another possible path for future directions entails the use of federated
learning. Federated learning means ‘to let the algorithms travel
and not the data’. Rieke et al.33 propose to use federated learning to
avoid the complexity of data sharing that is associated from a legal
point of view. This may be realized by linking the data infrastructure
of the hospital to an in-house computational node that trains models
and sends the trained model weights to a central node outside the
hospital, where the models are aggregated to create a novel powerful
approach, which better accounts for more variants of data.
434 S. Friedrich et al.
Background Predicting mortality is important in patients with heart failure (HF). However, current strategies for predicting risk
are only modestly successful, likely because they are derived from statistical analysis methods that fail to capture
prognostic information in large data sets containing multi-dimensional interactions.
and results
We used a machine learning algorithm to capture correlations between patient characteristics and mortality. A model
was built by training a boosted decision tree algorithm to relate a subset of the patient data with a very high or very
low mortality risk in a cohort of 5822 hospitalized and ambulatory patients with HF. From this model we derived a
risk score that accurately discriminated between low and high-risk of death by identifying eight variables (diastolic
blood pressure, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, haemoglobin, white blood cell count, platelets, albumin, and red
blood cell distribution width). This risk score had an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.88 and was predictive across
the full spectrum of risk. External validation in two separate HF populations gave AUCs of 0.84 and 0.81, which were
superior to those obtained with two available risk scores in these same populations.
Conclusions Using machine learning and readily available variables, we generated and validated a mortality risk score in
with HF that was more accurate than other risk scores to which it was compared. These results support the use of
this machine learning approach for the evaluation of patients with HF and in other settings where predicting risk has
been challenging.
Predicting mortality in heart failure (HF) is critically important to
patients, their providers, healthcare systems, and third-party payers
alike. The ability to accurately assess outcomes in patients
with HF, however, has proven to be a difficult task. Although
a number of tools, including biomarkers,1,2 risk scores3–10 and
their combination11–13 have been developed for this purpose, most have achieved only modest success, particularly when they are
employed in HF populations other than those from which the score
was derived.14–19 For instance, the Meta-Analysis Global Group in
Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC) risk score8 achieved a C-statistic
for the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.74 for predicting mortality
risk in a large cohort of patients followed in the Swedish Heart
Failure Registry, but performed less well in patients on a transplant waiting list and in a large population of ambulatory HF
patients in
the US where the C-statistics were 0.69 and 0.70, respectively. 16,18
The results with previous HF risk scores are likely due to several
causes including dependence on variables that are not universally
available and temporal dispersion in the collection of variables so
that the state of the patient at a discrete point in the course of
their disease is not captured.14,15 Most importantly, though, is that
previous HF prediction tools were largely derived using statistical
analysis methods that fail to capture multi-dimensional correlations
that contain prognostic information. In contrast, machine learning,
which has long been used by other fields, including high-energy
physics20 to discriminate between signal and background, uses
non-parametric analysis methods to incorporate these interactions.
As this approach offers theoretical advantages over ones
used in the past, we hypothesized that it could be used to generate
a model that more accurately predicts mortality risk among
patients with HF than previously published scores.
Age, gender, and mean values for the eight variables used to
construct the MARKER-HF score of the patients studied in the
three populations
A central challenge in HF
management is the identification of mortality risk, as the clinical
course is often unpredictable. Prompt identification of high-risk
patients using MARKER-HF could help allow for the deployment
of additional resources, including more intensive assessment by
physicians and health care extenders, in appropriate cases. It could
be used to alert patients and their families of the severity of the
patient’s illness and encourage discussions regarding advanced care
or end of life directives.
Meta-Analysis of the Potential Role of miRNA-21 in Cardiovascular System Function Monitoring
BioMed Research International
Volume 2020, Article ID 4525410, 6 pages
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short and noncoding RNA fragments that bind to the messenger RNA. They have different roles in
many physiological or pathological processes. MicroRNA-21, one of the first miRNAs discovered, is encoded by the MIR21
gene and is located on the chromosomal positive strand 17q23.2. MicroRNA-21 is transcribed by polymerase II and has its own
promoter sequence, although it is in an intron. It is intra- and extracellular and can be found in many body fluids, alone or
combined with another molecule. It regulates many signalling pathways and therefore plays an important role in the
cardiovascular system. Indeed, it is involved in the differentiation and migration of endothelial cells and angiogenesis. It
contributes to the reconstruction of a myocardial infarction, and it can also act as a cellular connector or as an antagonist to
cardiac cell apoptosis. By playing all these roles, it can be interesting to use it as a biomarker, especially for cardiovascular
The discovery of the lin-4 gene coding small RNA [1] and the discovery of let-7 RNA in the nematode C. elegans [2] interested
molecular and cellular biologists but also clinicians. Further studies addressing the former con firmed the occurrence of genes
encoding short RNA sequences, and this led to the establishment of a mechanism for regulating RNA interference gene
expression. This discovery has been recognized by the scienti fic community and awarded the Nobel
Prize in 2006 [3].
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are among the most common diseases of modern societies, and they are also, similar to cancers,
one of the main causes of mortality in the world (Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2019 Update). Identifying factors that can
significantly reduce patient mortality rates remains a challenge. A more e ffective prevention and early diagnosis of acute
coronary syndrome (ACS), whose clinical presentations are myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina (UA), may
significantly decrease the occurrence of heart failure (HF) and thus reduce the cardiovascular mortality rate. Previous scienti fic
reports confirm the role of miRNA in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
Circulating miR-155, miR-145 and let-7c as diagnostic biomarkers of the coronary artery disease
Julien Faccini1,2,
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most prevalent cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide and the number of individuals
at risk is increasing. To better manage cardiovascular diseases, improved tools for risk prediction including the identification of
novel accurate biomarkers are needed. MicroRNA (miRNA) are essential post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression
leading to mRNA suppression or translational repression. Specific expression profiles of circulating miRNA have emerged as
potential noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers of diseases. The aim of this study was to identify the potential diagnostic value of
circulating miRNA with CAD. Circulating miR-145, miR-155, miR-92a and let-7c were selected and validated by quantitative
PCR in 69 patients with CAD and 30 control subjects from the cross-sectional study GENES. The expression of miR-145, miR-
155 and let-7c showed significantly reduced expression in patients with CAD compared to controls. Multivariate logistic
regression analysis revealed that low levels of circulating let-7c, miR-145 and miR-155 were associated with CAD. Receiver
operating curves analysis showed that let-7c, miR-145 or miR-155 were powerful markers for detecting CAD. Furthermore, we
demonstrated that the combination of the three circulating miRNA managed to deliver a specific signature for diagnosing CAD.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is still the most prevalent cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite recent advances in
diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases, there is still a clinical need to identify novel diagnostic and
prognostic biomarkers that pave the way for new therapeutic interventions. Indeed, it is challenging to improve the conventional
cardiovascular risk scores by assessing new biomarkers that will complement clinical decision-making and help to stratify
patients for early preventive treatment. MicroRNA (miRNA) are a class of small (~22 nucleotides) noncoding RNA that are
essential post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression that bind to the 3 ′ untranslated region of specific target genes,
thereby leading to suppression or translational repression1. Accumulating evidence indicate that miRNA are critically involved in
physiological or pathological processes including those relevant for the cardiovascular system 2,3. The majority of miRNA are
intracellular however miRNA can be secreted as micro vesicles or exosomes and apoptotic bodies into the blood circulation.
MiRNA remain stable in the blood or serum, and membrane-derived vesicles or lipoproteins can carry and transport circulating
miRNA. Indeed, miRNA isolated from plasma are highly stable in boiling water, prolonged room temperature incubation or
repeated freeze-thawing4. Several studies indicate that circulating miRNA are protected from plasma ribonucleases by their
carriers e.g. lipid vesicles or protein conjugates (such as Argonaute 2 or other ribonucleoproteins) 5.
Specific expression profiles of circulating miRNA have been associated with several diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular
injury therefore miRNA have emerged as potential suitable biomarkers for accurate diagnosis 6. The aim of the present study was
to investigate circulating miRNA differentially regulated between patients with CAD and control subjects and, determine their
potential diagnostic value for CAD. We identify associations of miRNA as a new blood-based miRNA signature for the detection
of CAD.
The amount of patients hospitalized in Western countries for chest pain accounts for several millions each year. In approximately
half of the cases, chest pain is of cardiac origin [1]. Among these patients, approximately 50% exhibit an underlying coronary
artery disease (CAD), causing either stable (SA) or unstable (UA) angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. In the absence of
myocardial necrosis leading to increased plasmatic levels of the cardiac-specific protein Troponin, there are currently no
established circulating biomarkers that may support the diagnosis of SA or UA. Notably, missed diagnosis of cardiac ischemia
has been demonstrated to cause an increase in early and mid-term mortality [2]. Thus, the identification of novel noninvasive
biomarkers of CAD lacking myocardial necrosis is a compelling need still under investigation.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22 nucleotides long non-coding RNAs, known to regulate complex biological process by 'finetuning'
the translation of specific messenger RNA targets [3]. MiRNAs are pivotal modulators of mammalian cardiovascular
development and disease and can be steadily found in the systemic circulation of both animals and humans, where they show a
remarkable stability probably due to internalization in vesicles and binding to circulating proteins and other molecules [4]. Since
their levels may significantly change upon stress, circulating miRNAs have been proposed as diagnostic biomarkers in different
pathologic conditions (e.g. cancer, cardiac diseases, liver injury, and hepatitis) [4-6]. Interestingly, recent reports have suggested
the diagnostic potential of miRNAs in heart diseases, such as heart failure [7] and myocardial infarction (MI) [8]. In particular,
we previously reported the presence of a distinctive “signature” of 6 circulating miRNAs in patients with ST-Elevation
Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) [8]. In a more recent work, we have shown that circulating miR-499-5p may be a useful marker
for early discrimination between congestive heart failure and Non STElevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) in elderly
patients presenting to hospital with unclear symptoms [9]. In the search for diagnostic biomarkers of chest pain of cardiac origin,
circulating miRNAs have been previously investigated in blood, serum, plasma, platelets, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC) in patients with both stable and unstable angina [10]. However, the high heterogeneity in study design, patient
population, and miRNA source and detection methods is likely to be responsible for the high variability and poor overlap of the
aberrant miRNA signatures identified, making extrapolation of conclusive information difficult.
The purpose of the present study was to search for distinctive miRNA profiles in plasma of patients with angiographically-
documented troponin-negative CAD in comparison to controls matched for cardiovascular risk factors.
The potential diagnostic significance of circulating miRNAs has been challenged by ROC curve and hierarchical cluster
analysis with the aim of identifying putative specific CADassociated miRNA signatures.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Circulating miRNAs were
recently identified as biomarkers for various physiological and pathological conditions. In this study, we aimed to identify
the circulating miRNA fingerprint of vulnerable coronary artery disease (CAD) and explore its potential as a novel biomarker
for this disease.