Lobositz BAR v3 Update

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Lobositz Upgrade to BAR v3

Introduction On the ‘Formation Change Charts’ ignore the references to

Lobositz was created under the Second Edition of the ‘Battles cavalry units in 4 or 5 hex formations. In BAR v3, a 3 hex
from the Age of Reason’ rules (BAR v2). The ‘upgrade rules’ formation is the largest allowed for cavalry.
on this sheet will allow players to use Lobositz with the new
Third Edition rules (BAR v3). Note that some of the BAR Do not use the ‘Special Disorder/Morale Check Results’ table.
rules references found in Lobositz will be incorrect as some Instead use the tables for Morale and Disorder Check Special
rules numbering has changed in BAR v3. Results found on the back of this sheet. Instructions for the use
of these tables are as follows:
Lobositz Corrections First, identify the letter designation (A, B, H, etc.) of the type
- The range multipliers for Austrian 7lb howitzers are incorrect. of Disorder or Morale Check required. Then cross-index the
They should be: 1-2 x6, 3-7 x3, 8-11 x2 and 12-14 x1. dice roll with the results listed for that letter designation. Some
- These units should be corrected as follows: of the rolls produce a numbered hierarchy of results. When
Austrian Oberst Lacy should have an Initiative Rating of 7. this is the case, always check to see if result #1 applies first. If
Prussian GL Kyau should have a Close Combat Bonus of +3. result #1 does not apply, then use result #2. For those instances
where there are three results, continue down the hierarchy until
Wing Activation Numbers you find the result that applies or you reach result #3. What-
- Per BAR v3 rule 6.5, every Army Commander needs a Wing ever modifier is listed for any re-roll, that is the ONLY modi-
Activation Number (WAN). For Lobositz, use the following fier that is used for the re-roll--ignore all previously calculated
WANs: modifiers. Note that some results, marked with an asterisk (*),
King Frederick II: WAN = 4 can cause leader losses (which are explained below the Morale
FM Browne: WAN = 4 Check Special Results Table).
- For any other leaders that become army commander, use this
procedure: Compare a leader’s “natural” Command Rating as Do not use the ‘Special Recall Results’ table. This has been
listed in the rules (that is, the Command Rating before any replaced in BAR v3 by the special results for a Cavalry Recall
modifiers are applied) with the table below. This will show the Disorder Check (F).
WAN to use for that leader.
SCM Do not use the ‘Disorder Check Summary Chart’ or the
Leader’s Terrain Cost ‘Morale Check Summary Chart’ as printed in Lobositz. In-
stead use the versions of those charts found on pages 46 and 47
Rating WAN Clear 1 of the BAR v3 rules.
+5 5 Marsh P
On the ‘Game Turn Track’, the Disorder Check noted for units
+4 6 Pond / River P moving on night turns is a Movement Actions Disorder Check
+3 7 (A).
Road OT
+2 8
Sunken Road 2* Do not use the ‘Close Combat Special Results’ table as found
+1, 0 9 in Lobositz. Instead use the version of that table found below.
Stream / Graben 2*
Vineyard P
Close Combat Special Results
Woods 2*
Roll Attacker Defender 1) Apply SP losses
Village / Lobositz 2*
Slope hexside +0 0 1M 3* M 2) *Roll for Leader Loss for leader
who gave the bonus to the units:
SCM Costs
Steep Slope hexside +1 1 2* M 2* M 0-3 KIA
4-9 no effect
BAR v3 introduces the concept of ‘Special Cavalry Move- 2 2M 3* M
ment’ (SCM) and SCM costs. The chart above provides SCM 3) Rank all stacks by ER using Mo-
costs for all types of terrain found in Lobositz. An asterisk indi- 3 2M 2* M rale Check (G) modifiers.
cates that the terrain causes a Disorder Check (A) per BAR v3
rule 18.2. ‘OT’ means “use the other terrain in the hex”. A ‘P’ 4 2M 3* M 4) Each stack makes a Morale
means that SCM Movement is prohibited through the terrain. Check (G) in rank order, worst to
5 3* M 2M best.
Charts and Tables 6 2* M 2* M 5) If a Morale Check is failed, the
The following alterations to the charts and tables are necessary failing stack loses 1 SP and routs.
in order to use the BAR v3 rules with Lobositz: 7 3* M 3M
6) If units are left to fight on both
On the ‘Fire Combat’ card, under the section of ‘Fire Multiple 8 2M 1* M sides, re-fight CC. Certain CC
Modifiers’, do not use item 4: ‘Firing unit Disordered’. This modifiers do not apply to refights.
modifier has been done away with in BAR v3. 9 3* M 2M

These upgrade rules for Lobositz were created by Mathew Hinkle.

Lobositz Special Results for use with BAR v3
MORALE CHECK SPECIAL RESULTS (19.1a) D: 1) If the unit is with or adjacent to a leader, the check is passed.
A: Fire Combat Result 2) Re-roll with a +5 ERM.
B: Pre-Close Combat E, F, J: 1) If the unit is with or is adjacent to a leader, it passes.
C: Countercharge Movement 2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
D: Retreat Before Close Combat
E: Eliminated or Routed Attackers *Make a leader casualty check (after any re-roll, if one is required).
F: Friendly Unit Retreats Roll one die and on a 0-3 result the leader is eliminated (see 21.4d), on
H: Opportunity Charge a 4-9 result there is no effect.
J: Voluntary Rout
Dieroll of 00 - Morale Checks G & I do not have Special Results.
A: 1) If artillery fire contributed to the result, the unit Routs. - If a unit that is already Shaken receives a ‘Disordered/Shaken’ result,
2) The unit is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’ it will rout.
B, C, H: The unit is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’ - ERM = Effectiveness Rating Modifier
D: The unit retreats an additional 2 hexes and is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
E: The unit Routs (artillery is eliminated).
F: 1) If retreated through by cavalry the unit is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
A: Movement Action
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
B: Attack Column Facing Change
J: 1) If the unit is in an EZOC it is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
C: Opportunity Fire Result
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
D: Close Combat Defender Reaction
E: Defensive Fire Result
Dieroll of 01-03
F: Recall
A: 1) If the unit is in an EZOC it is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
Dieroll of 00
B: 1) If the unit is attacking and in an EZOC, re-roll with a +20 ERM.
A, B, E: The unit is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
2) Re-roll with a +15 ERM.
C: 1) If the unit is in an EZOC it is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
C, H: 1) If the unit is stacked with its Command Leader, re-roll with a
2) Re-roll with a +15 ERM.
+10 ERM.
D: The unit keeps its original facing/formation and is Disordered.
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
F: Eliminate SPs from the unit equal to ½ (rounded) a single dieroll.
D: 1) If the unit is a Skirmisher, re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
Dieroll of 01-03
E: 1) If caused by attacker elimination, re-roll with a +20 ERM.
A: Re-roll with double all the original check’s ‘+’ ERMs (if any).
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
B: Re-roll with a +15 ERM.
F, J: 1) If the unit’s ER is 25+ it is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
C, E: 1) If the check was caused by SP loss, re-roll with a +20 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +15 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
D: The unit is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
Dieroll of 04-06 F: Eliminate SPs from the unit equal to the number of PPs used.
A: 1) If caused by Opportunity Fire, re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) If caused by Defensive Fire, re-roll with a +20 ERM.
Dieroll of 04-06
3) Re-roll with a +15 ERM.
A, B: 1) If the unit’s printed ER is 26+, re-roll with a +10 ERM.
B: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader* and is in an EZOC, re-roll
2) The check is passed.
with a -15 ERM.
C: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader, the check is passed.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re- roll with a +10 ERM.
C, H: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader the check is passed.
D, F: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader, double the leader’s
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
Effectiveness Bonus and re-roll.
D: 1) If the unit retreated only 1 hex, re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +5 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +20 ERM.
E: 1) If any of the fire was from artillery, re-roll with a +15 ERM.
E: 1) If the unit is artillery, re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +5 ERM.
F, J: 1) If the unit’s ER is 35+ it is ‘Disordered/Shaken.’
Dieroll of 07-09
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
A, B, E: 1) If the unit’s printed ER is 36+, re-roll with a +5 ERM.
2) The check is passed.
Dieroll of 07-09 C, D: Re-roll the check with a -10 ERM.
A: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader* the check is passed.
F: 1) If the unit expended 5 or fewer PP’s, the check is passed.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
B: 1) If the unit is stacked with a leader* the check is passed.
2) Re-roll with a +5 ERM.
C, H: 1) If the charge movement would result in the unit not ending
- If a unit that is already Shaken receives a ‘Disordered/Shaken’ result,
the move in any EZOC, the check is passed.
it will rout.
2) Re-roll with a +10 ERM.
- ERM = Effectiveness Rating Modifier

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