UNSC Reforms

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UNSC Reforms

News - President of United Nations

General assembly (UNGA) has said that
UNSC does not reflect today’s realities
and pointed out that General assembly
is divided over United Nations reforms.

Procedure of Reform
Security Council reform entails the amendment of the United Nations charter which
• Adoption by a vote of at least 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly.
• Ratification by at least 2/3 of the members, including all Security Council
Permanent Members.
Therefore, collaboration among the members States is essential in
achieving the reforms.
Regional Underrepresentation
• Regions, such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America. UNSC is paralysed and not
◦Asia (54 members, one permanent seat) able to ensure International
◦Africa (54 members, zero permanent seat) Peace and Security.
◦Latin America and Caribbean states (33 members, zero • Military action by Russia
permanent seats) against Ukraine.
• Greater representation of countries from Global South is required • Chinese aggression in
South China Sea and
to ensure the UNSC reflects geopolitical realities of 21st century.
along LAC.
Misuse of veto power
by permanent members
of Reforms
• Russia has vetoed
Does Not reflect today’s realities
UNSC resolutions on
• Composition reflects the outcome of the Second World War
— almost unchanged since its foundation more than 75
• China’s role in blocking
years ago.
India’s anti-terror
• Threat of climate change, increased incidents of terrorism and
campaign at the UNSC.
rising tensions.
• Changed geopolitical relations and economic responsibilities.
• G4
General assembly divided
• African Obstacles
Union over reforms Due to vested interests
• CARICOM There are 5 negotiating
to UNSC of Permanent
• L.69 groups and they are Reforms Members, they were not
• Uniting for
neutralising each other’s bid. historically enthusiastic
about reforms.
coffee club

• One of the founder members of the UN.

• India’s adherence to the principle of
Largest democracy
non-alignment and conviction in
and most populous
country in the world.
India’s bid Panchsheel – five principles of peaceful
• Responsible nuclear power.
Active engagement in
• Played crucial role in supplying vaccines
forums concerning
Fifth largest and against COVID-19 globally.
climate change, SDGs
fastest growing • Contribution in UN peacekeeping
and other UN Summits.
large economy. mission.
The UN needs a Security Council which can
come up with effective resolutions and implement
its decisions in a timely and efficient manner.

Greater representation from

Permanent members Way underrepresented regions.
should refrain from the
use of veto, except in rare, Expansion in both permanent
extraordinary situations. and nonpermanent categories.
Reforms are necessary to make the UNSC more legitimate, effective
and representative in character and also to correct historical injustices
in South Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

G4 - India, Germany, Brazil and Japan

◦ Aspire to become permanent members of UNSC.

Uniting for Consensus (UfC) / Coffee Club - leaded by Italy. Members include -
Pakistan, Egypt, Mexico etc.
◦ oppose G4’s bid.

L.69 - Group of developing countries from Africa, Latin America and the
Caribbean, Asia and the Paci c.
◦ Support UNSC reforms.

Ezulwini Consensus - by African Union

◦ Calls for a more representative and democratic Security Council.

CARICOM - Caribbean community and Common Market.

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