UNSC Reforms
UNSC Reforms
UNSC Reforms
Procedure of Reform
Security Council reform entails the amendment of the United Nations charter which
• Adoption by a vote of at least 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly.
• Ratification by at least 2/3 of the members, including all Security Council
Permanent Members.
Therefore, collaboration among the members States is essential in
achieving the reforms.
Regional Underrepresentation
• Regions, such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America. UNSC is paralysed and not
◦Asia (54 members, one permanent seat) able to ensure International
◦Africa (54 members, zero permanent seat) Peace and Security.
◦Latin America and Caribbean states (33 members, zero • Military action by Russia
permanent seats) against Ukraine.
• Greater representation of countries from Global South is required • Chinese aggression in
South China Sea and
to ensure the UNSC reflects geopolitical realities of 21st century.
along LAC.
Misuse of veto power
by permanent members
of Reforms
• Russia has vetoed
Does Not reflect today’s realities
UNSC resolutions on
• Composition reflects the outcome of the Second World War
— almost unchanged since its foundation more than 75
• China’s role in blocking
years ago.
India’s anti-terror
• Threat of climate change, increased incidents of terrorism and
campaign at the UNSC.
rising tensions.
• Changed geopolitical relations and economic responsibilities.
• G4
General assembly divided
• African Obstacles
Union over reforms Due to vested interests
• CARICOM There are 5 negotiating
to UNSC of Permanent
• L.69 groups and they are Reforms Members, they were not
• Uniting for
neutralising each other’s bid. historically enthusiastic
about reforms.
coffee club
Uniting for Consensus (UfC) / Coffee Club - leaded by Italy. Members include -
Pakistan, Egypt, Mexico etc.
◦ oppose G4’s bid.
L.69 - Group of developing countries from Africa, Latin America and the
Caribbean, Asia and the Paci c.
◦ Support UNSC reforms.