AutoTrader Price Index - December 2022
AutoTrader Price Index - December 2022
AutoTrader Price Index - December 2022
The AutoTrader Price Index offers a monthly view of the Canadian automotive market by
analyzing vehicle pricing associated with hundreds of thousands of new and used vehicle
listings, bringing you the latest in pricing shifts and trends over time.
Due to a shortage of supply and persistent consumer demand, new vehicle
prices continued to rise in Decemberof 2022. However, domestic new v ehicle
prices decreased for the first time in 20 months(March 2021), which may be
an indication that new vehicleprices will start to soften in the near future. The
prices of used vehicles, on the other hand, has been declining over the past six
months after reaching a peak in June giving a strong indication of prices
gradually plateauing with more inventory availability.
SUMMARY New and used vehicle prices are still trending in opposite directions.
New vehicleprices are still increasing due to a shortage of supply and
consistent consumer demand. On the other hand, used v ehicleprices
have been decreasing for the past six months, after peaking in June.
Sustained decline in used vehicle prices
for sixconsecutive months due to
inventory recovery
In Decemberof2022, the average price of a used $40,000
vehicleincreased by 9%year-over-yearto $36,240, USED
while the average price of a new v ehicle went up by
16%, reaching a record high of $58,895.However,
used vehicleprices have been showing signs of
decline o verthe past six months due to inventory $30,000
recovery. It is expected that prices within the used
vehicle segment w ill remain above pre-COVID
levels for the foreseeable future.
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Based on average Canadian automotive pricing data (CAD $) collected from hundreds
of thousands of listings monthly on AutoTrader from December 1, 2020 to December
31, 2022. In addition to average pricing, year-over-year (YOY) and month-over-month
2021 2022
(MOM) price changes have been identified. The average has been adjusted based on
the make and age of the vehicles available on the market during the collection period.
The adjustments mean that any fluctuations in inventory won’t pull the average too far NEW USED
in one direction or another. Any changes under 0.1% have been denoted as 0.0%
3.5% MOM 0.4% MOM -0.8% MOM -1.7% MOM
$45,023 $56,251 $68,824 $56,132
Based on average Canadian automotive pricing data (CAD $) collected from hundreds
of thousands of listings monthly on AutoTrader from December 1, 2020 to December 21.8% YOY 13.8% YOY 0.8% YOY 21.5% YOY
31, 2022. In addition to average pricing, year-over-year (YOY) and month-over-month
(MOM) price changes have been identified. The average has been adjusted based on
the make and age of the vehicles available on the market during the collection period.
The adjustments mean that any fluctuations in inventory won’t pull the average too far -1.2% MOM -1.3% MOM -0.4% MOM -1.0% MOM
in one direction or another. Any changes under 0.1% have been denoted as 0.0%
$33,352 16.2% YOY $36,220 7.3% YOY $45,426 3.8% YOY $30,801 3.4% YOY
BY ORIGIN $70,000
Increased inventory
drives down prices $50,000
14.0% YOY
21.1% YOY
$60,858 $55,660 20.0% YOY
15.3% YOY
$53,387 11.4% YOY $53,900
$63,231 14.9% YOY
$60,941 $44,935
$54,859 $57,235
Based on average Canadian automotive pricing data (CAD $) collected from hundreds
of thousands of used vehicle listings monthly on AutoTrader in December 2021 and $49,814
December 2022. The Atlantic region is defined as: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince
Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador. Due to limited population size, the
territories are excluded, and Manitoba and Saskatchewan have been combined. The
average has been adjusted based on the make and age of the vehicles available on the
market during the collection period. The adjustments mean that any fluctuations in
inventory won’t pull the average too far in one direction or another. Any changes under
0.1% have been denoted as 0.0%.
British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Ontario Quebec Atlantic
& Manitoba Region
8.6% YOY
14% YOY
$40,553 $33,551 9% YOY
5.2% YOY
$37,357 4.9% YOY $32,496
$38,767 8.3% YOY
$36,645 $29,817
Methodology: $36,855 $36,744
Based on average Canadian automotive pricing data (CAD $) collected from hundreds
of thousands of used vehicle listings monthly on AutoTrader in December 2021 and
December 2022. The Atlantic region is defined as: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince
Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador. Due to limited population size, the
territories are excluded, and Manitoba and Saskatchewan have been combined. The
average has been adjusted based on the make and age of the vehicles available on the
market during the collection period. The adjustments mean that any fluctuations in
inventory won’t pull the average too far in one direction or another. Any changes under
0.1% have been denoted as 0.0%.
British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Ontario Quebec Atlantic
& Manitoba Region
2.5% YOY
Increase in trucks and SUVs driving up
80,000 15.6% QOQ
overall inventory levels
ew vehicleinventory levels have risenfor
N the first
time in 5 months, driven mostly by the increase in
trucks and SUV inventories. With supply chain 60,000 TRUCKS
disruptions easing up, and m icrochip production 71.1% YOY
ramping up, it is expected that new inventory levels 22.6% QOQ
willcontinue to increase in 2023.
-39.7% YOY
20,000 10.4% QOQ
1.9% YOY
3.7% QOQ
This data is the average of the total number of used automotive listings for the quarter
on AutoTrader segmented by vehicle type (car, SUV, truck, minivan). Based on total 0
listings, the data will be analyzed on a year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter basis to
identify overall inventory availability in the market. Given that AutoTrader is the largest Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
automotive marketplace in Canada, the data represents a snapshot of the overall
Canadian automotive market.
2021 2022
52.8% YOY
-1.5% QOQ
Used vehicle inventory reaches its highest
level since the beginning of 2021
December of 2022,used vehicleinventory
hitits highest level since the beginning of 2021
withall segmentsup on a year-over-year basis. 12.3% YOY
Coupled with the softening in the market due to 9.0% QOQ
the economic environment, this has had a direct 60,000
impact on used vehicle prices with sixconsecutive
months of decline.
4.1% YOY
-13.0% QOQ
2021 2022
7. Mercedes-Benz E-Class (#7) $96,093 $53,357
Based on the top ten most commonly searched vehicles for new and used listings, on
AutoTrader in December 2022. Prices indicated refer to the average new and average
used price for each vehicle, averaged across all trim levels. Rankings for the month
of November 2022 appear in brackets for reference. The average has been adjusted
8. Ford Mustang (#8) $63,671 $39,438
based on the make and age of the vehicles available on the market during the
collection period. The adjustments mean that any fluctuations in inventory won’t pull
the average too far in one direction or another. 9. BMW X5 (#9) $98,437 $50,626
Benoit Beland
Director, Brand Marketing