APUSH Study Guide Chris

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Event: Beginning: End:

Columbian Exchange Christopher Columbus was It is no longer legal to

sponsored by the Spanish transport people like it was in
monarchy so he could claim the Columbian Exchange, but
land for Spain now that the rather now we use more
economy was based on the advanced technology like
money someone earns. airplanes and ships to
Although he did not find a transport goods across
path to China or India, he continents.
landed in America where he
colonized for Spain.

Enslaved African Labor When Europeans came, they The Civil War fought for
used Native Americans for African rights. Although
forced labor, but European slavery has been abolished
diseases wiped out their and everyone who is a citizen
population. Due to the less is allowed to vote, the
Natives, Europeans decided inequality has evolved into
to use Africans as slaves oppression by
gerrymandering, wage gap,
redlining, etc.

Rise of Capitalism The medieval system of Merchants became rich.

feudalism was first. Wealth People began to invest in
was once based on the land voyages to conquer land for
someone owned, but evolved their country’s wealth to
into capitalism where it is create more goods.
based on products produced.

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

The rise of capitalism was the most important because it is what encouraged people to invest
in maritime travel and forced labor.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

Due to the rise of capitalism, people no longer honored the amount of acres of land someone
had, but rather someone’s wealth based on currency. This set out wealthy merchants to invest
in overseas journies to get richer, leading to the Columbian Exchange.
Due to the Native population dying out, Europeans decided to find a way to fuel their
economy. The rise of slavery gave access to free and forced labor with only benefits to
The system of wealth used to be feudalism however Europeans began to adopt the idea of
currency, leading to adopt capitalism.

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

Indentured servants rebelling and Native Americans dying out led to slavery
Capitalism rising and people wanting to get rich through this system led to funding voyages,
leading to the Columbian Exchange.
The industrialization led to high productivity in industries, needing to get raw materials the
European countries could not provide, so they had to find land on another continent.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

The encomienda system was similar to slavery, the Spanish taking advantage of the Aztec
within the country they found. The founding of maritime exploration led to European
exploration becoming successful. The columbian Exchange led to the Scramble for Africa, the
want for capitalism wealth encouraged countries to the continent.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

The want for forced servitude led to the expansion of traveling. Continents began to connect
ideas and people were forcibly moved. The way to measure wealth changed from land to
industrial means. The forced servitude influenced the wealth of the colony.
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

Settling in Jamestown In order to encourage Less than half the colonists

settling, people were survived with Virginia
incentivised by the Headright Business almost going
system with 50 acres of land. bankrupt. Despite the fact
Due to the swampy area, that tobacco became a huge
there were many outbreaks of cash crop, the colony
malaria. European colonists suffered. Indentured servants
were weak in these moments, were used to supply the cash
having problems with health, crops
work and natives

Founding of Rhode Island Roger Williams disagreed Roger Williams started the
with Puritan leads. Williams first Baptist church.
believed that the state and He allowed Catholics,
church should be separate. Quakers, and Jews to
This led to him being pushed worship freely. He bought
out of Boston and founding land from natives and
Rhode Island respected their land.

Pennsylvania “The Holy William Penn was given This led to them being
Experiment” Pennsylvania by the King to rejected by society and
repay a debt. escaping to Pennsylvania as
Quakers supported religious the home for Quakers.
authority being individual and The government was elected
not in the bible, supported by landowners.
equality among the sexes, The religious freedom the
rejected violence, and government gave attracted
resisted military service. many settlers and natives
were respected in this colony.

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

The building of the first colony is what encouraged the further colonization of America and
gave wealth to Europe.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

With Europeans being incentivised with land, it attracted them away from the crowded parts of
Britain and into the Americas.
With having different opinions to the majority of Christians, Roger Williams and William Penn
were pushed out and founded colonies to provide sanctuary
Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

Most events happened fur to the discrimination towards groups: Quakers and Baptists not
having a place to live peacefully and poor men not having a place to call home. All of them
moved to a colony in order to have sanctuary.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

Due to male colonists liking free speech and salutary neglect, which they did not have in
Britain, it led to shaping the Articles of Confederation. This thought process is what led to the
crumbling of America and creating the Constitution where, like in the colonies, the
government had power.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

All events led to minority groups having a chance at life within the colonies. All shaped the
governments to be independent from the British Parliament. However, the things that stayed
the same was that the British had the most control with slaves being a big part of the
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

French and Indian War With tensions high amongst Britain won the French and
the European Powers. Their Indian war but took on a debt
worries turned to protecting which led to encouraging
their own colonies and getting colonists to revolt
more. This led to a war
amongst themselves.

Stamp Act Britain began to try to reduce Sons and Daughters of

their debt and, without the Liberty intimidated tax
consent of colonists, began to officials, tarring and
tax them feathering them into silence.
However, no matter the
efforts, it was declared
Parliament could tax

Declaration of Independence Having won the 7 years War, Americans wrote a document
American colonists had to go back to living the way
hopes of winning their they previously did before
independence and Britain tightened its leash,
maintaining salutary neglect. then created the Articles of

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

The French and Indian War was the stepping stone to the American Revolution. With the
European tensions so high, the British were too preoccupied with settling scores to worry
about the colonists.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

France, Spain, and Great Britain have been rivals since becoming European Powers. All of
them wanted to conquer the most land that would benefit, which led to them competing over
American colonies for their raw materials.

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

With Britain wanting raw materials, it led to them fighting against the French to maintain their
wealth. However, it led to making Britain go into debt and taxing colonies without their
consent. This led to colonies revolting against Great Britain

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

The Scramble for Africa was for the same reason the European Powers wanted America: raw
materials. However, from the start, African countries did not have salutary neglect. Cuba was
helped by America due to knowing what it was like to be under European rule.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

European Powers continue to compete against each other and colonies not wanting to be
under their rule. With Africans having been guaranteed their freedom by the Crown, the
colonizers decided to include them but Africans continued to be slaves even after the war
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

Establishment of Political President Washington had Thomas Jefferson and Aaron

Parties warned against having Burr tied, but House of
America divided, no Representatives broke the tie
international relationships to and Thomas Jefferson won
work on the country. (DR)
However, his warning was
ignored and the Federalists
and Democratic-Republicans
were created.

Jefferson Presidency Jefferson claimed that he had President Jefferson was

a strict interpretation of the question as to how strict his
Constitution. interpretation was because o
Democratic-Republicans the Louisiana Purchase that
were the only ones in the was not explicitly said in the
cabinet and federal jobs. Constitution that the
President could buy

Missouri Compromise Equal representation in The Missouri Compromise

government was important was made: Missouri was a
but due to Missouri wanting slave state, Maine was a free
to join as a state, tensions state, and 36 30 line was
between North and South made with no slavery in
increased on the topic of Louisiana Territory

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

Sectionalism was the most important because it is what put Americans to extreme tensions
and showed the weakness of America.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

President Washington was stepping down and gave his farewell Address, but despite the
warnings, two political parties were formed.

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

Due to sectionalism rising, people wanted their values to be represented and led to the
creation of political parties.
Due to Jefferson winning the Presidency, he created a new form of being President.
Due to wanting to maintain the balance even when new states were entering, the Missouri
Compromise was made.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

Sectionalism led to South Carolina seceding later on and causing the Civil War
Political parties continue to endorse sectionalism like the Free Soil Party endorsing the stop of
slavery spreading.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

Political parties now became a thing that honored different values of American colonists and
evolved as their ideologies evolved. However, what stayed the same is that sectionalism
fueled the need for political parties
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

Manifest Destiny America believed that it was President Polk could not
their right to conquer all of simply conquer so he
America. President Polk set provoked Mexicans to attack
out to expand the territory Americans to gain their
territory through war. Only got
a piece of Mexico due to the
instability of Mexico not

Mexican-American War With President Polk believing American got land to its
in Manifest Destiny, the Western borders and
moment Mexicans attacked increased tensions between
an American, war began North and South on slavery

Civil War Due to Manifest Destiny, The North won and

more territory was acquired Reconstruction began to
and led to tension increasing reinstate the South to
between South and North. Northern values.
South Carolina was the first
to secede

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

Manifest Destiny was the most important because it is what set America to conquer more land
and increase tensions within its borders.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

From the beginning, America was divided. Due to many being Christian, they all united in that
way, but not always on the topic of imperialism. Tensions increased when President Polk
decided to conquer more land without the public wanting it leading to the Mexican-American
War. The land acquired led to tensions increasing on what states should be free or not,
leading to the civil war.

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

Christianity started the mission towards Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny started the war between Mexico and America
The land acquired led to not knowing how to evenly divide it to make sure the balance
between North and South remained equal.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

Manifest Destiny is common to European countries, believing God bestowed them the right to
conquer all lands because they are the chosen ones.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

All events have sectionalism to their core, however, as time went on, tensions of sectionalism
kept increasing.
President Polk wanted to conquer all of the Americas but due to instability the new land
brought, it was not possible to continue conquering.
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Westward Expansion Westward Expansion began Westward expansion now
even when America was included building railroads
under British rule. Due to the and infrastructures that
feeling of right to expand changed the environment and
even with the Natives on the the lives of farmers.
land, colonists kept

The “New South” Innovation The South was trying to The South had to
maintain its role in agriculture revolutionize and begin to
without conforming to the use technology. No longer
North was the South only relying on
the work of others in
plantations, but now there
were factories and farmers
bought machinery to help
their farms.

Gilded Age America started to become Many workers protested

rich, but the gaps between against the unfair conditions
the 1% and economic but the public showed them
majority grew. The rich now as anarchists or
had more political power than unreasonable. The National
the political officials. Workers Labor Union attempted to
were working for too little for help but lost support.
long hours.

Event: Beginning: End:

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

Westward Expansion because it is what started the inequalities between wages and set
America to be more industrialized.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

Due to the Westward Expansion, the need for railroads and infrastructure was so high people
who owned them were able to have monopolies over businesses and politics, leading to the
gilded age.
The New South became due to the South having a need to adopt technology to produce the
raw materials to make a living
Due to Americans believing it is their right to own all of Americas, it was used to continue
Westward Expansion
Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

The advancing technology of the North pressured the South to adopt technological advances.
Due to Americans feeling that they have the right to own land led to the continuing of
Westward Expansion regardless of the environmental damage they created.
Due to the Westward Expansion being based on technological investment, entrepreneurs
were getting power over everyone.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

The Westward Expansion’s reliance on technological advancements were the same as the
industrial revolution. Many low classed people suffered the dangers of the technology the high
class invested in

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

During the Gilded Age, the power continues to be at the hands of the wealthy but the gaps
between the classes kept growing. The South remained based on agriculture but involved
technology more and needed less workers in the fields. Westward Expansion continues to be
fueled by the entitlement of Americans.
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

Spanish-American War With Americans supporting Spanish gave up the claim to

Cuban and Filipinos Cuba and gave sovereignty
independence, they used of the Philippines to the
yellow journalism to convince United States
other to support the cause by
twisting the truth to fit a
certain narrative and it

World War 1 America had decided to be in The Allied Powers had won,
isolation, staying out of the and the United States was
World War. However, due to close to being involved with
the sinking of the Lusitania international relations,
and Zimmerman telegram, making NATO, but decided to
America decided to get go back to isolation.

World War 2 America was once more in The Allied Powers won again
isolation, but this time and Germany was destroyed
provided supplies to the while Japan was bombed by
Allied Powers, staying out of America to end the war
the war until Pearl Harbor
was bombed and the U.S.
once again entered as an
Allied Power.

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

Isolation was the most important because it is what influenced the decisions of America

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

America believed they were the ones that had to expand and share their knowledge, leading
them to the Spanish-American War.
In both wars, America had decided to listen to President Washington’s warning to not get
involved internationally, until they were pushed to enter the wars to defend themselves

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.
The sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor bombed and the Zimmerman telegram led to the
The entitlement to the expansion is what led Americans to believe they had the right to help
Cuba gain its independence and imperialize the Philippines.

Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

The Zimmerman telegram was given to Mexico but because of its instability, Mexico decided
to stay away from the war.
The expansion has started since the birth of America, but now it was beyond the borders of
the Americas.

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

America had always wanted to expand, but now it was international. In both world wars,
America wanted nothing to do with the wars in the beginning but both were pushed for
different reasons to enter the wars.
Periodization: Describe which events both began and ended each time period.
Event: Beginning: End:

Cold War The US and Russia had both The Soviets had run out of
become World Powers with money to continue financing
nuclear weapons. They both the projects of the time and it
engaged in a battle to see is seen as the US being
which country had the highest victorious.
tech advancements

Red Scare America had an influx of Many people were

immigrants coming in from incarcerated or had their lives
Europe. With Russia destroyed due to everyone
spreading communism labeling everyone as
beliefs, Americans believed communists
the immigrants were there to
overthrow American

US as a World Power After America got involved in It led to getting involved in the
World War 2, its arms race, attempting to stop
advancements had been so Russia from spreading what
big and gotten enough the United States did not
finances it became a World want

For the following concepts below, choose which events you believe were the most significant
during this time period and complete in the box below.

The US as a world Power because it is what led to America’s entitlement to wanting to spread
their message and no opposing ideas.

Contextualization: Describe the historical context of each event you chose. What important
historical trends were occurring during that time? Why are these trends important?

All events were after World War 2 with America having nuclear weapons and financial power
to influence the world, but America did not like that Russia had the same power to do the
same as them

Causation: Briefly describe the factors that caused the events you have chosen. Virtually all
terms have a multitude of causes. Try to think of as many as possible.

Due to xenophobia, Americans believed all immigrants were up to overthrow the government.
Wanting to prove the US was more powerful they started an arms race with Russia
The winnings of the World War made Russia and the US World Powers.
Synthesis: Compare or contrast each vocabulary term to an event outside of the time period or
outside of US History.

Xenophobia started since immigrants came into the country, nativism showing that Americans
are the only ones who belong in America. In WW2, racism towards Japanese led many to
internment camps while Germans and Italians remained untouched within US borders. The
devotion Japanese Americans had were the only one questioned

Patterns of Change and Continuity over Time: Briefly describe the major changes that occurred
during each time period for each term. Also note how things may have stayed the same.

Xenophobia has remained throughout the centuries, but it changed when another country had
the same influence and put fear into Americans
The US had been suffering through a Great Depression and the WOrld War had supplied the
jobs and income needed to take them out.

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